Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock
Has actually been a good day today, and the most fun was attempting to kill some doylaks heading past Wildcreek in prime-time, 3 guards from Piken had no chance the first 2 times I killed it, the 3rd they came looking for me and almost missed my chance, and the 4th time they attacked me the millisecond I came out of stealth to attack the doylak.
They killed me, and I gave them the prize of not bothering their doylaks at Wildcreek any further (for today), but the 4th doylak died to internal bleeding after I died.
Only respect for people that protect their doylaks =)
Also had fun watching our 1 commander in EBG giving his all and training a good zerg of players some new tactics, which I hope will stick since as said, we are not that organized on Gandara, but we have learned a lot this week.
‘know me by my black coat and hat with white feather’
Piken, lovely to see a Mesmer I think it was from [GG] hop through doors and then lay a portal down and get a party in. Stopped them first time but second time no one was around to stop them
That was me and i didn’t jump through the door i was hiding on the supply station roof, you were all up by the lords room so i took the chance of portalling people in(which failed badly). For 1 i will not ever use hacks or cheats in any game(whats the point of playing a game if you cheat) and 2nd ask anyone on the server or my guild, i cannot jump to save my life. It took me 4 hours to complete the pirates cave jumping puzzle in LA, i have only done about 5 jumping puzzles and most of them took over an hour coz i really am crap at timing a jump and judging the distance. I’ve seen the video’s of that guy doing the glitchs by jumping and i’m amazed how people can do it, 1 coz it’s cheating 2 coz it’s so kitten difficult to jump in this game.
So no you didn’t see someone jump through the door, although there were 10-15 of my guys around that area, as you didn’t check for hidden mes and i had to wait in there for 20mins coz they all went for Klovan 1st(git’s leaving me behind).
The time it was capped we used a treb from our keep coz i was annoyed at the fact you were defending and we didn’t have enough people so went for the long siege instead of rams/cats.
Sorry to dissapoint you, but make sure you have accurate info before accusing a member of GG again, screenies would help but i know it’s not always possible. Lucky it was me that was inside or you’d have started a witch hunt on GG for a glitcher.
Executed [EXE]
Piken Square
Blah! Doop! Ping!
WvWvW Player Who Doesn’t Have Much of A Clue
(edited by Tortun.5946)
I’ve had a great evening moving between the borderlands, seen some pretty intense fights and towers falling from one hand to the other, and points being everywhere! It seems no one is done fighting just yet, and it may well come down to the wire!
Had one particularly long spread fight against a thief in TUP who was shooting down our dolyaks, must have been 4-5 minutes of facing off as I lay trap after trap and went through pet after pet, as he went from shadow to shadow. I managed to win with 8 health left by luring him under water. Seriously man, my heart was about to give up at the thrill of that long long fight! I cant help but feel that he expected me to be to usual ranger glass, and that expectation gave me the edge I needed. (Im far from glass build!)
Going to ignore for the most part, the double standards of gandara and tonight cough double team cough in PS BL… 50+ GD & 50+ AR vs 30 PS… well atleast gandara didnt take hills… Gandara must be using jedi mind tricks on AR I mean they chose to ignore you capping their homeland for hours too instead focus us… then in eb they again chose to ignore you and focus Piken… as its part and parcel of W3 with or without alliance
I see more false accusations of fair piken players… fair enough if its the same old people who have been reported to us before and hopefully get banned for exploiting(small minority every server has some), but ive seen quite a few legit and fair people being brought up who I know dont exploit and are being slandered with no evidence just assumptions which is pretty wrong imo and tarnishes both servers reputation, one for spreading lies and other for having lies stick.
As for quote and the TUP thief you were on about, that was probally me but it wasn’t a duel, i never targeted you (if its the action north east of bay in gandara tonight) i was hopping around alot and just attacking dolyaks, while being chased by 5-7 Gandarians plus having to deal with 5 veteran guards… killed one dolyak, the other got lucky and regen’d plus i was having to deal with alot of heat which i blew all my cooldowns on. If its not me not sure which thief your on about as I haven’t seen many on today. If it wasn’t me sorry
The Unlikely Plan (TUP)
Ex Piken Square (EU)
My apologies if I was wrong but I clearly saw a Mesmer move from the door up to the platform, not from the roof of the supply hut to the stairs which is a very different route, I targeted the first person to hop through the portal entrance and it was a GG member but only one, the rest were from other guilds so you might be talking about a totally separate time. :P
As for evidence if glitchers were easy to spot there’d be more being banned due to reports but they’re not so when something seems fishy 9 times out of 10 it usually is.
As I said, I’ve been reporting exploiters on my side to guild leaders and if they have a devil may care attitude, I’ve later been reporting the players in question to Anet. I don’t want glitchers on my server, they might think they’re helping but they just tarnish the hard work but disorganised work we out into climbing the ladder.
Goin bed now, been a busy night… Had to leave when people preferred to attack the door to a tower than build a superior ram, I got ragey
WvWvW Player Who Doesn’t Have Much of A Clue
(edited by Tortun.5946)
WOW what a long discussion!
a contribute to this match:
They then went to sunny and set up 4 catas, we took all of them out with a treb then they wisened up and put them at the wall, there was nothing we could do with about 3 defenders against a growing zerg of around 30+. After they took sunny they proceeded on to bay. We managed to get their and destroy a golem at the outer north gate before they finally broke through. We then set up a few arrow carts on the inside of bay and defended it for about 15 minutes until finally a golem got through our gate and we lost bayt the computer so i don’t know how long it was before we retook bay.
Hah, those were my Golems.
Been enjoying this match-up quite well, we go up pretty equally. Unlike last week Gandara was just… I don’t know how to describe this, barely anyone tried to do something. Co-ordination this week is quite an improvement for Gandara, cheers for that.
I will see you guys on the battlefield!
~ Terran [CL]
WOW what a long discussion!
a contribute to this match:
Great Video again guys always enjoy watching them and glad you are on our side!
Been having fun this week looks like its going to go down to the wire!!
latest betting odds
PS Evens favourites
Gandara a good bet at 2:1
AR at 3 : 1 are the oustsiders but capable of an upset so may be worth a flutter on them….
The smart money though goes to me as I am out with the family today to watch The Hobbitt….have fun all /hugs
You snooze you lose
@Tortun, yup pretty sure that was me i dodged off the roof the wrong way and ended up near the door got whacked by the npc’s in there and ran up the stairs at the back dropped the portal right at the corner to front. My big mistake there was i called portal too late for some to notice and used local instead of team(i can play this game, honest!). Sorry if it caused you to think we use glitches, but as a server(and guilds) we come down hard on anyone using a glitch or hack.
I once accidently glitched/got knocked through the Bay walls(weeks ago) when we were ramming it, so rather than cheat and portal people in i stayed where i was until the doors came down(and yes if it had failed i would have either fallen on my sword or tried to run out). I would have run back out tbh but there was a crapload of angry germans around and i didn’t want another repair job.
I can understand you being sceptical of things when you see them, but after you’ve seen what we have with the glitching/hacking from our last matchup you’d never want to face those servers again(it’s just so kitten stupid to cheat especially when your zerg has 40+ and the defenders number 4).
Executed [EXE]
Piken Square
I’ve had a great evening moving between the borderlands, seen some pretty intense fights and towers falling from one hand to the other, and points being everywhere! It seems no one is done fighting just yet, and it may well come down to the wire!
Had one particularly long spread fight against a thief in TUP who was shooting down our dolyaks, must have been 4-5 minutes of facing off as I lay trap after trap and went through pet after pet, as he went from shadow to shadow. I managed to win with 8 health left by luring him under water. Seriously man, my heart was about to give up at the thrill of that long long fight! I cant help but feel that he expected me to be to usual ranger glass, and that expectation gave me the edge I needed. (Im far from glass build!)
Going to ignore for the most part, the double standards of gandara and tonight cough double team cough in PS BL… 50+ GD & 50+ AR vs 30 PS… well atleast gandara didnt take hills… Gandara must be using jedi mind tricks on AR
I mean they chose to ignore you capping their homeland for hours too instead focus us… then in eb they again chose to ignore you and focus Piken… as its part and parcel of W3 with or without alliance
I see more false accusations of fair piken players… fair enough if its the same old people who have been reported to us before and hopefully get banned for exploiting(small minority every server has some), but ive seen quite a few legit and fair people being brought up who I know dont exploit and are being slandered with no evidence just assumptions which is pretty wrong imo and tarnishes both servers reputation, one for spreading lies and other for having lies stick.
As for quote and the TUP thief you were on about, that was probally me but it wasn’t a duel, i never targeted you (if its the action north east of bay in gandara tonight) i was hopping around alot and just attacking dolyaks, while being chased by 5-7 Gandarians plus having to deal with 5 veteran guards… killed one dolyak, the other got lucky and regen’d plus i was having to deal with alot of heat which i blew all my cooldowns on. If its not me not sure which thief your on about as I haven’t seen many on today. If it wasn’t me sorry
As far as I recall it was on ps borderlands in early evening. I had gone to get supply from red water as it was the only supply camp we had at the time. We ended up around just under the bridge?
Leucetius Vier – Necromancer | Adiella Vier – Ranger
Proudly representing The Unlikely Plan [TUP] on Aurora Glade.
I’d also like to say I had amazing fun last night one of the best groups of randoms I’ve ever had the privelige to lead… So much so that I couldn’t tear myself away till 2 in the morning!
And to AR crew in EBG last night; You guys are so determined! Who knew you could have so much siege pointed at SM?! Seriously if I had a silver for every time a player reported AR siege pointed at SM, I could have another Commander tag by now! Keep up the fighting guys, love your determination, but stay away from SM, mmkay? Me <3 SM.
Now time to log in, and see if we’ve lost the place, it’s always annoying when you log in and the fort you’ve spent so much time defending and so much money upgrading is gone, it’s just horribubble.
Keep up the good work you guys, and stay away from SM!
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/pvp/gf-left-me-coz-of-ladderboard/
WOW what a long discussion!
a contribute to this match:
I love you guys! I really really do!
Leucetius Vier – Necromancer | Adiella Vier – Ranger
Proudly representing The Unlikely Plan [TUP] on Aurora Glade.
Although cringeworthy this thread made a good read.
VII will be back in the lakes as of 2nd Jan 2013. We run between 10-20 players from 19:00gmt – 22:00gmt every night. Any Gandara or AR guilds looking for GvG should contact one of our members via pm on this site or visit us at www.seventhlegion.net.
I understand this type of cross server communication may be frowned upon by some. If so, whine on the forum about it. Someone may care!
Happy New Year when it comes!
Erm people should know the point of 1v1v1 is the 2 bottom servers are meant to focus on the winning team tho what normally happens is the top focus on 2nd place to keep them down and 3rd place focuses on 2nd place cos they don’t want to be last, this week something different happened….. even tho a lot of piken guilds were not involved in such discussions.
As for PK night crew remember we are a medium pop server we don’t have a night crew, hopefully now you’re in higher tiers you’ll face servers like elona who have 60-70+ running around at night then you can comeback and talk about pikens so called night crew
(edited by Drexciyian.9453)
Just thought I’d share my opinion.
Piken, AR, you guys should be ashamed of yourselves… grovelling at the feet of your enemy is never an option, and I see both of you as lesser opponents because of it; your actions this week have pretty much settled that disrespect for you in my mind and many others – plotting and planning with an enemy the demise of another is where I draw the line… you crossed it. The actions of your Commanders have done this, to whoever says that it wasn’t them, and your Commanders represent you, every Pikey is the same to me, I kill them either way, every Frenchie is mutually shot at, and you may all sense a feeling of communism and equality as I hate (and in the same way, like) you both equally.
Another thing , Pikeys, Tortun Buz, is one of the most upright, gentlemenly, amicable and friendly people I have ever met, he is greatly understanding, and respects everyone, and in my opinion is a great asset to our server… If you have done anything to make him in the least, hostile or aggressive towards you, you should know you have done something deeply wrong… Even I, after all of my time trying, have not been able to garner an inkling of aggression from him; you guys must have messed up big time.
Also, in all honesty, if this is what the Higher Tiers are like, I’m pretty sure I don’t want to be here, there’s a general atmosphere of arrogance, derogation and intimidation, that just isn’t right. I’d rather be back where Gandara started than deal with insults and petty jibes, alliances formed to pull each other down… it reminds me of the Sith (sorry i’m a SW fan) and what you guys have done is broken the Rule of Two, and are scrabbling over each other for the combined strength to pull down another.
If this is High Tier, I pity those stuck in High Tier…
Oh and Torty, don’t let them lose SM, will you? It took ages to Upgrade that place….
Asura out.
Maybe you should have stuck with underworld then rather than jump ship to another server?
Just thought I’d share my opinion.
Piken, AR, you guys should be ashamed of yourselves… grovelling at the feet of your enemy is never an option, and I see both of you as lesser opponents because of it; your actions this week have pretty much settled that disrespect for you in my mind and many others – plotting and planning with an enemy the demise of another is where I draw the line… you crossed it. The actions of your Commanders have done this, to whoever says that it wasn’t them, and your Commanders represent you, every Pikey is the same to me, I kill them either way, every Frenchie is mutually shot at, and you may all sense a feeling of communism and equality as I hate (and in the same way, like) you both equally.
Another thing , Pikeys, Tortun Buz, is one of the most upright, gentlemenly, amicable and friendly people I have ever met, he is greatly understanding, and respects everyone, and in my opinion is a great asset to our server… If you have done anything to make him in the least, hostile or aggressive towards you, you should know you have done something deeply wrong… Even I, after all of my time trying, have not been able to garner an inkling of aggression from him; you guys must have messed up big time.
Also, in all honesty, if this is what the Higher Tiers are like, I’m pretty sure I don’t want to be here, there’s a general atmosphere of arrogance, derogation and intimidation, that just isn’t right. I’d rather be back where Gandara started than deal with insults and petty jibes, alliances formed to pull each other down… it reminds me of the Sith (sorry i’m a SW fan) and what you guys have done is broken the Rule of Two, and are scrabbling over each other for the combined strength to pull down another.
If this is High Tier, I pity those stuck in High Tier…
Oh and Torty, don’t let them lose SM, will you? It took ages to Upgrade that place….
Asura out.
Hate is such a strong word.
I’m a Piken Square fighter and I’m proud of my server. My pride persists despite the best efforts of the disgruntled few, whose posts in this topic demonstrate their subscription to the principle of “never let the facts get in the way of your conclusion.”
Their conclusion: Piken Square is a shameful, degenerate pack of low-lifers because they entered an alliance with Augery Rock to defeat Gandara.
Against this, two facts:
1. Three commanders — not Piken Square the Server.
2. Duration < 12 hours.
Concerning Point #1 … PS has an active website where we organize ourselves. Despite this, the commanders who made this “alliance” did so of their own free will and without consulting the server at large. When the issue came to light, I promise you: the outcry you’ve engaged in on this forum is a pale shadow of the outcry that occurred on our forum. Nothing you’ve said here is more effective than what we said amongst ourselves.
Concerning Point #2 … Not only was it less than half a day, but respected by only a minority on either side. Personally, I played during this mystical, 12-hour period without even knowing about some alleged “alliance” (only found out about it post-hoc) and I promise you: there were plenty of dead PS and AR bodies littering the battlefields upon which I fought.
When faced with facts that challenge your conclusion, you have a choice:
1. Graciously adjust your conclusion to fit the facts.
2. Ignore the facts, continue to stand on your self-proclaimed moral high ground, keep up your inflammatory rhetoric, wave the bloody shirt and milk that situation for every gram of sympathy you can until the truth finally comes out and silences you.
And the truth will come out. It always does, no matter how many exaggerations and falsehoods we must endure in the short term.
And the truth is, the short-lived actions of a few on Piken Square tarnished our image. We accept that. It happens. (It will happen to you, I promise). We regret it. We resolve that it will never happen again. We know that everyone makes mistakes, including us. We know the value of those commanders who made this ill-advised decision. We have fought with them on the field of battle, we have discussed this sad affair with them internally and we remain convinced of their worth. We affirm that the only unpardonable sin is to make the same mistake twice.
Does Gandara wish me to judge their entire server by the few hackers, exploiters and cheaters I’ve seen, who brazenly wear the Gandara tag on what should be a field of honor?
Then I challenge Gandara to rise above the rhetoric and judge Piken Square by the whole and not by the few.
For I tell you this from the heart: Gandara is the worthiest foe Piken Square has yet faced. You are unrelenting on the attack … tenacious and uncompromising in defense … you counterattack in force at the very moment when you looked beaten and routed … you bring a fiery spirit to the battlefield, the like of which I’ve not seen in our previous matchups. When I ram the finisher into a downed Gandaran, I know that he gave his all and I’m acutely aware of the absolute priviledge I had in facing him … and when he rams the finisher into me, I take comfort in knowing that I died at the hands of one worthy.
See you on the battlefield, Gandara.
Piken Square
Oh i’ve had so much fun today, after all the tension on the forums i decided today would be about fun only, no serious capping. So if you wonder at the weird behaviour from us today, tis my fault(it wont really affect our rating so fun for all). Hope we can all relax tonight and prepare for take 2 of our matchup!
Goodluck to each of you next week, hope we provide the battles you’re expecting.
Executed [EXE]
Piken Square
Missing waypoint in the Gandara spawn on PS borderland.
I have been having this problem since yesterday when a bunch of us got booted out of Gandara (no idea if it did the same to the other servers )
The odd thing is I seem to be the only one in my guild that I know off which has this problem, So I am asking here if anyone else in any server experienced this so that I can put as much information in the bug report.
Thank you, and I hope it goes away with the reset.
on Piken Square and Gandara.
As far as I recall it was on ps borderlands in early evening. I had gone to get supply from red water as it was the only supply camp we had at the time. We ended up around just under the bridge?
Mmmmmm, I dont recall ever fighting under the bridge in ps yesterday… so probally Was Dave or Maybe Lan… and as you mentioned earlier evening im more late and from when i played didnt see any of the other theives on. If it was Dave good job killing that nab <3
The Unlikely Plan (TUP)
Ex Piken Square (EU)
Missing waypoint in the Gandara spawn on PS borderland.
I have been having this problem since yesterday when a bunch of us got booted out of Gandara (no idea if it did the same to the other servers )The odd thing is I seem to be the only one in my guild that I know off which has this problem, So I am asking here if anyone else in any server experienced this so that I can put as much information in the bug report.
Thank you, and I hope it goes away with the reset.
If your on a ALT character… for the first time you enter a zone you have to go through the portals in spawn and cannot waypoint
However if you have already unlocked waypoint etc and this has happend to you… i’ve known it happen to a few people before and only way to temporary fix it is relogging… (which is a bit poor in primetime with the que’s etc not being able to respawn) Hope that helps
The Unlikely Plan (TUP)
Ex Piken Square (EU)
If your on a ALT character… for the first time you enter a zone you have to go through the portals in spawn and cannot waypoint
However if you have already unlocked waypoint etc and this has happend to you… i’ve known it happen to a few people before and only way to temporary fix it is relogging… (which is a bit poor in primetime with the que’s etc not being able to respawn) Hope that helps
Yeah it was an Alt. Thank you very much and Thank you Tortun who also provided the same solution.
phew panic over lol
on Piken Square and Gandara.
I’m a Piken Square fighter and I’m proud of my server. My pride persists despite the best efforts of the disgruntled few, whose posts in this topic demonstrate their subscription to the principle of “never let the facts get in the way of your conclusion.”
Their conclusion: Piken Square is a shameful, degenerate pack of low-lifers because they entered an alliance with Augery Rock to defeat Gandara.
Against this, two facts:
1. Three commanders — not Piken Square the Server.
2. Duration < 12 hours.Concerning Point #1 … PS has an active website where we organize ourselves. Despite this, the commanders who made this “alliance” did so of their own free will and without consulting the server at large. When the issue came to light, I promise you: the outcry you’ve engaged in on this forum is a pale shadow of the outcry that occurred on our forum. Nothing you’ve said here is more effective than what we said amongst ourselves.
Concerning Point #2 … Not only was it less than half a day, but respected by only a minority on either side. Personally, I played during this mystical, 12-hour period without even knowing about some alleged “alliance” (only found out about it post-hoc) and I promise you: there were plenty of dead PS and AR bodies littering the battlefields upon which I fought.
When faced with facts that challenge your conclusion, you have a choice:
1. Graciously adjust your conclusion to fit the facts.
2. Ignore the facts, continue to stand on your self-proclaimed moral high ground, keep up your inflammatory rhetoric, wave the bloody shirt and milk that situation for every gram of sympathy you can until the truth finally comes out and silences you.
And the truth will come out. It always does, no matter how many exaggerations and falsehoods we must endure in the short term.
And the truth is, the short-lived actions of a few on Piken Square tarnished our image. We accept that. It happens. (It will happen to you, I promise). We regret it. We resolve that it will never happen again. We know that everyone makes mistakes, including us. We know the value of those commanders who made this ill-advised decision. We have fought with them on the field of battle, we have discussed this sad affair with them internally and we remain convinced of their worth. We affirm that the only unpardonable sin is to make the same mistake twice.
Does Gandara wish me to judge their entire server by the few hackers, exploiters and cheaters I’ve seen, who brazenly wear the Gandara tag on what should be a field of honor?
Then I challenge Gandara to rise above the rhetoric and judge Piken Square by the whole and not by the few.
For I tell you this from the heart: Gandara is the worthiest foe Piken Square has yet faced. You are unrelenting on the attack … tenacious and uncompromising in defense … you counterattack in force at the very moment when you looked beaten and routed … you bring a fiery spirit to the battlefield, the like of which I’ve not seen in our previous matchups. When I ram the finisher into a downed Gandaran, I know that he gave his all and I’m acutely aware of the absolute priviledge I had in facing him … and when he rams the finisher into me, I take comfort in knowing that I died at the hands of one worthy.
See you on the battlefield, Gandara.
Piken Square
I loves you!
Perish [FLEE]
Livius, I think most of us were just upset that these people directly contacted the other side to organise this thing and were probably messaging in game to ensure the same targets where hit at the same time That’s all. We fought hard to reach this tier, we’re unorganised slobs at the best of times but the majority try (excluding some glitchers who I have been reporting when I’ve spotted them, some I actively sought out as reports came in).
GG guy, I certainly do apologise for teh accusation then it just looked very much like you glitched through the door and ran up them stairs like a bat out of hell! :P
The match up as been great and Afro Ele has been fun to try and kill with my squishy mesmer too. Although he usually bests me… Booooooooooo
WvWvW Player Who Doesn’t Have Much of A Clue
Well Its nice to see honorable players on all sides in this match up… Ive been involved in so many enjoyable battles this week against Piken and AR. I was sorry to hear about the alleged alliance between Piken and AR this week. I thought it was just coincidence the 2 servers were hitting us at the same time (It does happen) but it seems after the posts here this was not the case.
It happened in Aion as well with a guild making a deal with the opposition (ie Asmodians) to keep the lower area of the Abyss while the Elyos kept the top forts)
Nearly all the guild rebelled and blacklisted that guild until it dissipated from the server.
The leader of that guild (who I will not name) is a predominant leader of a guild in Piken Square. (you know who you are)
I pray to god he isn’t bringing those tactics to Piken as Ive found the players on that server to be fair and not exploit invulnerability areas as a lot of players have done in the past match ups. In fact they stood there ground and fought to the last man even though they could have move to a safe zone next to a cliff… Kudos to you players I say.
Really enjoyed the battle with both servers tbh… Piken you rock with your tactics and group playing (/tips hat) AR just have massive numbers and are less organized than Piken but none the less hard to fight.
As others have said in post above… I hope this isn’t what moving up tiers means to Gandara… playing with commanders who for one reason or another cant fight a fair fight.
See you on the battle field and I respect all of you who rightfully condemned the actions of a few Muppets on you respective servers.
Gandara … charge
I don´t understand being upset over double teamings even if there was communication involved. Like i earlier said, double teaming is part of the game, essential part at that. Claiming that communicating outside the game makes it any more evil than when done without communication, makes me sigh just as deep as making it evil in the first place. Devs didn´t design this game to be played in a vacuum, i don´t believe even a second that they didn´t take in account ouside communications.
Well, that´s what i think of it anyway. Sadly though i will keep on sighing considerable amounts while people keep getting slandered for the audacity of doing something rather than meekly getting trod over in game.
That aside, i wish i could already get in game so i wouldn´t have to rant here on forums
[ ex- Piken Square (EU), ex- Aurora Glade (EU) ]
That aside, i wish i could already get in game so i wouldn´t have to rant here on forums
Ditto, far to many heads that need to be bashed together … Just a few more days now.
Devs also didn’t design the game so you could discover the names of commanders etc in game, they removed that so people couldn’t communicate with the enemy :P
It’s only here you could find names.
WvWvW Player Who Doesn’t Have Much of A Clue
Although in teh end it looks like the alliance has hurt Piken cause Team Chat is aimed at pushing them in to third for that ‘12 hours’. Urk!
This week I’ll be taking more of a break and getting some sleep me thinks lol.
WvWvW Player Who Doesn’t Have Much of A Clue
Although in teh end it looks like the alliance has hurt Piken cause Team Chat is aimed at pushing them in to third for that ‘12 hours’. Urk!
This week I’ll be taking more of a break and getting some sleep me thinks lol.
This is pretty much what always happens when there’s 2 eu servers and 1 fr/de/spanish server in the matchup.
The 2 eu servers tough it out on the forums and in the game and the not english speaking server reaps the rewards
I salut to the commanders of PS and AR that worked toghether, despite the " in-game sport-hatred between servers " and language barrier. Its showed that commanders have what it takes to lead their server to victory.
Looking at the score, i consider this match a draw between 3 servers. Woul anyone else agree with this statement?
MMMM nope… Gandara won… in so many ways. We were going to get our bottoms handed to us this week (i know there were holidays in there ) but it was the same for all servers.
Our commanders are learning from Pikens tactics (if they had more players active on that server they would be number 1 tbh.
Well done to ALL Gandara’s Commanders and all the players who teamed up with them and all the gank guilds (to many to mention).
There was a backlash against Piken which i feel was undeserved as it was a couple selfish commanders on both servers that made a bad decision to try and beat Gandara.
We are Gandara :-))
I’d say awesome-sauce all round. The negativity from some individuals is unfortunate coz there have been some wicked fights and some truly epic stands from all servers.
I’d definitely say honourary draw to all concerned.
Plus I killed Ravezaar. (wuvoo!)
Perish [FLEE]
Actually quite proud to be a piken and only finishing a few k behind after being double teamed for 5 days. Id be scared to fight us alone too AR n Gand
Critz – P
Actually quite proud to be a piken and only finishing a few k behind after being double teamed for 5 days. Id be scared to fight us alone too AR n Gand
Critz – P
Really… I …. I just cant…
Looking at the score, i consider this match a draw between 3 servers. Woul anyone else agree with this statement?
I wouldn’t call it a draw. Piken took lead on Christmas Day (after our “shameful Christmascapping”) and after that Gandara fought their way to victory.
Any queues on Gandara?
if carlsberg played Guardian.
Nooooooooooo not you!
And no, there isn’t. Some queues for EB at primetime and even fewer for Gandara BL at same. Never queues for the other maps.
Perish [FLEE]
Thank you for badges
Luranni go to the kit.. pff come back to your home Woman ( to us warhammer combatants)
INC&Garaz Runkaraki
Ele from Piken Square
Thank you for badges
Luranni go to the kit.. pff come back to your home Woman ( to us warhammer combatants)
Which who what where when and HOW MUCH?
Perish [FLEE]
Any queues on Gandara?
There are none on PS so get yer kitten back where ur supposed to be, git.
Didn’t do much wvw this week, but the little we had was really fun. Raiding with only 8 [BOON] was both amusing and challenging.
Looking forward to all servers being full force again. Gratz to Gandara. With that nightcrew I can see you climbing tiers next week. We won’t be making it easy though!
Happy new year to all.
Our nightcrew is a bleary-eyed drunken mess of about 10 people. 20 on a weekend or holiday :P.
Perish [FLEE]
No need for a new thread, Round 2 BEGIN!
That has a nice battle and a close result.
May the best win next week and Vae Victis.
Kind regards from AR