

in WvW

Posted by: ArchonWing.9480


@Mattmatt.4962 I wonder what makes you think GS has “insane mobility”.

Swoop: 1K1 gap closer, 12sec cd, even warrior’s rush is weaker (and since the end is litteraly a “leap” its faster than a rush)

Sword have a bit less range but greater evade frame (cause yes, swoop even include an evade frame

“GS switch”. Well, it’s not like there’s no disadvantage to the ranger doing this. First off, suddenly he loses his ranged advantage. Second, it is powered by the most utterly telegraphed move in the entire game.

Disavantage of going melee when your opponent finnaly closed gap after you bumped him with your lb forcing him to dodge and/or use all his gap closer ? GS is very strong contrary to what you seems to say. Maul might have a great activation (dont complain about it unless you want to become the ennemy of warrior) but you need dodge to be able to dodge it, remember that you had to use some to close the gap with the ranger. Or you can also use your daze to prevent ennemi to block or blindyou and land it ? :x

About the range, i’m not complaining about the high use, every class can (even tho only the ranger has such a ridiculous AA dps at 1K2+ range). I’m complaining about the bug with the travel time of arrow. Try to AA in a perfectly plane area, you’ll see you can hit further than the tooltip. You totally skiped that part, no worry accidently forgetting argument that you can’t contest is normal in an argument ^^

Don’t warriors have whirlwind attack too to add to rush?

I never said ranger gs is weak. I’m saying it’s not a surefire way of ensuring a kill against people that close up— there are weaknesses to the weapon espeically If they have any form of range themselves. And sure, if you get the bash in, you can ensure a maul— if they haven’t stunned or blinded you in which case your attacks will just hilariously miss. The ranger would have to rely on their amazing stability (lol) or maybe the 1 stunbreak they have; though most glassers won’t even have that.

As for projectiles going further then they “should” as by tooltip, I thought I already addressed that; in fact I already said that I play the class so yea I know the projectiles can go further than stated. Are ranger arrows unique in that sense, in that only ranger projectiles go further than the tooltip? Anyhow: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/support/bugs/List-of-Mesmer-Bugs-Older-Thread/3750901
Feel free to provide more confirmation on this, anyone.

17. Intended. All ranged and melee skills have a 15% buffer range to take account for tracking.

So who’s ignoring what now?

But it hardly matters anyways. It’s not like they can appear from nowhere. That would be the job of something else.

Every class have to some extend “masshing button”, but ranger do not need, it just have to target and press 2, the AA will do the rest

While that is probably true that the ranger is mechanically less demanding; the difference of effort between that and a number of other faceroll stuff from other classes would not be impressive to anyone that’s played their respective class for any extended period of time. It would be akin to a novice in street fighter going on about how hard dragon punches are but they end up getting thrown or low jabbed to death and then complain about the later being “unskilled” (Sorry, I’ve only really played 2, so the newer ones are above my head)

For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return.

(edited by ArchonWing.9480)


in WvW

Posted by: Zenos Osgorma.2936

Zenos Osgorma.2936

Whoa what? OP? this thief went down with 12K of attack and didnt take any evasive action at all. Who goes down with 12k of damage? LOL – 12k of attack in 3 seconds is OP? if you cant do the same in 1/2 that time with your guard, mesmer, or ele than you need to look at your builds.

super glass no vit or evades or sb port xd was a very bad thief..clearly did not use his camara enough, and that is no soild ground for a disscusion xd.


in WvW

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

How anyone could possibly justify 3k auto attacks from 1500 range is beyond me. With Fire and Air, one auto attack can take out 1/3-1/4 of your total HP. Simply broken.

Yeah, the thief in the video failed to dodge. Maybe he was autorunning, maybe he wasn’t paying attention, maybe he was bad. It doesn’t really matter. The video demonstrates the ridiculous damage one can deal with absolutely no effort from a completely safe distance. Whether you’re on a wall or in a zerg, it’s just not acceptable.

The justification is you live by the glass, you die by the glass.

Full zerk comes with drawbacks equal to the benefits. That called balance.

Connection error(s) detected. Retrying…


in WvW

Posted by: mistsim.2748


pew pew rangers will no longer be glassy after the patch. in fact, expect slightly higher damage with a ton of survivability.


in WvW

Posted by: TakeCare.3182


How anyone could possibly justify 3k auto attacks from 1500 range is beyond me. With Fire and Air, one auto attack can take out 1/3-1/4 of your total HP. Simply broken.

Yeah, the thief in the video failed to dodge. Maybe he was autorunning, maybe he wasn’t paying attention, maybe he was bad. It doesn’t really matter. The video demonstrates the ridiculous damage one can deal with absolutely no effort from a completely safe distance. Whether you’re on a wall or in a zerg, it’s just not acceptable.

The justification is you live by the glass, you die by the glass.

Full zerk comes with drawbacks equal to the benefits. That called balance.

LOL. Okay. Well, it is one thing to be glass and do lots of damage. It is another thing to be glass and do lots of damage safely without effort.

If you play glass ele or thief or engi or whatever else, you know that there is some inherent risk to that role. On ele, you can use Meteor Shower to do massive AoE damage, but you also have to channel for ~4s leaving you very vulnerable to attack. On thief, you can Backstab someone and kill them instantly, but you also have to get in melee range and put yourself in a position to be instagibbed by AoE. On engi, you can CC someone and nuke them with Static Discharge, but you have to use multiple cooldowns and correctly execute the combos. What do you have to do on ranger? Sit in a zerg/group and push 1. Sometimes you might have to push 2. Sometimes you might have to activate Signet of Stone. But most of the time… you just push 1. It’s completely safe. You’re insulated by a zerg or you’re sitting on a wall, but the only thing you’re doing… is pushing 1. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve seen a few very skilled rangers in this game. However, a vast majority of them are not on that level because they only play whatever is the flavor-of-the-month or whatever build/class is broken.

In the grand scheme of things, it is about risk and reward, but it is also about input and output. That’s what’s called balance.

YouTube channel
Thief | Mesmer | Elementalist

(edited by TakeCare.3182)


in WvW

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

. That’s what’s called balance.

I don’t know. You do think zerker LB is too good. I’m not sure balance means what you think it means.

Connection error(s) detected. Retrying…


in WvW

Posted by: Watson.6492


I don’t think rangers are problematic but to be fair it is really weird that this is a game where a ranger can just press 2 and instantly kill someone with zero setup.


in WvW

Posted by: nacario.9417


I don’t think rangers are problematic but to be fair it is really weird that this is a game where a ranger can just press 2 and instantly kill someone with zero setup.

Whats really wierd is all the misleading wording people use to boost their cause. Have you seen a ranger killing a player in 0.1 seconds, because thats what instantly mean. Killing something so fast that none could react, whereas a rapid fire takes 2 seconds and would take a equally tier geared light/medium to roughly 30-10% health. During this time, as said so many times, the target has time to react and counter. Its basically class mechanics where the ranger has its range, and often people complain because their setup isnt made to deal with it or just dont understand mechanics/their class/build. While this game isnt about 1v1 i would agree with the offended if such a ranger had no counters, but it does, the answers are there but some people are bad and some people are good.

Power Ranger PvP
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore


in WvW

Posted by: UmbraNoctis.1907


Sit in a zerg/group and push 1.

Isn’t this, what every one does in a zerg?

Btw other classes are still way more powerful/important in zergfights than rangers.

You’re insulated by a zerg or you’re sitting on a wall, but the only thing you’re doing… is pushing 1.

So maybe we should nerf zergs and walls, if those are the things, which make ranger op.

(edited by UmbraNoctis.1907)


in WvW

Posted by: zinkz.7045


The justification is you live by the glass, you die by the glass.

Full zerk comes with drawbacks equal to the benefits. That called balance.

Except that it isn’t called ‘balance’, in the bit of the game that they actually balance on tPvP it is balanced for several reasons you have a lot of places to LOS, due to the nature of tPvP you are not going to get insta focused by 5 rangers, etc, in WvW it is anything but balanced, but then very little is.


in WvW

Posted by: Marthindon.6429


Rangers are OP. Just ask Titanus! – Neebs

BTW – worth mentioning that “OP” LB rangers have no condi clear…..like they literally will die from a stack of bleeds. If they use healing spring they have to stand in it. I have 18 level 80’s including 5 rangers across 3 accounts. Ranger is the funniest but also the gimpiest – live by glass die by glass.


in WvW

Posted by: coglin.1867


I don’t think rangers are problematic but to be fair it is really weird that this is a game where a ranger can just press 2 and instantly kill someone with zero setup.

That only works with very bad player. Rangers are fine. All this thread is, is a lot of complaints about how bad players are bad. Why should a profession be changed to compensate such bad players. Anyone to bad to handle a measly long bow, really deserves to die.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.


in WvW

Posted by: TakeCare.3182


Isn’t this, what every one does in a zerg?

Btw other classes are still way more powerful/important in zergfights than rangers.

Everyone uses their autos in a zerg, yes, but they have to do other things in addition to that in order to be effective. Rangers just have to auto. It’s safe, easy, and effective. Regardless how important their role is in a zerg fight, rangers are seeing tons of play in WvW because they’re just too rewarding for too little effort. They need a damage nerf or a safety nerf, and perhaps maybe they could be given something a little extra so that they have a better place in zergs and smaller groups. Right now, you literally can’t tell a difference between veteran rangers and people who rerolled the class because it’s broken.

I’m all for giving ranger players new, better, and more fun things to do. They just need to have more risk associated with their damage and more opportunities for skillful play. The status quo is simply unacceptable for both rangers and the people playing against them.

So maybe we should nerf zergs and walls, if those are the things, which make ranger op.

This is obviously sarcasm, but there is some truth to it. Solo roaming on a zerker longbow ranger is a death wish. It’s not fun being instagibbed. However, their poor ability to solo roam doesn’t justify their absurdity in group fights and zerg fights. Zerg nerfs are always welcome, but they’re impractical and it’s generally good for the game and community if people are playing together. It would be better to make adjustments to longbow ranger so that they are less reliant on peel, but also less effective when they’re just standing there autoattacking.

YouTube channel
Thief | Mesmer | Elementalist


in WvW

Posted by: TakeCare.3182


I don’t think rangers are problematic but to be fair it is really weird that this is a game where a ranger can just press 2 and instantly kill someone with zero setup.

That only works with very bad player. Rangers are fine. All this thread is, is a lot of complaints about how bad players are bad. Why should a profession be changed to compensate such bad players. Anyone to bad to handle a measly long bow, really deserves to die.

This attitude is problematic, tbh. There isn’t much any player can do, regardless of skill, when a ranger +1s a fight. There isn’t much any player can do, regardless of skill, when some ranger is sitting behind a huge frontline doing 3k damage per auto. You must think really highly of yourself. lol.

YouTube channel
Thief | Mesmer | Elementalist


in WvW

Posted by: Crapgame.6519


How anyone could possibly justify 3k auto attacks from 1500 range is beyond me. With Fire and Air, one auto attack can take out 1/3-1/4 of your total HP. Simply broken.

Yeah, the thief in the video failed to dodge. Maybe he was autorunning, maybe he wasn’t paying attention, maybe he was bad. It doesn’t really matter. The video demonstrates the ridiculous damage one can deal with absolutely no effort from a completely safe distance. Whether you’re on a wall or in a zerg, it’s just not acceptable.

The justification is you live by the glass, you die by the glass.

Full zerk comes with drawbacks equal to the benefits. That called balance.

LOL. Okay. Well, it is one thing to be glass and do lots of damage. It is another thing to be glass and do lots of damage safely without effort.

So how much effort do you expect me to do before I use Rapid Fire? I mean are we talking pitching 9 innings of baseball or playing 18 rounds of golf? Maybe do a load of laundry, iron my shirts for the week, clean the bird cadge, walk my dog, and finish the novel I’m writing between pressing button 2?

Seriously, stop it already. There is effort. There is risk. I can’t help it if the person I’m using Rapid Fire doesn’t have good situation awareness. If my target had any sense at all they would:

Hide behind a tree (except Dolly Parton)
Hide behind ambient creatures, dead yaks, guards, NPCs, etc
Jump into a lower part of terrain / use height
Charge ranger

You will not get killed by eating a single Rapid Fire burst unless you are naked or upscaled. I know this for a fact because I don’t get killed on my Zerk Guardian which has one of the, if not, lowest health pools in the game when they run full zerker and meditations in WvW.

Main – Laaz Rocket – Guardian (Ehmry Bay)
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)


in WvW

Posted by: Crapgame.6519


I don’t think rangers are problematic but to be fair it is really weird that this is a game where a ranger can just press 2 and instantly kill someone with zero setup.

That only works with very bad player. Rangers are fine. All this thread is, is a lot of complaints about how bad players are bad. Why should a profession be changed to compensate such bad players. Anyone to bad to handle a measly long bow, really deserves to die.

This attitude is problematic, tbh. There isn’t much any player can do, regardless of skill, when a ranger +1s a fight. There isn’t much any player can do, regardless of skill, when some ranger is sitting behind a huge frontline doing 3k damage per auto. You must think really highly of yourself. lol.

Sure there is. Retaliation, cc, reflection, etc. It is no more than stealth, turrets, clones, etc. Every class has some sort of advantage and counter. Primary PvP mechanic of the game is called dodge. Everyone has the same endurance bar unless they make some hard choices on how it regens…

Lastly, if you leave the ranger alone behind the line you reap what you sow. You have a team and there are members of that team designed to counter that. I’ll put it this way. The problem isn’t the Ranger or the range. It is the design of the game in that everyone looks at the bags of skittles on the ground, aka loot, rather than playing as a team and doing a job.

If you removed any form of reward outside ranks or bragging rights on leader boards people would be willing to do their job. But instead everyone thinks of karma trains and loot these topics come up. Defending, flanking, and teamwork this wouldn’t be a issue.

Learn to dodge. Play as a team. Non issue.


Main – Laaz Rocket – Guardian (Ehmry Bay)
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)


in WvW

Posted by: MethaneGas.8357


Seriously, stop it already. There is effort. There is risk. I can’t help it if the person I’m using Rapid Fire doesn’t have good situation awareness. If my target had any sense at all they would:

Hide behind a tree (except Dolly Parton)
Hide behind ambient creatures, dead yaks, guards, NPCs, etc
Jump into a lower part of terrain / use height
Charge ranger

Effort in pressing a button and watching things die from miles away? Honestly… any other zerk class has to try 10 times harder to deal high damage and they are all 10 times more risky than a ranger.

Ok so you can dodge one auto attack, another auto attack, sure… then comes Rapid Fire… you gotta dodge that, or there comes the knock back, you gotta dodge that too because if you don’t you’ll eat Rapid Fire… then there’s entangle, the pet fear or immob… all the while the auto attacks are wrecking you. So how many dodges are we supposed to have? Especially when you’re already fighting someone else. Last time I checked, I had about 2.

Lastly, if you leave the ranger alone behind the line you reap what you sow. You have a team and there are members of that team designed to counter that. I’ll put it this way. The problem isn’t the Ranger or the range. It is the design of the game in that everyone looks at the bags of skittles on the ground, aka loot, rather than playing as a team and doing a job.

Ah so while I’m running from a group, kiting I’m just gonna somehow make the newly arrived ranger disappear? Maybe I’ll tell my thief friend to go after him! Oh wait… they’re immune to damage for 5 seconds… oh wait… they’ve got Sic’ Em. Oh wait… they’re 1500 units away from the actual fight… Oh wait… there’s 2 of them, and now you’re Entangled.

Necro, Ele, Mesmer, Guardian and Warrior, DR[OHai]
YouTube Channel

(edited by MethaneGas.8357)


in WvW

Posted by: Puck.9612


Seriously, stop it already. There is effort. There is risk. I can’t help it if the person I’m using Rapid Fire doesn’t have good situation awareness. If my target had any sense at all they would:

Hide behind a tree (except Dolly Parton)
Hide behind ambient creatures, dead yaks, guards, NPCs, etc
Jump into a lower part of terrain / use height
Charge ranger

Effort in pressing a button and watching things die from miles away? Honestly… any other zerk class has to try 10 times harder to deal high damage and they are all 10 times more risky than a ranger.

Ok so you can dodge one auto attack, another auto attack, sure… then comes Rapid Fire… you gotta dodge that, or there comes the knock back, you gotta dodge that too because if you don’t you’ll eat Rapid Fire… then there’s entangle, the pet fear or immob… all the while the auto attacks are wrecking you. So how many dodges are we supposed to have? Especially when you’re already fighting someone else. Last time I checked, I had about 2.

Lastly, if you leave the ranger alone behind the line you reap what you sow. You have a team and there are members of that team designed to counter that. I’ll put it this way. The problem isn’t the Ranger or the range. It is the design of the game in that everyone looks at the bags of skittles on the ground, aka loot, rather than playing as a team and doing a job.

Ah so while I’m running from a group, kiting I’m just gonna somehow make the newly arrived ranger disappear? Maybe I’ll tell my thief friend to go after him! Oh wait… they’re immune to damage for 5 seconds… oh wait… they’ve got Sic’ Em. Oh wait… they’re 1500 units away from the actual fight… Oh wait… there’s 2 of them, and now you’re Entangled.

I figured out why you’re having problems with rangers, it’s right in your signature.

“Beastly Besties [OHai]
Devona’s Rest”

Jim Hunter when my other account isn’t suspended


in WvW

Posted by: MethaneGas.8357


I figured out why you’re having problems with rangers, it’s right in your signature.

“Beastly Besties [OHai]
Devona’s Rest”

I figured out why you’d play something so safe/broken and no-skill. It’s right in your signature

“Puck Marshrunner- Ranger (& every other profession)

Necro, Ele, Mesmer, Guardian and Warrior, DR[OHai]
YouTube Channel


in WvW

Posted by: Puck.9612


I figured out why you’re having problems with rangers, it’s right in your signature.

“Beastly Besties [OHai]
Devona’s Rest”

I figured out why you’d play something so safe/broken and no-skill. It’s right in your signature

“Puck Marshrunner- Ranger (& every other profession)

Oh I play everything. Never had a problem with longbow rangers on any of my characters. Considering 90% of the roamers on your server are condi thieves and PU mesmers you probably shouldn’t be saying anything about what takes skill.

Jim Hunter when my other account isn’t suspended


in WvW

Posted by: MethaneGas.8357


I figured out why you’re having problems with rangers, it’s right in your signature.

“Beastly Besties [OHai]
Devona’s Rest”

I figured out why you’d play something so safe/broken and no-skill. It’s right in your signature

“Puck Marshrunner- Ranger (& every other profession)

Oh I play everything. Never had a problem with longbow rangers on any of my characters. Considering 90% of the roamers on your server are condi thieves and PU mesmers you probably shouldn’t be saying anything about what takes skill.

And yet Ranger is your main. Is playing other professions giving you too much trouble? We’ve moved to NSP a month ago, and since when does one player account for a whole server?
Zerglings don’t have problems with Rangers.

Necro, Ele, Mesmer, Guardian and Warrior, DR[OHai]
YouTube Channel


in WvW

Posted by: Puck.9612


I figured out why you’re having problems with rangers, it’s right in your signature.

“Beastly Besties [OHai]
Devona’s Rest”

I figured out why you’d play something so safe/broken and no-skill. It’s right in your signature

“Puck Marshrunner- Ranger (& every other profession)

Oh I play everything. Never had a problem with longbow rangers on any of my characters. Considering 90% of the roamers on your server are condi thieves and PU mesmers you probably shouldn’t be saying anything about what takes skill.

And yet Ranger is your main. We’ve moved to NSP a month ago, and since when does one player account for a whole server?
Zerglings don’t have problems with Rangers.

I’m confused. You think I’m a zergling because I main a ranger? What the hell sense does that make?

I don’t have problems with rangers because I know how to block, LoS, dodge and close the gap. Basically I don’t sit there like a target dummy and break down into salty tears about how unfair it is that they have an extra 300 range. Maybe you should try it sometime.

Jim Hunter when my other account isn’t suspended


in WvW

Posted by: TakeCare.3182


So how much effort do you expect me to do before I use Rapid Fire? -snip-

Seriously, stop it already. There is effort. There is risk. I can’t help it if the person I’m using Rapid Fire doesn’t have good situation awareness. -snip-

How much effort? Well, more than standing still and pushing a single button. Seriously though, it takes absolutely no skill to use a longbow ranger when you’ve got endless amounts of peel from a zerg or group. When you’re out in WvW, there is a large disparity between the good thieves and bad thieves, the good mesmers and bad mesmers, the good eles and bad eles. That disparity doesn’t exist for ranger. Someone who turns with their keyboard would never be able to play (much less do that level of damage) with any of the above classes- except ranger. Like I said, that doesn’t mean there aren’t skilled rangers, but the way the weapon is designed at the moment plays to the lowest common denominator.

There is absolutely no risk or effort when you’re sitting in a zerg doing 3k autos, 5k with Fire/Air, from 1500 range. You don’t have to properly kite. You don’t have to execute combos with any precision. You don’t have to put yourself in a vulnerable position. You don’t have to do anything. You can turn with your keyboard, click your skills, and have the same reaction speed as the pet rock following you around and be just as effective as the person who is doing all of those things with far more risk.


I know that there is counterplay to the ranger. However, that doesn’t justify how broken they are in their current state.

There was counterplay to Perplexity runes the day they were released. Did that stop them from being the most overpowered rune set in the game? Nope. Or perhaps we could say that the bugged mesmer falling damage trait wasn’t broken, but a lack of situational awareness on the part of those who died.

YouTube channel
Thief | Mesmer | Elementalist


in WvW

Posted by: TakeCare.3182


I’m confused. You think I’m a zergling because I main a ranger? What the hell sense does that make?

Sorry, bae. You said it yourself.

Any pug commander that tries to say any profession is worthless in a pug zerg has no idea what he is talking about… I personally love running ranger in a zerg.

Nice no scope kill, Methane.

YouTube channel
Thief | Mesmer | Elementalist


in WvW

Posted by: MethaneGas.8357


I’m confused. You think I’m a zergling because I main a ranger? What the hell sense does that make?

Sorry, bae. You said it yourself.

Any pug commander that tries to say any profession is worthless in a pug zerg has no idea what he is talking about… I personally love running ranger in a zerg.

Nice no scope kill, Methane.


Necro, Ele, Mesmer, Guardian and Warrior, DR[OHai]
YouTube Channel


in WvW

Posted by: Crapgame.6519


Effort in pressing a button and watching things die from miles away? Honestly… any other zerk class has to try 10 times harder to deal high damage and they are all 10 times more risky than a ranger.

Do you fish by any chance? Since when does 1,500 in game clicks equate to miles? You are seriously telling a tall tale. Create a ranger, enter a custom / private sPvP game with some friends. Try the class then come back and tell me about your survival skills when you go full dps/zerk on the open field. 1,500 range is nothing to any class that is aware of their surroundings. We have beat that horse to death by dodge, LOS, charge, hide behind friends, etc.

Ok so you can dodge one auto attack, another auto attack, sure… then comes Rapid Fire… you gotta dodge that, or there comes the knock back, you gotta dodge that too because if you don’t you’ll eat Rapid Fire… then there’s entangle, the pet fear or immob… all the while the auto attacks are wrecking you. So how many dodges are we supposed to have? Especially when you’re already fighting someone else. Last time I checked, I had about 2.

You just stated that we had miles and miles between us. Care to explain how any of the other stuff comes into play say like entangle? Honestly, you don’t have to dodge anything. You do have to decide when to dodge though. Just like I do. Oh, and you can increase your dodge / endurance but I’m sure you forgot about that…or do those rules only apply to Rangers?

Again, you will not die or get insta-gib’d by a Ranger unless you are asleep at the wheel, afk, or upscaled. Like I said, I don’t get killed by a single rapid fire volley on my Guardian who in DPS/Zerk has a base health pool just a tick over 14k

Ah so while I’m running from a group, kiting I’m just gonna somehow make the newly arrived ranger disappear? Maybe I’ll tell my thief friend to go after him! Oh wait… they’re immune to damage for 5 seconds… oh wait… they’ve got Sic’ Em. Oh wait… they’re 1500 units away from the actual fight… Oh wait… there’s 2 of them, and now you’re Entangled.

I’m really confused now because you make it sound like I have every skill on my bar. Is this something new and unique to the ranger? Seriously, stop. You are playing the Jester part well I’ll give you that but boy are you ignorant (not a personal attack because I’m ignorant of many things too).

Look, you may be a swell fella. We might even share an adult beverage if you are of age. Point is, which many have already said, Rangers have to make choices in order to DPS at max range. While you don’t think so we have the same number of trait points and skills to use. We have to choose if we are using entangle or rampage as one, or any other elite. We have to choose to use sic em or say a trap. We can’t have all the cool bells and whistles no matter how many times you click your heels/shoes together, it just isn’t so.

Yes, we have range. But we have to trait for it. There are cool downs. Close the gap then come back and tell me how it goes because the ranger now is on the defensive which little to no abilities to disengage or reset the fight.

And if you lose, so what. You didn’t die in real life. No body got hurt. Heck, party with the person, talk a bit, learn from it, and move on. Sometimes we just get beat by a better player – that doesn’t mean you come to the forums and complain.

Main – Laaz Rocket – Guardian (Ehmry Bay)
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)


in WvW

Posted by: Puck.9612


I’m confused. You think I’m a zergling because I main a ranger? What the hell sense does that make?

Sorry, bae. You said it yourself.

Any pug commander that tries to say any profession is worthless in a pug zerg has no idea what he is talking about… I personally love running ranger in a zerg.

Nice no scope kill, Methane.

And that means all I do is zerg? Logic.
Also you might want to take a look at the build I posted in that thread. I’ve used that 900 range build to kill longbow rangers plenty of times. In fact I’ve easily killed longbow rangers more times than I can count on every single profession. It helps to not be terrible at the game.

Jim Hunter when my other account isn’t suspended


in WvW

Posted by: Crapgame.6519


I’m confused. You think I’m a zergling because I main a ranger? What the hell sense does that make?

Sorry, bae. You said it yourself.

Any pug commander that tries to say any profession is worthless in a pug zerg has no idea what he is talking about… I personally love running ranger in a zerg.

Nice no scope kill, Methane.

And that means all I do is zerg? Logic.
Also you might want to take a look at the build I posted in that thread. I’ve used that 900 range build to kill longbow rangers plenty of times. In fact I’ve easily killed longbow rangers more times than I can count on every single profession. It helps to not be terrible at the game.

Someone has to live, someone has to die. Thank God for bad players, yeah?

I call that “thinning the herd”

Main – Laaz Rocket – Guardian (Ehmry Bay)
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)


in WvW

Posted by: Jana.6831


And that means all I do is zerg? Logic.
Also you might want to take a look at the build I posted in that thread. I’ve used that 900 range build to kill longbow rangers plenty of times. In fact I’ve easily killed longbow rangers more times than I can count on every single profession. It helps to not be terrible at the game.

And that is the point: Most rangers are terrible because they don’t really need to play. Doesn’t mean that no one can kill them, just that those few rangers who know how to play have got really powerful tools because the average stand still ranger demanded buffs (mind you, LB was in need of a buff, I just don’t think that it went the right way).
A friend of mine who’s on a server currently opposing us tries hard to kill me, he might actually learn ranger because of it ;)


in WvW

Posted by: ArchonWing.9480


I’m confused. You think I’m a zergling because I main a ranger? What the hell sense does that make?

Sorry, bae. You said it yourself.

Any pug commander that tries to say any profession is worthless in a pug zerg has no idea what he is talking about… I personally love running ranger in a zerg.

Nice no scope kill, Methane.

Digging up stuff from another thread to attack someone seems a bit excessive. Besides, his statement isn’t mutually exclusive with not zerging though.

This more looks like hitting a wall of reflect.

Regards, a Guardian main.

For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return.

(edited by ArchonWing.9480)


in WvW

Posted by: Crapgame.6519


And that means all I do is zerg? Logic.
Also you might want to take a look at the build I posted in that thread. I’ve used that 900 range build to kill longbow rangers plenty of times. In fact I’ve easily killed longbow rangers more times than I can count on every single profession. It helps to not be terrible at the game.

And that is the point: Most rangers are terrible because they don’t really need to play. Doesn’t mean that no one can kill them, just that those few rangers who know how to play have got really powerful tools because the average stand still ranger demanded buffs (mind you, LB was in need of a buff, I just don’t think that it went the right way).
A friend of mine who’s on a server currently opposing us tries hard to kill me, he might actually learn ranger because of it

So you are saying the recent buff to LB was because Arena Net listened to rangers who stood still using a long bow and pressing a single key / skill tied to rapid fire?

Wow. Ignorance is bliss I guess.

Main – Laaz Rocket – Guardian (Ehmry Bay)
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)


in WvW

Posted by: Puck.9612


I’m confused. You think I’m a zergling because I main a ranger? What the hell sense does that make?

Sorry, bae. You said it yourself.

Any pug commander that tries to say any profession is worthless in a pug zerg has no idea what he is talking about… I personally love running ranger in a zerg.

Nice no scope kill, Methane.

And that means all I do is zerg? Logic.
Also you might want to take a look at the build I posted in that thread. I’ve used that 900 range build to kill longbow rangers plenty of times. In fact I’ve easily killed longbow rangers more times than I can count on every single profession. It helps to not be terrible at the game.

Someone has to live, someone has to die. Thank God for bad players, yeah?

I call that “thinning the herd”

Right? The fact that TakeCare can’t tell the difference between a good and bad ranger shows just how bad he is. There is a world of difference between good and bad rangers. I’ve run into less than a handful of good rangers in the past 6 months. Bad rangers use skills at the wrong time, they panic when you get into melee, they don’t manage their pets at all, they don’t make use of the terrain, etc.

And trying to argue that it’s so much harder for other zerk classes…. I’ll admit I am not a great thief but that class is about a hundred times easier to play than a ranger. The only time I die on my thief is if I get laggy or way overconfident and screw myself. I can build for a much stronger burst that I can initiate from further than a ranger can shoot. If I don’t insta down them I just hop into stealth and reset and then try again at my leisure.

Same with warrior or ele. Oops I screwed up, let me just nike away.

Jim Hunter when my other account isn’t suspended


in WvW

Posted by: Crapgame.6519


I’m confused. You think I’m a zergling because I main a ranger? What the hell sense does that make?

Sorry, bae. You said it yourself.

Any pug commander that tries to say any profession is worthless in a pug zerg has no idea what he is talking about… I personally love running ranger in a zerg.

Nice no scope kill, Methane.

Digging up stuff from another thread to attack someone seems a bit excessive. Besides, his statement isn’t mutually exclusive with not zerging though.

This wall of reflect brought to you by a guardian main. :p

No No No ArchonWing. We both know that the skill and mindless Ranger standing a few miles away, er, I really mean 1,500 range, number 2 button mashing SOB, rooting tooting rapid fire mother beaver brainless player arrows will pass through your mighty Wall of Reflection!!!

No, we can’t have that. You have no survival options to my mighty and over powered Rapid Fire. In fact, I’m pointing my long bow at your Guardian as I type this. Yes, those are my arrows hitting you.

Are you dead yet?

Main – Laaz Rocket – Guardian (Ehmry Bay)
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)


in WvW

Posted by: Jana.6831


So you are saying the recent buff to LB was because Arena Net listened to rangers who stood still using a long bow and pressing a single key / skill tied to rapid fire?

Wow. Ignorance is bliss I guess.

I more or less said that, yes.
But maybe there was no other way to buff LB anyway as it already had been designed to work without any skill combo and that was wrong.


in WvW

Posted by: TakeCare.3182


And that means all I do is zerg? Logic. -snip-

No, but the point is that you were appalled that someone would accuse you, a ranger, of zerging, and then in another thread you stated specifically that you love running ranger in a zerg.

As I said before, rangers can be killed. There is counterplay to rangers. I know how to deal with rangers. That doesn’t make them balanced.


Exactly, Jana. Exactly.

Digging up stuff from another thread to attack someone seems a bit excessive. Besides, his statement isn’t mutually exclusive with not zerging though.

Puck started with personal attacks on Methane. I would say that is excessive. His point contributed absolutely nothing to the thread and demeaned another person, their guild, and server. He was simply being held accountable for the things he has said on this thread and others. Can we get back to discussing rangers now?

YouTube channel
Thief | Mesmer | Elementalist


in WvW

Posted by: Puck.9612


As I said before, rangers can be killed. There is counterplay to rangers. I know how to deal with rangers.

You said it yourself. What’s left to discuss?

Jim Hunter when my other account isn’t suspended


in WvW

Posted by: Crapgame.6519


So you are saying the recent buff to LB was because Arena Net listened to rangers who stood still using a long bow and pressing a single key / skill tied to rapid fire?

Wow. Ignorance is bliss I guess.

I more or less said that, yes.
But maybe there was no other way to buff LB anyway as it already had been designed to work without any skill combo and that was wrong.

Ok. Not sure how to answer that other than at least you are honest. Kudo’s and I do mean that.

I disagree though because I see it the other way around. Said ranger has to make some difficult choices when they trait for max damage at max range. Let me repeat that so we are on the same page.

Max damage at max range.

We both know that every class has the same number of trait points, weapon and utility slots. Agreed? If I trait for max damage and range that means I am giving something up in regards to survival. Am I running solo? Maybe I’ll take sic’em. Hmm…server I’m facing this week is low on roaming thieves, forget sic’em and pick something else. See what I did?

Am I in a zerg? Ok, let me pick other utilities because my play will be different. Do I run a trap, say muddy terrain? Lightening reflexes? Entangle? Rampage as one? Hmm…I don’t know. It depends. Wait, what weapon set do I use?

Am I hovoc roaming, ganking, or just roaming doing dailies and looking for a fight. I am not stationary waiting for the loan passer by. This isn’t DaOC whereas I’m camping a main gate. This is GW2 that doesn’t have many choke points

EDIT: Lost connection during this – point is, me pressing 2/rapid fire at you isn’t going to kill you. If you really believe that let us both party up and do a few tests. I’ll hop on my ranger, you on any class. Then you on your ranger, I’ll get on my guardian, and we’ll dance.

Main – Laaz Rocket – Guardian (Ehmry Bay)
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)

(edited by Crapgame.6519)


in WvW

Posted by: ArchonWing.9480


I’m confused. You think I’m a zergling because I main a ranger? What the hell sense does that make?

Sorry, bae. You said it yourself.

Any pug commander that tries to say any profession is worthless in a pug zerg has no idea what he is talking about… I personally love running ranger in a zerg.

Nice no scope kill, Methane.

Digging up stuff from another thread to attack someone seems a bit excessive. Besides, his statement isn’t mutually exclusive with not zerging though.

This wall of reflect brought to you by a guardian main. :p

No No No ArchonWing. We both know that the skill and mindless Ranger standing a few miles away, er, I really mean 1,500 range, number 2 button mashing SOB, rooting tooting rapid fire mother beaver brainless player arrows will pass through your mighty Wall of Reflection!!!

No, we can’t have that. You have no survival options to my mighty and over powered Rapid Fire. In fact, I’m pointing my long bow at your Guardian as I type this. Yes, those are my arrows hitting you.

Are you dead yet?

Yea really. How can anyone win when you take 6/6/6/0/0 with signet of stone, Quickening zephyr, Signet of the Hunt, Sick’em, Healing Signet, Shield of Wrath, For Great Justice, Elixir U, and Signet of the Wild? And don’t forget the panda that does 50k damage.

I could have died you know. Fortunately, I just walked away but you know, it takes a lot more skill for me to use wall of reflection. After all, I have to click one button to almost kill you if you don’t react That’s much more skill than you, merely pressing 1 button to kill me if I don’t react.

Anyhow, I think I lost. Anyone want these? https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Packet_of_Salt

For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return.

(edited by ArchonWing.9480)


in WvW

Posted by: coglin.1867


I don’t think rangers are problematic but to be fair it is really weird that this is a game where a ranger can just press 2 and instantly kill someone with zero setup.

That only works with very bad player. Rangers are fine. All this thread is, is a lot of complaints about how bad players are bad. Why should a profession be changed to compensate such bad players. Anyone to bad to handle a measly long bow, really deserves to die.

This attitude is problematic, tbh. There isn’t much any player can do, regardless of skill, when a ranger +1s a fight. There isn’t much any player can do, regardless of skill, when some ranger is sitting behind a huge frontline doing 3k damage per auto. You must think really highly of yourself. lol.

Perhaps your attitude is the problematic one? I mean, when 12 posters out of the millions of players who bought this game (which is precisely how many are complaining here, with multiple, repeated post each) assume anyone who can handle what they are incapable of handling, think too highly of themselves, well it says a lot to me, about the few complainers.

What profession do you play mainly? I run as a large guild and map commander on a T1 server, so I specifically get focus fired by 5 ranger groups. I lead in celestial, ascended gear. So it is not like I am pure tank. I use my shield block and shield reflect, s well kitten calling for reflection walls from my guardians.

I am not debating with you, what intelligent play may or may not provide in this case. I am explaining how it is proven fact, that it does.

You literally stated, that being auto attacked to death is your argument. If you do not have the situational awareness to take one step back, out for range, call for a reflect, use a reflect of your own, dodge out, or use a movement skill to get away, then you, are indeed, your own worst enemy, not a ranger.

Use a build editor to link your build, perhaps we can offer you some advice in how to adjust the build, or use the build you have, to deal with ranged damage.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

(edited by coglin.1867)


in WvW

Posted by: Crapgame.6519


I’m confused. You think I’m a zergling because I main a ranger? What the hell sense does that make?

Sorry, bae. You said it yourself.

Any pug commander that tries to say any profession is worthless in a pug zerg has no idea what he is talking about… I personally love running ranger in a zerg.

Nice no scope kill, Methane.

Digging up stuff from another thread to attack someone seems a bit excessive. Besides, his statement isn’t mutually exclusive with not zerging though.

This wall of reflect brought to you by a guardian main. :p

No No No ArchonWing. We both know that the skill and mindless Ranger standing a few miles away, er, I really mean 1,500 range, number 2 button mashing SOB, rooting tooting rapid fire mother beaver brainless player arrows will pass through your mighty Wall of Reflection!!!

No, we can’t have that. You have no survival options to my mighty and over powered Rapid Fire. In fact, I’m pointing my long bow at your Guardian as I type this. Yes, those are my arrows hitting you.

Are you dead yet?

Yea really. How can anyone win when you take 6/6/6/0/0 with signet of stone, Quickening zephyr, Signet of the Hunt, Sick’em, Healing Signet, Shield of Wrath, For Great Justice, Elixir U, and Signet of the Wild? And don’t forget the panda that does 50k damage.

I could have died you know. Fortunately, I just walked away but you know, it takes a lot more skill for me to use wall of reflection. After all, I have to click one button to almost kill you if you don’t react That’s much more skill than you, merely pressing 1 button to kill me if I don’t react.

Anyhow, I think I lost. Anyone want these? https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Packet_of_Salt

:) I like you.

I also love Wall of Reflection. It is a great utility and I wish more guardians would use it.

Main – Laaz Rocket – Guardian (Ehmry Bay)
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)


in WvW

Posted by: Puck.9612


So you are saying the recent buff to LB was because Arena Net listened to rangers who stood still using a long bow and pressing a single key / skill tied to rapid fire?

Wow. Ignorance is bliss I guess.

I more or less said that, yes.
But maybe there was no other way to buff LB anyway as it already had been designed to work without any skill combo and that was wrong.

Ok. Not sure how to answer that other than at least you are honest. Kudo’s and I do mean that.

I disagree though because I see it the other way around. Said ranger has to make some difficult choices when they trait for max damage at max range. Let me repeat that so we are on the same page.

Max damage at max range.

We both know that every class has the same number of trait points, weapon and utility slots. Agreed? If I trait for max damage and range that means I am giving something up in regards to survival. Am I running solo? Maybe I’ll take sic’em. Hmm…server I’m facing this week is low on roaming thieves, forget sic’em and pick something else. See what I did?

Am I in a zerg? Ok, let me pick other utilities because my play will be different. Do I run a trap, say muddy terrain? Lightening reflexes? Entangle? Rampage as one? Hmm…I don’t know. It depends. Wait, what weapon set do I use?

Am I hovoc roaming, ganking, or just roaming doing dailies and looking for a fight. I am not stationary waiting for the loan passer by. This isn’t DaOC whereas I’m camping a main gate. This is GW2 that doesn’t have many choke points

Whoa whoa there. I’m pretty sure you aren’t allowed to use all those other skills as a ranger. According to the experts in this thread you are only allowed to use the first 2 skills on longbow.

Although to get the kind of damage they are crying about you would pretty much have to devote all your traits and utilities to triggering the damage. So you should be bringing rampage as one, SotW, SotH, and QZ.

Jim Hunter when my other account isn’t suspended


in WvW

Posted by: Crapgame.6519


I don’t think rangers are problematic but to be fair it is really weird that this is a game where a ranger can just press 2 and instantly kill someone with zero setup.

That only works with very bad player. Rangers are fine. All this thread is, is a lot of complaints about how bad players are bad. Why should a profession be changed to compensate such bad players. Anyone to bad to handle a measly long bow, really deserves to die.

This attitude is problematic, tbh. There isn’t much any player can do, regardless of skill, when a ranger +1s a fight. There isn’t much any player can do, regardless of skill, when some ranger is sitting behind a huge frontline doing 3k damage per auto. You must think really highly of yourself. lol.

Perhaps your attitude is the problematic one? I mean, when 12 posters out of the millions of players who bought this game (which is precisely how many are complaining here, with multiple, repeated post each) assume anyone who can handle what they are incapable of handling, think too highly of themselves, well it says a lot to me, about the few complainers.

What profession do you play mainly? I run as a large guild and map commander on a T1 server, so I specifically get focus fired by 5 ranger groups. I lead in celestial, ascended gear. So it is not like I am pure tank. I use my shield block and shield reflect, s well kitten calling for reflection walls from my guardians.

I am not debating with you, what intelligent play may or may not provide in this case. I am explaining how it is proven fact, that it does.

You literally stated, that being auto attacked to death is your argument. If you do not have the situational awareness to take one step back, out for range, call for a reflect, use a reflect of your own, dodge out, or use a movement skill to get away, then you, are indeed, your own worst enemy, not a ranger.

Use a build editor to link your build, perhaps we can offer you some advice in how to adjust the build, or use the build you have, to deal with ranged damage.

+1 for situational awareness.

Main – Laaz Rocket – Guardian (Ehmry Bay)
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)


in WvW

Posted by: MethaneGas.8357


Do you fish by any chance? Since when does 1,500 in game clicks equate to miles? You are seriously telling a tall tale.

“Oh god, that person must be 500 years old!”
Ever heard of exaggeration?

Create a ranger, enter a custom / private sPvP game with some friends.

I happen to do a bit of sPvP and rangers there are almost, but not quite, obnoxious. Sure, at high end sPvP (which is only a fraction of the sPvP community) it isn’t optimal, but at lower-end and average sPvP, sitting on hills and destroying people is actually quite common – and it works.

1,500 range is nothing to any class that is aware of their surroundings. We have beat that horse to death by dodge, LOS, charge, hide behind friends, etc.

Saying 1500 range is nothing is actually delusional, especially when the range is even higher than that in-game. Especially when the ranger has a wall of friends between you and that lovely little 1500+ range. If you ever played WvW, you’ll see lots of open areas right? Right. So where would you like me to line of sight exactly? Should I summon some kind of wall? Should I only stick to trees and rocks? Should I run to rocks/trees? Ah, ok, I’ll run to them when I see a ranger… oh wait… I got hit by Rapid Fire from Saturn. Maybe I’ll stealth… oh wait… I can’t.

You just stated that we had miles and miles between us. Care to explain how any of the other stuff comes into play say like entangle?

I’m closing the 1500+ range gap and the pet runs towards the target… the explanation is simple.

Honestly, you don’t have to dodge anything. You do have to decide when to dodge though. Just like I do.

When everything hits for 500k, that’s good advice.

Oh, and you can increase your dodge / endurance but I’m sure you forgot about that…or do those rules only apply to Rangers?

Most things rely on hitting the target to gain endurance. Necros have 0 Vigor, aside from grabbing Energy sigils. So I should run towards the Ranger, dodge all the important stuff (or nothing at all, as per your advice), hit the guy to get vigor, then dodge some more? All the while I’m getting pummeled by the other guys? Sounds reasonable.

Again, you will not die or get insta-gib’d by a Ranger unless you are asleep at the wheel, afk, or upscaled. Like I said, I don’t get killed by a single rapid fire volley on my Guardian who in DPS/Zerk has a base health pool just a tick over 14k

It’s nice to play that card, but Guardians have armor, protection, and guard stacks will give place your health above 14k. The Rapid Fire will still do around half your health, and likely more, from huge distance, as was mentioned a million times before. When a ranger +1s a fight, the single button, the rapid fire (or hell, the auto attack) will melt you. So no, a single Rapid Fire won’t necessarily bring you completely from 100 – 0, but that’s really irrelevant.

I’m really confused now because you make it sound like I have every skill on my bar. Is this something new and unique to the ranger?

Since when are 2 skills “every skill on my bar”. It’s only 2 standard skills.

We might even share an adult beverage if you are of age.

No thanks, I’m 12.

Point is, which many have already said, Rangers have to make choices in order to DPS at max range.

Yes… pressing 1 and sometimes 2 is a very hard choice indeed.

Sometimes we just get beat by a better player – that doesn’t mean you come to the forums and complain.

Ah… auto attacking from Mars makes people a better player…

Necro, Ele, Mesmer, Guardian and Warrior, DR[OHai]
YouTube Channel

(edited by MethaneGas.8357)


in WvW

Posted by: TakeCare.3182


You said it yourself. What’s left to discuss?

I’ll just quote what I said earlier. Just because there is counterplay to something doesn’t mean it isn’t overpowered.

There was counterplay to Perplexity runes the day they were released. Did that stop them from being the most overpowered rune set in the game? Nope. Or perhaps we could say that the bugged mesmer falling damage trait wasn’t broken, but a lack of situational awareness on the part of those who died.

The argument defending longbow rangers is that they CAN be countered, but counters don’t make something balanced (though they help). It’s about risk/reward and input/output. If someone can do tons of damage safely with no risk and little input, it needs adjusted. If rangers had all of this kill pressure, but they had to go into melee or channel for a long time or pull off a specific combo, it would be 100% fine. But right now, they don’t have to do anything. They just stand there. It’s safe. It’s effective. It’s broken.

YouTube channel
Thief | Mesmer | Elementalist

(edited by TakeCare.3182)


in WvW

Posted by: Jana.6831


EDIT: Lost connection during this – point is, me pressing 2/rapid fire at you isn’t going to kill you. If you really believe that let us both party up and do a few tests. I’ll hop on my ranger, you on any class. Then you on your ranger, I’ll get on my guardian, and we’ll dance.

To the first few paragraphs: Every player in this game has to make sacrifices that’s no different to ranger so I don’t see why your class should have it worse and I need to pity them.

I can die to rapidfire, given the situation (out of dodges for whatever reason, Sic Em whatever)
What saves me is, now back to Puck,

Whoa whoa there. I’m pretty sure you aren’t allowed to use all those other skills as a ranger. According to the experts in this thread you are only allowed to use the first 2 skills on longbow.

You said it yourself: Most Rangers have no idea what they’re doing and that was my initial point in this thread. And don’t pretend you haven’t said yourself, multiple times, that the average ranger is a bad player and therefore doesn’t realize what reflection is. And the way ranger is designed it promotes bad game play as a rapid fire, knockback, 1111 can be enough to kill others, especially when not solo roaming.


in WvW

Posted by: MethaneGas.8357


Perhaps your attitude is the problematic one? I mean, when 12 posters out of the millions of players who bought this game (which is precisely how many are complaining here, with multiple, repeated post each) assume anyone who can handle what they are incapable of handling, think too highly of themselves, well it says a lot to me, about the few complainers.

Oh bother.
People flock to what’s OP, it’s human nature. When you call it easy to play they get mad because they think you’re saying they’re playing an easy class, which would imply they aren’t skilled… how can someone’s ego ever handle that? Well.. better start arguing.

What profession do you play mainly? I run as a large guild and map commander on a T1 server, so I specifically get focus fired by 5 ranger groups. I lead in celestial, ascended gear. So it is not like I am pure tank. I use my shield block and shield reflect, s well kitten calling for reflection walls from my guardians.

Ah.. so as you, and the previous posters have pointed out… we should grab a reflect. Hmm… sounds reasonable. Let me make an anti-ranger build.. then comes along something non-ranger and you get rekt. B-but… reflects!
Sense? None.

Necro, Ele, Mesmer, Guardian and Warrior, DR[OHai]
YouTube Channel


in WvW

Posted by: Crapgame.6519


“Oh god, that person must be 500 years old!”
Ever heard of exaggeration?

Yes. I have. Which is why I replied the way I did so you would write this. You finally understand what everyone in this thread is saying. That you are exaggerating the whole rapid fire and rangers are broke debate.

Here is a news flash for you. A patch is coming and I’m going to get a few trait points back that I would have otherwise spent for range and damage. I am honestly going to enjoy your posts post patch and your salty alligator tears raining from the sky like skittles.

My only regret is that our servers won’t face one another so you personally won’t feel my rangers arrows. But hey, maybe I’ll transfer for a week and we can dance.

Main – Laaz Rocket – Guardian (Ehmry Bay)
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)


in WvW

Posted by: Puck.9612


You said it yourself. What’s left to discuss?

I’ll just quote what I said earlier. Just because there is counterplay to something doesn’t mean it isn’t overpowered.

There was counterplay to Perplexity runes the day they were released. Did that stop them from being the most overpowered rune set in the game? Nope. Or perhaps we could say that the bugged mesmer falling damage trait wasn’t broken, but a lack of situational awareness on the part of those who died.

The argument defending longbow rangers is that they CAN be countered, but counters don’t make something balanced (though they help). It’s about risk/reward and input/output. If someone can do tons of damage safely with no risk and little input, it needs adjusted. If rangers had all of this kill pressure, but they had to go into melee or channel for a long time or pull off a specific combo, it would be 100% fine. But right now, they don’t have to do anything. They just stand there. It’s safe. It’s effective. It’s broken.

You play a d/d ele. A ranger has to be 100% full glass and you have to be bad at your rotations for them to be able to out dps your sustain.

There is nothing safe about running glass bow. 1500 range is one doge roll farther than the 1200 range weapons and you aren’t exactly lacking on gap closers. Once you close to melee range the rangers can’t reset near as easily as thieves, mesmers, warriors, etc. They have to use everything at their disposal to CC, evade and outplay you. If you are letting the ranger “just stand there” then you are the problem.

Jim Hunter when my other account isn’t suspended


in WvW

Posted by: Puck.9612


EDIT: Lost connection during this – point is, me pressing 2/rapid fire at you isn’t going to kill you. If you really believe that let us both party up and do a few tests. I’ll hop on my ranger, you on any class. Then you on your ranger, I’ll get on my guardian, and we’ll dance.

To the first few paragraphs: Every player in this game has to make sacrifices that’s no different to ranger so I don’t see why your class should have it worse and I need to pity them.

I can die to rapidfire, given the situation (out of dodges for whatever reason, Sic Em whatever)
What saves me is, now back to Puck,

Whoa whoa there. I’m pretty sure you aren’t allowed to use all those other skills as a ranger. According to the experts in this thread you are only allowed to use the first 2 skills on longbow.

You said it yourself: Most Rangers have no idea what they’re doing and that was my initial point in this thread. And don’t pretend you haven’t said yourself, multiple times, that the average ranger is a bad player and therefore doesn’t realize what reflection is. And the way ranger is designed it promotes bad game play as a rapid fire, knockback, 1111 can be enough to kill others, especially when not solo roaming.

No the entire game promotes bad game play. Nothing you just said is strictly a ranger problem. There are far more bad players in this game than there are good players. For example, look at the people in this very thread complaining about how OP longbow rangers are.

Jim Hunter when my other account isn’t suspended


in WvW

Posted by: MethaneGas.8357


I am honestly going to enjoy your posts post patch and your salty alligator tears raining from the sky like skittles.

First of all…. how did you know I’m an alligator…?
Second of all, enjoy your skittles, you seem to like them (I do too <3 ).

My only regret is that our servers won’t face one another so you personally won’t feel my rangers arrows. But hey, maybe I’ll transfer for a week and we can dance.


Necro, Ele, Mesmer, Guardian and Warrior, DR[OHai]
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