Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: vomelette.4316


Fun night indeed, thank you everyone!

@Luffy & VcY: The offer stills stands to bring 20+ if you don’t want to do GvG with only 10 people, we most likely can’t field more than 10 though but that won’t stop us. If you prefer fighting 30+v30+ we have tier 1 for that

Ralf Ansgar
The Frenzied Few [RAGE]

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Aneu.1748


Hey all,

Just a quick hi to VoTF …… lol guys you moved….. get your kitten up in Tiers …. cus we miss our Baby Aneu haha……and Teel remind himnot to blob :P (sarcasme).


I miss you baby! xoxoxo

Aneu | [VoTF]

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Luffy.9365


M8 thnks for your offer but we dont call that GvG . As for us to come 20……..i think you are trying to make a joke:) We dont want to have GvG just to kill someone….we do that everyday in WvW , like most of the guilds. We are looking to have fun as a guild in a clean open field fight. If we meet 3-5 ppl on the road(not in camps etc) we usually not even kill them, we just pass next to them. So we cant stop our daily guild activity to organize 5v5 , 10v10 or 1v1 fights……We are running in WvW 24/7 and we have from 1 to 35-40 members(WvW) ,so random fights like that(10v10), have them daily.

[VcY]Velocity – Snowfang/Luffy D Portgas/Bagif

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


Thanks every one all Dzagonur border tonight for last few hours it was really fun. We got like 1-1.5k kill for each.

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Vynt.5218


Dzagonur players have some big balls and they never give up. Huge respect to you all!
I can see a bright future for your server if you keep that attitude.

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: vomelette.4316


@Luffy: That’s fine buddy. I’m not trying to call you out on it or telling you we are better or anything, reading my post again it may sound a bit boastful which was not my intention. You do what you want to have fun and we respect you as a guild since you have proven yourselves on the field. I was merely trying to prove a point about average guild sizes on my server. If we ever run into a smaller group of VcY we will give them our best!

Ralf Ansgar
The Frenzied Few [RAGE]

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Jimmy JimBob.2801

Jimmy JimBob.2801

I’ve never participated in a GvG but the videos I’ve seen all look meh. It seems so artificial, all stacking all your boons before running in.

Besides any guild on GH that enters a GvG with VcY will undoubtedly lose. Our guilds have no experience in that field, and the number of players available to you guys mean you’ll be able to perfectly balance your team to what you need, whereas our teams will be stuck with what they’ve got online.

Anyway had a great night in RoS bl. The fights at Hills ended up with huge skill lag which is a shame but the rest was brilliant fun. Special thanks to NOM and XxX from RoS and HON from Dz for some excellent fights

EDIT: Oh wow looks like I needed to refresh page before posting. First half of this looks very out of place :p

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Barabajagal.6147


Thanks to Dz this afternoon for an epic defense at Bay, you guys clearly had organised supply runs, and were relentless in defending. The most tenacious defense I’ve seen, it was superb. /Salute

Inner Monkey ~ Silq
Piken Square

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Luffy.9365


Dont worry Vomelette , i understood how you said it
You seem like a cool guy , i will remember your guild tag

[VcY]Velocity – Snowfang/Luffy D Portgas/Bagif

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: The Hunter.4516

The Hunter.4516

Lol to the SoE guys on EB just then Great fun having a little party with you guys next to golanta, sorry they 2 guys had to ruin it

Proud Member of [CA] from Aurora Glade.

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Svarty.8019


IMO, organising GvG is an indicator of awfulness. I prefer organic open world battles where allies and mobs from either side can swing the fight. That’s why we like three-way battles in the first place, right?

Hmmm no. I dont play WvW for mobs , npcs or allies to gain or take the “glory”. I play WvW , because its the only place that i can enjoy the fights with ma guild, cause i <3 open fields fights and iam looking forward to face strong guilds in fair fights. Organizing GvG gives you same numbers, all participants are ready and prepared and no 3rd factor(npc-ally-siege-numbers etc) can ruin your fun fights:)

Hmm… it sounds as though you’re not happy to play in a WvW environment at all and would much prefer enormous capacity sPvP arenas.

Svarty, in my opinion, avoiding GvG is an indicator of awfulness(and not the other way around) ,cause you are hiding behind any “3rd factor” as i previously stated

I’m not interested in your Guild v Guild. It’s a WvW game and GvG is something the play base has generated. Perhaps that should become a thing of it’s own (which I can ignore and you can take your guild to, instead of WvW).

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: alkalone.5798


Had a blast in RoS BL tonight.

Thanks to NOM, FRS, ELDa? and everyone else from RoS that was fighting until just now at Bluevale, was fun stuff.

God men I hate you ! x)
What a kittening zerg by GH on RoS this night.
And, why staying at bluevale all the night ? We didn’t understand why you wanted to do ?
There is a success at bluevale ?

Well, thanks for farming anyway

[MoS] Alkalone | Vizunah Square

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: TaoRay.3094


Thanks to Velocity for the great afternoon and evening. I was the Commander of Dzagonur since defence at Bay until our final fights – hard fights, at bay and also at the garrison. Learned a lot today and I am looking forward to go on with learning during the next days !

See you on the battlefield.

Rankkor Blacksteel [SWAT]
Special Weapons and No Tactics | Leader

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Roo Stercogburn.9671

Roo Stercogburn.9671

Hadn’t planned on doing WvW tonight, even though its normally what I focus on. I’d decided to knuckle down to getting world completion. Oh gawds that is one tedious method towards getting legendary. Caved in when Visko poked on guildchat. WvW just so much way more fun.

Gwynn was leading and I had a great time following along and nuking whatever I was told. Some immense fights and great moves. Gwynn sadly got tired after having delivered for rather a long time.

Arguably this is where I come in. Or more accurately, where I failed to step back as far as the other guys that didn’t want to lead.

God men I hate you ! x)
What a kittening zerg by GH on RoS this night.
And, why staying at bluevale all the night ? We didn’t understand why you wanted to do ?
There is a success at bluevale ?

Well, thanks for farming anyway

I had a much longer post but I’m going to leave it at this: it cost me 72 silver to enable our guys to farm the living kitten out of you guys at Vale

Also, I have video that proves you guys run as a massive entity, all through the evening. I’m not complaining about it, I think its fine. Just don’t ever complain if we coordinate/consolidate.

Respect to all we fought tonight, I had an immense time. Lost some, won some, giggled some.

Master Baker on Gunnars Hold serving you hot cookies.
Looney vids at
Midnight Mayhem

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Nymph of Meliai.6739

Nymph of Meliai.6739

nicely done guys


Nymeria Meliae | SoS
Acid Bath Babies Go Plop Plop [FizZ]

(edited by Nymph of Meliai.6739)

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Zgorzel.4902


nicely done guys

Pvdoor for the win! :P

Also, the fights at RoS borderlands were great. Also farming at vale? I remember us getting really wiped once, that’s not a very good farm :P

Some good players/guilds at RoS, pitty that Your numbers are sometimes spoiling the fun

Midnight Mayhem [MM] – Gunnar’s Hold
Gunnar’s Hold Server Forum

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Moturdrn.2837


…giggled some.

Giggled? Giggled?

You were struggling to talk by the end of it all!

Midnight Mayhem [MM] – Gunnar’s Hold
Visko Bludhaven – Level 80 Human Elementalist
Gunnar’s Hold Server Forum

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Genotix.6804


nicely done guys


Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Hengis.5417


nicely done guys

And here are the results of the late kickoff:

Stockport County 580 : Dzagonar 0

A proud member and occasional commander of:
Praxium – PRXM and The Gunnar’s Hold Community and

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Phetid.1802


CHvc had a great laugh in RoS BL last night – our aim was to coordinate with a couple of other guilds, take and hold Hills, and really establish ourselves on the RoS map. We know we’ve been beaten soundly this week, but the server as a whole, and especially the guilds that make up the backbone of our WvW, wanted to still enjoy ourselves.

Props to Dis for sorting it all – it was a good plan!

Thanks to SOE, CORE and MM – Gwyn’s team seemed to be having all the fun on the west side of the map after we took Hills and were consolidating ourselves there. We had a few RoS guilds knock on the door, but nothing that couldn’t be pushed back.

Dzag started to push in small numbers at water, then in much larger numbers when HON appeared.

From then on it got a bit crazy with a huge three way battle at Hills. Fun times, nothing I could see that was blobbing or zerging, just good clean fights between well organised guilds and groups on all three servers.

Guild Leader – Cry Havoc (CHvc)

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Azkadelia.2490


nicely done guys

Wow, I hope you didn’t hurt your fingernails while scratching at all those dangerous doors.

Kicking out only one server with night capping…boring…you could have at least turned everything green not just eliminating red.

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: midiean.8469


nicely done guys

Wow, I hope you didn’t hurt your fingernails while scratching at all those dangerous doors.

Kicking out only one server with night capping…boring…you could have at least turned everything green not just eliminating red.

You sound jealous

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Danneh.8520


Awesome fighting by all so far.. heres a fun little video I made from yesterdays wvw!

Leader/Commander of [ Pirate Gaming ] (IGN: Danneh.8520)
Public teamspeak:

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Azkadelia.2490


You sound jealous

No not really, I just don’t see the point in posting this unless it is 100 % green
And kicking out a server (red) with almost no night coverage is not an art, just boring door bashing. Nothing to be proud of

(edited by Azkadelia.2490)

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Zgorzel.4902


You sound jealous

No not really, I just don’t see the point in posting this unless it is 100 % green
And kicking out a server (red) with almost no night coverage is not an art, just boring door bashing. Nothing to be proud of

I don’t see the point of posting it EVEN if they do turn the whole map green :P
I mean pvdoor helps to win, but it doesn’t require much skill.

Midnight Mayhem [MM] – Gunnar’s Hold
Gunnar’s Hold Server Forum

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: drkn.3429


Not like anyone gets hurt by someone posting a screen of the tricolour pie, from any hour

As was mentioned, there are some really great teams and people out there, but i believe the mutual consensus is that the sooner the matchup changes, the better for all involved :p

@Genotix – sit back, have a laugh and enjoy the show


(edited by drkn.3429)

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Genotix.6804


Not like anyone gets hurt by someone posting a screen of the tricolour pie, from any hour

As was mentioned, there are some really great teams and people out there, but i believe the mutual consensus is that the sooner the matchup changes, the better for all involved :p

Mostly i agree but coming from the same person who accused us of blobbing is a bit weird don’t you think?
Nvm he is the same guy who made the “racist” post so don’t worry about him

(edited by Genotix.6804)

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: alkalone.5798


CHvc had a great laugh in RoS BL last night – our aim was to coordinate with a couple of other guilds, take and hold Hills, and really establish ourselves on the RoS map. We know we’ve been beaten soundly this week, but the server as a whole, and especially the guilds that make up the backbone of our WvW, wanted to still enjoy ourselves.

Props to Dis for sorting it all – it was a good plan!

Thanks to SOE, CORE and MM – Gwyn’s team seemed to be having all the fun on the west side of the map after we took Hills and were consolidating ourselves there. We had a few RoS guilds knock on the door, but nothing that couldn’t be pushed back.

Dzag started to push in small numbers at water, then in much larger numbers when HON appeared.

From then on it got a bit crazy with a huge three way battle at Hills. Fun times, nothing I could see that was blobbing or zerging, just good clean fights between well organised guilds and groups on all three servers.


I do not understand, why playing with others guilds, force you to stick them !
You don’t have to play at 80 seriously ! Chvc was maybe 25-30 ? Why blobing at 80 on hills seriously x)
Congrats you took hills before we came, but after we can’t had a good fights.
I hope we will be able to meet each other without your friendly stickers.

[MoS] Alkalone | Vizunah Square

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Rhymelark.4396


CHvc had a great laugh in RoS BL last night – our aim was to coordinate with a couple of other guilds, take and hold Hills, and really establish ourselves on the RoS map. We know we’ve been beaten soundly this week, but the server as a whole, and especially the guilds that make up the backbone of our WvW, wanted to still enjoy ourselves.

Props to Dis for sorting it all – it was a good plan!

Thanks to SOE, CORE and MM – Gwyn’s team seemed to be having all the fun on the west side of the map after we took Hills and were consolidating ourselves there. We had a few RoS guilds knock on the door, but nothing that couldn’t be pushed back.

Dzag started to push in small numbers at water, then in much larger numbers when HON appeared.

From then on it got a bit crazy with a huge three way battle at Hills. Fun times, nothing I could see that was blobbing or zerging, just good clean fights between well organised guilds and groups on all three servers.


I do not understand, why playing with others guilds, force you to stick them !
You don’t have to play at 80 seriously ! Chvc was maybe 25-30 ? Why blobing at 80 on hills seriously x)
Congrats you took hills before we came, but after we can’t had a good fights.
I hope we will be able to meet each other without your friendly stickers.

Nah we are just learning from the Pro guilds on RoS as they suggested and do what they do. Can’t really blame us for following their suggestion.

My sword is big enough to back my big mouth.
[RPS] & [PRXM] Lippsy
Gunnar’s Hold

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Liquid Storm.8097

Liquid Storm.8097

So yeah, thanks to Gunnars Hold’s 2-hour party at Vale last night, I was late for work today. xD

Staff elementalist @ [SOUL]
Far Shiverpeaks EU

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Mizu.9387


Hello again!
First off, have had some awesome fights this weekend, both successfull and some less so. This discussion of blobbing is getting silly. There are valid reasons to blob, a well defended Hills being one of them. A tier 3 keep needs a blob to successfully take.
With that said, I admire what you guys on GH did and just bunker down in a camp. The most fun I had was on sunday on Dzagonur BL where we just got a 15 man group together and just kept fighting the germans in the ruins for an hour or so. No siege, no points gained for us, no loss for them, just straight up combat.
A camp is as good as any other place to fight Fights don’t have to result in a ppt gain/loss.

Sif Urkraft

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Phetid.1802



I do not understand, why playing with others guilds, force you to stick them !
You don’t have to play at 80 seriously ! Chvc was maybe 25-30 ? Why blobing at 80 on hills seriously x)
Congrats you took hills before we came, but after we can’t had a good fights.
I hope we will be able to meet each other without your friendly stickers.

I see very little fact in this post, other than CHvc did indeed have 25-30 people online in WvW (albeit not all in the same place at the same time).

Co-ordination is not the same as grouping up. You do know that, don’t you?

Guild Leader – Cry Havoc (CHvc)

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Goldhuman.3047


Been average for me in WVW this week. We are getting slaughtered and I must admit we are losing numbers. I have just read FIRE have or are laving our server also to go to ROS? if this is true I will ask why? As drives me PPL quit to jump to the winning team soon as we start losing. Where is the dedication?

Also its been a challenge but not easy especially as we don’t seem to have numbers anymore. All I can say to our server is have faith and all commanders including myself are doing our best and we will continue to do so.

I myself wont be leaving Gunnars. Ive started to respect a few wvwers and commanders and I enjoy commanding.

Just for now cant wait for ROS to go up so we can start getting our wvw more balanced for now and slowly working our way up.

GoldHuman/GoldBangBang, Lvl 80 Ele & Necro
Gunnars Hold/ Gunnars Scum Guild
We are recruiting for WVW and Guild Missions….

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Genotix.6804


CHvc had a great laugh in RoS BL last night – our aim was to coordinate with a couple of other guilds, take and hold Hills, and really establish ourselves on the RoS map. We know we’ve been beaten soundly this week, but the server as a whole, and especially the guilds that make up the backbone of our WvW, wanted to still enjoy ourselves.

Props to Dis for sorting it all – it was a good plan!

Thanks to SOE, CORE and MM – Gwyn’s team seemed to be having all the fun on the west side of the map after we took Hills and were consolidating ourselves there. We had a few RoS guilds knock on the door, but nothing that couldn’t be pushed back.

Dzag started to push in small numbers at water, then in much larger numbers when HON appeared.

From then on it got a bit crazy with a huge three way battle at Hills. Fun times, nothing I could see that was blobbing or zerging, just good clean fights between well organised guilds and groups on all three servers.


I do not understand, why playing with others guilds, force you to stick them !
You don’t have to play at 80 seriously ! Chvc was maybe 25-30 ? Why blobing at 80 on hills seriously x)
Congrats you took hills before we came, but after we can’t had a good fights.
I hope we will be able to meet each other without your friendly stickers.

I understand you mate i really do. Not much you can do against that 80 man zerg, vizunah style when especially you are outmanned
What you can do is adapt and improve
Keep the faith though soon the situation will change, you will tier up to face some more roaming friendly servers

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Liquid Storm.8097

Liquid Storm.8097

Well I’m in a blob 99 % of the time and I like it. Why? Because I prefer random, relaxed groups over organized ones. I was playing in EU tournaments in Call of Duty 1 from 2003 to 2005 in organized clans (this was 18+ hour daily gaming, mind you, and well over 10+ during school) and this kind of gaming takes a heck of a lot of energy out of you. And considering I have 10 to 12 hour shifts at work now, I really can’t be kittened to commit the energy that I have left to organized gaming anymore. It was different when I was still in high school, but those times are over. :/

So rather than complain about blobs, enjoy organized gaming while you still have the time to commit to it. Because once this is gone and real life kicks in, you’ll regret every second you hadn’t enjoyed.

Staff elementalist @ [SOUL]
Far Shiverpeaks EU

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Genotix.6804


I agree completely Liquid finally a voice of reason.

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


I can assure you that to many, it doesn’t feel like a job at all

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Esufer.8762


This matchup has been a lot of fun so far from what I’ve seen. Some truly epic battles – looking forward to getting home from work this evening for more of the same!

Not too bothered about point ticks this week but the fights themselves have been really really interesting and engaging, and I hope all involved plan to keep it up until the end of the week!

shikinami yayoi: herald – judge legends [JDGE]

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Roo Stercogburn.9671

Roo Stercogburn.9671

…giggled some.

Giggled? Giggled?

You were struggling to talk by the end of it all!

When I woke up today I was still grinning. Setting up that ram at the treb spot in vale, then when Ros portalled in they started attacking it. One of the funniest moments of my gaming career to date.

…And then Riki putting up a second ram when they got the first down

Master Baker on Gunnars Hold serving you hot cookies.
Looney vids at
Midnight Mayhem

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Genotix.6804


Leave him he is hopeless Thomas.
It was FIRE that was holding us at this tier idd:)

(edited by Genotix.6804)

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Genotix.6804


As i said he is hopeless

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Neandramathal.9536


That screenshot and the accompanying “blob” whine is pretty much what started the flamewar about transfers, and it’s been posted so many time’s now that it’s starting to look like the only evidence you have.

This thread is just going round and round and round in very stupid circles, and really should be closed. Shame really, a few people have tried to make sensible non-aggressive posts here and there but they just get buried.

[GoV] Gnomes of Vabbi || [Imp] Impact
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness:

(edited by Neandramathal.9536)

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Genotix.6804


It is idd the same guy that started the whole thing and is responsible for all the mess.

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


If you want it closed, report the original post of the thread and give a valid reason.
That’s how 2 out of 3 GH whine threads got closed.

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Moturdrn.2837


Not too bothered about point ticks this week but the fights themselves have been really really interesting and engaging, and I hope all involved plan to keep it up until the end of the week!

I for one will still be running around there. Last night was too much fun to pass up.

When I woke up today I was still grinning. Setting up that ram at the treb spot in vale, then when Ros portalled in they started attacking it. One of the funniest moments of my gaming career to date.

…And then Riki putting up a second ram when they got the first down

All glory to the hypno ram

lol the ram portal bomb was funny as hell as was the several attempts up the hill to kill non existing trebs.

I really wish I was recording those bits

This thread is just going round and round and round in very stupid circles, and really should be closed. Shame really, a few people have tried to make sensible non-aggressive posts here and there but they just get buried.

Indeed, unfortunately there’s always one who can’t let go.

If you want it closed, report the original post of the thread and give a valid reason.
That’s how 2 out of 3 GH whine threads got closed.

Indeed, along with numerous other RoS troll/whine posts. Report, move on, have fun.

Midnight Mayhem [MM] – Gunnar’s Hold
Visko Bludhaven – Level 80 Human Elementalist
Gunnar’s Hold Server Forum

(edited by Moturdrn.2837)

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Roo Stercogburn.9671

Roo Stercogburn.9671

I really wish I was recording those bits

I recorded it

Unlikely I’ll get time to compile the video together this week though.

Master Baker on Gunnars Hold serving you hot cookies.
Looney vids at
Midnight Mayhem

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Ripkord.7025


As I can remember before about 3 months ago there was the same situation. GH had a big guild transfer, faceroll over the whole map and post screenshots whit 580+ ppt. As someone of GH said in the forum “We win and a lot of our pve players come to support us and have fun, you lose and your pve players stay away” . And if the present is a reflection of the history then RoS will have more players and new guilds next weeks .
Anyway have fun and keep it clear. I hope we will see each other on the battlefield next week guys.

Zloby, a nice necro from Ring of Fire

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: drkn.3429


An honest conundrum for me – can someone explain me the hate behind ‘blobbing’, ‘grouping up’ and ‘playing along’ with other guilds?
Last time i checked, WvW wasn’t anything close to GvG, in its standard design, but a realm vs realm kind of mass PvP. What’s the problem, then?


Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Toxikthrash.2704


CHvc had a great laugh in RoS BL last night – our aim was to coordinate with a couple of other guilds, take and hold Hills, and really establish ourselves on the RoS map. We know we’ve been beaten soundly this week, but the server as a whole, and especially the guilds that make up the backbone of our WvW, wanted to still enjoy ourselves.

Props to Dis for sorting it all – it was a good plan!

Thanks to SOE, CORE and MM – Gwyn’s team seemed to be having all the fun on the west side of the map after we took Hills and were consolidating ourselves there. We had a few RoS guilds knock on the door, but nothing that couldn’t be pushed back.

Dzag started to push in small numbers at water, then in much larger numbers when HON appeared.

From then on it got a bit crazy with a huge three way battle at Hills. Fun times, nothing I could see that was blobbing or zerging, just good clean fights between well organised guilds and groups on all three servers.


I do not understand, why playing with others guilds, force you to stick them !
You don’t have to play at 80 seriously ! Chvc was maybe 25-30 ? Why blobing at 80 on hills seriously x)
Congrats you took hills before we came, but after we can’t had a good fights.
I hope we will be able to meet each other without your friendly stickers.

I was the organizer of this event. Sorry if i am a bit late in the posts.. could not be asked to look any further down..

The majority of the time spent around RoS CHvc were on there own, apart from the occasional need for a bit of help when you had a good 60-80 people or we were hit from both sides by DZ and you. When capping Hills with the golems, it was just us with the help of a small amount of other players unless i am mistaken.. and even then there was yourselves and PG.. You make this sound like we had the larger number here when it came to hills.. you are very wrong indeed..

As for not having to blob all the time.. you don’t even know the guild mate and a few more guilds can vouch for us that we prefer not to do that at all and run on our own. This was the first event i have really organised in which we used a bit more of a Blob to cap and hold hills.. although it was not the original plan.

You seem a little bit Hypocritical since you were doing this the majority of the night and calling us out on it. If it was indeed just you on entering Hills we would have given you an even fight.. however you had another organised guild with you equaling a far larger number than us alone.

~Dishammer, CHvc

Dishammer – Human Guardian of [CHvc]

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: midiean.8469


An honest conundrum for me – can someone explain me the hate behind ‘blobbing’, ‘grouping up’ and ‘playing along’ with other guilds?
Last time i checked, WvW wasn’t anything close to GvG, in its standard design, but a realm vs realm kind of mass PvP. What’s the problem, then?

People get annoyed when they lose, and want an excuse that isn’t ‘the other server outplayed or outmaneuvered us’, so they look for excuses generally