Grawls Gone Wild (GGW)
Sanctum of Rall vs Gate of Madness vs Yak's Bend
Grawls Gone Wild (GGW)
Spetrix.3859Don’t worry, I believe the Yak’s community is mature enough to see that true class pvpers aren’t the ones spawn camping.
As to what’s going on in the background for all of the Yaks WvWers, we’re organizing and preparing for the next matchup. It’s been a tough week but I hope we learned a lot (I certainly did, thanks TW for teaching me some solid T1 tactics)
I’m going to come out of the gate swinging again tomorrow at the server reset. This time we’re going to hold the point lead we build.
GG SoR, you guys won for a lot of reasons. I congratulate you on a strong win, strong play and best of luck in the higher tier match ups. We’ll be right behind you in a few weeks
This is the sole reason I have fallen in love with Yak’s Bend and will never leave. We have so many players that are dedicated to coming back next week fighting. SoR kicked our kitten sure, but we’ll dominate next week for sure! Can’t wait to see how we end up dominating next week
Alright SoR, be ready to rock and roll tonight. This next week is our week to show that our dominance wasn’t unearned. We will be competing in a higher tier, and will have to step our games up to show it.
Let’s kick some butt.
Alright SoR, be ready to rock and roll tonight. This next week is our week to show that our dominance wasn’t unearned. We will be competing in a higher tier, and will have to step our games up to show it.
Let’s kick some butt.
I think It’ll end up being a tougher fight than many will have anticipated. I do hope we can prove we’re as tough as the competition.
On the plus side, we’ll finally not be blue, and will likely end up fighting as red. A new starting area in the EB would be pretty refreshing.
(edited by tkalamba.2541)
Next week shouldn’t be a problem for SoR. Our players are amongst the most skilled pvpers out there so I’m looking forward to dominate again coming week.
Next week shouldn’t be a problem for SoR. Our players are amongst the most skilled pvpers out there so I’m looking forward to dominate again coming week.
Until they transfer again because of “high queue times” Enjoy the bandwagon while you have it, you will be back down here with us Yaks soon enough.
I get the feeling that after this week, Yak’s is going to come back with a VENGEANCE next week. Out of all the servers we have fought against they are one of the ones I have the most respect for. I look forward to seeing what the resets bring.
Regarding the talk of the new guilds that came to SoR, im personally glad to see more folks around. I think anyone should be given a fair shot at being a part of the community without being looked down on as ‘those kitten transfers’ I know there are a couple fair weather guilds that came along too, but those will probably move on to the next server as soon as we bite off more than we can chew.
People like the [HAND] and [TW] guilds are great examples of the kind of guilds we love to see join us. They appear to have their kitten together in WvWvW, and every person ive seen posting in these forums under their tag has been respectful, and generally cool. These are the kind of people SoR wants to see stick around in my opinion.
I agree that the spawn camping is lame. Spawn camping with siege is even worse. WvWvW is my main reason for playing this game. being locked out of it sucks. I havent even been in it this week, pretty kitten anxious for this reset to happen as well. I hope everyone has a better matchup.
Cyrix Casden – engineer
GSCH – Sanctum of Rall
I agree that the spawn camping is lame. Spawn camping with siege is even worse. WvWvW is my main reason for playing this game. being locked out of it sucks. I havent even been in it this week, pretty kitten anxious for this reset to happen as well. I hope everyone has a better matchup.
Spawn camping, while it is lame, can be countered/avoided. There’s a reason why every starting area has 3 exits, it gets difficult to camp all 3. The people being spawn camped need to learn to use the alternative exits. I see it on Rall all the time, all the side exits are always ignored. Rarely are they used. Everyone’s inclination is to run straight out the front gate, hence why camping has become so effective. While I do see occasionally someone uses the side exits, it is very very uncommon.
Next week shouldn’t be a problem for SoR. Our players are amongst the most skilled pvpers out there so I’m looking forward to dominate again coming week.
Until they transfer again because of “high queue times” Enjoy the bandwagon while you have it, you will be back down here with us Yaks soon enough.
Alot of the bandwagon guilds aren’t really contributing to our WvW efforts. The reality is they are still a somewhat small drop in the bucket when compared to our larger, more active original guilds. There are a few exceptions, but the bandwagoners serve more to tie up queue times than anything else. I mean this strictly in terms of actual contribution, and not just populating a zerg.
(edited by tkalamba.2541)
To Yaks and GoM, I’m sad we didn’t get to have a true battle with you considering the number of transfers. At the start of the week when GoM lept over us I was buzzing in excitement, and Yaks deceleration to get revenge I was ecstatic, Hoping for another 12 hour hold of AB, like we had against DH or a push shove off garrisons gates and when we got tromped on friday I could only think of how much work it was going to take and it was brilliant. Theeennn transfers And we lot our chance to fight head to head with equals, the original / long term Sor’s against worthy opponents. I do wish you guys good luck n the next round though >:] watch out for DH, they have a good 24 hour team and SF is powerful though they struggle like we did with timezones. Don’t underestimate either of them!. I Hope we get to fight again on an even playing field at some point (Spoiler: SF doesn’t zerg as much as most, they actually plan, so don’t expect to just wipe them and be done, you’ll get kicked in the kitten from behind, literally. They will use either one of you against the other they are brilliant at it and I really want to fight them again)
I dislike the transfer system as much as the next guy, but honestly – what’s the alternative? The game wide server situation is better now than it was three weeks ago. I’d say the devs are getting exactly what they hoped for – a spread of the larger guilds and overall coverage. Sure, the weekly matches get totally screwed up from time to time because of the timing and unluckiness of multiple guilds transferring unaware of each other, but that will work itself out in a week or two.
If you look at the overall system and eventual two week matchups, the entire system is designed around multiple servers being competitive and fighting between tiers. If the intent was to always fight the same people, they would have used the typical design. For the design of their system to work as intended, they need many evenly matched servers that are capable of consistently moving around tiers – not just a few. That doesn’t mean every server has to be T1 capable, because honestly T1 only means your 24/7 coverage is better. It has nothing to do with ability or coordination. It just means that ideally a server would probably have a total range of 3 tiers, and fight amongst them based on their own and other server results. To get to that ideal end goal – you need a messy start.
“…Alot of the bandwagon guilds aren’t really contributing to our WvW efforts. The reality is they are still a somewhat small drop in the bucket when compared to our larger, more active original guilds. There are a few exceptions, but the bandwagoners serve more to tie up queue times than anything else. I mean this strictly in terms of actual contribution, and not just populating a zerg…”
Never mind, Lord Lefteris. No matter what you say, people will simply not accept that they lost because they were outplayed. No, it was the fact that SoR had 900 people in every borderland to their 20 (even if WvW server cap mechanics make that completely impossible).
I posted in the other matchup thread asking if people honestly thought that SoR had won our last 3 matchups each time because of server transfers which came along and reversed the tide of battle; the popular opinion seemed to be yes, we’d won our last 3 matchups due to server transfers. Well I’m personally tired of apologizing for being good.
“You have more people than us” isn’t the same as “Less of us are logging in than you”. Even if our server had 75,000 players and yours had 2000, Yaks, you could still outnumber us if more of you logged in to WvW. It’s as simple as that.
Server population doesn’t matter; server participation does. Work on it.
Stupidity is when you can’t help it;
Ignorance is when you choose not to understand.
Hey everyone! Good luck today on the battlefield. How are the battles going currently? Any really good fights that happened?
USA (United Sanctum Alliance)
Sanctum of Rall
“…Alot of the bandwagon guilds aren’t really contributing to our WvW efforts. The reality is they are still a somewhat small drop in the bucket when compared to our larger, more active original guilds. There are a few exceptions, but the bandwagoners serve more to tie up queue times than anything else. I mean this strictly in terms of actual contribution, and not just populating a zerg…”
Never mind, Lord Lefteris. No matter what you say, people will simply not accept that they lost because they were outplayed. No, it was the fact that SoR had 900 people in every borderland to their 20 (even if WvW server cap mechanics make that completely impossible).
I posted in the other matchup thread asking if people honestly thought that SoR had won our last 3 matchups each time because of server transfers which came along and reversed the tide of battle; the popular opinion seemed to be yes, we’d won our last 3 matchups due to server transfers. Well I’m personally tired of apologizing for being good.
“You have more people than us” isn’t the same as “Less of us are logging in than you”. Even if our server had 75,000 players and yours had 2000, Yaks, you could still outnumber us if more of you logged in to WvW. It’s as simple as that.
Server population doesn’t matter; server participation does. Work on it.
That’s a point I’ve been pushing aswell but gave up on it. People refuse to accept it.
I transferred here almost 4 weeks ago, wow, what a difference a few weeks make! This week wasn’t the most fun Wv3ing, but I did get zone completions on 3 toons!
To the guilds that transferred here in the last week and plan to make SoR home for better or worse, welcome!
To the bandwagoners……well, lets see if you’re here next week if things don’t go quite as well
Let’s prepare to meet SoS. Next week should be fun.
Greetings Sanctum of Rall,
Nice work this week, thanks to all the home guilds: EPIC, VIG, GSCH, SPQR, USA, CDS, FMC, WF, WAR, CRS, HF, ASP, DSA, FL…and all the others I cant think of atm :/. Also guilds like TW, LUN and ND…its nice to see guilds with discipline come to the sever. I was gone this week end so I dont know what happened yaks was leading at the start, if it was anything like last week they started off by hacking. SoR main US hour is full by the way we do not need anymore main hour guild please. SoR people who are in a smaller Pve-ish guild or whatever, please fall in with one of the good wvw guilds at least when you wvw so that SoR in well organized we can be in 4 guilds at once.
TW video above shows good tactics, to break aggro to heal is one everyone can learn from, your not doing your team much good in downed state. Some good tactical books for study: the Bible, U.S. army ranger hand book, Combat Techniques is the modern spec ops basic hand book. My favorite is “How to win on the battlefield” it shows 25 key tactics from history why and how they worked so well.
SoR we had a nice week to rest and resupply I trust we are all 80ed out geared out and seiged out by now, I was about to shoot myself having to pve so much this week.
Yaks even this morning Tyrell and I found one of your commanders glitched into our orb base(anyone know how to port more than one sceen at once?) I do respect the Foo guild for giving us our orb back when it was hacked, sadly you have many disappointing people on your server. Good luck to the other servers, you guys have a long way to go. I hope for a better fight after reset. Win or lose in the next tier I trust we will have an epic fight.
TW has provided a server TS also EPIC has a Mumble for guild leaders and officers. The more coordinated we are the better, if we can all make it on the voice overs, say two hours before reset so each guild and unit knows what the other is doing. Ask around for info lots of guilds already plugged into the program united we can accomplish victory!
The moral of this screen is max lvl 80 gear is ftw :P
I agree that the spawn camping is lame. Spawn camping with siege is even worse. WvWvW is my main reason for playing this game. being locked out of it sucks. I havent even been in it this week, pretty kitten anxious for this reset to happen as well. I hope everyone has a better matchup.
Spawn camping, while it is lame, can be countered/avoided. There’s a reason why every starting area has 3 exits, it gets difficult to camp all 3. The people being spawn camped need to learn to use the alternative exits. I see it on Rall all the time, all the side exits are always ignored. Rarely are they used. Everyone’s inclination is to run straight out the front gate, hence why camping has become so effective. While I do see occasionally someone uses the side exits, it is very very uncommon.
True….by this point, most of us don’t really care though – see the creative uses of broken invulnerability spots (I did bug a couple of them, although I don’t think you can see anything in the SS’s – since I had about 20 SoR on me trying anything they could to kill me – which didn’t happen until I stepped off and took the death that probably should have happened – but not before a few killing blows myself)
Yak’s Bend!
TW video above shows good tactics, to break aggro to heal is one everyone can learn from, your not doing your team much good in downed state. Some good tactical books for study: the Bible, U.S. army ranger hand book, Combat Techniques is the modern spec ops basic hand book. My favorite is “How to win on the battlefield” it shows 25 key tactics from history why and how they worked so well.
Out of curiosity how does the Bible help with tactics? I don’t recall ever seeing it referenced for tactics. Just asking for clarification.
SoS is going to stomp us to be honest unless SoR somehow got a huge Oceanic crew. If we don’t have the new matchup will be no fun.
SoS is going to stomp us to be honest unless SoR somehow got a huge Oceanic crew. If we don’t have the new matchup will be no fun.
Probably, but should make for an interesting week.
TW video above shows good tactics, to break aggro to heal is one everyone can learn from, your not doing your team much good in downed state. Some good tactical books for study: the Bible, U.S. army ranger hand book, Combat Techniques is the modern spec ops basic hand book. My favorite is “How to win on the battlefield” it shows 25 key tactics from history why and how they worked so well.
Out of curiosity how does the Bible help with tactics? I don’t recall ever seeing it referenced for tactics. Just asking for clarification.
I think the only book about 80% of the people I’ve seen on your server have read is “How to Zerg by Zergy McZergienstien”
When you are out numbered, and the situation is hopeless, you have no option-you must attack
Greetings Sanctum of Rall,
I was gone this week end so I dont know what happened yaks was leading at the start, if it was anything like last week they started off by hacking.
You should play more often, your assessment of last week and this week is completely inaccurate. We started off the week by beating the snot out of you guys in an attempt to get an early lead so we could actually get some sleep after the nail biter that was the week before.
We couldn’t have known we’d be fighting Sanctum of the Henge of Jade Quarry all week. Good luck fighting SOS and CD though tonight! Those guys are tough, and SOS just never ever stops.
Sound tactics can be used anywhere even the principals can be applied to non combat situations. More literally though the old testament has lots of wars in it with very good details of most battles.
HC! I remember you guys, we did a 7 man keep take with you guys, though I think you did most of it and USA came to help finish.
TW video above shows good tactics, to break aggro to heal is one everyone can learn from, your not doing your team much good in downed state. Some good tactical books for study: the Bible, U.S. army ranger hand book, Combat Techniques is the modern spec ops basic hand book. My favorite is “How to win on the battlefield” it shows 25 key tactics from history why and how they worked so well.
Out of curiosity how does the Bible help with tactics? I don’t recall ever seeing it referenced for tactics. Just asking for clarification.
I think the only book about 80% of the people I’ve seen on your server have read is “How to Zerg by Zergy McZergienstien”
They only zerg as there is absolutely nothing left for them to do, its either run around as a mass pack killing champion mobs, or spawn camping really. Normally we’re semi-organized, but this week hasn’t really allowed for much to go on. If the enemy only holds a handful of points (usually 1 or 2) what do you expect them to do? trickle in one by one?
Sound tactics can be used anywhere even the principals can be applied to non combat situations. More literally though the old testament has lots of wars in it with very good details of most battles.
HC! I remember you guys, we did a 7 man keep take with you guys, though I think you did most of it and USA came to help finish
Haha, we do what we can with a small group.
TW video above shows good tactics, to break aggro to heal is one everyone can learn from, your not doing your team much good in downed state. Some good tactical books for study: the Bible, U.S. army ranger hand book, Combat Techniques is the modern spec ops basic hand book. My favorite is “How to win on the battlefield” it shows 25 key tactics from history why and how they worked so well.
Out of curiosity how does the Bible help with tactics? I don’t recall ever seeing it referenced for tactics. Just asking for clarification.
I think the only book about 80% of the people I’ve seen on your server have read is “How to Zerg by Zergy McZergienstien”
They only zerg as there is absolutely nothing left for them to do, its either run around as a mass pack killing champion mobs, or spawn camping really. Normally we’re semi-organized, but this week hasn’t really allowed for much to go on. If the enemy only holds a handful of points (usually 1 or 2) what do you expect them to do? trickle in one by one?
I would expect them to understand satire.
When you are out numbered, and the situation is hopeless, you have no option-you must attack
TW video above shows good tactics, to break aggro to heal is one everyone can learn from, your not doing your team much good in downed state. Some good tactical books for study: the Bible, U.S. army ranger hand book, Combat Techniques is the modern spec ops basic hand book. My favorite is “How to win on the battlefield” it shows 25 key tactics from history why and how they worked so well.
Out of curiosity how does the Bible help with tactics? I don’t recall ever seeing it referenced for tactics. Just asking for clarification.
I think the only book about 80% of the people I’ve seen on your server have read is “How to Zerg by Zergy McZergienstien”
They only zerg as there is absolutely nothing left for them to do, its either run around as a mass pack killing champion mobs, or spawn camping really. Normally we’re semi-organized, but this week hasn’t really allowed for much to go on. If the enemy only holds a handful of points (usually 1 or 2) what do you expect them to do? trickle in one by one?
I would expect them to understand satire.
lol I understood, but still felt the need to try and clarify all the zerging for anyone else reading these forums.
If there was a book on zerging, most of our players at this point probably have read it.
just wish more SoR would kill the grub after the transition from army to cop became clear earlier in the week. need to stock up on siege for next week.
just wish more SoR would kill the grub after the transition from army to cop became clear earlier in the week. need to stock up on siege for next week.
It’s funny, we have more guys on the grub when we’re behind, or trying to hold a close lead and we really could use the man power, than when have a significant lead and we can afford to waste time one a champion mob.
will we even have a grub-like next week? or today, i guess?
If we end up as red, which it looks like we will, I think there is a Champion Oakheart that spawns near one of the camps. I can’t remember since I haven’t seen it since Beta. I don’t remember it spawning as frequently as the grub.
I wish SoR the best in T3… I truly hope you don’t start to run in to the same problems that many of the upper tiers run in to.
The only thing about this thread that irritates me is some of the attitudes some people have on display. People on SoR seem to get defensive and think that the other 2 servers think they only won due to the xfers… I don’t think many think that. What most of us DO think is that the magnitude and severity of your win WAS affected by the transfers.
If you fail to see that a group of top quality WvW guilds transferring in while you were down helped you immensely, I don’t know what to tell you. Could you have overcome the deficit you had without the transfers? Absolutely, you are a good server and it was totally within your power. Could Yaks have potentially made it a competitive game? Absolutely. We just won’t know. The simple fact is, from Friday to Sunday, you turned from a T4 or 5 server in to a T3 or 2 server. I have nothing against the JQ refugees that transfered to SoR, you left your server for good reasons… I only hope you are as dedicated to your new server as you were to your old one before it became a mess.
It’s a huge letdown to me that we didn’t have another good match like last week, but unfortunately that’s just how the cookie crumbles. Overall, the JQ transfers are doing exactly what needs to be done. The problem is that as SoR becomes more dominant (or SoS, or Blackgate) the whole process will repeat again, until ANet does something about it.
The only thing that truly has me irritated is that I worry about the state of Yaks WvW force after this beating. Between fair weather guilds transferring off due tot he massive loss, to the potential of some of our commanders may have left, I hope we still have a decent group.
Long Story short; Good Job on your win SoR. Good luck in the upper tiers. I truly hope the state of WvW in the upper tiers doesn’t make you another HoD. /salute
(edited by Munki.9452)
Would like to say good fight to…. [XXX] Two Thieves One Guardian. Spawn-camping and owning the entire map is BORING. These guys actually presented us with entertainment/challenge. I LOL’d when one of your thieves managed to kite our zerg at a supply camp for 5 minutes XD. Our players were about to leave because they thought the camp was glitched
Was really fun learning the different tricks you guys use and how to counter them.
I wish SoR the best in T3… I truly hope you don’t start to run in to the same problems that many of the upper tiers run in to.
The only thing about this thread that irritates me is some of the attitudes some people have on display. People on SoR seem to get defensive and think that the other 2 servers think they only won due to the xfers… I don’t think many think that. What most of us DO think is that the magnitude and severity of your win WAS affected by the transfers.
If you fail to see that a group of top quality WvW guilds transferring in while you were down helped you immensely, I don’t know what to tell you. Could you have overcome the deficit you had without the transfers? Absolutely, you are a good server and it was totally within your power. Could Yaks have potentially made it a competitive game? Absolutely. We just won’t know. The simple fact is, from Friday to Sunday, you turned in to a T4 or 5 server in to a T3 or 2 server. I have nothing against the JQ refugees that transfered to SoR, you left your server for good reasons… I only hope you are as dedicated to your new server as you were to your old one before it became a mess.
It’s a huge letdown to me that we didn’t have another good match like last week, but unfortunately that’s just how the cookie crumbles. Overall, the JQ transfers are doing exactly what needs to be done. The problem is that as SoR becomes more dominant (or SoS, or Blackgate) the whole process will repeat again, until ANet does something about it.
The only thing that truly has me irritated is that I worry about the state of Yaks WvW force after this beating. Between fair weather guilds transferring off due tot he massive loss, to the potential of some of our commanders may have left, I hope we still have a decent group.
Long Story short; Good Job on your win SoR. Good luck in the upper tiers. I truly hope the state of WvW in the upper tiers doesn’t make you another HoD. /salute
Many of us acknowledge that transfers did help, especially with guys like TW. But we also stress they aren’t the sole reason as to why we are winning. Not all the guilds that came have been helpful and we sometimes feel the transfers are waaaay overstated. I think that’s why we’ve been getting defensive. There are individuals who imply that transfers are the only reason.
I hope you guys aren’t too down with this week and you see a resurgence in WvW activity. I wan’t to face you guys again on an equal footing in the future. You guys are worthy opponents and its a shame that things went the way they did. I’m sure, with the free transfers, you guys may have your chance with a population surge. The problem is, now we have all the Euro servers actively campaigning for guilds to jump with them. I think its time alot of the NA servers do the same in an attempt to balance populations across the board.
I’ve been on SoR from the beginning, and all I hope is that we remain competitive with reasonable queue times. I like the influx of fresh faces, but some of the new attitudes are less than classy.
Lil Bowpeep 80 Ranger
Urban Legends [UL] Sanctum of Rall
All this QQ about server transfers, zergs, spawn camping is really neither here nor there. SoR is winning this match for the simple reason that Yak’s and GoM gave up. That’s it, period. You could have mobilized and kept pushing even at a point disadvantage during the week, setting up a huge push towards the end which may have evened the score, but you chose not to. At the very beginning of the match Yak’s pulled a huge lead which SoR had to fight to win back, you could have fought us back, but you chose not to.
From what I’ve seen this whole week, SoR’s main WvW guilds and their leaders have taken a nice vacation, the queues for getting into borderlands has been pretty non-existent, there’s been nothing to do out there and no one to fight. SoR has been weak in the field, mostly full of PvE’rs looking to get their map completions, armchair generals pretending to be commanders while fighting the grub in EB. Even though we held the map I would categorize our WvW presence as merely a police force since we pulled ahead. With a little server leadership and some dignity there was ample opportunity for Yak’s and GoM to rise up and retake everything against a complacent opponent, you simply chose not to.
“He who defends everything, defends nothing” – Frederick II
All this QQ about server transfers, zergs, spawn camping is really neither here nor there. SoR is winning this match for the simple reason that Yak’s and GoM gave up. That’s it, period. You could have mobilized and kept pushing even at a point disadvantage during the week, setting up a huge push towards the end which may have evened the score, but you chose not to. At the very beginning of the match Yak’s pulled a huge lead which SoR had to fight to win back, you could have fought us back, but you chose not to.
From what I’ve seen this whole week, SoR’s main WvW guilds and their leaders have taken a nice vacation, the queues for getting into borderlands has been pretty non-existent, there’s been nothing to do out there and no one to fight. SoR has been weak in the field, mostly full of PvE’rs looking to get their map completions, armchair generals pretending to be commanders while fighting the grub in EB. Even though we held the map I would categorize our WvW presence as merely a police force since we pulled ahead. With a little server leadership and some dignity there was ample opportunity for Yak’s and GoM to rise up and retake everything against a complacent opponent, you simply chose not to.
Why would we bother being farmed by your band wagon transfers when we can wait out the week and have a much better match up? Too bad you didnt have people to farm with your 4x sized zerg, im sure you will do much better this coming week.
All this QQ about server transfers, zergs, spawn camping is really neither here nor there. SoR is winning this match for the simple reason that Yak’s and GoM gave up. That’s it, period. You could have mobilized and kept pushing even at a point disadvantage during the week, setting up a huge push towards the end which may have evened the score, but you chose not to. At the very beginning of the match Yak’s pulled a huge lead which SoR had to fight to win back, you could have fought us back, but you chose not to.
From what I’ve seen this whole week, SoR’s main WvW guilds and their leaders have taken a nice vacation, the queues for getting into borderlands has been pretty non-existent, there’s been nothing to do out there and no one to fight. SoR has been weak in the field, mostly full of PvE’rs looking to get their map completions, armchair generals pretending to be commanders while fighting the grub in EB. Even though we held the map I would categorize our WvW presence as merely a police force since we pulled ahead. With a little server leadership and some dignity there was ample opportunity for Yak’s and GoM to rise up and retake everything against a complacent opponent, you simply chose not to.
Why would we bother being farmed by your band wagon transfers when we can wait out the week and have a much better match up? Too bad you didnt have people to farm with your 4x sized zerg, im sure you will do much better this coming week.
Caps exist, and prevent this outnumbered stuff. The only reason our zerg is 4x larger is because of a total lack of you guys bothering to enter WvW. If you guys actually showed up, the numbers would end up even.
All this QQ about server transfers, zergs, spawn camping is really neither here nor there. SoR is winning this match for the simple reason that Yak’s and GoM gave up. That’s it, period. You could have mobilized and kept pushing even at a point disadvantage during the week, setting up a huge push towards the end which may have evened the score, but you chose not to. At the very beginning of the match Yak’s pulled a huge lead which SoR had to fight to win back, you could have fought us back, but you chose not to.
From what I’ve seen this whole week, SoR’s main WvW guilds and their leaders have taken a nice vacation, the queues for getting into borderlands has been pretty non-existent, there’s been nothing to do out there and no one to fight. SoR has been weak in the field, mostly full of PvE’rs looking to get their map completions, armchair generals pretending to be commanders while fighting the grub in EB. Even though we held the map I would categorize our WvW presence as merely a police force since we pulled ahead. With a little server leadership and some dignity there was ample opportunity for Yak’s and GoM to rise up and retake everything against a complacent opponent, you simply chose not to.
Why would we bother being farmed by your band wagon transfers when we can wait out the week and have a much better match up? Too bad you didnt have people to farm with your 4x sized zerg, im sure you will do much better this coming week.
Caps exist, and prevent this outnumbered stuff. The only reason our zerg is 4x larger is because of a total lack of you guys bothering to enter WvW. If you guys actually showed up, the numbers would end up even.
Caps are broken. It’s been brought up before. One side can blow the cap out and we are not even sure why its happening, pretty sure it’s not supposed to work like that. Also, you know for a fact that neither us nor GoM had the numbers to pack EVERY borderland AND EB where you did. Again, enjoy your ezmode win, im sure this coming week will give you a much better fight.
We just wanted something to fight anything
The entirety of the server is not responsible for this. In fact, some of us were actively trying to get people to abandon towers and let both servers gain some ground in the EB so that we could encourage more participation from all servers vs. just spawn camping.
It sort of worked for a bit for Yaks, they took a few towers to the north, but then some people got angry at the suggestion of letting Yaks gain some ground, and zerged back. (they felt that because people spent coin on upgrades, we should defend everything to the last man instead of trying to promote some fun in WvW). I actually angered a few people suggesting we hold back a bit.
SoR as a whole isn’t responsible for camping and the like. Many of us spent the time doing map completion and jumping puzzles. There are a select few who felt the need to inflate their egos a bit but we can’t control individual players on our server. I was even told I was growing overconfident when I suggested we let GoM and Yaks take their respective corners of the EB when we had a 250k point lead that technically wouldnt have been overcome in the amount of time left in the week.
You guys could have easily left your spawn using the other 2 exits, but a vast majority of players felt the need to run straight out to the awaiting campers. We can’t be blamed for players who couldn’t learn to, you know, use a different exit and not die like a lemming. I’m not defending the campers at all, just pointing out that theres 3 exits to the spawn, use them.
I give my respect to those guys from [OTG] on Yaks, they put up a good fight, and I saw them regularly for the short time I’ve actually spent in WvW. They were likely the most strategic of the bunch I saw.
(edited by tkalamba.2541)
The entirety of the server is not responsible for this. In fact, some of us were actively trying to get people to abandon towers and let both servers gain some ground in the EB so that we could encourage more participation from all servers vs. just spawn camping.
It sort of worked for a bit for Yaks, they took a few towers to the north, but then some people got angry at the suggestion of letting Yaks gain some ground, and zerged back. (they felt that because people spent coin on upgrades, we should defend everything to the last man instead of trying to promote some fun in WvW). I actually angered a few people suggesting we hold back a bit.
SoR as a whole isn’t responsible for camping and the like. Many of us spent the time doing map completion and jumping puzzles. There are a select few who felt the need to inflate their egos a bit but we can’t control individual players on our server. I was even told I was growing overconfident when I suggested we let GoM and Yaks take their respective corners of the EB when we had a 250k point lead that technically wouldnt have been overcome in the amount of time left in the week.
You guys could have easily left your spawn using the other 2 exits, but a vast majority of players felt the need to run straight out to the awaiting campers. We can’t be blamed for players who couldn’t learn to, you know, use a different exit and not die like a lemming. I’m not defending the campers at all, just pointing out that theres 3 exits to the spawn, use them.
I tried to leave the sides. We got one yak and one camp dead before this swarm of red names ran over to where we were and just destroyed us the proceeded to laugh like it was a great feat to kill 5 with 40. We just packed up and waited until the reset. Thank the transfers for your fun week. I’m sure they will stick around when you are not waffle stomping.
The entirety of the server is not responsible for this. In fact, some of us were actively trying to get people to abandon towers and let both servers gain some ground in the EB so that we could encourage more participation from all servers vs. just spawn camping.
It sort of worked for a bit for Yaks, they took a few towers to the north, but then some people got angry at the suggestion of letting Yaks gain some ground, and zerged back. (they felt that because people spent coin on upgrades, we should defend everything to the last man instead of trying to promote some fun in WvW). I actually angered a few people suggesting we hold back a bit.
SoR as a whole isn’t responsible for camping and the like. Many of us spent the time doing map completion and jumping puzzles. There are a select few who felt the need to inflate their egos a bit but we can’t control individual players on our server. I was even told I was growing overconfident when I suggested we let GoM and Yaks take their respective corners of the EB when we had a 250k point lead that technically wouldnt have been overcome in the amount of time left in the week.
You guys could have easily left your spawn using the other 2 exits, but a vast majority of players felt the need to run straight out to the awaiting campers. We can’t be blamed for players who couldn’t learn to, you know, use a different exit and not die like a lemming. I’m not defending the campers at all, just pointing out that theres 3 exits to the spawn, use them.
I understand that and the few players we have left do as well, in regards to exits from camps. Those who do crap like camping points on the map after a blowout win, know who they are. No one is blaming the entire server, regardless you all benefited from this type of play.
When you are out numbered, and the situation is hopeless, you have no option-you must attack
Toc clarify for those who prefer to imagine themselves as winners of this “skillful” victory.
With your transfers, that gave your server the decided edge to domnate the game. Yes there is a cap. The cap only works when you have the maximum amount of people logging into the game. Your transfers gave you better around the clock coverage. Yaks Bend on the other hand does not have 24 hour coverage.. So your full teams were fighting the majority of time against fractured pig teams and outmanned teams. No this not your fault, and is our problem.
When faced with that overwhelming amount of players vs outmanned players the outcome will remain the same. Basically you outmanned us. But by no means outplayed us as we demonstraited by taking back portions of maps and holding them for extended lengths until we logged off and it was returned to a hugely outmanned map.
rolls eyes
Yaks was beat the prior week without any transfers or “bandwagoners.” This week they just folded like a house of cards and didn’t bother to organize a fight back after Sanctum took the lead.
And it has nothing to do with 24-hour coverage. Yaks didn’t show up most nights even in primetime. The reason Yaks is “outnumbered” is because they didn’t bother to show up.
Anyone who thinks the large number of transfers didn’t win this game needs to get their head examined. Whatever, a game ruined by free transfers, what else is new. Sadly this not only ruins the game for the week of mass transfers, but results like this put servers in brackets they don’t belong, ruining the next week as well.
I don’t blame you guys for transfering. I wouldn’t sit in a 2 hour queue either, which you had because of free transfers. It’s baffling and frustrating that Anet is still allowing this to happen.
Yak’s Bend
We don’t want you guys trying any last second come backs. Controlling every single pixel of real estate is the only way to guarantee victory in this week’s extremely tight contest.
i’ll be interested to see what happens on Yaks today considering how many peeps jumped ship on our server .
despite the beating we got i pvp’d 6-7hrs everyday and had some good fights .
To sor good luck with your next matchup
There are people wasting Siege golems to spawn camp? Oheson, can you tell us which guilds are seen doing it? I’m curious as to which groups are wasting the time and resources for this kind of stuff.