Piken Square Vs Gandara Vs Augury Rock x3!
Prepare for twin humiliation, Piken Square.
Prepare for twin humiliation, Piken Square.
by humiliation you mean when medium size server wipes the floor with VERY HIGH population server in every encounter on the field and the only way they can win is either blob up( funny, that’s what your server was crying about all last week) or adopting our beloved french no sleep/no work tactics to get them precious points? if that is it, please MOAR humiliation
if by any chance you’re french, just ignore the whole comment all together.
Prepare for twin humiliation, Piken Square.
you scared me Girl !
INC&Garaz Runkaraki
Ele from Piken Square
Prepare for twin humiliation, Piken Square.
by humiliation you mean when medium size server wipes the floor with VERY HIGH population server in every encounter on the field and the only way they can win is either blob up( funny, that’s what your server was crying about all last week) or adopting our beloved french no sleep/no work tactics to get them precious points? if that is it, please MOAR humiliation
if by any chance you’re french, just ignore the whole comment all together.
This made me lol.
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/pvp/gf-left-me-coz-of-ladderboard/
if by any chance you’re french, just ignore the whole comment all together.
Don’t worry, it’s a mesmer / thief from the Gandarian guild [Song].
But tbh I don’t think I will be attending much to this weeks matchup. I don’t somehow enjoy WvW much anymore and it really just makes me feel bad and frustrated, which only results into me complaining in the map chat.
I really used to like WvW. Either I have done it too much or the overall style of wvw has changed.
(edited by Master of Timespace.2548)
Well with our humble 30 men altogether with pugs this reset, we were facing 4 different AR zergs, got to give them points for seemingly unquashable optimism and morale, grouping together a fair few times and annoyingly enough being everywhere. Piken had a group of about 50-60+ estimated stampeding everyone to death, which wasn’t fun in SM with such skill lag – they split into more manageable portions subsequently and we didn’t find it too hard.
We managed to get the outmanned buff at 2:00am GMT, barely anyone on Team Speak whilst AR still had every one of their guilds going strong and upwards of 30 members or around the same. Couldn’t tell about Piken as we hadn’t fought them in a bit, but they seemed to have a good 30-40 together.
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/pvp/gf-left-me-coz-of-ladderboard/
This made me lol.
I am loling for 2 weeks now.. making 2-3g an hour while farming your server + french in MF gear finally WvW is more profitable than pve
Get back under your bridge Casta
Had fun on GBL tonight Good show by both sides!
I see the trolls are out in force! (Both sides!)… Popcorn on me ladies and gents 8-)
Moving swiftly on
Had fun tonight, on every map, and against a lot of guilds. See you all over the week o/
Second Law [Scnd] – Guild leader
Currently: Axiom – Necro
(edited by Snowstorm.3897)
We had a super fun reset. Ty everybody who we fought or fought alongside
Second Law.
Well with our humble 30 men altogether with pugs this reset, we were facing 4 different AR zergs, got to give them points for seemingly unquashable optimism and morale, grouping together a fair few times and annoyingly enough being everywhere. Piken had a group of about 50-60+ estimated stampeding everyone to death, which wasn’t fun in SM with such skill lag – they split into more manageable portions subsequently and we didn’t find it too hard.
We managed to get the outmanned buff at 2:00am GMT, barely anyone on Team Speak whilst AR still had every one of their guilds going strong and upwards of 30 members or around the same. Couldn’t tell about Piken as we hadn’t fought them in a bit, but they seemed to have a good 30-40 together.
Hi, my english isn’t perfect so i could misunderstood something. You’re complaining about skill lag from the piken monobus and you’re complaining about we do several small group (20~players) to avoid this skill lag.
Please explain me what you want, i’m a bit lost :S
(edited by Archenemy.9784)
Round 3, Will Piken win? Will ‘Le Monobus’ (Copyright Piken Square) return? Or will the insomniacs of Gandara strike once more?
Everyone knows Gandara will win this week… nightcapping will win it for u.
Piken had a group of about 50-60+ estimated stampeding everyone to death, which wasn’t fun in SM with such skill lag – they split into more manageable portions subsequently and we didn’t find it too hard.
what map did we have a 60man zerg on?!?!?!
I played EB from reset and we have 4 commanders for the first couple of hours and they NEVER blobbed up at all. They each ran with around 15-20 players. We probably had 60 players online to about 2am when it dropped to nearer 30 players.
At the start when we took SM first we had only 20 of us in the Lords room (20 alive at least). AR definitely had the most players in there.
Some people seriously need to learn to count lol
Also someone said (on the other thread) that the scnd guild smashed through them tonight with a massive zerg… well i was running with them and they had 7 guildies with about 5 puggers including me. Another exaggeration of numbers from our victims lol
Everyone knows Gandara will win this week… nightcapping will win it for u.
rly? my guildmate play mostly nigth wvw, couple day ago i ask him how gandara take all maps. and he say: with 5 ppl on map. 1 good fight in all night. excelent nightcapping pugs in gandara ^^
p.s. sry bad eng
I’m kill you’r bessies
i can’t believe it.
i had fun these days playing wvwvw but kitten the main reason i played is because i wanted to capture all the kitten Points of interest, vistas and so on.
and what happened? again, pikenVSgandaraVSauguryrock.
and again, we’re still red.
yeah, great.
i can’t believe it.
i had fun these days playing wvwvw but kitten the main reason i played is because i wanted to capture all the kitten Points of interest, vistas and so on.
and what happened? again, pikenVSgandaraVSauguryrock.
and again, we’re still red.yeah, great.
I’m pretty sure we captured every objective on the map at one point in last week’s matchup, just log on to WvW regularly and you should be able to get them if this week is any indication. I mean, this happened at 11pm on one day.
hobby: busting Trebuchettes
Gandara server
Total tally of defensive siege built at Mendon’s this morning:
5 ACs
1 Trebuchet
1 Ballista
Total tally of offensive siege destroyed at Mendon’s this morning:
1 Alpha golem
5 Catapults
3 Superior Catapults
3 Ballistae
2 Arrow Carts
5 Flame Rams
1 Superior Flame Ram
1 Trebuchet
And at the very end, we only had me and one other person defending it against an AR group of 30. I think this should put to rest the naysayers on Gandara who believe you can’t defend Mendon’s. There’s no excuse for losing it every hour!
Good job AR for eventually taking it, good job to those Gandarats who stuck around to defend it!
It’s all piken’s fault :’(
what map did we have a 60man zerg on?!?!?!
I played EB from reset and we have 4 commanders for the first couple of hours and they NEVER blobbed up at all. They each ran with around 15-20 players. We probably had 60 players online to about 2am when it dropped to nearer 30 players.
At the start when we took SM first we had only 20 of us in the Lords room (20 alive at least). AR definitely had the most players in there.
Some people seriously need to learn to count lol
Also someone said (on the other thread) that the scnd guild smashed through them tonight with a massive zerg… well i was running with them and they had 7 guildies with about 5 puggers including me. Another exaggeration of numbers from our victims lol
In SM you certainly had around 50 we know because we were fighting you :P culling doesn’t affect enemies as much as it does allies nowadays (or is supposed to), you had 20-30 standing in the circle, others all around the outsides, a lot up the ramp (SFRJ) and more coming in, like I said, estimated in between 50-60.
Hi, my english isn’t perfect so i could misunderstood something. You’re complaining about skill lag from the piken monobus and you’re complaining about we do several small group (20~players) to avoid this skill lag.
Please explain me what you want, i’m a bit lost :S
There’s no complaining I was merely stating what we faced today, AR being annoying is good isn’t it? You shouldn’t want to make it easy for us, or else you aren’t playing to the extent of your ability. I just meant that we had AR everywhere and Piken everywhere, Tz and Echo grouped up a couple times to kill us, AA hit Overlook once maybe, ADDC we hit whilst coming down from Speldans, and I think every single one of you took a crack at Mendons!
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/pvp/gf-left-me-coz-of-ladderboard/
A few comments
Gandara’s massive nightcap – Theres screenshots on our community forums of pikens entire map being taken by a 5 man guild group. I’m sorry but if you losing keeps to 5 guys then your not trying hard enough. 1 guy suicide rushing their siege could have stalled them for hours. Your numbers suck but we routinely run into stronger night crews than ours and hold our bl’s despite losing every fight we have, just suicide rush their siege and be annoying enough for them to go look for easier targets elsewhere or go to bed.
We’ve had a few going the extra mile in the last day or two pulling an all nighter so we’ve been stronger towards the end of this week than usual, doubt we’ll have the same this week.
Gandara blobbing up – We did on the last day, no arguments
Pikens daycap being even fights – They’re not, I’ve been on the morning shift a lot this week and we’ve routinely been outmanned on our bl while you held all of AR’s bl and your bl while having double our numbers. We’ve dealt with it better some days than others. Any crying about losing to off peak capping is absurd and makes you look like a sore loser though. We dealt with being weaker numbers wise better than you did, thats all.
We only have q’s on one / two maps – We haven’t had q’s on any map this week except friday on Gandara bl (5 min q). A lot of our more casual wvw’s have dissapeared the last few weeks. We have had decent numbers on Gandara bl but struggle to get any sort of a presence on a 2nd bl, dont know about EB because I’m pretty much never there. We’re in the same boat as you this week, though you have had a better prime time than us.
Anyway, we didn’t really want to be in this tier and the fights against Kodash / Ar and last weeks fights were against a skeleton crew really. It became obvious that we were stuck here and the kitten attempt to compete in this tier weren’t doing much favours morale wise (the comments at the start of last weeks match up thread are a good example).
So we went for it, the original plan was to not come last but through a lot of dedication we won. You had the stronger prime time and with a lot of guilds being cut in half we had to improvise a bit with pug raids – thus the blobbing up. A lot of the more casual players were complaining (justifiably) about not being included so we tried to include them more and what resulted was a bit of a blob.
Apologies for it but … it was an exercise in repairing some relations with the community. Its probably not something i personally want to make a habit of but the if we’re stuck in this tier for a while the odd night doing it would be nice because this tier isn’t much fun for the unguilded players and small scale guilds.
(edited by Caid.4932)
You guys have such a good pre-primetime attandance that it is unfair to claim you are the primetime rulers of this matchup. When most of us log on we have to defend longview with pugmorale below 0 and no commanders or mayor guildgroups.
And yes we are heavy populated.. with PVE players. We didn’t have queus this week, maybe 2 mins on our own bl at primetime.
Please keep in mind that home defenders are ALWAYS outmanned against 2 servers. Anyway we have proved to be the better server alround this week so try harder.
WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS! No time for loosers.. :P
Guy’s guy’s! Don’t turn this topic into the frist matchup topic back at cristmas! I love fighting in the matchup because it’s a balanced one with lot’s of good players from both sides! No need to spread the trolling in the matchup topics again, thought that was over allready?
Now let’s just enjoy another good WvW week!
“Graps some of Kinkywarrior’s Popcorns”
WvW Roaming movies!
Badge festival on eternal this morning!
250 badges in 3 hours + 8 rares + exo!
Gimme more AR and Gandara(btw. red’s – your keep was really awesome place to resupply in and rest)!
Badge festival on eternal this morning!
250 badges in 3 hours + 8 rares + exo!
Gimme more AR and Gandara(btw. red’s – your keep was really awesome place to resupply in and rest)!
Loved the 10:00am Golem rush on our T1 keep I could’ve badged up if I had been there, not that it would have done anything
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/pvp/gf-left-me-coz-of-ladderboard/
Badge festival on eternal this morning!
250 badges in 3 hours + 8 rares + exo!
Gimme more AR and Gandara(btw. red’s – your keep was really awesome place to resupply in and rest)!
Loved the 10:00am Golem rush on our T1 keep
I could’ve badged up if I had been there, not that it would have done anything
T1 keep? funny. We took it when it was t3 with 1.7k supplies inside with just 2 golems, so I wouldn’t call it “golem rush”. And yep, we took it 2 times again later, so I don’t know what time zone is your 10:00am
It didn’t help that one of our Commanders had a hissy fit when nobody accompanied them on a suicide mission into SM, and then took half our early morning defenders with them to Borderlands 10 minutes before you hit the Keep the first time (when it was still t3).
Basically our entire morning’s woes come from that particularly bad decision.
A few comments
Gandara’s massive nightcap – Theres screenshots on our community forums of pikens entire map being taken by a 5 man guild group. I’m sorry but if you losing keeps to 5 guys then your not trying hard enough. 1 guy suicide rushing their siege could have stalled them for hours. Your numbers suck but we routinely run into stronger night crews than ours and hold our bl’s despite losing every fight we have, just suicide rush their siege and be annoying enough for them to go look for easier targets elsewhere or go to bed.
We’ve had a few going the extra mile in the last day or two pulling an all nighter so we’ve been stronger towards the end of this week than usual, doubt we’ll have the same this week.Gandara blobbing up – We did on the last day, no arguments
Pikens daycap being even fights – They’re not, I’ve been on the morning shift a lot this week and we’ve routinely been outmanned on our bl while you held all of AR’s bl and your bl while having double our numbers. We’ve dealt with it better some days than others. Any crying about losing to off peak capping is absurd and makes you look like a sore loser though. We dealt with being weaker numbers wise better than you did, thats all.
I’ll comment on this. I have played nightshift and mornings since the game started(on Piken). We have always had a small night crew as you’ve been told on your forums by TUP. This last week you have not had 5 people raiding our border it’s been 20+ (not counting the 15-20 people you have in EB and the others in Gandalf and AR border)as wherever you fight you cause orange swords, and seeing as most nights i’ve only had between 10-15 people across EB and Piken border to defend. There is no way you can stop it. This is war, i’m not complaining, yes it’s a pain in the kitten to have to put up with but such is life. Just don’t pretend you haven’t had us severely outmanned each time.
As for the mornings we probably start outnumbering you(overall across all borders) sometime in the afternoon around 1-2pm, until then it’s pretty even numbers we just jump maps alot more. This last week we haven’t had the French morning cap to contend with so things might seem a bit more skewed in our favour. That’s life, this is war.
I have always enjoyed fighting you Gandalf due to your spirit and i personally have always enjoyed being outmanned when i play. This last week has been a bit worse than others but kitten happens.
Please remember to respect your opponents even in easy victories, this is a game we all play to enjoy.
Goodluck to all Gandalf, AR and the Pikeneers this week.
Executed [EXE]
Piken Square
I wont argue with you as i haven’t really been on nights this week (those that i have been on you’ve had very few), ive mostly been playing 8am+ but theres screenshots on the forum of 5 guys taking hills and garrison one night, just saying.
As a former Pikeneer (currently on Underworld), I’ll be rooting for you guys!
Saturday in eternal border
Thanks Augury and Gandara for lots of badges and other stuff
Theres too much QQ in this thread.
Lets focus on the only fights that matter, the ones settled in game
Gandara – WvW Warrior
Theres too much QQ in this thread.
Lets focus on the only fights that matter, the ones settled in game
Nice video,
Hear you guys are a break-off from GG? Will we be seeing them anymore or is it just you guys now?
New stack of shiny tokens dropped from Russia Freight Train morning division. Thanks.
If there is anyone out there in Piken and AR who would fancy some duels, please poke me in game with a PM or your pointy dagger, would be lovely, k? k.
CaidNice video,
Hear you guys are a break-off from GG? Will we be seeing them anymore or is it just you guys now?
Yeah, GG was never intended or setup to be a raiding guild, so we felt it was unfair to be pushing the guild in a direction the majority didn’t want it go, so we split and formed the new guild [Scnd] The people that enjoyed the style of raiding we did came to the new guild, we run 10-20 instead of the old 25-30.
Second Law [Scnd] – Guild leader
Currently: Axiom – Necro
Please remember to respect your opponents even in easy victories, this is a game we all play to enjoy.
Goodluck to all Gandalf, AR and the Pikeneers this week.
Give yourselves more credit, please! And as Caid stated, we have people who stick around a super long time so that the night shift gets covered, try telling them that anything is an easy victory.
I share the sentiment though, looking forward to building on our success from last week. Friday night was ridiculously fun.
Asura on patrol in defense of Gandara and Bessie!
Administrator of http://thisisgandara.com
CaidNice video,
Hear you guys are a break-off from GG? Will we be seeing them anymore or is it just you guys now?Yeah, GG was never intended or setup to be a raiding guild, so we felt it was unfair to be pushing the guild in a direction the majority didn’t want it go, so we split and formed the new guild [Scnd]
The people that enjoyed the style of raiding we did came to the new guild, we run 10-20 instead of the old 25-30.
Well no harm, nice to see a smaller size guild, especially one as good as GG running about. Think I moaned a fair bit about the lack of smaller guilds in older topics xD.
Hopefully the rest of Dius show up a bit more this week and maybe we can have a fun fight or two.
I’m sorry but if you losing keeps to 5 guys then your not trying hard enough.
U guys are still not listening… and certainly not understanding…
We have NOBODY online…
Please explain the WvW tactics with zero players cos we really wanna know how to do it.
I’m sorry but if you losing keeps to 5 guys then your not trying hard enough.
U guys are still not listening… and certainly not understanding…
We have NOBODY online…
Please explain the WvW tactics with zero players cos we really wanna know how to do it.
You should take some of the morning glory guilds and make them go at night Cause they dont meet much contest
I’m sorry but if you losing keeps to 5 guys then your not trying hard enough.
U guys are still not listening… and certainly not understanding…
We have NOBODY online…
Please explain the WvW tactics with zero players cos we really wanna know how to do it.
Well … not much point in complaining then, a server with a 1 man night capping team is going to slaughter you isn’t it. Best get used to it.
We dealt with being weaker numbers wise better than you did, thats all.
Ur still not listening to my point…
Piken is in the lowest realm population cataegory for the REALM… therefore we have the lowest players in this matchup.
Gandara and AR are both in the VERY HIGH population categories and Piken are in the lowest category of MEDIUM populations.
Please dont make the mistake of trying to compare our online presence to yours cos we are are around half the population of Gandara and AR.
Sigh … total population =/= wvw population. Dont know why i bother stating this as its blatantly obvious to anyone playing the match.
We’ve noticed your night presence is low, what do you want us to do about it exactly?
We’ve noticed your night presence is low, what do you want us to do about it exactly?
If u read what ive said then u would have read im not blaming this fact on Gandara or AR im just saying that its annoying that player/population numbers are beating Piken and not skill.
why do we need new thread for each week if servers are same? :/
(just curios would like it more if all was in one big pile same as WvW is these days)
Ofc its not skill. Piken is so uber. You even been to t2 and learned some nice tactics there. To bad only numbers is the thing that hold Piken back atm :/
its annoying that player/population numbers are beating Piken and not skill.
Thats bs but whatever, believe what you like
Endomonadiaim just saying that its annoying that player/population numbers are beating Piken and not skill.
Both Gandara and AR have some very skilled WvW guilds. Please don’t go throwing around comments like this as it makes Piken look like a bunch of arrogant ****s.
Second Law [Scnd] – Guild leader
Currently: Axiom – Necro
/continues to munch on his popcorn