SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: tufy.7859


That is just the post of someone on our forums that is stating what he would like to see happen out of anger and general dislike for BG. No one on SBI is actually in contact with any JQ commanders. It’s not like SBI and JQ are friends. We’ve built up far too big a rivalry for something like that to ever fly.

Oh, I know. I’m just pointing out how one tiny bit of bad information can skew up a view of the entire server. We at BG really aren’t the bad guys. Or at least I hope we aren’t :p But frankly, this last week has been a blast with tons of good fights. Right now we’re fighting tooth and nail to hold the ground from WM. With orbs going away next patch, hopefully the accusations of hacking will go away and we’ll all have a good, friendly competitive slaughter

Caitlyn Leafbound
Radiant Knights

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Fitz.7169


I honestly hope as bad as this sounds that SBI doesn’t get #1 server, that spot seems to be cursed. Not long after servers reach #1 they begin to decline fairly rapidly, JQ has been the only server to reach that spot and hold out for a while but they are beginning to falter slightly.

I dont know why bandwagoners have largely avoided SBI, but I REALLY hope it stays that way. I am also not referring to guilds who have moved here so that they can get away from their dead servers, but the people who hop to the #1 server each week.

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: sceptus.9415


Beastgate outmanned? Losing? How can it be? They seemed unstoppable when we played them a couple weeks ago. They had tons of players and it was non-stop waves of death.

Then we played SoR this week. Add the above experience with Blackgate with highly advanced tactics. At least against BG we got out of our spawn and put a hurt in our own borderlands and EB. Against SoR this has been next to impossible. I’m thankful for the Orb removal soon and hope it helps against server as advanced as SoR. I hated BG for their treatment of us when we played them. Complaining about being bored and coming to the forums to mouth off. SoR hasn’t done much of that, or even the silly emoting. They have sieged up the starting areas pretty heavy though. Its brutal. We learned a lot fighting BG, and even more fighting SoR.

In the end, my anger at BG is totally gone. I’m not angry with SoR either. I’m just determined to see TC get better and have fun. I hope everyone in this matchup is having more fun than we are this week. Good luck BG.

Hern | Sceptus | Vulkus | Colbane
[DIS] and [TTC]
Tarnished Coast

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Talesslaser.7813


It’s still close, SBI has bad EU presence, BG has amazing EU presence. SBI has amazing asian presence, BG has bad asian presence. As much as people want to just crush BG or crush SBI its just not going to happen. Whoever wins is only going to win by 10k points or less.

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: sceptus.9415


It’s still close, SBI has bad EU presence, BG has amazing EU presence. SBI has amazing asian presence, BG has bad asian presence. As much as people want to just crush BG or crush SBI its just not going to happen. Whoever wins is only going to win by 10k points or less.

I think BG needs to lose. Not because of being beat by them (well maybe partially evil grin) but trust me when I say SoR is better than BG. You guys need to be determined and hungry when you fight them. I honestly don’t know what the result will be, but I look forward to watching that fight almost as much as the next UFC title bout.

Hern | Sceptus | Vulkus | Colbane
[DIS] and [TTC]
Tarnished Coast

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Psylon.4561


Hi. I play with LoD on SBI. I am really isolated to my guild and do not have the map/team chats enabled the vast majority of the time that I play. I had no idea this much drama was surrounding our WvWs considering that it’s watered down PvP and we can’t even see other peoples names. I do know that we have way too many commanders on our server. Some of us were in a keep the other night regrouping and taking 5 and some kid named Cover Girl started barking orders at us. I found it really laughable that random pugs with no real following or guild think a 100g upgrade gives them any type of validity with other players. You don’t buy that, you earn it. I stay out of public chats anyway and prefer to only be around my own guild in WvW. I do know that Psylon and the other LoD do a great job and in some instances work with other guilds. They say that Jedbacca and Cohh are solid and that if LoD isn’t online it’s ok to follow their icons, but I still usually just wait for my guild to log on due to my comfort levels with them. I think that the commander icon needs to have guild status/size requirements for the people buying them. I use join squad anyway to get them off my map, but I know that they mislead newer players by making the wrong decisions and having a false sense of value because they either bought or farmed gold in PvE for a little blue dot. This is a very poor system that needs to be revised. I also wanted to throw out there that the BG stack strategy makes you come off like complete morons and is incredibly easy to counter with even remotely even #‘s. I’m not sure how you play like that and have any sense of dignity, especially after you get AOEd into the pavement for doing it and your server loses that week. I’d fire the guy who came up with it if I were you :p

This post was not authorized and does not represent the views of the Lords of Death guild. We regret this outburst, it will be handled by us internally.

The Lords of Death [LoD] has been proud member of the Stormbluff Isle community since launch. We strive daily to represent the server and to achieve the server wide goal to make SBI #1. This is a great community with excellent guilds and battle commanders. We are so close to being #1, Keep up the good work SBI. See you on the battlefield.

Lords of Death [LoD] [GM-Guild Wars 2] [SBI]

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: IomegadriveOne.5291


To those claiming BG was doing massive trash talking. You do realize that before the game even began we were being bad mouthed for being full of bandwagoners. Shortly after the game started and we began to win, the entire server was accused of helping orb hackers, and even wrongly accused of orb hacking in most cases (I still don’t know if they were true or not). 6 threads were closed because of this. Because SBI and JQ kept falsely accusing BG of hacking, turtling, portal glitching, ect. In fact I barely even saw many BG members even come on here because it was pointless trying to reason with you guys. Now that SBI and JQ have cought up, now you say WE trash talked? I might as well claim you guys orb hacked since SBI is winning.

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Fitz.7169


@IomegadriveOne, If you go back a few pages you will see quite a bit of trash talking from BG. FYI, SBI was looking forward to fighting you guys right before this week started, we knew how good you all were and there was no bad mouthing that I saw in chat, in fact a lot of people were looking forward to it. It wasn’t until the orb hacking that people started to really be disgusted by BG.

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Pinkus.2860


Score update? Been a great week of WvW Had a blast!

Pinkus – Webmaster

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Gov.2671


It has been an amazing week. Win or lose SBI will have fun like always, regardless of the cowardly things “beastgate” has done with orbs and turtles.

I had a dude from Lotd that was running his mouth on Monday or Sunday. I had told him that it was still early and to not chest pound just yet. Haven’t heard much from him during the week. Advice for BG players, have more respect for other servers and don’t make mindless insults the first second you have point lead. It will bite you in the butt later in the week.

Overall it has been another even fight and what wvw should be. I hope that all tiers begin to experience such tough nail biting matches.

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Rraarrww.3894


I honestly hope as bad as this sounds that SBI doesn’t get #1 server, that spot seems to be cursed. Not long after servers reach #1 they begin to decline fairly rapidly, JQ has been the only server to reach that spot and hold out for a while but they are beginning to falter slightly.

I dont know why bandwagoners have largely avoided SBI, but I REALLY hope it stays that way. I am also not referring to guilds who have moved here so that they can get away from their dead servers, but the people who hop to the #1 server each week.

Just out of curiosity but are you new? I don’t think any server has held the #1 spot as long as HOD. JQ had it for 2-3 weeks but that looks to be over.

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Deadcell.9052


Very interesting week to say the least, some of the craziest battles I have ever seen and been a part of, so thanks a million x’s over to SBI and JQ for making life interesting and lots of fun for us casual Blackgaters, never seen wvwvw so alive and vibrant, fun interesting tactics by all 3 servers many of which I have never seen before, very impressive at times.

But I am overly disappointed with the reputation my server BG is suffering due to a few bad apples from this weeks matchup, trust me when I say you (SBI, and JQ) have an abundance of them also, the behaviors and actions of the many I have seen, reported to ANET with pics, and vids from all 3 servers is incredible, really ruined the fun for me at times, never knew so many different type of hacks and exploits existed here.

Hopefully in the coming weeks ANET with the help of all of us can get rid of the bad apples ruining our servers and we can focus 100% on the most important part of the game and that is bashing each others heads in with greatswords and loling all night about it.

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: kefro.9312


Thank u guys for puting us some fight, we at Blackgate we like to fight.
Beastgate YARG!

Even if we be 2nd we dont care we just wana trow some JQ or SBI to tier 2 so you cant make 1vs2 next week

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Snow Aeth.1937

Snow Aeth.1937

Some random stuff.

We at Blackgate are very disappointed with the orb removal from the game.
As you all know all of us hack those orbs on a hourly basis and now that they are gone one of our main server activities is being taken away.
Not sure if it’s worth playing W3 anymore when there are no orbs to hack =(

On another note, I’m pretty tired of this threads and all the previous closed ones about this match as imo it doesn’t represent what really happened this week.
A pretty awesome back and forth race and non stop action at any given time anywhere, there is not a moment that you can’t find a fight happening somewhere.

Although somehow I got the feeling the 3 servers main forces are spread over 3 different time-zones on each server, and JQ being hit the hardest by Sandy.

Anyway despite how much I got to hate some of you guys, I really loved the amount of different type of fights this week.
Thank you all 3 servers for an awesome action packed week.

Special thank you of today goes to SBI today as they managed to fill up my inventory from empty to full in just a 2 minute lasting tower attack, thank you guys very much for being good sport and paying for my repairs & siege


“I can outrun a centaur”
Hacking your orbs since 2/11

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Dekar.2759


I lead the odd RvR night on SBI, not too many to prevent burn out but whenever I read these forums since they were released (I) keep getting confused…

Which server are we allied with again?

Pic 1 —> Friday – Oct 26th (We’re allied with BG)
Pic 2 --> Wednesday – Oct 31st (We’re allied with JQ)

Call me crazy but there might be some sort of strategy that can used to manipulate one server to attack another…oh whoops don’t want to give it away GG.

EDIT: I had to put brackets around the “I” because apparently it makes a bad word being so close to “released” and “keep.”


(edited by Dekar.2759)

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: lady lisz.7849

lady lisz.7849

meanwhile, after the orbs are gone…


Truth and Knowledge are two different things
-Scholar Krasso-

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: kefro.9312


SBI got full population fast lol, i dont understand why ppl keep doing that …
I hope the guilds on SBI do the same thing that the ones at HoD did, now they have a 7day cooldown to transfer the “noob train” cant falow.

That would be epic

(edited by kefro.9312)

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: kefro.9312


Its because 10 ppl can defend the all zerg? Stop zerging, at least we can put some fight with 10 ppl vs the all zerguing thing…

(edited by kefro.9312)

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: kidbs.8920


I’m also hoping that the BG mesmer that is inside the wall in SM at the moment is a glitch and not some sort of cheat. In any case he’s not leaving and choosing to stay there. He has been reported.

SoR – Nethernoz (Necro), Zealot of Pain (Guardian), William The Butcher (Ranger)

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: HandsomeGentleman.9576


SBI and JQ are NOT working together. JQ has merely accepted SBI as its dominant, and SBI has named JQ its working horse. Together they shall remain #1 and #2.

The question is…how willing is JQ to take it like a kitten before they rebel against their harness masters?

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Solaris.4860


“So did we get the turtle portal bomb right on the SM takeover? :-P See how stupid it is BG. Imagine if we chose to use it everywhere like you guys do.”

“I’m also hoping that the BG mesmer that is inside the wall in SM at the moment is a glitch and not some sort of cheat. In any case he’s not leaving and choosing to stay there. He has been reported.”

To address the 2nd post first, its not a hack, its a glitch with teleport. I have had this happen many times on my guardian. The only ‘devious’ part about it is how long the player chooses to stay glitched inside the wall.
Secondly, you are bragging that you took SM castle without using the ‘Turtle’ method? LOL. Ok, then, to be fair, Blackgate fought valiantly also WITHOUT using the turtle method. If we had used it, as you say ‘everywhere’, then we would have kept SM castle as well as all the rest of every borderlands.
Lastly, there are only speculations about whether SBI and JQ were working as a team, just the same as there are only speculations as to whether someone hacked an orb. The question to ask yourself; Is there any hard evidence of such? Otherwise, its fair play and each server did their best. Good game.

(edited by Solaris.4860)

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: HandsomeGentleman.9576


SBI and JQ are NOT working together. JQ has merely accepted SBI as its dominant, and SBI has named JQ its working horse. Together they shall remain #1 and #2.

The question is…how willing is JQ to take it like a kitten before they rebel against their harness masters?

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: tufy.7859


I’m also hoping that the BG mesmer that is inside the wall in SM at the moment is a glitch and not some sort of cheat. In any case he’s not leaving and choosing to stay there. He has been reported.

It’s a glitch probably. We had the same happen yesterday (in SBI Borderlands, I think), it’s buggy teleports that cause it sometimes (hey, we used to fall underground, so that’s an improvement!).

Lastly, there are only speculations about whether SBI and JQ were working as a team, just the same as there are only speculations as to whether someone hacked an orb. The question to ask yourself; Is there any hard evidence of such?

No, there isn’t. In fact, based on experience yesterday, I’d even dare argue against it. However, links such as the one I posted yesteday can cause such wild speculations and unwarranted rage. It does have a very positive effect on number of people in WvW defiantly fighting back this imaginary alliance, though.

Now that I think of it, what if it was one of our officers posting it to get us off our kitten and into the battle? /tinfoilhat

Caitlyn Leafbound
Radiant Knights

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Diabolos.5493


I am from the future, I wanted to show you all what to expect next week.


(edited by Diabolos.5493)

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Camagee.5391


So glad Jq is free of all the noobs….undermanned buff on…only real to remain…good fr the community…now let’s have 1 month transfers and promote a sense of server pride…stop the bandwagoning.

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Shadow Phage.9084

Shadow Phage.9084

LOL the noob train left JQ just like we all expected if they started to lose, i think they are all at SBI because its full now

As far as I know, SBI has been nominally full for a few weeks now. I say nominally, because we’re all aware that the ‘Full’ status is dependent on current logged in population.

I heard a few guilds left JQ and went back to HoD; no confirmation on this. Don’t know about the ones that flit from server to server like a butterfly though. Perhaps the 1 week time-out period on transfers has made them start to think carefully about which server they’ll transfer to.

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Shadow Phage.9084

Shadow Phage.9084

I doubt WM will screw over everyone on the server for that. They’re a bit too classy to pull such a juvenile stunt, from what I’ve seen of them in GW1 and GW2. At most, they’ll take a break and let the WvW butterflies flit to a different server.

Also, bear in mind, the entirety of [NYS](?) transferred to SBI from HoD. That’s something like 1500+ people. I imagine that would put quite the dent in a raised population cap.

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: sinister.9216


@SBI – Enjoying all of your new transfer guilds? Hope you guys like being the new bandwagon server. Surely now you’ll have some orb-hackers. LoL @ SBI becoming the next Blackgate, or rather, turning into what they hated most.

@JQ – Mostly enjoyed the fights vs you guys, but what happened? Once SBI made their comeback you all disappeared. Like last night, every map was blue or red but only EB had any real green presence.

Tywin Onassis – 80 Necro Mez Yar – 40ish Mesmer
Uri Nightshade – 50ish Thief
Sarugaki Hiyori – 80 Warrior – Blackgate [FEAR]

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: hex.3218


SBI – Kudos. 2nd week you’ve made a comeback.

BG – See you next week.

JQ – Rest up and get some gold. We have work to do.

Calm Little Buddy

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: VOLKON.1290


FIRE was in force on BG borderlands for awhile last night, but our North East presence is still feeling the effects of Sandy and Halloween took a lot of time from our player base. Hell, even I managed to sneak the Emissary of the Mad King title… just don’t tell anyone. I heard we were also affected by a couple guild transfers. JQ is far from dead however.


SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Kyiv.9621


Ignore Kefro, all he does it troll here talking about every other server being a bandwagon one EXCEPT for his own, which he bandwagon transferred to. =D

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Ben K.6238

Ben K.6238

“Next” Blackgate? Don’t seem to remember BG ever being above SBI in the rankings.

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Ferris Bewler.9706

Ferris Bewler.9706

I am going to hate even putting my 2 cents in here because most people will trash talk. But I wanted to share the last 6 days of wvwvw in this battle. I understand there are no alliances between any of the 3 servers but there are facts that I have seen 1st hand that would tend to compliment otherwise:

1: BG attacks a JQ tower and SBI hits one of our towers on the oposite side of the map at the EXACT same time ( 3 different maps 4 different days about 5-6 times while i played this happened) we will just say it was really great timing by SBI all 6 times..?.?

2: BG borderland garrison getting attacked by both SBI and JQ again at the EXACT same time from both sides while passing up all supply keeps and towers outside the garrison that were also owned by BG.

3: 3 days straight Sun-Tues on 3 different maps for 8 hours i was on these maps and not 1 single time in 3 days did JQ and SBI EVER attack any castles, keeps, or any other important structure other than supply camps from each other. Only focus for both of your servers was Blackgate.

4: And finally this is what sold me on this notion, BG goes to siege a JQ castle 2 different maps for about 3 hours and SBI patrols LITERALLY come up behind BG at JQs gates and wipe us out. HERE’S the kicker, JQs gate was at 15%…… and after SBI wiped Blackgate out they turned around and walked away leaving a JQ keep with a 15% gate untouched…. i personally witnessed this 4 times in 1 day. ALl you had to do was cough and the gate goes down and the keeps basically yours, but you turned and walked away. No other battles mind you were on the map at all.. i mean ZEEERO.

I am not saying anything about a 2 vs 1 type situation but it is now apparent that when BG is on a map and is a threat,, there seems to be an understanding from both of your servers that BG is the target at all costs,and you dont attack the other server till BG is gone or no longer a threat.

Im totally cool with that now that we understand how your 2 servers work we can make arrangements and prepare for it for the next time, I really think it just caught BG off guard to really think that you 2 wont attack each other AT ALL if Blackgate is on the map and being a threat…. Dont get me wrong I know that once BG is off of a map or isnt a threat…. you guys beat the snot out of each other, but NEVER not 1 time in 5-6 days in 4 maps did you EVER go after each other if Blackgate was a threat. SO this isnt a gripe session, just understand that we know how its going to go from now on with you guys so I dont think it play out the same again.

commence with the debauchery.

Pheras Bewler Lvl 80 Ranger (JINX-BG)
Frozen Man Lvl 80 Guardian (JINX-BG)
Frozen Moo Juice Lvl 80 Warrior (JINX-BG)

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Ferris Bewler.9706

Ferris Bewler.9706

with that said and out of the way, I really enjoyed this week it was a ton of fun and very competitive, hope to see you guys again next week.

Pheras Bewler Lvl 80 Ranger (JINX-BG)
Frozen Man Lvl 80 Guardian (JINX-BG)
Frozen Moo Juice Lvl 80 Warrior (JINX-BG)

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Cover Girl.2580

Cover Girl.2580

Just a few points from previous NON deleted posts:
So bad we are facestomping you and putting up 600PPT right now in FREAKING Tier 1 LOL. Choo choo tier 1 pushovers.
At least in BG we dont descriminize, we steam role all servers equaly
Even if there was a hacker it doesnt account for 2 severs getting stomped by BG.
SBI and JQ are losing because they have been beaten and demoralized. Show me some resiliency and meet me on the field. In WvW, there are always 2 losers. Blackgate has done its fair share of losing, now it’s your turn. We are going to keep portaling and we are going to keep turtling. Try and stop us. I will see you on the field if you get a pair of kittens and show up.”

Thanks Blackgate for all the prematch Hype.. This match was more hyped than the past Wrestlemania and just as disappointing. Thanks Kefro for breaking my brain with those posts of yours…trying to understand what they mean. They go from “beastgate own u” to “sbi cheat bandwagon now bye!”.
ANYWAY, 9:03am EST. and it looks like things are wrapping up on another incredible week here… had some AMAZING battles and BG taught us some incredible tricks.. They were pretty shocked when we portal bombed the hills AND garrison with 10 golems for a total takeover in less than 13 minutes… Thanks to our Korean friends for that amazing pull off. Next week, I think, will be another fun week whomever we fight. If BG gets bumped back to T-2, good luck with them everyone. Great work SBI!

BTW Esoteric: We stopped you. hard.


Sanctum of Rall
The Mord Sith [MORD]
(Borderlands Stationed Commander)

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Stenia.9623


SBI didnt take on the noob train we have each week pushed through sneakily without it.

“Jade Quarry overstacked in TKG timezone”

Necro Class Lead for Night Shift [NS]

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


some qq

Just want to say thx to all those BG guys who attacked EH keep for the past hour or 2, had to run to the merchant 3 times to clean up my bags.

downed state is bad for PVP

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Sky.9347


I am going to hate even putting my 2 cents in here because most people will trash talk. But I wanted to share the last 6 days of wvwvw in this battle. I understand there are no alliances between any of the 3 servers but there are facts that I have seen 1st hand that would tend to compliment otherwise:

1: BG attacks a JQ tower and SBI hits one of our towers on the oposite side of the map at the EXACT same time ( 3 different maps 4 different days about 5-6 times while i played this happened) we will just say it was really great timing by SBI all 6 times..?.?

2: BG borderland garrison getting attacked by both SBI and JQ again at the EXACT same time from both sides while passing up all supply keeps and towers outside the garrison that were also owned by BG.

3: 3 days straight Sun-Tues on 3 different maps for 8 hours i was on these maps and not 1 single time in 3 days did JQ and SBI EVER attack any castles, keeps, or any other important structure other than supply camps from each other. Only focus for both of your servers was Blackgate.

4: And finally this is what sold me on this notion, BG goes to siege a JQ castle 2 different maps for about 3 hours and SBI patrols LITERALLY come up behind BG at JQs gates and wipe us out. HERE’S the kicker, JQs gate was at 15%…… and after SBI wiped Blackgate out they turned around and walked away leaving a JQ keep with a 15% gate untouched…. i personally witnessed this 4 times in 1 day. ALl you had to do was cough and the gate goes down and the keeps basically yours, but you turned and walked away. No other battles mind you were on the map at all.. i mean ZEEERO.

I am not saying anything about a 2 vs 1 type situation but it is now apparent that when BG is on a map and is a threat,, there seems to be an understanding from both of your servers that BG is the target at all costs,and you dont attack the other server till BG is gone or no longer a threat.

Im totally cool with that now that we understand how your 2 servers work we can make arrangements and prepare for it for the next time, I really think it just caught BG off guard to really think that you 2 wont attack each other AT ALL if Blackgate is on the map and being a threat…. Dont get me wrong I know that once BG is off of a map or isnt a threat…. you guys beat the snot out of each other, but NEVER not 1 time in 5-6 days in 4 maps did you EVER go after each other if Blackgate was a threat. SO this isnt a gripe session, just understand that we know how its going to go from now on with you guys so I dont think it play out the same again.

commence with the debauchery.


Over the course of a 10,000 minute fight there will be many minutes where you are being attacked by both enemies at once.
When you are currently in first place on the scoreboard, that frequency will almost certainly increase.

Sky – [tSA] – Stormbluff Isle
November 15, 2012 – The day a dream died.

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: gebrechen.5643


Nice game today. A shame that I have to leave now. Green Borderlands are really interesting right now. I hope I get a free spot in US prime time.

Some people die on epidemic, other have skill.
- great warlord Waha of Sea 2981bc

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Blackrain.5760


I saw alot of JQ/SBI teamwork last night, it was quite sad actually. Once SBI finally wrestled away Stonemist from us; this after we basically held off both them and JQ, I started trebbing SM from Blackgate Overlook.

Then after doing that for a bit, out of nowhere comes shots at overlook from the right. Get someone out there and low and behold JQ was firing on my treb. We run the JQ off and do another round of Anz swap, till finally SBI decides to do the work themselves.

Still proud of Blackgate cause we basically were holding our own on EM for a good portion of the night against two other servers. Only started loosing in the early morning.

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Stenia.9623


SBI – Kudos. 2nd week you’ve made a comeback.

BG – See you next week.

JQ – Rest up and get some gold. We have work to do.

Well 7day transfers now and BG still listed as full so they havn’t seemed to have left your server yet. Also we came 1st place last week and didn’t receive a mass horde from that. I just hope that they stay on BG and all the EU people that moved to SoS will provide a very very fun match up next week

“Jade Quarry overstacked in TKG timezone”

Necro Class Lead for Night Shift [NS]

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: gebrechen.5643


There is no team work between JQ and SBI. It won’t get true by repeating it all the time.

Some people die on epidemic, other have skill.
- great warlord Waha of Sea 2981bc

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Cakoluchiam.6901


Congratulations SBI on your solid return to the lead! You are worthy opponents indeed.

Sorry about all my compatriots QQing about “team-ups”. I really enjoy meeting both JQ and SBI in the field together; 3-way battles are much more interesting than 1v1.

Rock on, and I hope to face you again next week!

Gryphonix – 80 Ranger, Blackgate [BBG][EC][FS]

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Artaz.3819


JQ lacks resources, that’s it basically. A lot of people took the week off for Halloween events or had to deal with a Hurricane.

Any of this BS that JQ is working with another server is false. JQ (the losing point server) was getting hammered by both SBI and BG last night at once because we don’t have the people to play in US primetime (all WvW maps were instant entry last night and 2 of 3 of the the borderlands maps were instant for the majority of the week). At one point, it was 25 total people on a borderland map we were on :P

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: RecasT.3746


Just a few points from previous NON deleted posts:
So bad we are facestomping you and putting up 600PPT right now in FREAKING Tier 1 LOL. Choo choo tier 1 pushovers.
At least in BG we dont descriminize, we steam role all servers equaly
Even if there was a hacker it doesnt account for 2 severs getting stomped by BG.
SBI and JQ are losing because they have been beaten and demoralized. Show me some resiliency and meet me on the field. In WvW, there are always 2 losers. Blackgate has done its fair share of losing, now it’s your turn. We are going to keep portaling and we are going to keep turtling. Try and stop us. I will see you on the field if you get a pair of kittens and show up.”

Thanks Blackgate for all the prematch Hype.. This match was more hyped than the past Wrestlemania and just as disappointing. Thanks Kefro for breaking my brain with those posts of yours…trying to understand what they mean. They go from “beastgate own u” to “sbi cheat bandwagon now bye!”.
ANYWAY, 9:03am EST. and it looks like things are wrapping up on another incredible week here… had some AMAZING battles and BG taught us some incredible tricks.. They were pretty shocked when we portal bombed the hills AND garrison with 10 golems for a total takeover in less than 13 minutes… Thanks to our Korean friends for that amazing pull off. Next week, I think, will be another fun week whomever we fight. If BG gets bumped back to T-2, good luck with them everyone. Great work SBI!

BTW Esoteric: We stopped you. hard.

I personally don’t hate SBI and neither likes them too, seems more like a “rival” server to me. but after seeing this, I pretty much LOLed..I mean, its like saying to BG guys “in yo face motherkitteners!” Really, SBI’s performance was worthy of 1st place and have a good sense of humor.

Recast The Great – lvl80 Warrior
Reclussion – lvl80 Mesmer
Elite Solidarity [ESOL] – Jade Quarry

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: aopGodfather.1825


I don’t think everyone from BG is saying there is an alliance “contract” in place with SBI… It is just pretty apparant to BG how JQ doesn’t go after SBI at all when BG is on a map. You do not have to have an “alliance” to have some sort of understanding of who you are going to attack and who you are not going to attack. We are not in 1st place and haven’t been since Wednesday late night / early morning. So please do not say it is because you want to attack the 1st place team. Either way I know some folks are going a bit overboard with it but others are just stating an observation which for all intents and purposes are pretty on par (sans “alliance” of course). Who knows why it has happened this way… Maybe JQ’s favorite color is Red so they prefer to attack Red.

I spent all night on BG Borderlands last night where JQ continually pestered us on the west side and they maybe went as far as getting Victors in the South. So we kept getting attacked at Longview and SBI kept hitting Cliffside and Garrison. It seemed as the South had a DMZ in the middle since they were continuously attacking us on both sides.

Again, just backing up some observations from some others and certainly not complaining. We handled the 2v1 quite well for awhile but SBI’s number during those hours were just too great to deal with.

(edited by aopGodfather.1825)

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: kidbs.8920


I’m familiar with the downed state glitch that can happen with mesmers (I’ve also had it happen to me). However this individual chose to stay in the walls for a good 30 minutes while continuing to attack anyone that he could reach. You can easily use a waypoint to get out, so yes this individual was exploiting.

Also, you guys used the portal bomb and turtle formation non-stop last night. I forget the name of that one EU guild, but they literally have a mesmer taxi service that moves them. I don’t think they even know how to use their movement keys anymore.

I was just joking at how we decided to take SM using that same tactic just to show how absurdly easy it is to negate damage while moving an entire group around. We were laughing over teamspeak as we were doing it at how cheesy and borderline cheating it is. It’s not something that we want to use and we’re hoping that everyone can agree that it needs to be fixed. Combat doesn’t not need to be dumbed-down and I’m sure A-Net didn’t intend it to be. As far as coordination and skill that it takes to pull off… it takes none. Anyone that knows how to read or listen can stack on a commander.

SoR – Nethernoz (Necro), Zealot of Pain (Guardian), William The Butcher (Ranger)

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: kidbs.8920


@Ferris Bewler.9706

Welcome to tier 1. I’m guessing most of you having had to deal with much strategy as you steamrolled your way up to the big leagues. It’s common sense what is going on, so you can stop with the accusations and fingerpointing.

JQ knows darn well that we’re going to be hitting BG as they are our biggest threat. They also know that while we are hitting one of your towers/keeps/etc that you will be tied up on one side of the map. It makes perfect strategic sense for them to also hit another one of your points on the other side of the map.

The new BG has not had to deal with any sort of pressure during it’s rise to T1. You guys have always crushed any offensive attempts made on you and never had strong competition on both sides that could actually hurt you. Now in T1 so many of you seem a bit shell-shocked and are looking to place blame on what is a perfectly normal occurrence in a healthy WvW match-up. 2v1s will always be happening to one side if all teams are relatively equal.

You also only notice the 2v1s when they are happening to you, but we sure as heck have had our fair share of it against us. JQ was hitting our towers and supply camps all night long (we lost towers several times in EB last night to JQ). If we had some type of unspoken agreement they would never touch something as big as a tower, especially not one that is upgraded.

SoR – Nethernoz (Necro), Zealot of Pain (Guardian), William The Butcher (Ranger)

(edited by kidbs.8920)

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Blade.9317


I am not buying the 2v1 conspiracy theory, what I saw was a desire shared by both SBI and JQ to smack down the new kid on the block. We at BG just have to prove that we have what it takes to stand up to that.

This week has been a lot of fun. Congratulations SBI on a great comeback.

[ICoa] Feisty Brat, Mesmer

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: StreetDoggy.1780


It looks like it will be the same match-up in Tier 1 after the reset. Over-all this week brought with it some exciting fights so I have high hopes for the coming match. Lets try to put the unpleasant incidents from this match behind us.
GLHF to all 3 servers.