The only good part about this nerf was that now necros cannot epidemic off structures(not sure if this applies to lords as well if it doesnt, it should). The other nerf was now you can epidemic off targets who have resistance <— that right there, makes revenants even more important than they were before but then again I don’t really think it’s a nerf because resistant can be stripped and then followed up with a epidemic. The patch still didn’t solve these issues:
1) Conditions being spammed too consistently and in great amount especially with Deathly chill buff, which was “suppose to be PvE only buff” (I forgot WvWers love PvE).
2) Epidemic have a radius of 600 and 1200 range unblockable and it’s almost impossible to dodge the attack. The actual cooldown on epidemic is 20 seconds and you can trait corruptions in curses to get 13 seconds cooldown.
Let’s compare that to necromancer well bomb, necromancer wells have radius of 600 and 900 range unblockable but can be dodged. The actual cooldown on Well of corruption is 40 seconds and Well of suffering has a 35 seconds cooldown. You can trait for Wells in blood magic to get the cooldowns down to 32 seconds on corruption and 28 seconds on suffering.
The point is that necromancer power bomb from the Wells can be avoided by doing, has longer cooldowns and a smaller radius compared to epidemic. Epidemic has longer range, bigger radius, shorter cooldown, literally copies every single condition + the stacks and spreads them to 5 targets.
3) The biggest thing that bugs me and a lot of people is that conditions completely avoid toughness + the damage reduction, yes you have cleanses and resistance but resistance can easily be stripped and conditions and epidemic are spammed way too much that as a player you burn through cleanses
I still enjoy playing my power necro but when I drop my wells sometimes players dodge them but most the time the max crits on wells I see now days is 500 to a 2k tik, RARELY 3k crits or 4k because almost all the time half of my damage get mitigated because how much toughness heavy and vitality heavy builds people run in WvW.
Epidemic really doesn’t care about toughness or damage reduction at all like I see people die instantly because of epidemic.
4) Dire and trailblazer are really terrible stats for WvW. These stats are only good in PvE not in WvW and there is a reason those stats are banned PvP. Dire and Trailblazer are of A reason why ball meta exists. You can have 3k to 3.2k armor with 27k to 30k health and on top of that you can have like 25k shroud health. These stats literally just take the skill play out of the necro during group fights. Positioning really just doesnt matter on necromancer anymore because you can go full condi with epidemic because you will end up doing MORE DAMAGE AND SURVIVE WAY LONGER without having to worrying about positioning. It’s totally brain dead and literally makes bad players think they are good because they are being carried by their build not skills.
For necromancer power builds mainly consists of berserker/marauders/valkyrie a little bit of cavs in there or knight because these revenant hammers hurt like a mofo. Power builds are way more glassy and players have to be aware on their positioning at all times its not brain dead and it doesn’t support bad players like conditions builds.
Dire and trailblazers need to be banned and 2 new stats need to be released that will work like berserker. Berserker is Power Precision Ferocity and the new condition stats should be something like that for example Condition Damage Precision(since for some classes precision does effect condition damage) and there needs to be a third glassy stat.
In short conditions spamming and stacking needs to be controlled not just the epidemic nerf. Epidemic nerf is definitely needed. Light field cleansing condi was a good change but at the current state of the game it really does nothing. More and more players are leaving WvW/Game because Arena Net you are ignoring us and over opinions and suggestions on how to fix condition spamming / epidemic. Players dont enjoy brain dead condition meta THEY ARE BEING FORCED TO PLAY. People want hammer trains back or similar meta people want that power raw damage back open field back. OPEN FIELD IS DEAD ITS JUST BLOB AND IT’S BORING AND A LOT OF PLAYERS I KNOW ARE QUITING THE GAME BECAUSE OF THAT.
(edited by CrimeMaker.8612)