I’ll admit, I used to hate WvW because I felt stuck in a world full of strangers who wanted to kill me at all costs. And for the most part, that’s true.
One day when I was exploring an enemy borderlands by myself, I came across a boss skill challenge that an enemy player was already attacking. I had made it exceptionally far from my garrison and I didn’t want to die right there when there was so much more to explore. So I tentatively walked up and started killing the boss, too. When the boss died, I had done no damage to the enemy player, and he had done no damage to me. We just stood there.
And then, we started to dance.
While both of us ran off in opposite directions probably saying “Oh God, that guy almost killed me,” it was the best moment I’ve ever had in WvW. I think a lot of times people are so worried about killing each other that we end up ruining someone’s day or making someone ragequit just to get a measly amount of experience or coin.
When I play WvW, here’s how I play it:
- If I am alone and I pass another lone player, I walk right on by. I never instigate, and if they start attacking, I just keep running.
- If I am alone and I pass a small group (2-5), I keep trying to run by, hoping for the best. It’s more likely they’ll kill me. But I wish they didn’t: what could I possibly do to threaten them or any of their team settlements?
- If I am alone and I pass a zerg train: take me, PLEASE. The kill was well deserved.
As such, when I overpower someone, or I am in a group passing a lone player, I will stand back or tell my group to stand back out of respect for someone who’s probably just joined the game and is just looking for some action. Let’s face it: how much experience or WvW points could you possibly hope to get from someone traveling alone?
I want to make WvW an enjoyable place for everyone. A place that’s challenging but exciting, not tedious and impossible (because that’s not fun). This is how I see it: I would rather fight someone who is a part of a zerg train and experience the challenge than fight a lone player for the cheap kill and reward.
I have been playing WvW for a while now: I’ve experienced ups and downs, good times and bad times. WvW CAN be fun. I’ve figured out how to work the system a lot of times, and I’m familiar with good strategies. But I find a lot of times that there’s just a general lack of…recognition. In WvW, we fight other people, not bots or NPCs. Those other people are trying to accomplish things, too. Wouldn’t you hate it if every time you tried to get to a vista, a group camping there kept killing you? Annoying, right?
WvW is about siege and the big battles, not cheap kills. I’m not saying everyone does this, but I’m saying that WvW requires a bit of an..honor code, if you will, to remain enjoyable.
TL;DR – Met enemy player, we danced, respect yo enemy.