Our wildest dream for wvw in the expantion

Our wildest dream for wvw in the expantion

in WvW

Posted by: kefro.9312


We want 5 servers on the same map!

Close the current BL they are old and no one likes it and put a new 5 BL system with less population cap each one that would be ideal and solve tier 2 and 3 NA problem.
If 5 is to much at least 4…

Our wildest dream for wvw in the expantion

in WvW

Posted by: kefro.9312


Also would be less QQ when you lose and less hate because with 5 servers you can blame the others and works like an escape goat.

Our wildest dream for wvw in the expantion

in WvW

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


Inbe4 ….



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Our wildest dream for wvw in the expantion

in WvW

Posted by: Synosius.9876


yes the BL maps are so boring… Id rather have 4 copies of EBG

but op gave me an idea… imagine 5 maps arranged in a ring. each server spawns in their starting map and to enter the other servers home maps, they had to reach an inter zone portal which is protected by a tower.

Once the gate way tower has been capture the army can march on the next zone and so one until they get home again.

Our wildest dream for wvw in the expantion

in WvW

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

Our wildest dream for wvw in the expantion

in WvW

Posted by: kefro.9312


If the game developers realy care about wvw witch i think they don’t… we could make a contest with the map design in .jpg and let players vote on the best… that would be a great thing for wvw community.

Our wildest dream for wvw in the expantion

in WvW

Posted by: Xerox.6851


We want 5 servers on the same map!

Close the current BL they are old and no one likes it and put a new 5 BL system with less population cap each one that would be ideal and solve tier 2 and 3 NA problem.
If 5 is to much at least 4…

So yes, NA has 4 tier 2 servers and tier 3 is suffering because of it. But with your 4/5 server system you would get

1) Tier1 server 5) Tier2 server
2) Tier1 server 6) Tier2 server
3) Tier1 server 7) Tier2 server
4) Tier2 server 8.) Tier3 server

This doesn’t fix the problem.

And lowering the population cap on these servers? Each server can already make map ques on every bl except for maybe the T3 server that got sucked up to what would then be a massively outnumbered fight. The lowered population would help the lower tier server but would move more people away from WvW just by how long the wait times to get into a map would be. And forget trying to get a guild into the map.

Syndictive [Syn]
Point Blank [Shot]

Our wildest dream for wvw in the expantion

in WvW

Posted by: kefro.9312


Less players each map but more BL will make the queue the same because the total number of players in all maps will stay the same and the queue will stay equal.
4 or 5 server will lower imbalance because the weakness on coverage will be reduced.
The servers will have to be more focused on defending their corner due to the possibility of counter attack from another server. Karma trains and pvdoor will be reduced

Our wildest dream for wvw in the expantion

in WvW

Posted by: Dhemize.8649


I would go the opposite direction and say 1v1 server map. No excuses.

Our wildest dream for wvw in the expantion

in WvW

Posted by: kefro.9312


I would go the opposite direction and say 1v1 server map. No excuses.

The drama, rage quit and QQ from the losing team would be game breaking

Our wildest dream for wvw in the expantion

in WvW

Posted by: pepper.6179


any new pois and vistas? pve players gonna be mad lol.


Our wildest dream for wvw in the expantion

in WvW

Posted by: kefro.9312


any new pois and vistas? pve players gonna be mad lol.

Plz yes lol

Our wildest dream for wvw in the expantion

in WvW

Posted by: RashanDale.3609


We want 5 servers on the same map!

Speak for yourself!

Close the current BL they are old and no one likes it

Again, tahts just your opinion. I like them. Theyre old and stuff but still not bad.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
Gunnar’s Hold

Our wildest dream for wvw in the expantion

in WvW

Posted by: coglin.1867


We want 5 servers on the same map!

Speak for yourself!

Close the current BL they are old and no one likes it

Again, tahts just your opinion. I like them. Theyre old and stuff but still not bad.

I have to agree, who is this “no one” you refer to? I like them a great deal. Perhaps you would server the discussion better if you stick to speaking your opinion for yourself, and avoided disingenuously claiming to speak for others.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

Our wildest dream for wvw in the expantion

in WvW

Posted by: Jski.6180


Separation of stander wvw 3 bl and eb from EotM (and the new wvw map). Make the 2 new maps into more some what open pvp zones with a pve goal at the end of the match. Stander wvw cant have more maps added to it with out comply destroying worlds that are just holding on with there current coverages. So the “best” chose would simply re-skin 2 of the 3 BL to look like some what different environments but to have no real effect on game play. Maybe changes how the keeps and tower and camps look too but NO game play changes.

This is a pvp game and one dose not simply add new things that effect game play all willlynilly with out destroying the pvp. Added game play IS from fighting different ppl or the same ppl trying something different and nothing more. To say demand as much changes as pve games to WvW would make wvw into a complete mess where the rvr will more resemble pve then a pvp type.

Added thing: Something that should be on its own post but feels odd to make it right after my own post.

Make OS mega world and not world lock. Let ppl crate and move to other version at will. That alone will add a lot for the ppl who just want to fight big group vs big group with out the need to hold map control that you see in stander wvw.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

(edited by Jski.6180)