[CDS] Caedas
Sanctum of Rall
I’m still getting terrible lag in blue BL right now. Getting 2 frames in fights with any kind of significant numbers and still random hooking while traveling the zone.
Yes. lagging hard along with several disconnections. It has never happened before to me and my guild mates. Something is wrong for sure.
Lags a result of 3 servers using portal bombs and stealth mechanics. Creates more and more lag. Initially a tactic used to abuse the current culling, it is now adapted by everyone and all, this is the result.
We have no lag at T8
I thought I was petty clear … “everyone” meant everyone who was in chat (actually, both map chat and TS3), and that was way more than five people. It has happened at least four times in battles I’ve been in over the past couple of weeks, and chat lit up about it every time. It also regularly happened any time we hit [WM]‘s main zerg back when we were fighting Kaineng. You said you were on DR, hadn’t ever experienced that kind of lag, and therefore assumed that server pops were the root cause for the problem. I’m telling you that I’m on DR, have experienced it several times, and that server pops have nothing to do with it … it’s strictly a function of the number of players in close proximity. ANet’s game engine and server bandwidth bog down when trying to transmit and receive all that data. Believe it or don’t, your call.
0.5% of purchased accounts being able to play WvW is 0.5% no matter how you cut it. Would you have bought a game engine and server hardware that was only capable of handling that low a percentage of the copies you sold? And on top of that, would you design the game so that you had no control at all over server balance to mitigate the bottleneck you created? Maybe you would, but I wouldn’t … it’s a terrific way to strangle the game.
In contrast, the upcoming TESO plans to handle 2,000 players on the map at the same time and 200 players in close proximity without a performance hit.
Are you telling me that what? 50 people simultaneously said “I am lagging” in chat? That you monitored the other server’s chat for the same thing? Here’s a tip for you: Check for when Jormag is up on JQ / DB, go to Earthshake waypoint, and try some abilities out. I guarantee you that you will see ability lag before you ever see Jormag. Yes, server lag gets worse when you are in close proximity to a high amount of players. But the chance of seeing that huge amount of players is ten times higher in a T1 server, as is the amount of people throughout the zone who are also dragging the server down. See, there will never be a map in T5 where all servers have a queue, save for maybe during ~2h on reset night, and that is EB. In T1 on the other hand, I am sure all maps have a queue for all servers during multiple nights of the week.
Your argument about 0,5% is still completely kitten. Would you refuse to go to an aquarium who had 2000 visitors a day, simply because only 10 people per day could dive with the sharks? I know I wouldn’t, I am certainly not interested in diving with any sharks.
The fact that you trust game companies in 2013, even after having played GW2, is also kind of strange. What TESO says and what TESO delivers will be entirely different things, rest assured.
You’re hopeless.
Everyone who was active in TS3 said their abilities lagged badly. That was maybe a dozen people who bothered to say anything about it in the worst example, about a handful in the others. Nobody said they didn’t have lag. Everyone who wrote anything in map chat right then and immediately afterward said they had bad ability lag … nobody wrote that they didn’t.
An aquarium and sharks is the best analogy you could come up with? Seriously?? A better analogy would be my cell phone company recruiting 3,000,000 subscribers and only having installed capacity for 16,000 (16×4×240) simultaneous users with no provision for load balancing.
As for TESO, who knows what they will actually deliver. My point was that they actually have thoughtfully considered the issue and are trying to plan accordingly … something ANet obviously didn’t.
Again, the bottom line is that you used DR as an example that ability lag doesn’t happen on less populated servers … and I’m telling you that I’m also on DR and that I and my guild mates have experienced it several times. You can call me a liar if you want, but other than that I can’t fathom why you’re still arguing the point.
So it lags on the Borderlands aswell? Stonemist is bad enough for such a key point of the map it isn’t worth fighting for at prime time. Why are the servers struggling so bad?
(edited by CrimsonNeonite.1048)
I have a broadband ISP and my computer is a liquid cooled 3770K/GTX680 with 16gig of 1866MHz RAM and temps that rarely exceed 40 deg C.
I have fiber optics running at 200mbps, 12gb of ~1666ram triple bus, 4gz i7 extreme and 2×460 OC sli and even I lag. The fact is , the lag was the worst anyone had seen since the days of beta.
EU T1 server lag is just terrible tonight ,the game is unplayable in this state.
Its not even in high populated areas ,its in open field! can’t use skills and extreme Lag…
Nothing to do with my system or connection as both are very good.
You’re hopeless.
Everyone who was active in TS3 said their abilities lagged badly. That was maybe a dozen people who bothered to say anything about it in the worst example, about a handful in the others. Nobody said they didn’t have lag. Everyone who wrote anything in map chat right then and immediately afterward said they had bad ability lag … nobody wrote that they didn’t.
An aquarium and sharks is the best analogy you could come up with? Seriously?? A better analogy would be my cell phone company recruiting 3,000,000 subscribers and only having installed capacity for 16,000 (16×4×240) simultaneous users with no provision for load balancing.
As for TESO, who knows what they will actually deliver. My point was that they actually have thoughtfully considered the issue and are trying to plan accordingly … something ANet obviously didn’t.
Again, the bottom line is that you used DR as an example that ability lag doesn’t happen on less populated servers … and I’m telling you that I’m also on DR and that I and my guild mates have experienced it several times. You can call me a liar if you want, but other than that I can’t fathom why you’re still arguing the point.
You can call me hopeless all you want. But with the exception of you, the T1 / T2 players started this thread, and they are the ones who are complaining about lag. It’s also funny that they complain about constant lag for extended periods of time throughout WvW, while you complain about experiencing lag in WvW at least “four times in battles I’ve been in over the past couple of weeks”. Do you really think that lagging four times over the course of 2 weeks can compare to the lag you see in T1?
Have you ever played WoW when they release a new expansion? Half of the servers are so full you can be stuck in queue for 3-4 hours, during the first couple of weeks. Do you really think that Blizzard’s best option is to increase server capability, and thus waste money, or try to balance server population out and wait for the initial storm of people to pass?
My analogy was all right, yours is not, because there are other qualities in this game than WvW. A majority of the players did NOT buy this game for WvW, just like a majority of the people who go to the aquarium don’t do so to dive with sharks.
Who knows? Arena Net might be having issues with their servers right now. But it is accentuated for people who play in T1, because they decided to hoard on the same tier.
(edited by Gab Superstar.4059)
You can call me hopeless all you want. But with the exception of you, the T1 / T2 players started this thread, and they are the ones who are complaining about lag. It’s also funny that they complain about constant lag for extended periods of time throughout WvW, while you complain about experiencing lag in WvW at least “four times in battles I’ve been in over the past couple of weeks”. Do you really think that lagging four times over the course of 2 weeks can compare to the lag you see in T1?
Why is this so difficult for you to understand? I NEVER complained that the lag on DR was as bad as it is on a T1/T2 server. I stated two things … lag happens on DR in spite of your original comment, and lag happens whenever large enough populations gather in a small enough area in spite of the overall server population. OF COURSE that situation will happen more often in the upper tiers, but it’s a critical flaw in the design of the game and the hardware resources put in place to support it that such bad lag can happen in the normal course of play.
Now go away … you bore me.
(edited by Cactus.2710)
2. WvW maps are of course handled on the same server.
Ok, you really don’t know what you are talking about if you think a single server, whether physical or logical, can handle all the WvW maps. No point in expending energy to discuss this with you.
All the WvW maps? That’s not at all what I said. I’m sure you know what I meant, but keep drawing kitten conclusions from my posts if you feel it will help your argument.
Given that you are trying to speak with authority on a subject where you obviously have no expertise, how else was I to take:
2. WvW maps are of course handled on the same server.
? especially in light of all of your other statements that were incorrect on many levels.
Same here
You guys from Arena.net have developed a great game, but we can’t play it. That’s pretty sad and frustrating.
Hope you’ll find a solution soon.
2. WvW maps are of course handled on the same server.
Ok, you really don’t know what you are talking about if you think a single server, whether physical or logical, can handle all the WvW maps. No point in expending energy to discuss this with you.
All the WvW maps? That’s not at all what I said. I’m sure you know what I meant, but keep drawing kitten conclusions from my posts if you feel it will help your argument.
Given that you are trying to speak with authority on a subject where you obviously have no expertise, how else was I to take:
2. WvW maps are of course handled on the same server.
? especially in light of all of your other statements that were incorrect on many levels.
If you join Green BL you join the same server as everyone else in your tier who joins Green BL. That’s what I meant.
It wouldn’t make sense for me to argue my point about T1 being more laggy if all WvW maps were handled on the same server, because if everyone plays on the same server they would all experience lag. That’s what I meant when you draw illogical conclusions from my posts. But hey, maybe you are a bit slower than average, nothing wrong with that.
lag happens on DR in spite of your original comment, and lag happens whenever large enough populations gather in a small enough area in spite of the overall server population.
My original comment: “On DR I have never had ability lag, and have only heard of players who had it maybe 1-2 times.”
I can edit my post and remove the part where I say I know people who have experienced lag if it would make you feel better.
On the critical flaw part, well, we can just agree to disagree. I think it’s a waste of money, you don’t. Great.
It is rather skill lag which is unplayable atm in any fight
Unplayable game is unplayable. Full skill lock for 2h of fighting… whats the point anymore.
The morning comes, the disconnects continue. Hopefully someone at the office is looking into this?
I seriously hope not.
I don’t want Arena Net to waste their money on kittens who decided to hoard on one server and then complain about lag.
If you guys didn’t bandwagon, or encourage others to do so, server population would be more evenly spread out and you wouldn’t have lag.
Hate to disappoint ya son, but I was born and raised in the Quarry before you were even a pixel in the mind’s eye. Here’s a tidbit o’ data for you… populations are still the same due to the cap on players allowed.
The morning comes, the disconnects continue. Hopefully someone at the office is looking into this?
I seriously hope not.
I don’t want Arena Net to waste their money on kittens who decided to hoard on one server and then complain about lag.
If you guys didn’t bandwagon, or encourage others to do so, server population would be more evenly spread out and you wouldn’t have lag.
Hate to disappoint ya son, but I was born and raised in the Quarry before you were even a pixel in the mind’s eye. Here’s a tidbit o’ data for you… populations are still the same due to the cap on players allowed.
Are you under the impression that every tier has queues?
The morning comes, the disconnects continue. Hopefully someone at the office is looking into this?
I seriously hope not.
I don’t want Arena Net to waste their money on kittens who decided to hoard on one server and then complain about lag.
If you guys didn’t bandwagon, or encourage others to do so, server population would be more evenly spread out and you wouldn’t have lag.
Hate to disappoint ya son, but I was born and raised in the Quarry before you were even a pixel in the mind’s eye. Here’s a tidbit o’ data for you… populations are still the same due to the cap on players allowed.
Are you under the impression that every tier has queues?
Every tier has the potential for battles large enough to cause heavy lag, queue or no queue … they simply are more likely in the upper tiers. That doesn’t make lag in the lower tiers any less annoying … only less often.
People stacked cause server lag… This is why T1 lag badly, and T8 have no lag at all…
The morning comes, the disconnects continue. Hopefully someone at the office is looking into this?
I seriously hope not.
I don’t want Arena Net to waste their money on kittens who decided to hoard on one server and then complain about lag.
If you guys didn’t bandwagon, or encourage others to do so, server population would be more evenly spread out and you wouldn’t have lag.
Hate to disappoint ya son, but I was born and raised in the Quarry before you were even a pixel in the mind’s eye. Here’s a tidbit o’ data for you… populations are still the same due to the cap on players allowed.
Are you under the impression that every tier has queues?
Every tier has the potential for battles large enough to cause heavy lag, queue or no queue … they simply are more likely in the upper tiers. That doesn’t make lag in the lower tiers any less annoying … only less often.
Indeed. But if you increase the server bandwidth only to fix the lag a few players experience 1-2 times a week you are wasting resources which could be put to better use elsewhere.
It’s Company 101, don’t waste resources on things that will hardly be noticeable to the consumers in favor of things that will actually make an impact on a larger scale.
The morning comes, the disconnects continue. Hopefully someone at the office is looking into this?
I seriously hope not.
I don’t want Arena Net to waste their money on kittens who decided to hoard on one server and then complain about lag.
If you guys didn’t bandwagon, or encourage others to do so, server population would be more evenly spread out and you wouldn’t have lag.
Hate to disappoint ya son, but I was born and raised in the Quarry before you were even a pixel in the mind’s eye. Here’s a tidbit o’ data for you… populations are still the same due to the cap on players allowed.
Are you under the impression that every tier has queues?
Every tier has the potential for battles large enough to cause heavy lag, queue or no queue … they simply are more likely in the upper tiers. That doesn’t make lag in the lower tiers any less annoying … only less often.
Indeed. But if you increase the server bandwidth only to fix the lag a few players experience 1-2 times a week you are wasting resources which could be put to better use elsewhere.
It’s Company 101, don’t waste resources on things that will hardly be noticeable to the consumers in favor of things that will actually make an impact on a larger scale.
That’s certainly true (I ran a very large commercial business for about 20 years). The problem is, in the ideal situation where the WvW populations were balanced across all servers and tiers and the maps were actually able to hold the originally intended capacity (roughly 500 players per map), lag would be a problem for everyone and it would occur way more than just once or twice per week. In all reality, the bandwaggoning in the upper tiers is the only reason that those of us in the lower tiers have a manageable game experience. That’s a flawed implementation.
The morning comes, the disconnects continue. Hopefully someone at the office is looking into this?
I seriously hope not.
I don’t want Arena Net to waste their money on kittens who decided to hoard on one server and then complain about lag.
If you guys didn’t bandwagon, or encourage others to do so, server population would be more evenly spread out and you wouldn’t have lag.
wow, really?instead of offending everyone in here(and you are really rude!), you might wanna check facts.Not our problem, that you are in a low population server. I have been in the same server since launch btw.
as for the lag, i’m on fa and we usually face zergs of like 40 to 50 people (if not more with all the night asian crews we are facing). Normally I’m not laging much and am always able to use my skills. Yesterday was the worst lag I’ve ever experienced. The moment I was approaching a zerg, massive lag..when fighting them, I wasn’t able to use any skills and died within a few seconds…from full health to zero!And EVERYONE in our ts had the same issue! something is wrong here for sure!
Transfer fees were put in for a reason; anet saw this coming a long time ago… you did this to yourselves. Don’t put the blame on anet simply because they didn’t anticipate the number of all the egotistical players transferring to the same servers. Lower tiers are experiencing how the game is supposed to function. Nuff said
Wait until they remove culling, lol.
Transfer fees were put in for a reason; anet saw this coming a long time ago… you did this to yourselves. Don’t put the blame on anet simply because they didn’t anticipate the number of all the egotistical players transferring to the same servers. Lower tiers are experiencing how the game is supposed to function. Nuff said
I’ve been on SOR since day 1, bub.
Then clearly i wasn’t referring to you
Last night and this morning in SoR BL i had a lot of lag, not nearly as much as others are claiming. In EB i also had minor skill lag at times and i would assume packet loss since some skills wouldn’t even cast.
I don’t know whats going on but just a guess… Anet is messing around with the bandwith and the lag will go away soon enough when they are done doing what ever it is that they are doing.
Transfer fees were put in for a reason; anet saw this coming a long time ago… you did this to yourselves. Don’t put the blame on anet simply because they didn’t anticipate the number of all the egotistical players transferring to the same servers. Lower tiers are experiencing how the game is supposed to function. Nuff said
again someone that doesn’t read what was said.Until yesterday, nobody from T1 or T2 was complaining much about lag.The only time i had lag, was 1my roomate was on netflix and downloading stuff while I was playing or 2. SMC 3 way fights with massive zergs.
BTW been on Fa since launch.So, calling people names, because you are mad that there are really high populated servers out there, is not the way here or the place!
All the servers that had a major lag and still have it btw, have clearly stated, that everything was fine before reset..
We didn’t have any lag and also had no new transfers! and yes, we field large numbers. Yesterday our group wasn’t even 20 and we faced a zerg of around 40 to 45 and lag was outrageous. FYI we had fights with 30+ vs 50 before and never had such a massive lag.
The morning comes, the disconnects continue. Hopefully someone at the office is looking into this?
I seriously hope not.
I don’t want Arena Net to waste their money on kittens who decided to hoard on one server and then complain about lag.
If you guys didn’t bandwagon, or encourage others to do so, server population would be more evenly spread out and you wouldn’t have lag.
Hate to disappoint ya son, but I was born and raised in the Quarry before you were even a pixel in the mind’s eye. Here’s a tidbit o’ data for you… populations are still the same due to the cap on players allowed.
Are you under the impression that every tier has queues?
Every tier has the potential for battles large enough to cause heavy lag, queue or no queue … they simply are more likely in the upper tiers. That doesn’t make lag in the lower tiers any less annoying … only less often.
Indeed. But if you increase the server bandwidth only to fix the lag a few players experience 1-2 times a week you are wasting resources which could be put to better use elsewhere.
It’s Company 101, don’t waste resources on things that will hardly be noticeable to the consumers in favor of things that will actually make an impact on a larger scale.
I guess Habib and Mike’s posts that they are aware of the extremely bad culling and are releasing what they hope is a fix in March are just illusory. I guess all the previous threads on how bad culling is are illusory. I guess the thread that had a poll with well over a thousand responses in which at last count 67% of which said culling was worse was illusory. I guess all the people in our server TS who complained of the culling and ability lag being worse than ever were illusory.
The only experience that matters is Gab Superstar’s experience (what an apropos forum name). Fortunately I know a Troll for a Troll.
Anet, I’ll be back after the March patch. If you haven’t fixed it by then, my money is gone.
Sorry for the name calling. But consider this: i am in a tier four server, experienced less than ten minute queues, and did not have any of these issues aside from a bit of culling. Call me ignorant, but the difference here is the number of people attempting to log in to wvw.
The morning comes, the disconnects continue. Hopefully someone at the office is looking into this?
I seriously hope not.
I don’t want Arena Net to waste their money on kittens who decided to hoard on one server and then complain about lag.
If you guys didn’t bandwagon, or encourage others to do so, server population would be more evenly spread out and you wouldn’t have lag.
Hate to disappoint ya son, but I was born and raised in the Quarry before you were even a pixel in the mind’s eye. Here’s a tidbit o’ data for you… populations are still the same due to the cap on players allowed.
Are you under the impression that every tier has queues?
Every tier has the potential for battles large enough to cause heavy lag, queue or no queue … they simply are more likely in the upper tiers. That doesn’t make lag in the lower tiers any less annoying … only less often.
Indeed. But if you increase the server bandwidth only to fix the lag a few players experience 1-2 times a week you are wasting resources which could be put to better use elsewhere.
It’s Company 101, don’t waste resources on things that will hardly be noticeable to the consumers in favor of things that will actually make an impact on a larger scale.
I guess Habib and Mike’s posts that they are aware of the extremely bad culling and are releasing what they hope is a fix in March are just illusory. I guess all the previous threads on how bad culling is are illusory. I guess the thread that had a poll with well over a thousand responses in which at last count 67% of which said culling was worse was illusory. I guess all the people in our server TS who complained of the culling and ability lag being worse than ever were illusory.
The only experience that matters is Gab Superstar’s experience (what an apropos forum name). Fortunately I know a Troll for a Troll.
Anet, I’ll be back after the March patch. If you haven’t fixed it by then, my money is gone.
Except we are not talking about culling in this thread. If you look in the thread you specifically mention you will actually see me say that culling is worse.
Go away please.
The morning comes, the disconnects continue. Hopefully someone at the office is looking into this?
I seriously hope not.
I don’t want Arena Net to waste their money on kittens who decided to hoard on one server and then complain about lag.
If you guys didn’t bandwagon, or encourage others to do so, server population would be more evenly spread out and you wouldn’t have lag.
Hate to disappoint ya son, but I was born and raised in the Quarry before you were even a pixel in the mind’s eye. Here’s a tidbit o’ data for you… populations are still the same due to the cap on players allowed.
Are you under the impression that every tier has queues?
Every tier has the potential for battles large enough to cause heavy lag, queue or no queue … they simply are more likely in the upper tiers. That doesn’t make lag in the lower tiers any less annoying … only less often.
Indeed. But if you increase the server bandwidth only to fix the lag a few players experience 1-2 times a week you are wasting resources which could be put to better use elsewhere.
It’s Company 101, don’t waste resources on things that will hardly be noticeable to the consumers in favor of things that will actually make an impact on a larger scale.
I guess Habib and Mike’s posts that they are aware of the extremely bad culling and are releasing what they hope is a fix in March are just illusory. I guess all the previous threads on how bad culling is are illusory. I guess the thread that had a poll with well over a thousand responses in which at last count 67% of which said culling was worse was illusory. I guess all the people in our server TS who complained of the culling and ability lag being worse than ever were illusory.
The only experience that matters is Gab Superstar’s experience (what an apropos forum name). Fortunately I know a Troll for a Troll.
Anet, I’ll be back after the March patch. If you haven’t fixed it by then, my money is gone.
Except we are not talking about culling in this thread. If you look in the thread you specifically mention you will actually see me say that culling is worse.
Go away please.
I think what he means by referring to the culling issue, is that Anet is secretly testing ut some parts of their culling system and thats why the servers a lagging this badly! Btw you are not the OP of this thread, so stop trying to be an authority here.You cannot tell someone to go away while your very first comment was you attacking high tier severs for their transfers which btw has nothing to do with the lag as stated by tons of people in this thread!
The simple fact is that every Friday at reset T1 is full, queues on all four. That’s standard. This particular Friday and into today has been marred by unusual lag and disconnects. How many people are in our home servers are irrelevant when each and every week we’re maxing out WvW. So, in a nutshell, same number of people (full with queues), unusual and horrendously bad lag with multiple discos.
Please enjoy your lag and queues while i enjoy the actaul game in T7 i have spent at least 1500 hrs in WvW since the game has first kicked off and the issues above are a myth over here.. if you guys spred ur selfs out a bit you will learn that there is space for everyone
But sadly you go with the safety in numbers logic which is wrong.
btw, just saying…could also be a lag hack like “artificial lag”…..
Please enjoy your lag and queues while i enjoy the actaul game in T7
i have spent at least 1500 hrs in WvW since the game has first kicked off and the issues above are a myth over here.. if you guys spred ur selfs out a bit you will learn that there is space for everyone
I’m pretty sure that’s not actually true, at least not right now. If the WvW populations were spread equally amongst all servers I’d bet $100 that ALL tiers would regularly be complaining about lag unless ANet set the maps caps really low.
Lag is the result of insufficient server-side bandwdith, culling is simply how ANet tries to mitigate it, and culling already exists even on low tier servers. It’s just that on the lower tiers culling pretty much accomplishes what it is supposed to do, whereas on the higher tiers it can’t because even with culling there is too much data to process from all the players (visual rendering is NOT the only data that needs to be handled). Equalize all the server populations and you’d most likely still have way too much data to avoid lag on all servers.
Of course all that may soon change depending upon what ANet’s upcoming solution to culling is, but right now equal populations would most likely just mean equal lag for everyone … not the absence of it.
I’m going to try and explain to you guys why you have lag in T1 now, worse than ever.
I roughly estimate the cap per server for wvw is 300 people, that is 75 people per map on 4 maps. What has now happened is you have two servers at maximum capacity with SoR probably fielding 200 players. Also take into account that theres probably 100 people per server in a que waiting. So you have roughly 1100 people interacting with the server and at any given point while 1 person is trying to connect to 100 others (your own and enemy). This is a huge amount of traffic. Never before have the gw2 servers had to cope with that amount as you now have 2 servers that have stacked up more than HoD was in its prime.
You are going to have to wait until anet either upgrades the T1 servers or changes the cap. Have fun and good luck.
ps. where did votf go to in the end?
Some bill didn’t get paid. That’s why the lag is horrible…even worse then Beta lag.
omg wvw is nearly unplayable!ANET we need a hotfix asap!whatever u changed, not only culling ist the worst ever, but the lag is gamebreaking, please fix this,change it back!none from my server can play properly.I can’t even use my skills anymore
WvW has some incredible Lag. EBG is worse, can’t even use skills. BGBL is bad anytime there is 40 people even remotely close to each other. What happened, we somehow took a step backwards?
ps. where did votf go to in the end?
I saw one in BG i think, or maybe sor.
I’m going to try and explain to you guys why you have lag in T1 now, worse than ever.
I roughly estimate the cap per server for wvw is 300 people, that is 75 people per map on 4 maps. What has now happened is you have two servers at maximum capacity with SoR probably fielding 200 players. Also take into account that theres probably 100 people per server in a que waiting. So you have roughly 1100 people interacting with the server and at any given point while 1 person is trying to connect to 100 others (your own and enemy). This is a huge amount of traffic. Never before have the gw2 servers had to cope with that amount as you now have 2 servers that have stacked up more than HoD was in its prime.
You are going to have to wait until anet either upgrades the T1 servers or changes the cap. Have fun and good luck.
ps. where did votf go to in the end?
75 people per map? PRX alone can get more members than that in to a BL at reset (or used to at least).
And I do not know why several people claim that we went to BG.
Everyone posting in this thread could do with watching this video: http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/180776/Video_Guild_Wars_2s_programming_tricks_revealed.php
There are some misconceptions in some of the posts here.
This may be more of a bandwidth issue than a server based issue. Is it possible that all the new guild mission etc are more popular than anet anticipated and that maybe their concurrent logons have tripled/quadrupled since the patch? You don’t put in additional bandwidth at the drop of a hat.
The new Tatic for T1 take of SM is to do the following
- Turn on Auto on you number 1 skill
- Run in and click target nearest enemy
- Pray to Aylassa that she will let you use your heal skill
then hope you can cap
Everyone posting in this thread could do with watching this video: http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/180776/Video_Guild_Wars_2s_programming_tricks_revealed.php
There are some misconceptions in some of the posts here.
I watched that entire video. The biggest thing I learned from it is that realms are not unique to servers … ANet uses a grouped-server system where server capacity is dynamically allocated as a function of need. That would mean that Tier 1 “servers” would actually be drawing from capacity not being used by lower tier servers. That sounds good on paper, but there is no way that a capacity reallocation would happen fast enough to react to the sudden need for more server capacity to suddenly handle a massive WvW battle … in any tier.
In addition, server capacity does not equate to bandwidth.
We have no lag at T8
Or players, for that matter.
We have no lag at T8
Or players, for that matter.
T1 also don’t… Or at least the culling doesn’t show’em
Everyone posting in this thread could do with watching this video: http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/180776/Video_Guild_Wars_2s_programming_tricks_revealed.php
There are some misconceptions in some of the posts here.I watched that entire video. The biggest thing I learned from it is that realms are not unique to servers … ANet uses a grouped-server system where server capacity is dynamically allocated as a function of need. That would mean that Tier 1 “servers” would actually be drawing from capacity not being used by lower tier servers. That sounds good on paper, but there is no way that a capacity reallocation would happen fast enough to react to the sudden need for more server capacity to suddenly handle a massive WvW battle … in any tier.
In addition, server capacity does not equate to bandwidth.
I to got a similiar understanding from that video. So in summary, Anet made some changes to how the load is distributed in the cloud server that ended up in disaster after the reset.
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