Sorrows Furnace Coalition

Sorrows Furnace Coalition

in WvW

Posted by: Ptk.2736


So My ingame name is Elememt. I am an Officer for Into The Mists (ITM) I have Started up a server wide alliance and I want more participation from guilds. You can either Contact me in-game or contact me through our guild website

We are currently working on setting up an alliance website. We have an alliance guild set up. We have a very interesting system for co-ordination that we are setting up. Give me the chance to talk to you in voice and you may be convinced to join us

Current Guilds that have Signed on-

Into the Mists
Hands of Balthazar
La Hermandad
Karma Merchants

We have over 2600 players between us and many commanders. Some commanders you may recognize

Lord Doomhammer
Juan Ignacio

We are hoping that Darcrow and LH will reach out to IRONZ and BZ and get the latin community on board with us while I handle gathering the NA English speaking guilds. We have a very interesting system set up for guild organization and are expanding to include puggers.

We are also Requesting other guilds transfer to our server and play with us. Sorrows Furnace Coalition (SFC) Has a philosophy that it doesnt matter wether you are LH and bring 900 players to the alliance or Karma Merchants and bring 90, What matters is that you are in the alliance meaning your guild is WvW active and oriented. In these terms every guild is equal. No guild is better than any other for WvW purposes. We are NOT accepting every guild. Any guilds that show triats that this alliance does not stand for will not be accepted. Traits such as extreme racism, counter-productivity, and cheating/botting.

P.S. We could use some Night Guilds. :P

(edited by Ptk.2736)

Sorrows Furnace Coalition

in WvW

Posted by: Vacks.6459


It’s great to see a thread like this after seeing a reduced presence of SF in WvW the past couple of days. Best of luck to you; I hope to see our numbers back up soon!

Server: Tarnished Coast
Guild: Ours Is The Fury [FURY]

Sorrows Furnace Coalition

in WvW

Posted by: Ptk.2736


I hope so too. I know a few guilds that left us and they were really big WvW guilds. So now we need to regroup and re-establish wvw guilds.

Sorrows Furnace Coalition

in WvW

Posted by: FatFuzzy.2659


We seem pretty screwed as of late. I don’t have alot of people in my guild (Just me if you don’t count the inactive guy) lol.

LvL 80 Thief “Axxeman”
Sorrow’s Furnace
Planet Earth

Sorrows Furnace Coalition

in WvW

Posted by: Elthurien.8356


Good luck with your recruiting guys. Hope it works out.

Sorrows Furnace Coalition

in WvW

Posted by: neoxide.7320


I want to join this but i’m probably the only one that WvW’s regularly in my guild right now xD. If I ever grow a WvW population within my guild I will sign up.

Sorrows Furnace Coalition

in WvW

Posted by: Ptk.2736


Already got a few bites.

Sorrows Furnace Coalition

in WvW

Posted by: Ptk.2736


Proof that ITM is carrying its weight and we are a legitimate Alliance for non believers.

Sorrows Furnace Coalition

in WvW

Posted by: DivByZero.5218


I’m not sure if this is the same alliance, but I wanted to make sure you saw this post:

If these two groups aren’t already combined — let’s facilitate doing that in whatever way we can. I have made a similar post on the other thread.

Sorrows Furnace Coalition

in WvW

Posted by: Vacks.6459


Yes, we should definitely combine our efforts in one way or another. I will make sure that this subject comes up in tonight’s “Sorrow’s Revenge” meeting.

Server: Tarnished Coast
Guild: Ours Is The Fury [FURY]

(edited by Vacks.6459)

Sorrows Furnace Coalition

in WvW

Posted by: DivByZero.5218


Awesome, that’s really exciting — let me know how I can help!

Sorrows Furnace Coalition

in WvW

Posted by: Ptk.2736


Yes we have already contacted each other, thank you though

Sorrows Furnace Coalition

in WvW

Posted by: Ptk.2736


Just bumping this up incase any new guilds see this and care to join. Its been very sucessful up here.

Sorrows Furnace Coalition

in WvW

Posted by: Ptk.2736


Still Happening. Our site is going up at

Sorrows Furnace Coalition

in WvW

Posted by: aKIRA.7123


fantastic to see this finally happening. id offer to join, but we only got 16 members with really 2 active WvW’ers. we’re always happy to support you guys ingame tho.

sf needs to be more organized!

Azuna Hatsue | Sonya Hayashi
Jaunty Chaps [LAD]

Sorrows Furnace Coalition

in WvW

Posted by: EvilZombie.6801


i wish to join
ign: Evilpapa
class Engineer

Sorrows Furnace Coalition

in WvW

Posted by: Ptk.2736


Updated this with more guilds that have signed on

Sorrows Furnace Coalition

in WvW

Posted by: Lauren.3061


This is great to see. I’m very happy my guild and our allies have signed on. Looking forward to working with you all!


Sorrows Furnace Coalition

in WvW

Posted by: lucied.7526


We are a new guild that arrived from Ehmry bay we where the only latin guild there, coming to help to join all the latin guilds and share our experience in wvw, hope we can join to you guys too, and we togheter work to imporve our presence in the battlefield, also we need to recluit eu and oceanic guilds if we want to stand a chance in higher brackets. the new guild name will be Bloody Arms. hope to see you all ingame

Tristana Bloody Arms (ARMS)