Please read the NEW Sticky thread above!
That’s quite a hilarious response from ArenaNet, to be honest.
They should just stop dragging this out and properly announce the shutdown of WvW so that they can spend their ’limited resources’ on PvE. It has already happened as far as us the players can tell, so they might as well make it official and end the miserable existence of the game mode.
I *personally believe* that the only reason we’re not hearing more from ArenaNet on this subject is because so long as there isn’t any negative media attention they will continue to keep it going as-is to milk whatever there is left to milk from the WvW playerbase. I bet if there was negative media attention, we’d be seeing a blog post about ’the future of WvW’.
Thorny Scrub – Thief
(edited by Raap.9065)
No we should all make copies of already existing threads. I’ll be getting right on that Anet!
It’s so hilarious when people say “There are already hundreds of threads about this!” but when someone actually posts in those threads they are like “y u necro this thread?”
Just hilarious.
~Sincerely, Scissors
so we get punished when we crave attention and make enough of a nuisance of ourselves to actually get some.
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
To be safe from infractions I think any thought about WvW will now get it’s very own thread. no need to go through past threads and find any former topics that are about it for fear of getting in trouble. I also think we will see a lot of threads that have 28 days since their last post getting some attention.
About page 10 is 25 days ago on the last post…
“Be heard! Seek wisdom! Join a conversation with fellow adventurers, or start your own.” (just don’t necro).
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”
Is deletion of the WvW forum next, like what happened to the WvW Matchup forum?
Would it make any difference?
Would the players notice any difference?
Is deletion of the WvW forum next, like what happened to the WvW Matchup forum?
Would it make any difference?
Would the players notice any difference?
Guild Wars 2 is a PvE game anyway. PvP/WvW are just some small bonus gameplay modes.
~Sincerely, Scissors
No we should all make copies of already existing threads. I’ll be getting right on that Anet!
It’s so hilarious when people say “There are already hundreds of threads about this!” but when someone actually posts in those threads they are like “y u necro this thread?”
Just hilarious.
It’s the fact you post in a dead thread for the sole purpose of bringing it to the front page without offering any new constructive opinion or criticism on the subject matter!!!
Tacktical Killers [TK]
We’re looking for players.
PM me here or ING.
No we should all make copies of already existing threads. I’ll be getting right on that Anet!
It’s so hilarious when people say “There are already hundreds of threads about this!” but when someone actually posts in those threads they are like “y u necro this thread?”
Just hilarious.
It’s the fact you post in a dead thread for the sole purpose of bringing it to the front page without offering any new constructive opinion or criticism on the subject matter!!!
Or maybe I just want to discuss a certain topic that already has dozens of threads. And instead of making another exact copy of an existing thread I decide to discuss it in a place that already exists for this particulair subject to be discussed in.
~Sincerely, Scissors
Here’s an idea/suggestion.
We can’t necro old posts, but we can link them and quote the dev posts.
No you cannot… My post was locked for talking about the WvW blog from over a year ago…
No we should all make copies of already existing threads. I’ll be getting right on that Anet!
It’s so hilarious when people say “There are already hundreds of threads about this!” but when someone actually posts in those threads they are like “y u necro this thread?”
Just hilarious.
It’s the fact you post in a dead thread for the sole purpose of bringing it to the front page without offering any new constructive opinion or criticism on the subject matter!!!
Or maybe I just want to discuss a certain topic that already has dozens of threads. And instead of making another exact copy of an existing thread I decide to discuss it in a place that already exists for this particulair subject to be discussed in.
And you used the term “discuss” which is perfectly fine by me. It’s when people bump threads and offer nothing but to reposition it because it had a Red post in it with no solution.
Tacktical Killers [TK]
We’re looking for players.
PM me here or ING.
Arenanet Forum Main Page:Be heard! Seek wisdom! Join a conversation with fellow adventurers, or start your own..
I was heard, and the wisdom I required was I was told to be quiet.
(edited by Pinkamena Diane Pie.8054)
I have an issue with how Mark worded that sticky post.
“Due to the rash of necroposting on this subforum, anybody caught posting in a dead thread will be subject to infractions and possible suspensions from this point forward.
A dead thread is defined as any thread that has not received any posts in more than 30 days.”
A clarification is required here. First it states that anyone caught posting in a dead thread will be punished. Then it defines the thread as a post that has not received any posts in more then 30 days.
My question is, if someone resurrects a dead thread and I happen to post in that thread after it has been resurrected am I under threat of punishment? After all someone must have posted before me to resurrect the thread. Also what happens if someone resurrects such a thread and deletes his post after other people have posted on it? Would he get away and all others be punished?
Arenanet Forum Main Page:Be heard! Seek wisdom! Join a conversation with fellow adventurers, or start your own..
I was heard, and the wisdom I required was I was told to be quiet.
Joining a conversation and bumping long-dead threads with developer posts in them as an attention-seeking tactic are two entirely different things. A few people decided to start digging through the forum and bumping old topics, not to contribute to conversations there or post new and insightful comments to breathe new life into the topic, but to be disruptive and to try and “prove a point”. Since asking nicely rarely seems to work with the people engaging in this behavior, I made the sticky post explicitly telling everybody to stop, under threat of infraction, suspension and ultimately banning. If there’s a topic you actually wish to discuss, then please open a thread (if an active one does not currently exist) and do so. This is not a new limitation on what you can talk about, just a request to stop the disruptive necroposting.
I understand your frustrations and desire to hear from developers about what’s under development, I really do. However, as I said in the other thread I posted in today, we are unable to comment on features under development until they reach a state where we, as a company, are comfortable talking about them. So, when you ask “are you working on x” or “what’s the status of y”, we can’t comment.
Being disruptive on the forums (in old or new threads), making rude or demanding posts and posting comments like “there is no WvW team anymore” are hardly an endearing method that encourages our developers to post more. I would ask that you take this into consideration when posting as well.
Again I can assure you, the developers are reading the forums regularly, even though they don’t have time to post a reply to everything they read. Additionally, as I read these forums probably more than anybody here, I regularly compile reports for the competitive team to make sure they are up to speed on your concerns and desires. Does this mean your every wish will be granted? No, it does not. What it does mean is that the team is regularly being made aware of how the community feels about the game and what features, content, etc. that you like, dislike or want to see in the future. What it also means is that we take note of when you all ask for or suggest a feature that is currently under development, so that down the line, when it’s actually released and a bunch of people clamor to the forums to complain that “nobody asked for this” (you know who you are), we can refer back and be secure in the knowledge that somebody did, in fact, ask for it.
Now, this post has ended up way longer than I intended it to be. I don’t expect what I’ve said here to cause a sudden change in the tone or content of the posts on this forum. What I do expect is your understanding that we’re not just sitting here twiddling our thumbs and I haven’t enacted this rule against necroposting as some sinister method to justify shutting down the WvW forum. WvW is one of the core game types of Guild Wars 2, and as long as we have forums and I have something to say about it, we will have a place for WvW discussion.
I have an issue with how Mark worded that sticky post.
“Due to the rash of necroposting on this subforum, anybody caught posting in a dead thread will be subject to infractions and possible suspensions from this point forward.
A dead thread is defined as any thread that has not received any posts in more than 30 days.”A clarification is required here. First it states that anyone caught posting in a dead thread will be punished. Then it defines the thread as a post that has not received any posts in more then 30 days.
My question is, if someone resurrects a dead thread and I happen to post in that thread after it has been resurrected am I under threat of punishment? After all someone must have posted before me to resurrect the thread. Also what happens if someone resurrects such a thread and deletes his post after other people have posted on it? Would he get away and all others be punished?
To answer your questions. Providing no other rules are broken (i.e. personal attacks,
name calling, etc.) only the person who first posted in the dead thread will see punitive action. The thread will then be locked to prevent further posting. As for your second question, the moderation team has the ability to see all deleted posts, so there is no mistaking who necroposted the thread, even after deletion.
Being disruptive on the forums (in old or new threads), making rude or demanding posts and posting comments like “there is no WvW team anymore” are hardly an endearing method that encourages our developers to post more. I would ask that you take this into consideration when posting as well.
Chicken…. Egg…..
(tongue-in-cheek, I do appreciate your efforts)
(edited by Ragnar.4257)
Thank you for the reply Mark. Appreciate it.
Arenanet Forum Main Page:Be heard! Seek wisdom! Join a conversation with fellow adventurers, or start your own..
I was heard, and the wisdom I required was I was told to be quiet.
I was too. Honesty, no matter how it is presented is not always welcome.
If a forum posting is “old” (a month or less, let’s say), and I go back in because I am having the same issues and they haven’t been addressed, am I wrong?
I’m sorry, but anyone who thinks necro’ing threads will do any good is wrong, as discussed on
Doing so thinking they’ll bow down to our demands by not giving constructive criticism isn’t going to achieve anything, but make them ignore us more – it only shows one person throwing his toys out of the pram. I know they might not acknowledge it, I’ve written stuff that isn’t always acknowledged, but I have to think it’s being taken into account and that I’m making a difference.
We all want the best for WvW, it’s a game mode not an individual product with so much promise that isn’t in our vision, yet there isn’t something quite like it that brings us back to play it everyday.
I’m sure there are many like me still enjoy hopping into WvW daily with Acquaintances, Friends and Guildies; who also want to see new WvW content and changes. Otherwise we might aswell give up and reroll tetris.
Plays completely opposite professions to his main Teef.
(edited by CrimsonNeonite.1048)
Using the “It’ll be ready when it’s ready” excuse was OK when the game was in alpha and beta, but no longer.
The game is out, Living Story gets HUGE updates every two weeks, whilst WvW has bearly got a thing in comaprison!
I understand that you are stuck between either saying nothing and getting flamed, or giving estimated timeframes on things and then getting flamed when those timeframes are not met.
Either way things are going south fast. But thank you for your posts, that’s all we’ve been asking for; some sort okittennowledgement that we EXIST, we are here, we play in WvW, and we want more replies other than being threatened with infractions and bans.
A hello here a how-do there, it makes the difference, but all we’ve had is silence, and silence can drive people to do crazy things, and I think we’ve proved that. And yet you continue to tell us to be silent….??
There are still a whole load of games to be released this year, and with each one more players are leaving due to not knowing the future of this game mode; so they tell themselves “why bother playing any more, I’ll just move onto something which has more solid foundations and solid plans for the future of the game”, atm GW2 only has more Living Story.
A business model for any game is to attract MORE players. LS only attracts current players who want to get their achievement points, and then they go off to their other games a day or two later.
Create a new borderlands map for WvW, and you’ll attract the old players who have left, and most of them will stay on for weeks to months!
Add some WvW based gem store items and people will buy them. Coloured commander tag option, or other things; as previously stated by devs teh community has some good ideas, they just need to be implemented.
This clearly points to the fact that if you want to increase your player base numbers, WvW must get at least some major updates, not just minor fixes!
Awesome filtering
(edited by Pinkamena Diane Pie.8054)
I’m sorry, but anyone who thinks necro’ing threads will do any good is wrong, as discussed on
Doing so thinking they’ll bow down to our demands just by doing so isn’t going to do anything, but make them ignore us more and it only shows one person throwing his toys out of the pram.
We all want the best for WvW, it’s a game mode (not an individual product) with so much promise yet not in our vision. There isn’t something quite like it that brings us back to play it everyday, yet I’m sure there are many like me still enjoy hopping into WvW daily with Acquaintances, Friends and Guildies.
Nobody expects anet to do anything regardless of what is posted in the forums. Years of constructive criticism and suggestions have been ignored, from beta to release to now. Someone just went around bumping threads to point out anet lies/broken promises/failures for our amusement or commiseration.
20 years ago we had forums and software that let you sort posts any way you liked. You could sort by the date the article was first created. You could sort by last post. You could have options to only show the new posts in a thread. You didn’t lose your place in a thread every time your browser dropped a cookie.
Necro threads are a software problem. Sadly the forum software these days is a pale shadow of what it used to be.
Again I can assure you, the developers are reading the forums regularly, even though they don’t have time to post a reply to everything they read. Additionally, as I read these forums probably more than anybody here, I regularly compile reports for the competitive team to make sure they are up to speed on your concerns and desires. Does this mean your every wish will be granted? No, it does not. What it does mean is that the team is regularly being made aware of how the community feels about the game and what features, content, etc. that you like, dislike or want to see in the future. What it also means is that we take note of when you all ask for or suggest a feature that is currently under development, so that down the line, when it’s actually released and a bunch of people clamor to the forums to complain that “nobody asked for this” (you know who you are), we can refer back and be secure in the knowledge that somebody did, in fact, ask for it.
I would just like to point out, and I hope you realize this, that the first dev post in MONTHS in this subforum since the tourney reward debacle was… yours. To tell us to shut up and stop bringing up old threads.
It’s not about developers reading this forum and not having time to reply to everything. It appears that they have no time to reply to anything.
I’m glad you’re compiling reports. What exactly do those reports contain? A lot of the threads over the last couple of months have simply been people asking if there’s anyone still answering phones over there, and that’s because we keep calling, the phone keeps ringing, but there’s nobody on the other end.
I’d simply like to point out that your follow-up post to the sticky feels somewhat ironic to me, and even the sticky itself perhaps a bit insulting, in that the only response that we’ve gotten to let us know people are reading this forum is that someone got a little miffed over thread necros and decided that it had to stop.
If you think your post ended up being longer than it had to be, it didn’t. We needed to hear it. All of it. People are leaving. People have left. People have been considering if there’s any worth in investing our time and money in this game anymore, and we absolutely, 100%, needed you to write every single word of that.
(edited by Ark Bladesteele.2943)
Mark, I have a possible solution. The majority of people think that because a thread/post receives no Developer feedback that the Devs have abandoned this forum. I do understand your position in that they do not have the time to reply to every post although they do read many. Currently you identify the posts that a Developer has replied in with a red flag. Perhaps you can add a different color flag that will inform the public on whether or not the thread has been read and taken into consideration even though there is no reply? At that point a reply would not be totally necessary as long as we know that someone has viewed our concerns. Currently there is way of knowing.
Just a thought.
Edit: I thought it over and refined it.
Let us say we have 3 threads concerning
1) Mounts
2) New maps
3) Arrow cart field of view
If the developer team has no interest in working on Mounts in the foreseeable future flag the thread gray. If it is under consideration such as new maps but pushed out until time permits flag it yellow. If it is currently under development/in process such as arrow carts ( okay I am hoping ) but with no ETA then flag it green. The current red flag can be left automated as it is now when a Dev posts in a thread. The other 3 can be a toggle for developers only that they can click on accordingly.
It may even clear up many repetitive threads!
(edited by Theftwind.8976)
A few people decided to start digging through the forum and bumping old topics, not to contribute to conversations there or post new and insightful comments to breathe new life into the topic, but to be disruptive and to try and “prove a point”.
Hi Mark,
I am one of those few.
To be specific the threads I’ve historically ‘red bumped’ were to do with:
1) Commander tag
2) WvW Achievement Points
These points are not new to people who follow the forums. I’m sure many people would feel that we don’t need ‘yet another’ topic created on them. So you can say that my necros failed to post an insightful comment, only to be disruptive and try “prove a point”, but I honesty think the real point was missed.
I didn’t have to post an ‘insightful’ comment because I didn’t need to. I breathed new life into the topic because of the simple fact that the obvious was made clear.
That is for over a year you’ve discussed a revamp to the WvW AP’s which has not happened. You’ve discussed a revamp to the commander tag along with a CDI to back this up for over a year and yet, nothing.
Am I disruptive to the GW2 community? I like WvW, I want WvW to be better and I bump things, that seemingly get lost so that new players realise that their ideas are not so new and concurrently helps give perspective to veteran players.
You can argue the merits of altruism but in some respects that’s beside the point. What I did was use the system presented to us, the limitations that comes with that to highlight a point. That is, a developer posted to state they were working on/wanting to make changes to said topic, that seemingly hasn’t happened.
Tbh I think I’ve been very constructive, it creates accountability. The ‘political fallout’ from that, is why we are now having this conversation. Not because I’m being ‘disruptive’.
One mans rebel is another mans terrorist.
If the developer team has no interest in working on Mounts in the foreseeable future flag the thread gray. If it is under consideration such as new maps but pushed out until time permits flag it yellow. If it is currently under development/in process such as arrow carts ( okay I am hoping
) but with no ETA then flag it green. The current red flag can be left automated as it is now when a Dev posts in a thread. The other 3 can be a toggle for developers only that they can click on accordingly.
It may even clear up many repetitive threads!
they arent gonna tell us what theyre working on cuz plans change and then a year later we’ll necro threads and say “you failed in your promises to us”. if they stay tight lipped they only have to deal with us complaining that they never tell us anything instead of have us complaining about broken promises.
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
they arent gonna tell us what theyre working on cuz plans change and then a year later we’ll necro threads and say “you failed in your promises to us”. if they stay tight lipped they only have to deal with us complaining that they never tell us anything instead of have us complaining about broken promises.
Under what I proposed they do not have to reply on the thread, just give us an indication on what is being worked on, what is being considered and what is a non-issue. No defined ETA’s and no defined promises.
Just got to say wow what a response from mark… This thread blew up so quickly but wow that post he put up.
It kind of makes me think that their attention has finally come to wvw.. Here’s to hoping!
Leader of ninja ops
Why I like Marks post I dont belive now that Anet is even working on something WvW related. Thats the true reason why they cant say anything. Because they do not work of anything.
For start let me summarize Commander colors:
started – it was reported in beta
talked about – whole 2 years players posted about more commander functionality
CDI – start of 2014 there was a CDI where question was: fast and quick change to color or massive change but in far future? Players voted for fast but small change, maybe just choosing of color
April 2014- in game datas there were found several color icons of commander tag
today end of July2014 – finally a red post telling us that they wont say anything
Now if you will look on this history Mark, you must understand why players feel betryed and dissappointed. And its just one simple change.
While you are pushing our new maps, new achivements, even new skills and traits, change of color for commander tag seems like more that your devs can handle in 2 years.
Achivement points:
Old achivements – delete
make new achivement with proper numbers
As result everybody will start fresh, with new achivements. ITs better than to argue and thinking of new system why changing current achivements cant work
…posting comments like “there is no WvW team anymore” are hardly an endearing method that encourages our developers to post more.
Just to clarify, many came to the conclusion that there were no WvW development team anymore it is only because for almost a year we heard nothing from you guys on promises updates , like the borderlands Orbs coming back differently. It’s only natural that we started to believe that you are working on another project when you’ve been silent for such a long time.
Finally, some in the community had the impression that bumping old threads were the only way to make their points across (a 1-year-old thread is an old thread to bump indeed, but 1 year is also a long time to wait) and perhaps they were right, as it seems we wouldn’t even be having this conversation if they had not done so.
Thank you again for your reply.
(edited by Xillllix.3485)
…posting comments like “there is no WvW team anymore” are hardly an endearing method that encourages our developers to post more.
Just to clarify, many came to the conclusion that there were no WvW development team anymore it is only because for almost a year we heard nothing from you guys on promises updates , like the borderlands Orbs coming back differently. It’s only natural that we started to believe that you are working on another project when you’ve been silent for such a long time.
Finally, some in the community had the impression that bumping old threads were the only way to make their points across (a 1-year-old thread is an old thread to bump indeed, but 1 year is also a long time to wait) and perhaps they were right, as it seems we wouldn’t even be having this conversation if they had not done so.
Thank you again for your reply.
All the other questions and posts, without a reply, and the necroing did it. So I think the reason for doing it worked.
I am also very, VERY disappointed in the reply, as it was a reply of anger and annoyance, a reply of “why cant you just shutup!”. It has sealed the deal with me to not buy gems anymore, with a reply of “we can’t talk about what we are working on”, only means we are going to drag you along as far as we can without making promises, because we already promised everything and have nothing left to bait you with.
What a joke, I am SO tired of the “it takes time” line, ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! All the updates WvW has had, were either fixes that should have been there after beta, or account for about one living story update worth of work. When we are talking a year for a color change, yeah…You have to understand why people feel there is no WvW dev team, and things have only gotten worse.
To have no contact for such a long time on updates promised months if not years ago and then the only red post we have is a threat? That has got to be the worst way to handle this problem, maybe if we had some more red posts people would not have to necro a thread from a year ago to see one.
Thank you for replies Mark Katzbach.
Now how about CDI for some PR.
Why is there such secrecy involved in WvW development? Aside from update in the map designs and constant PPT issues, most things are about improving, balancing and fixing existing stuff. Every other part of the game seems to be well announced before.
Its just to face it, Anet is baiting us to keep playing WvW in silence. I mean what they say they wanted to do with WvW 1 year ago might still happen, right?!
In the meantime, they can make a useless monkey king costume with new jump/dodge animations in the Living Story updates but cannot tone down arrowcart damage by 20% or increase the cooldown a couple of secs (and thats just the really really really easy/simple way to tweak it).
The answer is so blatantly obvious. No one is even looking at WvW.
(edited by Dawdler.8521)
posting comments like “there is no WvW team anymore” are hardly an endearing method that encourages our developers to post more.
I hope you realize that there is one very simple solution that will stop posts like this being made. The very fact that no one can identify a single person in this supposed wvw team (Devon isn’t only wvw anymore and Jessica is QA, they don’t count) and that major wvw changes have always been presented to us by spvp devs help fuel this kind of speculation.
Again I can assure you, the developers are reading the forums regularly, even though they don’t have time to post a reply to everything they read. Additionally, as I read these forums probably more than anybody here, I regularly compile reports for the competitive team to make sure they are up to speed on your concerns and desires.
Maybe the main problem of the WvW forum is that it get’s only negative feedback from ANet.
If you troll, necro, be rude, be negative you sooner or later get feedback from ANet. Negative feedback of course, but feedback.
If you are constructive, propose or discuss matter it looks like you are ignored. If you summarize thread for the developers or developers read threads, how about some positive feedback: “Thanks for this interesting discussion”.
People obviously want feedback on the things they do in the forum, and if only negative things get feedback people become more negative.
" WvW is one of the core game types of Guild Wars 2…"
Oh really?
When WvW gets the regular iterative living world style development that PvE gets….I might believe you.
@dayra We get no feedback, negative feedback is in our minds if we choose to think that way. Perhaps they could give acknowledgement for the fact we’ve given constructive feedback yet that would give us false hope (look above), but being rude/immature or bumping old threads with nothing to add, because things are not the way we want it to be; is not going to get the reaction we want.
I’m not defending Anet btw, complaining in that manner is just the immature and very internet-agey like certain sites around, but it’s about time WvW needed some positive PR on their part.
Plays completely opposite professions to his main Teef.
(edited by CrimsonNeonite.1048)
As I have said frequently before now (collecting infractions along the way), there does not actually appear to be a wvw dev team at all any more. Currently there is no evidence that they are actually working on anything to do with wvw- even a simple change like commander badge colour hasn’t happened in two years.
It’s unsurprising given the lack of changes, information, etc that many feel highlighting old threads rather than just creating a ‘new’ topics raising the same old issues is the way to go.
Maybe there is someone working on wvw, but from a player’s point of view this isn’t apparent from the game nor from the total lack of dev comment about anything relating to wvw. And then we’re threatened about necro’ing old threads when this happens on spvp forums and others regularly, which just feels like being treated with contempt.
All the PR speak in the world isn’t going to change this perception. Deeds not words is what people want, before the mode that is apparently ‘a core mode of gw2’ loses even more people and becomes a noobfest of people playing bad builds EoTM style.
Thanks Mark for replying! I really Appreciate it, Good to see and hear there is people reading this posts that comes on here
I have an issue with how Mark worded that sticky post.
“Due to the rash of necroposting on this subforum, anybody caught posting in a dead thread will be subject to infractions and possible suspensions from this point forward.
A dead thread is defined as any thread that has not received any posts in more than 30 days.”A clarification is required here. First it states that anyone caught posting in a dead thread will be punished. Then it defines the thread as a post that has not received any posts in more then 30 days.
My question is, if someone resurrects a dead thread and I happen to post in that thread after it has been resurrected am I under threat of punishment? After all someone must have posted before me to resurrect the thread. Also what happens if someone resurrects such a thread and deletes his post after other people have posted on it? Would he get away and all others be punished?
To answer your questions. Providing no other rules are broken (i.e. personal attacks,
name calling, etc.) only the person who first posted in the dead thread will see punitive action. The thread will then be locked to prevent further posting. As for your second question, the moderation team has the ability to see all deleted posts, so there is no mistaking who necroposted the thread, even after deletion.
What i can’t understand is why you don’t in the first place delete all +1 month old posts and stop this bull…..
If you’re not going to allow to other players to post anything else there just lock them or delete them and let it be the end of the story.
BTW, in this case most of those post just talk about exactly the same problems we’re facing now. What was true then it still is now so i don’t see the point on opening new threads so we can discuss AGAIN the same issues.
WvW sucks hard right now and its kindda sad that the only thing that make you post here is people bringing old posts alive.
Perhaps is not players fault but yours.
(edited by Mizhas.8536)
can someone kindly tell me how do I know if a thread already exists? given that research in the forum does not work?
@Mark Katzbach you appear to have clicked on the WvW discussion page by accident or is your pc “working as intended”?. Maybe you can get the WvW dev team to aslo click on this page by mistake aswell! But all jokes aside dead threads are dead threads if you wanna necro, just go roll the class :p
You know, I can understand that teh so-called WvW devs are busy, and as such may not have time to reply to the hundreds of crying posts made by WvW players who are down to their last grain of sand in their bucket of Hope.
BUT wasnt a WvW Liaison assigned to the WvW forums as a go-between players and devs. I dont mean you Mark, your title is Community Special Operations, this person was designated WvW Liaison.
What happened to this person? I believe it was Chris, but he was replaced by Josh, and we’ve never heard from him since; apart from the Ready Up streams.
@Mark Katzbach you appear to have clicked on the WvW discussion page by accident or is your pc “working as intended”?. Maybe you can get the WvW dev team to aslo click on this page by mistake aswell! But all jokes aside dead threads are dead threads if you wanna necro, just go roll the class :p
Necroing dead threads does two things, three if there’s a red post in them.
1. It brings up an issue that isn’t resolved to the players satisfaction
2. It shows that the issue hasn’t been resolved in a long time
3. If there’s a red post that recognizes the issue is being looked at then it begs the question why the issue hasn’t been resolved
I wonder if anyone at Anet is:
1) not allowed to talk about WvW development by upper management directive.
2) not working on WvW development so can’t talk about it.
3) all of the above
I hope there’s some middle ground where players can be more involved in the development of WvW and that the players will feel that WvW is core to GW2
they arent gonna tell us what theyre working on cuz plans change and then a year later we’ll necro threads and say “you failed in your promises to us”. if they stay tight lipped they only have to deal with us complaining that they never tell us anything instead of have us complaining about broken promises.
Under what I proposed they do not have to reply on the thread, just give us an indication on what is being worked on, what is being considered and what is a non-issue. No defined ETA’s and no defined promises.
we will take indications as promises
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
Hi Mark!
I get your intentions but drawing attention to threads with a dev post on issues that were to be addressed is not bad per se or should be punished as long as it contributes to the issue still at hand.
This is easily done if players would instead of “+1” compile all changes made, which ones are still to be resolved and then post a comprehensive analysis or feedback.
Since those issues have been noticed by devs it can be valuable for them also to get a more up to date feedback instead of having to rely on year(s) old information.
Nobody stops you from deleting posts that don’t contribute anything and even allowing users to necro threads every other month means you can still delete all subsequent posts.
It is your job as a moderator to be able to communicate rules as well as it is your job and privilege to decide if feedback is valuable and when a thread has truly ran its course.
Locking all necro threads might have been necessary at that time but it’s not a viable strategy for longer terms.
Choosing the harder road of keeping up with deleting posts could contribute more to a good forum environment than the benefit you get from not having to delete any more posts (You know this is not true anyway).
Even though what some users might say, this forum is more mature and friendly than others. There seem to be a an effort to create a friendly environment in the forums while giving enough freedom to users to express themselves.
*Talk about it again with the moderator team and if you can’t come up with a feasible solution to these issues, do the thread locking. *
have a good one
@Mark Katzbach you appear to have clicked on the WvW discussion page by accident or is your pc “working as intended”?. Maybe you can get the WvW dev team to aslo click on this page by mistake aswell! But all jokes aside dead threads are dead threads if you wanna necro, just go roll the class :p
Necroing dead threads does two things, three if there’s a red post in them.
1. It brings up an issue that isn’t resolved to the players satisfaction
2. It shows that the issue hasn’t been resolved in a long time
3. If there’s a red post that recognizes the issue is being looked at then it begs the question why the issue hasn’t been resolvedI wonder if anyone at Anet is:
1) not allowed to talk about WvW development by upper management directive.
2) not working on WvW development so can’t talk about it.
3) all of the aboveI hope there’s some middle ground where players can be more involved in the development of WvW and that the players will feel that WvW is core to GW2
Well I don’t want to sound negative, but personally until they give us a tiny tiny tiny glimpse of what they’ve been working on for in the last 12 months I won’t be able to “believe”.
Being totally secretive it the worse thing you can do after promising regular updates every 2 weeks. A full year and not a single screenshot was shown!
@Mark Katzbach you appear to have clicked on the WvW discussion page by accident or is your pc “working as intended”?. Maybe you can get the WvW dev team to aslo click on this page by mistake aswell! But all jokes aside dead threads are dead threads if you wanna necro, just go roll the class :p
Necroing dead threads does two things, three if there’s a red post in them.
1. It brings up an issue that isn’t resolved to the players satisfaction
2. It shows that the issue hasn’t been resolved in a long time
3. If there’s a red post that recognizes the issue is being looked at then it begs the question why the issue hasn’t been resolvedI wonder if anyone at Anet is:
1) not allowed to talk about WvW development by upper management directive.
2) not working on WvW development so can’t talk about it.
3) all of the aboveI hope there’s some middle ground where players can be more involved in the development of WvW and that the players will feel that WvW is core to GW2
Well I don’t want to sound negative, but personally until they give us a tiny tiny tiny glimpse of what they’ve been working on for in the last 12 months I won’t be able to “believe”.
Being totally secretive it the worse thing you can do after promising regular updates every 2 weeks. A full year and not a single screenshot was shown!
WvW forum really needs somebody that posts as much as Gaile Gray does in the support forums.