Paid transfers, ranking reset, and transfer lock out

Paid transfers, ranking reset, and transfer lock out

in WvW

Posted by: iniside.4736


So I’m playing on Far Shiverpeaks. And we since begning of time are matched with Vizunah Square and Riverside. It’s getting really boring. For us and for Germans.

But that’s not about it.
It about people absuing system and transfering to world wtith either:
1. Higher populations (high/full servers)
2. Winning servers.
Which essentialy destroys ranking as the loosing servers will always loose and wining server will always win,simply becauuse of population.
I know it would happen before release of game. That’s why I hoped paid transfers, WvW lockouts and transfer lockouts will be placed in servers ASAP.
And now we still don’t have them.

I see only one possibility of getting this situation sorted out.
1. Reset rankings.
2. Make random match ups again.
3. Disable server transfers to full/high population servers.
4. Disable server trasnfer between matched up servers.
5. After trasnferring to another server lock out possibility to join WvW. At least for the time of current WvW match up.
6. Disable possibility to trasnfer to another server to at least duration of WvW matchup (and better for a month or so).
6a. One possible exception is if person transfered to high pop server, and want to get back to med/low pop server. That person should be able to do so.
7. Make transfers from high/full servers to med/low free, without any restrictions. (but once you are on Med/Pop server all transfer restriction from that point should apply).

Paid transfers, ranking reset, and transfer lock out

in WvW

Posted by: Massacrul.2016


I agree with this but NOT YET.

Anet must 1st provide option to transfer guilds without losing influence points. Then some guild from overpopulated servers will move to those less populated, and only after this they should turn on paid transfers and reset rankings.

Paid transfers, ranking reset, and transfer lock out

in WvW

Posted by: Zagz.6402


The Rating system period is pointless and only promotes the numbskulls to transfer or roll onto the winning server.
If there were no numbers or ratings people would play with their friends, transfer to servers that they knew people played on and servers would see a much more organic even match up.

The only thing being higher on the ratings does atm is substantially increase your queue time lowering your ability to play with the people you want to.

[Tempest Wolves]

Paid transfers, ranking reset, and transfer lock out

in WvW

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


i agree with Massacrul. My guild did the transfer allready and lost a huge amount of influence and upgrades. (had all bank and politics upgrades)

Also i know a lot of guilds who justn wait for the paid transfer.
So A-net you said that you want to wait until things balance out but they will only balance out after you activate paid transfers. Or is it because of the “guest system” that is not working that you dont activate paid tranfers?

The “No WvW until matchup is done” shoud be applyed fast. this will at least stop the temp winning team joining.

Paid transfers, ranking reset, and transfer lock out

in WvW

Posted by: Jormunrek.5372


All they have to do is:
Announce a two week grace period for folks to get to the servers they want to live on.
After that two week grace period end free transfers and start charging for future transfers.
Limit server transfers to once a month.

The only additional thing that they could do is after that two week grace period they could reset the point system since the system would now reflect actual server progression/standing without server bandwagoning headstart/release bug exploiting. Or at least the bugs that have been fixed thusfar. I.e. single shot exploding walls, terrain exploits, etc…

In my mind point resetting isn’t a required part, but would be nice. But ending instant transfers is.


Paid transfers, ranking reset, and transfer lock out

in WvW

Posted by: iniside.4736


The Rating system period is pointless and only promotes the numbskulls to transfer or roll onto the winning server.
If there were no numbers or ratings people would play with their friends, transfer to servers that they knew people played on and servers would see a much more organic even match up.

The only thing being higher on the ratings does atm is substantially increase your queue time lowering your ability to play with the people you want to.

The points here are here, so you won’t be matched against much better server. Well, it worked at least for some time, and then people started abusing system to hell.
Which is pretty normal and in human nature. Counting that people will behave gently is like hoping that wolf will not eat sheep.

They should keep ratings secret. They should do everything i said in first post (I still believe it’s best solution for now), and after month or two reveal server ratings. When nobody will be able switch servers every 24h for free.