Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Omne.4603



WWW it’s for the server achieve victories, not people, or guilds. …….

Mighty Ice Arrow
“I Love GW1 and GW2 from the start”
Lev 80 – Ranger –Guild [PT] [Os Lusitanos]
Seafarer’s Rest Community

lmfao. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but when someone plays the game they get to play it how they want. I think you know what I would think you could do with your opinion if you felt you could approach me in game and tell me I was not playing “your way”.

By the sound of it what you would have him do with his opinion is likely what you have done with your brain.

I Cant Stop/ Ocularis
NSP | Os Guild Master
www.osguild.org | www.youtube.com/osthink

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: vespers.1759


what in the hell did i just read? people take this game far far too seriously.

Bristleback can’t hit anything? Let’s fix the HP bug instead.

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Elwin.2583


Actually Tarnished Coast (RP server in NA) fought their way to Tier 2 slightly before Piken and is still here going strong but we have mad respect for Piken for achieving the same feat as well.

TC is still there probably because math on points is broken … Its loosing hard over and over … Piken can keep up with T2 easily, thats different.

Elwini lvl 80 Guardian of Kwisatz Haderach[KH]
Piken Square 28 August 2012 – 10 february 2013
Tarnished Coast since 10 feb 2013

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: rhyein.6172


Actually Tarnished Coast (RP server in NA) fought their way to Tier 2 slightly before Piken and is still here going strong but we have mad respect for Piken for achieving the same feat as well.

TC is still there probably because math on points is broken … Its loosing hard over and over … Piken can keep up with T2 easily, thats different.

Can they really?

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Elwin.2583


they did it for 2 weeks so .. we dont know how they will be doing this week tough

Elwini lvl 80 Guardian of Kwisatz Haderach[KH]
Piken Square 28 August 2012 – 10 february 2013
Tarnished Coast since 10 feb 2013

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Gaudrath.6725


Oh noes!

We are doomed!


Well, someone had to say it.
Anyway, no worries. Actually, might be even good for the community. We need server loyal guilds, not just ones who stick around when the going is good.

Uthgar Stormbringer, elementalist
Sigurd Greymane, guardian
~ Piken

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Hejjin.1697


I am not sure why some people were lumping TUP & RG together. TUP had announced their decision prior to RG making theirs, and for a totally different set of reasons. I started on Piken in september, and in all that time I have never had anything other than respect for the way TUP operated, they were a credit to PS as I am sure they will be a credit to their new server.

With BOON also announcing they are leaving Piken, we are losing another good guild. I wish both BOON and TUP well at their new homes.

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Auxi.3592


What kind of guild leave server after first defeat and join the stronger side?

All I hope RG (Ruptured goats) never returns to Piken Square – at least, their whinning on chat about PUG noobism, ordering players to leaving map if there is queue or insulting commanders without guild – is annoying.

I like Guild Wars 2, I paid it for my money, I dont understand why I should obey some arrogant kiddos there? :P

Enjoy your new server. I know Piken Square belongs to lower tier, because we have still only medium population and we dont play late night and early morning.

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: White Ninja Rabbit.1584

White Ninja Rabbit.1584

Thanks guys for the work until now.

I’m not surprised about RG, but the others hurt more.

Thanks BOON & TUP for not adding insult to injury by rolling us with SFR (at least from what I saw last night).

Moreover, thanks for the loyalists. I can’t wait to contribute to hopefully guarantee we keep top 10 status. Especially thanks to GG, just your presence is a beacon of hope.

“What is dead may never die, but rises again, harder and stronger”

Astrid Freyrborn – Ranger, Nymeria Stoneclaw – Guardian
For Us Valhalla Shall [ROAR]
Piken Square

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Cogadh.1845


Piken might get a few cuts this week and drop, but being on Piken since Sept, we’ll rebuild and get our heart back. I think overall, its gonna be great for the community, new people will come to the fore, maybe map chat will be less whiny and the community pride will come back strong than ever. Good look to the guilds that moved, hope your new home is what you want and you enjoy it there. For everyone that is still on Piken, theres great people still here and once we adjust, the fun times will be stronger than ever.

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Apollothirteen.7201


Is this a joke?

RG have moved so many times i can’t even count. When they were in PS they helped a lot but i think we can manage without them. We don’t even want to be in T2 so a couple of tiers down will be good for the community.

TUP and Boon are a different story though. They were here since start and we will miss them. But a couple of guilds, even those 2 great guilds, isn’t the end of the world. Stop making such a fuss about it and play the game.

I want to express my outrage against Pikens that state every time they get a chance that losing those guilds will mean the end of Piken. It is an insult to all the guilds that play every day with 10-15 guys against zergs and got us up to T2.

Necrosis will stay to Piken and will keep fighting every day no matter who we ’re up against. We had tons of fun in middle tiers and we are looking forward to playing there again.

See you in the Battlefield

Leader and commander of Necrosis[Necr] Greek pvp Community
Proud to be in Piken Square

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Gaudrath.6725


And I would just like to add kudos to all the, in the words of our former “elite” commanders on more than one occasion, “useless puggies”, which put in their time and effort to clobber the enemy and, like all auxiliaries, really make the backbone of any army.
Check out those centurions now guys, hightailing it over the hill, but we are still here. We may have dull swords and cracked shields, and sometimes charge in the wrong direction, but we do not desert our posts as soon as things go south.

Uthgar Stormbringer, elementalist
Sigurd Greymane, guardian
~ Piken

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Arcanorum Ignis.9218

Arcanorum Ignis.9218

Good riddance.

Seriously, if all of these guilds decide to pack up and leave for greener pastures just like that then why would we want them to stay? Shows how much of a kitten the really gave about the server and community.

Losing RG is hardly a loss at all, if anything it is a bonus. The ripping on RPers, telling people to leave certain areas just so they can get their own guys on, mindless zergs and little respect for the community as a whole are things I will not miss. They left once before and we did just fine.

All we have now is a cleaner slate on which to rebuild and a better idea of who to rebuild it with.

Chrono is not trying to troll or doomsay with this thread, merely presenting what is happening to those who would otherwise be ill-informed. The collection of big/powerful guilds that created this ‘WvW powerhouse’ notion are what attracted the band-wagoners, and are ultimately their own undoing. (See Blacktide)

TBH this thread is not really good or bad, just pointless. The same people are just going to jump from world to world, and the same problems will follow them. Piken has run its course, and who knows, maybe we will be all fighting on the same side again some time in the future.

I for one look forward to dropping a few tiers to regain our composure.

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: chronometria.3708


Last night was not pretty. As we also lost [Sin] and then saw our former guilds lining up on the battlefield to hammer us. The friendlies were openly speaking about simply not going into WvW this week and I do not blame them.

This topic has two purposes, one to inform the community and two to knock some sense into the heads of all those on Piken who refuse to see how bad the situation is.

We cannot fix our server until everyone agrees to speak the truth and to accept the situation. I have seen too many who simply assumed that everything would be ok and that I and others should simply keep quiet.

Too many in Piken would rather not face the truth in the hope that someone else will fix things and I wish to state that everyone must man up, recognise the problems and do their part to make things right.

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Colly.4073


Anet needs to put a stop to this server hopping bullkitten.

Lets just wait out this week and drop to whatever tier then build our way back up to somewhere we can manage and have fun without all the “We are a real guild, rest of you are noobs” crap.

I really hope the grass isn’t greener.

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Apollothirteen.7201


What is the problem chrono. Sin joined us when we came to T3 and RG weren’t here during our rise to T3. The only guilds we lost are TUP and Boon and although it’s not a good thing it’s not the end of the world either. There are at least 10 more organized guilds that can keep the fights going.

This week Necrosis fought in maps with not one of those guilds that left and we did good with the help of the rest of the server. We might not stay in this tier but we can still play.

Are you proposing to replace those guilds with new recruits? No thank you. Getting in to T2 is what caused us this trouble in the first place and most of the guilds just don’t have the numbers to fight these zergs. We are going down in rankings and that’s a good thing. The fights are better in the middle tiers for guilds like the ones we have in Piken.

And don’t tell me that suddenly you care about hypothetical transfers and you want to protect them. You are causing drama where it does not exist.

And if you are afraid of dying then stay in Lion’s Arch. I don’t care if i die. I just respawn and continue playing .

And the purpose of this topic is not to inform the community. We have our server forums and we had our weekly meeting yesterday. We know what’s going on. We don’t wait to find out in the official forums.

Our server does not need fixing. Enough with the winning. Let us play in peace.

Leader and commander of Necrosis[Necr] Greek pvp Community
Proud to be in Piken Square

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Maff.5180


jesus, drama all the way…
who really cares? the only purpose i see in this thread is the reason why ps will drop maybe a tier or two. this will only mix up T1 and T2 maybe a bit, since T2 will be more one sided than last week, which is not bad considering fighting Vizunah is kind of annoying sometimes.
any bets already going on when RG is gonna change server again? my guess as soon as they have played vs 80 men zerg VS :P (if they come out their towers


Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


Piken can keep up with T2 easily, thats different.

If holding 20-30 points and the leading server having like 5000% higher score is T2 material, then sure Piken can keep up.

Anyway, there really is too much drama. We will keep fighting regardless. Piken is our home even if its T8. I understand why RG/Sin/Tup move but I also fail to see the point.

But hey at least we very good queue times now.

(edited by Dawdler.8521)

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: SilverWF.4789


Already know this.

Bad... no, worst news, anyway

#SAVEDONBASS from Ukraine!
Seafarer’s Rest (EU): Liicher (Engi), Lii Cher (Warrior), Swf (Elem),
Licharr (Guard), Lich Eir (Ranger), Alt Fh (Thief). Lii Cherr (Mesm), S Wf (Necr)

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: mzt.3270


The problem is ( if people choose to look properly at the situation) is the fact that many structured and huge guilds have now amalgamated and are now fighting against what were previously smaller guild allies. I won’t name names as people know who the big guilds are who recently moved servers. This left WvW in Piken Square at a very horrible situation where you have 2 to 3 massive guilds now combined and Zerking the hell out of everything.. Now call me what you like but I find that really unfair and a really trashy thing to do. It’s totally ruined WVW for many in smaller guilds who depended on at least one big guild to even the scores. What Anet need to do is match up the servers to allow even teams on both sides, just now thats not happening and in order to have a system that gives a fair standard of opportunity for badges , rewards per kill etc.

There is nothing good about Zergs of 60 to 70 people against 10 to 15 . All that creates is instant death on one side and a low chance of actually gaining rewards for the other, simply due to the massive size ( or overkill) of some parties where you can’t move due to lag let alone can’t see who to target due to massive bodies. There is no skill now, its all Whaaaaaaaaaagh and charge, and really thats not fun at all. Its nobodies fault but Anets alone, they need to see whats gone on, cap the numbers per side and even it out. Servers should match equally developed players ( inc classes) – and with a massive huge transfer charge. That way you stick with what you got and its a massive decision to make before a move.

The major problem is some guilds don’t talk, there is a degree of web page snobbery when it comes to recruting members. Some guilds are quite happy to not take other people in its ranks and if they do, they take it too seriously with tests, paperwork, forms to fill and other wonderful induction ideas to actually prevent you from applying. What ever happened with in-world recruitment? . If we need to even the scores, smaller guilds now need to network directly in-world and develop good networks to inform and devise evenly matched new allies. It’s something our french counterparts do very well, so why can’t the native english players do that? It makes you wonder? So its time to stop grumping and time to start speaking or unfortunatly the bigger guilds will continue to wipe the board.

P.S @ chronometra. Thank You, I am glad you spoke up. Anyone thats accusing you of drama really needs to take a good hard look at the situation before a comment. It is not drama it is simply reality of the situation. I find nothing enjoyable in spending 40 silver within 30 mins of play in repairs just because our side is now unbalanced and undermanned without so much as a badge kill or loot to balance those repairs.

So how about the smaller guilds start talking, matching up communication contacts and lets have fun again. Actually lets all stop playing in WvW for a few weeks, lets drop the tier and see what happens.,maybe that time could be used to regroup and as Axle says use that to growth and opportunity.

Happiness is finding an Omnomberry in your Grumble Cake

(edited by mzt.3270)

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Axle.5182


Their aint one guild that’s left piken i would name call every one of them a great asset in their own right. paid server transfers brought a rush of interest to piken and along with this buggy culling and queue system congested the life out of EU primetime.

Piken has always enjoyed a strong primetime shared with friendlies and pugs the current congestion has placed the guilds in competition with each other and the pugs and randoms forcing one or the other out of bl’s more often the pugs. The status quo hasn’t benefiting the majority of the community recently.

Yes we have lost some guilds we wish we hadn’t however look on the bright side there is a bit more breathing room for smaller guilds to grow and fill the void. People focus on the negatives too much rather than see an opportunity waiting for the taking, after a few weeks those remaining guilds will have taken up front line positions and earned their own fierce reputation and praise on the matchup threads just like TUP/RG /sIN/BOON etc.

[AFTL] Afterlife Sanctum of Rall

(edited by Axle.5182)

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Auxi.3592


The reason why they left PS is they are looking for challenge

I guess how challenging is to fight 100 vs 20 on one map now

Told you 100 times we need courage.

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: mzt.3270


The reason why they left PS is they are looking for challenge

I guess how challenging is to fight 100 vs 20 on one map now

Told you 100 times we need courage.

Muhahha, could not have said it better myself. Hoorah for the Zerg disloyalists of Piken Square, may your Golems contract robot droop.

Happiness is finding an Omnomberry in your Grumble Cake

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Krosan.2890


Did they all join seafarers?

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: White Ninja Rabbit.1584

White Ninja Rabbit.1584

Did they all join seafarers?

I’m not sure where TUP left, but they didn’t put the boot in. I’ve witnessed RG & Sin, as well as read about BOON in SFR though.

Good luck to them. Time for the loyalists to try and keep the Medium servers represented in the top 10 or even top 15.

Astrid Freyrborn – Ranger, Nymeria Stoneclaw – Guardian
For Us Valhalla Shall [ROAR]
Piken Square

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Diashame.6328


If any Euro guilds are looking to move server, Fort Aspenwood w3 players would cut off their left nuts for you to come. FA is a pure w3 server, it’s crickets in LA chat. Try find a pve dungeon pug group, your dreaming.

We have strong presence in NA and oceanic times. Looking to strengthen our numbers for sea and euro time zones.

O and not to mention coordinated blackouts and offers of gold assistance upon arrival.

Dia – [RET]
Fort Aspenwood – the PvP server

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Centrix.4065


If any Euro guilds are looking to move server, Fort Aspenwood w3 players would cut off their left nuts for you to come. FA is a pure w3 server, it’s crickets in LA chat. Try find a pve dungeon pug group, your dreaming.

We have strong presence in NA and oceanic times. Looking to strengthen our numbers for sea and euro time zones.

O and not to mention coordinated blackouts and offers of gold assistance upon arrival.

Uh…. Go away please… This thread isn’t about your server. We don’t need these kind of advertisements.

4 guilds left and the server is just doing fine. We will lose this matchup and go to T3-T4 next, where most guilds want to be anyways.

I don’t see why people think PS is in ruins now, it must be because of threads like this one where people misinform the outside world about our situation. I have to be honest here, reading the ingame chats throughout the days, most people seem to be quite happy still, especially about the departing of RG… They are a bit upset that BOON and TUP are gone, but not enough to cry about it (some even call them traitors, goes a bit too far) and sIN is viewed pretty neutral because they were generally nice people and didn’t originate from Piken Square so aren’t blamed for their leave.

Like I said, most people are waiting for the next matchup and aren’t really bothered by all this, which apparently deserved a whole thread where anonymous people tell us lies that our server is doomed.

Lv.80 Elementalist, Guardian, Necromancer, Thief
[VII] Seventh Legion | http://twitch.tv/censtudios

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: KStudios.2850


We’ve been there. Funny thing is we’re actually better off in tier now than we were before the mass exodus took place. Dig in, be prepared for changes/adjustments, don’t lose heart, and you’ll weather this hardship. Best wishes.

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]

(edited by KStudios.2850)

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Surmaturma.4823


I recall similar post being made on SFR at times – latest I recall was when we lost a very HC night guild with 200 members to US servers – for sure it affected, no doubt about it but to my understanding at least RG has been a prime time guild and usually prime time is not a biggest issue for servers.

Anyways, I personally as a part of RIP alliance have had a great fun fighting many guilds in Piken and I still believe you can field great guilds and players alike to field of battle…
Just remember to watch your back, RIP is roaming there.

All the best,
Musta Surma, guild leader of [Hovi], part of [RIP] Alliance

“To Rasa Sum – and back again!”

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: insanesu.3965


Piken Square is over? oh, nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!

Time for new force

Russan raid vs Red Guard:

Russian raid vs ZDs:

Jolly Insane | Insane Empire [INS] | www.insaneempire.com
Piken Square (unofficial roletrollplay server)

(edited by insanesu.3965)

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Space.8053


looking forward to a possible Piken, Augury, Gandara rematch next week

Fat Rob

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Kyus.3812


looking forward to a possible Piken, Augury, Gandara rematch next week

hell yes!

Piken is very game for next weeks match up. Just enjoying the fights this week no tiny violins playing over here.

Kyús – 80 – Guardian// All Classes Level 80
Hand of Blood [HoB]
EU – Aurora Glade

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: insanesu.3965


looking forward to a possible Piken, Augury, Gandara rematch next week


Some of our guilds will come back in operation next week. Hope we all will have a good battles.

Jolly Insane | Insane Empire [INS] | www.insaneempire.com
Piken Square (unofficial roletrollplay server)

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Dutchares.6084


If you are lucky you can fight against TUP soon

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


looking forward to a possible Piken, Augury, Gandara rematch next week

That sounds like awesomeness!! I wil be looking forward to it! Some great roamers on both servers!

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: insanesu.3965


TUP are good fighters. But as for me – SfR is the best opponent for me and rest russians on Piken.

Jolly Insane | Insane Empire [INS] | www.insaneempire.com
Piken Square (unofficial roletrollplay server)

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Space.8053


Those Christmas matches were intense. Hope Piken still have people left that remember them!

If not then you are in for a treat if the matchup gets repeated

Fat Rob

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Axle.5182


TUP are still a bit away on Aurora Glade T4 all depends on the outcome of the next matchup.

[AFTL] Afterlife Sanctum of Rall

(edited by Axle.5182)

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Centrix.4065


Piken Square News – The Good Times are Over

100% bull…. if anything, we have more fun now.

And the fights are still intense!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SceHMyyAXXs (last night)

Lv.80 Elementalist, Guardian, Necromancer, Thief
[VII] Seventh Legion | http://twitch.tv/censtudios

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: KinkyWarrior.1879


YAY PIKEN IS COMING BACK TO US <3 I knew our relationship would never truly end :P

Dius Vanguard [DiVa]

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Kromsin.6359


YAY PIKEN IS COMING BACK TO US <3 I knew our relationship would never truly end :P

We should all meet at the grub and have pie.

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Khrums.3765


So crap post Chrono, we have Old Piken again and for us only!

- Bandwagoners gone – so after weeks complain about it thinks sort out by self

- RG gone so no more gtfo from map on chat and no more arrogance around, they did more toxic like good here, they join when we was in T3 and left in T2 which we don’t want be in, so now that is SFR problem not ours any more. Bob have fun focusing old home server but some people are just like that :P cant have then try destroy but on PS that dosnt work at all.

- We going down to T3 – we vote for that long time ago so we can enjoy once more guild actions on smaller and bigger scale, less culling and lags and focus on fun general not points and campaign.

- We lost few good guilds: siN we understand this as in t3 no so much to do on night for them, great guys they fit PS so well nice skills and RP good luck to You guys, RG – no one care, Boon get touch by corruption of being in top tier they left so fast so many of us didn’t manage to say good bye and good luck (hope so you get where you want to go), TUP which move 2 weeks before all and maybe we can convince them to come over once more as all troubles which bother them just gone,

After that we still have over 10 good guilds bigger /smaller which will be perfect for T3
and when we wipe all dust left by easy riders – gonna roll again

So no more drama, no more arrogance, no more pressure for points over fun from game, no more crap just Piken like was before.


Hand of Blood [HoB] Piken Square , VII Overflow

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: muylaetrix.2096


Elvis has left the building !

Muylaetrex, going bananas with [TDA] on Gandara
Camping a keep near you since 2001 !

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Katiechops.6807


Boon get touch by corruption of being in top tier they left so fast so many of us didn’t manage to say good bye and good luck (hope so you get where you want to go

lol, kind of true, we have never aimed for T1/2 due ot avoiding drama que’s etc but the past few weeks we really enjoyd the bigger more organised raids and servers to fight against despite lag, culling etc etc.

Being on Piken from T8 to T2 also let us fight 22 out of 27 servers in the EU bar Desolation and VS, also Blacktide and Aborstone, but I guess they are well not what they were, so yes this gives us the oppertunity to have chance to fight with them which we would never get to do on Piken due ot the departure of RG, sIN and TUP as well as its heart being in T3. *OMG we missed A.Glade

Sorry you didn’t get the chance to say goodbye. I went to the weekly meeting and let everyone know in person rather than a forum post just so everyone could hear it straight from the horse mouth and ask questions and because people we already asking guilds not to make goodbye posts as they just encourage trolling, drama and affect morale.

Never know once we had our fun with those servers and get tired of lag, massive zerges and no doubt drama etc you may see us again some day!


(edited by Katiechops.6807)

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Kromsin.6359


So crap post Chrono, we have Old Piken again and for us only!

- Bandwagoners gone – so after weeks complain about it thinks sort out by self

- RG gone so no more gtfo from map on chat and no more arrogance around, they did more toxic like good here, they join when we was in T3 and left in T2 which we don’t want be in, so now that is SFR problem not ours any more. Bob have fun focusing old home server but some people are just like that :P cant have then try destroy but on PS that dosnt work at all.

- We going down to T3 – we vote for that long time ago so we can enjoy once more guild actions on smaller and bigger scale, less culling and lags and focus on fun general not points and campaign.

- We lost few good guilds: siN we understand this as in t3 no so much to do on night for them, great guys they fit PS so well nice skills and RP good luck to You guys, RG – no one care, Boon get touch by corruption of being in top tier they left so fast so many of us didn’t manage to say good bye and good luck (hope so you get where you want to go), TUP which move 2 weeks before all and maybe we can convince them to come over once more as all troubles which bother them just gone,

After that we still have over 10 good guilds bigger /smaller which will be perfect for T3
and when we wipe all dust left by easy riders – gonna roll again

So no more drama, no more arrogance, no more pressure for points over fun from game, no more crap just Piken like was before.


Hopefully no more drama and just fun. Those guilds that left Im sure they will find the attention they are looking for somewhere else. Best of luck to them. Piken will go back to being the nice work together server it used to be.

Perhaps less leave the map and dont follow us stuff

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Khrums.3765


Never know once we had our fun with those servers and get tired of lag, massive zerges and no doubt drama etc you may see us again some day!

have fun on your tour and do not forget call home time to time

Hand of Blood [HoB] Piken Square , VII Overflow

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Katiechops.6807


have fun on your tour and do not forget call home time to time

lol everytime someone slags of Piken or name calls them in SFR map chat I take offense and am almost,“hey kitten you, you kitten kittener!” So I guess it will always be where I think of as home. <3


Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Firoz.4028


lol everytime someone slags of Piken or name calls them in SFR map chat I take offense and am almost,“hey kitten you, you kitten kittener!” So I guess it will always be where I think of as home. <3


I am homesick.
I try not to attack any Piken Invader, it feels so wrong.

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Kromsin.6359


lol everytime someone slags of Piken or name calls them in SFR map chat I take offense and am almost,“hey kitten you, you kitten kittener!” So I guess it will always be where I think of as home. <3


I am homesick.
I try not to attack any Piken Invader, it feels so wrong.

Well few more days you wont need to worry about that! Cheer up

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Valkjre.5401


Someone had to make this thread. I will only get to my thoughts.

true RG left and siN followed since siN calls RG part of there alliance or atleast consider RG as an ALLY. But they are both high tier Guilds and want to play on servers that can bring them good fights at the time when they play. But for BOON to leave and follow them is something i still cannot understand since BOON only plays during EU prime time. For them to leave PS can only have 2 reasons. 1 they want to stay in High tier and face off good fights or they want to take a ride on siN and RG’s back. WIth 4 Decent size guilds to move to SFR from PS only mean More qeue for SFR during EU prime time and definitely end of original SFR who would quit WvW or probably at the end move servers. ( Same thing happeend to PS when RG and siN moved to PS. Few original guilds lefts PS since they couldnt play during EU prime time due to Qeue).

Now what left over we have.. wth them we are still as good as we were with siN RG BOON around. WIth our remaining forces – we still manage to get SM every night during our EU prime time. We still own most of PS BL during EU prime time. Both maps qeued. The remaining whatever guilds are there they raid either SFR or JS bl. But whichever map they go to they sure play and get there share of protion out of enemy during there raid time. So the only thing PS missing now is extra 150 players for raiding to cover 2 maps that are left empty.

PS will go down in tiers but not cause PS community is broken or PS server is deserted by some bandwagoners. But only cause PS doesnt have enough WvW play time and force at the moment. This week PS has shown its full potential during EU prime time against Both JS and SFR. And I hope SFR and JS will cherish the wipe outs we gave them during the prime time in PS BL, SFR BL and also in JS BL. And surely we will miss these good fights we had against zDs, Rise, Opt and Vcy from SFR and LNM from JS BL.

We will come back as your worst nightmares again not next week or weeks after. But someday we will when we are able to find loyal and sincere people interested in building this RP community and not just bandwagoners and deserters.