Sorrow's Furnace vs Darkhaven vs Sanctum of Rall - WUVWUV
Yes well apparently an even fight is not what a lot of people want because now this week a bunch of guilds have gotten together and come up with an amazing, brilliant strategy…. all transferring to the same server! Wow what an splendid display of tactics and strategy! Who could have guessed that simply getting a large number of players to switch servers would win the day! Yes now the server that was a close 3rd place is now a dominant 1st place and outnumbers both servers during all hours.
What a fantastic display of players gaming the system to stack the deck in their favor. Even when by accident an even match is set up some people always have to find a way to make sure they don’t have to play an even match. This transferring nonsense, the fact that no one can take anything in this match without being accused of hacking, and all the bickering and trolling pretty much has turned a lot of people away from wvw.
See you guys next week when you get a tougher match you can’t easily win and you transfer back?
What is this about? Who transferred where?
[GSCH] Gaiscioch Gaming Community
Yes well apparently an even fight is not what a lot of people want because now this week a bunch of guilds have gotten together and come up with an amazing, brilliant strategy…. all transferring to the same server! Wow what an splendid display of tactics and strategy! Who could have guessed that simply getting a large number of players to switch servers would win the day! Yes now the server that was a close 3rd place is now a dominant 1st place and outnumbers both servers during all hours.
What a fantastic display of players gaming the system to stack the deck in their favor. Even when by accident an even match is set up some people always have to find a way to make sure they don’t have to play an even match. This transferring nonsense, the fact that no one can take anything in this match without being accused of hacking, and all the bickering and trolling pretty much has turned a lot of people away from wvw.
See you guys next week when you get a tougher match you can’t easily win and you transfer back?What is this about? Who transferred where?
I want to know it too….
Too bad, but I would say SF has almost certainly either given up or our WvWvW population is dwindling. I was getting the undermanned buff last night at 9PM central time. It was a good fight last week, at least.
As a SF player, I am hopeful that a lot of people are just like me and just taking the week off. I also hope we end up with a new matchup with the new colors. Tired of fighting the same people as green.
While a break is nice, I doubt wishful thinking will swap the servers we fight next week. The only way we won’t get the same opponents (I’m from DH) is that SF completely smashed us this week and Rall did decently. That, combined with another server below us doing supremely well (enough to bypass Rall in points), would switch up the matchup.
However, with the current standings of SoR, DH, SF and it being a close game yet again, if anything SoR will pass SF and become the green for our third same match-up with DH staying red and being in third.
Another scenario is if SF loses utterly and completely to allow the servers below to jump into our bracket, but I doubt that will happen as all three of our servers are quite even as always!
That person just wants to believe that everyone transfered to SoR and that’s the only reason we’re winning. People will come up with excuses anytime they start losing.
Overall it’s been a lot of fun winning or losing. Honestly it was more fun (for me personally) when SoR was behind and we had to fight extra hard to take stuff.
I have noticed an increase in the number of people in WvW but I think that’s just because we started doing really well, and people got word of it. I dont think that many people have transferred here. Not enough to say “you guys only win because people transfered there” heh.
SoR WvW population and guilds haven’t noticeably changed. Operation: Kill Red-Shirt is just going really well due to SF (our main primetime competitors) having an extremely reduced presence these past 2-3 days.
Sanctum of Rall
(edited by Kiamar.1820)
SoR is winning alright, hands down. They fly here and fly there. Fly into a keep and mez portal. They got it going ON…….for now.
Real skills for sure. its coming if you like it or not.
SoR WvW population and guilds haven’t noticeably changed. Operation: Kill Red-Shirt is just going really well due to SF (our main primetime competitors) having an extremely reduced presence these past 2-3 days.
I’ve noticed this as well.
A couple things I’ve noticed this week:
A LOT more people on Darkhaven and Sorrow’s Furnace became complacent and assumed the same thing would happen last week with maybe a switch up between DH and SF or even DH getting shut out in third with SF taking first again.
SoR didn’t become complacent and instead got their kitten together. Noticeably, instead of the accusations being thrown at SF last week, people are now throwing accusations at SoR.
I 100% do not believe any large WvW guilds from SF swapped to SoR. That would be completely backwards to any conventional logic. If anything, some pugs from SoR probably transferred to SF to jump aboard the bandwagon since they won.
In the end, last week was fun, this week is fun, although slightly more lopsided in SoR’s favor. I think all three of our servers are used to having good matches and competing (especially SF and SoR since this is week #3 you’re playing each other) and frustration that some people cannot compete anymore is kicking in.
The calling out of hackers is happening world wide, with what looks like almost every server being called general hackers. That needs to stop. Clearly there are hackers and they’re abusing the system to ruin the fun of others, but we need to cut out the accusations and post what proof we have to ANet and let them deal with it.
No need to talk trash about other servers. SoR isn’t hacking. One or two people from SoR are hacking. Every server has their kitteny people and soon enough Anet will take care of all of them.
EDIT: I should note, that I haven’t seen sanctum hack so I’m just basing that on what Raffie said..
I just posted this in another thread pertaining to this topic, but just my thoughts.
Being on SF and participating with vVv gaming in WvW just a couple things I have noticed and want to comment on also.
1. I don’t pin certain people hacking on an entire server, yes it sucks that it can turn the tides and ruin the point spread, but that isn’t the entire servers fault. Hopefully that ban hammer hits f’n hard!
2. With regards to guilds leaving SF for SoR. I don’t believe that to be true. We were playing last night and trying to hold/take spots and it seemed to be all SoR pushing and I saw a few Darkhaven guys. We were in SoR’s borderlands. BUT… what I did see was some big groups of guilds that I had not seen on SoR before. A couple names stood out to me as being pretty well known WoW guilds, not sure if they are the same guys, but if so it would make since.
3. With the attention that our servers got last round and server Q’s being a big issue for alot of people, I feel like it brought some xfer’s to our 3 servers. In this case I feel that it was SoR that got the biggest of this. Probably due to it being apparent that they have a night presence.
I really enjoy WvW, and things are still being iron’d out for sure. Try to enjoy the game and not get caught up in the Forums with all the negativity. There are thousands of people playing, so don’t let a few people trying to flame your server bring you down. Forum trolls will do their thing always.
I just hope to be able to still have fun battles with servers and be competitive. Obviously I hate losing and so does everyone else, but we do what we can.
Thanks and hope to meet you on the battle field.
SoR is winning alright, hands down.(…)
The scoreboard is a mere measurement for performance, not a tool to determine a winner. What does the “winner” get? Trumpets, a medal, gold, gems?
Actually the “winners” have more bonuses they are losing when matches are recalculated. If they go up the ladder next round they may be getting less bonuses due to stronger enemies. So no, they are not “winning” in a classic sense.
What they gain is a bigger challenge. That is what w³ is about. The challenge. That is why taking a break cause you won the previous round is in reality giving up. It is also why cheaters have to be reported and punished – they are destroying that challenge.
There is no winner because there is no end, just the next round waiting, the next challenge.
Rashka the desert scout
<Vigilance> VIG
Sanctum of Rall
That person just wants to believe that everyone transfered to SoR and that’s the only reason we’re winning. People will come up with excuses anytime they start losing.
Me? Sorry, but I’ve noticed a lot more undermanned buffs this week, even at decent times (like 9PM CST). What do you want me to say? I don’t mind what the scores and I’m not trying to make excuses, but it is what it is. I’d rather play Fort Aspenwood again and be ahead by 200,000 points but have a full zone. I hope that the theory that people are just taking a week off are true.
Sorrow’s Furnace
This thread started to congratulate the servers on a good fight for last weeks match up. Last week was really fun and the last few hours of the match up was especially exciting. Some of the fights this week were pretty fun too like the three way battle for SM a couple nights ago. Getting kicked off for the update was a really omgwtfbbq tear hair out moment. I called it a night after I rushed back in to start the battle over to only watch everything get repaired right before my eyes.
It’s sad that this was turned into a name calling and a hostile thread.
I would like to thank everyone on SF and SoR for giving us some epic battles and for showing what WvW can be.
From my perspective from Sanctum I have to give big props for GSCH taking much more active role in WvW this week. They are population core of this server and personally that got me motivated big time. I did 8 with commander flag last night and we had all tons of fun.
SF’s larger alliances (ITM, SR, etc) are still cozy on SF. That said, if there was any flux moving to SoR or DH, it was so miniscule that we didn’t even notice.
I don’t doubt there are those pricks who transfer just to be on the “winning side”… but I imagine they are fewer rather than any majority.
SF is just complacent. Most are pushing other goals (100% map completion for legendaries, dungeon armor, etc) and don’t really care for a second fight against the exact same opponents. At least, those I’ve spoken to in my guild and abroad have cited these reasons.
SF has a whole hell of a lot stronger forces, as proven in the epic battles last week. When SF wants to kick kitten they will kick kitten
The difficult part stands in making them want to.
Guild Leader – The Hakaishin [GODS] (Sorrow’s Furnace)
SF’s larger alliances (ITM, SR, etc) are still cozy on SF. That said, if there was any flux moving to SoR or DH, it was so miniscule that we didn’t even notice.
I don’t doubt there are those pricks who transfer just to be on the “winning side”… but I imagine they are fewer rather than any majority.
SF is just complacent. Most are pushing other goals (100% map completion for legendaries, dungeon armor, etc) and don’t really care for a second fight against the exact same opponents. At least, those I’ve spoken to in my guild and abroad have cited these reasons.
SF has a whole hell of a lot stronger forces, as proven in the epic battles last week. When SF wants to kick kitten they will kick kitten
The difficult part stands in making them want to.
I have to agree with Enerjak, many people are just doing other things. We regularly have around 30+ people in jumping puzzles, even during off-peak hours. Kinda funny really, if our jumping puzzle crew helped our night crew, we might actually be winning.
What will be interesting is if SoR wins and if we get another round, will the same thing happen to them?
About 5pm EST here and SoR has about 15 players total taking the map with not too much resistance.. Not sure where DH and SF numbers are going by they aren’t over here.
It’s the middle of the day where is DH and SF? I can see why all the QQ about DH seeming to get zerged but 15 vs 10 is hardly being zerged, maybe you all need have a discussion with your nightcapper guilds about how that strat is no longer working. SoR has adapted to the nightcapping issue that is the only reason for the sudden point gain. Anything else is just red faced pouting.
SF’s larger alliances (ITM, SR, etc) are still cozy on SF. That said, if there was any flux moving to SoR or DH, it was so miniscule that we didn’t even notice.
I don’t doubt there are those pricks who transfer just to be on the “winning side”… but I imagine they are fewer rather than any majority.
SF is just complacent. Most are pushing other goals (100% map completion for legendaries, dungeon armor, etc) and don’t really care for a second fight against the exact same opponents. At least, those I’ve spoken to in my guild and abroad have cited these reasons.
SF has a whole hell of a lot stronger forces, as proven in the epic battles last week. When SF wants to kick kitten they will kick kitten
The difficult part stands in making them want to.
I have to agree with Enerjak, many people are just doing other things. We regularly have around 30+ people in jumping puzzles, even during off-peak hours. Kinda funny really, if our jumping puzzle crew helped our night crew, we might actually be winning.
What will be interesting is if SoR wins and if we get another round, will the same thing happen to them?
That rumor was spread by certain DH individuals in now deleted threads. They were called out on it but of course they didn’t further comment it. Anyway, rumors spread like cancer once they are in the world.
Actually i do think we are going to have another matchup. SoR has some daoc vet guilds including VIG. We are used to fighting the same enemies over and over again. Personally i like it because one develops a love/hate relationship which makes it more fun.
Rashka the desert scout
<Vigilance> VIG
Sanctum of Rall
believe nothing you hear and only half of what you see. It seems we are seeing psychological warfare and propaganda at its best.
SF’s larger alliances (ITM, SR, etc) are still cozy on SF. That said, if there was any flux moving to SoR or DH, it was so miniscule that we didn’t even notice.
I don’t doubt there are those pricks who transfer just to be on the “winning side”… but I imagine they are fewer rather than any majority.
SF is just complacent. Most are pushing other goals (100% map completion for legendaries, dungeon armor, etc) and don’t really care for a second fight against the exact same opponents. At least, those I’ve spoken to in my guild and abroad have cited these reasons.
SF has a whole hell of a lot stronger forces, as proven in the epic battles last week. When SF wants to kick kitten they will kick kitten
The difficult part stands in making them want to.
I have to agree with Enerjak, many people are just doing other things. We regularly have around 30+ people in jumping puzzles, even during off-peak hours. Kinda funny really, if our jumping puzzle crew helped our night crew, we might actually be winning.
What will be interesting is if SoR wins and if we get another round, will the same thing happen to them?
That rumor was spread by certain DH individuals in now deleted threads. They were called out on it but of course they didn’t further comment it. Anyway, rumors spread like cancer once they are in the world.
Actually i do think we are going to have another matchup. SoR has some daoc vet guilds including VIG. We are used to fighting the same enemies over and over again. Personally i like it because one develops a love/hate relationship which makes it more fun.
Granted, but also, nothing is fresh. It becomes a game of countering what you already know about your enemy, rather than fighting new enemies and discovering new tactics, fighting styles, organizations, etc.
Aion had this difficulty pretty bad… one faction was always ridiculously OP (by OP, they had a much more active raid force) and the other would occasionally come out and rip the OP faction’s throat out and stomp on it, but otherwise were completely complacent and decided that the constant struggle against the same enemies for the same territory just to fuel already-rich guilds wasn’t worth it.
Every couple of months the underdog would slap the OP faction just to remind them that they could, but otherwise didn’t care at all.
If it remains the same enemies over and over in a protracted period of time (not 2 week matches… rather, for months) I fear this becoming the case in GW2.
Guild Leader – The Hakaishin [GODS] (Sorrow’s Furnace)
That person just wants to believe that everyone transfered to SoR and that’s the only reason we’re winning. People will come up with excuses anytime they start losing.
Overall it’s been a lot of fun winning or losing. Honestly it was more fun (for me personally) when SoR was behind and we had to fight extra hard to take stuff.
I have noticed an increase in the number of people in WvW but I think that’s just because we started doing really well, and people got word of it. I dont think that many people have transferred here. Not enough to say “you guys only win because people transfered there” heh.
I would say your server transfers helped but it’s not the only reason you’re dominating now.
The main reason is, I was just in WvW watching several people from SoR flying around the map. Going over fort walls, mesmers using glitches to pass through walls, etc… It’s sad that a once highly competitive environment between these three worlds has been ruined by a sizable group of cheaters. Yeah it’s not your whole server, but it only takes a few to completely destroy what balance there was left after SoR got the population boost.
(edited by Sojou.2067)
That person just wants to believe that everyone transfered to SoR and that’s the only reason we’re winning. People will come up with excuses anytime they start losing.
Overall it’s been a lot of fun winning or losing. Honestly it was more fun (for me personally) when SoR was behind and we had to fight extra hard to take stuff.
I have noticed an increase in the number of people in WvW but I think that’s just because we started doing really well, and people got word of it. I dont think that many people have transferred here. Not enough to say “you guys only win because people transfered there” heh.
I would say your server transfers helped but it’s not the only reason you’re dominating now.
The main reason is, I was just in WvW watching several people from SoF flying around the map. Going over fort walls, mesmers using glitches to pass through walls, etc… It’s sad that a once highly competitive environment between these three worlds has been ruined by a sizable group of cheaters. Yeah it’s not your whole server, but it only takes a few to completely destroy what balance there was left after SoF got the population boost.
Report them and ask other witnesses to report as well.
Rashka the desert scout
<Vigilance> VIG
Sanctum of Rall
That person just wants to believe that everyone transfered to SoR and that’s the only reason we’re winning. People will come up with excuses anytime they start losing.
Overall it’s been a lot of fun winning or losing. Honestly it was more fun (for me personally) when SoR was behind and we had to fight extra hard to take stuff.
I have noticed an increase in the number of people in WvW but I think that’s just because we started doing really well, and people got word of it. I dont think that many people have transferred here. Not enough to say “you guys only win because people transfered there” heh.
I would say your server transfers helped but it’s not the only reason you’re dominating now.
The main reason is, I was just in WvW watching several people from SoR flying around the map. Going over fort walls, mesmers using glitches to pass through walls, etc… It’s sad that a once highly competitive environment between these three worlds has been ruined by a sizable group of cheaters. Yeah it’s not your whole server, but it only takes a few to completely destroy what balance there was left after SoR got the population boost.
lol you are sad and low to flat out lie like that. I have been in wvw all day simply taking keeps the right way. Don’t be mad now. Have some honor, rat.
lol you are sad and low to flat out lie like that. I have been in wvw all day simply taking keeps the right way. Don’t be mad now. Have some honor, rat.
If you say so, kid. We’ve got screenshots, they’ve been submitted to Anet. But sadly there’s no way for us to report specific players since it’s just “Attacker from” and “defender from”.
lol you are sad and low to flat out lie like that. I have been in wvw all day simply taking keeps the right way. Don’t be mad now. Have some honor, rat.
If you say so, kid. We’ve got screenshots, they’ve been submitted to Anet. But sadly there’s no way for us to report specific players since it’s just “Attacker from” and “defender from”.
Post a screenshot right now, any one of them. You don’t have to accuse anyone of hacking with it just show a simple screenshot of your wvw experience. no? you can’t? what excuse will you type below this? where is the screenshot? right, sure. moving on.
Post a screenshot right now, any one of them. You don’t have to accuse anyone of hacking with it just show a simple screenshot of your wvw experience.
no? you can’t? what excuse will you type below this? where is the screenshot? right, sure. moving on.
Where in my post did I say I had screenshots? It’s all good anyway, they’ve been submitted. It won’t matter though – since you guys will move on to another matchup now. Congrats on the dominating 48 hour swing after what looked like a promising week of balanced fighting.
SoR has taken a huge lead today. One that I never expected of such a magnitude.
DH seems dead and SF is doing better but still less than we were last week. People are saying some guilds abandoned our world but IDK if that’s true.
Also, stop calling Sorrow’s Furnace SoF or SR. It’s SF.
Post a screenshot right now, any one of them. You don’t have to accuse anyone of hacking with it just show a simple screenshot of your wvw experience.
no? you can’t? what excuse will you type below this? where is the screenshot? right, sure. moving on.
Where in my post did I say I had screenshots? It’s all good anyway, they’ve been submitted. It won’t matter though – since you guys will move on to another matchup now. Congrats on the dominating 48 hour swing after what looked like a promising week of balanced fighting.
lol you seem pretty mad. thank you though we owned this week. maybe next week once you recruit more Rethesis (RE) members on dh side.
Post a screenshot right now, any one of them. You don’t have to accuse anyone of hacking with it just show a simple screenshot of your wvw experience.
no? you can’t? what excuse will you type below this? where is the screenshot? right, sure. moving on.
Where in my post did I say I had screenshots? It’s all good anyway, they’ve been submitted. It won’t matter though – since you guys will move on to another matchup now. Congrats on the dominating 48 hour swing after what looked like a promising week of balanced fighting.
You said “We” have screenshots. This automatically implies inclusion of you.
If that’s not what you meant, I highly recommend you edit it to say, “I think someone else has screenshots – at least they said they do and maybe I’ll get them to someday show them to me so I can post them here – and they claim to have submitted them to Anet.”
lol you are sad and low to flat out lie like that. I have been in wvw all day simply taking keeps the right way. Don’t be mad now. Have some honor, rat.
If you say so, kid. We’ve got screenshots, they’ve been submitted to Anet. But sadly there’s no way for us to report specific players since it’s just “Attacker from” and “defender from”.
As the old saying goes… “SS or it didn’t happen.”
@neoxide: There is an alliance of guilds on SF referred to as SR (Sorrow’s Revenge). No clue about SoF or any of the other strange acronyms.
Of course, this assumes they were referring to the alliance, or simply forgot how to put 2 letters together properly.
Guild Leader – The Hakaishin [GODS] (Sorrow’s Furnace)
(edited by Enerjak.2475)
lol you seem pretty mad. thank you though we owned this week. maybe next week once you recruit more Rethesis (RE) members on dh side.
Why would I be mad? I’m in WvW for vistas/POI – not to win. It’s good when we get a new matchup, it allows me to get new map coverage.
That’s the same glitch I saw an SoR invader do. Hope you report him like they did your guy.
Post a screenshot right now, any one of them. You don’t have to accuse anyone of hacking with it just show a simple screenshot of your wvw experience.
no? you can’t? what excuse will you type below this? where is the screenshot? right, sure. moving on.
Where in my post did I say I had screenshots? It’s all good anyway, they’ve been submitted. It won’t matter though – since you guys will move on to another matchup now. Congrats on the dominating 48 hour swing after what looked like a promising week of balanced fighting.
You said “We” have screenshots. This automatically implies inclusion of you.
If that’s not what you meant, I highly recommend you edit it to say, “I think someone else has screenshots – at least they said they do and maybe I’ll get them to someday show them to me so I can post them here – and they claim to have submitted them to Anet.”
As the old saying goes… “SS or it didn’t happen.”
@neoxide: There is an alliance of guilds on SF referred to as SR (Sorrow’s Revenge). No clue about SoF or any of the other strange acronyms.
Of course, this assumes they were referring to the alliance, or simply forgot how to put 2 letters together properly.
oh my bad he was saying someone “probably has SS” or he’s been hearing of “SoR probably hacking today”. “someone has the SS probably”.
woooooooow… lol this will be fun.
Server: Northern Shiverpeaks, Commander
Guild: Legends and Myth [Myth]
Whether guilds transferred out of SF, or guilds transferred into SOR is mostly rumors. There is no reliable metric to say what the population shifts are like on any of these servers.
The one thing that is verifiable though are the consistent outmanned buffs I have been getting on SF for the past 2 nights…in primetime. Multiple WvW zones have been giving me the outmanned buff between 7pm-12am EST. I don’t know if guilds transfered to SOR to bandwagon the winning side, or SF players are hanging out in Lion’s Arch /dancing. But there are distinct population differences in the matchup right now, and it’s just plain not fun.
Those people claiming that any server glitched or hacked their way to victory are idiots. Unless you have proof that 1 or more guilds (and they’d have to be large guilds) all hacked, or cheated in some way, then it has nothing to do with which server is winning. Every server has had someone that’s hacked I would imagine. That doesn’t mean that entire server is bad. Again, you’re just coming up with excuses as to why you’re not doing as well.
In the end, all the bickering is pointless anyway because what do you get in the end for winning WvWvW? Nothing. You might as well enjoy the ride
Well whatever the case I’m not having fun on SF. So there.
I hope we keep getting matched up, I-I’ll miss you guys if you go anywhere
1. I am thoroughly impressed by the turnaround. Great job, SoR! Instead of becoming complacent or demoralized, you’ve fought hard all week and adapted. I can only say what I’ve witnessed personally, and for what little I have been on in my usual night hours (haven’t had as much time to play the last couple of nights), SoR shows consistently good coordination and support, and they clearly have the numbers for a strong night force as it stands.
2. I don’t understand those saying they are bored of the match. We’re supposed to be going to 2-week matches. On top of that, most people would be ecstatic to be in such a close match. Practically 66% of other servers have had to deal with the other third completely dominating them besides the top bracket, until now. Now we’ve got people complaining that it’s too close so it’s boring? OK.
3. Not going to comment on hackusations anymore besides to say they A.) Do not represent an entire server and B.) Need to go through the proper channels and reported to the authority, ANet, not in call-outs or name and shame on forums.
4. Keep it up all around! Most fun I’ve had in WvW yet!
Did SoR get a pop boost???
Server: Northern Shiverpeaks, Commander
Guild: Legends and Myth [Myth]
@ Actium
Not during US or Oceanic times afaik. I did notice that between 6am-1pm Pacific (when I’m sleeping) that we took a large chunk of land back. This period of time is when most US players are working or at school and when most Aussie/NZ/Azn players are sleeping. My only guess is that maybe we have some new EU players, maybe it’s school holidays in the US or our Oceanic guys & girls are staying up past their bedtime. Something has definitely changed in the past 24 hours but I can’t say I’ve noticed any new guilds or seen any new faces during my peak playing times
When I logged off last night around 11pm AEST Darkhaven were leading by around +40pot, when I woke up I checked the score 7 hours later SoR had taken over the majority and was leading at around +470pot and Darkhaven had 2 x supply camps and 1x tower. I have no idea who’s in WvW at that time though.
(edited by Elthurien.8356)
I’m on DH an went into the WvW today.
Saw 10 people standing at the gates and no one doing anything.
Saw no orange crossed battle swords anywhere.
Even chat was dead.
So I left.
Oh well, back to leveling PVE style. its coming if you like it or not.
Loving the match, though I am left to wonder why it has turned around so sharply and suddenly. I know SoR has improved a lot, it’s really quite impressive, but have they really improved that much from an organizational standpoint? Is it more activity in WvW? More players in that server in general? I’m asking SoR players in specific what they’ve noticed that has changed.
I do love this current matchup, but I’m afraid atm it’s not longer competitive. When Darkhaven was top dog at least day time was very competitive. Now, Darkhaven dominates like 2-6am PST, rest is SoR, not much competitiveness anymore T.T.
Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]
Loving the match, though I am left to wonder why it has turned around so sharply and suddenly. I know SoR has improved a lot, it’s really quite impressive, but have they really improved that much from an organizational standpoint? Is it more activity in WvW? More players in that server in general? I’m asking SoR players in specific what they’ve noticed that has changed.
I do love this current matchup, but I’m afraid atm it’s not longer competitive. When Darkhaven was top dog at least day time was very competitive. Now, Darkhaven dominates like 2-6am PST, rest is SoR, not much competitiveness anymore T.T.
I spoke to a few of the guys I play with from our peak (same peak as you 2-6am pst). What I could gather is after you guys couldn’t breach SoR Garrison after several attempts things started to quiet down but our guys stayed up a little later and took back. That was a great battle last night, I’m regretting going to bed early now as I missed your final push on Garrison with the siege golems. Overall it was a good night, I think we might have just stayed up a bit later than you guys.
I put the word out to find out if we had any new faces on our side after 7am PST but from everything I’ve heard back it was just our off-peak guys staying up later than usual.
Don’t give up though, we still have two days of good fighting ahead of us and you guys have been the best fight we’ve had so far. I have to say, having you make it into our champion room in Hills keep and Garrison and beating you back has given us a huge boost to morale. I’m sure you have had similar fights turn around as well. The defense victories are always the most memorable for me.
I’m glad for it, Arius. I’ll be one to admit we leaned on the night crew too much. We can either use this as motivation to learn and adapt and pull the server together, or to go “back to leveling PVE style.”
Sure, it’s frustrating when there’s a lack of communication or having some of our number not paying attention to chat, but a negative attitude about it (not putting this on you or anyone specifically, just what I generally see from people in chat) can only make it worse.
It’s the same thing I said to SF, same thing I would say to SoR or any server. It requires coordination and a server-wide effort, including the kind of active recruiting we did to form an alliance and a strong night crew in the first place.
It’s times like this that a server shows it’s true colors. I really don’t blame our server, because we’ve had plenty of demoralizing defeats from other servers with a very strong night presence.
So let’s keep hope and above it all have fun. And even if we lose, let’s use this as an opportunity to learn from our defeat. Let’s be bold!
Loving the match, though I am left to wonder why it has turned around so sharply and suddenly. I know SoR has improved a lot, it’s really quite impressive, but have they really improved that much from an organizational standpoint? Is it more activity in WvW? More players in that server in general? I’m asking SoR players in specific what they’ve noticed that has changed.
I do love this current matchup, but I’m afraid atm it’s not longer competitive. When Darkhaven was top dog at least day time was very competitive. Now, Darkhaven dominates like 2-6am PST, rest is SoR, not much competitiveness anymore T.T.
It is a large influx of transfers. Third week playing SoR, played against them in beta, the volume of people out there has increased dramatically this week and there are a bunch of guilds I have never seen before running in large packs.
Yay for free transfers!
Loving the match, though I am left to wonder why it has turned around so sharply and suddenly. I know SoR has improved a lot, it’s really quite impressive, but have they really improved that much from an organizational standpoint? Is it more activity in WvW? More players in that server in general? I’m asking SoR players in specific what they’ve noticed that has changed.
I do love this current matchup, but I’m afraid atm it’s not longer competitive. When Darkhaven was top dog at least day time was very competitive. Now, Darkhaven dominates like 2-6am PST, rest is SoR, not much competitiveness anymore T.T.
From what I’ve noticed it all seems to be organizational improvements. We’ve always had a decent presence, but when things first started the server seemed kind of dysfunctional. People argued for control and nothing really got done. Now when I log in there is usually precise leadership and willing participants. Although there are still those who argue, the dysfunction caused by those folks has dropped drastically from what I’ve noticed.
Now this is my personal experience and I’ve sporadically played from the start. Others may have noticed something else and had different experiences.
Loving the match, though I am left to wonder why it has turned around so sharply and suddenly. I know SoR has improved a lot, it’s really quite impressive, but have they really improved that much from an organizational standpoint? Is it more activity in WvW? More players in that server in general? I’m asking SoR players in specific what they’ve noticed that has changed.
I do love this current matchup, but I’m afraid atm it’s not longer competitive. When Darkhaven was top dog at least day time was very competitive. Now, Darkhaven dominates like 2-6am PST, rest is SoR, not much competitiveness anymore T.T.
SoR population seems the same, I still never get a queue time even at peak hours but I have noticed only for a day or so since SoR took lead that there has been less DH during the day anyways. Like you said Darkhaven usually dominates 2-6am and they still do claim most of the map but they don’t hang around very long to defend anything. As far as change in SoR there has been a handful of late night players on to counter the DH force from there usual late night snack. For example SoR has held Etheron Hills for most of the week from late night DH forces reducing their spike of points until our players log back on in the morning and the cycle repeats.
As far as the time difference maybe they should match up servers by peak hours too as well as rank? I know some servers actually strategize and form their sleep schedule around nightcaping unfortunately for darkhaven they don’t seem to have a day time crew. So who knows how to fix it in that case, maybe the issue is the server transferring allowing people to transfer from their current wvw situation rather than adapt to what the enemy throws.
Loving the match, though I am left to wonder why it has turned around so sharply and suddenly. I know SoR has improved a lot, it’s really quite impressive, but have they really improved that much from an organizational standpoint? Is it more activity in WvW? More players in that server in general? I’m asking SoR players in specific what they’ve noticed that has changed.
I do love this current matchup, but I’m afraid atm it’s not longer competitive. When Darkhaven was top dog at least day time was very competitive. Now, Darkhaven dominates like 2-6am PST, rest is SoR, not much competitiveness anymore T.T.
It is a large influx of transfers. Third week playing SoR, played against them in beta, the volume of people out there has increased dramatically this week and there are a bunch of guilds I have never seen before running in large packs.
Yay for free transfers!
No, it’s not. But you keep telling yourself that if it helps you sleep at night.
I dunno about DH, but I can answer a reason why SF has flopped this match, one of our “WvW” guilds [Drgn] has transferred off to Isle of Janthir
I’m on DH and don’t see anyone doing much in WvW at all so I go PVE.
Enjoy your victory roaming all over WvW looking for an enemy that is not there. its coming if you like it or not.
Just crushed a DH zerg attacking our dreaming bay keep with a last second reinforcement to our 5 defenders right at the altar. Oh i am enjoying myself while you PvE.