Population shift going good so far?

Population shift going good so far?

in WvW

Posted by: Midi.8359


So a little preface, I’m from Eredon Terrace. The last place, T24 server (Or T8, whatever). On any given day it’d be more likely that whoever has green side has 100% map control than for us to have our main keep in EB. Whenever the WvW changes were announced I didn’t expect to any changes to trickle down to the worst tiered server. But lo’ and behold my WvW and EotM experience has gotten much better since the changes.

In EotM I’m noticing many more commanders for the badlands side. While before there were often times were we didn’t have a tag or had first time tags that were just tagging up since nobody had in the last hour. After the changes I’ve never had a no-tag problem, and the commanders in general seem more experienced. Obviously basing my statements off of a small sample size of a week or so, but it still feels like there’s been a noticeable change.

In WvW, well to be fair it doesn’t take much for there to be a WvW improvement in Eredon Terrace. Yesterday we miraculously took all of EB. Which is a huge improvement off of the normal “/m Is there anyone here?” I experience in WvW. But, I think a better way to put it is that there was somewhat of an actual clash in WvW. From my experience when one side controls all of WvW, nobody plays. Not even the team that is winning because nobody on the losing side show’s up to de-cap their camps. But now, it seems like WvW lively enough to were you can randomly drop in and actually expect for there to be a zerg in one of the four servers.

What’ve been your experiences with WvW/EotM after the population changes? Anyone else noticing a positive improvement, or am I just eating some sugar pills from Anet?

(edited by Midi.8359)

Population shift going good so far?

in WvW

Posted by: Telly.4962


I agree with you, there is a slight uptick in activity on ET which is encouraging. Still a large mismatch with ET and DR vs the monster server of the week, but at least there seems to be more options than roaming solo

Population shift going good so far?

in WvW

Posted by: Coyote.7031


My experiences have been GvG guilds that have no interest in WvW at all just fights and duelers, so many duelers often 10-30 people grouped up for duels. They sit outside Stonemist and have been trolling players actually trying to play WvW, like yesterday we had a thief and a elementalist who kept attacking the groups trying to skirt around Stonemist, and thus start a WvW players and dueler battles over and over. We keep asking them to politely move away so this stops happening, it’s a win win if they move, they don’t get disturbed and we don’t get trolled, but they generally just reply “Go bleep yourself!” Guildwars 2 has such a terrible community, but I guess that’s true for the internet in general.

Population shift going good so far?

in WvW

Posted by: sephiroth.4217


My experiences have been GvG guilds that have no interest in WvW at all just fights and duelers, so many duelers often 10-30 people grouped up for duels. They sit outside Stonemist and have been trolling players actually trying to play WvW, like yesterday we had a thief and a elementalist who kept attacking the groups trying to skirt around Stonemist, and thus start a WvW players and dueler battles over and over. We keep asking them to politely move away so this stops happening, it’s a win win if they move, they don’t get disturbed and we don’t get trolled, but they generally just reply “Go bleep yourself!” Guildwars 2 has such a terrible community, but I guess that’s true for the internet in general.

This happens on every server, those duels usually start off with 2 players and someone watching, then more watch until the fight is over, then people take turns of dueling before moving off again to WvW.

We ask zerglings nicely not to interfere and to move past or have a turn themselves but they can’t resist that inconsiderate rapid fire or burst for attempts at a lootbag, as you said though “Guildwars 2 has such a terrible community, but I guess that’s true for the internet in general.”

I mostly play for the new Free-For-All arena in PvP lobby.
….. And Elementalist.

(edited by sephiroth.4217)

Population shift going good so far?

in WvW

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


So, we gonna start the don’t duel in WvW argument again.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

Population shift going good so far?

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


My experiences have been GvG guilds that have no interest in WvW at all just fights and duelers, so many duelers often 10-30 people grouped up for duels. They sit outside Stonemist and have been trolling players actually trying to play WvW, like yesterday we had a thief and a elementalist who kept attacking the groups trying to skirt around Stonemist, and thus start a WvW players and dueler battles over and over. We keep asking them to politely move away so this stops happening, it’s a win win if they move, they don’t get disturbed and we don’t get trolled, but they generally just reply “Go bleep yourself!” Guildwars 2 has such a terrible community, but I guess that’s true for the internet in general.

This happens on every server, those duels usually start off with 2 players and someone watching, then more watch until the fight is over, then people take turns of dueling before moving off again to WvW.

We ask zerglings nicely not to interfere and to move past or have a turn themselves but they can’t resist that inconsiderate rapid fire or burst for attempts at a lootbag, as you said though “Guildwars 2 has such a terrible community, but I guess that’s true for the internet in general.”


Whispers with meat.

Population shift going good so far?

in WvW

Posted by: Coyote.7031


So, we gonna start the don’t duel in WvW argument again.

I don’t care if people want to duel, I just wish they wouldn’t do it next to a major point on the map with heavy foot traffic.

Population shift going good so far?

in WvW

Posted by: wyther.8372


I haven’t noticed any uptick in ET. There is a slight difference though. The few of us that remain now don’t really even try to retake anything unless it is advantageous to set up an enemy group for the slaughter. We just go out and kill people. We have become pretty proficient in killing even odds up to 2 times our number without much problem even with pug people. Kill your enemy enough and the fair weather people go bye bye. Normally, by the second death our enemy numbers we face drop by about 50%. After the third death by an inferior force, our enemies virtually disappear or go to an empty borderland. That is what has been happening.

Gilkin – Ex Commander for ET server

Population shift going good so far?

in WvW

Posted by: Random.4691


So, we gonna start the don’t duel in WvW argument again.

I don’t care if people want to duel, I just wish they wouldn’t do it next to a major point on the map with heavy foot traffic.

This, it’s not really an argument, it’s common sense. Don’t duel in a high traffic area, not hard to grasp.

Population shift going good so far?

in WvW

Posted by: Tongku.5326


My experiences have been GvG guilds that have no interest in WvW at all just fights and duelers, so many duelers often 10-30 people grouped up for duels. They sit outside Stonemist and have been trolling players actually trying to play WvW, like yesterday we had a thief and a elementalist who kept attacking the groups trying to skirt around Stonemist, and thus start a WvW players and dueler battles over and over. We keep asking them to politely move away so this stops happening, it’s a win win if they move, they don’t get disturbed and we don’t get trolled, but they generally just reply “Go bleep yourself!” Guildwars 2 has such a terrible community, but I guess that’s true for the internet in general.

just run them over. you guys should be on team builds while they’re on dueling builds. if your driver is decent you can take 2-3 times your number. run them over enough times and they will either have to join wvw and fight that way, hence you win, or leave.

also, you can screw with them pretty hard, pull them into defensive siege etc. their QQ about it should be your joy.

its that simple.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

Population shift going good so far?

in WvW

Posted by: DiscoJacen.1590


T9 Underworld here:

The new changes brough nothing.
We are STILL empty (“medium”…. AHAHAH) and after several weeks of Blacktide hacking the last handful of players are pretty much giving up.

Thx for doing nothing. Thx for finishing us with a discriminating “medium” transfer price.

[ZERK] [RuSh]

(edited by DiscoJacen.1590)

Population shift going good so far?

in WvW

Posted by: gavyne.6847


Activity is at an all time low on the NA T1 server I’m on. The WvW regulars aren’t playing as much these days. All you see from the other 2 servers are new ppt guilds/players that are playing ppt/pvdoor 24/7. Fights have gotten lame, it’s mostly cat & mouse…some raid hitting a tower, we respond, they waypoint out or run. They hit another keep, we respond, they waypoint or run.

I’m sorry but whatever Anet is doing or trying to do, it’s not working and it’s killing the once vibrant, healthy, and action-all-the-time T1 servers.

Population shift going good so far?

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Mixed opinion here as I only x-ferred down to ET not too long ago.

Last week on ET I solo’d everything on DR BLs save for their keep and hills. It must have been totally dead during that time. Either way… It’s been interesting so far with my experience down in T8. It’s still difficult having so little coverage but when our guild group(s) get together we at least stand a chance.

I am concerned about the label of “medium” population status in regards to these rock bottom T8 servers… It is extremely misleading as my own experiences being totally alone, me myself and I on certain BLs. I hope ANet tends to that…

I can honestly say it is a good feeling recapping all your stuff, however, the thought of Zero coverage still lingers as soon as you leave the top dog server of the week will simply waltz in and take it all. Ah well. I still have my fun.

Population shift going good so far?

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

I am concerned about the label of “medium” population status in regards to these rock bottom T8 servers… It is extremely misleading as my own experiences being totally alone, me myself and I on certain BLs. I hope ANet tends to that…

Medium is the new low and high is the new medium. Same as with softdrink sizes and grade inflation. It’d look bad to have a server with “low” population, and with Anet, it’s all about looks.

Population shift going good so far?

in WvW

Posted by: Midi.8359


I can kinda sympathize with the whole medium labeling instead of small/low. Like others have said it’s been better after the shift but still largely a stomp in Green’s favor when you look at Green v. Blue/Red in T8. I dunno what cutoff’s or parameter’s they use for deciding world balance, but I’d say that Devona’s Rest and Eredon Terrace deserve a low population price point considering the current matchup. At least until we catch up to the green team.

I mean if you look at points now Green is at 77k, while Blue/Red is at 27/22k respectively. That means Red + Blue < Green, by about an entire server’s worth in terms of points. Lemme bold that: the green server in T8 WvW outscores the sum of the red and blue servers by a whole 27k. And yet Blue/Red have the same 500g transfer cost as green.

Also regarding dueling/skirmishing. That’s something that happens more at lower tier servers. Can’t really blame a zerg whenever they interrupt a duel since it only takes one person to “break the duel barrier” so to speak. My policy is that if I’m near a zerg friendly or enemy I’ll break duels since if I won’t somebody else in the zerg will anyway. Otherwise I just wave and keep on doing whatever I was before.

EDIT: Missed the thing about T1 servers. Was just as curious if the changes would negatively affect T1’s as it could positively affect others. Sad to see that it apparently is from your perspective.

(edited by Midi.8359)

Population shift going good so far?

in WvW

Posted by: JDjitsu.7895


I haven’t noticed any positive population changes on my server at all. I’m not sure its a correlation, but since the Golem Week debacle, WvW seems to have thinned out quite a bit. I’ve actually started playing fps games a lot more lately and mainly WvW during NA prime when we have more than 5-10 players across all the maps.

Maguuma & A Few alts on other NA/EU servers