The fall of JQ

The fall of JQ

in WvW

Posted by: Cephas.4293


JQ has been artificially propped up by the T1 wall for quite some time. Now that the wall has been broken JQ is simply falling into its natural place.

Tarnished Coast
[OnS] Medaria Minnick – Reaper
The Mad Priest

The fall of JQ

in WvW

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


JQ has been artificially propped up by the T1 wall for quite some time. Now that the wall has been broken JQ is simply falling into its natural place.

See, this is the kind of poorly done [ONS] pvf’ing that I described in my previous post. Any World that loses 8 or so Guilds after the leak, then gets locked a week later by the Dev’s, is going to have performance issues. As I said in my reply to the OP, all we can do is kick back and enjoy the next 3 months.

btw… [ONS] you and YB still couldn’t win a week until after HoT dropped. Our moral on JQ and most of WvW never recovered after it. Guild’s disbanded, players left the game, and players left the mode. Now players are transferring about just to try and find some resemblance of WvW past. You yourselves are transferring about and trying to find any fun left in the game too. So don’t throw stones at anyone else for having a hard time finding fun in a post HoT world (vs world) (vs world).

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.

The fall of JQ

in WvW

Posted by: lil devils x.6071

lil devils x.6071

JQ has been artificially propped up by the T1 wall for quite some time. Now that the wall has been broken JQ is simply falling into its natural place.

See, this is the kind of poorly done [ONS] pvkitten that I described in my previous post. Any World that loses 8 or so Guilds after the leak, then gets locked a week later by the Dev’s, is going to have performance issues. As I said in my reply to the OP, all we can do is kick back and enjoy the next 3 months.

btw… [ONS] you and YB still couldn’t win a week until after HoT dropped. Our moral on JQ and most of WvW never recovered after it. Guild’s disbanded, players left the game, and players left the mode. Now players are transferring about just to try and find some resemblance of WvW past. You yourselves are transferring about and trying to find any fun left in the game too. So don’t throw stones at anyone else for having a hard time finding fun in a post HoT world (vs world) (vs world).

HoT was devastating to the community, and especially to JQ during the times when both YB and BG unlocked, but not JQ even though JQ had lost population, not gained it and both BG and YB had transfers during that time. Anets decisions with HOT essentially took out our scouts entirely, players saw no reason to defend anything and pretty much gave up on the game mode.

You and I both have been trying our hardest to get that to change, and it has not been easy. I know we both love JQ and want to see it improve and that is honestly the only reason I feel this finally has to be in the open instead of behind closed doors this time or it will never change. I can’t think of anyone who has put more into WvW than you have and yea, it has been just as hard on you when they lose everything you tried to keep for so long as well.

I do think there was probably much more going on than you or I realized, but from everything I personally saw and everything I heard from those I tried to bring and keep on JQ it was more than they cared to deal with. I do remember when everyone would work together and it was great. When you have commanders willing to follow other commanders from different guilds, drop what they are doing to help another, and combine and separate needed to defend against the omniblob, it was great. I loved the way JQ used to coordinate and hope to have that level of organization and cooperation again.

Of course everyone being frustrated with HOT did play a role in their attitudes and treatment of others, but much of NA’s issues started prior to HOT as well, Hot just brought out the worst in people to bring it to a boil.

[KILL]Killing Tiers Leader [TOON] Toons of Terror Leader [NEWS This Just In Leader

The fall of JQ

in WvW

Posted by: Cephas.4293


JQ has been artificially propped up by the T1 wall for quite some time. Now that the wall has been broken JQ is simply falling into its natural place.

See, this is the kind of poorly done [ONS] pvkitten that I described in my previous post. Any World that loses 8 or so Guilds after the leak, then gets locked a week later by the Dev’s, is going to have performance issues. As I said in my reply to the OP, all we can do is kick back and enjoy the next 3 months.

btw… [ONS] you and YB still couldn’t win a week until after HoT dropped. Our moral on JQ and most of WvW never recovered after it. Guild’s disbanded, players left the game, and players left the mode. Now players are transferring about just to try and find some resemblance of WvW past. You yourselves are transferring about and trying to find any fun left in the game too. So don’t throw stones at anyone else for having a hard time finding fun in a post HoT world (vs world) (vs world).

My post isn’t an indictment of JQ. It blames a failed glicko system that keeps servers where they shouldn’t be for too long of a time period. JQ’s fall was a result of a cascade of problems and happenings that definitely didn’t help JQ. Whether it be server politics or discontent with the game, it doesn’t really matter. Servers need to be able to rise and fall and that was too much of a challenge in the past. A system that promoted servers to rotate more will help servers in the long run and naturally spread out the population.

Tarnished Coast
[OnS] Medaria Minnick – Reaper
The Mad Priest

(edited by Cephas.4293)

The fall of JQ

in WvW

Posted by: lil devils x.6071

lil devils x.6071

Please remember when talking to other non-english player, that there are differences between what you/they mean and what is actual written, people however respond to a message in different ways. With writing you can never send your message in the same clear way how you can do this in real-life with your own language.

Short summary to viewer who don’t want to read through the dirty laundry here: Sea blames that they don’t be heard from na, na blames the sea/ocx to do their own things. Lack of communication. Players from usa who don’t listen to other people . It’s a cultural thing from usa, I guess, not a breaking news so far.

Everyone else: here, grab my popcorn and enjoy, I’m out of this.

I don’t remember NA blaming Sea or OCX, there was nothing to blame, as they were doing most the work. Sea and OCX were not even invited to have a seat at the table was part of the problem. ( Sea and OCX are not even [KILL] Time zones during this.) I ran with all time zones personally and tried to see what needed help and where. NA didn’t want any help and wanted everyone else to stay out of " their business" while they lost everything on all maps with queued maps..

The maps being empty now is because people got sick of it and left since it did not have to happen that way.

[KILL]Killing Tiers Leader [TOON] Toons of Terror Leader [NEWS This Just In Leader

The fall of JQ

in WvW

Posted by: Towelie.9504


The “leaders” of JQ that basically caused a lot of this are normally the people that have an elitist attitude despite not having any real notable skills to speak about in the first place.

(edited by Towelie.9504)

The fall of JQ

in WvW

Posted by: Nightingale.8364


Don’t worry JQ, you will fall and fall and fall just like SoR did then you will get linked with a decent server and get T1 again (just like SoR).

The fall of JQ

in WvW

Posted by: lil devils x.6071

lil devils x.6071

The “leaders” of JQ that basically caused a lot of this are normally the people that have an elitist attitude despite not having any real notable skills to speak about in the first place.

THIS^ And when people tried to help they were ran off.

[KILL]Killing Tiers Leader [TOON] Toons of Terror Leader [NEWS This Just In Leader

The fall of JQ

in WvW

Posted by: MaLeVoLenT.8129


This thread is pretty funny. Jade Quarry has been struggling for a very long time. They’ve ALWAYS had a NA problem and it DOES have to do with the servers leadership. JQ could never hold NA..they probably bought more NA guilds than any other server in this game but they never stay.

Ever consider they left the Tier because it’s just more fun playing where you and your shenanigans aren’t? Even your PvF isn’t even amusing any more.

IDK man there sure are a lot of Jade Quarry folk on my server right now.

~The Mad Court~ [OnS]Onslaught GM
Malevolent Omen -Guardian
Mad King Mal -Rev

The fall of JQ

in WvW

Posted by: morrolan.9608


It’s not even about the OT Jason. It’s about the blatant disrespect of other guilds, commanders, players that was shown. Over the last few months I saw more and more commanders, guilds not willing to work together, only “taking care of themselves”, “we are here to get our fights and leave, who cares if we lose that keep or garri”, attitude. Commanders thinking EB was their’s and telling others to get off the map and those same commanders then not running in public TS but yet wanting to call everyone garbage because they kept getting wiped.

But wasn’t that mostly the guilds that transferred in after NA numbers had started to decline? ie not JQ core guilds.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

The fall of JQ

in WvW

Posted by: lil devils x.6071

lil devils x.6071

It’s not even about the OT Jason. It’s about the blatant disrespect of other guilds, commanders, players that was shown. Over the last few months I saw more and more commanders, guilds not willing to work together, only “taking care of themselves”, “we are here to get our fights and leave, who cares if we lose that keep or garri”, attitude. Commanders thinking EB was their’s and telling others to get off the map and those same commanders then not running in public TS but yet wanting to call everyone garbage because they kept getting wiped.

But wasn’t that mostly the guilds that transferred in after NA numbers had started to decline? ie not JQ core guilds.

Most do not even consider those guys to be a" JQ guild", little lone the core.

[KILL]Killing Tiers Leader [TOON] Toons of Terror Leader [NEWS This Just In Leader

The fall of JQ

in WvW

Posted by: Mr Ko Killer.7206

Mr Ko Killer.7206

This thread is pretty funny. Jade Quarry has been struggling for a very long time. They’ve ALWAYS had a NA problem and it DOES have to do with the servers leadership. JQ could never hold NA..they probably bought more NA guilds than any other server in this game but they never stay.

If anyone has ever actually looked at the JQ forums, it’s predominately a bunch of old fossils that haven’t even logged into the game in months, still making input, still acting like hot kitten too, despite the fact that they either never were relevant, or they were, years ago. Too bad no one would bother this late in the game to force the old farts to accept retirement.

Jade Quarry’s TrollMaster General| Generation Of Legends [EviL] Leader

The fall of JQ

in WvW

Posted by: morrolan.9608


JQ “died” for several reasons. One of the first, which has already been touched upon by others, are the clique of individuals mostly from the same few guilds who administrate the community’s infrastructure (website, TS). Some barely play the game at all, but feel they’re in a position to have a lot to say about commanders/guilds or push back on absolutely any suggestion which may widen the distribution of “power” (even “power” as limited as to be able to verify people in TS) which would have made things easier for the community overall.

With the advent of the linkage system the system has been changed to what some commanders were asking for.

Now JQ are left with all the “admins” in “power” who are irrelevant to actual WvW with hardly anyone to administrate and who are incapable of actual leading in the game itself. Great job! JQ forgot the number 1 rule: it’s always the actual guilds and commanders who are the most important aspect of any server’s WvW community, and they should be listened to and served by the people running the infrastructure. Always remember that being a admin/mod is a position of servitude and listening to what the people who are actually running things in WvW for the server want and trying to improve things to make life easier for those people, as without them you have no WvW presence at all. It’s not about dictating things, making wide threats about removing entire groups of peoples’ permissions or randomly changing peoples’ statuses or access based on whether you like them or not.

Before you left the JQ Council was reformed exactly along those lines, problem was it was done poorly with non NA guilds being treated as an afterthought.

Having said all this, this is certainly not the only reason why JQ is struggling these days. The other half of the story is that people simply got bored both with the game mode and with how match-ups were playing out on JQ. Once upon a time, JQ was ridiculously stacked in most timezones and steamrolling everything consistently becomes boring and makes players either quit or move on to find better challenges. There was a time during EU when JQ could literally queue two separate maps between Kazo and KILL with up to 4-5 commanders running should those guilds so wish, versus maybe 1 commander with 25 on BG and 1 commander with 25 TC on a good day. This went on for maybe 6 months and I barely played personally during this time as logging in to k-train with no meaningful fights was ridiculously boring;

Yet now you are on TC doing exactly the same thing. Cern and Kazo steamrolling everything in sight with no opposition.

Finally, and maybe this is just me, but as an English-speaking player I actually didn’t particularly have fun spending time in WvW on JQ during off-hours outside of my own guild raids. Some of the main off-hours commanders who lead large militia forces don’t use TS or are unable to communicate too well as they’re from SEA countries with only a very basic understanding of the English language.

Yet you went out of your way to antagonise the main JQ SEA pugmander.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

The fall of JQ

in WvW

Posted by: lil devils x.6071

lil devils x.6071

the main JQ SEA pugmander.

I feel bad for him, he has been running nonstop, and why I have been trying to help him whenever I can. I just hope he doesn’t burn himself out trying so hard to do everything atm. No one can say he hasn’t done more than his share, the guy is running himself ragged trying to do everything he can.

[KILL]Killing Tiers Leader [TOON] Toons of Terror Leader [NEWS This Just In Leader

The fall of JQ

in WvW

Posted by: Dhemize.8649


This thread is so cringe worthy. So many juicy stories about JQ and their OT PPT guilds, their bad commanders, the creepy ts, the community, everything- so much moldy laundry getting aired out I can’t even breathe.

The fall of JQ

in WvW

Posted by: Aeowia.7214



alright, so how would you fix it?

What I’m writing now it’s not WvW exclusive: the reason for staying, has to be deep inside us. It’s either there, or not. It’s about principles and feelings. If one has them, will stand by the team, no matter what. Just follow your heart – that’s all I can say. You either love a community, or not. If you do, there won’t be a “why”. Friendship or love doesn’t ask why.

I choose to stand by my team, no matter how weird some of them are or what they do. Because I am Jade Quarry, just as much as they are. Because many players are friendly and very helpful, even those who can’t even read english. Not everyone can participate in highly organized teamspeak play, for many valid reasons. Always will be a large number who can’t, on every server. But they are still there, waiting for someone who conquers them with kindness, treats them well, and doesn’t just try to rule.

“Don’t walk behind me; I may not lead. Don’t walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.”

Many reasons can be found to leave, and just as many for staying… but reasons doesn’t matter, except one: who you want to be… One can’t run away forever. We are in this world, to make it a better place. Until we breathe, we can’t give up… I want to die while fighting for this, not while running away.

[FV] Fearless Vanguard, The Jade Quarry

The fall of JQ

in WvW

Posted by: lil devils x.6071

lil devils x.6071


alright, so how would you fix it?

What I’m writing now it’s not WvW exclusive: the reason for staying, has to be deep inside us. It’s either there, or not. It’s about principles and feelings. If one has them, will stand by the team, no matter what. Just follow your heart – that’s all I can say. You either love a community, or not. If you do, there won’t be a “why”. Friendship or love doesn’t ask why.

I choose to stand by my team, no matter how weird some of them are or what they do. Because I am Jade Quarry, just as much as they are. Because many players are friendly and very helpful, even those who can’t even read english. Not everyone can participate in highly organized teamspeak play, for many valid reasons. Always will be a large number who can’t, on every server. But they are still there, waiting for someone who conquers them with kindness, treats them well, and doesn’t just try to rule.

“Don’t walk behind me; I may not lead. Don’t walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.”

Many reasons can be found to leave, and just as many for staying… but reasons doesn’t matter, except one: who you want to be… One can’t run away forever. We are in this world, to make it a better place. Until we breathe, we can’t give up… I want to die while fighting for this, not while running away.

What exactly were you breathing? We all want to wind down, kick back and kick some Monkey Tail… and may or may not want to have a bit of whatever you just had…

We play games to have fun. We LOVE to fight for the challenge, being outnumbered but you at least have to HAVE a team to fight with to be able to do that, otherwise you are just roadkill. When the people you enjoy playing with and against all went elsewhere, you are not a bad person for going with them to enjoy your down time. Life is too short not to enjoy it while it lasts.

[KILL]Killing Tiers Leader [TOON] Toons of Terror Leader [NEWS This Just In Leader

(edited by lil devils x.6071)

The fall of JQ

in WvW

Posted by: Aeowia.7214


It’s about the blatant disrespect of other guilds, commanders, players that was shown. Over the last few months I saw more and more commanders, guilds not willing to work together, only “taking care of themselves”, “we are here to get our fights and leave, who cares if we lose that keep or garri”, attitude. Commanders thinking EB was their’s and telling others to get off the map and those same commanders then not running in public TS but yet wanting to call everyone garbage because they kept getting wiped. People asking for help and certain commanders basically telling them to f off because they only want their fights. And God forbid you bring any of this up in forums. You get laughed at, flamed, etc. All I can say is you reap what you sow and sadly JQ is in a terrible state now because of this. Unfortunately some of these people who created this mess decided to jump ship and go do their thing on other servers instead of staying and be made to suffer with those who did stay. And I commend those who are trying to tough it out. JQ was a good server, with a good community at one time and I know there are many who want that again.

Those were not Jade Quarry, just bandwagon transfers who care about nobody and “just looking for fights”.

Jade Quarry are those who put “realm first”. Just the faithful. Doesn’t matter if one transferred in or was always there: all those loyal to their greater team are Jade Quarry. The rest are not, never were, they are just wanderers; and despite their great help at times, they should not be confused with those who care. Not that I condemn their ways, though as in the example quoted, they can do a great deal of harm to the host server, even if unwillingly… and then move on to the next “victim”. But it’s a valid way of playing the game sadly, because without realm loyalty, a RvR game is meaningless.

“Punishing” the faithful, for these elements, it’s a huge mistake.

Isle of Janthir, our current linked server allies are a great blessing and they can be wholeheartedly considered part of the team, though they were a different realm. But they fight for us and we can depend on them, unlike “fight only” groups that just transit for a while and then move on, doing more harm than good, in the long term. Know your friends, and don’t confuse them with strangers.

We still have many loyal players on other servers, with good reasons to be there; since the game mode became stale and they needed action. Those craving fights, can’t survive for long without. Since the servers are locked, all they can do is pray for us, if they believe in prayers.

[FV] Fearless Vanguard, The Jade Quarry

The fall of JQ

in WvW

Posted by: Aquachills.9013


From season 2 WvW champions to out of T1 and dropping!

I hope you hit every branch on the way down JQ. Take care and never come back up.

The fall of JQ

in WvW

Posted by: Devils Toy.9205

Devils Toy.9205

It’s about the blatant disrespect of other guilds, commanders, players that was shown. Over the last few months I saw more and more commanders, guilds not willing to work together, only “taking care of themselves”, “we are here to get our fights and leave, who cares if we lose that keep or garri”, attitude. Commanders thinking EB was their’s and telling others to get off the map and those same commanders then not running in public TS but yet wanting to call everyone garbage because they kept getting wiped. People asking for help and certain commanders basically telling them to f off because they only want their fights. And God forbid you bring any of this up in forums. You get laughed at, flamed, etc. All I can say is you reap what you sow and sadly JQ is in a terrible state now because of this. Unfortunately some of these people who created this mess decided to jump ship and go do their thing on other servers instead of staying and be made to suffer with those who did stay. And I commend those who are trying to tough it out. JQ was a good server, with a good community at one time and I know there are many who want that again.

Those were not Jade Quarry, just bandwagon transfers who care about nobody and “just looking for fights”.

Jade Quarry are those who put “realm first”. Just the faithful. Doesn’t matter if one transferred in or was always there: all those loyal to their greater team are Jade Quarry. The rest are not, never were, they are just wanderers; and despite their great help at times, they should not be confused with those who care. Not that I condemn their ways, though as in the example quoted, they can do a great deal of harm to the host server, even if unwillingly… and then move on to the next “victim”. But it’s a valid way of playing the game sadly, because without realm loyalty, a RvR game is meaningless.

“Punishing” the faithful, for these elements, it’s a huge mistake.

Isle of Janthir, our current linked server allies are a great blessing and they can be wholeheartedly considered part of the team, though they were a different realm. But they fight for us and we can depend on them, unlike “fight only” groups that just transit for a while and then move on, doing more harm than good, in the long term. Know your friends, and don’t confuse them with strangers.

We still have many loyal players on other servers, with good reasons to be there; since the game mode became stale and they needed action. Those craving fights, can’t survive for long without. Since the servers are locked, all they can do is pray for us, if they believe in prayers.

No actually a lot of the people I am referring to are not the bandwagoners you are talking about. They are people that have been there from the start. But anyway, I hope things work out for you.

and I 100% agree with you, IOJ is a good community.

[KILL] Leader

The fall of JQ

in WvW

Posted by: wolfie.7296


the creepy ts

What’s this?

The fall of JQ

in WvW

Posted by: TPMN.1483


I’m sorry it’s not bandwagon people that have come/gone – JQ has had a problem for a long time with a toxic community element …they would have stayed if there was a positive, supportive atmosphere.

I wonder if the SEA population moved would you think they are bandwagoners?
They have been there from the start and moved onto the server – they are also bandwagoners.

Rose tint it all you want about “faithful” it’s just excuses for loosing pretty much most of your NA/EU players to the point the server is a joke during these time zones.
If you want to label people who come/went in this timeZone a bandwagoner you really are quite rude and disrespectful to them.

I honestly believe people would have stayed if the personality of the server was not a toxic mess. I am wondering how many of those left would move on if the SEA moved.

The only reason JQ is surviving if because of SEA – with night capping changes if this means NA Prime scores higher …JQ with its amenic NA population which often looses hard on reset nights objectives and fights (with full ques)- they would be at the bottom of the rankings.

Then it doesn’t matter at all – people will move on as they are bored and not interested as they are not having fun as there would be nothing to fight.

WvW is fun if there is a reason to fight…
Fighting in a timeZone with a toxic timeZone is not fun.

This is why many of JQ prefer (who I have spoke to who are also NA)- prefer to fight with the SEA commanders than the NA ones. The SEA group get the job done even if outnumbered and playing into the early NA timeZone .

I saw a SEA commander be on yesterday for 15hrs+ pulling his weight and not a NA commander in sight on the server..the time had reached 7pm EST. This shows how bad NA have become not fielding anyone from early NA (2pm EST).
It’s been like this now for a long time.

The NA shout the loudest, do the least … The SEA keep quiet and do the most work.
Let the server be run by SEA – they have the biggest population and let NA reform reporting to them.

[MYTH] The Mythical Dragons -PvX

The fall of JQ

in WvW

Posted by: szshou.2193


JQ has been artificially propped up by the T1 wall for quite some time. Now that the wall has been broken JQ is simply falling into its natural place.

See, this is the kind of poorly done [ONS] pvkitten that I described in my previous post. Any World that loses 8 or so Guilds after the leak, then gets locked a week later by the Dev’s, is going to have performance issues. As I said in my reply to the OP, all we can do is kick back and enjoy the next 3 months.

btw… [ONS] you and YB still couldn’t win a week until after HoT dropped. Our moral on JQ and most of WvW never recovered after it. Guild’s disbanded, players left the game, and players left the mode. Now players are transferring about just to try and find some resemblance of WvW past. You yourselves are transferring about and trying to find any fun left in the game too. So don’t throw stones at anyone else for having a hard time finding fun in a post HoT world (vs world) (vs world).

Are you weak in the upper-story? You think JQ dropped because it lost 8 guilds? Good joke. JQ dropped because they reset the glicko rating volatility, JQ had very low volatility from its long stretch of dominating T1, it was so low that the massive increase in RD (when it started to lose people and guilds to inactivity) didn’t really matter because the server was still stable. When it was reset and JQ was judged as if it were 2012 again and all servers had an equal chance to shine, they performed poorly compared to the other top 6 servers and didn’t quite make the cut, that’s all. Now TC and FA are eating up all of JQ’s rating and they probably won’t recover. JQ is worn out and hasn’t deserved T1 for a long while considering the quality of its players and guilds.

[eN] midline rallybot

(edited by szshou.2193)

The fall of JQ

in WvW

Posted by: Aeowia.7214


toxic community element …
positive, supportive atmosphere

Think about that. I’m still positive, supportive towards my team, despite some “toxic elements” or what not imperfection. Not that I matter much. But if one can’t help, at least can avoid doing harm: be supportive, on your future server.

If I ever will transfer off or stop playing, will be because me: blaming others just doesn’t help, ever. Only kindness can change the word, to better. Nothing else.

[FV] Fearless Vanguard, The Jade Quarry

The fall of JQ

in WvW

Posted by: mrme.5817


All maps except for ebg outmanned and mostly empty on a Saturday evening.
JQ could really use some transfers. IoJ merge added like 10 people to our community.
It’s really a shame to see JQ so empty.

Try campaigning the benefits of wvw to the pve crowd through map chat.. oh wait that wont work. Well guess your sol unless they add a /server chat function, which would be a huge benefit to every wvw community.
Most servers have some toxic element towards whatever their weak to.

(edited by mrme.5817)

The fall of JQ

in WvW

Posted by: Magni.2835


The biggest contributing factor has been that the server had been locked for so long. Then when YB and BG opened, some players actually moved from JQ to those servers. By the time JQ opened it was too little too late.

The final blow to get it to where it is now was that a sizable portion of those NA players left on the server suddenly transferred to TC/DB, including those who were recruited by a guild that just happened to have people transfer from YB about a month before server linking was announced.

Sure, JQ has had NA population problems for a while now, but the worse of it has been a more recent occurrence. They were bored/trolled/poached into moving or quitting with no way for others to replace them.

The fall of JQ

in WvW

Posted by: BadMed.3846


JQ has been artificially propped up by the T1 wall for quite some time. Now that the wall has been broken JQ is simply falling into its natural place.

I find it amusing when someone from OnS talks about artificial propping. IMO…

The fall of JQ

in WvW

Posted by: BadMed.3846


This thread is pretty funny. Jade Quarry has been struggling for a very long time. They’ve ALWAYS had a NA problem and it DOES have to do with the servers leadership. JQ could never hold NA..they probably bought more NA guilds than any other server in this game but they never stay.

Ever consider they left the Tier because it’s just more fun playing where you and your shenanigans aren’t? Even your PvF isn’t even amusing any more.

IDK man there sure are a lot of Jade Quarry folk on my server right now.

Mal, please define “my server”? Server loyalty is a thing when you stay somewhere and do some good. You just keep hopping along creating a bandwagon hype for little school kids that follow you around.

The fall of JQ

in WvW

Posted by: MaLeVoLenT.8129


This thread is pretty funny. Jade Quarry has been struggling for a very long time. They’ve ALWAYS had a NA problem and it DOES have to do with the servers leadership. JQ could never hold NA..they probably bought more NA guilds than any other server in this game but they never stay.

Ever consider they left the Tier because it’s just more fun playing where you and your shenanigans aren’t? Even your PvF isn’t even amusing any more.

IDK man there sure are a lot of Jade Quarry folk on my server right now.

Mal, please define “my server”? Server loyalty is a thing when you stay somewhere and do some good. You just keep hopping along creating a bandwagon hype for little school kids that follow you around.

Lets see. I stayed on BG for about 2 years. I stayed on YBs for a year and now I’m on TC. I actually don’t move alot so your point is invalid. It’s just everytime I move, it’s a big move. How did you get server loyalty out of what I said. I will define “my server” as the server I’m currently on. Why the petty insults? Is that all you can do?

~The Mad Court~ [OnS]Onslaught GM
Malevolent Omen -Guardian
Mad King Mal -Rev

The fall of JQ

in WvW

Posted by: Vonmanstein.3645


In b4 thread lockout…

The fall of JQ

in WvW

Posted by: Naithe.4271


Mal has done some good.

The fall of JQ

in WvW

Posted by: Liston.9708


to anets credit, they have let these go on a bit as long as it does not go over the top. the old matchup threads were great, but sometime over the top… the removal was the start of wvw downfall IMHO – less reason to fight…..

YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→most likely YB

The fall of JQ

in WvW

Posted by: MaLeVoLenT.8129


to anets credit, they have let these go on a bit as long as it does not go over the top. the old matchup threads were great, but sometime over the top… the removal was the start of wvw downfall IMHO – less reason to fight…..

This is spot on. ArenaNet lost huge WvW support when they started removing match up threads. They started to fall tone deaf and only recently picked up efforts.

~The Mad Court~ [OnS]Onslaught GM
Malevolent Omen -Guardian
Mad King Mal -Rev

The fall of JQ

in WvW

Posted by: Sarika.3756


The problem with matchup threads is that there are just as many people who find them toxic as those who find them enjoyable.

Some folks want an environment with a lot of trash talk and insults thrown around. Some want a level of sportsmanship where you treat your enemies with respect, because there’s no game without them.

There’s a huge grey area in between those two perspectives, and it’s hard to know where to draw it.

The fall of JQ

in WvW

Posted by: Grim West.3194

Grim West.3194

This thread is so cringe worthy. So many juicy stories about JQ and their OT PPT guilds, their bad commanders, the creepy ts, the community, everything- so much moldy laundry getting aired out I can’t even breathe.

Which is true of every server.

The funny thing is, a huge portion of WvW players never bother with TS or the server forums, don’t care about all this petty stupidity and laugh at everyone who think’s their elite bs matters.

We just log in to play and have fun.

The fall of JQ

in WvW

Posted by: Gaile Gray

Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager

This thread is really unpleasant, and it’s a match-up thread, which at this time we do not permit on the forums. We’ll lock it now.

If other match-up threads are present, please flag them so the moderation team can close them.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events