Supply camp auto-fear?
are you sure he was mesmer and not a necro ?
Archeage = Farmville with PK
are you sure he was mesmer and not a necro ?
Unless necros have started using illusions and bouncing staff attacks, I’d say I’m pretty sure.
Sounds like he was using a consumable.
Is there any chance it was actually daze and not fear?
No, a mesmer being able to fear that many times doesn’t sound likely. The only thing I can chalk it up to is that were was another class somewhere, but it has nothing to do with the camp.
Sounds like he was using a consumable.
omg… please tell me they left out some consumables…? Time for some experiments.
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!
The mesmer could have been sporting these runes.
The nightmare runes seems likely, not uncommon for confusion mesmers to use TA gear. I hadn’t personally done the research, but for him to get hit by it that often it means that clones have independent cooldowns on it? That may need looking into.
yeah.. but it says there 90s cooldown, but according to OP, he got feared again after few sec…. hmm…….
Archeage = Farmville with PK
It may be a bug with the rune of the nightmare?
(1): +28 Condition Damage
(2): +4% Condition Duration
(3): +55 Condition Damage
(4): +6% Condition Duration
(5): +100 Condition Damage
(6): 5% chance to cause Fear.png Fear when hit. (Cooldown: 90s)
Condition damage, which is something mesmers can run, and it could be the source of the fear. However it’s meant to have a 90 second internal cooldown. Maybe it was bugging out.
Or maybe it’s proccing on clones?
Which would be kittening awesome. Broken, but awesome.
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe
Sounds like he was using a consumable.
There is no consumable that gives fear as far is i know.
I think Zenyatoo has it right.
Mesmers also have a trait that reflects CC effects on them back at the enemy. So if you feared the mes, it’d fear you instead (another long CD).
The rune the others mention is also possible.
Perhaps both proc on clones too?
Runes and theorys aside , it had to be this :p
If those Grawl Ritual Tokens can be used in WvW, then ….. wow. Imagine fearing a whole zerg off a cliff.
Saphnabylni | Alyquia | Hrafn Halldorsson | Roshanai Abbasi | Aghrama Steamfur
Were there any portobello Mushrooms around? And did you eat them?
Haha, thanks for the good responses all. I do know the difference between daze and fear, and it was not daze. Also, engineers do not have access to fear, so it wasn’t a reflection. If there’s no chance that random guards/quaggans can use fear then it sounds like rune of the nightmare is most likely. I hadn’t thought of that, or that it might proc on a separate cooldown off of clones.
I looked up some pictures of TA gear (haven’t done dungeons much either…hey, I’m a tournament player) and it does look like what the mesmer was wearing. I was using grenades and sometimes hitting the mesmer and a couple clones at once, each with the three grenade hits per attack, so I imagine the 5% proc could actually have happened that many times in a short window of time. I could potentially have been getting maybe 6-9 chances to proc every second, and killing clones quickly. Sounds like each new clone has a chance to proc the effect. I’ll make a thread in the bug report forum.
Haha, thanks for the good responses all. I do know the difference between daze and fear, and it was not daze. Also, engineers do not have access to fear, so it wasn’t a reflection. If there’s no chance that random guards/quaggans can use fear then it sounds like rune of the nightmare is most likely. I hadn’t thought of that, or that it might proc on a separate cooldown off of clones.
I looked up some pictures of TA gear (haven’t done dungeons much either…hey, I’m a tournament player
) and it does look like what the mesmer was wearing. I was using grenades and sometimes hitting the mesmer and a couple clones at once, each with the three grenade hits per attack, so I imagine the 5% proc could actually have happened that many times in a short window of time. I could potentially have been getting maybe 6-9 chances to proc every second, and killing clones quickly. Sounds like each new clone has a chance to proc the effect. I’ll make a thread in the bug report forum.
You could have been wearing the same armour I play all 8 professions a lot.
But yes, most likely is the rune deal. Threw in the reflection idea just incase.
Did there happen to be a flame ram on the battle field? They have a nasty long fear on a low cool-down.
Also, was he using staff? The Chaos Storm ability can apply fear.
Also, was he using staff? The Chaos Storm ability can apply fear.
Poison, weakness, chill, or daze. Fear is not one that procs for this skill.
Plastered Tyrian Sea Devils [PTSD]
Agadar.4931: A bad mesmer still poops clones like no tomorrow.
It was all pretty confusing
I see what you did thereeeeee. Eh, eh?
Menorah | Charr Cat | Some Cat Thing
Still running my old RRR build because why not
He was a staff mesmer, but none of the staff skills apply fear. No flame rams. And yes, it was confusing, that’s exactly what I did there
But honestly, I just threw that part in because every time someone makes one of these threads everyone else is like “maybe you were just confused in the heat of the moment and it was really four staff necros that looked like one mesmer!” or, “maybe in the heat of the moment you didn’t see four thieves steal fear from four allied necros and use it on you!”
I’m convinced it is nightmare runes. Already made a thread on the bug forum, mods feel free to shut this one down so we don’t have 80 mesmers using nightmare runes on every server.
He was a staff mesmer, but none of the staff skills apply fear. No flame rams. And yes, it was confusing, that’s exactly what I did there
But honestly, I just threw that part in because every time someone makes one of these threads everyone else is like “maybe you were just confused in the heat of the moment and it was really four staff necros that looked like one mesmer!” or, “maybe in the heat of the moment you didn’t see four thieves steal fear from four allied necros and use it on you!”
I’m convinced it is nightmare runes. Already made a thread on the bug forum, mods feel free to shut this one down so we don’t have 80 mesmers using nightmare runes on every server.
Um, why aren’t you convinced it’s this:
Runes and theorys aside , it had to be this :p
Seems a heck of a lot more likely then a very popular rune having a drastic bug that nobody has ever noticed..
He was a staff mesmer, but none of the staff skills apply fear. No flame rams. And yes, it was confusing, that’s exactly what I did there
But honestly, I just threw that part in because every time someone makes one of these threads everyone else is like “maybe you were just confused in the heat of the moment and it was really four staff necros that looked like one mesmer!” or, “maybe in the heat of the moment you didn’t see four thieves steal fear from four allied necros and use it on you!”
I’m convinced it is nightmare runes. Already made a thread on the bug forum, mods feel free to shut this one down so we don’t have 80 mesmers using nightmare runes on every server.
Um, why aren’t you convinced it’s this:
Runes and theorys aside , it had to be this :p a heck of a lot more likely then a very popular rune having a drastic bug that nobody has ever noticed..
I guess I shouldn’t assume that doesn’t work in WvW. I’ll have to test it. I can barely imagine that perma fear is allowed in WvW and no one is using it, though. I mean, it would be absolutely gamebreaking. Instant zerg destruction with 2-3 people using these.
He was a staff mesmer, but none of the staff skills apply fear. No flame rams. And yes, it was confusing, that’s exactly what I did there
But honestly, I just threw that part in because every time someone makes one of these threads everyone else is like “maybe you were just confused in the heat of the moment and it was really four staff necros that looked like one mesmer!” or, “maybe in the heat of the moment you didn’t see four thieves steal fear from four allied necros and use it on you!”
I’m convinced it is nightmare runes. Already made a thread on the bug forum, mods feel free to shut this one down so we don’t have 80 mesmers using nightmare runes on every server.
Um, why aren’t you convinced it’s this:
Runes and theorys aside , it had to be this :p a heck of a lot more likely then a very popular rune having a drastic bug that nobody has ever noticed..
I guess I shouldn’t assume that doesn’t work in WvW. I’ll have to test it. I can barely imagine that perma fear is allowed in WvW and no one is using it, though. I mean, it would be absolutely gamebreaking. Instant zerg destruction with 2-3 people using these.
I’ve just tested, thankfully they don’t seem to work in WvW.
He was a staff mesmer, but none of the staff skills apply fear. No flame rams. And yes, it was confusing, that’s exactly what I did there
But honestly, I just threw that part in because every time someone makes one of these threads everyone else is like “maybe you were just confused in the heat of the moment and it was really four staff necros that looked like one mesmer!” or, “maybe in the heat of the moment you didn’t see four thieves steal fear from four allied necros and use it on you!”
I’m convinced it is nightmare runes. Already made a thread on the bug forum, mods feel free to shut this one down so we don’t have 80 mesmers using nightmare runes on every server.
Um, why aren’t you convinced it’s this:
Runes and theorys aside , it had to be this :p a heck of a lot more likely then a very popular rune having a drastic bug that nobody has ever noticed..
I guess I shouldn’t assume that doesn’t work in WvW. I’ll have to test it. I can barely imagine that perma fear is allowed in WvW and no one is using it, though. I mean, it would be absolutely gamebreaking. Instant zerg destruction with 2-3 people using these.
I’ve just tested, thankfully they don’t seem to work in WvW.
Okay good. I didn’t get a chance to head out to blazeridge for the event yesterday, glad to know this is confirmed not possible.