Rewards on the end of season 1.

Rewards on the end of season 1.

in WvW

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Here is there I come from:

For some time I was a casual WvW player.
I entered from time to time. I play on Underworld server which is now on silver league. We had some stronger enemies, and some weaker. We held around 15th place which is kinda middle ground.

We always had some people on WvW, not 24/7 but for most time. It was hard facing those hardcore servers that don’t sleep but we had few guilds who even at night flipped and defended the map.

It all ended with season 1.
There is a major pain in my server.
Is a casual player I didn’t notice it until today.

Most of the guilds in our WvW left for join highest in our league servers.
So since there we struggle to have anything at all as it comes to WvW.

When we woke up we can be sure that all of the map is taken over and when we form a kinda medium group we are almost always outnumbered, cause other servers are full all the time I tried we get hit by the wall of players on every map and we can only resist it around 6pm to 11pm when some more people play.

Playing WvW lost its fun, since you cant have fun while you try to play and you get run over by a train from other server – again, again and again and more…

There is no other explanation. Since it was announced that the rewards will be based on how good your server is in your league people left aiming on servers that will reward them more.
Sure, now they all cry that they need few hours to enter WvW and its so bad for their achievements and all.

This huge imbalance is caused by Season 1 so I ASK HERE.
Please rewrite your rewards for the season 1 to be just the same for each server in a tier or even across tiers.

This is kinda the only right thing you can do after the damage you (undoubtedly not by choice) have done.

To all people:
Please show yous support if you think its right

(edited by Septemptus.7164)

Rewards on the end of season 1.

in WvW

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Here is an idea for how to fix some things in the imbalance we have:

In GW1 we waited in PvP to have 5 people in one side and 5 people in 2nd side so we could have a balanced match. Why cant it be done in WvW?

Lets say we let 20 people to go in to WvW and then make others wait until each server have 5 waiting, then let them go in. Wait for another 5 people per server to let them in.
It could make servers feel a bit empty (only non hardcore servers), but there wouldn’t be just pure power in numbers anymore.

I would personally prefer waiting or not playing in WvW than being overruned just because people on my server are sleeping/working.

This would also make people think “If I want to play lets move to server that don’t have a long queue so we can really play not only wait for a chance all the time”.

Rewards on the end of season 1.

in WvW

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


your Method is one of the worst ever systems ever offered to “help” WvW, the sad part is that its already been posted several times and you could have found it by just looking.
how long do you think people will wait for the game of find 20, 50, 80 people? what about the people who are not your timezone? what if the enemy decides to log off a map and never log back in in order to PREVENT anyone from PLAYING inside the map? where in the world do you think anet will find the time to implement, no even create such an elaborate system? not to mention your post comes off to me somewhat selfish

Rewards on the end of season 1.

in WvW

Posted by: RedOwl.7496


I dunno. Population imbalances is the biggest problem with WvW IMO. 80 players should not have such an easy time running around wiping out a whole map with almost no effort just because the other side only has 10 players logged in.

If they implemented some sort of system where the enemy could never log in more that double the numbers of the other servers I’d be fine with it. Then maybe the over populated servers would get sick of 4 hour ques or whatever and MOVE to a low populated server.

I get sick of spending so much time and money upgrading stuff, just to have it all wiped overnight because whatever server I am on does not have good late night or early morning coverage.

Everything could be completely fortified and a billion pieces of siege everywhere and it all does not matter one bit when it is 80 vs 10. Make it so it 20 vs 10, or 40 vs 20, or 80 vs 40, and it will be a different story. Upgrades and siege will MATTER then. And it would put an end, or greatly slow down, the easy mode karma train farming.

Rewards on the end of season 1.

in WvW

Posted by: Meriem.3504


It might help of the guards weren’t useless vs small groups and roamers.