Please Keep timezones separated

Please Keep timezones separated

in WvW

Posted by: Yaro.3251


I think all the localized servers are on a dead-end here

IMO localized servers are dead end conceptually.

EU ladder covers quite a number of time zones actually. And tz problem exists here too. As an example, it was very frustratig for us as a team (close to 100% Russian I’d guess) living in GMT+4 or more, that servers populated mostly by western EU players always had a “last say” in daily WWW cycle. So there you go…

24/7, no tagged servers and global ladder is the way to go if you ask me.

Team Aggression [TA] – Golden Horde [GH]

Please Keep timezones separated

in WvW

Posted by: Jee E free.5891

Jee E free.5891

If you want to put a stop to this then you would have to close WvW between lets say 2.00-7.00
That way joining a server where you are the nightsquad would be pointless because you can’t play WvW in that time.

Jee E free
[VoTF]Vengeance of the Fallen
Seafarers Rest

Please Keep timezones separated

in WvW

Posted by: Gwal.2813


I think all the localized servers are on a dead-end here

IMO localized servers are dead end conceptually.

EU ladder covers quite a number of time zones actually. And tz problem exists here too. As an example, it was very frustratig for us as a team (close to 100% Russian I’d guess) living in GMT+4 or more, that servers populated mostly by western EU players always had a “last say” in daily WWW cycle. So there you go…

24/7, no tagged servers and global ladder is the way to go if you ask me.

Then, one solution would be to have a ladder only for FR/ES/DE, timezone won’t be an issue since they all play in GMT+1
and maybe add 2 or 3 “EU” servers for people who want to play on GMT/GMT+1

Vizunah Square [FR]

Please Keep timezones separated

in WvW

Posted by: jaxom.7469


or just have less points at night. US guilds will not be happy to move if their actions are worth only 1/4th .

Please Keep timezones separated

in WvW

Posted by: Gwal.2813


I’ve always thought that capping points gain according to population differential ratio was the solution (=> few opponents = low points gain, equal opponents = normal points, more opponents = more points)
Its another way to have and “outmanned buff approach” and it’s fair in every way

Vizunah Square [FR]

Please Keep timezones separated

in WvW

Posted by: Vayra.3290


or just have less points at night. US guilds will not be happy to move if their actions are worth only 1/4th .

They will never do this. Why should my effort be worth less just because I can’t play from 8 PM – 1 AM in a particular timezone? Remember, it’s not just people living on a different continent who play at off-peak hours. Some people have to work or have other commitments in “prime time”.

The Unnamed[ThUn] – Desolation
Vayra – Elementalist
Forkrul Assail – Mesmer

Please Keep timezones separated

in WvW

Posted by: Ualtar.5047


What about countries with multiple timezones? There is 3 hours difference between the USA East (EST) and West (PST) coasts. Then we also have Alaska and Hawaii to really screw things up.

Just taking EST and PST. A server that has strong EST guilds takes most of a map over during their prime time. Then they start to go to bed around 11pm to Midnight. At that time another server with strong PST guilds comes on and takes back everything that the EST dominate server had taken.

It is impossible to balance out the time zones.

Alrekr Yerling
Khazad Fundinul [KF] – Tarnished Coast

Please Keep timezones separated

in WvW

Posted by: Ualtar.5047


or just have less points at night. US guilds will not be happy to move if their actions are worth only 1/4th .

They will never do this. Why should my effort be worth less just because I can’t play from 8 PM – 1 AM in a particular timezone? Remember, it’s not just people living on a different continent who play at off-peak hours. Some people have to work or have other commitments in “prime time”.

Exactly! Night for who would be the question. Midnight EST is 9pm where I live. Should we get less points because it is late for the EST guys?

Alrekr Yerling
Khazad Fundinul [KF] – Tarnished Coast

Please Keep timezones separated

in WvW

Posted by: Gwal.2813


What about countries with multiple timezones? There is 3 hours difference between the USA East (EST) and West (PST) coasts. Then we also have Alaska and Hawaii to really screw things up.

Just taking EST and PST. A server that has strong EST guilds takes most of a map over during their prime time. Then they start to go to bed around 11pm to Midnight. At that time another server with strong PST guilds comes on and takes back everything that the EST dominate server had taken.

It is impossible to balance out the time zones.

It’s not an issue for US ladder : English is a worldwide spoken language and lots of player everywhere in the world speaking english :/
Most of concerns here are for localized server that cannot counter the US invasion of the EU ladder

Vizunah Square [FR]

Please Keep timezones separated

in WvW

Posted by: eiennnoai.9870


What about countries with multiple timezones? There is 3 hours difference between the USA East (EST) and West (PST) coasts. Then we also have Alaska and Hawaii to really screw things up.

Just taking EST and PST. A server that has strong EST guilds takes most of a map over during their prime time. Then they start to go to bed around 11pm to Midnight. At that time another server with strong PST guilds comes on and takes back everything that the EST dominate server had taken.

It is impossible to balance out the time zones.

How many alaskans and hawaian (is that how they’re called ?) play on 20+ servers ? I think the impact of such (comparatively small) communities don’t change anything. French have people from Réunion, Nouvelle Calédonie, a loot of other islands, some being bigger than others… and it doesn’t mess anything much. Actually I think they’re mainly present on servers which aren’t in top tiers. Also, Europe spans on 4 TZ and there wasn’t any major problem before that, sure Russian (most being GMT+3 since “European russia” accounts for 80% of their population) have a tiny advantage against GMT+1 players (SP/DE/FR) but they aren’t much of a problem since being 2h earlier can easily be compensated, there’ll still be some 2-4h of shared primetime. And this hasn’t been the problem when matched up against Russian, rather how tough and stubborn they can get.

(edited by eiennnoai.9870)

Please Keep timezones separated

in WvW

Posted by: Axle.5182


what exactly is the definition of EU prime time NA has no problem it spans across multiple time zones and facilitates a 24/7 coverage on a server on the other hand EU itself is fragmented all over the place with multiple regions French server having french speaking Canadians etc.

WvW is like as mentioned 24/7 this is a tricky flaw that supports cross region participation the problem is unlike the NA population they are all united in some sense on the other hand some EU regional servers and people who have completely different cultures are very discriminating towards guilds and people who do not fit into their region iv seen it many times being kicked from matches like BF3 on a German server just because im from the UK and not Germany etc.

Not to mention the language barriers we have to cross in order to co-operate with guilds from other EU regions to offer sufficient coverage for 24/7 WvW .

Were a tricky lot to understand and appease us Europeans are, most of the time were like chalk and cheese lol

[AFTL] Afterlife Sanctum of Rall

(edited by Axle.5182)

Please Keep timezones separated

in WvW

Posted by: Yaro.3251


You see, everytime you start a conversation about bringing tz into game mechanics, you are hurting someone’s game experience. There’s of course a “majority”, and interests of 50% (or whatever it is) of EU ladder population that localized servers hold is not something that can be ignored. But last time I’ve checked the motto was still “good for everyone” (hovever hard it is to deliver on such promise). Making efforts of one TZ “count more” on WWW is going against it. That’s why I think tagged servers are flawed design decision, not cross-continental transfers.

Team Aggression [TA] – Golden Horde [GH]

(edited by Yaro.3251)

Please Keep timezones separated

in WvW

Posted by: Gwal.2813


French server having french speaking Canadians etc.

To my knowledge, there is no Canadian playing on FR servers.
I quote myself from this same post :

Only part of Canada speaks french (mainly Quebec), and Quebec guilds are all playing on US servers.
Even “Armata”, 30 ppl guild that migrated to AS 2 weeks ago, has gone back to playing on US servers.
Not that we wouldn’t want to have Canadian guilds : both AS and VS have invited them to join FR servers, but it seems they are not interested

Vizunah Square [FR]

Please Keep timezones separated

in WvW

Posted by: Yaro.3251


Also, Europe spans on 4 TZ and there wasn’t any major problem before that, sure Russian (most being GMT+3 since “European russia” accounts for 80% of their population) have a tiny advantage against GMT+1 players (SP/DE/FR) but they aren’t much of a problem since being 2h earlier can easily be compensated, there’ll still be some 2-4h of shared primetime.

It’s GMT+4 since 2011 when Russia Abolished Winter Time

Also, it is not an advantage. One who lives to the west has an advantage because when you go to sleep after your prime time, you have opponent PvDooring and reinforcing everything and profit for 5-8 hours. At the morning however there’s less game activity obviously even if you get up earlier than your opponent. Job and other real life stuff, you know.

Team Aggression [TA] – Golden Horde [GH]

(edited by Yaro.3251)

Please Keep timezones separated

in WvW

Posted by: eiennnoai.9870


Also, Europe spans on 4 TZ and there wasn’t any major problem before that, sure Russian (most being GMT+3 since “European russia” accounts for 80% of their population)

It’s GMT+4 since 2011 when Russia Abolished Winter Time

Alright thanks mate, didn’t check on that one.

Please Keep timezones separated

in WvW

Posted by: Psycho.2316


I’ve played on EU server since the game Launched my guild is EU … if they do this they would anger so many of there players.. just becuz people r complaining about WvW …

Hahaha so not going to happen.. like they said before there OK with Night Capping

Please Keep timezones separated

in WvW

Posted by: eiennnoai.9870


I’ve played on EU server since the game Launched my guild is EU … if they do this they would anger so many of there players.. just becuz people r complaining about WvW …

Hahaha so not going to happen.. like they said before there OK with Night Capping

And this isn’t about nightcapping. It’s about timezones. And at first the game was zone locked, and they had thought of a guesting system (instead of transfer) which wouldn’t have allowed to play WvW, just the usual sPvP and all the PvE content (that’s the system they announced). They relaxed the zone lock for people to pick the server they want to play on, and then one would guess that this guesting system would’ve been put to work, so you wouldn’t have had a problem to pick an EU server, you just wouldn’t have been able to go back to WvW in NA again (except maybe after a payment for a true transfer ? I dunno).

This free in-between TZ transfer clearly wasn’t intended as it is now used, for massive guild transfers to cover off-peaks hours.

(edited by eiennnoai.9870)

Please Keep timezones separated

in WvW

Posted by: Thorvald.5432


Also, Europe spans on 4 TZ and there wasn’t any major problem before that, sure Russian (most being GMT+3 since “European russia” accounts for 80% of their population) have a tiny advantage against GMT+1 players (SP/DE/FR) but they aren’t much of a problem since being 2h earlier can easily be compensated, there’ll still be some 2-4h of shared primetime.

It’s GMT+4 since 2011 when Russia Abolished Winter Time

Also, it is not an advantage. One who lives to the west has an advantage because when you go to sleep after your prime time, you have opponent PvDooring and reinforcing everything and profit for 5-8 hours. At the morning however there’s less game activity obviously even if you get up earlier than your opponent. Job and other real life stuff, you know.

I agree with you, West got advantage on East with the current system and do not think anything can be done about that. I feel sorry for Russian players as they are the one who struggle the most because of this.

Ideally if servers would ranged all timezone or only 1 timezone, the current system would work. But we all know this is not the case.
NA do not suffer from language and cutural barrier as we do in EU. So it “might” be easier to balance (although i doubt it) but for Europe, it is impossible. FR and DE would never mix with other. I know it is hard for outsider to understand even if we live 2012, you cannot expect or force it to happen.

Invaders [Inv] – Vizunah Square

Please Keep timezones separated

in WvW

Posted by: Ualtar.5047


By time zones you mean regions right? Because time zones is confusing some people I think. I live in California, that is in the Pacific Standard Timezone. The vast majority of the US population lives in the Eastern Standard Timezone. That means when I log into MMOs the large majority of the population is logging out. Yet you all are lumping the US together as one big time zone.

I think you mean the US is a region but we are certainly not in one time zone nor do we all have the same peak hours.

My question is who do you want these regional European servers to play against in WvW? Do you want to play against other regional servers? How would you fix this situation?

Alrekr Yerling
Khazad Fundinul [KF] – Tarnished Coast

Please Keep timezones separated

in WvW

Posted by: eiennnoai.9870


I agree with you, West got advantage on East with the current system and do not think anything can be done about that. I feel sorry for Russian players as they are the one who struggle the most because of this.

Well the good thing is Russians are lumped together with UK, PT, IRL, … players (since they don’t have [RU] servers) so they can balance out each other on average in their own servers. Their morning capping also becomes more devilish (while it’s night capping for the west, no complaint here). I was mostly talking about FR/DE/SP (pick any, all are on the same TZ) vs EU server matchup as an example. All those are on 1 TZ while EU is on 4-5, but it hasn’t been proved to be a -major- problem for the one TZ side since it is contained between all the other ones. Basically it’ll be a bit harder at some hours (mostly before 17h) but that’s sustainable since there’ll eventually be a sizeable %age of the server population ready. Even if you can’t push that’s enough to do some things and keep some stuff.

(edited by eiennnoai.9870)

Please Keep timezones separated

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


Blacktide has an extremely large Russian population, especially now the FSP Russians have joined us.
I don’t think there is a Russian population on another server large enough to “balance” us, though i do know there are smaller Russian communities spread all over.

This allows Blacktide to dominate from 3-4 am CET until…. well, we used to slow down a bit around 20-21h CET, with a considerable dip from people going to sleep at 23h CET-midnight, but apparently that problem has been solved and we were still going strong when i logged off around 23h CET today

(edited by Genev.2450)

Please Keep timezones separated

in WvW

Posted by: Yaro.3251


Well yes, If you have Russians as part of healthy Western EU community it works great. But it is partially because your “early morning team” doesn’t have to exhaust itself in its evening prime time.

But again I highly doubt any significant Russian population will ever appear on tagged servers. Except [RU] if it will be introduced in the future. And then they will have this exact problem I’m talking about.

Team Aggression [TA] – Golden Horde [GH]

(edited by Yaro.3251)

Please Keep timezones separated

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


Actually, what i implied was the exact problem people are having with other timezones and i was adressing the whole “They will balance each other” thing – it’s not going to happen for us.

Please Keep timezones separated

in WvW

Posted by: Mishi.7058


At the OP.
If you want to block EU and NA’s from playing on each others servers.

What would you do about the NA players who play during EU times and such?
I mean it’d make it to which server has the most night time players anyways, due to everyone not having the same be time as one another.

Like I live in NA, but I mainly play GW2 from 11pm Eastern until about 11am eastern.(If not a bit later.) It’s not due to living somewhere different then NA, but more or less I work night shift so my “day time” is your “night time”.

Want to make it worse, do that. Then watch which servers have 2nd/3rd shift workers on them to carry their server to the top, without any opposition from any EU/Aussie/Oceanic people.

Commander Silvannas
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu

(edited by Mishi.7058)

Please Keep timezones separated

in WvW

Posted by: Ualtar.5047


At the OP.
If you want to block EU and NA’s from playing on each others servers.

What would you do about the NA players who play during EU times and such?
I mean it’d make it to which server has the most night time players anyways, due to everyone not having the same be time as one another.

Like I live in NA, but I mainly play GW2 from 11pm Eastern until about 11am eastern.(If not a bit later.) It’s not due to living somewhere different then NA, but more or less I work night shift so my “day time” is your “night time”.

Want to make it worse, do that. Then watch which servers have 2nd/3rd shift workers on them to carry their server to the top, without any opposition from any EU/Aussie/Oceanic people.

I was basically trying to say something along these lines, that all Americans don’t play at the same time. It is impossible to divide up by time zones.

Alrekr Yerling
Khazad Fundinul [KF] – Tarnished Coast

Please Keep timezones separated

in WvW

Posted by: Gwal.2813


At the OP.
If you want to block EU and NA’s from playing on each others servers.

What would you do about the NA players who play during EU times and such?
I mean it’d make it to which server has the most night time players anyways, due to everyone not having the same be time as one another.

Like I live in NA, but I mainly play GW2 from 11pm Eastern until about 11am eastern.(If not a bit later.) It’s not due to living somewhere different then NA, but more or less I work night shift so my “day time” is your “night time”.

Want to make it worse, do that. Then watch which servers have 2nd/3rd shift workers on them to carry their server to the top, without any opposition from any EU/Aussie/Oceanic people.

I think we all agree :
- Localized servers want to play with people on same timezones
- others want to play without restictions, from anywhere and with anyone, including people from other timezones, and having 24/7 coverage

Then the solution is simple then

  • a 24/7 worldwide ladder for everyone
    -> for people who wants to play with people from others timezones and participate in a 24/7 battle
  • an European ladder only for players around GMT/GMT+4
    -> for localized server and EU people who want only “around GMT” action

Maybe in the end it’s just a labelling issue …
If ANet hadn’t called it NA and EU ladder, but “worldwide” and “EU local”, There wouldn’t have been any problem

Vizunah Square [FR]

(edited by Gwal.2813)

Please Keep timezones separated

in WvW

Posted by: Arani.9057


With no commentary on the NA/EU server xfer complaints, but locking it down that you can’t xfer at all would alienate travelers, like military personnel etc. It might not be a major portion of the population but a military person stationed in say Germany might still want to play with their NA friends and visa versa.

just as an example.

Aradea [AoS] /\/\ESS/\/\ERR of Jade Quarry (GG SBI)
I’ll show you exactly what a Mesmer can do, SS cost extra.

Please Keep timezones separated

in WvW

Posted by: Jado Cast.1805

Jado Cast.1805

IMO, there should be one ladder for all servers globally. If you are going to let transfers between each, then just merge them all and let us all fight it out.

Please Keep timezones separated

in WvW

Posted by: JAX.8347


Seems it be more more fun and a lot easier to have this be 24×7 game and eh realms figure out how to cover that from a global perspective.

Seems EU servers who had some night crews cant deal with a counter to that.

On NA servers we had to deal with it with Asian and Oceanic servers


Ruin on Desolation

Please Keep timezones separated

in WvW

Posted by: Vayra.3290


We do not want NA in EU. Arena thank you to repair the problem quickly before things degeneration and Europeans quit the game.

Who are these “we” you are speaking for? I live in the EU and have no problems with NA people joining us. Stop speaking for other people when you have no idea what they think about a subject.

The Unnamed[ThUn] – Desolation
Vayra – Elementalist
Forkrul Assail – Mesmer

Please Keep timezones separated

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Siotrad.2519

Lord Siotrad.2519

We do not want NA in EU. Arena thank you to repair the problem quickly before things degeneration and Europeans quit the game.

Pfff, so so intersting guy you are … not … quit now please, it will be better for all.

No, but they should’ve guessed that this would happen as people play together worldwide. Though they might not have meant it to be like that, if they really wanted to stop it, they should’ve region locked.

And then we’d hear whining about the Oceanics, Asians and Russians though, I’m sure

And so what … you and your 8 years old friend choose your timezone at the realise, the oceanics ppl, asians ppl, all ppl did and … that’s it … you can’t change … so you can play with your old friend etc … and we have our Transferts stopped … what is so hard to understand ???

the problème is not realy the localisation you choose … is the fact taht you can change as you want.

[ACSK] – [GC]
Vizunah Square

(edited by Lord Siotrad.2519)

Please Keep timezones separated

in WvW

Posted by: Gwal.2813


We do not want NA in EU. Arena thank you to repair the problem quickly before things degeneration and Europeans quit the game.

I have a feeling you play on a FR realm – LOL

This isn’t about FR servers only but about all localized ones : FR, ES, DE and probably some people on EU ones. More than 50% of the EU ladder.

Like I said, it would be easy to fix for ANet, by changing the ladder designation and moving some servers :
The transfers could be done easily since we can still migrate server for free

  • a 24/7 worldwide ladder for everyone
    -> for people who wants to play with people from others timezones and participate in a 24/7 battle
  • an European ladder only for players around GMT/GMT+4
    -> for localized server and EU people who want only “around GMT” action
Vizunah Square [FR]

(edited by Gwal.2813)

Please Keep timezones separated

in WvW

Posted by: Vayra.3290


We do not want NA in EU. Arena thank you to repair the problem quickly before things degeneration and Europeans quit the game.

I have a feeling you play on a FR realm – LOL

This isn’t about FR servers only but about all localized ones : FR, ES, DE and probably some people on EU ones. More than 50% of the EU ladder.

Like I said, it would be easy to fix for ANet, by changing the ladder designation and moving some servers :
The transfers could be done easily since we can still migrate server for free

  • a 24/7 worldwide ladder for everyone
    -> for people who wants to play with people from others timezones and participate in a 24/7 battle
  • an European ladder only for players around GMT/GMT+4
    -> for localized server and EU people who want only “around GMT” action

Or how about we keep it simple and stick to the way things work now?

If you want to win, you can be on a server in the top 2-3 tiers and play with the more or less 24/7 coverage, or if you just want to have fun fights with people in mainly 1 timezone you can stick to one of the lower tiers. There’s no need to change anything.

The Unnamed[ThUn] – Desolation
Vayra – Elementalist
Forkrul Assail – Mesmer

Please Keep timezones separated

in WvW

Posted by: Yheazi.8034


Or how about we keep it simple and stick to the way things work now?

If you want to win, you can be on a server in the top 2-3 tiers and play with the more or less 24/7 coverage, or if you just want to have fun fights with people in mainly 1 timezone you can stick to one of the lower tiers. There’s no need to change anything.

How about German, Spanish and French servers then ? They will never be able to make it into tier 1 because Americans, Asians or whoever are not going to move to these servers because of the language. Is that fair ? Hinder localized servers from trying to climb the ladder because they do no attract overseas guilds ?

Merge the ladders or prevent people from moving to EU if they choose a US server and vice versa. People wanting to play with American friends would be allowed to choose a server a the beginning and might have to pay an extra fee to move from a continent to another.

Please Keep timezones separated

in WvW

Posted by: Vayra.3290


Or how about we keep it simple and stick to the way things work now?

If you want to win, you can be on a server in the top 2-3 tiers and play with the more or less 24/7 coverage, or if you just want to have fun fights with people in mainly 1 timezone you can stick to one of the lower tiers. There’s no need to change anything.

How about German, Spanish and French servers then ? They will never be able to make it into tier 1 because Americans, Asians or whoever are not going to move to these servers because of the language. Is that fair ? Hinder localized servers from trying to climb the ladder because they do no attract overseas guilds ?

Merge the ladders or prevent people from moving to EU if they choose a US server and vice versa. People wanting to play with American friends would be allowed to choose a server a the beginning and might have to pay an extra fee to move from a continent to another.

Only the Germans have that issue. The Spanish can recruit South-Americans or Spanish speaking people from the US. The French can recruit French-Canadians. Only the Germans do not have large German-speaking areas outside of Europe.

Either way it’s working out fine, quite a few of the top ranked servers in EU are national servers. Of the top 6 there are 2 French, 2 German and 2 English. In fact, if you go through the top 15 EU servers, 10 are national servers making up 2 out of 3 servers in each of those 5 matchups. So the whole argument that national servers can’t do well falls flat on its face when we look at actual facts. There is only one bracket without any national servers atm in EU and that is the very bottom bracket.

edit: You can see for yourself here:

The Unnamed[ThUn] – Desolation
Vayra – Elementalist
Forkrul Assail – Mesmer

Please Keep timezones separated

in WvW

Posted by: Gwal.2813


Or how about we keep it simple and stick to the way things work now?

If you want to win, you can be on a server in the top 2-3 tiers and play with the more or less 24/7 coverage, or if you just want to have fun fights with people in mainly 1 timezone you can stick to one of the lower tiers. There’s no need to change anything.

How about German, Spanish and French servers then ? They will never be able to make it into tier 1 because Americans, Asians or whoever are not going to move to these servers because of the language. Is that fair ? Hinder localized servers from trying to climb the ladder because they do no attract overseas guilds ?

Merge the ladders or prevent people from moving to EU if they choose a US server and vice versa. People wanting to play with American friends would be allowed to choose a server a the beginning and might have to pay an extra fee to move from a continent to another.

Only the Germans have that issue. The Spanish can recruit South-Americans or Spanish speaking people from the US. The French can recruit French-Canadians. Only the Germans do not have large German-speaking areas outside of Europe.

Either way it’s working out fine, quite a few of the top ranked servers in EU are national servers. Of the top 6 there are 2 French, 2 German and 2 English. In fact, if you go through the top 15 EU servers, 10 are national servers making up 2 out of 3 servers in each of those 5 matchups. So the whole argument that national servers can’t do well falls flat on its face when we look at actual facts. There is only one bracket without any national servers atm in EU and that is the very bottom bracket.

edit: You can see for yourself here:

there is no canadian guild interested in playing on FR
there is no community of spanish speaking Latin American guildwars 2 players

There is FR and DE at the top of the actual EU ladder because there was no US presence on it. But more and more US guild are migrating to EU. The ladder was fine as it was, but they will ruin the balance, Desolation has already begun.

It would be so simple to solve this with two ladders :

  • one being worldwide and 24/7
  • other being Euro local only

and I don’t know why people wouldn’t want this, what’s the point besides kittenin up the Euro players that want it ?

Vizunah Square [FR]

Please Keep timezones separated

in WvW

Posted by: Heldohann.6854


People taking about “it’s a 24/7 game” are either too limited to understand what this post is about or trying to convince themselves they rock in WvW because they moved to EU servers for easy win.

The problem is not “can we play by night” nor “night capping should be forbidden”, the problem is there is a bunch of guilds transferring from EU to NA or NA to EU to avoid challenge or simply to exist. For EU people, night is night for everyone, they can play or not by night according to the fact that most of people are sleeping. Night capping is a matter of organisation between people in the same time zone.

Since we saw a massive transfer from NA to EU servers lately, this topic is new, legitimate and is not relative to “night capping” topics. It’s easy for people who recently moved to EU servers to pretend they “don’t understand the matter” and ask for “shutting down this topic”.

And those who asked for international servers only are mostly those who complain that some players don’t use English to communicate. You gotta understand that not all players can easily speak and understand English as most of English native players are not able to speak and understand Russian, Spanish, French or German.

-French player of Arborstone

Please Keep timezones separated

in WvW

Posted by: jaxom.7469


i love when people from servers that starts to win without challenge are “fine” with NA players

humans will never change.

Please Keep timezones separated

in WvW

Posted by: Truebanana.5936


Single ladder = All the US guilds who moved to EU ladder going back to the top 2 old top US servers, to be in the easy winning server. (Look at how they are stacking on 2 EU server, to be as much as possible against outmaned ennemy)
Problem solved, but the US guilds on EU ladder might start complaining, because they would have a lot more challange fighting each other.

Truebanana [Opt] Solo roaming D/F Elementalist on Augury Rock
Dolcebanana [Opt] Solo roaming D/F Elementalist twink lvl 60 on Augury Rock

Please Keep timezones separated

in WvW

Posted by: Cafeine.9832


I’am really agree with OP ! Why we have 2 separate timezone ? Why we have tagged country server like FR DE SP ?

Elona Reach [DE] are very good players they playing with more defensive arms.
Far Shiverpeaks are very good players in plain like NUG or GF.
Arborstone [FR] are very good tactical players.
All of this servers diserve stay in T1 EU.
But Desolation ? They have a lvl of T5, they just have US players, and they take positions with no arms, they no use any arms, no up any positions. They doesn’t use any memser teleport… They just have a zombie army come from very low US ladder… And they stay in T1 lvl.

If the solution is merge this two ladders please delete the FR DE SP tag, it’s just a discrimination tag in this case.

Cafeïne – Insert CoinZ [CPC] – Vizunah Square [FR] on EU ladder.

(edited by Cafeine.9832)

Please Keep timezones separated

in WvW

Posted by: waeren.9743


So the EU “nightcapping” servers are complaining about getting “nightcapped”?!

Check the sticky on this very forum, in there ArenaNet states very clearly that it’s a 24/7 game. WvW is a coverage game, you can’t blame people for trying to get their coverage fixed. If NA guilds want to give EU servers a shot, let them have the possibility. More competition is always great.

If you rolled on a FR, SP, DE server you joined it for the community, it was an option and you chose that option. And now you’re complaining over an option you got?

Please Keep timezones separated

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Siotrad.2519

Lord Siotrad.2519


One more time … That’s not about the night capping who is, indeed, a part of the game.

It is about night capping(because of timezone) of NA guilds on EU servers (or EU Guilds on NA servers) … that was not annonced by A.Net it could be possible … big difference.

If it was, The language servers should not existed.
But they made 2 laders, and in one of this 2 … some distinctions of language … don’t you see the wvill to have a real separation ???

[ACSK] – [GC]
Vizunah Square

(edited by Lord Siotrad.2519)

Please Keep timezones separated

in WvW

Posted by: Gwal.2813


So the EU “nightcapping” servers are complaining about getting “nightcapped”?!

Check the sticky on this very forum, in there ArenaNet states very clearly that it’s a 24/7 game. WvW is a coverage game, you can’t blame people for trying to get their coverage fixed. If NA guilds want to give EU servers a shot, let them have the possibility. More competition is always great.

If you rolled on a FR, SP, DE server you joined it for the community, it was an option and you chose that option. And now you’re complaining over an option you got?

If ANet would have wanted the EU ladder to be worldwide, they wouldn’t have created 2 ladder.

24/7 geographic coverage make no sense in EU where maybe 80% people go to sleep around the same time.
50% of the EU ladder are localized servers. By coming to EU ladder, NA guilds are kittening up all of those players
Why ? because those localized server cannot recruit nightpop that speak their language.

And the problem is so simple to solve for making everybody happy :

  • you want 24/7 competition, worldwide fights at any hour ? -> go on “US worldwide ladder”
  • you want to play with people “around GMT” -> go to “Euro local” ladder

There is a possibility for everyone to have what they want, I just dont get why some people want to kitten the game for half the EU ladder ?

Vizunah Square [FR]

Please Keep timezones separated

in WvW

Posted by: waeren.9743


Well it looks like you’re never going to get my point and I’m not going to get yours.

There is a small possibility that ArenaNet will change what’s currently in place but I doubt they will. There simply isn’t enough people bothered by this and chances are an even more would be inconvenienced by forcibly splitting out the population. Us EU people are not special, hope you start realizing that.

I never saw the reason for having EU/NA brackets if it was supposed to be a 24/7 game. I never see a reason for splitting up the population by language. But for some reason that’s what the population expects and now you’re complaining about a privilege.

If anything, ask for your own FR bracket. I’m sure a lot less people would object to that. You wouldn’t have to leave your ghetto at all.

Please Keep timezones separated

in WvW

Posted by: Gwal.2813


This problem just happen to bother at least the 50% of EU ladder that are on localized servers, that’s 25% of the game players
But what the hell, we are just EU players, and US probably don’t give a kitten about EU

Vizunah Square [FR]

Please Keep timezones separated

in WvW

Posted by: Reidir.6391


Stop crying. If you have problems with americans, then recruit some asian/oceanic players. All of you dont have to know english/korean/any other language, only few who already know those languages can help with cooperation between new, non-eu players and your community. FR/DE/SP tag doesnt mean there can not be any non-FR/DE/SP players.

Please Keep timezones separated

in WvW

Posted by: waeren.9743


This problem just happen to bother at least the 50% of EU ladder that are on localized servers, that’s 25% of the game players
But what the hell, we are just EU players, and US probably don’t give a kitten about EU

And of those 25% only a small fraction plays wvw and of that small fraction there’s an even smaller fraction complaining.

I think your numbers are a bit off.

Please Keep timezones separated

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Siotrad.2519

Lord Siotrad.2519

Stop crying. If you have problems with americans, then recruit some asian/oceanic players. All of you dont have to know english/korean/any other language, only few who already know those languages can help with cooperation between new, non-eu players and your community. FR/DE/SP tag doesnt mean there can not be any non-FR/DE/SP players.

Yes … but did you know a lot of US, Asians, Oceanics interessed to come in a FR server ???

So few that they even don’t play GW2

[ACSK] – [GC]
Vizunah Square

Please Keep timezones separated

in WvW

Posted by: nysta.6713


it must be terrible not being able to open your mind and make friends from other parts of the world.

Please Keep timezones separated

in WvW

Posted by: Reidir.6391


@Lord Siotrad.2519
Then make some advertising, like 0 queue time at night (US prime time) and good battles in high tier matches (lower tier servers usually dont have problems with night capping americans, so they dont have to cover night time).