[Suggestion] Buildables!
Nice nice. Good thinking intresting stuff.
Question what the point of posting such stuff??
THis will never happen in game because there is no wvw team any more and most likely after 2015 this game mode will be closed.
Created similar posts in the past as well and agree with many of the above. The more tools that the devs allow players to have the more potential that each map will be different and that keeps WvW fresh. Not to mention it allows for tie-ins to other parts of the game. Example allow those upgrades to be built using coin or materials. Barricade, 5 silver or 50 elder wood/ 50 iron / 50 leather and 1 silver. Upgrade your borderland w/ map upgrade and your home server PvE players gain 2% boost in magic find while your borderland keep has the boost. Mega servers created a divide, WvW could do even more to bring people back together and still enjoy the benefits of fuller maps.
2 cents, +1 here from me.
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
I’ve stopped suggesting content, they probably won’t do anything anyway and if they do it’s going to be a farming area like EotM, not a real competitive area.
All of these suggestions sound like a lot of fun!
On the same note I was day dreaming about wvw enhancements like this and I realized just about anything half as creative as this would be awesome. What if we could place our own cannons for example? Its a much simpler concept that siege disablers.
Balance be kittened! Both sides have what ever new gimick anet thinks up over a 3 martini lunch and then next week invent a counter to last weeks fiasco. Sure we would complain hilariously but we’d luv you for it anet.
I’ve stopped suggesting content, they probably won’t do anything anyway and if they do it’s going to be a farming area like EotM, not a real competitive area.
it may seem futile, but I don’t think that’s the best reason to stop doing something that you believe is helpful….if it was just mundane suggestions with no purpose, then sure :/
All great ideas, but not gonna happen.
All great ideas, but not gonna happen.
Are you not entertained!? 3 tag colors should keep you busy for a while:
I can change tag color all day long and pretend that we don’t know who will win 12 hours after reset.
The commander tag colors were not for wvw. The colors are for the multiple commanders leading champ, karka, sw farming.
thats pretty sad if anet does not have a wvw team anymore
one more reason for me to move on to a new game asap
edit: P.S I like the suggestions to stuff like this could defiantly make wvw more fun
(edited by caveman.5840)
thats pretty sad if anet does not have a wvw team anymore
one more reason for me to move on to a new game asap
thats what most of the wvw players are doing right now, just waiting for a new, better game… and as soon its shows up there’s not gonna be any more wvw… and I dont blame those ppl, seriously, 2+ years of ignorance and with changes almost always for worse in wvw… :/ :/
I actually thought this would be a bland or completely unrealistic set of suggestions, but I’m actually impressed and like these suggestions. It would certainly make WvW a lot more creative with making makeshift barricades, watch towers to lock down strategic locations. +1 very nice.
wait, there is no WvW tea mat ALL anymore? /disappoint
+1 to most of those suggestions…
But as said earlier, WvW won’t live past 2015 due to a combination of many things…
Alot of WvW guilds/players always say they only log on for their guild raids/friends so as it stands it’s only the community that’s holding WvW together apparently….
….. And Elementalist.
1st: Don’t stop posting! These are great ideas, and all of the people who say it is useless have given up hope. While this is understandable, I personally have not given up hope that Anet will eventually work on WvW.
2nd: To everyone who says that WvW is going to be removed in 2015, I personally think you are wrong. You just think that because the blobs are becoming smaller, no one plays anymore, but WvW has a very loyal player base and I do not think it will be ended. Besides, it does not make sense to end WvW since it is already implemented and wouldn’t be that large of a strain to just maintain it as-is (I may just be ignorant and refusing to believe that WvW is a non-issue, but I would prefer to stay that way)
good stuff, +1, keep on truckin, #gw2revival
I would really appreciate an actual content update to wvw, there hasn’t been a revamp of existing content let alone new stuff in such a long time, if ever.
Adding new content to wvw would be a good first step in bringing people back into it, or into it for the first time. Designing a new reward system of sorts to put it on par with even PvE would also really help to improve the current state of things. Giving personal rewards for defending objectives would be a huge step in the right direction.
Have the Skritt and Centaur camps in the Borderlands always been the way they are now? I was thinking they could easily be changed into Mercenary camps similar to the Ogres/Dredge/Hylek in EBG, which could provide additional guards for the northern camps as well as wandering patrols between N camp and the northern Towers.
I love all of these ideas
Some of our commanders are starting to use the tag colors pretty well to lead squads within the zerg, for example a specialized front line melee group, stealth/scout/tap group, everybody else group.
Have the Skritt and Centaur camps in the Borderlands always been the way they are now? I was thinking they could easily be changed into Mercenary camps similar to the Ogres/Dredge/Hylek in EBG, which could provide additional guards for the northern camps as well as wandering patrols between N camp and the northern Towers.
I would be really surprised to see Anet do any kind of improvement to these old map. Specially since they said they would rather do new maps.
These old maps have huge potential but it is wasted. What about the ORBS? Thats like half the gameplay that was bluntly removed and never replaced with anything else.
The Ruins, reduced to standing in circles for a buff nobody needs; another waste of potential.
+1 good stuff OP! Add in transforms like in EotM and the Silverwaste please? Golems shouldn’t be the only mobile transform in WvW.
That’s actually something I’d love to see; the ability to go buy the EotM consumables, and use them in the “real” WvW maps. There’d be less need for scouts to do the (pretty thankless) job of sentrying objectives when you can just plop Sentry Towers at each gate, which would let players know at once if a Keep is under serious attack or whether it was just a tapper.
Likewise, Air Strike Grenades would be another way of bolstering AoE capabilities for characters with poor AoE skills, and the Kodan Hammers can be used for some strategic maneuvering like blocking off doorways or entrances into SMC, as well as providing projectile absorption shields for catapults/trebuchets.
bring back plank
What? the only things removed so far i believe are the orb/orb alter in the northern sections of the maps, and the middle island that used to just be swarming with krait (the bloodlust area)
The previous post mentioned eotm consumables, this lead me to thinking about all the other consumables that were banished from wvw.
What im rly getting at is wvw thrives on variety. Spvp becomes more like a moba where everyone is equiped is a similar way. Many of us here prefer wvw because of the greater quantity of customization options.
If anet were to pursue this concept as a way to set it apart from spvp and eotm I believe it would create lasting interest.
The previous post mentioned eotm consumables, this lead me to thinking about all the other consumables that were banished from wvw.
What im rly getting at is wvw thrives on variety. Spvp becomes more like a moba where everyone is equiped is a similar way. Many of us here prefer wvw because of the greater quantity of customization options.
If anet were to pursue this concept as a way to set it apart from spvp and eotm I believe it would create lasting interest.
The thing about some of the consumables, is that it created some imbalance, ones that gave you stealth, weapon consumables that add portals or high damage.
Bump: I want to see more of your guy’s ideas! eventually they will have a WvW team built up again, and may work on adding and changing things up a bit, we need to add more fuel to this fire.
Can Dolyak speed increased already? Mesmer focus 4, e.g.
Good ideas. Shame no one has any confidence that the devs would do anything. The only posts we see the mods in are the ones about ingame trolls. Just a simple reply to each thread would suffice.
I’d rather see them upgrade WvW so that we will have the 4 unique maps we were promised in the beginning. I don’t give a kitten if they’re not 100% balanced with each other.
Can Dolyak speed increased already? Mesmer focus 4, e.g.
They can be given swiftness yes, and that actually causes a funny bug where the Dolyak is further ahead than where you can see it on your screen.
i like most of these ideas. Honestly just adding sentry turrets to the maps would probably work wonders.
As far as there not being devs for WvW thats a load of nonsense. The most recent example of the devs doing something is the sneak attack thing they have recently done. im suspecting that they will do something interesting when the next feature pack drops.
Gates Of Madness
Jewelcrafting to 500!
i like most of these ideas. Honestly just adding sentry turrets to the maps would probably work wonders.
As far as there not being devs for WvW thats a load of nonsense. The most recent example of the devs doing something is the sneak attack thing they have recently done. im suspecting that they will do something interesting when the next feature pack drops.
To be honest, sneak attack does not sound like a very hard thing to create in the game.
Amen to 4 unique maps. Who cares if they are not completely balanced as long as the home map is different every week.
I’d also like to see periodic events on borderlands like the appearance of champion mob that actually drops good loot and/or gives whoever kills it a temporary buff. That was a feature of the RvRvR Conquest map in Rift and it really became the catalyst for some large battles.
i like most of these ideas. Honestly just adding sentry turrets to the maps would probably work wonders.
As far as there not being devs for WvW thats a load of nonsense. The most recent example of the devs doing something is the sneak attack thing they have recently done. im suspecting that they will do something interesting when the next feature pack drops.
To be honest, sneak attack does not sound like a very hard thing to create in the game.
True, but someone had to do it. If there were no devs to work on it, where would it come from?
Gates Of Madness
Jewelcrafting to 500!
+1 to most of those suggestions…
Alot of WvW guilds/players always say they only log on for their guild raids/friends so as it stands it’s only the community that’s holding WvW together apparently….
^ so true
Great suggestions. Makes me sad that stuff like this will likely never happen.
There should be more to WvW than just capturing camps, towers and keeps.
This may be a little off topic but one of the thing’s i would change is the outnumbered buff it’s an absolute waste of time in my opinion when your up against a server with huge number’s what good is added xp and magic find when your getting steamrollered a more useful buff would be added point’s to all stats sort of like guard stack’s while you are outnumbered or something like what was said earlier watch tower’s that spawn in any camp/tower you control to help defend against the rampaging hordes.