This is not a whine or complain thread. This is especially not a thread complaining about any one server or guild for using this tactic. I’ve been on both sides if it; I’ve been in keeps and garrisons that were being golem-rushed, I’ve been in two successful and one unsuccessful golem rushes against keeps and garrisons myself. No, I don’t think it’s cheating, and no, I don’t think it’s any kind of an exploit, and no, given the current meta of the game, I don’t think any less of anybody who’s using it. All those disclaimers provided, here’s the question I want to ask: in your opinion …
Is the tactic of portal-bombing a golem rush good for WvW, or is it bad for WvW?
Quick review for those of you who are new to WvW or from some server that doesn’t use this tactic: what you need is 8 people. 5 can be any class that has reasonably good vitality; 3 must be mesmers with the Portal utility skill, and ideally one of them should also be high level enough to have Mass Invisibility.
- Build an Alpha Siege Golem right next to the supply pile in any supply camp (or, failing that, any fully upgraded garrison). With a team of 8, this takes no time at all. Have one waypoint that Golem back to the nearest safe point, and join you back at garrison or at the next supply camp.
- Repeat step 1 four more times.
- Waypoint all 5 golem operators and 3 mesmers to somewhere near an enemy keep or garrison during any low-population time of day, or any time that their main population is busy in Eternal Battleground or on some other Borderlands.
- Mesmers take turns portaling the golems so that they can move at the full +33% normal traveling speed (thanks to speed boosts on the mesmers themselves) the entire length of the map, if need be, just by stepping from portal to portal.
- When you get to the enemy gate, the mesmers use greatsword long-range attacks to take out any oil or cannons. Ignore the rest, including anybody up on the walls or even any arrow carts, because with Time Warp on the golems, the gate will be down before anybody can die.
- Jump out of golem suits and 8-man the keep lord. Elapsed time from when the enemy finds out their keep is under attack until you capture it: five minutes, tops.
Here’s the thing: what I hate about this tactic is that any 8-man group can basically capture anything unless there are already at least four, maybe five arrow carts capable of hitting the whole area around the gate and 4 or 5 people standing by inside the keep at all time. That means that to defend both keeps and the garrison takes 12 to 15 people standing by at all times, with nothing to do but watch the gates, to protect themselves from an attack that any 8 people can launch at will with no warning. That is, in my opinion, way, way too big of an advantage to the attacker.
What I’d do about it, if it were up to me, is make golem suits incapable of waypointing and incapable of using mesmer portals. You want to golem-rush a keep that has so many arrow carts you can’t take it any other way? Fine. Guard those golem suits the whole time they’re walking there. Or bring enough people that you can rush-build them (with Time Warp) where you need them. But a tactic where any random 8 people, or at most twice that, of any level and in any gear and with little or no organization, can seize everything on the map within half an hour or combat beginning and against which there is no defense other than permanently stationing overwhelming numbers of defenders? Who, if anybody, thinks that this is fun?