The Night Pact Legacy [NP]
Rof V GH V WS 12/01/2013 Take 2
The Night Pact Legacy [NP]
Poor Whiteside… really XD
ya, you wiped us at (WSR)bay because of insane numbers XD
…but we took yours earlier, was fun anyway
Well the numbers were not too bad at bay. We closed the gate behind you so we could take you out easy which we indeed did, Longview we thought it was WSR did not expect the giant punch in the gut you gave!
How many you running tonight NP? Saw alot more tags than the previous nights and fights
Intersting start of the week against the same opponents but sure felt different then what we ve sen these last few days. Big numbers in as wel WSR BL as in RoF BL. Quite a few interesting fights guys. Icon and NP, keep up the good fight, always a blast fighting you guys.
Ow just one thing: when we snaked in between your supply group and siege group at WSR Bay, we (CHvc) were only 12 left + a few randoms. So don’t think we had the upperhand on numbers. Just a bit of luck running past the supply group that just ran into the camp as we ran over the wall. Got the gate repaired just in time to cut off this team and wiped the inner team.
2 bad you crushed us so hard just a little later at longview Then again, we didn’t expect Icon and NP around the corner kitten
Looking forward to the rest of the week!
Poor Whiteside… really XD
Ok we hit em quite hard at the end, both RoF (NP and Icon?) and 2 packs of GH as well. But they ll hit back, seen quite a few decent fights last week, don’t understimate the underdog. They didn’t end that far from RoF this week in points!
CHvc what you did at bay was very nice :P, but like you sai dwe got you back :P had had some awesome fight and i am sure there will be alot more still to come also we have had to change are play style too keeping us on the ball :P :P, also NP would love to have a guild v guild aganst you guys some time? also we had about 15-20 at longveiw :P what about your numbers?
The Night Pact Legacy [NP]
(edited by OchrisO.8450)
I’m missing that Charr Warrior Commander from Whiteside (We Vanquish Worlds[WvW]) I really loved to kill each other, had so many fun in earlier matches
Possibly at the end of the week depending on what people think about it. I personally would be up for it however numbers could be an issue in one of these, as you seem to field alot more players than us at the moment. Looking forward to upcoming fights with yourselves and with RoF and WSR.
-Dis Noise Terror, CHvc
if numbers are the thing we can sort that out or do it on friday? but NP really want one :P :P
The Night Pact Legacy [NP]
@Smiley Yea that was “lord Henry Of Brap” If you reach Aurora Glade you will get another pop at him lol.
Was good fun tonight. RoF defiantly hit hard and fast, had a busy time defending our own border.
As one of the guilds that left WsR last week its really sad to see the damage done. I will miss a lot of you but we dont regret our move at all.
I look forward to seeing you all again tomorrow
Victrixx [xVx]
Some cracking fights with ICON outside Dawn’s last night in RoF borders
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness:
someone put a post-it on SM saying “Property of Gunnar’s Hold” or something, we could just walk in there without resistance on SM WSR was ramming the north gate while we went through inner north – things could have got really rough if WSR was a bit faster and RoF went for SM instead of our keep. And really RoF you rush our keep with a bunch of Catapults, well thats too slow. Of course when our keep was contested everyone wondered where RoF is and we didnt have to do a lot of guessing
I like how quickly everybody runs to rez the Icon commander. Must target that guy more often.
Haha yea i noticed that, and when hes swinging Twilight around its not like hes hard to spot lol. Hd a few encounters with them last night.
Victrixx [xVx]
Just letting everyone know the situation with WSR, many guilds have left the server or are looking to do so. [rddt] being one of those guilds. You will not see us this week in WvW except maybe a few small groups of members. We are currently looking into other servers and deciding what’s best for the guild and what we want for our WvW to be.
I expect WSR to be beaten to a pulp this week with whats been going on within the last 2 days or so.
GL to ASC now on GH, I would like to fight/play with you guys one day once more! It is saddening to see WSR, a server I have been on since the Betas, fall from its once glory, but the tranfering of guilds over the last 3 months and little interest that seems to be put in WvW on there, with exception to the guilds I speak to, just snowballed the degrading populus in WvW for us.
I wish WSR the best of luck in the future and all of the guilds that I message and nag all the time hope to see you again one day. I feel I will always browse the WSR WvW thread just to see how it’s getting on from time to time.
See you on the Battlefield!
Ex-Guild/Raid Leader/Commander
Kuper thats pretty much the situation GH have been in. We’re only now starting to turn it around. Its still too early to say for sure we have turned it around.
Looney vids at
Midnight Mayhem
For what it’s worth, I know how you feel WSR.
I am not enjoying this week so far. It’s really hard to spend an entire night walking the yaks in to our (RoF) EB Keep, just to see later that it’s been sacked. Seriously, I went to bed at 7am this morning.
RoF commanders have got to get better a handing out specific jobs, like staying behind to defend against the inevitable “take back try” by the bad guys. We only need to slow down that try by a couple of minutes so that the zerg can come to the rescue, and we’ll keep that point, rather than get locked into a constant cycle of capturing points over and over again.
What I’m saying is, the Zerg is not a defensive move. It’s great for wrecking enemy points, but it doesn’t help us to keep what we already own.
Just letting everyone know the situation with WSR, many guilds have left the server or are looking to do so. [rddt] being one of those guilds. You will not see us this week in WvW except maybe a few small groups of members. We are currently looking into other servers and deciding what’s best for the guild and what we want for our WvW to be.
I expect WSR to be beaten to a pulp this week with whats been going on within the last 2 days or so.
GL to ASC now on GH, I would like to fight/play with you guys one day once more! It is saddening to see WSR, a server I have been on since the Betas, fall from its once glory, but the tranfering of guilds over the last 3 months and little interest that seems to be put in WvW on there, with exception to the guilds I speak to, just snowballed the degrading populus in WvW for us.
I wish WSR the best of luck in the future and all of the guilds that I message and nag all the time hope to see you again one day. I feel I will always browse the WSR WvW thread just to see how it’s getting on from time to time.
See you on the Battlefield!
Sad to hear that, good luck on your quest to find a new home.
RoF commanders have got to get better a handing out specific jobs, like staying behind to defend against the inevitable “take back try” by the bad guys. …
What I’m saying is, the Zerg is not a defensive move. It’s great for wrecking enemy points, but it doesn’t help us to keep what we already own.
This has always been the ROF problem. We are great on offense but our long term defence is shaky. I think we just have some timeslots that are too empty where we cant hold out.
// reset night borderland yak runner and camp defender
(edited by Wenissa.2967)
I’m just wandering why everyone loves so much our BL – by our i mean RoF. My answer is that both other servers thing that we are the main and the most interesting opponent. Also both want to test their strength and might and ours too. I’m really proud of RoF today! GH from right, WR from left. We just wiped GH and WR came from the same place and then the opposite. It was a big fun. Keep up guys!
Zloby the soldier from RoF
I’m just wandering why everyone loves so much our BL – by our i mean RoF. My answer is that both other servers thing that we are the main and the most interesting opponent. Also both want to test their strength and might and ours too. I’m really proud of RoF today! GH from right, WR from left. We just wiped GH and WR came from the same place and then the opposite. It was a big fun. Keep up guys!
Zloby the soldier from RoF
Why? It’s simple. Out of the two servers you will be the biggest threat to first place it’s not about you being the most interesting however yes.. somewhat the main opponent. Sure you have some brilliant players, but as do we and i know WSR have some too. From where i stand, WSR are attacking you because they thing us the stronger of the two perhaps. Either way, look to alot more action on your border this week!
-Dis Noise Terror, CHvc
(edited by Toxikthrash.2704)
We [OS] will not move from WSR for now. This week will be really bad with all the guilds leaving, but sometimes we love to be the underdog. We had some nice fight, mine gank team managed to survive some 1:2 and 1:3 too.
Sadly, we can do nice fight but this can’t stop a massive zerg to take the tower/camp whatever.
Jitte Deathsin – Dobermann Deathsin
We [OS] will not move from WSR for now. This week will be really bad with all the guilds leaving, but sometimes we love to be the underdog. We had some nice fight, mine gank team managed to survive some 1:2 and 1:3 too.
Sadly, we can do nice fight but this can’t stop a massive zerg to take the tower/camp whatever.
I always have had the highest respect for WSR. Not a compliment I hand out often. The fair weather friends that left GH know this already.
Looney vids at
Midnight Mayhem
Props to the Dreaming Bay defence for making cleanup a difficult task tonight
We were scratching our heads for a second wondering how to get the job done. In the end, me acting as spotter for the trebs to down most of the ballista. Followed by a timely portal bomb to remove the last of it. Followed by a regroup, and a final portal bomb behind your lines then rush.
Whiteside Ridge
I’m in your zerg, cleaving it hard
We [OS] will not move from WSR for now. This week will be really bad with all the guilds leaving, but sometimes we love to be the underdog. We had some nice fight, mine gank team managed to survive some 1:2 and 1:3 too.
Sadly, we can do nice fight but this can’t stop a massive zerg to take the tower/camp whatever.
I understand the feeling, look at this chart ( Gunnar’s Hold were underdogs for months, we were consistently outnumbered, and were beaten pretty much every week. The experience as a whole wasn’t fun, but our more memorable fights were against larger opponents. Nothing we’ve seen recently can compare with our fights against servers like Piken Square and Aurora Glade. They were brutal and relentless, and our victories, though few, were well earned. This weekend we’ve clearly had a numbers advantage, there’s been very little for us to defend against, and the gameplay has become rather stale. Here’s hoping that both ROF and WSR are in the middle of a weekend slump and that their numbers pick up during the week.
[Re] Rerolled
Right, whoever the ReD warrior from RoF running with sunrise and norn spirit buffs, kitten you are annoying. I can respect the fact that you can solo a tower, np. I can respect you slipping away when odds look grim with sword leap + GS 3 and 5. I can respect the fact that you could have taken me down 1v1 (although had I ran with the spirit buffs plus first grade foods, I could’ve certainly given you a run for your money). What I don’t respect is how you glitched your way into jerris two times without taking out the door or walls. Seriously, stop that, find some other way to prove you are leet.
-Some scrub on nightwatch, swinging a pact hammer
We [OS] will not move from WSR for now. This week will be really bad with all the guilds leaving, but sometimes we love to be the underdog. We had some nice fight, mine gank team managed to survive some 1:2 and 1:3 too.
Sadly, we can do nice fight but this can’t stop a massive zerg to take the tower/camp whatever.
I understand the feeling, look at this chart ( Gunnar’s Hold were underdogs for months, we were consistently outnumbered, and were beaten pretty much every week. The experience as a whole wasn’t fun, but our more memorable fights were against larger opponents. Nothing we’ve seen recently can compare with our fights against servers like Piken Square and Aurora Glade. They were brutal and relentless, and our victories, though few, were well earned. This weekend we’ve clearly had a numbers advantage, there’s been very little for us to defend against, and the gameplay has become rather stale. Here’s hoping that both ROF and WSR are in the middle of a weekend slump and that their numbers pick up during the week.
Your constantly recruiting other guilds and people and then complain you outnumber us and we can’t put up the same sort of fight anymore…
Not saying the fact your server recruits is bad, just a bit obvious why the fight is starting to lose its balance when one server outnumbers the others pretty bad. I see allot of GH here always claiming how ROF has more numbers but that is not the case at all.
yeah you are right, for a change its Gunnars that have the numbers now =) But we were looking different 2 weeks ago, i think you might agree. Last 2 weeks were great for us, we picked up a lot of momentum and organization and got new guilds to our server. While we were playing in the same league 2 weeks ago, i think Gunnar has become quite a bit stronger now and might go back to T7 unless Vabbi and Surmia be terrorizing in T8 soon..
Krosan i do believe the last couple of weeks we have 2 guilds that transfered to us.
That guilds are IMP and TCS, which we are more than happy to have them and they fit in our community very well.
Other than that GH as a server got much more organised, we have higher morale than 3 weeks ago and we seem to have many pve people or first timers from our server.
We are not constantly recruiting, what we are trying to do is rebuild Gunnars Hold from the inside and it seems to be working so far.
I know how GH has been evolving and I’m really glad for you guys. but sometimes you make it sound like your superior when it comes to organisation and that Rof/WSR is bad at it but don’t forget you also outnumber us quite a bit these days.
Rof has had NO guilds transferring in the server in months so our numbers have always been rather even ever since we lost allot of guilds a few months ago.
No, not at all. In a previous post i saluted both RoF and WSR as you guys have my full respect. Last 2 weeks was the best weeks i’ve had at wvwvw.
RoF was my first server and i was playing there for 10 days before transfering to GH as my friends were at Gunnars. I was playing with you guys during the daily matches so i couldn’t have anything but respect.
Also yes this week we outnumber you, it would be a lie not to say that.
GH community folks have (for several weeks now) been running a concerted effort to recruit people ON our server into WvW, and I think that with the tiers having settled somewhat into a more even fight in the past few weeks more people have been encouraged. We actually run WvW orientation courses and I have had more than 2 groups on each session in the past 2 weeks (we cover all the basics – supplies/map locations/points of interest/danger signs/siege weapons etc) so we definitely have people getting into WvW who were not previously interested. We have had 2 guilds join, but happily not with huge numbers so as to keep a steady ship. These guys have joined in with our existing structure and setup very nicely which most definitely has helped. As per Genotix, I will happily admit we have the edge on numbers overall in this matchup, but when both RoF and SWR come a-knocking we have a tough job and we are honestly moving around alot, very fast to reach critical defenses.
As with others, I personally salute both RoF and SWR for 2 weeks of fair, hard battle with some great action throughout. You guys can certainly fight well and with honour and it really has been a pleasure to be up against you!
Gunnars are cheating, just seconds before we take Bay, whole Gunnars borderland disconnects. WTF?
They found out we have people at ANet’s server hosting company…
Games up lads.
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness:
Well after logging back to GH BL we cannot take Bay, what a shame. Our whole zerg moved to other BL and we were there only few.
But still, nice battle for Bluebriar.
…We actually run WvW orientation courses and I have had more than 2 groups on each session in the past 2 weeks (we cover all the basics – supplies/map locations/points of interest/danger signs/siege weapons etc) so we definitely have people getting into WvW who were not previously interested.
While we on RoF still have players who think the most important keep upgrade is the second worker. Ah well, one of these days they’ll learn.
(edited by Herr der Friedhoefe.2490)
Despite the rhetoric to the contrary, I think the RoF zerg is bigger than anything GH is putting out there.
Looks like RoF had a concerted effort today, or an event of some kind – some good fights, thank you RoF and WSR
Looks like RoF had a concerted effort today, or an event of some kind – some good fights, thank you RoF and WSR
Yeah, Shadows in the Warp [Warp] sponsors a weekly takeover event with various goals but we always bring banners, a feast and a lotta siege to play with. It’s just something fun for RoF players and we’re getting a following for sponsoring the event.
Today our plan was to sack the WSR Garrison and just generally be really annoying. We accomplished all of that and along the way we got stopped out at Cliffside at the very last second, helped to save Hills for RoF Owners, took over various supply camps, sacked Garrison from the water gate with only 2 golems, and then finally settled the tab on Cliffside.
After that we tried a move on the WSR Bay keep but we got a bit stalled and were run over by GH player, not Whiteside players. So we settled back to the RoF EB Keep that we’ve been upgrading all day.
We don’t often get the kind of congrats that other guilds get. We’re small and defense minded, but that doesn’t mean that we don’t know how to fight. I like to think that we’re very good at picking our fights, and winning them.
Looks like RoF had a concerted effort today, or an event of some kind – some good fights, thank you RoF and WSR
Yeah, Shadows in the Warp [Warp] sponsors a weekly takeover event with various goals but we always bring banners, a feast and a lotta siege to play with. It’s just something fun for RoF players and we’re getting a following for sponsoring the event.
Today our plan was to sack the WSR Garrison and just generally be really annoying. We accomplished all of that and along the way we got stopped out at Cliffside at the very last second, helped to save Hills for RoF Owners, took over various supply camps, sacked Garrison from the water gate with only 2 golems, and then finally settled the tab on Cliffside.
After that we tried a move on the WSR Bay keep but we got a bit stalled and were run over by GH player, not Whiteside players. So we settled back to the RoF EB Keep that we’ve been upgrading all day.
We don’t often get the kind of congrats that other guilds get. We’re small and defense minded, but that doesn’t mean that we don’t know how to fight. I like to think that we’re very good at picking our fights, and winning them.
It’s massively appreciated too.
LVL 80 Guardian
[TaG] Gunnars Hold
Mad fun yesterday, but after all that i slept like 10 hours… wow RoF you still have a lot of players! We had more then a hard time from midday to midnight, getting pushed everywhere and not a kitten yard progress on your BL even with big efforts. holy cow i need a break now! That SM zerging was great too lol. Gunnar’s was just sitting outside waiting untill you guys got tired of repair costs, then secured the lords room again. Nice lag too, im glad i had HP Regen food ^^ Wow i hope you wont give to us that hard all week or i might have a heart attack. Just glad we didnt really break down to our knees at any time, i think the GH morale got just away with it because you did not take any major targets except bay.
I played after reset on Friday, had fun supporting our team and stayed up way later than I should. Saturday popped on at random at times and lots of activity in all the BLs. Sunday evening for the last session of the weekend there were some good fights too.
In each case, RoF seemed to be everywhere, often outnumbering us. Didn’t see much of WSR but those times we did the fights were fun.
Looney vids at
Midnight Mayhem
First time this matchup you didn’t outnumber us badly, was fun.
Had a great fight in the ROF eastern tower tonight. Lots of fun.
[Re] Rerolled
Yeah had some fun to there always fun to try and hunt down enemy commanders
this evening has been lots of fun for me
had like 150 kills
thanks for the enjoyable fight and special thanks to RoF for uniting like we did tonight
Who is the human Mesmer Commander in purple Cultural tier 3? I didn’t get the tag, but she puts up a great fight and doesn’t give up. Gonna be looking out for her, but pointers would be nice!
Shout out to Psy guys from WSR. Your small band seems to be (almost) the only one to carry the Whiteside Ridge banner outside your own borderland. You take on much bigger groups, often winning or at least retreating with all limbs intact. So hard to kill you, even with overwhelming numbers. Respect.
Had my lvl11 mesmer out around teatime yesterday doing skill points with a couple of other guys and we got jumped while fighting the skill point mob.
Got my first WvW kill and honour badge on my baby mesmer \o/
Looney vids at
Midnight Mayhem