T1 EU Vizunah/Desolation/Elona 10/05/13
What guilds are left on desolation now for WvW? How are the queues?
Not many guilds left except INVI (a few old iron members and commanders), EXG, GoD and some GT/WL.
Borderlands never have a queue anymore and EB has a queue for prime times but only ever 10 min long.
26 guilds turned up to the server meeting last week. As for queues EB usually has 10-30 minute queue from 1600-2100. 2 borderlands are nearly always unmanned and Deso BL sometimes has a queue during prime time.
PuG Commander, blobbing it up since 2012!
Well it seems Deso is ready too leave T1 and proly T2 also maybe for the best after the exodus we had last months
The kitten we get now on the borderlands are no more fun so make this fast people
[Coin] Gandara
desolation/kodash/piken ?? would that be good (from deso’s perspective?)
or is it now a zerg fest whatever the tier/server? just curious been away for a while.
desolation/kodash/piken ?? would that be good (from deso’s perspective?)
or is it now a zerg fest whatever the tier/server? just curious been away for a while.
Seafarers afaik isn’t having an easier time in Tier 2 we would be up against new servers and that might bring back the enthusiasm to play like this week with Elona joining T1.
Right now as it’s been said we don’t have long queues outside of EB at prime time, we seem to have a new wave of ‘pugs’ who are not all receptive to cooperate in wvw and complain, we have only a few actual wvw guilds left anymore and we still have the coverage issues.
Plays completely opposite professions to his main Teef.
(edited by CrimsonNeonite.1048)
What guilds are left on desolation now for WvW? How are the queues?
EXG, INVI (ex-Eternal IRON), GOD, Unit, Claw, AFTL, WL, just to mention few. IRON Hall (pvx guild) has also been really active at WvWvW recently. I heard that our guild meeting less than 1 week ago had representatives of 26 guilds. Now that Wrex destroyed our old forums, we got new ones running at:
Last night we had 3 hour queue to EB, but that is highly unusual and was due that event. We also had roughly 30 minute queue to Desolation BL, where I was. Usually the queue to borderlands is very short (<5 mins) and no queue to any map during off-peak hours.
In other words: our active WvWvW base is not shrinking. It is just that we have less big organized WvWvW hard core guilds and more PuGs. Outside peak hours we are usually outmanned.
Desolation’s main weakness still remains the off-hours / night time. By the morning VS has captured all the map. If we would have 2 major night time capping guilds things would be totally different.
Ayna Micro
PS. Epic fight at Deso Garrison on yesterday on 11th May evening. Both VS and ER were trying to get the Garrison from us. Turning our walls into Swiss cheese and getting inside lord room. We held off all their attacks for many hours in a row. Great work especially from EXG! That portal to the roof was so well-timed. I was just on-off PuG commander.
(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)
What guilds are left on desolation now for WvW? How are the queues?
EXG, INVI (ex-Eternal IRON), GOD, Unit, Claw, WL, just to mention few. IRON Hall (pvx guild) has also been really active at WvWvW recently. I heard that our guild meeting less than 1 week ago had representatives of 26 guilds. Now that Wrex destroyed our old forums, we got new ones running at:
http://www.desospeak.com/forums/Last night we had 3 hour queue to EB, but that is highly unusual and was due that event. We also had roughly 30 minute queue to Desolation BL, where I was. Usually the queue to borderlands is very short (<5 mins) and no queue to any map during off-peak hours.
PS. Epic fight at Deso Garrison on yesterday on 11th May evening. Both VS and ER were trying to get the Garrison from us. Turning our walls into Swiss cheese and getting inside lord room. We held off all their attacks for many hours in a row. Great work especially from EXG! That portal to the roof was so well-timed.
I was just on-off PuG commander.
Not forgetting AFTL who were also on Deso BL.
Plays completely opposite professions to his main Teef.
This Sunday evening 12/05/2013 20h45 – 21h00.
Come and watch “WaR LegenD” in GvG versus “Main Noire”.
You can follow this match up on our site: “http://www.twitch.tv/warlegend”
(edited by Moderator)
PS. Epic fight at Deso Garrison on yesterday on 11th May evening. Both VS and ER were trying to get the Garrison from us. Turning our walls into Swiss cheese and getting inside lord room. We held off all their attacks for many hours in a row. Great work especially from EXG! That portal to the roof was so well-timed.
I was just on-off PuG commander.
Not forgetting AFTL who were also on Deso BL.
Oops. Sorry my bad! Afterlife [AFTL] has been very active in WvWvW. I have seen you often at the same time. My hats off for your players as well!
thank you for those screenshots. actually all of them proves there is zero zoom hacks. learn to turn your camera
the second one is the most funny:
if you can see the arrow cart it can see you yes!
lol man, the second screen just shows the position of the ac since you couldnt see it from the position it was shooting at
and no, theres no way you can turn your cam to target these positions from there without a zoomhack
What guilds are left on desolation now for WvW? How are the queues?
Thinking of coming back? If yes, hook me up ingame for a chat and Im sure we can figure something out!
What guilds are left on desolation now for WvW? How are the queues?
Thinking of coming back? If yes, hook me up ingame for a chat and Im sure we can figure something out!
Yes it was sad too see FG and GH leave for understandable reasons it was always nice too have you guys on the borderlands
[Coin] Gandara
So close >_<
Unfortunately GD spoiled our fun.
hahaha, sry dude :P but it was very sneaky!
Elona Reach [DE] – Let’s be strong and fight together! ;)
Hey there,
First, welcome back to Elona, its good to see some competition back.
Ins, move your kitten on EB and try to come get me, it will be prett fun
Zilly Guardian [MN]
Commander EB on Vizunah Square.
The most hilarious comment I’ve read so far was a vizunah player who claimed Elona is bad at open field fights. Dude, Elona is by far the most aggressive Server I’ve seen so far. We saw mostly the backsite of JS players in the last matchup. (Some of them where pretty nice though, delicious elementalist girls in kinky outfits).
And dude, you guys waited in hills while we where standing on the outer wall. We where 18 guys n’ girls you had around 30 people already. Still you waited until you reached around 50-60 before you attacked us from the inner ring. So you either can’t count for crap or you should reconsider your statement regarding open field fights.
Hey there,
First, welcome back to Elona, its good to see some competition back.
Ins, move your kitten on EB and try to come get me, it will be prett fun
Zilly Guardian [MN]
Wish i could mate, stuck at work for another 5 hours ;( If only you could get paid to command in gw2 haha.
Should be on for an hour or 2 when i get in, i’ll /w ya and we’ll meet up with the blobs for a fight if no-one is commanding on Deso EB ^^
PuG Commander, blobbing it up since 2012!
Wish i could mate, stuck at work for another 5 hours ;(
Same for me, but lets meet this evenning
Who wants this fight versus a guild of handicaped’s?
Hahahahaha, i like that
But, who are you ?
Commander EB on Vizunah Square.
(edited by Zilly.3279)
When Desu drops to T2, do you think Kodash might overtake to T1? They might gain a bit too much from Desu and SfR point bleed.
When Desu drops to T2, do you think Kodash might overtake to T1? They might gain a bit too much from Desu and SfR point bleed.
Jade Sea will come T1
When Desu drops to T2, do you think Kodash might overtake to T1? They might gain a bit too much from Desu and SfR point bleed.
With SFR and Deso loosing a lot of their WvW population a month ago, they stayed overrated in T1 due to the rating bug for a month. Now that SFR finally dropped, their score begin to adapt to their remaining population capabilities.
T2 clearly shows that Jade and Kodash are now better than SFR and probably better than Deso as well. So the EU top3 will be Vizu, Elona and either Jade or Kodash or Piken.
But PIken does not want T2 and blocks the T2-T3 border: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/wuvwuv/Augury-Rock-Vs-Baruch-Bay-Vs-Piken-Square/2006509
it will be Jade or Kodash (more likely Jade, as night-capping wins) replacing Deso, if Deso doesn’t stay T1.
Jade in t1 would kill vizunah – both make there points at same time and this joker is not strong anymore when shared by 2 servers
Jade in t1 would kill vizunah – both make there points at same time and this joker is not strong anymore when shared by 2 servers
Hmmm. Well, i guess they will take the most points from us und focus us. Why should Vizu/Jade attack each other if they can take towers from elona without effort?
Zeptil – Mavelion – Xentinel – Wyzriel – Thranax -Jarthas – Wretch
With only Viz being active at 4:00 the score is something like
Viz 500+: Elona 150-: Deso 45- i.e. 350 more for Viz per tick than for Elona
With Viz and Jade active at 4:00 the score is likely something like
Viz 350: Jade 245 : Elona 100 i.e. 250 more for Viz per tick than for Elona
We would have less, but more decisive is: Vizu would have less night-advantage over us. (Under the assumption of no inter-server coordination of course.)
(edited by Dayra.7405)
The most hilarious comment I’ve read so far was a vizunah player who claimed Elona is bad at open field fights.
Well, I guess that was my comment.
And I’ll reiterate : Elona should work on open field fights, it’s by far their greatest weakness.
I don’t mean any disrespect to them, this my objective criticism of their server after a weekend on the borderlands.
I’ve heard a lot of good things about [GD], so I’m sure they do have very strong guilds. But the groups I faced during the weekend (wether they are organised raids or just PU raids) died rather quickly compared to what we saw on SFR2.0 or Deso.
The good point is that they like to fight, even outnumbered, even when dying repeatedly.
So day-capping is more honourable than night-capping….Hmm
Thanks to our german friends for that new perspective even Sfr didn’t dare.
I only played in the morning around 10am, there we meet an (atleast) equal size Vizu-zerg. I guess this did not changed over the day, did it?
But anyway, do we play for honor or do we play for points, I though Vizu as well as Elona think we are playing for points and play accordingly.
I also think that PvD is less interesting than PvP, therefore I take any opportunity in the forum to propose to weight the score-ticker by the amount of players currently playing. But as long as ANet doesn’t do anything about that we have to get the best out of the fact that PvD is much more lucrative than PvP to win a match.
(edited by Dayra.7405)
This idea is as old as GW2. Not sure it’s worth thinking about it anymore looking at the amount of consideration given by Anet.
When Desu drops to T2, do you think Kodash might overtake to T1? They might gain a bit too much from Desu and SfR point bleed.
Jade Sea will come T1
The other posts from Jade Sea members in this thread have inspired me to do what i can to keep Deso up
Keep up the good fight Elona! Dont give up Deso! Vizsunah flex your muscles!
Pink Feathery Elementalist
never thought I’d say this but after seeing Elona for 3 days they blob up more than Viz, its pathetic tbh.
Tbh people shouldn’t complain about blobbing.. Besides SFR (when everyone was still there) everyone blobbed the bleep out of eachother. ER, amazing how you hold your own against Vizunah! Vizunah, you got some great guilds (and pugs of course) and whatever anyone says you guys deserve respect for being in tier 1 since the beginning.
The most hilarious comment I’ve read so far was a vizunah player who claimed Elona is bad at open field fights.
Well, I guess that was my comment.
And I’ll reiterate : Elona should work on open field fights, it’s by far their greatest weakness.
I don’t mean any disrespect to them, this my objective criticism of their server after a weekend on the borderlands.
I’ve heard a lot of good things about [GD], so I’m sure they do have very strong guilds. But the groups I faced during the weekend (wether they are organised raids or just PU raids) died rather quickly compared to what we saw on SFR2.0 or Deso.
The good point is that they like to fight, even outnumbered, even when dying repeatedly.
You are talking about another PUG server like you are. Deso and SFR were ultimate guild servers full of high guality action. PUG servers are the way to be if you want to play pointgame and the quality of fights is not that high in general
Only a WvW player
Some nice facts about our “blobing” in Elona Reach. We are running at prime time on each Borderland atleast one Guild-Raid besides our Random-Raid. Normally no Guild is runing with more then 35 in a Raid. Yes, sometimes our Random-Raid and our Guild-Raid meet each other but its rly hard not to meet if u only have one target left on the map.
At the moment we are that strong because we organize max. 2 Guild-Raids on each Bl and the rest goes in the “Random-Raid” and normally there are enough other Players from our WvW-Guilds in this “Random-Raids”.
Thats how our server-state is atm. The exception is the EB, where we have pretty often blobs but our guilds normally dont play there so… .
My Experience till now:
Vizu ran, got wiped whole day on the Vizu-Borderlands, we ran with one “Random-Raid” wich was around 30 player big and 2 Guild-Raids(Offensive-Zerg and Aegis) wich were around 20-35 players each. We held the whole map except for one tower for many hours(sry, didnt count). Oh yes, and of my guild-mates got a prec from one of the thousend Vizu baggys, thanks for that. Nice day for us, now u can continue ur trakittenalk.
The most hilarious comment I’ve read so far was a vizunah player who claimed Elona is bad at open field fights.
Well, I guess that was my comment.
And I’ll reiterate : Elona should work on open field fights, it’s by far their greatest weakness.
I don’t mean any disrespect to them, this my objective criticism of their server after a weekend on the borderlands.
I’ve heard a lot of good things about [GD], so I’m sure they do have very strong guilds. But the groups I faced during the weekend (wether they are organised raids or just PU raids) died rather quickly compared to what we saw on SFR2.0 or Deso.
The good point is that they like to fight, even outnumbered, even when dying repeatedly.
are you playing on EB?
Enjoy getting your kitten kicked by a “pug-server”.
Without being the current target of winning team joiners neither Deso, nor Blacktide or SFR would have amounted to anything, ever.
Some nice facts about our “blobing” in Elona Reach. We are running at prime time on each Borderland atleast one Guild-Raid besides our Random-Raid. Normally no Guild is runing with more then 35 in a Raid. Yes, sometimes our Random-Raid and our Guild-Raid meet each other but its rly hard not to meet if u only have one target left on the map.
At the moment we are that strong because we organize max. 2 Guild-Raids on each Bl and the rest goes in the “Random-Raid” and normally there are enough other Players from our WvW-Guilds in this “Random-Raids”.
Thats how our server-state is atm. The exception is the EB, where we have pretty often blobs but our guilds normally dont play there so… .My Experience till now:
Vizu ran, got wiped whole day on the Vizu-Borderlands, we ran with one “Random-Raid” wich was around 30 player big and 2 Guild-Raids(Offensive-Zerg and Aegis) wich were around 20-35 players each. We held the whole map except for one tower for many hours(sry, didnt count). Oh yes, and of my guild-mates got a prec from one of the thousend Vizu baggys, thanks for that. Nice day for us, now u can continue ur trakittenalk.
Not sure if serious, everytime Bay or Hills is attacked by Desolation for example you call your whole zerg on that BL (usually 50+) and make about 10 arrow carts. Not even Viz sit in keeps with 50+ blob’s using AC’s.
so what is our “level” you are talking about?^^
The one you had or the one you showed last time?
If it’s the first I talk about the elona that resisted us in fights, not leaving us one inch of ground without a hard fight and not giving up even though outnumbered. The elona breaking through our doors after killing one entire zerg of our people. The elona with a certain sense of honour and skilled players at all level (from commanders to “simple” fighter).
If it’s the second I talk about the elona I saw last time with unskilled players in de-organised zergs with poor strategic choices we rolled on without even noticing and so providing no fun at all…The elona desperately trying to stop us with a mass of siege weapons (from what I heard it didn’t change though the up of AC might play in your favour this time) and ceasing to fight after few defeats only…
For me it was just black and white. And if I have a deep respect for the first I consider the second has no place in high tier WvW… I’m just waiting for an interesting matchup (the last I can remember was 4 months ago). If you can give me one I’ll be very happy…But the elona I saw last time was not worth the fight(exept for the loot but I don’t go in WvW to farm…)
Thing is you need to change YOUR server, not change others. Maybe if instead of steamrolling people when they sleep and cap towers with 9 golems, PVD etc ( Do i really need to go on?) I mean if you guys change the way you play and stop playing the way you do, maybe, just maaaayybee some servers will want to fight you.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
This idea is as old as GW2. Not sure it’s worth thinking about it anymore looking at the amount of consideration given by Anet.
In fact that idea is older than RvR MMO since you can copy/past exactly the same kind of comment from the old DAoC forums.
Bandwagon, night caps, fair or unfair way to play.
It’s allways fair when you win, and unfair when you loose.
It’s allways fair when you win, and unfair when you loose.
That’s why I avoided to use the term “fair” and only said I find PvP more interesting than PvD and that it would be nice, if ANet would make the interesting things rewarding and not the boring ones decisive
Enjoy getting your kitten kicked by a “pug-server”.
Without being the current target of winning team joiners neither Deso, nor Blacktide or SFR would have amounted to anything, ever.
Sorry if I offended you but I was just stating the facts. PUG servers usually have a lot of quantity and we all know what wins wars in this game As you said: With guilds joining one server they make the server good not all because of quality but quantity.
Guilds have been together for a time and have practiced and played with the same people many times. They know what to do exactly. PUG zerg even when using TS is not that efficient. There are always those who don’t know what to do and get left behind and rally enemies faster than your main group can down.
Only a WvW player
But as we all know now: guilds zergs are very difficult to play in prime-time on a server with long queues. We just saw: relying or even insisting on guilds zergs in prime-time breaks a server apart.
EB on Elona has much more queue than any BL, that’s why you meet guild-raids of Elona on BLs and nearly never in prime-time (which is 11am till 11pm on weekends) on EB. Vizu with likely more queues than Elona has the same problem.
(edited by Dayra.7405)
My Experience till now:
Vizu ran, got wiped whole day on the Vizu-Borderlands, we ran with one “Random-Raid” wich was around 30 player big and 2 Guild-Raids(Offensive-Zerg and Aegis) wich were around 20-35 players each. We held the whole map except for one tower for many hours(sry, didnt count). Oh yes, and of my guild-mates got a prec from one of the thousend Vizu baggys, thanks for that. Nice day for us, now u can continue ur trakittenalk.
We were just one raid with 20/40 players on the only one commander this afternoon … no Guild-Raid, no queue. I am not complaining about your dedication and funny blobs ( or german’s holyday ? ) because I prefer day like that than karma train against no-playing server.
Anyways nice evening, isn’t it ?
(edited by GrandMechantLoup.8201)
Some nice facts about our “blobing” in Elona Reach. We are running at prime time on each Borderland atleast one Guild-Raid besides our Random-Raid. Normally no Guild is runing with more then 35 in a Raid. Yes, sometimes our Random-Raid and our Guild-Raid meet each other but its rly hard not to meet if u only have one target left on the map.
At the moment we are that strong because we organize max. 2 Guild-Raids on each Bl and the rest goes in the “Random-Raid” and normally there are enough other Players from our WvW-Guilds in this “Random-Raids”.
Thats how our server-state is atm. The exception is the EB, where we have pretty often blobs but our guilds normally dont play there so… .My Experience till now:
Vizu ran, got wiped whole day on the Vizu-Borderlands, we ran with one “Random-Raid” wich was around 30 player big and 2 Guild-Raids(Offensive-Zerg and Aegis) wich were around 20-35 players each. We held the whole map except for one tower for many hours(sry, didnt count). Oh yes, and of my guild-mates got a prec from one of the thousend Vizu baggys, thanks for that. Nice day for us, now u can continue ur trakittenalk.Not sure if serious, everytime Bay or Hills is attacked by Desolation for example you call your whole zerg on that BL (usually 50+) and make about 10 arrow carts. Not even Viz sit in keeps with 50+ blob’s using AC’s.
well i hardly believe its 50+ besides primetime… we had(have) really big issues with keeping the pugs together so you will hardly encounter more then 40-45 people at one spot.. (only if guild group joins the fight then you have your 60+ but that happens only if PUG zerg is outnumbered)
as for the ACs… well let’s just say we learned one or two things in T2^^
Thank you to everyone we fought with and against last night in Desolatino Borderlands. Things got pretty hectic and both Vizzy and Elona were both pretty aggressive opponents al night. SO much so we ended up with this garrison sandwich
thanks it was fantastic fun
Executed [ExE] – Piken Square
The most hilarious comment I’ve read so far was a vizunah player who claimed Elona is bad at open field fights.
Well, I guess that was my comment.
And I’ll reiterate : Elona should work on open field fights, it’s by far their greatest weakness.
I don’t mean any disrespect to them, this my objective criticism of their server after a weekend on the borderlands.
I’ve heard a lot of good things about [GD], so I’m sure they do have very strong guilds. But the groups I faced during the weekend (wether they are organised raids or just PU raids) died rather quickly compared to what we saw on SFR2.0 or Deso.
The good point is that they like to fight, even outnumbered, even when dying repeatedly.
Thankfully your wishes and dreams are not even close to the reality I encounter every day. It may be true that, considering the whole day and the different amount and type of players and commanders we have, you will most certainly win some fights. But I truly have no Idea how you consider yourself to be the better open field fighters. I lost one battle yesterday in several hours of gameplay, and we met you guys quite often. So my guess would be that you are indeed playing at strange times or on EB. I can’t say anything about that since I barely ever play on EB.
So I recommand that you play on deso or your homelands during primetime, I think you might be surprised and will have a better experience.
(edited by TyrDaishi.1057)
The most hilarious comment I’ve read so far was a vizunah player who claimed Elona is bad at open field fights.
Well, I guess that was my comment.
And I’ll reiterate : Elona should work on open field fights, it’s by far their greatest weakness.
lol are you serious? some viz giving advice about others open field fight skills?
we have had some fights against elona and they did fight quite well (even when they lost the whole time). but when engaging viz it’s more like ‘huh? what’s with the battle? where are all thos lootbags coming from?‘.
a common joke on deso is: ’a typical vizunah: my mum told me i could become everything, so i became a lootbag!’
but whatever, so looking forward to go to t2 as with elona entering there are now 2 hardcore blobbing servers.
The most hilarious comment I’ve read so far was a vizunah player who claimed Elona is bad at open field fights.
Well, I guess that was my comment.
And I’ll reiterate : Elona should work on open field fights, it’s by far their greatest weakness.lol are you serious? some viz giving advice about others open field fight skills?
we have had some fights against elona and they did fight quite well (even when they lost the whole time). but when engaging viz it’s more like ‘huh? what’s with the battle? where are all thos lootbags coming from?‘.
a common joke on deso is: ’a typical vizunah: my mum told me i could become everything, so i became a lootbag!’but whatever, so looking forward to go to t2 as with elona entering there are now 2 hardcore blobbing servers.
You nearly sounded nice until you reached “(even when they lost the whole time)”. Because that’s just not true. For obvious reasons. Some fights you win some you lose, everyone who tells otherwise is just, plain and simple, not telling the truth.
When Desu drops to T2, do you think Kodash might overtake to T1? They might gain a bit too much from Desu and SfR point bleed.
Jade Sea will come T1
I guess with the reanimation of SFR in T2 this topic is resolved: No one will switch between T1 and T2 for a while.
Let’s enjoy our current setup until ANet fixes the rating-system.
When Desu drops to T2, do you think Kodash might overtake to T1? They might gain a bit too much from Desu and SfR point bleed.
Jade Sea will come T1
I guess with the reanimation of SFR in T2 this topic is resolved: No one will switch between T1 and T2 for a while.
Let’s enjoy our current setup until ANet fixes the rating-system.
Desolation is waiting to enjoy for over 2 months already, nothing fun.