Spawn camping - what counts?

Spawn camping - what counts?

in WvW

Posted by: mulch.2586


Spawn camping – we remember it from pvp games where an attacker could sit on your corpse and stymie your attempts to recover yourself.

In games with pvp mini-games, the term gets used as ‘graveyard camping,’ where you attack people as they emerge from the respawn location.

In WvW, the terms been applied to people staying at the supply camp north of a borderlands owner’s citadel.

Is that a relevant use of the term? There’s a bajillion ways people can get out, and more relevantly, you’re _*supposed_* to defend assets that you’ve taken.

I can see “spawn camping” applying to the borderlands main road out of the south east and south west non-owners’ settlements (even tho there’s paths leading out to the sides). But not to the ones that own the citadel.

Spawn camping - what counts?

in WvW

Posted by: Tine Sionnach.8629

Tine Sionnach.8629

Actually most of the time when I hear it or even see it the opposing team has 10+ people at all three exits of the spawn waiting for people. Or like the thread i started yesterday they exploit/glich/hack what ever and actually have a group in the spawn standing near the way-point and vendors. Yesterday SoS had close to 20 people in DB spawn I took Screen Shots of them killing auctioneer guild banker karma merchants and crafting npcs. <DB BL> I dont know how they got in there they just appeared on the way-point and went to work. I applaud them for the damage they did before the Gaurds finally killed them all. However funny it was it should not have happened and none of the npcs works after that until after the servers when down for maint. It made most people irate but Im one to laugh and carry on.

Spawn camping - what counts?

in WvW

Posted by: mulch.2586


Yeah Tine Sionnach, invaders coming into your actual spawn point, that’s a more appropriate use of spawn-camp (and not very sporting).

For me, I’ve rarely ever used the designated exits, even when they weren’t camped, cuz I’m a cliff-jumper.

Spawn camping - what counts?

in WvW

Posted by: Moose Rooster.4927

Moose Rooster.4927

Actually most of the time when I hear it or even see it the opposing team has 10+ people at all three exits of the spawn waiting for people. Or like the thread i started yesterday they exploit/glich/hack what ever and actually have a group in the spawn standing near the way-point and vendors. Yesterday SoS had close to 20 people in DB spawn I took Screen Shots of them killing auctioneer guild banker karma merchants and crafting npcs. <DB BL> I dont know how they got in there they just appeared on the way-point and went to work. I applaud them for the damage they did before the Gaurds finally killed them all. However funny it was it should not have happened and none of the npcs works after that until after the servers when down for maint. It made most people irate but Im one to laugh and carry on.

I Don’t believe you straight up. At some point maybe but you can no longer get into the area where the NPCs are except for maybe in the main center borderland, the other 2 on borderlands will kick you out. They didn’t for a while, but now they do.

Spawn camping - what counts?

in WvW

Posted by: Youniverse.4395


When you get a large enough zerg and rush into enemy spawn, you can get past the instant gibbing arrows at the entrance. I don’t see the point though since the enemies have the invulnerability buff and the other side don’t.

Spawn camping - what counts?

in WvW

Posted by: Arani.9057


Killing players as they come out to try and take the northern supply is not “spawn camping”, its defending territory and assets.

Aradea [AoS] /\/\ESS/\/\ERR of Jade Quarry (GG SBI)
I’ll show you exactly what a Mesmer can do, SS cost extra.

Spawn camping - what counts?

in WvW

Posted by: Nevron.9413


Spawn-trapping is the more appropriate term, but even then that doesn’t happen often and doesn’t describe what most people are experiencing when they use “spawn-camping”.

Guild – Shadow of Apophis [SoA]

Spawn camping - what counts?

in WvW

Posted by: NatashaK.9418


It happens in many games, they’ve done a lot to make it difficult. If it really is a problem, then I agree, changes are needed.

There’s four maps. With three exits each. It seems unlikely that once faction could block all of these (and those of the third faction) with a superior force and not just get bored.

Spawn camping - what counts?

in WvW

Posted by: Arani.9057


aside from JP, every objective on the map has 3+ main entrances/exits. The only unnecessary ones to “camp” are the southern spawns (not center citadel it fair game as its a launching point to every asset on the northern map), as there is no nearby objective to justify holding the players in for great lengths of time. I’ve never seen the 2 side entrances to these camped ever, and only the main one extensively to push back while taking the small towers in the south.

In these cases this is defending assets and cutting off reinforcements… which still gives 2 other viable flanking routes that are poor strategic spawn camps.

A note to being upset about being “spawned camped” in the southern bases… those are invader bases. The home team and other invaders should have the viable right to push invaders all the way back to their lands and hold them out, imo. It is a game about pushing out invaders, taking back homelands and invading other lands.

What is bull is if a player is invulnerable (on cliff etc) they should not be able to damage but even that is “eh whatever” to me, and it annoys me often at cliff-side and long-view etc.

Aradea [AoS] /\/\ESS/\/\ERR of Jade Quarry (GG SBI)
I’ll show you exactly what a Mesmer can do, SS cost extra.

Spawn camping - what counts?

in WvW

Posted by: Richard Nixon.6573

Richard Nixon.6573

I Don’t believe you straight up. At some point maybe but you can no longer get into the area where the NPCs are except for maybe in the main center borderland, the other 2 on borderlands will kick you out. They didn’t for a while, but now they do.

Then don’t believe Tine, but it still happened. I’ve seen Tine’s screenshot (I’m actually in it too! ) and I walked over their corpses. It happened on DB’s borderland in the citadel, so maybe the “kicking players out” mechanic doesn’t apply.

-1-800-GUILD-WAR? They can’t have my ’Brand… I have special eyes.
-Look, look with your special eyes!
-My Dragonbrand!

Spawn camping - what counts?

in WvW

Posted by: Armo.6208


you should be allowed to build siege (excluding treb) in spawn

Spawn camping - what counts?

in WvW

Posted by: Tine Sionnach.8629

Tine Sionnach.8629

I Don’t believe you straight up. At some point maybe but you can no longer get into the area where the NPCs are except for maybe in the main center borderland, the other 2 on borderlands will kick you out. They didn’t for a while, but now they do.

Since you dont believe me and anet locked my post here is screen shot of it again.


(edited by Tine Sionnach.8629)