Siege Donation Box [Proposal]

Siege Donation Box [Proposal]

in WvW

Posted by: Excelsior.1420


Wouldn’t it be neat for us to have a siege donation box located in all four wvwvw maps and in LA. Given that the JP chest is probably useless by now… Not only that it would increase camaraderie within a server, it will also encourage commanders to tag up more often given that they would have a steady supply of siege and this in turn would entice more players to play wvwvw?

The box would work as follows:
1. All sieges that would be put into the box would become soulbound upon deposit/withdrawal.
2. Sieges that would be put into the box will be unsellable to TP (soulbound doh)
3. As incentive to the players donating, the box would give wxp to players when donating.
4. There would be a limit to how many sieges can be donated at a time. i.e. 250 per type.
5. Only commanders can withdraw sieges from the box.
6. Commanders have a withdrawal cap limit per 24 hours.

Thoughts guys?

[TRBO]Joshua Atreides
Isle of Janthir

(edited by Excelsior.1420)

Siege Donation Box [Proposal]

in WvW

Posted by: Pangie.3217


I sometimes make superior siege and donate it to the commanders I like.

While this idea could help, I can see a lot of people abusing it. There are a ton of people with tags but don’t use it in wvw or if they do, they might only be trolls. Some people might just withdraw siege to be mean. Perhaps if there was a blacklist feature to block troll commanders from withdrawing the siege or a list where you can put in your favorite commanders that get priority for the siege.

Siege Donation Box [Proposal]

in WvW

Posted by: Excelsior.1420


hmmm, excellent point. Yea we should add that. That’s why I thought there should be a capped withdrawal limit per 24 hours. I don’t know if the devs can do an easy workaround regarding the trolling but here’s what I can propose.

7. There should be a log of withdrawals like the guild bank, and a report function for troll withdrawals.

[TRBO]Joshua Atreides
Isle of Janthir

(edited by Excelsior.1420)

Siege Donation Box [Proposal]

in WvW

Posted by: psizone.8437


The easiest way to do what you want is to have everyone on the server belong to a server guild (I’m in FoW so there would be a Fissure of Woe server guild, for example)

Everyone would have rights to deposit things in the guild bank whilst only commanders can withdraw siege (should be possible for them to give people with the tag the rights automatically)

Of course, there would be the issue of griefing or greedy commanders, but as a community pool, I’m sure the players themselves will try to dissuade their commanders from doing so. Though, a report system for abusers might help.

You can, as before, represent this guild or your own guild. Being able to represent your server as a “guild” makes the game, especially WvW, feel more like “guild wars” in my opinion.

Brotherhood of Blub [blub]

Siege Donation Box [Proposal]

in WvW

Posted by: Excelsior.1420


Our server had actually done that in the past. We had a specific guild on which all commanders are on, and all players are encouraged to donate sieges to commanders which in turn commanders deposit to the said guild’s bank. But lo and behold, few weeks later, the guild just vanished – 1. Because the commanders have their own guilds 2. Because alot had transferred and nobody is managing it anymore. On higher tier servers, this might not be that big of issue, but in lower tiers like ours, it states otherwise.

I am proposing a more “permanent” thing that would be always there and could prolly encourage more wvwvw players round the clock.

[TRBO]Joshua Atreides
Isle of Janthir

Siege Donation Box [Proposal]

in WvW

Posted by: psizone.8437


I am proposing a more “permanent” thing that would be always there and could prolly encourage more wvwvw players round the clock.

I was suggesting Anet should create the guild and make everyone on the server a member, that way it’s always there regardless of people leaving and there isn’t the issue of people not “joining”. Also, they’d have to make it so the commanders can’t delete the guild, we can’t have that kind of loophole there!

Brotherhood of Blub [blub]

Siege Donation Box [Proposal]

in WvW

Posted by: Excelsior.1420


Oh! I get it haha. Hmmmm. That should work also I suppose. But what if they left? Can the remaining members invite someone? What if they invited another person from another server?

[TRBO]Joshua Atreides
Isle of Janthir

Siege Donation Box [Proposal]

in WvW

Posted by: LordByron.8369


since i am a roamer i usually send every siege i drop/get to commanders i see or put them in guild bank ._.

GW2 balance:
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.

Siege Donation Box [Proposal]

in WvW

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


Problem is… we avoid commanders. O_O

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

Siege Donation Box [Proposal]

in WvW

Posted by: psizone.8437


Oh! I get it haha. Hmmmm. That should work also I suppose. But what if they left? Can the remaining members invite someone? What if they invited another person from another server?

The guild would change depending on what server you are currently on. So if you transfer, you are kicked from the old guild and inserted into the new one.

Since it’s all automatic, there wouldn’t be any inviting to the guild. So the only thing players can do is deposit or withdraw (with commander status) items from the bank.

It’s a lot of work, but theoretically, it would work.

Brotherhood of Blub [blub]

Siege Donation Box [Proposal]

in WvW

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


It would not be a bad idea if you could control who can use it.

But without that, griefers and saboteurs from other worlds would just pick them all and use them to waste them.

Instead, the commander icon on the map should get a “send mail” option under the Join/leave squad option, to encourage people sending siege to them.

No exceptions!