

in WvW

Posted by: MOPZ.7824


Well, it’s very funny to read you all. Same conversations in the french part of the GW2 forum.

Shabilla, McM leader of [RCT]


in WvW

Posted by: Palmski.6419


Welcome to T8 chaps, although I get the impression you won’t be here for long. From my point of view fighting VcY was hard work and costly in terms of repair bills It’s clear to see you guys are much better organised than most guilds I have seen at this level, IMO we can learn a lot from you although I won’t be sad to see the back of you when RoS tiers up as it’s pretty demoralising to be downed in seconds when you come calling. “Here comes the steamroller” was all too evident in guild chat last night!

@Nymph, to us at this level 30 toons is a blob :p

[TaG] – GH


in WvW

Posted by: Santus.3702


Maybe it’s a bit too early, but I think this matchup is over. These 3 weeks were a lot of fun. Arborstone zerg in the first weekend without culling almost scared me! I only regret noone accepted my challenge for some GvG.

Pls allow me to give you some advices, from my Surmian point of view.

WSR. I think you did really good during this matchup. Seriously, I think you played this matchup better than us. You lack numbers, this is the truth. But you focus on defense, and this is the right way of playing wvw. You don’t need advices, and I think you won’t have regrets at the end of this matchup. Keep up the good job!

Arborstone. Moving from T9 to T8 had an hard impact on you. During the first week you were total noobs. Now you’ve grown a bit, but you still have a lot of work to do. But you need to change your mentality about zerging. You have impressive numbers on your server. Split your kitten zerg! I managed to cap your keeps several times with 10 players while you were attacking on the other side of the map with a 70 men zerg. Come on! Learn to cover the map…

ps: I’m sorry for Arb dropping on T9 again but, that’s just wvw…

Better to Reign in Hell, Than Serve in Heav’n.


in WvW

Posted by: skwas.9873


You’ll be heading to t7 if not before long. It’s a bit sour for WSR that we ‘again’ did not get any transfers in. For the past 3 months we have been losing guilds, and every few weeks at least one of our opponents had transfers from higher up in. We have been fighting hard to stay out of the kitten t9 hole (having been stuck there for a long time every so often), and while we won’t be dropping soon (since AS is dropping the ball this week) I rather (obviously) would have seen us get stronger with more new guilds. At this point the match-up is messed up again, RoS has already been the winner the past weeks and now with VcY and RiOT it is a bit too much (especially with alot of inactives in our ranks this past 10 days).

Alas, it is what it is, at least the WSR spirit lives on. See you on the battlefield!

PS: VcY, I was the mez that janked 5 of you off the cliff at hills with a well timed fear combo with my guild mate, one of the few moments I got to kill you ;] I think it was a 20:1 repair ratio for me last night, something I haven’t had in a looooong time, but at least I had my moment of glory :p

skwas aka Corwann – Warrior/Guardian
[CC] Crimson Conspiracy
Gunnar’s Hold

(edited by skwas.9873)


in WvW

Posted by: pejot.4806


RoS, could you pls slow down? :P It looks like we’re finally gonna jump over Dzag this week and you are really close behind us in rank points. I Don’t want to be red for 7th week

Anya of the Mists
[TaG] guild/raid leader
Gunnar’s Hold


in WvW

Posted by: Eclipse.1567


Unfortunately we tried to make this match more than just bunker play vs Surmia and we will go to T9 because of this.
@ skwas we didnt really drop the ball, but having Surmia camping our BL 9/10 and WSR focusing Bravost and Durios (even letting Mendon and Anzalias to Surmia some times) is just impossible to stop for us.
The transfers just destroyed the rest and I hope Surmia will go to T7 next week otherwise it will be boring for everyone in T8

PS : there is no critics in the post its just the summary of this week for my PoV


in WvW

Posted by: Zeal.1376


Well ofcourse WvW is fun when u win with 350+ and can poke a team’s borderland out of lack of anything else to do. But anyway, I saw your fights against RG ( where there was no skill lag that i could judge ). You seemed to be more coordinated then when we had a coincedental GvG 2 days ago. Then again yesterday you were playing much better then day before, but we didn’t have our guildies on.

As i stated before, hope you stay T8 a week longer, it will suck to lose constantly and hard but ye, I want to play with VcY & RiOT some more.

By which i mean it’d be a fun challenge for us.

We Be Husslin/ Im A Husslah Baby/ El Husslar/ – We Be Chilling –


in WvW

Posted by: MOPZ.7824


Well, thanks for the advices, you’re partly true. I think (before new guilds arrive on RoS) you were more regular than us. And now, you cover the night thanks to these new guilds.
But in the first two weeks, during prime time for us, I didn’t see a huge difference between RoS and AS…

Yep, and we’ll come back soon

Sure, i experienced that “dropping the ball” effect yesterday, not for RCT but for AS… It was almost impossible for us to go EB during the “prime” during the last 2 weeks. Yesterday we did it.

Shabilla, McM leader of [RCT]

(edited by MOPZ.7824)


in WvW

Posted by: skwas.9873


It’s fine though, it’s understandable nearing the end of the week and after weeks in the same matchup. However, the one thing that should keep anyone going is staying out of t9. We’ve been on that brink way too many times, and so we try our best to avoid it :]

skwas aka Corwann – Warrior/Guardian
[CC] Crimson Conspiracy
Gunnar’s Hold


in WvW

Posted by: alkalone.5798


Maybe it’s a bit too early, but I think this matchup is over. These 3 weeks were a lot of fun. Arborstone zerg in the first weekend without culling almost scared me! I only regret noone accepted my challenge for some GvG.

Yeah I’m sorry but if we started to play GvG instead of defending ..
If we were 1rst we did it we pleasure but in this situation we can’t.
And by the way, VcY and us meet each other last night. We were not as much as they are but that was pretty good to finally meet a real guild with teamplay.
I hope we will be soon together to fight again.
If we don’t, good luck for the next your server can do something very great. You play all night, all day and now you got some good guilds.

HF !

[MoS] Alkalone | Vizunah Square


in WvW

Posted by: Nymph of Meliai.6739

Nymph of Meliai.6739

I will let you in on a little secret… I started my GW2 on Whiteside Ridge… I am the founder of The Mirror of Reason [SNOW]… and back then, WR was awful at wvw… which is why I went looking for sunnier places and for a long while eventually found it on SFR after bouncing around Blacktide, Far Shiverpeaks, and one of the NA servers. It was on SFR that I merged the pvp side of SNOW with RiOT while the pve side stayed on the NA servers and merged with LOST.

WR has improved immensely since I last played on it… so you can hold your heads with pride.

Just from playing the last couple of days and reading some of the posts on this thread… I can only really depart one bit of advice to both WR and RoS players… do NOT be scared of armour repairs… killing a couple of dolyaks, taking a supply camp etc… more than pays for your repairs. Stand and fight… better to go down fighting than a sword/staff/arrow/dagger etc in the back.

Nymeria Meliae | SoS
Acid Bath Babies Go Plop Plop [FizZ]


in WvW

Posted by: Ray.2640


… Too bad you chose for RoS in the end and not us, I ’don’t feel they deserved even more guilds but yea, blame that on spite and jealousy. …

Sorry but I find this really disrespectful.
First of all they’re not some kind of prize or ware that you can deserve, they’re a community. A community who was looking for a new and friendly environment and who found it in Ruins of Surmia. And I hope we will have many good times together and they will stay for longer then the other guilds that have transferred here in the past. Also I’d like to point out you don’t get to decide these things. It’s not your decision to make, so don’t make it.

… even more guilds …

Name 1 guild that was on RoS for the past 3 weeks that can field 20 players. I’ll give you a hint; there are none.
We have Dex and GoA as our main wvw focused guilds. In their prime time they can usually get 6-10 people online, 15-ish in rare occasions. Now look at your server, TEO can definitely get 20-30 man guild groups going, WBC has 25-35 raids usually and WAR has been online with more than 20 many times the past few weeks. So it’s definitely not our guilds being stronger, maybe we have more small guilds that can cooperate better? I highly doubt it, you would have had a lot less points if your communication or cooperation was worse than ours is.
But it’s not just that. I’m pretty sure WSR is a larger server as a whole, meaning you have more PvE people in your potential server pool. Creating imbalances such as our first week here, and I quote:

When things look good more casual /pve players join in. (WSR is big pve server) but on downside ppl leave wvw when things dont go smooth. With this week numbers we could challenge ROF… Lets see next week what we get.

And what has been feared by ikiturso in that first week became reality shortly after.

I think you could improve a lot by just some small differences in server mentality. We on Surmia are not focused on large guilds to “carry” the WvW experience. We would love to have more of these guilds to make more use out of good communications and tactical play but so far the main reason we have been strong as a server is because we play as one. We don’t treat people differently because they’re in a different guild. Just look at this:

Fr guys are mad on us,cause we had em in last tier for a month (what a shame).U mad bros,and u cant be anything else apart from that.Ros,doing nothing than climb cliffs and watching fr zergs vs wsr,sneaky behind em and take non upgraded keeps.Strong tact if u ask me,guess thats why u dont wanna go any higher. Keep on posting those glorious wins u have against random zergs from wsr with tags like,“fear”,“oeg” etc etc. Be proud to own amateur wvw and casual guilds. BUT,when it comes for real battles,Like today in wsr borderlands,where u fr had that many,and u could not do anything else than exchange non upgraded camps with ros,talk to wsr about alliances.3 hours,i did nothing than luring ppl,and kicking u.I admit it,u are no kittens,most of u die at front line like afker’s.

This is just insulting to the people on your server, maybe if you would work together with PvE players and casual WvW players and organize events it would work out much better for your server. The main reason many people think RoS has a lot of people is because we did this exact thing. I was the one complaining about having too few people and one of our commanders just went into LA, the other Borderlands and asking other guilds to come to EB. Forming a massive zerg which we, since the commander is called the Angry Commander, dubbed the “Angry zerg.” We’ve been doing these things more and more until it became a near daily server wide “WvW event.” Because of this eventually people started to be more active in WvW, making us stronger as a whole without having any new guilds or bigger guilds.

(edited by Ray.2640)


in WvW

Posted by: Ray.2640


Also I think you guys are a bit lazy. No offense here, just an observation. Just look at your situation 3 weeks ago. I’ll give you a quote from herbaliser himself:

Dat WSR comeback of 20k points difference to 2nd place

You managed to come back from such a dire situation, almost being forced into the pit. All by yourself.
You might not realize it, because you’re not part of us, but if you would know what we’ve been pulling off in Surmia to even stay competitive in this tier you would have a lot more respect for us. We’re literally working our behinds off and giving 110% every single day just to avoid ever falling back into the pit again! We never slacked in WvW, always playing up to a point where some commanders even got a burnout just to secure a spot in the competitive tiers. It has been like this for a very long time. I was pretty much looking at the full map every 10 seconds just to go and scout locations that may or may not be under attack and calling in the zerg to defend in case of an assault, completely ignoring most of the actual active WvW play you see everyone else do just to secure a higher PTT income.
With new and successful WvW guilds coming in maybe we can enjoy the game a bit more now. Relying on other people and sharing the load.
Also I’d like to point out that most of what I said goes for Arborstone as well, except they probably have a different problem then Whiteside Ridge has. A lack of commanders maybe?

So for now, since this match has already ended basically, I wish you all good luck and a lot of fun the next week, and hopefully you can improve and enjoy WvW as a community!



in WvW

Posted by: Wryog.5073


Dat WSR comeback of 20k points difference to 2nd place

You managed to come back from such a dire situation, almost being forced into the pit. All by yourself.

And I find this disrespectful. You do know that not everyone has a ton of free time and some people have busy lives, right? We get jumps like those only when a lot of people manage to clear some time off on a certain day.
Also WBC having 35 ppl raids? We usually have 35 ppl online, 38 today with the last few joined. The most I’ve seen was around 25 people in WvW from our guild at the same time. Also WAR has a LOT more members than WBC, they’re rarely organised when they’re on though.
Yeah, we do WvW events, can’t be every night though(that’s when you actually notice WAR’s numbers). Can’t tell people to stop working/going to school to play GW2.
And about the cooperation, we basically have a few big guilds and each uses a different TS. This kinda sucks for our pug zergs but keeps the TS clean.

Wryog [WBC] – elementalist
Gunnar’s Hold


in WvW

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


I started playing GW2 on RoS. INC was my former guild. This was back in December when we were in the last tier. I moved to SFR after I hit lvl 80 just to follow a friend. But it is good to be back. We are really enjoying ourselves now.

I got to excuse myself if we brought imbalance to the tier, we only scouted RoS for 2-3 days which ain’t that long. But tier 1 was really not fun anymore and I am finally enjoying WvW again. Had some really fun 1vs1 and small scale fights.

I got to say thou that RoS managed to go up a tier by themselves, maybe not yet this week but I think definitely next week. We sped it up a little.

I am sorry to hear AS is dropping a tier, but you got to admit that your 24/7 coverage is lacking in comparising to the other 2 servers.

All by all, thanks for accepting us RoS. You guys are good chaps and fun to work with.

ps.: to the other servers, 1 community teamspeak really helps A LOT. Make subchannels for guilds/borderlands in that one. And motivate people to join it. It will greatly improve your servers performance.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

(edited by MiLkZz.4789)


in WvW

Posted by: Zeal.1376


was wondering how long it would take for RoS to start talking large amounts of bs again.

The only time WBC has 35 people on is saturday at 7 pm.

We Be Husslin/ Im A Husslah Baby/ El Husslar/ – We Be Chilling –


in WvW

Posted by: Ray.2640


Dat WSR comeback of 20k points difference to 2nd place

You managed to come back from such a dire situation, almost being forced into the pit. All by yourself.

And I find this disrespectful. You do know that not everyone has a ton of free time and some people have busy lives, right? We get jumps like those only when a lot of people manage to clear some time off on a certain day.

How is that disrespectful?
How is this any different from the people in RoS?
Do you think I don’t work 8 hours a day, 6 days a week? All the more stressful coming home and having to spend most of me free time making sure I can play with my friends in the future.

Also WBC having 35 ppl raids? We usually have 35 ppl online, 38 today with the last few joined. The most I’ve seen was around 25 people in WvW from our guild at the same time. Also WAR has a LOT more members than WBC, they’re rarely organised when they’re on though.

I don’t know exact numbers, I just make screenshots when I see a zerg and count the people to help me estimate numbers better for future encounters.
25 at a time is still a lot more then any guild in Surmia can produce.

Yeah, we do WvW events, can’t be every night though(that’s when you actually notice WAR’s numbers). Can’t tell people to stop working/going to school to play GW2.
And about the cooperation, we basically have a few big guilds and each uses a different TS. This kinda sucks for our pug zergs but keeps the TS clean.

Run it during prime time, when people are online, and get those “pugs” or “randoms” on your TS if you want to improve as a server. They’re people too, on your server. Help them and they’ll help you!


in WvW

Posted by: Zeal.1376


35 ppl on at all times ? Man you must be in a different WBC then me

We Be Husslin/ Im A Husslah Baby/ El Husslar/ – We Be Chilling –


in WvW

Posted by: Wryog.5073


25 at a time is still a lot more then any guild in Surmia can produce.

Are you serious? I’ve seen Dex, GoA, PG, VcY and RiOT(new guilds so they don’t count? ok) with wayyy more than 20 ppl.

Wryog [WBC] – elementalist
Gunnar’s Hold


in WvW

Posted by: Ray.2640


Ok so within an hour after posting 2 different people made 3 comments about 1 single estimate that was incorrect.

Also Wryog, I’m with them on TS near permanently when I’m on my pc (even out of GW2) and they never had more then 16 people online. But we rarely do guild runs anyway, we invite everyone who wants to join on TS and play as a server, not as a a guild.

Ohh and yes, I’m exclusively talking about the situation before the transfers, there is no argument now that we outnumber you but we’ll leave this tier anyway.

(edited by Ray.2640)


in WvW

Posted by: Ilesyt.7084


25 at a time is still a lot more then any guild in Surmia can produce.

Are you serious? I’ve seen Dex, GoA, PG, VcY and RiOT(new guilds so they don’t count? ok) with wayyy more than 20 ppl.

ONCE in our entire existence has DEX been able to pitch 20 people, it’s usually just 5-10 , 15 if it’s a good day.

Leader of Deus Ex Machina [DEX]
Ruins of Surmia


in WvW

Posted by: Wryog.5073


Also Wryog, I’m with them on TS near permanently when I’m on my pc (even out of GW2) and they never had more then 16 people online. But we rarely do guild runs anyway, we invite everyone who wants to join on TS and play as a server, not as a a guild.

Hey, if we judged numbers by players on TS then WAR would have a total of 7-8 people online normally and WBC would have a max of 15-16 :P

Wryog [WBC] – elementalist
Gunnar’s Hold


in WvW

Posted by: itsmee.7536


Hey, if we judged numbers by players on TS then WAR would have a total of 7-8 people online normally and WBC would have a max of 15-16 :P

You’re misinterpreting what Ray is saying. None of what he said was an insult
Also, as an officer of GoA and a close friend to DEX, I can assure you none of us can get 15 at a time, except may be on a good reset.

Regarding numbers and using Teamspeak, we ask our members to use TS as much as possible and almost everyone in our guild uses it frequently, if not to talk then to at least listen. And when our guild leader takes command of the zerg we try to get everyone in the zerg on TS as well. This is a tactic that works for us and Ray was trying to tell you that it could help you, that’s all there is to it.

Now, my friend, please don’t take anything we say as an insult or brag. They were trying to give you friendly advices, but you clearly took it the wrong way.

Let’s at least finish the matchup without further arguing.

Dijla – Charr Warrior
[GoA] Guardians of Arcane – Officer
Ruins of Surmia – Commander

(edited by itsmee.7536)


in WvW

Posted by: Vynt.5218


To be honest the only 20+ number guild in RoS is VcY. RiOT usually runs 10-20 and the other guilds are pretty small.
Then the second thing. Some guys are whining in the thread that VcY + RiOT destroyed the balanced tier only because WE JOINED RoS, not Whiteside Ridge or Arborstone. Yes, we might have destroyed the balance for one week but it would’ve been the same deal if we joined the other server.


in WvW

Posted by: DutchError.7039


How long is RoS going to be stuck in this tier, because with the new guilds they’re crazy powerful. They were already winning, now they’re dominating.

At least they can’t argue that we have equal numbers anymore.

Just saw one of our commanders, Jhaefe (may have misspelled) try and get our pugzerg to do guild tactics like might stacking to fight the RoS zerg. Didn’t really work without TS.

I’m starting to feel like FoW and Vabbi must be feeling.



in WvW

Posted by: itsmee.7536


How long is RoS going to be stuck in this tier, because with the new guilds they’re crazy powerful. They were already winning, now they’re dominating.

At least they can’t argue that we have equal numbers anymore.

Just saw one of our commanders, Jhaefe (may have misspelled) try and get our pugzerg to do guild tactics like might stacking to fight the RoS zerg. Didn’t really work without TS.

I’m starting to feel like FoW and Vabbi must be feeling.

Well according to ( we should be already out of Tier8, you will get Dzagonur and Blacktide next week.

Dijla – Charr Warrior
[GoA] Guardians of Arcane – Officer
Ruins of Surmia – Commander


in WvW

Posted by: DutchError.7039


Well according to ( we should be already out of Tier8, you will get Dzagonur and Blacktide next week.

Oh, didn’t know that. I’m sure you’ll do pretty well in t7, here in t8 you’re just steamrolling us. I’m going to miss the RoS from before the transfers, those were fun fights.



in WvW

Posted by: ethier.3417


Thanks for all the fights in WvW Today. Lots of fun.

Ethier 80 Necro Callous Philosophy [LaG]


in WvW

Posted by: Fror.2163


TEO can definitely get 20-30 man guild groups going

I laughed

Frór (yes, with the accent!)


in WvW

Posted by: alkalone.5798


Thanks for all the fights in WvW Today. Lots of fun.

Yeah that was pretty fun or AR at 22H
Unfortunaly there was a lot of zerg aroun us.
See you soon,

[MoS] Alkalone | Vizunah Square


in WvW

Posted by: Nymph of Meliai.6739

Nymph of Meliai.6739

lol – sorry, I can’t help but laugh here… everyone is so polite even when trying to insult each other. I am really liking this server. T1 is just page after page of personal insults and trolling.

Respect to everyone no matter which server… it is really pleasant… don’t be tempted into moving to T1 (or T2 for that matter).

Nymeria Meliae | SoS
Acid Bath Babies Go Plop Plop [FizZ]


in WvW

Posted by: flameinabox.8913


I’m looking forward for the fights next week VCY and Riot!! Can’t wait to fight you guys on the fields <3

AG-Commander: Mesmer Mukuro
Flare[FIRE] #1 Fabulous Mesmer-
Official Flare PR Manager


in WvW

Posted by: Vynt.5218


I’m looking forward for the fights next week VCY and Riot!! Can’t wait to fight you guys on the fields <3

Let’s hope that Daisy won’t start crying…


in WvW

Posted by: Luffy.9365


lol – sorry, I can’t help but laugh here… everyone is so polite even when trying to insult each other. I am really liking this server. T1 is just page after page of personal insults and trolling.

Respect to everyone no matter which server… it is really pleasant… don’t be tempted into moving to T1 (or T2 for that matter).

I’ll second that………Nice ppl around:D

[VcY]Velocity – Snowfang/Luffy D Portgas/Bagif


in WvW

Posted by: skwas.9873


TEO can definitely get 20-30 man guild groups going

On a regular night and on reset we run with average 7-10 ppl. On special wvw guild events, we run with 20-25 ppl, but we’ve only done that twice the past 3 months and it does not really work well, since half of those are not WvW’ers. The past 10 days, we’ve had alot of inactives and so I usually ran with 4 or 5 guildmates. The weeks prior to that we topped a ‘healthy’ 12-13 man group. There’s also a few roamers that don’t really run with us and are not on comms and just like to run with the EB zerg (‘organized’ TEO mostly runs borders). So there you go.

Good fun in RoS bl this night :]

skwas aka Corwann – Warrior/Guardian
[CC] Crimson Conspiracy
Gunnar’s Hold


in WvW

Posted by: itsmee.7536


TEO can definitely get 20-30 man guild groups going

On a regular night and on reset we run with average 7-10 ppl. On special wvw guild events, we run with 20-25 ppl, but we’ve only done that twice the past 3 months and it does not really work well, since half of those are not WvW’ers. The past 10 days, we’ve had alot of inactives and so I usually ran with 4 or 5 guildmates. The weeks prior to that we topped a ‘healthy’ 12-13 man group. There’s also a few roamers that don’t really run with us and are not on comms and just like to run with the EB zerg (‘organized’ TEO mostly runs borders). So there you go.

Good fun in RoS bl this night :]

Thank you, and good luck to WSR.

Dijla – Charr Warrior
[GoA] Guardians of Arcane – Officer
Ruins of Surmia – Commander


in WvW

Posted by: Ray.2640


TEO can definitely get 20-30 man guild groups going

On a regular night and on reset we run with average 7-10 ppl. On special wvw guild events, we run with 20-25 ppl, but we’ve only done that twice the past 3 months and it does not really work well, since half of those are not WvW’ers. The past 10 days, we’ve had alot of inactives and so I usually ran with 4 or 5 guildmates. The weeks prior to that we topped a ‘healthy’ 12-13 man group. There’s also a few roamers that don’t really run with us and are not on comms and just like to run with the EB zerg (‘organized’ TEO mostly runs borders). So there you go.

Good fun in RoS bl this night :]

Thanks a lot for giving a detailed and comprehensive answer.
Going trough my screenshots again I’ve noticed its usually you guys on the frontline and the red sea of names behind you were not from TEO.

Apologies on my behalf for spreading misinformation.


in WvW

Posted by: flameinabox.8913


I’m looking forward for the fights next week VCY and Riot!! Can’t wait to fight you guys on the fields <3

Let’s hope that Daisy won’t start crying…

I’m sure Daisy will be fine =)

AG-Commander: Mesmer Mukuro
Flare[FIRE] #1 Fabulous Mesmer-
Official Flare PR Manager


in WvW

Posted by: Jordiboy.2301


hi there i just want to say thank you for this match up it has been fun whilst it lasted and i hope some disagreements didnt ruin the experience for everyone. yes at times each server can have more people than other servers but i feel this has been a very enjoyable and fair match up and good luck to both WSR and Aborstone for the future
Nadroj the Slayer [GoA]
Human female ranger

Nadroj Lionheart
Human Female Guardian
Officer of Excessum [Exss]


in WvW

Posted by: Wryog.5073


GL in the next tier, RoS. A lot of our fights were very fun.
I doubt AS will need a lot of luck vs Vabbi and FoW :P
Let’s see how the next matchup will go.

Wryog [WBC] – elementalist
Gunnar’s Hold


in WvW

Posted by: Pukknub.7368


Lot of fun the few days we were here.
Here’s a video of some of our adventures

Proud member of Velocity [VcY]


in WvW

Posted by: alkalone.5798


Well then.
We got a movie too !
Good bye to Tiers 8 !

[MoS] Alkalone | Vizunah Square


in WvW

Posted by: Nymph of Meliai.6739

Nymph of Meliai.6739

Good luck WR… I gave you a few bags in the EB JP before reset today… was great fun although would have been nicer to have been left alone to 1v1 the other mesmer a bit more… I think we only got to fight 1v1 twice and both times I narrowly lost – largely because I needed to use some of my skills to avoid those who kept joining in.

Still – was fun and hope I dropped some nice loot for you before we left

Nymeria Meliae | SoS
Acid Bath Babies Go Plop Plop [FizZ]


in WvW

Posted by: Jordiboy.2301


just 1 other thing forgot to upload this unfriendly WSR dolyak


Nadroj Lionheart
Human Female Guardian
Officer of Excessum [Exss]