STAY WOKE. This patch didn't improve WvW
Condi is easy to fight against if you know how. Yes it is unbalanced but everyone that plays WvW should learn to adapt to this. If you do not like it, may I suggest you play another part of the game until it is more to your liking? As for me and many that I know we will continue to fight the good fight in WvW.
If you can’t beat-em, join-em. Then laugh at the other poor souls with this, game morality as you pound their faces into nothingness.
But at least I admit it!
PoF guys get ready for PvE joys
I get what you say. Rewards have brought back a ton of people or new ones but the fundamental problems of balancing are there with impossible queues on top of it.
Still its a huge boost for wvw after being neglected for years and i just hope it will get a lot more attention balance-wise the more people get into it even if a lot of them are just gonna go back to pve after a few weeks. Somewhere it had to start and this is a good start to things. Maybe im being too optimistic about this……
I get what you say. Rewards have brought back a ton of people or new ones but the fundamental problems of balancing are there with impossible queues on top of it.
Still its a huge boost for wvw after being neglected for years and i just hope it will get a lot more attention balance-wise the more people get into it even if a lot of them are just gonna go back to pve after a few weeks. Somewhere it had to start and this is a good start to things. Maybe im being too optimistic about this……
Yeah exactly. Many people will go back to PvE soon cause of poor balancing.
Good balance bat is what should’ve happened in the first place. I am really considering putting guild wars 2 away for now and moving to some other title while this all settles. Really sad :/
Throwing rewards at WvW only fixes low popluation servers.
I don’t agree with the pip distrubution system. It should be more about how much of effect you personally have on the en result rather than the servers placement something you have very little controll over.
What we got:
Legendary back item + a full set of ascended armor.
What we should have gotten:
Legendary armor.
Triple infusion slot rings. Like you can get by doing PvE fractals.
Legendary back item 1 year ago.
There was also no major bugfixes. WvW is still laggy. Lootbags still make you port in certain areas.
To little to late…
(edited by Timelord.8190)
Exactly, and don’t get me wrong. Zerging must be fun and with those rewards, even a lot more fun, but when you mainly roam, you get so salty, it makes you want to hit someone…
although i agree with condi being out of wack, i do have to say that 3/4 of the people down first push every fight have been thieves since the patch hit
LOCK – Tarnished Coast
This patch had nothing to do with profession or skills rebalancing. I’m not sure why the OP thought it would
@zomgbuffalo.5276 Yeah exactly. Many people will go back to PvE soon cause of poor balancing.
NO! It has absolutely nothing with balancing when it comes to the PvE. Trust me I know. They will go back to PvE because they didn’t take the time to get the proper gear or build.
It was the mistake I made when I entered WvW and started to get serious thinking I could waltz right in and be a hero. It takes time to get the right build and gear that works for you. So after continuously dying, getting yelled at for dying and wanting to throat punch everyone…. I sought out and found people who explained why I was dying. Now I know how to react 1v1 or zerg or ktrain on how to survive and get the biggest bang for the bux I put into (gold..not gems).
Balance is always worked on and someone always will complain it is balance…Powercreep got too bad and condis complained …now its condi constantly griped about. Eh…it is always changing.
Consumed Hate – Thief
Unlucky Scrub – Ranger
@zomgbuffalo.5276 Yeah exactly. Many people will go back to PvE soon cause of poor balancing.
NO! It has absolutely nothing with balancing when it comes to the PvE. Trust me I know. They will go back to PvE because they didn’t take the time to get the proper gear or build.
It was the mistake I made when I entered WvW and started to get serious thinking I could waltz right in and be a hero. It takes time to get the right build and gear that works for you. So after continuously dying, getting yelled at for dying and wanting to throat punch everyone…. I sought out and found people who explained why I was dying. Now I know how to react 1v1 or zerg or ktrain on how to survive and get the biggest bang for the bux I put into (gold..not gems).
Balance is always worked on and someone always will complain it is balance…Powercreep got too bad and condis complained …now its condi constantly griped about. Eh…it is always changing.
It’s not the condition damage itself. It is being able to SPAM DEFENSIVE abilities (dodges, blocks, whatever) and being able to deliver condition damage with those abilities. That is what is cancerous about condi damage. You get to save your butt by dodging or blocking, but at the same time your opponent gets 10k bleeding ticks. That is not fun, not interactive and full of crap.
@zomgbuffalo.5276 Yeah exactly. Many people will go back to PvE soon cause of poor balancing.
NO! It has absolutely nothing with balancing when it comes to the PvE. Trust me I know. They will go back to PvE because they didn’t take the time to get the proper gear or build.
It was the mistake I made when I entered WvW and started to get serious thinking I could waltz right in and be a hero. It takes time to get the right build and gear that works for you. So after continuously dying, getting yelled at for dying and wanting to throat punch everyone…. I sought out and found people who explained why I was dying. Now I know how to react 1v1 or zerg or ktrain on how to survive and get the biggest bang for the bux I put into (gold..not gems).
Balance is always worked on and someone always will complain it is balance…Powercreep got too bad and condis complained …now its condi constantly griped about. Eh…it is always changing.
It’s not the condition damage itself. It is being able to SPAM DEFENSIVE abilities (dodges, blocks, whatever) and being able to deliver condition damage with those abilities. That is what is cancerous about condi damage. You get to save your butt by dodging or blocking, but at the same time your opponent gets 10k bleeding ticks. That is not fun, not interactive and full of crap.
I am trying to understand. I run a power thief and a condi reaper and 1v1 i never get that much condi damage. In zergs with good protectors I still don’t get downed by condis that often or that fast. So my question, as I try to sort this out, is how in the hell does someone get a 10k tick? Is it a build issue on the receiving issue such as glass cannon? Now if I am running around roaming and come upon 3 individuals on either toon I can be downed quickly but I guess because I am outnumbered for one and two I am not built for that kind of punishment. I play to my strengths and I am not going to 1v1 with a condi mesmer as I can tell the outlook will not be good on my thief..but on my reaper I can tat for tat for a bit and win some lose some.
EDIT it didn’t like tit
Consumed Hate – Thief
Unlucky Scrub – Ranger
(edited by usnedward.9023)
@op, in part it did…more than i actually was expecting, the issues ar e skill lag still happens, not has before but still happens when one blob is mostly aoe based.
It is easier to ktrain since some server are still empty and then ktrain sides is swapped from blue to green and then red as example, matchups still pairs servers with diferent fight time zones, wich is what create the population imbalance.
I think you forgot to mention the only players having fun with this stupid update are the blobbers running over less populated servers. We’re right back to the same situation before linking. Why anybody can find this grind fun is beyond me.
Virual [VRUS] Alien Lunatics [StFu] Nocturnal Sxaddx [Nuts] Ft. Aspenwood
That which is dead may eternally lie, but with great aeons even death may die.
Guys, I know everyone is happy about the new patch and how godlike it is, but Condi balance in WvW is still utter complete piece of donkeys poopoo. Condi players spamming defensive abilities can deliver as much dps as active power player while requiring less effort.
The game mode has not improved one bit, because we still have stupid balance where every class can literally run condi cancer build and annoy you all day long. Yes, I am talking mostly about thieves.
I can honestly say that I have run into 1 condi teef build and more condi necros/chronos/druids you can shake a stick at. A typical trick for fighting condi is try to stay ranged if possible as its literally a pure l2p concern. Yes they exist and no they probably wont go away anytime soon so i would advise to either adapt your build or change class or bail from WvW until the PvE’ers dust settles.
- I am currently a main thief roamer for SF in WvW. LOVE ME!
- {SOAP} Solo/Havoc roamer, lover of good fights
I think you forgot to mention the only players having fun with this stupid update are the blobbers running over less populated servers. We’re right back to the same situation before linking. Why anybody can find this grind fun is beyond me.
I can also honestly say (aside from the newfound lag) that I am enjoying this update and I havent been in any blob or zerg (although ive been saved by our zerg on more than 1 occasion due to the population explosion on other servers that have a natural high population that suddenly joined WvW).
Mind you I an a thief main atm and when I see a blob, its always “go for the tail” and win. I LOVE PPKs over PPT’s (although I will always look for situations where both apply). This update makes it a PPK’ers paradise if you know how to roam smart.
- I am currently a main thief roamer for SF in WvW. LOVE ME!
- {SOAP} Solo/Havoc roamer, lover of good fights
I think you forgot to mention the only players having fun with this stupid update are the blobbers running over less populated servers. We’re right back to the same situation before linking. Why anybody can find this grind fun is beyond me.
I can also honestly say (aside from the newfound lag) that I am enjoying this update and I havent been in any blob or zerg (although ive been saved by our zerg on more than 1 occasion due to the population explosion on other servers that have a natural high population that suddenly joined WvW).
Mind you I an a thief main atm and when I see a blob, its always “go for the tail” and win. I LOVE PPKs over PPT’s (although I will always look for situations where both apply). This update makes it a PPK’ers paradise if you know how to roam smart.
What’s up MC.
Yeah you prob have more fun cuz you main thief. I main necro. I don’t have the escapability if I need it so It’s way harder for me. It used to be I could roam around and get fights without being stupidly outnumbered. Now its nothing but blobs and boring.
Virual [VRUS] Alien Lunatics [StFu] Nocturnal Sxaddx [Nuts] Ft. Aspenwood
That which is dead may eternally lie, but with great aeons even death may die.
yeah why are we even having this conversation. all the update changed was some scoring stuff and some rewards.
zerk still outplays condi if youre better.
I think you forgot to mention the only players having fun with this stupid update are the blobbers running over less populated servers. We’re right back to the same situation before linking. Why anybody can find this grind fun is beyond me.
I can also honestly say (aside from the newfound lag) that I am enjoying this update and I havent been in any blob or zerg (although ive been saved by our zerg on more than 1 occasion due to the population explosion on other servers that have a natural high population that suddenly joined WvW).
Mind you I an a thief main atm and when I see a blob, its always “go for the tail” and win. I LOVE PPKs over PPT’s (although I will always look for situations where both apply). This update makes it a PPK’ers paradise if you know how to roam smart.
What’s up MC.
Yeah you prob have more fun cuz you main thief. I main necro. I don’t have the escapability if I need it so It’s way harder for me. It used to be I could roam around and get fights without being stupidly outnumbered. Now its nothing but blobs and boring.
Not too bad bud.
Being a necro/reaper would be a hindrance, however due to plaguelands and if you were in a small group (more of a havoc size) you are invaluable against a zerg (PvE zergs love to stand in aoe’s I find), combine that with spreading those nasty condis around and you will find lots of dead pplz lol.
I was running with a condi reaper guildie of mine last night and he loooooved corrupting all those boons and plagulanding the groups lol. He was slow af tho if a getaway was needed.
- I am currently a main thief roamer for SF in WvW. LOVE ME!
- {SOAP} Solo/Havoc roamer, lover of good fights
Looks like someone didn’t have a Mallyx resist spam Rev in their squad/party… idk at least they changed how Epi functioned, if only slightly.
Looks like someone didn’t have a Mallyx resist spam Rev in their squad/party… idk at least they changed how Epi functioned, if only slightly.
Condis only hurt when you don’t know how to fight vs them or don’t know what to watch for. You will typically lose a lot until you learn this. Some classes have more ways to deal with it than others (resistance, stealth/mobility, range, lots of clears, evades…etc). Its a matter of wanting to adapt and learning. If one doesnt want to learn to adapt or learn, then they deserve to lose.
- I am currently a main thief roamer for SF in WvW. LOVE ME!
- {SOAP} Solo/Havoc roamer, lover of good fights
Looks like someone didn’t have a Mallyx resist spam Rev in their squad/party… idk at least they changed how Epi functioned, if only slightly.
Condis only hurt when you don’t know how to fight vs them or don’t know what to watch for. You will typically lose a lot until you learn this. Some classes have more ways to deal with it than others (resistance, stealth/mobility, range, lots of clears, evades…etc). Its a matter of wanting to adapt and learning. If one doesnt want to learn to adapt or learn, then they deserve to lose.
I do agree with this.
Guys, I know everyone is happy about the new patch and how godlike it is, but Condi balance in WvW is still utter complete piece of donkeys poopoo. Condi players spamming defensive abilities can deliver as much dps as active power player while requiring less effort.
The game mode has not improved one bit, because we still have stupid balance where every class can literally run condi cancer build and annoy you all day long. Yes, I am talking mostly about thieves.
I agree.
Anet just made WvW a never-ending waiting list and one that you can’t even be in the queue and ALSO do pvp.
Players will leave in droves – like they haven’t already…. over 200 of MY contacts no longer play the game.
Even more left WvW and don’t play that mode any longer for the abuses and negligence over the past five years.
Looks like someone didn’t have a Mallyx resist spam Rev in their squad/party… idk at least they changed how Epi functioned, if only slightly.
Condis only hurt when you don’t know how to fight vs them or don’t know what to watch for. You will typically lose a lot until you learn this. Some classes have more ways to deal with it than others (resistance, stealth/mobility, range, lots of clears, evades…etc). Its a matter of wanting to adapt and learning. If one doesnt want to learn to adapt or learn, then they deserve to lose.
I think you are very wrong.
When you are pulled more than your mitigation allows, then conditions are overwhelmingly above and beyond any mitigation or stun breaks that we have been allowed while conditions have grown and grown and GROWN.
If the mitigation doesn’t ALSO grow with the ‘buffs’ seen such as in condi, then condi is abusive.
Tells? You have to be kidding! “Knowing” tells do nothing when you pulled six, seven and eight times into red circles.
@zomgbuffalo.5276 Yeah exactly. Many people will go back to PvE soon cause of poor balancing.
NO! It has absolutely nothing with balancing when it comes to the PvE. Trust me I know. They will go back to PvE because they didn’t take the time to get the proper gear or build.
It was the mistake I made when I entered WvW and started to get serious thinking I could waltz right in and be a hero. It takes time to get the right build and gear that works for you. So after continuously dying, getting yelled at for dying and wanting to throat punch everyone…. I sought out and found people who explained why I was dying. Now I know how to react 1v1 or zerg or ktrain on how to survive and get the biggest bang for the bux I put into (gold..not gems).
Balance is always worked on and someone always will complain it is balance…Powercreep got too bad and condis complained …now its condi constantly griped about. Eh…it is always changing.
It’s not the condition damage itself. It is being able to SPAM DEFENSIVE abilities (dodges, blocks, whatever) and being able to deliver condition damage with those abilities. That is what is cancerous about condi damage. You get to save your butt by dodging or blocking, but at the same time your opponent gets 10k bleeding ticks. That is not fun, not interactive and full of crap.
I am trying to understand. I run a power thief and a condi reaper and 1v1 i never get that much condi damage. In zergs with good protectors I still don’t get downed by condis that often or that fast. So my question, as I try to sort this out, is how in the hell does someone get a 10k tick? Is it a build issue on the receiving issue such as glass cannon? Now if I am running around roaming and come upon 3 individuals on either toon I can be downed quickly but I guess because I am outnumbered for one and two I am not built for that kind of punishment. I play to my strengths and I am not going to 1v1 with a condi mesmer as I can tell the outlook will not be good on my thief..but on my reaper I can tat for tat for a bit and win some lose some.
EDIT it didn’t like tit
I am sorry, I thought people would understand I am exaggerating here. But the main idea is that, for example, condi thieves can spam dagger 2 or 3 (whatever that evade skills is) and dodgeroll and at the same time apply condi to you? Is this normal? You can’t touch them, but they can apply condi on you. Doesn’t it sound stupid to you?
I don’t have problem with necros. Necro should be the only class that has access to condi IMO. I had this opinion always.
Guys, I know everyone is happy about the new patch and how godlike it is, but Condi balance in WvW is still utter complete piece of donkeys poopoo. Condi players spamming defensive abilities can deliver as much dps as active power player while requiring less effort.
The game mode has not improved one bit, because we still have stupid balance where every class can literally run condi cancer build and annoy you all day long. Yes, I am talking mostly about thieves.
I can honestly say that I have run into 1 condi teef build and more condi necros/chronos/druids you can shake a stick at. A typical trick for fighting condi is try to stay ranged if possible as its literally a pure l2p concern. Yes they exist and no they probably wont go away anytime soon so i would advise to either adapt your build or change class or bail from WvW until the PvE’ers dust settles.
I could stay ranged, but see, revenant or d/d ele doesn’t work that much ranged. If you’re going to give me that ‘switch weapons’ crap, I instantly answer you: build diversity is trash in this game and suggesting me something like this would be killing the diversity even more.
yeah why are we even having this conversation. all the update changed was some scoring stuff and some rewards.
zerk still outplays condi if youre better.
And if you’re at the same skill level, cond iwins 9/10 times. So much fun
And to top it off, you guys didn’t completely understood my point. Let me put my point in caps: DEFENSIVE ABILITIES THAT MAKES YOU INVULNERABLE TO OTHERS, TAKES NO SKILL TO LAND BUT APPLIES CONDITIONS TO OTHER PLAYERS. This is just stale, cheesy and unfun to play with and against. Let condition be, but at the moment condition damage is ridiculously balanced, some skills need to be re-designed from the ground.
(edited by zomgbuffalo.5276)
Looks like someone didn’t have a Mallyx resist spam Rev in their squad/party… idk at least they changed how Epi functioned, if only slightly.
Condis only hurt when you don’t know how to fight vs them or don’t know what to watch for. You will typically lose a lot until you learn this. Some classes have more ways to deal with it than others (resistance, stealth/mobility, range, lots of clears, evades…etc). Its a matter of wanting to adapt and learning. If one doesnt want to learn to adapt or learn, then they deserve to lose.
I think you are very wrong.
When you are pulled more than your mitigation allows, then conditions are overwhelmingly above and beyond any mitigation or stun breaks that we have been allowed while conditions have grown and grown and GROWN.
If the mitigation doesn’t ALSO grow with the ‘buffs’ seen such as in condi, then condi is abusive.
Tells? You have to be kidding! “Knowing” tells do nothing when you pulled six, seven and eight times into red circles.
This scenario is where the “adapt and learn” comes into play. If you are being pulled several times, then you no “know” whats going to happen and after a couple times you “know” how they are going to do it so one must adapt in order to survive or succeed…which is what my point was.
If someone hits you on the head with something, its going to hurt. Eventually you are going to wear something or shield your head so when it happens again (because you know its going to happen and you have adapted), you wont get hurt.
It may take a hew blows to the head before some people will get this but people do get it eventually…even it it means looking for a way (learning and adapting) to separate someone from their group so you can get them.
- I am currently a main thief roamer for SF in WvW. LOVE ME!
- {SOAP} Solo/Havoc roamer, lover of good fights
@zomgbuffalo – Ah..sorry I didn’t realize the exaggeration. Every MMO that I have played, thieves have ways to stealth and ways to DOT whether it be bleed. rupture, poison or what have you. I don’t see it being removed. Balanced? That is in the eye of the beholder or ANET.
I have only ever D/D in PvE but I see now what you are saying. In order to bleed that heavy they almost have to build in a way that makes them vulnerable and I guess you have to out survive the bleed and smash but you can’t do that because of the evade. To me this is more of a roam build since they would get squished easily by a blob.
Since I run power I cannot speak on how efficient the D/D is but sounds like it is but I have a feeling those running that build would comment on their overall weakness as the excuse why it is a level playing field.
Consumed Hate – Thief
Unlucky Scrub – Ranger
@zomgbuffalo – Ah..sorry I didn’t realize the exaggeration. Every MMO that I have played, thieves have ways to stealth and ways to DOT whether it be bleed. rupture, poison or what have you. I don’t see it being removed. Balanced? That is in the eye of the beholder or ANET.
I have only ever D/D in PvE but I see now what you are saying. In order to bleed that heavy they almost have to build in a way that makes them vulnerable and I guess you have to out survive the bleed and smash but you can’t do that because of the evade. To me this is more of a roam build since they would get squished easily by a blob.
Since I run power I cannot speak on how efficient the D/D is but sounds like it is but I have a feeling those running that build would comment on their overall weakness as the excuse why it is a level playing field.
Like I mentioned before: I do not zerg. I am sure zerging is fun, but ROAMING is 50% cancer. Please be reasonable and admit it instead of trying to cover Anet’s faults.
Guys, I know everyone is happy about the new patch and how godlike it is
not me. lol
Thai Guild Wars 2 Fansite:
@zomgbuffalo – Ah..sorry I didn’t realize the exaggeration. Every MMO that I have played, thieves have ways to stealth and ways to DOT whether it be bleed. rupture, poison or what have you. I don’t see it being removed. Balanced? That is in the eye of the beholder or ANET.
I have only ever D/D in PvE but I see now what you are saying. In order to bleed that heavy they almost have to build in a way that makes them vulnerable and I guess you have to out survive the bleed and smash but you can’t do that because of the evade. To me this is more of a roam build since they would get squished easily by a blob.
Since I run power I cannot speak on how efficient the D/D is but sounds like it is but I have a feeling those running that build would comment on their overall weakness as the excuse why it is a level playing field.
Like I mentioned before: I do not zerg. I am sure zerging is fun, but ROAMING is 50% cancer. Please be reasonable and admit it instead of trying to cover Anet’s faults.
BUT that is the problem. Everything is ANETs fault. People want one thing get it and either they don’t like it or others are now upset. Take reaper for example. Before balance I did quite well now after balance because of the whiners or ANET I spend more time on thief since I would have to respec all my gear which we all know isn’t cheap.
People complained of Ghost thief (I never played it but followed those who did) but people complained. Why? because they couldn’t see them but they had crappy damage. So people got what they wanted and now thief found a way and it is cancer again. I could say the same for mesmer against my necro and thief or maybe guard that they are cancer because I cannot kill them most of the time so that makes them cancer? When you roam and get beat down by 2 or more welp it happens. Get beat down by a thief…welp that is what they build for. Hit and run… bleed you and come back and beat down some more until your dead. If we had complete balance no one would die lol. Everyone would just counter. When I go 1v1 I expect certain outcomes when facing certain builds on certain professions. I don’t know what else to say to calm you….
EDIT: Why is zerg cancer? I get dotted and through proper techniques I rarely die. Good group maybe bad groups but either way everything seems cancerous to you except your playstyle and profession….maybe chang it up??
Consumed Hate – Thief
Unlucky Scrub – Ranger
(edited by usnedward.9023)
@zomgbuffalo – Ah..sorry I didn’t realize the exaggeration. Every MMO that I have played, thieves have ways to stealth and ways to DOT whether it be bleed. rupture, poison or what have you. I don’t see it being removed. Balanced? That is in the eye of the beholder or ANET.
I have only ever D/D in PvE but I see now what you are saying. In order to bleed that heavy they almost have to build in a way that makes them vulnerable and I guess you have to out survive the bleed and smash but you can’t do that because of the evade. To me this is more of a roam build since they would get squished easily by a blob.
Since I run power I cannot speak on how efficient the D/D is but sounds like it is but I have a feeling those running that build would comment on their overall weakness as the excuse why it is a level playing field.
Like I mentioned before: I do not zerg. I am sure zerging is fun, but ROAMING is 50% cancer. Please be reasonable and admit it instead of trying to cover Anet’s faults.
BUT that is the problem. Everything is ANETs fault. People want one thing get it and either they don’t like it or others are now upset. Take reaper for example. Before balance I did quite well now after balance because of the whiners or ANET I spend more time on thief since I would have to respec all my gear which we all know isn’t cheap.
People complained of Ghost thief (I never played it but followed those who did) but people complained. Why? because they couldn’t see them but they had crappy damage. So people got what they wanted and now thief found a way and it is cancer again. I could say the same for mesmer against my necro and thief or maybe guard that they are cancer because I cannot kill them most of the time
so that makes them cancer? When you roam and get beat down by 2 or more welp it happens. Get beat down by a thief…welp that is what they build for. Hit and run… bleed you and come back and beat down some more until your dead. If we had complete balance no one would die lol. Everyone would just counter. When I go 1v1 I expect certain outcomes when facing certain builds on certain professions. I don’t know what else to say to calm you….
EDIT: Why is zerg cancer? I get dotted and through proper techniques I rarely die. Good group maybe bad groups but either way everything seems cancerous to you except your playstyle and profession….maybe chang it up??
All I am saying is that SOME. let me repeat. SOME. SOME. SOME. SOME. of their class design decissions are very bad and cheesy. Look at guardian. That dude can spam defensive abilities while destroying you as well. It’s just some abilities are cancerous to deal with and you can’t even counter them. That is the problem. I never said some classes are completely wrong and should be deleted. F…k that noise.
I have to agree with the op. WvW is what I love most about this game, but as long as 15+ group play is a pirateshippy snoozefest, I’m not interested.
The mechanics of large group gameplay need to be addressed; changing rewards doesn’t touch the core issue.
unofficial theme song of the Nightmare Court
7 Proffessions.
Nerf guard….nerf thief… nerf necro….nerf nerf nerf…. That is all I see in PvP and now more in WvW. That’s 3 of 4? Not saying your picks Zomg. Ranger is complained about because of the range and stealth. Ele complained about because support can’t be killed and they keep team alive…. That’s 5 now…2 left….eh nvm… it’s getting to be pointless
Consumed Hate – Thief
Unlucky Scrub – Ranger
I have to agree with the op. WvW is what I love most about this game, but as long as 15+ group play is a pirateshippy snoozefest, I’m not interested.
The mechanics of large group gameplay need to be addressed; changing rewards doesn’t touch the core issue.
If you’re pirate shipping while playing condi you’re doing it wrong, the strongest condi builds work best when they are up close and in peoples faces. The game now is throwing condi’s out with revs/guards/reapers to provide constant pressure, and your bombs now are through coordinating your boonstrips and cc’s to really pile on the condi’s and lock people down all while mitigating the amount of damage your side takes through resistance,healing,boon application, ect. Im not going to say it takes more or less skill compared to other metas in the past, but it is what it is, and you either need to adapt or you’re going to fall behind and get ran over by groups who have embraced it.
7 Proffessions.
Nerf guard….nerf thief… nerf necro….nerf nerf nerf…. That is all I see in PvP and now more in WvW. That’s 3 of 4? Not saying your picks Zomg. Ranger is complained about because of the range and stealth. Ele complained about because support can’t be killed and they keep team alive…. That’s 5 now…2 left….eh nvm… it’s getting to be pointless
Ranger: staying at range from your opponent requires skill and mastery. Stealth is another great mechanic. All those mechanics are active and require some kind of contribution.
Support Ele: deal kitten damage, can be avoided, run away from, etc. Nothing major
CONDI FU….ING THIEF: spams with evades and dodges to apply condi, runs away, comes back, repeats cancr again. YOU CAN’T even touch it and it destroys you
and so on and so forth. See the problem? Skill design is crap on some spots.
7 Proffessions.
Nerf guard….nerf thief… nerf necro….nerf nerf nerf…. That is all I see in PvP and now more in WvW. That’s 3 of 4? Not saying your picks Zomg. Ranger is complained about because of the range and stealth. Ele complained about because support can’t be killed and they keep team alive…. That’s 5 now…2 left….eh nvm… it’s getting to be pointless
Ranger: staying at range from your opponent requires skill and mastery. Stealth is another great mechanic. All those mechanics are active and require some kind of contribution.
Support Ele: deal kitten damage, can be avoided, run away from, etc. Nothing major
CONDI FU….ING THIEF: spams with evades and dodges to apply condi, runs away, comes back, repeats cancr again. YOU CAN’T even touch it and it destroys you
and so on and so forth. See the problem? Skill design is crap on some spots.
I have a dream – Our Anet Senpai will make WvW Great Again!
WvW Forum is more competitive than WvW
They don’t care about small scale balance, but even in terms of large scale fights, the meta can get a bit boring, unless you play different professions. The skill lag can be also insane.
Plays completely opposite professions to his main Teef.
They don’t care about small scale balance, but even in terms of large scale fights, the meta can get a bit boring, unless you play different professions. The skill lag can be also insane.
yeah another thing is skill lag and technical issues. Those can be understandable I guess, since maybe they rlly need to invest tons of money in it to fix it, but bad game designs – they should reconsider that.