Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock
We have got just one big mess on Piken Square this WvW week hopefully after xmas when our guilds will back to playing everything will back to normal.
Hopefully see this same servers next match up so we can solve who is the strongest here with our real power.
We have got just one big mess on Piken Square this WvW week hopefully after xmas when our guilds will back to playing everything will back to normal.
Hopefully see this same servers next match up so we can solve who is the strongest here with our real power.
We’re all miles away from going up or down a tier so we more than likely will see each other next week.
Doubt it’ll be much better next week with new years and all though.
Can [SVSL] from Gandara please stop exploiting the Hills glitch?
(edited by Daniel.5794)
There was an agreement between 3 commanders on each server that while they were on they wouldn’t attack each other. Now while the majority of Piken might have disagreed with this, we respect each other on the server so wouldn’t do anything to dishonour another commanders word. Yes one of our worst commanders then took it on himself with randoms(coz even his own guild wouldn’t betray the rest of Piken) to attack AR and end our gentlemans agreement. It doesn’t matter in the end, it was a valid tactic to join forces for a while as both us and AR are down on numbers by 2/3rds whereas Gandara PvDoored their way into top spot when we had virtually no-one on. All this agreement was doing was to balance out the score again to what it was before ungentlemanly(although a valid tactic) night cap when we were all celebrating Xmas. What a lot of you seem to forget, although we are friendly most the time, this is war and you have to expect everything that comes with that. There is nothing wrong in temporarily allying with another server to help your lack of numbers achieve the equilibrium that was there before. There were still plenty of fights and capping by AR whilst we were “allied” but we chose to stick together as a server and honour our commanders wishes.
Executed [EXE]
Piken Square
There was an agreement between 3 commanders on each server that while they were on they wouldn’t attack each other. Now while the majority of Piken might have disagreed with this, we respect each other on the server so wouldn’t do anything to dishonour another commanders word. Yes one of our worst commanders then took it on himself with randoms(coz even his own guild wouldn’t betray the rest of Piken) to attack AR and end our gentlemans agreement. It doesn’t matter in the end, it was a valid tactic to join forces for a while as both us and AR are down on numbers by 2/3rds whereas Gandara PvDoored their way into top spot when we had virtually no-one on. All this agreement was doing was to balance out the score again to what it was before ungentlemanly(although a valid tactic) night cap when we were all celebrating Xmas. What a lot of you seem to forget, although we are friendly most the time, this is war and you have to expect everything that comes with that. There is nothing wrong in temporarily allying with another server to help your lack of numbers achieve the equilibrium that was there before. There were still plenty of fights and capping by AR whilst we were “allied” but we chose to stick together as a server and honour our commanders wishes.
Seriously enough of this.
You guys got on your high-horse that people played on Christmas eve OH NOES!, then you think its absolutely fine and in no way similar that you guys played all day Christmas day. On top of that you had to make an agreement? But that’s still cool.
Really don’t know why you have to be hypocritical about it – stuff happens and just get on with it. Stop crying no fair, stop making out that everything you do is awesome and everything anyone else does is bad (if they’re winning). Dear lord this kind of behavior reminds me why I left Warhammer, don’t need it here!
As I said before. EVERYONE stop belittling each other’s achievements and just enjoy the fight. If you see people doing really dodgy things then report them. Public mudslinging and all this whining does none of us any favours.
Perish [FLEE]
At no point am i crying or whining or being hypocritical, just stating facts, as i said it’s all valid(except glitching and hacking). You took advantage of our low numbers on xmas eve = valid tactic. Us making up for having 2/3rds of our players missing = valid tactic. You might not respect some of you commanders on you server but i do, and until they do something that is against anets rules i will support them.
Executed [EXE]
Piken Square
I like to get the facts, I do not think it directly unfair to use such tactics, I respect my commander(s), but I never wish to use such an alliance against another server. Being on the receiving end (Gandara), I can tell you it was/is very tiring.
We did also not take advantage of Christmas (at least I have heard nothing about it in the guild I belong [WvW]), but we do however have a more populated server, meaning more players in general, many of which are of course also missing because of Christmas.
But I do hope we will get a fight against one another in the new year, so we can have a good and fun fight, instead of this weeks fight which has been as said, tiring.
‘know me by my black coat and hat with white feather’
There was an agreement between 3 commanders on each server that while they were on they wouldn’t attack each other. Now while the majority of Piken might have disagreed with this, we respect each other on the server so wouldn’t do anything to dishonour another commanders word. Yes one of our worst commanders then took it on himself with randoms(coz even his own guild wouldn’t betray the rest of Piken) to attack AR and end our gentlemans agreement. It doesn’t matter in the end, it was a valid tactic to join forces for a while as both us and AR are down on numbers by 2/3rds whereas Gandara PvDoored their way into top spot when we had virtually no-one on. All this agreement was doing was to balance out the score again to what it was before ungentlemanly(although a valid tactic) night cap when we were all celebrating Xmas. What a lot of you seem to forget, although we are friendly most the time, this is war and you have to expect everything that comes with that. There is nothing wrong in temporarily allying with another server to help your lack of numbers achieve the equilibrium that was there before. There were still plenty of fights and capping by AR whilst we were “allied” but we chose to stick together as a server and honour our commanders wishes.
Seriously enough of this.
You guys got on your high-horse that people played on Christmas eve OH NOES!, then you think its absolutely fine and in no way similar that you guys played all day Christmas day. On top of that you had to make an agreement? But that’s still cool.
Really don’t know why you have to be hypocritical about it – stuff happens and just get on with it. Stop crying no fair, stop making out that everything you do is awesome and everything anyone else does is bad (if they’re winning). Dear lord this kind of behavior reminds me why I left Warhammer, don’t need it here!
As I said before. EVERYONE stop belittling each other’s achievements and just enjoy the fight. If you see people doing really dodgy things then report them. Public mudslinging and all this whining does none of us any favours.
Hey everyone and luranni,
Like it has been said merry christmas and happy new year, only this time from me Dee Namo/ Oken Toshan and the Gnou. Loved fighting both of you specially pikken before xmas and i guess i ll see you in january.
Btw Lurrani (dont know if u remember me “Shivice”) but i remember you well, the witch of eltharion or karak norn, can t remember when eltharion closed and we had to move to karak norn. are you on pikken, gandara, AR ? Is pikken for gw2, karak norn for war ?
And i say hello to tainted, 7, hob if you remember me shivice sorceress of the fallen before the guild shrink to no manner and many stopped at the same time like me.
Really good to fight against you guys, so much pleasure/pression while fighting.
See you on the battlfield,
Dee Namo/Oken Toshan Gnou( casu for fun)
Ah btw about the subject, if i was playing after christmas till the end of the match up, no agreement for me, a red is a red. And the common saying is " hit everything who is red gandara or pikken no matter if you are not barricaded in a structure with siege weapon you find us (gnou) in the open, or the door of fort must be open (we do not hit wood is not red, btw loved or little begining of the matchup excursion on eb in the north @7 gnou, pikken trying to still a tower from gandara, enter the fort, little pikken zerg (20-30) there are on the lord all wiped, we claimed the fort and left. Didn t hold it for long tough, gandara took it back quicly. Fort blue alone in the north trapped by red (btw i use fort, but is tower).
Quick question for the community, can you see our guild emblem on our chest ? Or this kitten doesn t work cross server either and you just see us all red ? I was wondering.
Dee Namo/oken toshan gnou
stumbles in with bloodshot eyes, a weary hand raised So the numbers of Piken and AR are out in force tonight but I can’t go on. I must sleep… SLEEP!!!
Although the Alliance between servers does make me a little sad being the first time in this tier, it’s also sad that such a push may have turned any newer WvW players off to WvW on our servers because the constant barrage from both side will have provided a WTK (What the Kitten) response from them, especially since /t chat has been filled with lots of silliness and discussion about it all.
I also have to apologise for the reported exploiting thats been going on. I know of one lot for sure and I will be talking to their guild leader about it as exploiting in my eyes should never be an option even if the enemy has decided to ram it in both ways until you bleed.
I also have to admit that when the group were exploiting I may have warned a former Gandaran who is now on Piken of the coming sneak attack. Needless to say they were killed just in time. Not proud of the betrayal but despite being war, there are rules of engagement and they must be adhered to!
WvWvW Player Who Doesn’t Have Much of A Clue
(edited by Tortun.5946)
I also have to apologise for the reported exploiting thats been going on. I know of one lot for sure and I will be talking to their guild leader about it as exploiting in my eyes should never be an option even if the enemy has decided to ram it in both ways until you bleed.
I also have to admit that when the group were exploiting I may have warned a former Gandaran who is now on Piken of the coming sneak attack. Needless to say they were killed just in time
. Not proud of the betrayal but despite being war, there are rules of engagement and they must be adhered to!
Yes thanks for the heads up and reporting, also stay away from my hills fort kitten /p>
Lots of love the D/D Ele with the afro
What alliance with who, what, where? Please name the commanders from Piken that made an alliance with any other server.
Shame on the guys from Gandara that exploited Hills on Piken Square! I am this close to posting your guild tag, but for now I`ll pass, don`t want more drama and from I can see your leader is already informed.
Btw too much drama. During holidays is completly normal to have like 10 people in WvW and the next day 100+. So one day you get 10 per tick the other 350 per tick.
In a three way war, there will always be supposed alliances. Since it is usually smart to attack the already occupied opponent. I hope however people will decide to do this in game. Actually talking with the enemy elsewhere to agree on it sorta sounds wrong.
The holiday week makes it a weird one indeed. All sides will have ups and downs. But it’s still a pretty close race. Which makes it lots of fun!
So lets keep on killing the reds, reporting the hackers and have a good time. Happy holiday to all!
Shame on the guys from Gandara that exploited Hills on Piken Square! I am this close to posting your guild tag, but for now I`ll pass, don`t want more drama and from I can see your leader is already informed.
I fraps’d it with the gates on full hp and my lvl 25 warrior getting stuck in there and wiping them. big shout out to Daenerys Firestorm [TlTS] and Lucky Anello [BBSV] for saving the day and then Thorkjempe [SU] and Linking [CMG] for saving our kitten :P
Ok being stupid to do it once was one thing but to go back and do it a second time is just kitten 30 ppl swept that hills after the first time cause we were so kitten
What more concerning is this is a NA guild? Fine they got caught doing it at end of Prime time, what they gonna do at 3-5 am when no one is watching?
I also have to admit that when the group were exploiting I may have warned a former Gandaran who is now on Piken of the coming sneak attack. Needless to say they were killed just in time
. Not proud of the betrayal but despite being war, there are rules of engagement and they must be adhered to!
gj mate, there no betrayal there, 4 kitten trying to undermine all your servers fine work they should add a shunned button so if ppl get too many the server can pk them themselves and punish them themselves o/
(edited by Katiechops.6807)
On the Christmas capping ‘issue’:
As Harm stated in the corresponding topic in the open part of our forum, its more about commanders not leading attacks against each other. So the (dis)honor is all about the guys who agreed to focus Gandara. Whoever starts a fight against “ally” (not being the one of the involved commanders) – there’s nothing bad about it. And if something is painfully lost – dont sleep on your watch lol.
Christmas might be a holiday, but if I so wish to spend it in WvW, then I will spend it in WvW. Personally, I did none of this Christmas capping I was levelling my alt. But to all 3 servers about ALL christmas capping… Man up, fight harder.
There was an agreement between 3 commanders on each server that while they were on they wouldn’t attack each other. Now while the majority of Piken might have disagreed with this, we respect each other on the server so wouldn’t do anything to dishonour another commanders word. Yes one of our worst commanders then took it on himself with randoms(coz even his own guild wouldn’t betray the rest of Piken) to attack AR and end our gentlemans agreement. It doesn’t matter in the end, it was a valid tactic to join forces for a while as both us and AR are down on numbers by 2/3rds whereas Gandara PvDoored their way into top spot when we had virtually no-one on. All this agreement was doing was to balance out the score again to what it was before ungentlemanly(although a valid tactic) night cap when we were all celebrating Xmas.
Ya see here, in this quote you keep going on about how Gandara PvDoor’d our way up to the top yardy yardy yar and all that buuuuttttt… Did you also know that we also had only 2/3 of forces? Yep that’s right. Sure our 2/3 is bigger than Piken’s 2/3 but still.
On top of that you also state that your 2/3 came back to take top spot… Yep, in a day in which Gandara had maybe 25 people on it’s own Borderlands and maybe another 25 on EB. And that was Prime time. Commander? We had 1 I think, Pretty much all day. See, what I am getting at is not to belittle your achievements but to point out that in your quote your making your server out as this hard done by server which is fighting against the tyrannical empire. This is not the case, you guys also PvDoor’d, except on the 25th…
It’s all valid though, I’m not complaining merely pointing out that the portrayal of what has happened is slightly off.
Now on the issue of this… ‘Alliance’
Wasn’t that the idea with 3 servers, 2 lowest take on the top and such? When I heard of this ‘alliance’ all I could think of was “Ooo target rich environment!” Gandara, I beseech you, think the same!
Hey everyone and luranni,
Like it has been said merry christmas and happy new year, only this time from meDee Namo/ Oken Toshan and the Gnou. Loved fighting both of you specially pikken before xmas and i guess i ll see you in january.
Btw Lurrani (dont know if u remember me “Shivice”) but i remember you well, the witch of eltharion or karak norn, can t remember when eltharion closed and we had to move to karak norn. are you on pikken, gandara, AR ? Is pikken for gw2, karak norn for war ?
And i say hello to tainted, 7, hob if you remember me shivice sorceress of the fallen before the guild shrink to no manner and many stopped at the same time like me.Really good to fight against you guys, so much pleasure/pression while fighting.
See you on the battlfield,
Dee Namo/Oken Toshan Gnou( casu for fun
Hello! You had me stumped for a moment then I remembered Fallen And the Shoooooooo!
I’m on Gandara mate – how’s you?
EDIT: I was Eltharion ftw. Then yeah we got moved to icky KN.
Perish [FLEE]
(edited by Luranni.9470)
lol I miss our very respectful german oppenents Riverside and Kodash…
So much kitten being thrown around from the new boys on the block Gandara its unreal. Can’t wait for All our WvW guilds to come back then it will be on even still with your population advantage which is fine by me… Not sure when my guild will be starting back up properly or if i will go above and beyond like usual… But Gandara we have already focussed AR in the past ALOT, and alliance or not… with all your kitten throwing and “advantages” dont be surprised you will more likely be targeted more than AR next week if i have anything to say about it…
I know what AR are all about already… they have a very good spirit, I want to see what gandara are made of besides QQ throw kitten here… I forget how these forums tend to go, but I guess when fighting Riverside and Kodash they have more awareness and respect.
So much QQ and little understanding from Gandara… makes me a sad panda
Do you really think the server your fighting now is the same med pop server that got to T3? Maybe some of your more aware players might know the difference… If you have more people to come back thats cool… Next Week still might be too soon for some of our guilds to come back… but you will be in for rude awakening when they do and that is a guarentee
Happy hunting
The Unlikely Plan (TUP)
Ex Piken Square (EU)
You say we have a population advantage but with two servers actively working together to split the map, that really doesn’t stand for diddly, so instead of saying that Gandarans aren’t understanding perhaps you could take a little bit of time to digest that any population advantage goes out the window when TWO server populations are actively helping one and other to ‘fix’ the score.
I think the new boys have every right to be a little angry as the only time we’ve encountered double teaming is when we faced two french servers. To be honest, if that’s what you need to resort to with all your ‘mighty’ guilds etc, then fair play… perhaps you’re not as mighty as you make out in the post above.
WvWvW Player Who Doesn’t Have Much of A Clue
EDIT: I was Eltharion ftw. Then yeah we got moved to icky KN
Eltharion oh that name brings back memories , was in N Corps back then.
You say we have a population advantage but with two servers actively working together to split the map, that really doesn’t stand for diddly, so instead of saying that Gandarans aren’t understanding perhaps you could take a little bit of time to digest that any population advantage goes out the window when TWO server populations are actively helping one and other to ‘fix’ the score.
Lol just to clarify something here, Yestarday on your homemap Gandara we’ve saw PS with the outnumbered debuff, if the [HoB] weren’t there i can insure you that we would had taken all your freaking map.
Seriously this week it’s :
- Gandara usual zerg (thx for the loots btw)
- Piken square ??? where are you kitten we saw like some TUP last weekend but since then you seems to have nobody connected.
Cya on the Battlefield ! less kittening on the forum & more fight IG plz
it was a valid tactic to join forces for a while as both us and AR are down on numbers by 2/3rds whereas Gandara PvDoored their way into top spot when we had virtually no-one on.
You know, AR had same amount of players on the borderlands where we “PvDoored” them. After they lost Bay to us (due to a few golems + certain tactics), their forces just left the borderland and seemed like they couldn’t care less about what’s going to happen. So yes, after they lost their battle morale it was pretty much PvD but before that, it was a fair “1v1” fight instead of “1 v 2/3”
Also all this PvD crying is just a joke. Nightcapping happens on all the servers and I’ve heard lots about Piken Square night crew. Too bad you can’t see the point income from previous matches anymore @ mos.millenium.org/matchups . Your server does the same and you blame us for it when your crew is enjoying their christmas.
I bet 1v1v1 wasn’t meant to be 2v1 all the time. When there is 3 different servers on the same match up, every server will end up getting 2v1’d. For example seeing AR zerg hitting bay -> Gandara tries hills. After all, these kind of actions normally NEVER lead to 2 servers only focusing one on every single map, it is just a temporary situation on one map.
Peace out, let’s enjoy the rest of the week.
(edited by Vynt.5218)
From a Gandara casual player’s point of view this match is pretty interesting.
I think that focusing on the first ranked world should be a no brain but actually it’s kinda the first time i’ve seen it happen. Usually it’s always the second one that get the most attentions (First ranked to keep gaining points over second and third to get points over second and steal their spot).
This “alliance” between some guilds (not the whole server) is pretty much uber effective and honestly no matter how many number we can field, we can’t hold off both server’s targets for a long time.
Anyway it’s a good experience, have fun and don’t listen to the trolls ! :P
VII activity expected to be back to normal for next round. Cannot wait for Xmass period to be over!
Cya soon, toodles.
Indeed, its a good matchup.. just look at the score rightnow, couldnt be much more interesting… i will never understand why people in this forum always adress eachother with the server names while the people writing here and especially the forum-fighters are such a insignificant minority of the WvW population.
Cheers to AR and Gandara
Bloodwyne – Commander of Piken Square
lol I miss our very respectful german oppenents Riverside and Kodash…
So much kitten being thrown around from the new boys on the block Gandara its unreal.
Been reading the thread? I also see a lot of Piken mudslinging and QQ’ing about Christmas. Works both ways.
Can’t wait for All our WvW guilds to come back then it will be on even still with your population advantage which is fine by me… Not sure when my guild will be starting back up properly or if i will go above and beyond like usual… But Gandara we have already focussed AR in the past ALOT, and alliance or not… with all your kitten throwing and “advantages” dont be surprised you will more likely be targeted more than AR next week if i have anything to say about it…
You mad bro? You sound like your mad over this whole Christmas capping fiasco and the fact that we have more people…
I know what AR are all about already… they have a very good spirit, I want to see what gandara are made of besides QQ throw kitten here… I forget how these forums tend to go, but I guess when fighting Riverside and Kodash they have more awareness and respect.
On the topic of respect maybe you should try talking to others of your server before they ‘mudsling’ about Christmas capping and belittle us for playing during our primetime during a holiday.
On top of that, I want to see what Piken is made of also, without all of YOUR QQ’ing and such. (Which might I add, is quite a lot.(And yes so is Gandaras))
So much QQ and little understanding from Gandara… makes me a sad panda
See above.
Do you really think the server your fighting now is the same med pop server that got to T3? Maybe some of your more aware players might know the difference… If you have more people to come back thats cool… Next Week still might be too soon for some of our guilds to come back… but you will be in for rude awakening when they do and that is a guarentee
No we realise that’s not why your T3. Yes we also realise you will probably trash us at full strength. No we don’t care. Most of us realise we’re not ready for any tier above mid 4/high 5 stop acting like we’re trying to be the cool kids when we’re not.
Just wow , looks like some people think they are already in tier1. And all tier1 is big zergs , huge egos and complaining about nightcrews and double teaming and ‘how we are better even with less numbers’.
The fun in WvW is in mid tiers and judging by the posts tier4 and onwards is the place where it starts going downhill.
(edited by Boomstin.3460)
Fact is despite your ‘strength’ as a server you had to make a deal with another server to split the map down the middle and lock us out. Hardly strength. Yes it’s the holidays but our players took holidays too and we’ve also had the outmanned buff as well.
I’d like to slip out of the realm of arrogance next week and back down to the lower levels. We’re very happy to call out the exploiters on our side who are ruining the game but to be honest the past couple of days INCLUDING our Christmas day was World and World vs World.
Merry Christmas, congratulations on your past victories and if you win this one, it’s really undeserved even if you think we don’t deserve it despite players on both not being outmanned when we were ‘Christmas Capping’.
In some cases we were a team of five, playing cat and mouse with larger groups when it came to AR capping.
I’m rendering the exploit video for the guild leader involved but after than, common courtesy goes out the window Good luck for today and tomorrow.
Some of you have been absolutely wonderful and taken points from both sides of the discussion and I thank thee.
Look out for the little Asura Mesmer in Smug, I’ll be runnin around and as for you MR AFRO WEARING ELE… Bloody hell you’re tough, I don’t know what build that is but you hit like a truck and it’s very hard to even scratch your hide!
WvWvW Player Who Doesn’t Have Much of A Clue
Just wow , looks like some people think they are already in tier1. And all tier1 is big zergs , huge egos and complaining about nightcrews and double teaming and ‘how we are better even with less numbers’.
The fun in WvW is in mid tiers and judging by the posts tier4 and onwards is the place where it starts going downhill.
No, the Piken community is usually very civil and pleasant on these forums, most of them are still are being, and I’ve got a lot of respect for them being able to do that despite what some from both servers are acting like, myself included.
Fact is despite your ‘strength’ as a server you had to make a deal with another server to split the map down the middle and lock us out. Hardly strength. Yes it’s the holidays but our players took holidays too and we’ve also had the outmanned buff as well.
I’d like to slip out of the realm of arrogance next week and back down to the lower levels. We’re very happy to call out the exploiters on our side who are ruining the game but to be honest the past couple of days INCLUDING our Christmas day was World and World vs World.
Since I got the flaming out of my system, I’ll try and respond to you in as civil a way as possible we aren’t strong this week, Gandara probably is stronger due to the number difference and extra coverage. The alliance was a fun experiment cooked up by 3 commanders on each side, it wasn’t server wide between commanders, and it only lasted around 12 hours. The only time our server doesn’t have the outmanned buff, is during EU primetime on our borderlands. Everywhere else is constantly outmanned. A server such as Piken Square, that is heavily influenced by its WvW guilds, is affected more by the holidays than a server such as Gandara. You want another example of this? Seafarers Rest is another server, influenced heavily by WvW guilds. They were as good if not better than VS, but are getting beaten this week due to their guilds taking a break for christmas. We get affected more than you do, especially as you’re a high pop server. If you really still don’t understand what I’m saying, PM me. Fact is, the guild raids are what Piken is known for, so when we lose those, we lose our best asset.
And it really isn’t arrogance. Its just incredibly irritating when Gandara seemingly believe that this is all Piken Square has to offer, and that they’re surprised we’re this weak. Its just server pride. I’m sure you guys have it as well. If you guys were getting publicly called **** on the forums, I’m sure you’d defend your server as well.
I will say one thing though, T1/2 is where it gets zergy, and where it gets kitteny on a regular basis on the forums, and we also want to stay away from it. Its not fun. Hopefully when we meet again, things will be different and we can have a better atmosphere to discuss the week.
Second Law [Scnd] – Guild leader
Currently: Axiom – Necro
@Snowstorm.3897 There is an old Latin proverb that goes like this: “Hic Rhodos, hic salta.”
I’m proud of every fight we ever had, can you really say the same about your server’s behaviour in this matchup? You openly double-team and yet we are accused of being “ungentlemanly”. Here is a news-flash: there are people on our server who don’t celebrate Christmas – we have an all-Turk guild for example.
To them it was just another Tuesday -were they supposed to wait for a mail from other two servers saying it is ok to fight now? That is not how WvW works…
hobby: busting Trebuchettes
Gandara server
(edited by gabal.4520)
The alliance was a fun experiment cooked up by 3 commanders on each side, it wasn’t server wide between commanders, and it only lasted around 12 hours.
Fun for…? Not Gandara, I bet.
And it really isn’t arrogance. Its just incredibly irritating when Gandara seemingly believe that this is all Piken Square has to offer, and that they’re surprised we’re this weak. Its just server pride. I’m sure you guys have it as well. If you guys were getting publicly called **** on the forums, I’m sure you’d defend your server as well.
You want to prove it? Do like Infi said. We’ll be facing each other next week, hopefully you’ll have things in order by then. Don’t validate the opinions of those who think little of PS by resorting to alliances.
Asura on patrol in defense of Gandara and Bessie!
Administrator of http://thisisgandara.com
There’s no point in arguing anyways. The usual outcome is always the same, 2 eu servers fight it out ingame and forums and meanwhile the french servers reap the rewards
Snow, as much as the experiment was good for you. It’s totally demoralising for the server on the receiving end especially as the 12 hour time limit on this alliance seems to be extending to reset tomorrow
Logged on today to see the map split once again with Gandarans working hard to fend off both sides in similar attacks to yesterday meaning we don’t have enough to cover the onslaught from both servers.
Although AR are a little bit silly because after the 12 hours and Piken were in the lead again the agreement supposedly ended still leaving them in third. They don’t appear to be getting much out of it.
WvWvW Player Who Doesn’t Have Much of A Clue
Also all this PvD crying is just a joke. Nightcapping happens on all the servers and I’ve heard lots about Piken Square night crew. Too bad you can’t see the point income from previous matches anymore @ mos.millenium.org/matchups . Your server does the same and you blame us for it when your crew is enjoying their christmas.
Peace out, let’s enjoy the rest of the week.
Heard lots about Piken Square night crew? Waaaaaaay i’m famous. Do tell, what exactly have you heard about the Piken Night crew??
Above and beyond the call of duty I believe the words should be for the night lads.
Effective, awesome, hardworking. ALWAYS outmanned, just some of the words that are relevant for our (not this week) usual nightcrew.
So do tell what you’ve heard, i’m curious… Let me guess Piken are the devil with their massive night zergs?? Am I close?
Aside from not wanting to give anything away about my beloved home, if only you knew the truth….
Regards TUP of Piken
Aurora Glade EU
Gabal, by ‘YOU’, you mean, 3 commanders, not Piken Square the server. And I’ll amend what I said to ‘casual’ from ‘fun’ then, shall I? Like I said, I’m hoping for a similar matchup in the coming weeks once we get our guilds back, but that might not be until, after the new year and I’m not so ignorant as to expect everyone celebrate christmas. I’m not really complaining about Gandara capping everything on Xmas Eve. Sure I was annoyed at the time, but you were zerging everything, not much we could of done. Lets face it, all 3 servers have been very equal this week, the matchup is where it should be at the minute in terms of scores. All you seem to be doing is repeating the same stuff now, and its coming across that you’re all sulking about losing the 10k point difference, which wouldn’t of happened in any other week, it was an anomaly, as was the alliance.
@Tortun, and I could argue that Gandara capping everything on Christmas Eve was just as demoralising? And the agreement isn’t in effect anymore, it barely lasted 12 hours. We’re attacking both servers now, as far as I’m aware. The outcry about the alliance on the PS forums was substantial, so believe me when I say that it wasn’t the general server consensus, and it doesn’t represent Piken as a whole. – UNDERSTAND THAT. Then you can stop making sweeping generalisations for every player on the server, and the server as a whole.
AR look like they might be trying to sneak 1st at the last minute, so our focus might shift to them, it remains to be seen.
Second Law [Scnd] – Guild leader
Currently: Axiom – Necro
I transfered some weeks ago from Desolation to Gandara. The players from Gandara, IMO, are veeery disorganized and 90% of them suffer from tunnel vision. Even when a good commander (only about 3-4 able ones sadly) yells at them “don`t chase them / follow quick / repair doors” ppl run all over and screw it up in 99% of cases.
How Gandara is not the in a worse position that it is now, IMO is a miracle, or a testiment to the few (very few) good w3 guilds.
Always crying “oh the french team up against us” or “oh we are outnumbered” is a complete bull. They play better, they move together, they have buffs/heals/etc.
Night capping on Christmas Eve can be COUNTERED with increasing your night service or staying up an extra couple of hours another night this week to support your night crew. A show of force in the early hours usually pushes others servers to quit and go sleep.
How do you expect one server to counter TWO servers ganging up on another server. You say we QQ about the ‘Alliance’ but at least you can counter your issues with Christmas Day capping and believe me, you had quite a few people playing on the 24th DURING the day which is when the capping occured.
You’ve all said you respect and follow your commanders so how do you know the alliance has come to an end? You may be following your commander blindly into an unfair win which is how we currently see it as the scores are still pretty level between Piken and AR and both sides are sticking to the same halves of the map.
You’re either experienced an sheep (singular) or you’re failing to see the 24hourness that WvW holds.
And if you want sweeping generalisations to stop then stop making them yourself. It seems what’s right for you isn’t right for the other Snow.
WvWvW Player Who Doesn’t Have Much of A Clue
You may be following your commander blindly into an unfair win which is how we currently see it as the scores are still pretty level between Piken and AR and both sides are sticking to the same halves of the map.
Not directly aimed at you, but that unfair win part really ticked me off….
There´s a reason they put 3 servers against eachother. Reason is that things wouldn´t go stale, if 1 server was clearly superior. 2 losing servers could start working together and do something about it.
The game is designed that way.
It´s not supposed to be fair, it´s not supposed to be balanced and it´s not supposed to give everyone a medal for simply being there. By design the wvw is unfair. It was designed so that such strategies would be possible.
Then people go on and on and on how they were double teamed, how rough they have it, how unfair, unjust, unchivalrous and just about anything they can imagine it was.
News flash, it wasn´t. The game was designed to allow it, it´s a core feature. You fail to use it, you fail to play the game. Doesn´t matter if you choose to power on alone or play the situation to your favor somehow, if you can´t do it, you don´t deserve the victory. If you win, it´s not any less a victory if you used the other 2 servers to your advantage. It´s not any more a victory if you stood alone and fancied yourself a martyr.
Each time somebody says they were double teamed and it was so unfair, i give out a long sigh…and since i´m from piken, i do a lot of sighing.
Please, just stop inflating your ego by claiming yourselves martyr and declaring yuorselves holier than thou. That goes mostly out to my fellow piken players, but i´ll give a honorary mention for you gandara fellows.
[ ex- Piken Square (EU), ex- Aurora Glade (EU) ]
Figures. Epic 3-way fight for Longview on Gandara and my guild all crash in the middle of it.
Anyone else get booted?
Perish [FLEE]
Yep , was just about to get my hands on 2 frenchies -.-
Same here. Gandara Borderlands busted. game client is unable to gain access to the log-in server…
It´s not supposed to be fair, it´s not supposed to be balanced and it´s not supposed to give everyone a medal for simply being there. By design the wvw is unfair. It was designed so that such strategies would be possible.
The game is not designed for two servers to talk to each other as has been happening to create this alliance, it’s why they removed member names from the ‘report’ function.
There’s two servers using their brains to go “Oh that fellas ahead, we could let off the other team and target them” but when a server circumvents the system to contact commanders on another server then it’s kinda like glitching… it’s an exploit of the system.
Gandara has laid has targeted servers from time to time and often waved at the odd fella to say “You go girl” but we’ve never actively sought an alliance with another server and PLANNED simultaneous attacks on them.
As for balance? If it’s not supposed to be balanced then why have the Tier system?
I get why you’re doing it but I just don’t see why this has to be our introduction to this new tier… but we shall fight on regardless, about to snatch the lead back.
WvWvW Player Who Doesn’t Have Much of A Clue
Thank you for badges A little boring cos we are looking for a stro9nh squad from Gandara
INC&Garaz Runkaraki
Ele from Piken Square
Think there was a slight flaw in Piken tactics this evening with throwing massive amounts of energy to Gandara borderlands while Piken Borderlands was slowly turning to blue.
edit. And also red now
(edited by Boomstin.3460)
I do not agree and i do not take party but saying that using a tier(forum, or fractale on the overwhelming server as it had been done) to contact a player on the other server is kinda like glitching.. Please shut up and immo the system of combat/chat log. Option is very very poor, like the group option in a group/guild game shame on the dev… And the forum wvwvw is there for that.. Drama troll. Fun interserver but not only
Lurrani i am on AR, and shoooouu so want to see him lol i ve got no contact with him but i think. Is still on war, last time i went to check.. So i guess i ll see u on the battlefield. When You ll see me don t focus please XDDD, eleme, asura white Rasta hair dark skin/ giant norn rasta warrior dark skin whitin the gnou see you son
(edited by Seed.5714)
On the plus side at least the 3 servers are all on roughly the same amount of points, only 7k difference from 1 to 3
Happy New Year.
Ex Boon Control, Red Guard, Black Company, The Blackhand Order
Several pvp and WvW World / Europe various MMO game firsts
(edited by Pandemic.1032)
Piken, lovely to see a Mesmer I think it was from [GG] hop through doors and then lay a portal down and get a party in. Stopped them first time but second time no one was around to stop them
WvWvW Player Who Doesn’t Have Much of A Clue
Just thought I’d share my opinion.
Piken, AR, you guys should be ashamed of yourselves... grovelling at the feet of your enemy is never an option, and I see both of you as lesser opponents because of it; your actions this week have pretty much settled that disrespect for you in my mind and many others - plotting and planning with an enemy the demise of another is where I draw the line... you crossed it. The actions of your Commanders have done this, to whoever says that it wasn’t them, and your Commanders represent you, every Pikey is the same to me, I kill them either way, every Frenchie is mutually shot at, and you may all sense a feeling of communism and equality as I hate (and in the same way, like) you both equally.
Another thing , Pikeys, Tortun Buz, is one of the most upright, gentlemenly, amicable and friendly people I have ever met, he is greatly understanding, and respects everyone, and in my opinion is a great asset to our server... If you have done anything to make him in the least, hostile or aggressive towards you, you should know you have done something deeply wrong... Even I, after all of my time trying, have not been able to garner an inkling of aggression from him; you guys must have messed up big time.
Also, in all honesty, if this is what the Higher Tiers are like, I’m pretty sure I don’t want to be here, there’s a general atmosphere of arrogance, derogation and intimidation, that just isn’t right. I’d rather be back where Gandara started than deal with insults and petty jibes, alliances formed to pull each other down... it reminds me of the Sith (sorry i’m a SW fan) and what you guys have done is broken the Rule of Two, and are scrabbling over each other for the combined strength to pull down another.
If this is High Tier, I pity those stuck in High Tier...
Oh and Torty, don’t let them lose SM, will you? It took ages to Upgrade that place....
Asura out.
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/pvp/gf-left-me-coz-of-ladderboard/
I’ve had a great evening moving between the borderlands, seen some pretty intense fights and towers falling from one hand to the other, and points being everywhere! It seems no one is done fighting just yet, and it may well come down to the wire!
Had one particularly long spread fight against a thief in TUP who was shooting down our dolyaks, must have been 4-5 minutes of facing off as I lay trap after trap and went through pet after pet, as he went from shadow to shadow. I managed to win with 8 health left by luring him under water. Seriously man, my heart was about to give up at the thrill of that long long fight! I cant help but feel that he expected me to be to usual ranger glass, and that expectation gave me the edge I needed. (Im far from glass build!)
As proud as I am of Gandara for doing so well this week, those of us who spend a lot of time in WvW know that we really are highly disorganised, and very few of us actually expected to have any form of fighting chance. How we managed to get this high has been something of a momentum and whether or not we can pull it together to fight as a unit and organise properly as a server will be key as to whether we can hold our achievement to make it this far. I don’t believe anyone came into this week thinking “Oh, Piken! We can take them on and give them a run for their money!”
Seriously, only 4 weeks ago it felt like our guilds were more at war with each other, rather than working together for Gandara as a whole. The high challenges we’ve faced have really helped get us on the right path, and facing you both this week has really given our WvWers a sharp, much needed learning boost! (Even for myself, of course, I feel like I’ve become far better this week, despite my repair bills hitting a record high!)
Regardless of the above paragraphs, I have seen co-ordination from Gandarans on a much higher level this week than I had witnessed before. To my fellow Gandarans, be proud of everything you’ve achieved!
On a slightly more negative note, I did spend over 30 minutes this afternoon during a fractal run with friends having someone on Piken whisper me insults and obscenities (which Im afraid to say, after a point I had to report, then ignore). I’m sure (s)he is a one off, however! I would love to hear from people off of the fora more often, but don’t use peoples tags and names in order to start that kind of behaviour! I only hope it was someone hoping to troll and get a reaction, and not their genuine opinion.
All in all, its been a rough week for everyone, regarding our introduction into the tier! I hope next week we can start a clean slate and leave all the ill feeling behind… And beat each other with pointy objects rather than sharp language, like uh… civil.. people?
We will meet the challenge head on next week, and I hope we leave a lasting impression as a server with a direction (no, not down!), and not as that one server that made it up to this tier, once upon a time.
Leucetius Vier – Necromancer | Adiella Vier – Ranger
Proudly representing The Unlikely Plan [TUP] on Aurora Glade.
I am also wondering about this night crew of ours? The other night i was in the borderlands at about 2am GMT when about 20 Gandarans went for south hills. Just 3 of us held them off and destroyed all their siege equipment.
They then went to sunny and set up 4 catas, we took all of them out with a treb then they wisened up and put them at the wall, there was nothing we could do with about 3 defenders against a growing zerg of around 30+. After they took sunny they proceeded on to bay. We managed to get their and destroy a golem at the outer north gate before they finally broke through. We then set up a few arrow carts on the inside of bay and defended it for about 15 minutes until finally a golem got through our gate and we lost bay
Next Gandara went for garrison but we held them at the wall destroying as many catas as possible. Once again they took the smart route and set up 3 trebs inside sunny. We had nowhere near enough troops to take it back or counter it and eventually lost the outer wall. They were held at the inner walls for about half an hour before we finally lost our outmanned buff and wiped them all while still outnumbered. I assume at this point they hopped and we managed to retake sunny. It was so late that i had to go off before i fell asleep at the computer so i don’t know how long it was before we retook bay.
Now i ask you, where is this infamous night crew i am hearing about?