Pre 80 no longer welcome in WvW?

Pre 80 no longer welcome in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Bonezz.4961


Hello, so I recently decided to start playing this again after having not touched it for two years and it seems like (on my server anyways, Stormbluff Isle) people seem to be extremely offended by somebody not being level 80 in pvp. Just tonight I was following a group around and was threatened to be mass reported by a guild and had another group even begging me with gold to leave WvW until I hit 80 on my character. (This is a new character that’s a level 49 eng). I didn’t even say anything to them so should I have to worry about losing access to my account if they did mass report me?

Pre 80 no longer welcome in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

I think the more safe/welcoming place to lvl in a WvW-like setting is EotM.

The other WvW’ing maps are taken a bit more seriously, I guess.

Thief Nerf/Change Wish List. Advice List
Join the TEEFs!

Pre 80 no longer welcome in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: nightblood.7910


Yeah, the problem is you really are not that good at defending yourself in that environment as an uplevel. The scaling is not as good as in sPvP. You become a liability for whatever guild you are running with as when you die you will rally the enemy and very well could cause a wipe.

Now personally I feel and “believe” that if you choose to solo on an uplevel, well thats your gig.

Pre 80 no longer welcome in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: NoxInfernus.2361


They were/are frustrated that DB and Mag are beating you at the moment, and are taking their frustrations out on uplevels that choose to play.

Any good Commander would try to convince pre-80’s to help out in other ways i.e. Yak patrol, or running supply where needed.
Hell, an up level with even a few wvw ranks placed in Arrow cart, cannon, ballista, or Treb can be put to use while the “veterans” conduct operations with boots on the ground.

… And we all know how much SBI loves their siege

My suggestion, ignore them or consider moving to a server with Commanders capable of thinking outside the box.

Edit – to echo a suggestion above – EotM might be a little more forgiving should you really feel pressured to leave WvW, but yet still enjoy the atmosphere

(edited by NoxInfernus.2361)

Pre 80 no longer welcome in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiak.3281


It’s nothing personal, it’s just mechanics.

A lower level character who is upleveled isn’t anywhere on par with someone max level. This means in a group fight you’re just going to go down and rally the enemy team. Even if you’re super careful in Vit/Tough gear and super amazing player there’s still a good chance at some point this will happen and you will go down and cause the enemy to rally.

Sticking around in WvW and doing meanial tasks like escorting yaks, manning siege or really anything is just going to make you level even slower and make sure you aren’t as useful as you could be to the map even longer. Sitting around in a tower and scouting for your team for 3-4 hours is super useful and anyone can do it but it yields almost nothing to you personally.

You’re much better off going to EOTM, farming your way to 80, picking up those WvW ranks as you go, and then getting into WvW once you’re 80 and geared yourself out a bit.

Kodiak X – Blackgate

Pre 80 no longer welcome in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: springelf.9236


What could they report you on? Not being 80th isnt against the rules.

Pre 80 no longer welcome in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: mist.9807


As others have stated, you’ll rally the enemy at that level. The problem is, you could be perfect at positioning and combat, but it won’t matter. Enemies specifically seek out up-levels and will focus you down with a whole party or more – you won’t survive. If you want to continue playing in regular WvW, find a large zerg mad up of pugs and you probably won’t be the only up-level there. Otherwise, EOTM is the way to go.

Pre 80 no longer welcome in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173



Just play however you want. It is a game. Have fun.

Pre 80 no longer welcome in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: DeadlySynz.3471


The problem is people can tell your an up-level without even clicking on you and will target you. Your basically a sitting duck out there which means your a rally-bot. Depending on how serious the group is running, up-levels may or may not be welcome.

If you see a group with similar guild tags, chances are it’s a guild raid and up-levels aren’t welcome. If you see a commander tag with a good mix of tags, chances are it’s a pug group and you’ll more than likely be fine.

I suppose Anet could solve this problem easily by not allowing rallying of up-levels.

Pre 80 no longer welcome in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Zetsumei.4975


Well the first instance sounds like you were following a guild raid, we don’t like to have pugs following because of the rally mechanic which is even bigger of a problem if the pug is upscaled but also because we want to test our own skill without help from pugs. But yeah nothing personal, if you see the group are all the same guild its polite to leave them to do their own thing unless you’re planning on joining ^^.

Kurodaraku – Necromancer | Kuroshikon – Ranger
Officer of [DEX] Deus Ex Machina Eu and [Fus] Fus Ro Dâh
Ruins of Surmia

Pre 80 no longer welcome in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: antonbalboa.7280


I saw some things in this post:

Someone claimed scaling is “not as good as in PvP”, well, PvP has no scaling at all, a level 2 ranger will have exactly same stats than a lvl 80 ranger on the same build

About the offense, if you are level <80 you will be mostly useless in the zerg, you won’t have all the traits, nor exotic(or ascended) equipment…. You won’t deal any damage compared to a propper level 80 and/or your defense will not be the same. This transalted to a zerg/blob means that in case of a fight, you will be the most likely to die and this won’t be a problem if when you die, you rallied their down state people.

Third thing, never follow a closed guild raid on the map, reason is because they are on their ts (usually) they have propper setups for the raid to complement eachother and a rallybot between hem will not help them at all (always go with your public commander if any, otherwise ask for raom group, go scout or go alone).

Pre 80 no longer welcome in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Reborn.2934


Hello, so I recently decided to start playing this again after having not touched it for two years and it seems like (on my server anyways, Stormbluff Isle) people seem to be extremely offended by somebody not being level 80 in pvp. Just tonight I was following a group around and was threatened to be mass reported by a guild and had another group even begging me with gold to leave WvW until I hit 80 on my character. (This is a new character that’s a level 49 eng). I didn’t even say anything to them so should I have to worry about losing access to my account if they did mass report me?

any guild raid reacts in same way with all players that do not belong to them .

special the no 80 level characters have not the best gear / the traits and the stats and they are all the time the first target for the 80 level enemies .

but the no 80 level characters are still very useful in wvw . they can scout and alert in /m /t chat for enemies moves and pve with mobs around the objects ( towers / keeps ) , they can use the swiftness to make dollies deliver faster their supplies , they can help in repairs and siege refreshing or by joining the map commander ( the blue com tag ) and help him have enough people to accomplish his missions .

all these activities they are giving exp to no 80 level characters too while they are doing something useful for their server and for themselves .

but, following a guild raid or any dedicate experienced roaming group is not a good idea for reasons like rally and the first and easy target for enemies . the uplevel chars almost all the time is out of the battle first and they can not enjoy the battle for more than 1 minute . you want to see the battle ? stay in a safe distance and see , learn and enjoy the battle .

involving to a battle that you will easy loose is not wise approach of wvw . even 80 levels chars retreat the fights if they can not win ( more enemies , counter class , worst gear or food or even UN-prepared )

(edited by Reborn.2934)

Pre 80 no longer welcome in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: nightblood.7910


I saw some things in this post:

Someone claimed scaling is “not as good as in PvP”, well, PvP has no scaling at all, a level 2 ranger will have exactly same stats than a lvl 80 ranger on the same build


Really? (as in why did you feel the need to go there)

I guess this is a frame of reference statement, but as I use PvE stats as a frame of reference for my toons and that is what they really are, then they are scaled in sPvP.

ie. Level 2 ranger is definitely scaled up from its base stats in PvE when entering sPvP.

Regardless, its not the same as in sPvP and youre not as formidable and can be detrimental to a guild raid working on limited numbers and one person going down can mean a wipe.

(edited by nightblood.7910)

Pre 80 no longer welcome in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: antonbalboa.7280


I saw some things in this post:

Someone claimed scaling is “not as good as in PvP”, well, PvP has no scaling at all, a level 2 ranger will have exactly same stats than a lvl 80 ranger on the same build


Really? (as in why did you feel the need to go there)

I guess this is a frame of reference statement, but as I use PvE stats as a frame of reference for my toons and that is what they really are, then they are scaled in sPvP.

ie. Level 2 ranger is definitely scaled up from its base stats in PvE when entering sPvP.

Regardless, its not the same as in sPvP and youre not as formidable and can be detrimental to a guild raid working on limited numbers and one person going down can mean a wipe.

I wanted to say there is no difference about a level 2 ranger and a level 80 ranger when in PvP (PvP is not WvW!!)

Pre 80 no longer welcome in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: nightblood.7910


I can say this for you. WvW is like a double edged sword. Others might have had different experiences than I have, but Ive been in a guilds that were really serious and well I heard more ridicule than fun as I was just learning ele or some other new class.

On the other side, Ive been in guilds where the drivers are really good, but they are less demanding of their guild. This makes for a fun time, but a kittene.

Ive also been in guilds where it was uplevel time if we were not doing anything serious.

A lot of it is the guild youre in. So far I personally like the guild I am in now. Nothing majorly serious and a lot of fun, good driver (I hate the idea of driving myself.) but comps are almost never right because there is no restrictions on what you bring to the table, though I have never tried to bring an uplevel to that table.

(edited by nightblood.7910)

Pre 80 no longer welcome in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Puz.8529


I’ve done the same as you the past week. Level up my lowbie engineer in wvw. It is probably the best class to do this with. Due to grenades that can cause nasty damage + conditions and do so from max range!

Now for joining bigger groups. Realise that you are a possible rally-bot and play accordingly.

Raids to join:
1. Join public raids. On my server they are the blue tagged commanders.
2. Go to EB. More stuff switches hands in EB compared to the other maps. More caps = more xp!
3. Don’t follow Yellow tags, they are guild raids and don’t like anyone tagging along.
4. Have fun! And get to 80 that way!

Puz – TDA

Pre 80 no longer welcome in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Grimwar.3789


Welcome back. I’m also on Stormbluff Isle. Feel free to contact me with anything to help bring you up to speed.

Deux Ex [XX] on Stormbluff Isle

Pre 80 no longer welcome in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Baldrick.8967


I’ve done the same as you the past week. Level up my lowbie engineer in wvw. It is probably the best class to do this with. Due to grenades that can cause nasty damage + conditions and do so from max range!

Great, another instant downed when he throw his nades into a blob with Retal on…engi isn’t a good class to level up in wvw, as most of your choices are aoe and when you hit a decent group of enemies you die fast and act as rally bait.

Best place to level is in EoTM where you can run around following the comm with all the other upscaleds, and where not only is the loot better but the levelling is way faster too.

There really is no good reason (especially with the NPE ruining your traits) that you should be in main wvw unless you dislike your server and/or are a masochist.

WvW player. Doing another world completion for my next Legendary. Hater of mini-games.

Pre 80 no longer welcome in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: atheria.2837


Hello, so I recently decided to start playing this again after having not touched it for two years and it seems like (on my server anyways, Stormbluff Isle) people seem to be extremely offended by somebody not being level 80 in pvp. Just tonight I was following a group around and was threatened to be mass reported by a guild and had another group even begging me with gold to leave WvW until I hit 80 on my character. (This is a new character that’s a level 49 eng). I didn’t even say anything to them so should I have to worry about losing access to my account if they did mass report me?

Please ignore trolls.

Don’t feed the trolls.

You have every right to be in WvW.

May I suggest you stay with zergs and be on level with your gear to give yourself the best experience while you are leveling.

Welcome to the real world – we learn in WvW what we need to do in real life many time:

Report the worst.


Move on.

Welcome to WvW… you’re needed no matter which server you are on.

Not keeping all IT jobs here is a major reason IT is so bad HERE. 33y IT 10y IT Security

Pre 80 no longer welcome in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: atheria.2837


I think the more safe/welcoming place to lvl in a WvW-like setting is EotM.

The other WvW’ing maps are taken a bit more seriously, I guess.


Is EOTM good for some timezones? Yes.

Is EOTM bad for some timezones? YES!

Play what is available and busy even if that means a fractal (a gold a day doesn’t hurt, does it?).
And have fun.

Not keeping all IT jobs here is a major reason IT is so bad HERE. 33y IT 10y IT Security

Pre 80 no longer welcome in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: aspirine.6852


It’s your game, do what you want. Mass reporting this will only result in the guild being punished for creating fake reports.

But on the other hand, dont run with guilds if you are uplevel. They do not need a rallybot next to them to influence fights. Stick to the pug commander, and there should be no problems.

Pre 80 no longer welcome in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Liston.9708


People may be less forgiving to up levels if there is also a que….. Just don’t follow a guild raid and you should be fine…..

YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→most likely YB

Pre 80 no longer welcome in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: zinkz.7045


Unless it is Friday before reset or at a time where the matchup is very unbalanced in your favour, so it is basically karma train time, then no upleveleds are not really welcome, at least in groups.

And that includes public raids, I’ve heard many, many times, commander on TS tell people to get off uplevels or go EotM, for people to not rez uplevels, same thing with people not on TS, commander runs detagged for a while to lose the scrubs.

(edited by zinkz.7045)

Pre 80 no longer welcome in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Orochimaru.4730


Simple answer, no you are not welcome, especially if you are following a guild group or an small organised group.

As a lower level you are obviously a weaker player, this makes you an easy target. And with the rallying mechanic in the game this makes you a liability.

Imagine during a fight, they are winning, they have got several enemy players downed, and they are all on low health as well now from the fight. You come along, the enemy spot you, focus on you to kill you, stomp you and then all their enemy downed players are rallied which half health back. The enemy team now has the advantage, as the group you decided to “help” that was so close to winning, is now almost certainly going to lose thanks to you.

So the unwritten rule is dont follow a guild group unless they allow you, especially if their commander is not tagged up, and even if they are tagged up.
If you want to play in WvW instead of EOTM, follow the main zerg, stay towards the back, dont run into the main fights, just tag some players then retreat.
Best thing to level is EOTM, though this is just a boring karma train, but the enemy zergs here are doing the same so tend to stay away from each other, fights means less time flipping stuff which mean less karma and xp.

Pre 80 no longer welcome in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: NeHoMaR.9812


There are low level haters (in all games), I think this is the biggest problem, bigger than being “useless” in battle.

Pre 80 no longer welcome in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: this is wrekks.7602

this is wrekks.7602

Lol, people and their persecution complex.

I will say this, the game is 2 years older, the situations have changed and if you must level in WvW EotM is the preferred place to do it. Not only because you rallying the entire enemy team when you insta-die is very bad manners. But because EotM is 80 percent of the time a karma train and you will level up much, much faster and you will not catch any abuse because that is where everyone levels up nowadays.

Despite the people defending uplevels in the BLs, it is generally considered just BM if you bring an uplevel at this point in the game. And it is especially bm to bring one and follow and unpinned guild group during their raid and you will catch flack for it.

Sorry you have been away for 2 years, this is just how things work now.

(edited by this is wrekks.7602)

Pre 80 no longer welcome in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Joey.2769


Unfortunately, most people in WvW proper are lvl 80 with at least exotics. This factor means you are extremely disadvantaged when looking at stats. You will get killed quickly and with the rally mechanic void any downs your group made when you die. I hope this doesn’t come off sounding like a jerk but EotM will be your best bet until you are lvl 80. The zergs there are full of uplevels like old zergs used to be. I hope this helps

Commander X Swagalicious X
Commander Twerknificient
Joey Bladow

Pre 80 no longer welcome in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Dibaryon.7469


I think that there should be some sort of system to prevent players that aren’t lvl 80 from entering EB and the Borderlands.

They should be only allowed to enter EOTM and Obsidian Sanctum. This would avoid hate from other players that take WvW seriously, and that spend countless hours organizing /planning WvW.

WvW is serious stuff for a lot of players. There are groups of players that rent Team Speak servers just for WvW and they’re really expensive (500$): that’s how seriously they take WvW.

I think that in hardcore WvW servers we should try to respect that sort of stuff.

Flipping your camps since 2014 :3

Pre 80 no longer welcome in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


To put it simple, uplevel are like rally bot. Nicer commanders will tell you to stay alive and use range, commanders that don’t give a kitten will just tell you to get lost.

Generally speaking, if a full 80 zerg fight a slightly bigger but mixed 80 zerg, that mixed 80 zerg will have higher chance to lose because they can’t kill the downed as they rally off the uplevels.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

Pre 80 no longer welcome in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Michael Henninger.7451

Michael Henninger.7451

Game Support Lead

I was following a group around and was threatened to be mass reported by a guild

I love WvW and think you will too – you should stay. Don’t let the downers chase you away. There are some great suggestions above on how commanders should be using up-levels.

As for the reporting bit you’re doing nothing wrong by playing WvW. In fact, mass reporting for a false offense is an offense itself.

GM Delicious Intent
Twitter: @ANetCSLead
GM Delicious Intent.5928

Pre 80 no longer welcome in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Ragnarok.4506


Hello, so I recently decided to start playing this again after having not touched it for two years and it seems like (on my server anyways, Stormbluff Isle) people seem to be extremely offended by somebody not being level 80 in pvp. Just tonight I was following a group around and was threatened to be mass reported by a guild and had another group even begging me with gold to leave WvW until I hit 80 on my character. (This is a new character that’s a level 49 eng). I didn’t even say anything to them so should I have to worry about losing access to my account if they did mass report me?

Uplevels are just weak in wvw and can be brought down no problem. any good thief can probably spike a uplevel down in a couple seconds or less. in zerg fights they go down fast as well. they are rallybots to the enemy zerg.
Nothing can be done about it. but i suggest playing a level 80 with exotic armor. its more balanced and fun.

Dhuum!! WvW/PvP ~ Jade Quarry ~ [Kazo]
God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals.
Ban the bots

Pre 80 no longer welcome in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiak.3281


I was following a group around and was threatened to be mass reported by a guild

I love WvW and think you will too – you should stay. Don’t let the downers chase you away. There are some great suggestions above on how commanders should be using up-levels.

As for the reporting bit you’re doing nothing wrong by playing WvW. In fact, mass reporting for a false offense is an offense itself.

So are you confirming that it’s not trolling to take an up leveled character and purposely follow around a group with the intent to grief them by rallying their opponents in group fights? “Oh but I’m just trying to play the game in WvW! Honest!”

Forget siege trolling we just found the new way for griefers to grief WvW.

Kodiak X – Blackgate

Pre 80 no longer welcome in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Sorel.4870


So are you confirming that it’s not trolling to take an up leveled character and purposely follow around a group with the intent to grief them by rallying their opponents in group fights? “Oh but I’m just trying to play the game in WvW! Honest!”

Forget siege trolling we just found the new way for griefers to grief WvW.

Now you’re being completely paranoid. What’s next? Kicking every player who dies in a zerg fight, because they might have forgotten to dodge on purpose? Chill out dude.

I have leveled up my first character exclusively in WvW, before EotM was added, and I had great fun doing so. If that’s what you like to do, do it. You’ll die A LOT! But at least the armor repair are free now.

Pre 80 no longer welcome in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: SoPP.7034


Now you’re being completely paranoid.

Not really.

If you’ve played WvW for any length of time you’d know some on the antics people get up to and impressively (disturbingly?) the extent to which they’ll perform it.

With the $10 sale not so long ago and a green light to follow guilds around with uplevels. The only thing stopping you is your own self respect.

A warrior, a guardian, and an elementalist walk into an open field…
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”

Pre 80 no longer welcome in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: JediYoda.1275


Anet made the game so players are not forced to play a game mode that they may not want to play so they are not forced too. The issue is that certain people think they own WvW so they berate up lvl’s telling them how to play/enjoy the game etc. By doing so is greifing/harrassing the up lvl’s so you’re just as guilty as claiming the up lvl’s are greifing the zerg.

Play your way and people will play their way!!!

@Kodiak.3281 it’s not trolling in anyway at all despite what you and others think. WvW is working as intended for players to lvl up in WvW if they want to. (Anet has said this before the game was released)

“If only ANet had some kind of forum they could use to communicate with us……”
“ANet. They never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity to not mess up.”
Mod “Posts created to cause unrest with unfounded claims are not allowed” lmao

(edited by JediYoda.1275)

Pre 80 no longer welcome in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Quint.3765


I was following a group around and was threatened to be mass reported by a guild

I love WvW and think you will too – you should stay. Don’t let the downers chase you away. There are some great suggestions above on how commanders should be using up-levels.

As for the reporting bit you’re doing nothing wrong by playing WvW. In fact, mass reporting for a false offense is an offense itself.

You obviously never ran with a dedicated GvG/Open Field fighting guild that are trying to win fights where they are really outnumbered. Up-levels players die way quicker than fully geared LvL 80 players and when a player die, he can rally alot of people. Let me tell you that it is really annoying to have Up-level pugs following a guild group. Also he got asked to leave the guild raid and he didnt, so i can understand that the guild that was raiding was angry at him. It is already hard to win outnumbered fights in WvW (because of all your stupid seige changes and the fact that you prefer to see large blob fights in the game mode that you rarely play then small scales fights). Anyway, i think that Up-levels should got to EoTM instead of the alpines BLs because WvW is not a place to level.

Pre 80 no longer welcome in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Xillllix.3485


It’s because of the rally mechanic that have never been improved. Pre-80 are basically rally bots for all the kills an organized group will fight, and it often makes the difference between losing or winning a battle.

Pre 80 no longer welcome in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Ultimaistanza.4793


It’s because of the rally mechanic that have never been improved. Pre-80 are basically rally bots for all the kills an organized group will fight, and it often makes the difference between losing or winning a battle.

Rally mechanics have actually degraded since the leveling rewards/unlocks update made it so you don’t unlock downed state until level 5.

Pre 80 no longer welcome in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Tspatula.9086


I was following a group around and was threatened to be mass reported by a guild

I love WvW and think you will too – you should stay. Don’t let the downers chase you away. There are some great suggestions above on how commanders should be using up-levels.

As for the reporting bit you’re doing nothing wrong by playing WvW. In fact, mass reporting for a false offense is an offense itself.

You are one of the only Anet official to give us WvWers any love and I for one salute and appreciate you and everything you are doing. However, the flipside of your argument is that uplevels need to understand where they shouldn’t be trying to contribute and where they should. This is a very complicated subject, but at the end of the day, uplevels are focused by other server zergs and they do serve as rally bots changing the outcome of fights. I don’t discourage uplevels in WvW but they need to take some responsibility when playing in that environment. Or you guys could consider making some changes to the rally mechanic that would make uplevels less of an issue…..

Pre 80 no longer welcome in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Fudge.9527


Upscaling is a great feature that has been ruined by the rally system. Because of this, it’s generally considered bad manners to follow “hardcore” zergs or guild groups around as an uplevel. You’re more of a detriment to them than an asset. If they ask you to leave, you should just do so. There are a lot of other players and guilds that play WvW casually and will run with you no matter the level, seek them out.

Also, the NPE made uplevels even more useless because they don’t unlock grandmaster traits until level 80. You used to unlock these at level 60, but I guess it was too confusing. An extra 300 range on my grenades? I think I need another 20 levels before I am ready for that…

Pre 80 no longer welcome in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Tspatula.9086


Upscaling is a great feature that has been ruined by the rally system. Because of this, it’s generally considered bad manners to follow “hardcore” zergs or guild groups around as an uplevel. You’re more of a detriment to them than an asset. If they ask you to leave, you should just do so. There are a lot of other players and guilds that play WvW casually and will run with you no matter the level, seek them out.

Also, the NPE made uplevels even more useless because they don’t unlock grandmaster traits until level 80. You used to unlock these at level 60, but I guess it was too confusing. An extra 300 range on my grenades? I think I need another 20 levels before I am ready for that…


Pre 80 no longer welcome in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: BrickFurious.7169


Hello, so I recently decided to start playing this again after having not touched it for two years and it seems like (on my server anyways, Stormbluff Isle) people seem to be extremely offended by somebody not being level 80 in pvp. Just tonight I was following a group around and was threatened to be mass reported by a guild and had another group even begging me with gold to leave WvW until I hit 80 on my character. (This is a new character that’s a level 49 eng). I didn’t even say anything to them so should I have to worry about losing access to my account if they did mass report me?

Welcome back to SBI (that’s my server as well).

Echoing what some posters above have said, I would recommend against following a guild group unless you are in that guild and in teamspeak with them.

That said, there are a few great commanders on SBI (Bannok is the most notable of them) that usually lead the mixed general group of players on a map, and I know for a fact Bannok will not care if you are an uplevel as long as you try to play well, and especially if you’re willing to join us in teamspeak. So play the game your way, don’t let people drag you down for being an uplevel currently, but as a courtesy try to stick to the mixed general groups of players.

Pre 80 no longer welcome in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Ark Bladesteele.2943

Ark Bladesteele.2943

If you join the mass pug blob in SBI, you shouldn’t be worried. Hang out in the tail, they’re mostly all unranked invaders anyway. You won’t feel bad about dying.

NSP’s resident crazy-eyed sylvari

Pre 80 no longer welcome in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Bonezz.4961


Sorry for the late reply but thanks for the replies from both sides. I just wanted to clarify that I had no idea what the other commander colors were supposed to represent as when I played there only seemed to be blue (Or that was the only one that people used?) and the general idea was follow the group around. I checked the four WvW maps and they were the only one with a commander icon and they were linking waypoints in map chat so I jumped on that. I also did not know what Edge of the Mists was as this didn’t exist when I played either and I figured it was a form of structured pvp before today so I didn’t try going into it.

Anyways, I do still have an old level 80 Necromancer however it didn’t really feel like I was surviving more or doing any more damage than my engineer was. That characters in full exotics with full power / vitality / condition gear with 4/6/4/0/0 traits based around staff / scepter (I don’t know if this is the thing or not still (I’m assuming not)). I did try roaming a bit looking for small fights but anytime I ran into a ranger for example I generally got instantly dropped in 2-3 seconds before I had a chance to do much.

Pre 80 no longer welcome in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: BrickFurious.7169


Sorry for the late reply but thanks for the replies from both sides. I just wanted to clarify that I had no idea what the other commander colors were supposed to represent as when I played there only seemed to be blue (Or that was the only one that people used?) and the general idea was follow the group around. I checked the four WvW maps and they were the only one with a commander icon and they were linking waypoints in map chat so I jumped on that. I also did not know what Edge of the Mists was as this didn’t exist when I played either and I figured it was a form of structured pvp before today so I didn’t try going into it.

Anyways, I do still have an old level 80 Necromancer however it didn’t really feel like I was surviving more or doing any more damage than my engineer was. That characters in full exotics with full power / vitality / condition gear with 4/6/4/0/0 traits based around staff / scepter (I don’t know if this is the thing or not still (I’m assuming not)). I did try roaming a bit looking for small fights but anytime I ran into a ranger for example I generally got instantly dropped in 2-3 seconds before I had a chance to do much.

Check out for a good build, necros are still very solid in WvW. And yeah, EotM is new, it’s a more casual form of overflow WvW that mostly gets used by uplevels to level quickly. Also, if you go in regular WvW on SBI be sure to hop in teamspeak, even if you don’t have a mic (just listening in helps a ton). Ask in map chat for the server details.

Pre 80 no longer welcome in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Kanebrake.6192


Upscaling is a great feature that has been ruined by the rally system. Because of this, it’s generally considered bad manners to follow “hardcore” zergs or guild groups around as an uplevel. You’re more of a detriment to them than an asset. If they ask you to leave, you should just do so. There are a lot of other players and guilds that play WvW casually and will run with you no matter the level, seek them out.

Also, the NPE made uplevels even more useless because they don’t unlock grandmaster traits until level 80. You used to unlock these at level 60, but I guess it was too confusing. An extra 300 range on my grenades? I think I need another 20 levels before I am ready for that…

This says pretty much everything that needs to be said. Anet really screwed the pooch with rally and npe, especially when it comes to uplevels in wvw. Honestly not sure what they were thinking on this one.


Pre 80 no longer welcome in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Zetsumei.4975


Sorry for the late reply but thanks for the replies from both sides. I just wanted to clarify that I had no idea what the other commander colors were supposed to represent as when I played there only seemed to be blue (Or that was the only one that people used?) and the general idea was follow the group around. I checked the four WvW maps and they were the only one with a commander icon and they were linking waypoints in map chat so I jumped on that. I also did not know what Edge of the Mists was as this didn’t exist when I played either and I figured it was a form of structured pvp before today so I didn’t try going into it.

Anyways, I do still have an old level 80 Necromancer however it didn’t really feel like I was surviving more or doing any more damage than my engineer was. That characters in full exotics with full power / vitality / condition gear with 4/6/4/0/0 traits based around staff / scepter (I don’t know if this is the thing or not still (I’m assuming not)). I did try roaming a bit looking for small fights but anytime I ran into a ranger for example I generally got instantly dropped in 2-3 seconds before I had a chance to do much.

Well if the tag was blue and he was linking waypoints it sounds like a pug commander so i dont really get why he’s getting so stressed about having an upscaled with him to be honest.

Condi dmg won’t work in zerging because they get cleared too fast and the reduction is reduced to nothing, take zerker/knights gear and use wells for damage. Don’t stay with the melee train you need to strafe out the outsides of the fight and keep out of the damage while bombing, positioning will determine whether you survive or not. Condi is strong on necro for roaming though.

Kurodaraku – Necromancer | Kuroshikon – Ranger
Officer of [DEX] Deus Ex Machina Eu and [Fus] Fus Ro Dâh
Ruins of Surmia

Pre 80 no longer welcome in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: papaiggy.1345


Hello, so I recently decided to start playing this again after having not touched it for two years and it seems like (on my server anyways, Stormbluff Isle) people seem to be extremely offended by somebody not being level 80 in pvp. Just tonight I was following a group around and was threatened to be mass reported by a guild and had another group even begging me with gold to leave WvW until I hit 80 on my character. (This is a new character that’s a level 49 eng). I didn’t even say anything to them so should I have to worry about losing access to my account if they did mass report me?

Please ignore trolls.

Don’t feed the trolls.

You have every right to be in WvW.

May I suggest you stay with zergs and be on level with your gear to give yourself the best experience while you are leveling.

Welcome to the real world – we learn in WvW what we need to do in real life many time:

Report the worst.


Move on.

Welcome to WvW… you’re needed no matter which server you are on.

Really? And what about the fact that it’s the Guild players game too? And they didn’t feel like having a liability follow them around. And yes this guy got us wiped at least two times by being a rally bot. That’s when we started asking him to stop following us.

I love how you defend one player’s right to play his game how he wants while at the same time stomping on another’s.

Pre 80 no longer welcome in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: papaiggy.1345


Sorry for the late reply but thanks for the replies from both sides. I just wanted to clarify that I had no idea what the other commander colors were supposed to represent as when I played there only seemed to be blue (Or that was the only one that people used?) and the general idea was follow the group around. I checked the four WvW maps and they were the only one with a commander icon and they were linking waypoints in map chat so I jumped on that. I also did not know what Edge of the Mists was as this didn’t exist when I played either and I figured it was a form of structured pvp before today so I didn’t try going into it.

Anyways, I do still have an old level 80 Necromancer however it didn’t really feel like I was surviving more or doing any more damage than my engineer was. That characters in full exotics with full power / vitality / condition gear with 4/6/4/0/0 traits based around staff / scepter (I don’t know if this is the thing or not still (I’m assuming not)). I did try roaming a bit looking for small fights but anytime I ran into a ranger for example I generally got instantly dropped in 2-3 seconds before I had a chance to do much.

The commander in question was running a Yellow tag for his guild raid. That particular commander was also sporadically saying in /T that if you where an uplevel to not follow his tag but any level 80 was welcome to join as long as they got on TS.

There was a Blue tag on the same map at the same time which was the pug zerg.

Several people patiently and politely explained to you WHY they didn’t want you to follow them on an Uplevel. You basically in so many words told them to kitten off.

I never witnessed anyone threaten to report you or otherwise in /M or /T where most of the conversation seemed to be taking place.

Frankly I don’t understand the point in coming here and crying about it.

Pre 80 no longer welcome in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Ultimaistanza.4793


Sorry for the late reply but thanks for the replies from both sides. I just wanted to clarify that I had no idea what the other commander colors were supposed to represent as when I played there only seemed to be blue (Or that was the only one that people used?) and the general idea was follow the group around. I checked the four WvW maps and they were the only one with a commander icon and they were linking waypoints in map chat so I jumped on that. I also did not know what Edge of the Mists was as this didn’t exist when I played either and I figured it was a form of structured pvp before today so I didn’t try going into it.

Anyways, I do still have an old level 80 Necromancer however it didn’t really feel like I was surviving more or doing any more damage than my engineer was. That characters in full exotics with full power / vitality / condition gear with 4/6/4/0/0 traits based around staff / scepter (I don’t know if this is the thing or not still (I’m assuming not)). I did try roaming a bit looking for small fights but anytime I ran into a ranger for example I generally got instantly dropped in 2-3 seconds before I had a chance to do much.

Condi dmg won’t work in zerging because they get cleared too fast and the reduction is reduced to nothing, take zerker/knights gear and use wells for damage. Don’t stay with the melee train you need to strafe out the outsides of the fight and keep out of the damage while bombing, positioning will determine whether you survive or not. Condi is strong on necro for roaming though.

Condi Necro actually does work in zerging, especially now with the stabo changes, but you have to be smart about it. A condi WvW Necro needs as much variance in condis as possible to help keep them all from being clensed. Namely you want to get a Sigil of Torment, blind well with the chilling darkness trait for the chill, and/or essentially anything else that applies aoe condis that you have less consistent access to.