Patchnotes regarding WvW, May 28th
Fractal rings require no laurels why should WvW ones ?
because if you actually play FOTM you NEED those rings; unlike WvW.
If you were to learn to read you would of seen that Infusions specific to WvW will be released therefore I need the WvW rings. Also you don’t need rings at all to do fractals at lvl 10 no one forces you to go higher to attain rings.
[MM] recruiting currently
Play FotM lvl 48 and you will beg for those rings. Also for them being infused.
Ah, but nobody’s forcing you to play FotM at level 48.
So you don’t need infusions for FotM, you want them to be more effective. Just like you don’t need them in wvw, but you want them to be more effective.
We could run in circles here.
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
Ascended items are not required outside FoTM. They are good to have, but not required, meaning there is no content that you cannot complete without them .In stark difference there is content in FoTM (lvl 48 as an example) that you CANNOT do without ascended gear. You will be one shot by an unblockable, undodgeable attack. So in fact you would be gating the content by gating the gear.
Do note that most ppl do not do lvl 48 to be more effective, they do it because it is more challenging. (personally I don’t get this logic -and I bet few if any people in the WvW forum would – but it is what///.-it is.) The same cannot be said for WvW. We want it in order to be more effective, not in order not to be 1-shot.
PS1: for an earlier post, I am not aware of laurels being available through FoTM.
PS2: The amount of qq’ing in the WvW forum lately is approaching PVE levels.
Edit because the editor automatically decide that “what///.-. it is” should be translated “to watkitten is”. Go figure ….
(edited by Silver.3284)
Ascended items are not required outside FoTM. They are good to have, but not required, meaning there is no content that you cannot complete without them .In stark difference there is content in FoTM (lvl 48 as an example) that you CANNOT do without ascended gear. You will be one shot by an unblockable, undodgeable attack. So in fact you would be gating the content by gating the gear.
There is no content that you can’t complete with green magic find armor…
Laurel are pretty easy to get in WvW. I would rather have ascended to cost less badges with laurel than a crazy high badge cost. If your guild is good at guild missions you can get ascended pretty quickly.
Laurel are pretty easy to get in WvW. I would rather have ascended to cost less badges with laurel than a crazy high badge cost. If your guild is good at guild missions you can get ascended pretty quickly.
Yeah but who wants to pick up kittening carrots while doing WvW? It’s retarted.
I play theif, I dont need ascended items to be fotm.
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
Daily is usually quite a bit more than 15 mins. Maybe on the high tier karmazergtrain servers it is. Thats not where I play. That said, I often achieve it just by doing my usual WvW activities and it isn’t an issue.
Looney vids at http://www.youtube.com/feed/UCRhCtfrF9GhxU1CoeZSN0kQ/u
Midnight Mayhem
anet dont listen to to this thread I have hardly had to leave wvw the past few months at all to do dailies at least 4/5 were done in wvw with hardly having to leave my guild group.
to the players complaining I wanna work for the gear I can get not have anet say here have free ascended cause you have 10,000 badges in the bank waiting for the day they did this.
anet dont listen to to this thread I have hardly had to leave wvw the past few months at all to do dailies at least 4/5 were done in wvw with hardly having to leave my guild group.
to the players complaining I wanna work for the gear I can get not have anet say here have free ascended cause you have 10,000 badges in the bank waiting for the day they did this.
Yes be a happy little grinder!
anet dont listen to to this thread I have hardly had to leave wvw the past few months at all to do dailies at least 4/5 were done in wvw with hardly having to leave my guild group.
to the players complaining I wanna work for the gear I can get not have anet say here have free ascended cause you have 10,000 badges in the bank waiting for the day they did this.
Yes be a happy little grinder!
go and make a game that has no grind to it instant reward you have the best gear any armor look you want all titles. oh look your gamer base drops rapidly
anet dont listen to to this thread I have hardly had to leave wvw the past few months at all to do dailies at least 4/5 were done in wvw with hardly having to leave my guild group.
to the players complaining I wanna work for the gear I can get not have anet say here have free ascended cause you have 10,000 badges in the bank waiting for the day they did this.
Yes be a happy little grinder!
go and make a game that has no grind to it instant reward you have the best gear any armor look you want all titles. oh look your gamer base drops rapidly
No, i don’t think that boring grinding for laurels is going to keep players play this game. Not for me at least.
Laurels only for daily is bad bad decision. Now player that starts will take half year to get all ascended in wvw? And they truly make ur char ALOT stronger. Hopefully there will new currency soon for ascended and also claimed from WvW. Killing other players (having skills to play) should be more profitable and give access to top gear!
Laurels only for daily is bad bad decision. Now player that starts will take half year to get all ascended in wvw?
And they truly make ur char ALOT stronger. Hopefully there will new currency soon for ascended and also claimed from WvW. Killing other players (having skills to play) should be more profitable and give access to top gear!
I nearly exclusively do WvW. The only ascended thing I’m missing so far is the backpack.
Make it karma based. Moving along!
+1 I have a lot of badges and karma from playing WvW, but no laurels.
I don’t know how this is possible when you get some days where the dailies are:
Kill 10 enemy players
Kill 5 dolyaks
Kill 1 champion
Kill 5 vets
Remove 15 conditionsYou should have SOME laurals.
This ^^
I complete my Daily in WvW/Lions Arch each and every day…
There is no reason committed WvW players should not have Laurels.
Vol I – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9klT6bLDew
Vol II – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqgHkV327sM
WvW players don’t have any laurels at all.
By making it require laurels, you are requiring the WvW player to do extensive PvE just to get any ascended equipment.
Please reconsider.
By extensive PvE, do you mean the 20 minutes it takes to complete your daily? lol. You can complete most of your daily (and monthly) in WvW as it is, not to mention the fact thakittens getting even easier.
Extensive PvE lol…
Don’t really care either way about laurels being used or not, I have plenty, just stop gating content behind dailies and let us do it at our own pace. If someone comes in and plays WvW 4 hours a day more than I do, they should get their ascended faster, not have to wait for daily resets.
I know this is hard for a lot of GW2 players to understand, but being rewarded for your time isn’t really a bad thing!
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
Actually, there is a benefit to the way the system is implemented. For example, while sometimes I’ll get the gathering portion done in WvW there are other times I’ll sneak out and pop down to Orr for some mithril and wood needed to make superior equipment. While there I can also round off kill variety if needed or even grab a group event or two if I come across them. So half an hour or so of PvE actually boosts WvW.
Laurels are now easy to do. No complains here since they made the changes.
I just don’t like being forced to cross off a laundry list of things before I can actually start defending a tower that’s being attacked by a large zerg. By the time I finish my tasks, the tower will surely have fallen.
In WvW, there are critical things that must be attended to first. It makes no sense to force the player to go like okay I need to kill 3 cats, 5 dogs, and 7 wolves before I can do anything else. Nevermind we just lost all our towers, that’s okay cuz I got my laurel!
Daily activities for WvW are mostly pretty self-completing already. I’d not make the complaint that WvW’rs don’t get laurels easily because that’s false. That’s a non-issue 100% and if you’re whining about it, then… well stahp.
My biggest complaint -and it’s not really one, it’s more than an observation – is that you’re limited to ~40 laurels/month. I’d think ANet would want you to have WvW, PvE, and sPvP each give you a laurel/day to get people to spread out more if they really want to get laurels.
But you know as well as I do that we’d burn through all we need sooner than later and they’d have no carrot on the proverbial stick for us to chase.
Bookahs on [AciD]
I just don’t like being forced to cross off a laundry list of things before I can actually start defending a tower that’s being attacked by a large zerg. By the time I finish my tasks, the tower will surely have fallen.
In WvW, there are critical things that must be attended to first. It makes no sense to force the player to go like okay I need to kill 3 cats, 5 dogs, and 7 wolves before I can do anything else. Nevermind we just lost all our towers, that’s okay cuz I got my laurel!
Everything on the list of the daily in regards to WvW are things that you should be doing in WvW. Killing yaks, killing enemies, capturing towers. This isn’t a difficult concept to grasp but I’ll spell it out.
Just do what you normally do in WvW, and you’ll complete your daily.
its that simple.
Yep, the only difference is like a concentrated 45 seconds of tagging nodes for gathering, usually. Some times not even that.
Bookahs on [AciD]
Yeah, but it is really hard to tag those filthy Yaks when running in a 60+ blob mate! PvPers life is hard
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
Laurels do take longer to get in wvw and there aren’t many days where you can do a pure wvw daily. For example, in T1 right now, it will take a couple hours to get 5 yaks. There’s various reasons for that I won’t get into here but it’s true. I heard they’re reworking dailies for wvw players though so don’t fret. I think some time gating is important, again for reasons I don’t have time to type up. TY anet for your hard work.
If your saying gotta do those WvW things first or find them more important…than do them! You don’t need to do your daily te second you get on do it whenever you want and stop QQing, youve said that you care
More about WvW than laurels anyway…
Asuran Engineer (Lost)
I just don’t like being forced to cross off a laundry list of things before I can actually start defending a tower that’s being attacked by a large zerg. By the time I finish my tasks, the tower will surely have fallen.
In WvW, there are critical things that must be attended to first. It makes no sense to force the player to go like okay I need to kill 3 cats, 5 dogs, and 7 wolves before I can do anything else. Nevermind we just lost all our towers, that’s okay cuz I got my laurel!
Everything on the list of the daily in regards to WvW are things that you should be doing in WvW. Killing yaks, killing enemies, capturing towers. This isn’t a difficult concept to grasp but I’ll spell it out.
Just do what you normally do in WvW, and you’ll complete your daily.
its that simple.
By doing what I normally do in WvW – which is killing players, killing yaks, capturing/defending tower/keep/castle, rolling with the zerg I have only gotten the daily about 2-3 times and I play WvW quite often since day 1.
Your logic doesn’t check out.
I pretty much only do WvW in this game and, as has been noted, getting laurels that way is pretty easy (I have 120+ atm). I have only been “forced” to miss a couple of laurels b/c the there was one too many PvE requirements that I didn’t want to take my time to do.
But still, in WvW you can do most of the requirements including:
Kill 30 ambient creatures
Collect 20 resources
Underwater kills
Cure X conditions
Do X interrupts
Res X allies
Get 50 kills
Kill 13 types of creatures
…and so on
Anyway, I could do most dailies in WvW in about 30 minutes if I put my mind to it. I tend to be lazy and just let them come which usually takes 60-90 minutes. And occasionally I have to go spend 5 more minutes after a WvW session to go do go finish off one of them in a starter zone (for max speed).
Kill 30 ambient creatures → PvE
Collect 20 resources → PvE
Underwater kills → good luck finding someone underwater to kill
Cure X conditions → probably something you’ll get without trying for it
Do X interrupts → depends on your build
Res X allies → probably something you’ll get without trying for it
Get 50 kills → probably something you’ll get without trying for it
Kill 13 types of creatures → PvE
…and so on
Kill 30 ambient creatures -> PvE
Collect 20 resources -> PvE
Underwater kills -> good luck finding someone underwater to kill
Cure X conditions -> probably something you’ll get without trying for it
Do X interrupts -> depends on your build
Res X allies -> probably something you’ll get without trying for it
Get 50 kills -> probably something you’ll get without trying for it
Kill 13 types of creatures -> PvE
…and so on
Sorry..but what you’re saying just stinks of laziness. It’s PvE to gather resources? its terribly difficult to hit that bunny as you run by..?
It must just be a coincidence that everyone here is saying they complete their daily easily and without any real effort in WvW. All except you that is.
You’re asking for special treatment in achieving gear because you’re too lazy to stop for 10 seconds and harvest a plant or kill some defenseless creature.
Variety and gatherer are a bloody nuisance in WvW.
Kill 30 ambient creatures -> PvE
Collect 20 resources -> PvE
Underwater kills -> good luck finding someone underwater to kill
Cure X conditions -> probably something you’ll get without trying for it
Do X interrupts -> depends on your build
Res X allies -> probably something you’ll get without trying for it
Get 50 kills -> probably something you’ll get without trying for it
Kill 13 types of creatures -> PvE
…and so on
Ambient creatures can be done just outside the southeastern border spawn in about 15 seconds.
Collecting 20 resources will take about 45 seconds total to collect them all. This includes the time it takes to walk out of your way to hit a node. You can even use the cheapest tools to gather resources. They can all be ruined and it counts.
Killing 13 types of creatures will take at most 15 seconds per type, which you can do alongside the zerg.
Underwater killers is not hard at all. Go capture a quaggan node or two and you will have it.
Most of the dailys can be done within a minute or two. If your time is so precious that you can’t do any of these tasks to get the best gear in the game you need to rethink your attitude at playing games. You are the type of person who will only be pleased when ANet spoon feeds you the content because gosh darn it, if it is not your way it is not the right way.
Kill 30 ambient creatures -> PvE
Collect 20 resources -> PvE
Underwater kills -> good luck finding someone underwater to kill
Cure X conditions -> probably something you’ll get without trying for it
Do X interrupts -> depends on your build
Res X allies -> probably something you’ll get without trying for it
Get 50 kills -> probably something you’ll get without trying for it
Kill 13 types of creatures -> PvE
…and so onSorry..but what you’re saying just stinks of laziness. It’s PvE to gather resources? its terribly difficult to hit that bunny as you run by..?
It must just be a coincidence that everyone here is saying they complete their daily easily and without any real effort in WvW. All except you that is.
You’re asking for special treatment in achieving gear because you’re too lazy to stop for 10 seconds and harvest a plant or kill some defenseless creature.
It’s got nothing to do with laziness. Killing a random bunny or wolf isn’t gonna help my team achieve more PPT. I have a WvW mindset and I don’t do anything that won’t give my world more +PPT.
I thought that is how WvW is meant to be played. Must be why sometimes we have a queue in our map but noone is defending our towers or attacking, because they’re off killing bunnies and harvesting minerals.
Killing a random bunny or wolf isn’t gonna help my team achieve more PPT.
Yes it will. You’ll get better gear, and be able to capture stuff faster.
Problem is that i need 280 laurels just to get rings for my characters and that is just one gear sets.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
Ya because as you run by throwing an AOE at said bunny or w/e is soooooo hard, also the types of enemy you get like 8-9 from killing guards/doylaks/players…again if you have such a WvW mindset why do you care about laurels?
Asuran Engineer (Lost)
Problem is that i need 280 laurels just to get rings for my characters and that is just one gear sets.
recheck your math its
30 for amulet
35 for rings x 2
faster to get accessories from guild events
so 100 laurels with 5 weeks of guild events (assuming you 5 a week from bounty rush and challenge)
or 180 laurels with ecto’s
this is before they create the wvw items assuming its half cost
15 laurel amulet
20 laurel rings
no accessories
so apx 55 laurels (for those that don’t know you get apx 40 laurels a month) so not much work compared to other games at getting the best gear
(edited by manbearpig.8095)
Please consider this post my whine against needing to do any real “work” to obtain ascended gear for WvW.
That being said, I now feel that since I have put the effort into making this whine post in this thread, I should now get my ascended gear for free.
Thank You,
Joe Complainer.
Please consider this post my whine against needing to do any real “work” to obtain ascended gear for WvW.
That being said, I now feel that since I have put the effort into making this whine post in this thread, I should now get my ascended gear for free.
Thank You,
Joe Complainer.
Killing enemies is hard work. Killing mobs is child’s play and shouldn’t give any kind of rewards.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
(edited by Junkpile.7439)
Please consider this post my whine against needing to do any real “work” to obtain ascended gear for WvW.
That being said, I now feel that since I have put the effort into making this whine post in this thread, I should now get my ascended gear for free.
Thank You,
Joe Complainer.
Wasnt the real “work” supposed to be done purely for cosmetics?
I guess they backed out of that idea.
And I only have 6 laurels, I don’t go around killing random yaks if it wont help my team with the war. Why waste queue space? (I’m in T1 btw)
Someone going around killing bunnies and wolves just doesn’t seem to belong in WvW where the point is to capture towers and camps for the good of the team.
The only problem I have with laurels is that PvErs have such easy access to laurels with FOTM doing something they like and are ahead of WvWers gear wise. If it wasn’t gated to 40 a month this would be different, but we all know that’t not going to happen.
FOTM doesn’t really give you laurels. I don’t find them useful for dailies. It’s not a bad way to get the rings though, much better than with laurels even.
i don’t know how you play, but i play wvw exclusively and i have last two months done monthly and at least half of dailies without problems or focusing on it, just watch what is needed. and when they add wvw dailies, i think i done them all. so np there
I’d just wish for some real WvW content and not just more progress bars. These WvW asecended gear are indeed just that. They don’t add anything new gameplay wise, just another empty goal to grind for.
Reading these posts it feels like some here wouldnt be satisfied even if ANet made dailies to be so simple that you would only have to log in, even that would be too unbalanced because some people can’t log erry dai!
I do mainly WvW, yet I get laurels. Sure, I won’t get them if I run around with zerg and etc., I always have to check whats on the list and do it. It doesn’t usually take longer than 10 minutes to actually complete a daily if you consentrate on it.
Mouggari – Warrior – Candy cane Avenger
You need 5/9 daily achievements to get a laurel.
2 of the 9 are WvW specific.
1 is always gathering, which can be done on any map, even WvW ones. Maybe pick up some sentry duty and get it done at the same time?
That leaves you with 2 you have to pick from the remaining 6. A lot of those are easy to do in WvW (dodges, condition removal, condition applier, veteran slayer, kills, kill variety, leveler). Some of the others you can’t do in WvW but take less than a minute (visit laurel vendor, spend karma, mystic forge – make some sup. siege!).
And to add to that they are adding even more WvW specific ways to gain laurels.
Honestly, it’s really not that much of a hardship.
Tarnished Coast – Dissentient [DIS]
All classes
(edited by Nabrok.9023)
all i gota say is if you made the choice not to get laurels then that was YOUR CHOICE..no one made you not do it SO LIVE WITH THE DECISION YOU MADE and stop acting like they should give you everything on a silver platter…the gate is there so everyone has to work just as hard for the gear…not really hard to figure out
They said they are adding an entire WvW daily category
There are your laurels
Greater Variety and More Rewards in WvW
We’re adding new WvW daily achievements to the list you can choose from so you can earn World XP for playing the way you want.
Eleshod|80 Thief|Tarnished Coast
Malsavias|80 Necromancer| Tarnished Coast
Where is our laurel free rings?
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
Variety and gatherer are a bloody nuisance in WvW.
Variety requires 13 different types, and these creatures tend to be collateral damage in most fights and wandering zergs anyway (e.g., mosquitoes, moas, panthers, griffons, raptors, dolyaks, guards, etc.). Gathering requires a grand total of 20 harvested materials (or generally seven mine/tree nodes).
Feryl Grimsteel (Charr Engineer)
Tarnished Coast