Several terrible flaws in WvW

Several terrible flaws in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Grimnir.3298


1.) Commanders being determined by gold. I don’t know what you thought would happen, how that would pan out, but it seems pretty obvious to me it’s a fundamentally bad idea to have gold the determining factor.

Is it really such a stretch to imagine some sort of skill/contribution/rank system in its place? It would lead to a.) less of them, theyre already 5 or 10 commanders on ours and what about a year down the road? b.) better quality commanders, rather than some random guy with 100g. Basically, you improve your rank by completing objectives. This would mean the highest ranked players would likely be the most active. Along the way of being the most active, said players are likely to learn how to play WvW to some degree. You give command to the top percentiles of rank.

Also, as it’s been said command should be more than a blue arrow. I would even go further to suggest there is a commander that watches the map and influences the game indirectly (alot like commander did in one of the battlefield games with scan sweeps, supply drops and artillery) – with the blue arrows being a sort of subordinate rank to the overall commander. Let’s face it, most generals don’t get on the frontline. There’s alot of room for improvement here, that much is obvious. The commander system as it stands is nothing short of illogical and disappointing.

2.) WvW balancing, or lack thereof. Currently the most active realms dominate. That’s not hard to imagine as having more bodies gives your zerg more power or allows you to spread more etc. The ‘outmanned’ buff designed to compensate… I don’t understand your intentions there. You improve the gains for those outmanned, but do nothing to improve their combat effectiveness. This means they stand to gain more if they achieve objectives – but are fundamentally unable to do so due to being overpowered easily. Yes, it does allow for circulating the map supply raiding etc, but I don’t really think that’s what WvW should boil down to for some players.

How to address it? Cap player numbers so that one side does not get massively more players than any other? Have a sort of halfway system where there is SOME discrepancy allowed between player numbers and giving the outmanned buff some actual combat effectiveness boosting? This issue is harder to address than the commander one, but still obviously needs fixing. I can’t possibly imagine arenanet expects most players to be pleased with more active servers dominating less active, encouraging clustering of WvW fans on certain servers, and denying any sort of quality WvW to those on less active servers.

Fingers crossed some moderator can’t construe something to delete this for.

Several terrible flaws in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


Siege weapons are biggest flaw. Remove those and game is much better.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

Several terrible flaws in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Shroomzilla.5816


Siege weapons r awsome. If they were removed i would cry. I think a lot of what grim said is good.

LVL 80 Elementalist— Ankylosaurus
Guild — Merciless
Server-- Crystal Desert

Several terrible flaws in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Kam.8109


Siege weapons are an equalizer against larger forces. On defense siege weapons can hold attackers at bay until help arrives. On offense the attacking force has to have siege if they want to take points.

Without siege weapons W3 would be even more tilted in favor of higher pop servers. It would be whoever has the biggest zerg wins. Way more than it is now.

Several terrible flaws in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: SoPP.7034


I don’t disagree with this thread as perhaps am rather more over them. Everything you have just said has been posted in some way shape or form previously.

I’m at the stage where I would just like to know what ArenaNet is doing.
They have touched on some points:

- night capping
- fly hacking
- rendering issues

I’d like to see an update on some of these points and explain what (if anything) they are doing about aspects of the game such as servers dominating 100% of the map.

A warrior, a guardian, and an elementalist walk into an open field…
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”

Several terrible flaws in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Junkkis.5137


Guess they want outmmaned buffed players go do pve in WvWvW:p
Its really dont make any sense.

Several terrible flaws in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: ohac.8720


Can’t say I agree with one point in the OP’s statements. It’s not that I don’t get it, but you have to see a flip side of the coin. Yes, this is a game called Guild Wars and in Essences it is about guilds fighting it out. However, they also want solo players to have fun, off time players to have fun and make it equal.

So in this, these things like gold for commander? Yeah, I think it’s dumb, but fact is it’s ment so that people not in a guild or other concepts have a fare shake. Does it really defeat the purpose of Commander? Don’t know, if your blindy follow a commander icon after a few weeks playing, well.. nuff said to that.

For others it’s about organizing groups (the only way to get 30 man team going) and other tactics.

Tactics are a must I don’t care how many people you have, siege is a must , if you don’t like it why are you in WvWvW in the first place? You know there is a place that is just pure pvp right? You actually get stuff doing it as well! So yeah that’s a mute point.

- night capping, yeah sucks, but it is what it is , it has been in daoc for 5+ years and i am sure it will be the same here, devs already posted in another thread this will not change period.

-hacks, yup they are out there we are getting videos and screenshots, no arugments anymore that they are not happening, will ANET do something? don’t know they said they banned all these botters but I see 2x what I have in the last week. So go fig.

-Rendering, actually devs are thinking the technical end of this, so thats good, we might see a decent solution in the future.

In the end I get the complaints and reasonings, but when you think of these things , you can’t just think of one side or yourself, (well you could, but it won’t get the responses you expected) you have to think of all players and what can make that be as fair as possible so everyone can have fun no matter if hard-core , casual, guilded or not. ANET took time to think on these things and to be honest, as is even thou I might not agree with some choices, it is not a bad final product.


Tracker Maximous, Guardious Maximous, Arcanious Maximous, [DH] DragonHorn Officer

Several terrible flaws in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Lynx Raven Raide.2764

Lynx Raven Raide.2764

That commanders thing is a non-issue. Everyone knows that they bought it instead of earning it, so it is easy to ignore them when they throw out orders

Mad Aussie Bastard

Several terrible flaws in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Windmoor.9834


I have been coordinating our server on a regular basis, but I own no icon. I have even seen the Icons asking me where to hit next.

My point is the Icon is a good way to gather forces, but true commanders will shine past the Icon. There has even been 1 icon that I know of, that was totally shot down and nobody would follow the other night.

It may be called a commander, but in reality, its really just a zerg gatherer.

Don’t fear the unknown, CONQUER IT!!!