Rof V GH V WS 12/01/2013 Take 2

Rof V GH V WS 12/01/2013 Take 2

in WvW

Posted by: Neandramathal.9536


Was some good fun at WSR north east tower tonight. 3 way fighting again, bags filled up and had to pop a merchant in middle of it to quickly sell.. I imagine it looked quite funny from the other side.

[GoV] Gnomes of Vabbi || [Imp] Impact
Currently @ Piken Square
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Rof V GH V WS 12/01/2013 Take 2

in WvW

Posted by: Teutooni.9572


I get the whole organisation thing but its not like RoF isn’t organised and the guilds also stay in touch. You guys do need to get off your high horse and stop acting as if Rof has no communication.

I don’t think anyone has said RoF has no organization. It’s blatantly obvious you have some nice collaboration going on there with the organized pushes in GH and WSR borderlands. But there’s something you have to understand about Gunnar’s Hold. Gunnar’s is not trying to be a super competitive server, we aim to be the best that we can be with what we have. When we say we have superior communication we are not comparing to you or any other server, but rather what we had a month or so ago.

Saying the numbers are about even is a complete joke as can be seen now by the sheer amount of people you have in Rof borderlands which basically outnumbers us.

Overall our numbers are quite similar I think. There’s a huge difference in peak numbers in a regular evening and an event one. And our prime time has always been strong, we know from experience we can hold our own in the higher tiers during our prime. It’s the day and late night/morning when we are often outnumbered, and in this matchup too.

right now it seems GH is slowly developing a god/superiority complex.

Well I apologize if it seems that way. I guess winning for the first time in ten weeks (you can check up on that at mos matchups) gets a little bit to our heads. Sorry.

Not to mention the fact you basically decided not to attack whiteside at all this week which gives you a huge number advantage you won’t have in an even matchup.

Whiteside lost many of their prominent guilds, and with that many have lost the will to fight. We don’t see them as a big threat anymore, sadly. That’s not to say we don’t fight them! Like Freyn said they insist on trebbing SM from time to time, and also encroach on our holdings elsewhere in EB. We have guys hitting WSR border, but not in such numbers as your borderland last night. That would be just unfair. We tend to target RoF because we see you as a threat and feel we can learn more from fighting you (there’s a compliment there somewhere). It’s a bit of a cliché but I think I can speak for most of Gunnar’s in that we are after good fights and not points or rankings. You guys put up a better fight than WSR.

Rof V GH V WS 12/01/2013 Take 2

in WvW

Posted by: Ventus.9483


Some of our commanders have swapped focus from our BL into EB encroachment, and tower de-grading this week. The SM attacks have been persistent, and afaik, literally only continue because they are an annoyance lol.

We’re always a threat, since it only takes 10 people to embarrass either side I think we’ve mostly just been focussed on the ‘kittens n giggles’ this week

[TEO] Cloaa
Whiteside Ridge
I’m in your zerg, cleaving it hard

Rof V GH V WS 12/01/2013 Take 2

in WvW

Posted by: Roo Stercogburn.9671

Roo Stercogburn.9671

Some of our commanders have swapped focus from our BL into EB encroachment, and tower de-grading this week. The SM attacks have been persistent, and afaik, literally only continue because they are an annoyance lol.

We’re always a threat, since it only takes 10 people to embarrass either side I think we’ve mostly just been focussed on the ‘kittens n giggles’ this week

When the numbers are so stacked against you I agree thats the kind of guerilla tactics to use. We’ve done stuff ourselves for annoyance factor when we’ve been facing much larger numbers and know we’ve got no chance of winning.

As someone once said, “I aim to misbehave.”

Master Baker on Gunnars Hold serving you hot cookies.
Looney vids at
Midnight Mayhem

Rof V GH V WS 12/01/2013 Take 2

in WvW

Posted by: judge.8754


Thursday Evening:
Jumped into RoF map. There seemed to be an attack on our garrison. Trying to reach it a couple of times ended up in getting hit by a bus. Unfortunately can only recall a part of the license plate, GH and some big number. That bus seemed to be driving for a long time in RoF.

Eventually that bus disappeared, we did restore the map, repaired gates & got some cannons up on the keeps. Due to this sudden change of enemy numbers, we decided to check where these went.

We went to GH map and knocked on GH’s south bay door, to see if anyone was home. After knocking a bit harder we noticed some people were home!

Friday morning:
I jumped in GW2 and checked wvw status. 2 camps , 2 towers. (Wonder if it was the knocking on the door.) WSR was hit even harder. I do still wonder on the full license plate of that bus, especially the number.

But luckily maps recover fast it seems.

ps. thursday evening and friday morning may be different on place one lives in.

Mesmers Are Evil / Miss Judge WvW junky
Playing A Game [TaG]
Gunnars Hold

(edited by judge.8754)

Rof V GH V WS 12/01/2013 Take 2

in WvW

Posted by: Anfauglith.6715


I play on RoF and i can only second, that GH atm has a huge amount of people they can send everywhere. Last night we mobilised alot of people to take back our BL and it worked. It was the first time i encountered the “Queue” on our Homelands but thats maybe cause i wvw not as often as others do.
Atleast GH learned how it feels when a bus hits em =).

anyone who can kill me is overpowered. Nerf all except me!

Rof V GH V WS 12/01/2013 Take 2

in WvW

Posted by: Hyung.6140


Thursday Evening:
Unfortunately can only recall a part of the license plate, GH and some big number. That bus seemed to be driving for a long time in RoF.

Eventually that bus disappeared, we did restore the map, repaired gates & got some cannons up on the keeps. Due to this sudden change of enemy numbers, we decided to check where these went.

Hehe, I think it’s a great compliment that you think we have huge numbers, it means we’re using our numbers to their fullest Of course it leads to the weakness you’ve already noticed – it only takes a few people to log off and we can no longer hold onto all the territory we’ve taken.

Been a fun week again, hope next week lives up to the standards set by the last few weeks. See you at reset

Hyinna, Gunnars Hold
[Ub] – My Life for Alesia

Rof V GH V WS 12/01/2013 Take 2

in WvW

Posted by: Jupitus.4352


We had lots of good fights last night which I really enjoyed – the quarry supply camp raid where RoF stopped us in our tracks very effectively was fun, as were the running battles around the eastern edges of Garrison. Thanks to RoF and WSR for a great matchup week

[MM]Jessopia – Soft and Very Squishy – Part of Gunnars Hold Community

Rof V GH V WS 12/01/2013 Take 2

in WvW

Posted by: Svarty.8019


Saying the numbers are about even is a complete joke

Like a joke with no punchline it does not exist! See? Literary magic!

The numbers are about even.

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

Rof V GH V WS 12/01/2013 Take 2

in WvW

Posted by: Teutooni.9572


Some of our commanders have swapped focus from our BL into EB encroachment, and tower de-grading this week. The SM attacks have been persistent, and afaik, literally only continue because they are an annoyance lol.

We’re always a threat, since it only takes 10 people to embarrass either side I think we’ve mostly just been focussed on the ‘kittens n giggles’ this week

Well I feel this is more like little sister tickling her older brother just to see when he’ll snap and start chasing, as opposed to the somewhat more serious fights we’re having with RoF. Yes, 10 people can be a threat. I don’t want to give you any ideas, but 10 could quickly golemrush an entire BL at certain time of day when there is literally no defenders online.

Rof V GH V WS 12/01/2013 Take 2

in WvW

Posted by: Ventus.9483


Well I feel this is more like little sister tickling her older brother just to see when he’ll snap and start chasing, as opposed to the somewhat more serious fights we’re having with RoF. Yes, 10 people can be a threat. I don’t want to give you any ideas, but 10 could quickly golemrush an entire BL at certain time of day when there is literally no defenders online.

Most definitely, we’re the kitten of the matchup currently. The wvw equivalent of the knock and run lol

That’s what I mean about the few people I’m the kind of person who would do just that too. Although maybe not at silly o’clock, its way more fun doing it right under the peak periods defence without them having time to react with the right planning.

[TEO] Cloaa
Whiteside Ridge
I’m in your zerg, cleaving it hard