"Regional Cup" instead of a "League" for S3
We pretty much already know who gonna win in this structure: One of the top 3.
All other servers don’t have even a reason to show up.
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
Stack to win. Just like Season 2.
Soccer may be one of the most boring sports in existence, but at least the teams have even numbers.
PvP modes are the “endgame” in all MMOs.
Stop failing at PvE, and fix WvW/SPvP. Thank you.
We pretty much already know who gonna win in this structure: One of the top 3.
All other servers don’t have even a reason to show up.
See I don’t necessarily agree with this. In world cups, we see again and again surprise teams making their way to the top and sometimes even winning. The stakes and the excitement of getting to the next stage make people perform beyond their usual. I am sure of course the top realms will be forces to be reckoned with but it doesn’t mean the others will throw the towel.
The league system actually cause this early onset of fatigue with the end results becoming clear very early on. In a cup, anything can happen any time. People can rally their realms to perform beyond expectations..
In any case my 2c.
Stack to win. Just like Season 2.
Soccer may be one of the most boring sports in existence, but at least the teams have even numbers.
I’m not sure if you are trolling, because I agree with your first point. But soccer is boring????
New bunker meta sux
See I don’t necessarily agree with this. In world cups, we see again and again surprise teams making their way to the top and sometimes even winning. The stakes and the excitement of getting to the next stage make people perform beyond their usual. I am sure of course the top realms will be forces to be reckoned with but it doesn’t mean the others will throw the towel.
The league system actually cause this early onset of fatigue with the end results becoming clear very early on. In a cup, anything can happen any time. People can rally their realms to perform beyond expectations..
In any case my 2c.
Well, sports aren’t decided by coverage… You can’t say who’s the winner before the match.
Here on WvW, unfortunely, you can…
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
Stack to win. Just like Season 2.
Soccer may be one of the most boring sports in existence, but at least the teams have even numbers.
I’m not sure if you are trolling, because I agree with your first point. But soccer is boring????
Yep, soccer is boring. Rugby is more interesting
Back on topic. A regional cup, though interesting in concept, might not work very well when you consider that you have residents of the Americas who play in EU, EU players in the Americas, Oceanic players in both. I’d say it ends up boiling down to coverage again. Nothing will work unless the whole PPT gets reworked, or better still replaced.
Stack to win. Just like Season 2.
Soccer may be one of the most boring sports in existence, but at least the teams have even numbers.
I’m not sure if you are trolling, because I agree with your first point. But soccer is boring????
Because I disagree with your opinion I’m a troll? Good one bro.
But I’ll explain my opinion.
From childrens leagues all the way up to adult leagues, even the World Cup, soccer requires one skill to play (foot skill) and one aspect of athleticism to play (cardio endurance). This is an undisputed fact. The elite level is a mastery of foot skill, and having astounding cardio endurance. This doesn’t appeal to me.
I prefer sports that utilize more than one skill, or sports that utilize more than one aspect of athleticism. And I especially love sports that combine both of these.
Soccer does not provide that for me.
Then there is the agonizingly low scoring, for me this is a yawn fest. I know some people like watching paint dry, but not me.
The action is also mostly slow paced, and I don’t find that exciting.
Then there is the rampant injury faking, and really pansy attitudes in general. For me, this is disgusting to watch. Also, other countries soccer players complain that “Australia is too rough”, lol!!!! How sad.
Some people grew up in a country where soccer is the only sport played there. For them, this is all they know, and that’s why they love it so much.
I grew up in Australia, playing and watching our national sport, which utilizes all areas of skill, and all areas of athleticism. Amongst playing and watching a wide variety of other sports.
The elite level of our national sport requires every player on the field to be an absolute master of hand, foot and body skills, as well as every single area of athleticism in order to be successful. No other sport in the world demands this much from every single player. There’s also no pansy attitudes, and a tonne of courage and bravery. And no padding.
That being said, it isn’t the only sport I like. I love watching tennis, all martial arts, American football, rugby, ice hockey, snow boarding, basketball, volleyball, and plenty others.
Cricket? I like 20-20, but find ‘one day matches’ and ‘test matches’ to be boring.
After watching and participating in many different sports, the simplicity of soccer does not appeal to me.
I find soccer boring because I was born in Australia, the sport crazy nation.
PvP modes are the “endgame” in all MMOs.
Stop failing at PvE, and fix WvW/SPvP. Thank you.
(edited by thaooo.5320)
Stack to win. Just like Season 2.
Soccer may be one of the most boring sports in existence, but at least the teams have even numbers.
I’m not sure if you are trolling, because I agree with your first point. But soccer is boring????
Because I disagree with your opinion I’m a troll? Good one bro.
But I’ll explain my opinion.
From childrens leagues all the way up to adult leagues, even the World Cup, soccer requires one skill to play (foot skill) and one aspect of athleticism to play (cardio endurance). This is an undisputed fact. The elite level is a mastery of foot skill, and having astounding cardio endurance. This doesn’t appeal to me.
I prefer sports that utilize more than one skill, or sports that utilize more than one aspect of athleticism. And I especially love sports that combine both of these.
Soccer does not provide that for me.
Then there is the agonizingly low scoring, for me this is a yawn fest. I know some people like watching paint dry, but not me.
The action is also mostly slow paced, and I don’t find that exciting.
Then there is the rampant injury faking, and really pansy attitudes in general. For me, this is disgusting to watch. Also, other countries soccer players complain that “Australia is too rough”, lol!!!! How sad.
Some people grew up in a country where soccer is the only sport played there. For them, this is all they know, and that’s why they love it so much.
I grew up in Australia, playing and watching our national sport, which utilizes all areas of skill, and all areas of athleticism. Amongst playing and watching a wide variety of other sports.
The elite level of our national sport requires every player on the field to be an absolute master of hand, foot and body skills, as well as every single area of athleticism in order to be successful. No other sport in the world demands this much from every single player. There’s also no pansy attitudes, and a tonne of courage and bravery. And no padding.
That being said, it isn’t the only sport I like. I love watching tennis, all martial arts, American football, rugby, ice hockey, snow boarding, basketball, volleyball, and plenty others.
Cricket? I like 20-20, but find ‘one day matches’ and ‘test matches’ to be boring.
After watching and participating in many different sports, the simplicity of soccer does not appeal to me.
I find soccer boring because I was born in Australia, the sport crazy nation.
As an Australian myself, I salute you and the mighty sport that is rugby (although I’m not much of a sports fan, still rugby > soccer).
This isn’t important to me but, footy = league, union or aussie rules? ;p
I’m from Melbourne, so Aussie rules, but I still love both union and league.
PvP modes are the “endgame” in all MMOs.
Stop failing at PvE, and fix WvW/SPvP. Thank you.
Lets follow Tasmanian footy rules. Oh wait….
Somehow you turned this into a discussion about football, gg…
Somehow you turned this into a discussion about football, gg…
Add in relics a la DAoC (footballs), and then we can talk…
This might actually work.
They could make the matches 3 days instead of a week. Fri. – Mon. is the tournament. M – Fri back to regular season play to prevent burnout.
And it might not be too easy to predict who will win – you always have the dreaded double team to consider.
I think it’d be great fun.
This is dumb as kitten. Just another scheme for people to dish out their money to transfer and make anet rich while killing off all other servers except for the top 3.
Sorry but are you an anet staff? Haven’t you killed wvw enough to fill your pocket?
We pretty much already know who gonna win in this structure: One of the top 3.
All other servers don’t have even a reason to show up.
See I don’t necessarily agree with this. In world cups, we see again and again surprise teams making their way to the top and sometimes even winning.
Has there ever been a world cup where a team with 3 people playing beat a team with 11 people playing? If not, then your point is invalid in terms of its application to GW2 WvW.