Sorrow's Furnace vs Darkhaven vs Sanctum of Rall - WUVWUV

Sorrow's Furnace vs Darkhaven vs Sanctum of Rall - WUVWUV

in WvW

Posted by: CharliePrince.2071


I just saw this and nearly teared up, this is what wuvwuv is all about..

Congratulations to EVERYONE who has taken part in this!

Sorrow’s Furnace vs Darkhaven vs Sanctum of Rall

there are no losers

EVERYONE wins this matchup regardless of the score

like someone once said, this is simply


Sorrow's Furnace vs Darkhaven vs Sanctum of Rall - WUVWUV

in WvW

Posted by: DisplayName.7802


Not Shown: DH took over the entire EB during the night closing the gap from 10k to what you see now. We had to take get half of EB back and they even have DH borderlands right now.
As someone from SF, we are a little iffy/mad at DH and we are still fighting them.
Darkhaven is a poopface.

Basic Banjo

Sorrow's Furnace vs Darkhaven vs Sanctum of Rall - WUVWUV

in WvW

Posted by: brender.9728


Today / Now

SF: 208,117

DH: 206,069

SoR: 192,523

Darkhaven Alliance (DHA) is looking for guilds to make a difference in WvW. Click here.



Sorrow's Furnace vs Darkhaven vs Sanctum of Rall - WUVWUV

in WvW

Posted by: neoxide.7320


You understand that the only reason Darkhaven holds most of the land is because you have a larger population right? Sorrow’s Furnace usually has a 10k point lead and 300+ potential points until we get nightcapped by your huge population. Darkhaven accumulates freebie points for the 8-10 hours off time when WvW is virtually empty.

Sorrow's Furnace vs Darkhaven vs Sanctum of Rall - WUVWUV

in WvW

Posted by: brender.9728


You understand that the only reason Darkhaven holds most of the land is because you have a larger population right? Sorrow’s Furnace usually has a 10k point lead and 300+ potential points until we get nightcapped by your huge population. Darkhaven accumulates freebie points for the 8-10 hours off time when WvW is virtually empty.


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Sorrow's Furnace vs Darkhaven vs Sanctum of Rall - WUVWUV

in WvW

Posted by: Punny.9210


it’s the same reason on every match up dude.
u just have to live with it.

this match up seems to the best of this week though


Sorrow's Furnace vs Darkhaven vs Sanctum of Rall - WUVWUV

in WvW

Posted by: Sir William PD.9615

Sir William PD.9615

It’s not night time now is it?

-Thoryn Stormbrew, Dolyak Slayer
Purple Dragons – Fort Aspenwood

Sorrow's Furnace vs Darkhaven vs Sanctum of Rall - WUVWUV

in WvW

Posted by: Lucubration.8361


It’s been a great match-up this week. I hope we get similarly tight action for the next week.

Sorrow's Furnace vs Darkhaven vs Sanctum of Rall - WUVWUV

in WvW

Posted by: Vacks.6459


You understand that the only reason Darkhaven holds most of the land is because you have a larger population right? Sorrow’s Furnace usually has a 10k point lead and 300+ potential points until we get nightcapped by your huge population. Darkhaven accumulates freebie points for the 8-10 hours off time when WvW is virtually empty.


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Not that I have a problem with night capping, but it is true. These graphs came out before DH fielded an alliance with “a good group of hardcore pvpers that play in the euro/asiapacific timezones.” Nice try though.

Keep up the good fight. I want it to be down to the wire tonight when I get home.

Server: Tarnished Coast
Guild: Ours Is The Fury [FURY]

Sorrow's Furnace vs Darkhaven vs Sanctum of Rall - WUVWUV

in WvW

Posted by: Solinox.6251


You understand that the only reason Darkhaven holds most of the land is because you have a larger population right? Sorrow’s Furnace usually has a 10k point lead and 300+ potential points until we get nightcapped by your huge population. Darkhaven accumulates freebie points for the 8-10 hours off time when WvW is virtually empty.

Really? Is your night time 12noon EST to about 8pm EST? Because otherwise your arguement is moot. Get some fact before ranting over having competition.

Sorrow's Furnace vs Darkhaven vs Sanctum of Rall - WUVWUV

in WvW

Posted by: neoxide.7320


You understand that the only reason Darkhaven holds most of the land is because you have a larger population right? Sorrow’s Furnace usually has a 10k point lead and 300+ potential points until we get nightcapped by your huge population. Darkhaven accumulates freebie points for the 8-10 hours off time when WvW is virtually empty.


Read >>>



That was week(s) ago and was mostly over a weekend. Please explain to me why Darkhaven held every single green and blue node in EB 3 hours ago. My world had about 50 potential points this morning and now we have nearly 200.

Sorrow's Furnace vs Darkhaven vs Sanctum of Rall - WUVWUV

in WvW

Posted by: neoxide.7320


You understand that the only reason Darkhaven holds most of the land is because you have a larger population right? Sorrow’s Furnace usually has a 10k point lead and 300+ potential points until we get nightcapped by your huge population. Darkhaven accumulates freebie points for the 8-10 hours off time when WvW is virtually empty.

Really? Is your night time 12noon EST to about 8pm EST? Because otherwise your arguement is moot. Get some fact before ranting over having competition.

nightcapping a term likely coined by Europeans because the French worlds have Canadians that cap everything overnight. In the US our nightcapping or “off-time” would be somewhere between 5 AM EST and 5 PM EST. Within the last few hours and certainly within the next few hours you will see Sorrow’s Furnace’s points increase significantly. This is because even right now (3:30 PM EST) we don’t have very many people online in WvW.

(edited by neoxide.7320)

Sorrow's Furnace vs Darkhaven vs Sanctum of Rall - WUVWUV

in WvW

Posted by: DisplayName.7802


DH should like..bring 20 golems again lol and take over a keep :P lol.

Basic Banjo

Sorrow's Furnace vs Darkhaven vs Sanctum of Rall - WUVWUV

in WvW

Posted by: CharliePrince.2071


DH should like..bring 20 golems again lol and take over a keep :P lol.

<3 the team chat

:) gate down.
facing 15 golems.
at the bridge.
entering the keep lord.

….and people are still like: DON’T LET THEM TAKE THIS!! WIPE THEM OUT

lol!! that’s the fighting spirit that ha absolutely hooked people into wuvwuv

I myself get that way at times.. I’m goin down with this ship, I’m not running away!

Sorrow's Furnace vs Darkhaven vs Sanctum of Rall - WUVWUV

in WvW

Posted by: DisplayName.7802


Yeah, they broke thru the outer gate. And then the inner, but we pulled something out of our butt and built up some arrow carts with the supply we had.
At that point, most of the golems have been focused fire down but we still had to clean up the place

Basic Banjo

Sorrow's Furnace vs Darkhaven vs Sanctum of Rall - WUVWUV

in WvW

Posted by: Vacks.6459


The golem rush would have succeeded if we didn’t spot them all marching out of Anzalias and across the bridge. As soon as we spotted that we all rallied to the keep and built siege.

Server: Tarnished Coast
Guild: Ours Is The Fury [FURY]

Sorrow's Furnace vs Darkhaven vs Sanctum of Rall - WUVWUV

in WvW

Posted by: Lurko.7185


This fight is going to come down to the wire.

Guild Leader of Pak’Cafan [Darkhaven]

Sorrow's Furnace vs Darkhaven vs Sanctum of Rall - WUVWUV

in WvW

Posted by: Joshiasi.2840


I wish we can get more primetime NA people joining in. Rarely do I get into a battleground with a queue. And if I do, its usually 5-10 minutes or I can just go to the other battleground. We can barely fill all battlegrounds during the weeknights and hope that more players will join to bring up the server.

Gao Bahn – Thief

Sorrow's Furnace vs Darkhaven vs Sanctum of Rall - WUVWUV

in WvW

Posted by: griffdog.3927


Joshiasi – that’s correct. I joined up Wed night at about 11PM EST in the SF BG and there were 10 of us. TOTAL. We were fighting against significant forces from both SF and SoR that, between them, had every point on the map. We decided that instead of trying for our tower and getting caught in between a Green and Blue sandwich that we’d instead skirmish and take some camps.

So all 10 of us banded together and at one point had 3 camps secured. They kept getting taken back but it took a decent sized force to bring us down. I tend to think we did make a difference out there, harassing supply lines and taking camps. It was all we could do.

Moral of the story, everyone plays when they can. We have a stronger night and weekend presence than we do on Weekdays. That’s just how it is right now. You notice in both matches we’ve had so far we’ve taken the lead into Sunday but relinquished it between Sunday afternoon and Monday. We are who we are at this point. Hopefully we’ll continue to get more to join us during the weeknights over time.

The DH night crew has been doing a bangup job this match and I do commend your efforts!

Lochost Vandalhart – Warrior
Hurc Hammerborn – Guardian
Legion of Legionnaires [LoL] – Darkhaven

Sorrow's Furnace vs Darkhaven vs Sanctum of Rall - WUVWUV

in WvW

Posted by: Soba.3041


Been a lot of fun and I have a lot of respect for Dh and SoR. Wish I could be around to help for the finish line push but confident that it will be a knock down brawl the last hour or two. It’s the kind of fight you want to shake the other guys hands after it is all over.

Sorrow's Furnace vs Darkhaven vs Sanctum of Rall - WUVWUV

in WvW

Posted by: brender.9728


Sorrow's Furnace vs Darkhaven vs Sanctum of Rall - WUVWUV

in WvW

Posted by: carvin.7531


Not Shown: DH took over the entire EB during the night closing the gap from 10k to what you see now. We had to take get half of EB back and they even have DH borderlands right now.
As someone from SF, we are a little iffy/mad at DH and we are still fighting them.
Darkhaven is a poopface.

Why are you iffy/mad? As someone who was in the night crew for Darkhaven, in one hour we went from +100 to +400 and dropped you guys down to +55. We made a hard push last night.

Penguin Squad [PS] | Officer – Darkhaven – PvX

Sorrow's Furnace vs Darkhaven vs Sanctum of Rall - WUVWUV

in WvW

Posted by: Raffie.7865


You do realize that there is no such thing as a fair fight especially in WvW. and also lookup Agenda 21 its coming if you like it or not.

Sorrow's Furnace vs Darkhaven vs Sanctum of Rall - WUVWUV

in WvW

Posted by: Raffie.7865


Loosing in a close match up I can live with.
Its the 1 day steamroller and hold for the week that sucks. and also lookup Agenda 21 its coming if you like it or not.

Sorrow's Furnace vs Darkhaven vs Sanctum of Rall - WUVWUV

in WvW

Posted by: Joshiasi.2840


I agree Raffie. I rather loose in a close match since its more fun than getting rolled for a week.

Close fights are very fun and it keeps the 3 servers competitive. Wish to get another close fight this coming reset.

Gao Bahn – Thief

(edited by Joshiasi.2840)

Sorrow's Furnace vs Darkhaven vs Sanctum of Rall - WUVWUV

in WvW

Posted by: PotatoOverdose.6583


Confirming that this was an extremely fun matchup.

Sorrow's Furnace vs Darkhaven vs Sanctum of Rall - WUVWUV

in WvW

Posted by: griffdog.3927


Yup. Kudos to SF and SoR for all the great fights this week. Hope we get matched up again in the near future.

Lochost Vandalhart – Warrior
Hurc Hammerborn – Guardian
Legion of Legionnaires [LoL] – Darkhaven

Sorrow's Furnace vs Darkhaven vs Sanctum of Rall - WUVWUV

in WvW

Posted by: Piccolo.7296


This match was without a doubt the most even match this week. I only wikitten was like that for every servers match, but it’s not.

Edit: So apparently if you type WISH and then IT right after one another, it replaces with with the word Kitten.

Sorrow's Furnace vs Darkhaven vs Sanctum of Rall - WUVWUV

in WvW

Posted by: Gofr.5794


This match was without a doubt the most even match this week. I only wikitten was like that for every servers match, but it’s not.

Edit: So apparently if you type WISH and then IT right after one another, it replaces with with the word Kitten.

lol censor thought you were saying the “S” word.

Gofr, Asura Elementalist;
Garn the Rageblade, Charr Warrior;
Crystal Desert; Member of Crack Clan

Sorrow's Furnace vs Darkhaven vs Sanctum of Rall - WUVWUV

in WvW

Posted by: Elthurien.8356


As I mentioned in the end of WEEK score thread, it has been an amazing week. This is the kind of game where it just doesn’t matter whether I win or lose because every point was hard fought and I had fun every minute I was there. Well done to everyone involved.

Sorrow's Furnace vs Darkhaven vs Sanctum of Rall - WUVWUV

in WvW

Posted by: Elthurien.8356


I want another week….

I think with two weeks, the scores would just widen further. I honestly think even after having such an awesome week of WvW, that bi-weekly match ups would be ideal.

Starting at 7 pm Friday afternoon and finishing at 7 am on the Monday. Then Monday goes through to Friday in reverse.

  • Bi-Weekly would mean tighter scores but wont feel like the 24 hour speed dating we had at launch
  • At 3.5 days per match the start/finish times are staggered catering to more than one time zone
  • A 7pm PDT Start/Finish on Friday means when people get home from work/school they can enjoy the grand finale AND the grand opening for the match.
  • A 7am PDT Start/Finish on Monday accommodates the shift workers, emergency workers, insomniacs, students and the off-peak players that generally miss the Friday rush.

Sorrow's Furnace vs Darkhaven vs Sanctum of Rall - WUVWUV

in WvW

Posted by: Arius.7031


This truly was a really fun ride. I get that some people could be upset about Darkhaven night capping. We don’t have the population of Rall or Furnace, but we have a very organized night crew (most of which live in America, by the way).

Anyways, great match you two, <3 SoR/SF from Dh.

Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]

Sorrow's Furnace vs Darkhaven vs Sanctum of Rall - WUVWUV

in WvW

Posted by: Enerjak.2475


Sorrows Furnace is win, but I’ve always enjoyed fights against Darkhaven, even in beta.

Sanctum, fought you twice in a row… Y U NO ATTACK FORT ASPENWOOD?!?! lol

Excellent fight however. Hakaishin enjoyed it tremendously.

Alcione Enerjak – Human Necromancer (Level 80)
Guild Leader – The Hakaishin [GODS] (Sorrow’s Furnace)

Sorrow's Furnace vs Darkhaven vs Sanctum of Rall - WUVWUV

in WvW

Posted by: Enerjak.2475


I will not rob Darkhaven of a well-organized and impressive comeback, but Sorrow’s Furnace still won, and held control during daylight hours. Victory is still ours in spite of that.

Darkhaven aren’t being poor sports, I see no reason not to congratulate them for nearly pulling victory out of thin air. Superbly executed. If Sorrow’s Furnace were less-capable of stopping the expansion, you’d have nailed it.



Superbly fought. I look forward to a rematch, one the Sorrow’s Revenge Alliance and Hakaishin will try our damnest to ensure is won by us again.

Alcione Enerjak – Human Necromancer (Level 80)
Guild Leader – The Hakaishin [GODS] (Sorrow’s Furnace)

Sorrow's Furnace vs Darkhaven vs Sanctum of Rall - WUVWUV

in WvW

Posted by: mikomalupa.8740


Great fight for this week!! If only those 3 beasts from sanctum stopped hassling golanta / hylek would quit!

Sorrow's Furnace vs Darkhaven vs Sanctum of Rall - WUVWUV

in WvW

Posted by: Celestian.2689


It has been a pretty close fight with this grouping.

SoR tends to lose a lot of ground after the evening play time but we sure love kicking some kitten when we are in.

Sanctum of Rall – Vigilance

Sorrow's Furnace vs Darkhaven vs Sanctum of Rall - WUVWUV

in WvW

Posted by: Mira.4906


Great match SoR and SF, I’m looking forward to round 2

Guild Leader for [Myth] Darkhaven

Sorrow's Furnace vs Darkhaven vs Sanctum of Rall - WUVWUV

in WvW

Posted by: iii.3905


You understand that the only reason Darkhaven holds most of the land is because you have a larger population right? Sorrow’s Furnace usually has a 10k point lead and 300+ potential points until we get nightcapped by your huge population. Darkhaven accumulates freebie points for the 8-10 hours off time when WvW is virtually empty.

Dark haven does not have a night population,

There r at most 50 people on all
4 maps of all given time between 2am pst to 8am pst

Ask anyone on at those hours, and they will tell you the legend of the half naked norn.


Sorrow's Furnace vs Darkhaven vs Sanctum of Rall - WUVWUV

in WvW

Posted by: DisplayName.7802


Anyways, good match everyone.
DH may have taken over during the night, but SF got it back during the morning
This match up was way better than last week, with Fort Aspenwood kicking everyone’s butt. =(

Basic Banjo

Sorrow's Furnace vs Darkhaven vs Sanctum of Rall - WUVWUV

in WvW

Posted by: DisplayName.7802


Almost forgot Sanctum.
Stop taking Golanta
And uhm…good fight everyone lol.

Basic Banjo

Sorrow's Furnace vs Darkhaven vs Sanctum of Rall - WUVWUV

in WvW

Posted by: brender.9728


Restart match and is…

DH vs SF vs SoR

2º Round


Sorrow's Furnace vs Darkhaven vs Sanctum of Rall - WUVWUV

in WvW

Posted by: Arius.7031


“Ask anyone on at those hours, and they will tell you the legend of the half naked norn.”

Yeah, Darkhaven essentially has a half naked level 8 Norn that makes sure we take over during the nights. I’m not joking nor exaggerating, a half naked, like level 8 Norn, ask any Darkhaven night time player. The only reason we take over is because we gather everyone from all of the borderlands, instead of spreading out. In fact, sometimes we’re outnumbered by Rall and we still take everything over, because we’re organized.

Anyways, watch out SF, Dh intends to win this time around! Good luck and have fun SF/SoR!

Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]

Sorrow's Furnace vs Darkhaven vs Sanctum of Rall - WUVWUV

in WvW

Posted by: Kintari.4172


This was an extremely entertaining matchup. So many highlights, like defending SM yesterday with 7 walls down lol.

Darkhaven has a strong off-hours crew, and it forces us to work around the clock to secure as large a lead as possible. Rall on the other hand has the hatred of all of our pugs after our matchup with them and FA, which creates a lot of problems for us. I think with a little more organization they could be a a big problem.

I am glad the matchmaking is smart enough to recognize what a well-matched round this was. See you in the field.

Kintari | Rintaki | Rin Taki | Kian Tir | Zahinn | Lith <<< Blackgate >>>

Sorrow's Furnace vs Darkhaven vs Sanctum of Rall - WUVWUV

in WvW

Posted by: Tarage.8632


This is stupid. Fighting the same servers over and over again is not fun.

Sorrow's Furnace vs Darkhaven vs Sanctum of Rall - WUVWUV

in WvW

Posted by: iii.3905


“Ask anyone on at those hours, and they will tell you the legend of the half naked norn.”

Yeah, Darkhaven essentially has a half naked level 8 Norn that makes sure we take over during the nights. I’m not joking nor exaggerating, a half naked, like level 8 Norn, ask any Darkhaven night time player. The only reason we take over is because we gather everyone from all of the borderlands, instead of spreading out. In fact, sometimes we’re outnumbered by Rall and we still take everything over, because we’re organized.

Anyways, watch out SF, Dh intends to win this time around! Good luck and have fun SF/SoR!

Tell us more about this supposed half naked norn! I heard one time he decimated an entire army of dolyaks with 1 swing of his great sword, and when he roar, people send him gold.

Sorrow's Furnace vs Darkhaven vs Sanctum of Rall - WUVWUV

in WvW

Posted by: Worban.1574


Thanks to all SF and SoR players who have made this last week the funnest week I’ve had playing an MMO in YEARS!!! I am so thrilled that we’ve been pitted against each other again for another week of carnage and mayhem.

Grats to SF for holding their ground/taking the win.

Go Darkhaven, Go SF and Go SoR for another close match! DH will win this week though.

Sorrow's Furnace vs Darkhaven vs Sanctum of Rall - WUVWUV

in WvW

Posted by: Stice.5204


From another SF player, thank you to the players from DH and SoR.

It was so intense seeing it come down to the wire like this. At one point early this afternoon SF was leading by less than 700 points. Such a nice experience seeing it that close after getting trashed by FA’s night crew and losing by 200,000 last week. This is really what WvW should be. Very fun experience and I look forward to this week.

Guardian, Engineer
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast – BP

Sorrow's Furnace vs Darkhaven vs Sanctum of Rall - WUVWUV

in WvW

Posted by: Laundry.5120


Another Rall’er here, I have to add onto the top of the pile of how much fun it was (still is!) to have Darkhaven and Sorrow’s Furnace as opponents.

While our respective night crews may differ in population (we have a small but dedicated group I believe), the scores, and organization on all sides really made me appreciate WvWvW a lot more.

Going up against Aspenwood, having the outmanned buff more than a few times kinda got wearing but this week (and hopefully next) more than made up for that.

P.S. Also, the lack of spawn camping from all sides in this match (not driving to spawn but like…setting up siege outside for hours while owning the map) was good too.

Lavanderie – 80 Mesmer/Gaiscioch/Sanctum of Rall

Electrique – 80 Engineer/Gaiscioch/Sanctum of Rall

Sorrow's Furnace vs Darkhaven vs Sanctum of Rall - WUVWUV

in WvW

Posted by: Raffie.7865


Darkhaven surrenders to all servers. Our confused PVE server is not much of a match for really anyone.

It was a few few hours. and also lookup Agenda 21 its coming if you like it or not.

Sorrow's Furnace vs Darkhaven vs Sanctum of Rall - WUVWUV

in WvW

Posted by: Tariss.9813


SoR player here, part of the “night-shift” players (Australian). I remember when the servers first matched us up against each other a week ago, I was amazed about how close the scores were, and even more amazed when that trend continued throughout the whole week. I must hand it to both Darkhaven and Sorrow’s Furnace for giving us a darn good fight (and continuing to do so)!

While it can be quite frustrating during my prime playing hours (something along the lines of 4am-7am in American time, I’m not sure), because it seems that DH has a very large night-crew compared to ours, at least the fights have been very fun and no-one has a non-breakable advantage.

Here’s to another week of exciting battles!

EDIT: Late night battles are not fun though. Too much DH zerg. I don’t blame you guys, but it’s certainly very frustrating on our part when we can’t physically fight back against 40+ member zergs in our own borderlands. Outmanned was displaying for a very long time.

~ Senior Officer of Ravenkin [RK] ~ Sanctum of Rall~

(edited by Tariss.9813)