Riverside vs Gandara vs Aurora Glade
AG isn’t commander starved it just that people follow the commanders they like and no one else tags up
Darkwood Legion [DARK]
Yak’s Bend
AG isn’t commander starved it just that people follow the commanders they like and no one else tags up
Very fair point. In that case, that says something about KISS commander imo.
A big shout out for everyone we’ve come across in these few matchups, both new and old. WvW is as fun as it because everyone’s out there to play and play well. Some of the fights we’ve had have been EPIC. Not just good fun, but epic on a “I used moneysupermarket” level (If just one person gets the reference and doesn’t want to kill me for it, it was worth it).
This wouldn’t be the game it is without the people that play it, and whether we’re on the same team or against each other, it’s the people that make the thrill… thrilling. Many will have different views on how they want to play. Some play in small guilds, some in large, some play without guilds, some play over walls, some in the open… But remember without everyone’s different styles of play, this would be a dull expedition indeed!
A special shout out to my friends in Dius, for the numbers you run, you hit like a tank.
Leucetius Vier – Necromancer | Adiella Vier – Ranger
Proudly representing The Unlikely Plan [TUP] on Aurora Glade.
As a pug in AG following KISS regularly, I thought I needed to add my 2 cents worth.
As everyone obviously knows, pugs are here to stay and I daresay we are the backbone of WvW. Otherwise it’d be mere GvG. Point is, if everyone keeps asking guilds to flag off, where do the pugs go? Yes, blobbing isn’t the best way to play GW2, but don’t diss KISS for letting the rest of us pugs enjoy the kitten game. Otherwise, all us pugs would be consistently wiped by organised guild groups. Let us have some of the killing too, and stop being kittening selfish.
For that reason alone, and I think I speak for many pugs, thank you AG guilds (particularly KISS for me) who keep your com icons on and letting the rest of us savour some of the fun. And much respect to RS and Gandara for some good fights I’ve been in so far.
Yeah we have similar issues on Gandara. The only people who can afford commander tags are in guilds or PvE’rs. The people with the most experience of leading groups are in guild groups most nights of the week so they tend to be the more popular ones.
The thing is … for pugs to compete against a guild group they need 2 – 2.5 times the numbers. Thats just the way it is.
When you take a guild group of … 20 – 25 (? I dont want to get into numbers) … basically KISS and add 20 pugs to them … the guild group give the organised backbone to turn it into a group that no pug group on a map can compete against, they could never get enough numbers on a map to do so.
The only thing that can is a guild group running similar numbers and theres just very few of them on any server. WvW on ours can if they tag up i suppose, haven’t seen any on RS that can and maybe 1 or 2 from BB could .
Also personally I just find it really, really dull to run in them numbers.
When people are running into a group on a map that they cant realistically compete against, without resorting to a playstyle that … is frowned upon somewhat and not enjoyable for many … then they complain.
Basically they might be making the game fun for you but they’re making it miserable and / or boring for a lot of others.
Not trying to criticise KISS or pick a fight with them. Its not their job to make the game fun for others, they might not be aware that their playstyle isn’t all that fun to fight and as i said i dont particularly mind blobs. Just pointing out that some of the criticism is … well its going to continue basically.
(edited by Caid.4932)
A big shout out for everyone we’ve come across in these few matchups, both new and old. WvW is as fun as it because everyone’s out there to play and play well. Some of the fights we’ve had have been EPIC. Not just good fun, but epic on a “I used moneysupermarket” level (If just one person gets the reference and doesn’t want to kill me for it, it was worth it).
This wouldn’t be the game it is without the people that play it, and whether we’re on the same team or against each other, it’s the people that make the thrill… thrilling. Many will have different views on how they want to play. Some play in small guilds, some in large, some play without guilds, some play over walls, some in the open… But remember without everyone’s different styles of play, this would be a dull expedition indeed!
A special shout out to my friends in Dius, for the numbers you run, you hit like a tank.
BRM BRM! <3 Addy + TUP
So I had the Commander tag on today…. but I ran solo with all our Puggies… my brave, heroic puggies on GBL… we lost 90% of the map but we held Garrison and we held hills. A MASSIVE shoutout to those guys.
That last golem rush by RS was fun ;P
The biggest problem when running with out a guild is is a lack of organization. When I was on yaks bend server I would often have 30-40 pugs following me on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon. But portal bombs and ball tactics didn’t work well because of a lack of communication. The guild groups are all on VoIP together which allows then to react instantly
Darkwood Legion [DARK]
Yak’s Bend
The biggest problem when running with out a guild is is a lack of organization. When I was on yaks bend server I would often have 30-40 pugs following me on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon. But portal bombs and ball tactics didn’t work well because of a lack of communication. The guild groups are all on VoIP together which allows then to react instantly
Which is why pugs need 2x the numbers to compete against guild gruops and why they cant compete against x number of players that large guilds who have commander tag on run around with.
Well it is nice that things seem to have calmed down, i just want to add one more thing (no troll) that KISS did not come to this thread bragging, if you look back through it you will see dangerdoom started the discussion. We don’t generally come to the forums to brag about our 1337ness, but we retain our right to reply, if pushed.
Dear AG,
Is there something we should know about Dawn’s Eyrie? An oil plot, a gold vein, the real Mona Lisa maybe?
On a different note It was great fun keeping Gandara guilds like Duis YaK xXx IC WvW busy for over 2 hours. While you get self obsessed with the wanting to kill or re-claim the camp. you was not busy claiming other keeps or towers. It was a lot of fun and I am sure both servers had lots of lootbags to gain.
Revenge for us tonight at AG Hills while Riverside capped your stuff
Dear AG,
Is there something we should know about Dawn’s Eyrie? An oil plot, a gold vein, the real Mona Lisa maybe?
It’s the view. It’s beautiful. The best part of which is the western view
Darkwood Legion [DARK]
Yak’s Bend
gvg gvg gvg gvg gvg gvg !!!!!!!!
as you can tell from the vid are first day back into yakslacking just roaming testing new member , new builds out ,,,hhmmmm boom << we got slapped hard and it was recorded much respect to FURY you got us back for the north camp
comander tags are now off and specs coming into play … watch your backs
b.t.w if you up for some Gvg this week please contact your truly…
well XxX thanks for dropping into gandara yak’s will miss you , this is a somehting for you http://cheezburger.com/7256782336 xxx icey <3 Yak
contact : www.YaKslappers.com
SeverGvG: www.ThisIsGandara.com
I’m a Gandarian player for a long time and only playing WvW(mostly EB) nothing else. This is my evaluation about the server.
It’s not about great fights or superb guilds, its about habbits.-If there is no commander log out or switch to a BL with an online active commander.
-If we can gather enough zerg power to destroy anything, it turns out a loot bag hunting session instead of capturing or defending.
-There is an endless discussion about SM if it’s important or not.
-Nearly no one cares about dolyaks or upgrading camps. They are there for experience and karma.
-%90 of golem attacks from our side occur at late night-early morning just to troll enemy. If we capture an enemy keep, thats because someone bored and throwed some golems at 5am. It has never been a tactic. Golems = Trolling machines.
-There is always at least 10 commanders in EB without activating their blue icons just because their high esteem may get hurt or its tiresome. Because of that there is no active commanders in EB %70 of the time.
-If we have outmanned buff no one cares about losing a fully upgraded t3 tower with lots of siege on it. It’s normal to lose it because we were outmaned even if it’s defendable by 5 people.
-Gandara borderlands and EB are our first priorities, second is JP, third is daily, fourth leveling another alt, fifth petting the cat and maybe sixth one is the other borderlands. Never attack other borderlands before ours is fully safe.
-Our first supply sources are unfinished upgrading towers.
-If 3 trebs attacking, repair the wall but never build anti siege.
-It is impossible for us to put 2 rams infront of a gate. The first one comes instantly and if someone ask for a second, people will throw five and none of them are going to get complete.
I can see you play EB quite a lot, although some of your points are definitely valid!
Personally I’ve seen more coordination happening this week than any other, which is encouraging.
Although we have a few great commanders, we do need a few more of similar quality to guide the smaller guilds and pugs that Gandara is infamous for.
On a different note It was great fun keeping Gandara guilds like Duis YaK xXx IC WvW busy for over 2 hours. While you get self obsessed with the wanting to kill or re-claim the camp. you was not busy claiming other keeps or towers. It was a lot of fun and I am sure both servers had lots of lootbags to gain.
Revenge for us tonight at AG Hills while Riverside capped your stuff
hehe, good work, although later in the evening KISS took siege on your garrison (with intent to die) only to keep you busy while FEAR reclaimed our hills and removed your friggin waypoint :-)
Good play though its been yet another night of fun.
alot of good honest post’s coming in and the peace seems to be coming out between Gandara and Aurora glade.
My hats off to both servers. :-) Keep it up.
Dius <3 always in small groups much respect.
Kept trying to engage you with our 2 against your 3, but first some of your guys jumped in, then some of ours jumped in and drove your additionals off, then they ran off and left us alone, and you caught us 2v4 :<
In honour of our lost waypoint, we have given AG Borderland a new coat of paint.
On a different note It was great fun keeping Gandara guilds like Duis YaK xXx IC WvW busy for over 2 hours. While you get self obsessed with the wanting to kill or re-claim the camp. you was not busy claiming other keeps or towers. It was a lot of fun and I am sure both servers had lots of lootbags to gain.
Revenge for us tonight at AG Hills while Riverside capped your stuff
FEAR reclaimed our hills and removed your friggin waypoint :-)
We got revenge for your revenge of our revenge of your revenge … wp back in your bl xD
Takes a lot longer for you to release your “We rock and win always” videos since culling was removed
no it dont take longer,we have 22100 view on our youtube page,127 subscriber from december when we created the guild,and we continue make 2 3 video at week,so nothing have changed for us.
The remove culling patch are only helping us a lot because now i know where inc exactly,i know where enemy are and how many are them,and with the number we played always we never culled the enemy(it say like that?dunno).
We play with that number because is more hard,because when we are victorious against MANY enemy we can scream on ts,because when we kill a guild with more number we feel stronger,because when we can handle a 11min fight against MANY enemy with a big immagination we can smeel scent of blood from enemy corpse,and because is more fun,i dont say dont roam or play with 40+member guild,but DONT stick the pug to u all too if u have that number.
Im sure if all the guild try play like that u can enjoy better the game,because the winner of the match up don’t get nothing,so making bib blob is really nosense,but when u win a fight without outnumber the enemy u can feel really satisfied all the time and this feeling never end if u continue play like that.
Try and play like that with every guild with time u all become stronger,faster and u can gain only more fun playing like that,but if u all prefer the game u are doing ok enjoy it,but really i dont understand where is the fun to outnumber the enemy always.
just 2 video of yesterday + 1inc against fury of 2 day ago.
rddt+pug – rddt – fury – ecl+pug
riverside pug on all video few fast inc a 6min inc,and on the finale 11+min inc
(still uploading)
ps: english is not my main language but i think u all can understand.
(edited by Nemesys.7251)
funny,someone reported my reply a moderator only corrected 1 thing but not reply,someone dont want our video on this post?hehe
Thanks to all worlds for the great fights so far.
The scores are very close this week again in tier 4 and looks like it could go right to the line.
Cheers for fights tonight on GD Bl
A bit disappointed to be honest that some guilds felt the need to blob up though just to combat us… Dius & Os. The first few fights, there was pug presence which spoilt the fights a bit both ways… Then it was more even and less adds.
Just a shame that after we won a couple engagements in a row, that guild groups didn’t come back at us by themselves, and used others then just blantantly blobbed, especially as it from guilds I respect, and thought are better than endorsing that style of play, and say they don’t. We moved away from fury earlier in the night, you moved towards OS hand held then setup a ton of ballista’s to farm the AG pugs. Was hard to get you guys to separate
So please don’t complain about some of my allied guilds who run together if you just turn around and do exact the same thing, but against a lot less numbers.
You guys are better than that, and thought you would of been up for more separate encounters
anyways GG
/kind regards TUP
The Unlikely Plan (TUP)
Ex Piken Square (EU)
Your cave…. get back in it.
Meh Wamgor? The ‘you did this once ever I hate you and have lost all respect for you’ post? I’m sure Dius didn’t mean to blob anything… more likely just searching for their lost cat in amongst the zergers… for a small kitty it can move remarkably far from Godword :P
Does TUP have another forum representative? Sorry m8 but at times I just find what you post rather irritating and whiny… troll-like sometimes…
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/pvp/gf-left-me-coz-of-ladderboard/
(edited by Immolator.5640)
Hey Wamgor. Try being on home map without any commander present, as the only guild group running event in there. We had no tag, but recognizable commander names in our ranks in addition to the DIUS tag. Everytime Dius approached TUP we did so after waypointing to get rid of pugs. Everytime Dius and TUP clashed we got orange swords. Those were the only orange swords that popped on our map the entire evening almost. Where do you thing WXP kittens would go?
We even asked for GvG to get fair numbers and you said you wanted roaming action instead, on a map where only two guildgroups was running it seemed.
When we felt we outnumbered you greatly we even pushed out of combat so you got more even numbers.
I was only online until 2200GMT so if things happened after it I cant comment, but still.
(edited by Rookni.2469)
To the dedicated AG warrior from [MYTH] who stayed in Cliffside in AG borderlands for hours.
on Piken Square and Gandara.
Hey Rookni thanks for your feedback, and not trolling like the previous two posts trying to bait me. For your information you weren’t the only gandara guild raid running on your server borderland… OS were running in big numbers too. There was other small guild groups running about too, but im mostly on about the two main ones. Seems like you logged in after most of the action I mentioned.
Ice worm path, we were engaged with OS + pugs, then you added in on top of that, north supply camp same, you added in when we were already outnumbered… then at the back of briars os + pugs, then you added in on top of that too.
I thought you guys would like more quality fights, than just purely winning by default / numbers, which you accuse allied guilds of mine for doing so. As for the no commander thing, we run no commander either.
The Unlikely Plan (TUP)
Ex Piken Square (EU)
I only encountered TUP on your eternal pursuit for Woodhaven tonight, and for those fights I know we did all we could to come alone atleast. Usual things on our TS was
“bah pugs ruining a great fight”
“Nice fight until pugs came from spawn” etc etc
All I know is that we want fights on a even field! Getting them as defender where only threat on the map is TUP is hard. Being the only group as invaders being a threat is even harder. See you later TUP and deep down you know we want to face you alone. So no need to bait!
As for the no commander thing. Running no commander as a invader is a huge difference from running no commander on home map where no other commander is present. One msg from Lloantix or Kali in our chat led Gandara pugs on a epic quest to find us to tag along :p
(edited by Rookni.2469)
so that is aprox minimum 2 × 20 man guilds + usually a lot of pug adds of 10-20 atleast… Against just 20 Aprox TUP give or take… 20 vs 50-60 (which I could understand if we were larger… but we weren’t)
fighting 30-40 alone is a nice challenge itself, but adding into fights like with another 20+ spoils it for both sides imho. I know you guys think we are good but jeez that is expecting a lot from us, When one guild alone is a challenge itself.
The Unlikely Plan (TUP)
Ex Piken Square (EU)
I distinctly remember us engaging you several times with nobody else nearby, winning some of those encounters and losing some others. I also remember us standing back and letting you engage our pug-blob without interfering. And yes, a few times we just barrelled in with the blob, because there was nothing else to do on the map.
You’re putting alot of spin on things and conveniently forgetting certain events. So you’re either trolling or…. well I probably shouldn’t finish that sentence. If your’re unhappy with your current cave, I’m sure we can help you out
You really dont get what I am trying to say Wamgor so I will just start mention on the forums everytime I see TUP adding to a fight aswell. Cause this is the definition of blobbing from your point of view. I saw a TUP in a WXP train yesterday btw. Didnt know TUP only played for the wxp :/
See how stupid it gets?
Or want us to start mention the times we rolled down from the spawn towards Woodhaven only to encounter TUP and Fury/randoms hammering at the gate?
(edited by Rookni.2469)
Hey rookni… Usually we get the we don’t get any guild groups in our home borderland excuse thrown at us to blob us excessively… so yeah that is why there is a bit of disappointment… because tonight we had some good fights with 2 guild groups don’t get me wrong, we could of had a lot more though, it was just a taster instead of main meal. GvG is different to Roaming, We preferred to roam and meet like minded players (but not all at the same time lol) plus there is also disappointment because we hold you in high regard.
Hopefully we run into each other soon, without the adds. With more pressure on the map to keep others busy. Instead of resorting to kitten gameplay. Sometimes I think we are one of the few guilds, who check mini map and camera spin to see how many allies (or lack of) are with us realistically…
I will use KISS (sorry kISS) as perfect example, as everyone loves to mention them already in this thread… if I saw 40 Kiss fighting 20 dius in the open… just those no adds… we roamed pass with 20, its highly unlikely we would add into that, because of respect to both our ally and our enemy. There would be some serious envy going on though, lucky so so’s having a nice scrap.
The Unlikely Plan (TUP)
Ex Piken Square (EU)
We asked you for a GvG specifically to avoid the adds, you refused so your in no position to complain. We cant control every player on the map – the situations you ran into are what roaming is about (sucks sometimes but there you go)
We pulled back and left the pugs to fight you on a few occassions. We did everything that could reasonably be expected of us to avoid making it too unreasonable a fight, which we had no reason or obligation to do other than we dont particular enjoy fighting 1v50 or whatever numbers you want to pull out of your kitten
I think we should be complimented rather than criticised tbh.
And yes sometimes we wiped you while you were engaged because you were an annoyance that had to be dealt with so we could go south bay / hills and deal with something else.
Who are OS anyway? Never heard of them.
(edited by Caid.4932)
Wamgor, tonight on Gandara Borderlands we had no commander, so one shout in Map chat of Woodhaven being atttacked ofc brought most map to that area since there was no where else to go, tbh when i got there I saw Dius and I stayed up on Hill since they didnt need me getting in the way, but not everyone thinks that way, so its not really fair to lay the blame at Dius or OS, if we had a commander online maybe they could have lead us away, not once did Duis or any other Guild call for assistance, it was just scouts shouting in map chat.
Hey ragnar… I mentioned both of the wins and losses at the start mate in the nw tower region. Its not like im trying to bend the truth, or hide things when I got nothing to hide and aint that way inclined. I don’t remember you standing back and not engaging while we were fighting with pugs as from my point of view I can’t see when that happens, but obviously I can see it when you add.
TUP were playing yesterday? I wasn’t there and must of been in low numbers and not a raid mate, granted we do have a couple of dirty wxpers… but I don’t think it would be high raid numbers. Not like tonight, when there was 20 man groups around.
Rookni you forgot to mention, that we moved away from fury, if we had stayed and “blobbed” the tower, we would probally of took it… but we are very reluctant to compromise our style, and didn’t seem that many fury but more than enough to unbalance it in our favour which showed when fair play you tried pushing it.
The Unlikely Plan (TUP)
Ex Piken Square (EU)
Seriously who are OS lol?
Is it something really obvious that I should know and im just being doppy again?
We left you be Wam when you ran into the JP. We were kind of hoping you’d kill the random guys aroudn the area and we could get back to fighting but … had to go kill some other stuff somewhere i think … or we just got bored standing around, I dont remember.
Caid yes, we preferred roaming action over GvG and WvW is unfair true enough… But come on, some guilds have a certain way they play by… like really would you waypoint to kill a 5 man guild group with 20? that are already engaged and fighting more than their number?
Its called overkill, boring and winning by default… that’s why we try to avoid blobbing.
You guys need to learn your allied guilds more haha… Os seemed fairly decent btw, didn’t fraps or take screenshots im afraid. Their guild name looked weird and hard to pronounce that’s why I refer to just tags much shorter If I could spell their name for you I would haha
I know missy, and thanks for pointing that out So there was no reply of Dius going XX, or OS going XX? just everyone and their mother go? because zone wasn’t under much pressure? I saw a few RS very briefly tonight.
We ran into JP but by that point already lost people and was down to a few left. Only time I can remember I see you not adding was towards the end in the SW camp (hill part)
anyways cheers for the fights, its a shame we didn’t get more
The Unlikely Plan (TUP)
Ex Piken Square (EU)
A bit disappointed to be honest that some guilds felt the need to blob up though just to combat us… Dius & Os. The first few fights, there was pug presence which spoilt the fights a bit both ways… Then it was more even and less adds.
Just a shame that after we won a couple engagements in a row, that guild groups didn’t come back at us by themselves,
Wamgor.9347Hey ragnar… I mentioned both of the wins and losses at the start mate in the nw tower region. Its not like im trying to bend the truth
Say what now?
Keep going, we’ll find you a new cave eventually!
And the point your trying to make is? I said there was a pug presence which spoilt the first few fights a bit both ways (i.e when you won, i.e when we won in the nw region which tainted the fights both ways) the initial few skirmishs… you really want me to go overkill in every little detail from my perspective and think im trying to troll because my wording isn’t up to your standard or liking? really?
Im just giving feedback from my perspective, like some dius guys are from there’s. Then there’s a few others trying to light fires and talk about irrelevant things and twist things to fit their agenda whatever that may be.
The Unlikely Plan (TUP)
Ex Piken Square (EU)
Caid yes, we preferred roaming action over GvG and WvW is unfair true enough… But come on, some guilds have a certain way they play by… like really would you waypoint to kill a 5 man guild group with 20? that are already engaged and fighting more than their number?
Its called overkill, boring and winning by default… that’s why we try to avoid blobbing.
You guys need to learn your allied guilds more haha… Os seemed fairly decent btw, didn’t fraps or take screenshots im afraid. Their guild name looked weird and hard to pronounce that’s why I refer to just tags much shorter
If I could spell their name for you I would haha
I know missy, and thanks for pointing that out
So there was no reply of Dius going XX, or OS going XX? just everyone and their mother go? because zone wasn’t under much pressure? I saw a few RS very briefly tonight.
We ran into JP but by that point already lost people and was down to a few left. Only time I can remember I see you not adding was towards the end in the SW camp (hill part)
anyways cheers for the fights, its a shame we didn’t get more
I prefer roaming over GvG too but sometimes the scales are going to be stacked against you, we felt kind of bad about it (which is why we asked did you want to GvG) but there was nothing else we could do about it really
There were times tonight when there were reports of 15 RS at hills and we basically said ‘so deal with it, there a million acs there’ and they replied ‘theres only 3 of us here’ the pugs weren’t organised in any way shape or form so we kind of had to wp at times to deal with things a more organised group of pugs could have easily dealt with.
If they were organised we probably would have left map to seek something a bit more challenging but the other maps seemed to be doing well and we weren’t overly confident of gbl staying blue if we left so we stayed. Some of us were bored, some were glad to have a more relaxed night. We asked on our server forums for a commander to join the map a few times tonight but it didn’t happen.
We didn’t report where we were going, we normally would but there was no reason to tonight and reporting would have just added more pugs to our group.
(edited by Caid.4932)
And the point your trying to make is? I said there was a pug presence which spoilt the first few fights a bit both ways (i.e when you won, i.e when we won in the nw region which tainted the fights both ways) the initial few skirmishs… you really want me to go overkill in every little detail from my perspective and think im trying to troll because my wording isn’t up to your standard or liking? really?
Im just giving feedback from my perspective, like some dius guys are from there’s. Then there’s a few others trying to light fires and talk about irrelevant things and twist things to fit their agenda whatever that may be.
My point was that you never said we beat you in a fair fight, with no pugs involved, when I remember at least one occasion clearly. And in your second post you say that you acknowledged wins and losses on both sides in your first post, which you actually didn’t, which is why I quoted it.
As I said, you’re cherry picking from your memory and skipping over things that don’t agree with your “dius hand holding” argument.
I remember just after we’d taken briar, OS ran in after us, TUP turned up 1 minute too late to save the tower (or were just there by chance, I dont’ know), and we ran off over towards hills to leave you and OS to fight alone, when we could have both jumped out and chased you all the way into spawn. I also remember you were engaging our pug-blob in Vale, we were gathered on the hill (the bit you have to jump to, above the wall) buffing up, could have charged you in the back and wiped you, and instead decided “screw it, let them have some fun”. Those are just the first two instances of us trying to avoid hugely unfair fights that spring to mind. Could add more. Not to mention us having to do some waypoint-hopping every 10 minutes to shake the pugs off.
You’re well known to dius as a troller, so you don’t need to convince me of anything, I already know you are. I’m posting to refute the lies you’re spreading to drag our reputation through the mud on the public forum. If you really wanted a discussion with us you’d do it in private, or at least on our server forums which for some reason TUP frequent. But instead you’re doing it in public….
(edited by Ragnar.4257)
All this my guild is better than and your guild did this makes me laugh. The objecto scorescore the most points as a server. Who care who has the best fuikguild.
Darkwood Legion [DARK]
Yak’s Bend
You could of done lots of thing really… obviously its going out of your way a little bit, and not all guilds operate like that. We usually do it a lot ourselves.
A lot of our guys were bored with being blobbed by gandara again and always hearing excuses for it time and time again(like really you guys(gandara) will probally qq at me for saying it and get hostile response, and all that for no reason but just think if shoe was on other foot) but there was no real excuse this time, as no other big zone in force to counter blob, or forcing you to play that way. Two guild groups, instead of entire zone of pug guild. I mean if we left, you would of had no opposition and all your guys would be even more bored with nothing to do in zone. Only reason I can see gandara playing that way, is being all points happy, compromising style going for the win, and the win brings you what exactly? over fun fights, this is what I don’t see. How can winning something that is meaningless trump more enjoyable fights. That’s just my two cents.
Adding with OS was the main issue, as the pugs that is out of your hands to a certain degree, can you do certain things which you guys did to limit it.. towards the end when it was 60 guys spawn camping with sup ballista’s ac’s etc… maybe we were like 15-17 TUP by that point, hardly any pugs, or organised pugs in zone. That was just excessive and highlights from our point of view some of the previous instances, we would of happily fought you guys in the north away from the spawn camping, like I said some good fights but there could of been more
Sometimes I feel like we are being begged to counter blob, which wouldn’t be fun all round.
The Unlikely Plan (TUP)
Ex Piken Square (EU)
I see that you can’t counter any of my points, so you’re just ignoring them now and carrying on with the lies/QQ regardless.
Do I get a medal? :P
All this my guild is better than and your guild did this makes me laugh. The objecto scorescore the most points as a server. Who care who has the best fuikguild.
If it makes you laugh.. why do you sound so sad?
And Wamgor I tried to have a nice conversation in private but you keep going on and on and on about it. So I’ll try and explain it here.
We are a Gandaran guild that will defend anything or attack anything that we possibly can. That’s our spirit and our server expects this from our Guild. A guild that has 5 very competent Commanders. Commanders that are loved for there comitment to Gandara and their hard work in teaching our infantry (pugs).
We are not kittining around when we see a tower being attacked altrough we’ll try and run solo as a guild and try and keep the pugs away when we have a guild event. We have a few friends running with us from other guilds. We allow people to run with us aslong it’s not too many and aslong as they join our TS channel. Today we had 3.
Lately we have doubled our numbers and we are teaching our new members how we roll and it’s been a blast because we can actualy compete in this tier now. We maxed 21 in our channel today and with maybe a few more we will be able to being able to take on those big blobs we see these days.
We know there were some unfair fights (nothing we could do about it) and that’s why we proposed a GvsG. We asked this because we respect you and we wanted to give you a chance for revenge. You should respect us as a Gandaran Guild setting an example in defending a borderland.
Anyway, sometimes I also want to fight and fight and don’t siege or whatever but in the end we are a guild that is not only about roaming.
(edited by dangerdoom.3862)
Ragnar you seem like a very aggressive and hostile poster… You think im trolling? You think im trying to dis respect dius?
A guild which I believe I have openly stated I hold in high regard, and have a lot of respect for. You are seeing what you want to see, nothing can change that when you prejudge someone. Why don’t you quote that parts? as you like to cherry pick the rest of what I say.
I wasn’t very clear Rag, in major detail in what I said… take it how you want but jeez you are reading a lot into things mate, maybe the prejudging as something to do with that. Everyone win’s some and lose’s some in WvW, that is fundamental why does that even need to be said or brought up? I don’t remember us dying in a fair fight(which is very hard to get in wvw) because there was always pug tags around on either side in those engagements. So why am I going to say something that in my eyes didn’t happen? Sure you were largely responsible for wiping us, and likewise that doesn’t even need to be debated. So you are upset that I didn’t mention you guys had I heard 23 we had 17(my numbers could be wrong before you go there) we had a couple of pugs, you had twice as many pugs? and we wiped? then you want me to return and saying… we attacked nw tower again… A few fury showed up as we were, then you pushed past into tower jumped out to push us and got wiped by TUP and some fury that were there…
So we moved away from tower and let fury do their own thing, we didn’t want to blob you as it would be unfair on you and it proved unchallenging as it was too much on that occasion. So you really want me to go into details like that?
Thanks btw for finally acknowledging the OS guild in zone did u catch their full name btw?
Im not going to back and forth anymore with tedious details, as your making more out of it than it is. Was just posting feedback on tonight in WvW… Im not lying or being insulting despite being personally attacked on more than one occasion.
There is no harm talking openly aslong as within reason/forum rules. If I did go to your forums, In my opinion I think the general reaction would be a lot like immalator and ragnar… instead of Rookni and Caid So it wouldn’t be a very positive or productive discussion.
I will say once again Cheers for the fights
/kind regards TUP
The Unlikely Plan (TUP)
Ex Piken Square (EU)
To refresh your memory:
Cheers for fights tonight on GD Bl
A bit disappointed to be honest that some guilds felt the need to blob up though just to combat us… Dius & Os. The first few fights, there was pug presence which spoilt the fights a bit both ways… Then it was more even and less adds.
Just a shame that after we won a couple engagements in a row, that guild groups didn’t come back at us by themselves, and used others then just blantantly blobbed, especially as it from guilds I respect, and thought are better than endorsing that style of play, and say they don’t. We moved away from fury earlier in the night, you moved towards OS hand held then setup a ton of ballista’s to farm the AG pugs. Was hard to get you guys to separate
So please don’t complain about some of my allied guilds who run together if you just turn around and do exact the same thing, but against a lot less numbers.
You guys are better than that, and thought you would of been up for more separate encounters
anyways GG
/kind regards TUP
Wamgor, you started this, don’t pretend like you didn’t. They explained why PUGs were there, if you want fairer fights then get off Gandara Borderlands. TUP is there night in night out and never takes a hint that they should go to another map if they want to face a Gandara guild, we have far fewer PUGs on the other borderlands. Yet all you do is hang around on GBL trying to ninja a top tower, i.e. next to the spawn where you know that a flood of people will rush to defend them, and then you accuse the Gandara guilds of falling back on the blob.
Asura on patrol in defense of Gandara and Bessie!
Administrator of http://thisisgandara.com
On a different note It was great fun keeping Gandara guilds like Duis YaK xXx IC WvW busy for over 2 hours. While you get self obsessed with the wanting to kill or re-claim the camp. you was not busy claiming other keeps or towers. It was a lot of fun and I am sure both servers had lots of lootbags to gain.
Revenge for us tonight at AG Hills while Riverside capped your stuff
You swines
As Talley said, you started this. I don’t want to be hostile to any TUP member, because you’re a very fun and skilled guild to play against, and you’re usually pretty honourable and respectable.
But you come on here talking about how dius couldn’t take TUP without hand-holding, and that we spent all night hugging the blob, then yes I’m going to counter your lies. And they are lies, whether you know it or not. So don’t act like you just came on here to give “feedback” instead of insults, and then I started on you out of nowhere because I’m “aggressive”. You very specifically insulted dius in your first post.
There’s a difference between “tedious details” and outright lies.
EDIT: You’re still convincing nobody that you’re not a troll.
(edited by Ragnar.4257)