Piken Square / Riverside / Fort Ranik
nice to see this thread is open… but i would like to know why the other threads on german, and french forums get blocked for us talking to the enemy in english? its very Xenophobic IMO, that you cant have a civil chat with our enemies and devaules our community.
Is this how Anet want things to be? Its pretty sad imo, i thought game was suppose to be all about the “community” and the english/french/german speaking are all part of the same “WvW community” yet we are not allowed to talk to each other on their selective forums which seems like a own goal from ANET.
Do we really have to use google translate and butcher every language just to have a confused conversation which could be taken the wrong way with the enemy?
Im not a big fan of this Xenophobia… i’d rather it be inclusive rather than segregation, i dont want to disrespect a language with a translate program which doesnt work right.
That aside, good fights so far guys Fr got decent points despite not seeing many of them so far, and germans bringing the fight as always.
Looking forward to more fights with RSC in particular
Kind Regards
The Unlikely Plan (TUP)
Ex Piken Square (EU)
Greetings River once again, and hi for the first time to Ranik. May we have a entertaining week of action ahead. Hoping both servers enjoy the fights we bring as much as (so far ;o) we have enjoyed being against you lot.
Finished enjoying some action in Ranik Borderlands just recently. Would not let you attack bay
Kind regards
Aurora Glade EU
Truth is, Riverside is imploding quickly. Yesterday evening our own borderlands had no queue at all. Piken Square BL is uncontested since reset, because we can’t bring any people on. We’re not able to provide pressure on other servers, when they got their BL fully capped they join ours, which results in us defending against double numbers.
We defended hills keep for like 4 hours yesterday under constant pressure from Fort Ranik. But when Piken Square stepped up on our BL, we got attacked all over the place. Defending all day decreases our player numbers massively, because lots of people want to go out there and bash stuff and not do supply runs, take camps back and bounce between attack symbols.
It’s sad, and I don’t see any improvement soon. Most of all, people who play for Riverside everyday and try to do the best they can are slowly losing their spirit. There is lots of talent, but our hands are tied due to small player numbers most of the time.
Props to PS, you seem to adapt very quickly. Well deserverd lead in this matchup. Last week we got away with it, because your focus was more on AR than us.
(edited by yiishing.9057)
Greetings from Riverside to Piken Square!
Had a lot of fun with the members of Army of Adoran.
Good Guys! Keep it going!
With best regards from my little Asuran thief!
Good Fight! Good Night!
[5/8 Champion Titles – Legendary Division] [19k+ AP]
[BEER – Dungeon Riders – Desolation]
Yiishing or other Riverside players… is your server imploding because of Elona’s Mass recruiting to become huge german zerg server to compete with blacktide + Viz? (Dont turn this into thread slagging off elona if so… yes its bad to lose guilds to poachers and can kinda ruin servers) but despite the ranking you might find better WvW at lower tiers and less Zerg…
Or is your serving imploding because of the WvW issues? culling and such? maybe people with big interest at begining starting to get burnt out a bit? From what i see your still in a good shape compared to some servers below… I just hope you dont implode like some servers seem to after they lost to us, like Gunnars hold and maybe Far Shiverpeaks as some examples.
From what i see, you guys still put up a good fight as i expect and as for AR, yes we fought them before and so wanted to continue our love affair with them(they got more of our love) they pushed us very hard now they are gone… We dont know FR, we only know our friends from riverside(now its your turn for some more love from my point of view)
But don’t worry we won’t forget about FR either, we play both strategic and fair they will get some love too i can assure you of that
Kind Regards
The Unlikely Plan (TUP)
Ex Piken Square (EU)
I answered it in your pm
Nevermind, I did not intend to complain about double teaming. Thats the nature of the game, I’m just trying to explain whats currently happening on Riverside. I do like the lower tiers, there seems to be more pvp action, less nightcapping and a more enjoyable atmosphere, which is refreshing.
Thanks for the good matchup and the kind words
We lost many players which transferred to Elona Reach. Yesterday i was really shocked when we fought on the Piken Map attacking Dreaming Bay. Even during prime time we got the outmanned buff occasionally, which is very unusual.
Hello, guys from RS and FR!
Crashes are my big problem now. No fun, when crashes are constantly happen. 5-6 per hour. This problem started 1 week ago after one of updates.
I hope ANet will fix it
gl & hl
Piken Square (unofficial
Nice attitude in this thread, like it!
Dropping numbers of player: I haven’t experienced any waiting periods in a long time no more. Sometimes it seems like one or the other map doesn’t see any fighters of us…
Reasons are still –more or less- a mystery to me. Maybe some of the players transferred to other servers (but why? Are they missing the waiting periods?). Maybe it has to do with all the little things, which make wvw hard to play (culling, etc.). I’m only a casual gamer, so I come on whenever I have time and play a bit as a random on one of the maps. But I was pretty frustrated yesterday, after I got wiped twice in a row by a massive (and invisible) zerg. First I realized two allies running in the opposite direction. I stopped, wondered and… died… then I saw the 15+ incoming. Second time was pretty similar at a different location. I don’t blame other random player like me, if they stay away from wvw until that problem is fixed… sad but true.
Anyway, I had my fun yesterday in our little fights here and there. I like that there is always something different to do: defend a tower, attack a camp, seek and destroy siege weapons, recon behind enemy lines (that was more by accident…).
Personally I don’t care in which tier we are, as long as we have good fights on a more or less equal level.
Greetings from a casual gamer on Riverside…
GL & HF!
@insanesu: GL with solving your problems…
Yeah culling is a nightmare now, as a raid leader i can’t even see my own raid anymore let alone another guilds or raids close by so now you have no idea what you are fighting and also no idea who is fighing with you, talk about playing blind, at least when you could see your own side you at least knew what you were fighting with now we know nothign and just have to hope your raid has stuck with you and the others around you are doing thier jobs as you have no idea anymore.
As for Riverside dying, well Piken has now played all the way from T9 through to T4 and yeah its play style has damaged alot of servers, low ranked, low pop server with a very strong Prime Time, ppl expect to beat it and they do in “WvW scores” due to off peak capping, but they get sickened getting wiped time after time all evening by organsised guild raids, which like cause drama and frustration tbh as it can’t be fun seeing your map turned over night after night and find your score sub 200 during prime time as you huddle inside your last keep / tower hanging on for when they go to bed.
People like to have success while they are in the WvW maps and kill ppl not look at a WvW score at the end of the week and go oh look we won, ie WvW scores do not make players happy, losing all your stuff when you are online, and getting killed time after time does make players unhappy.
Piken has lost plenty of WvW matches up against higher new ranked busier servers but if they stay the same Tier for long it has a habit of grinding them down and breaking morale and breaking that server due to the beatings it can give out during prime time night after night.
We met Piken in the first couple of weeks of release and I have never faced another server like it since and we must have meet 19 of the other 26 EU servers now, but it comes down to it being a bit of a freak server, Offical Role Play server, with 8-12 WvW guild raids running about in WvW during prime time who can switch maps in an instant, ok not so much now, population is growing so EB and PS BL is hard for guilds raids to go to now.
I still think PS is on borrowed time now and likely turn into a new FOTM server and max out WvW ques and prevent the guilds raids it has always had during prime time and then be like any other busy server.
Hi there!
In my point of view the lack of WvW players on RS is simply due to all the small things that make WvW sometimes a frustrating experience. Culling is one thing. The siege-weapon limit another. Third thing is the lack of strategic aims, like the orbs were. Mix all this up with the usual player-movement to other games, than you have most of the reasons.
Lucky us, we have a solid base of WvW players and guilds, playing on a decent level. So I dont think that we “implode”. And I dont think that many players are going to other servers. Hey, we are Riverside, the best-hated german server. ^^ I dont think that we are going up in ranks, though. We will step down the ladder, step by step and I’m ok with this, as long as I have fun in WvW. And thats the case.
Thanks for the nice Matchup @ Pikes and @ Frenchies!
Cheers, Silva
DTK | Die Technokraten
Flußufer/ Riverside [DE]
Has been a pretty fun weekend I think. [HoB] had some good fun in Fort Ranik borderlands last night – good fights against [dw] and [ZORN] from Riverside, and one from Fort Ranik whose tag escapes me… Something like [VOX] or [NOXI] – apologies for my bad memory!
Culling is being a royal PITA for us at the moment but imagine that is the same for everyone!
Regards from [HoB], looking forward to more good fights for the rest of the week!
Piken Square [EU]
Hello and greetings from France
Really nice weekend, we had a hard time pushing back all attacks on our home map (FR).
Special thx to [HoB][Boon][VII][ZORN][Necr] for the good fights we had against you guys
We the [NOM] guild, will wait for some more fun this week against great opponents
@Turx.6987 i think you are talking about us, since we were the only guild connected on our home map yesterday.
[NOM] sounds right! Full guild name was sounded latin from what I remember?
Piken Square [EU]
What i don´t understand is, why there are some ppl. logging out when they are in downed state, it is very unkwel of you. /Ahem to the Guardian/Warrior duo :)
AnyhOo, we all are suffering from this new culling issue. I wanted to know, if we actually could team up, all 3 servers on EB* ex. and have group picture with 500 (hopefully) players for a final g-bang, big finale? …..you know like a demonstration against the bad culling system ;)=
(just a thought; didnt see anyone doing if before, so why not?)
*or any other BL
Indeed ! Our Full guild name is : Novus ordo mundi – [NOM]
The HoB guys were quite hard to handle yesterday on Etheron
Hope to see you again on the Battlefield ! But be aware that we are watching you :-)
Hello from PK. FR side, man up!
This is some video footage from Server Reset for anyone interested (sorry to our german friends if youtube block because of music… i heard there’s ways around that)
From a Perspective of someone following TUP on server Rest for our PS Server
This one is from The Unlikely Plans(TUP) Perspective
Best Part 00:00 – 01.04 … It sums up our guild perfectly… loving the music more on this video as its more my thing
Kind Regards
Sorry if you feel partially Left out FR but we have barely come across you in comparison… although some of you might remember us defending your garrison with 0 supply… just a keg, a banquet table and fireworks launcher at the north east hole in the wall for a few hours as we wanted to party with you guys… we all get drunk together
The Unlikely Plan (TUP)
Ex Piken Square (EU)
This is some video footage from Server Reset for anyone interested (sorry to our german friends if youtube block because of music… i heard there’s ways around that)
From a Perspective of someone following TUP on server Rest for our PS Server
This one is from The Unlikely Plans(TUP) Perspective
Best Part 00:00 – 01.04 … It sums up our guild perfectly… loving the music more on this video as its more my thing
Kind Regards
Sorry if you feel partially Left out FR but we have barely come across you in comparison… although some of you might remember us defending your garrison with 0 supply… just a keg, a banquet table and fireworks launcher at the north east hole in the wall for a few hours as we wanted to party with you guys… we all get drunk together
The Unlikely Plan (TUP)
Ex Piken Square (EU)
it´s so funny to fight against you piken guys so we try to hold you down here in this tier
Well. Did you want to make a point with that post Gambit ?. Other than, there is a guy on piken square that was quite mispleased December 10th ?
Besides that. Been a great day!. haha some epic battles on bay against fort ranik. I have no idea how many hours you guys have been shooting at bay, but i have been there for hours getting defense bonuses
Been a great day of battles. And riverside is chewing up the gap. Good luck further into this week all.
Was able to play in prime time today, and it was fantastic.
We had HoB, TUP and VII attacking everything on our map and it was really annoying. They made progress on our bay, meanwhile we had FR pushing against hill. We noticed that we couldn’t hold both, so we had to decide. We left bay and saved hills keep a couple times. After PS took bay keep, they stopped all attacks which was suspicious. So we sent out scouts to every tower, even some camps and important gates. And because of these awesome scouts we were able to spot golem attacks right in time. We saw them coming for our watergate, and held them off. Golems fell back, but our commander had the brilliant idea that they would go for hills keep – it was a lucky guess and saved us again. PS managed to get the golems out, and a few minutes later they were back with more at out western tower. But we arrived in time and took them down. One of the best 30 Minutes in WvWvW for me.
Awesome evening, props to everyone involved. I think both sides had a lot of fun.
I hope PS liked my portals. Two or three could have been better, but the majority was quite good.
Screenshot of the day: Last man standing. I was literally the last one fighting there
(edited by yiishing.9057)
Well, today i witnessed the most impressive battle that i have seen to date in WvW. Namely the several hour long defence of Piken Keep in EB against the full force of two opposing servers. Without supplies and held together with nothing but the will to survive, this last blue island in a sea of red and green held strong against what could only be described as a hurricane of golems, trebuchets and manpower from all sides.
Piken Square – Unbowed and Unbroken.
Was able to play in prime time today, and it was fantastic.
We had HoB, TUP and VII attacking everything on our map and it was really annoying. They made progress on our bay, meanwhile we had FR pushing against hill. We noticed that we couldn’t hold both, so we had to decide. We left bay and saved hills keep a couple times. After PS took bay keep, they stopped all attacks which was suspicious. So we sent out scouts to every tower, even some camps and important gates. And because of these awesome scouts we were able to spot golem attacks right in time. We saw them coming for our watergate, and held them off. Golems fell back, but our commander had the brilliant idea that they would go for hills keep – it was a lucky guess and saved us again. PS managed to get the golems out, and a few minutes later they were back with more at out western tower. But we arrived in time and took them down. One of the best 30 Minutes in WvWvW for me.
Awesome evening, props to everyone involved. I think both sides had a lot of fun.I hope PS liked my portals.
Two or three could have been better, but the majority was quite good.
Screenshot of the day: Last man standing. I was literally the last one fighting there
The portals were good, but your organisation last night was better. Well played indeed.
This has been one of the more annoying match-ups I’ve been against, no offense to the french or germans. I’m really hoping we either get pushed up a bit or even down and stay there for a while.
Was kinda frustrating fighting in Riverside Borderlands last night. It felt like the culling problem was much more severe than it had been over the weekend. So many invisible people, both friendly and hostile, made it pretty much impossible to tell where the hell the fighting was going on.
Anyone else find the same thing?
Piken Square [EU]
AnyhOo, we all are suffering from this new culling issue. I wanted to know, if we actually could team up, all 3 servers on EB* ex. and have group picture with 500 (hopefully) players for a final g-bang, big finale? …..you know like a demonstration against the bad culling system
(just a thought; didnt see anyone doing if before, so why not?)
*or any other BL
I’l tell you what m8 get 3 people together from each server and take a pic you could say 500 where there because in reality we know the new culling system is so bad that’s all we would likely see in such circumstances and no one would question you
(edited by Axle.5182)
Anyone else find the same thing?
Yes culling is horrible right now, it´s the same for everybody
Well we’ve recorded some actions from yesterday. You can see almost crystal clear the culling problem. I dont know why, but since some updates the situation is even worse.
I thaught it was the problem with nvidia drivers. I tested the newest ones, some of betas and it seems that this is not the solution for culling problem.
Anyway yesterdays fights were so good. Especially when we fought RS guys on SE tower, i mean they tooked it and our group entered the tower just before the gate was closed. Well i saw the enemies only on the recorded movie, and after the fight i took my bags, and saw some bodies. That’s all. The same problem was on west keep. Fort Ranik sieged the door, meanwhile TNTD attacked wall near north gate. As we entered the wall i only saw like 20 enemies (both sides). Meanwhile someone from our group said that he can’t see even our group. Another was saying he sees everyone.
Well, apart from the culling problems this matchup is amazing. Fights against RS and FR are great.
We know now one thing for sure, do not attack up the hill
Can’t wait for tonights battles.
I was on for a bit of last nights prime time fight but unfortunately with the new culling technique (by technique I think they mean disastrously stupid thing that should be pulled asap) it was sort of pointless.
anyways I’ve not been able to play as much as I liked but I really like playing against Riverside. Fort Ranik on the other hand have been a bit more vulture like, latching on to the scraps which fairplay is an ok tactic but they’re not that much fun to fight out in the open.
Hand of Blood [HoB]
EU – Aurora Glade
I wish our random friendlies played as well as riversides… would make life alot easier
You guys play the game it was designed to be played, you do the things TUP would do when on the backfoot… you have alot of dedicated players defending and scouting for the realm.
Im not going to comment too much on pikens random friendlies… they are not all the same but… they really could learn a thing or two from you guys, its not like we come across many guild groups from german server either. It is a bit depressing seeing the headless chicken factor needing to be told what to do vs organised germans its such a contrast.
Im not sure why there is a difference, people are either too cheap, lazy or niave… no investment in blueprints or upgrades in comparison as a realm to yours… it borders on the redicilous sometimes.
You defend well riverside
FR still getting a free ride and double team whoever when they can to be opportunist, usually feels like they target piken more too… Reminds me alot of some previous match ups.
For some reason the roleplay server is seen as biggest threat, where if FR played tactically smarter and focussed 2nd place more they would of caught you by now instead they letting you get away which is cringeworthy to me
The Unlikely Plan (TUP)
Ex Piken Square (EU)
Nice fights tonight. Good show RSC.
Same to You VII an TUP!
I´m enjoying these fights and like more of them.
And great thank´s to the one who reported the spy in our TS to our Commander.
Greetings from RSC to Piken Square
Same to You VII an TUP!
I´m enjoying these fights and like more of them.
And great thank´s to the one who reported the spy in our TS to our Commander.
Greetings from RSC to Piken Square
all spies can sit in our voice chat. Only Russian. Only hardcore.
I saw very organized germans on RS BL yesterday. Thanks for the fights
Piken Square (unofficial
Awesome night.
Held our own against the doubleteaming in EB a whole lot better than the day before. much further than QL and durios they did not come. Split up even between FR and RS and managed to keep them out of our other towers.
RS were actually lucky that the server crashed… had 20 golems ready to have some fun with them… server crash came, all golems gone. As if they knew…. JK JK ^^
Decided that we wernt gonna give up that easily and made a new golem army. Marched on to SM and later green keep. Was good to see that this time around, you put up a bit more of a fight. Still not good enough.
We wernt going to let you keep your towers this time around though. However, you did take our golems down in the keep attack… np, build some more golems, march on klovan, take wc from FR and take aldons. Had some trouble with Jerrifers, nothing we couldnt handle though.
Goodgame [GG] leader
Piken Square
Nice work this night Piken. Yesterday evening when I left the game at around 10 pm I couldnt have imagined this development.
We didnt have any problems to manhandle you guys on eternals all day long, except that little Klovan accident in the afternoon when we have been too late one minute. but I really took that personally and my mates and me kicked you back to your own keep and later we had there a kind of fun with some siege in front of the ruins.
On primetime til 10:00 pm we have always been leader of the scoreboard. And now I see that you must have been very busy. Unfortunately. ^^ But if you really were able to get on 10-20 golems twice, well, its well-deserved. Our nightshift must have had a kinda frustrating night. ^^ We will repair it, I guess. ^^
Nice to see that you came back.
Cheers, Silva
DTK | Die Technokraten
Flußufer/ Riverside [DE]
Sers, nice matchup so far but please stop telling that both sides are focusing Piken, just look and your and Raniks Bordelands and you know what i mean.
Instead of that you can see focusing on River but hey its ok the second Place ist always on focus we felt like an sandwich last night^^.
We have non existing nightshift 10 people from you and Ranik and we lost almost everything. Yesterday the whole day i was up we out good pressure on Piken and where on points per in front………….almost come close to you.
Today i log in and from 6k it went to almost 20k………….
Greetings from River
Sers, nice matchup so far but please stop telling that both sides are focusing Piken, just look and your and Raniks Bordelands and you know what i mean.
Instead of that you can see focusing on River but hey its ok the second Place ist always on focus we felt like an sandwich last night^^.
We have non existing nightshift 10 people from you and Ranik and we lost almost everything. Yesterday the whole day i was up we out good pressure on Piken and where on points per in front………….almost come close to you.
Today i log in and from 6k it went to almost 20k………….Greetings from River
Hey riverside a lot of respect to you guys some good fights!
a few people have said we thought we were focused but its clear its fort ranik looking to be opportunistic. So when you have pushed us back the french will look for taking us whilst we’re under pressure. last night we pushed you back and the french used it to do the same. obviously we weren’t fussed because they are so far behind.
we don’t have night time players just a few very dedicated people that can live on 4 hours sleep when we need to counter your 8.am golem rushes ;-)
still great matchup with some good fights bring on another evening
Hand of Blood [HoB]
EU – Aurora Glade
Jep the 8.am Golem rush yesterday^^ a bit too heavy we got all 6 keeps in less than a hour sorry for that it must have been frustrating for you^^, but we got our payback last Night so its a draw.
Really enjoying Fights with you guys, personally i would like to fight you once again^^.
Respect BOON, VII , TUP, HoB,Necrosis,GG and all the other guys i didn`t mentioned you are doing a great job, thats far the best week i had in WvW.
Greetings Myrmi
Nice work this night Piken. Yesterday evening when I left the game at around 10 pm I couldnt have imagined this development.
We didnt have any problems to manhandle you guys on eternals all day long, except that little Klovan accident in the afternoon when we have been too late one minute. but I really took that personally and my mates and me kicked you back to your own keep and later we had there a kind of fun with some siege in front of the ruins.
On primetime til 10:00 pm we have always been leader of the scoreboard. And now I see that you must have been very busy. Unfortunately. ^^ But if you really were able to get on 10-20 golems twice, well, its well-deserved. Our nightshift must have had a kinda frustrating night. ^^ We will repair it, I guess. ^^
Nice to see that you came back.
Cheers, Silva
Ye, about that klovan accident… GG!
I guess GG has a thing for golems.
N yeah, i think we have set up around 50 golems in EB yesterday, of which 20 got wiped on server crash and another 20 on the green keep (which we did take in that attempt, 20 alphas and 1 omega proved just enough to get both gates down) and we used the other 10 to take your towers.
its a good thing piken has a lot of skilled craftsmen, cause the golem factory can never stop building!!
Goodgame [GG] leader
Piken Square
Real Pro FR!
Note I’m not complaining about the bug, I’m simply pointing out how sad using the invulnerability bug is.
Yepp, that should be fixed. But on the other hand the buff is clearly shown, so maybe you should stop attacking an invulnerable player and simply go your way.
By the way, nice thread, really civil.
Good fights in RS BL tonight.
Was a nice long battle for the control of Bay
Yesterdays evening was good. You guys from FR did a great job upgrading keeps to T3. We started to siege bay on FR borderlands, it had 1600 supplies! or something like that. The bay was under attack whole evening, the defence was good from your side. We’ve been teleporting to waypoints few times i hope, our actions did same to you.
Great thanks to HoB, INS and GoW for cooperation.
Had some nice fights earlier in the evening last night, but didn’t have so much fun when it descends into Treb Wars 2. Watching guildies fire trebuchet’s and playing “spot the enemy siege build site” isn’t the greatest way to spend an evening! But I suppose this is a complaint against WvW in general rather than any particular guild or server
Xmas meal with my work this evening so I’m going to miss the rest of the match-up. Boooooo!
Piken Square [EU]
You can’t say this @Turx if we didn’t made some siege weapons, all of you would have zerg rushed us in etheron
Btw nice fight yesterday ! it’s kind of hard to deal with so many guilds coming from Piken & riverside on our homemap
But this week is definitively the best matchup we had in our guild, great opponents, great guilds fights, no boring strats, interesting tactics.
Hope to see you all again ^^
(edited by Sandro.3694)
You are perfectly right Sandro, you are playing the same as intended trebuchets just aren’t very exciting! But that is not your fault
There are times when I wish WvW could be one giant deathmatch, similarly-sized guild groups roaming around the zone, fighting out in the open, just enjoying the battles without any of this siege nonsense or having to worry about server scores!
Piken Square [EU]
haha that’s why we are looking for the ennemies with our spies (me ? hahaha) to make some epic battle in the open field ^^
Sers Sandro, as i see your Guild Tag, hope you enjoyed this morning what we did at Shadaran Keep, unfortunately i left at 12 for work, pls tell me you got it finally?
So far the nice fights continue, big pressure on our Borderlands from Piken Squads, ignoring Ranik Borderlands^^.
We that pressure it is difficult to invade Piken borderlands cause as often our Problem is that most of the guys are playing on Eternal and Riverside Border.
You finally will get your rematch with Kodash next week i am curious about it think it woul be very interesting to watch.
Greets Myrmi