Things that are ruining my WvW experience

Things that are ruining my WvW experience

in WvW

Posted by: gum.9617


Hi everybody,

I want to point out some things, that really bothers me when playing WvW, to the point I quit the game and asking myself why I play this game any more.
First of all, I’m playing a thief (ever wanted to play one, till the first beta event and never played something else, so don’t complain about the profession ) and usually walking alone or with my friends through the frontier trying to find opponents that give me a challenge fight. I’m not interested in keep-fights or zerging. The following points are not in a specific order and excuse my grammar, english isn’t my native language

1. Downed state
I never liked the mechanic, but kind of chumed up to this when doing PvE.
But when there are mobs involved in a WvW fight, especially in a 1 vs 1, it’s not a question of the players skill/build/tactic/what ever, it’s gambling. The following happened to me several times: a close fight, i managed to down my opponent with very few HP, want to finish him, he killed a mob that was around and already had taken damage, he stands up with 50% life and can easily kill me.
It drive me nuts when something like this happens. And this happens a lot when you walk alone or with a small group, at lest to the point your opponent survives and walk into a safe place.

For me it seams like that there were two guys/teams: One created the WvW zones (that are by far too small), with small paths and A LOT of mobs, and the other developed the down state mechanic. And they never spoke to each other, and when they combined these two together, they get this kind of mess and decided to leave it in the game, because it would be to much work to rework it.
Or are you telling me, that it’s fine that one person gets rewarded for killing a mob in a way he (or his group) is able to win a fight, when they else could not?

2. Teleporting/Quitting the game
People teleports away or quits the game to avoid there death. Please put in a delay for quitting/porting when in WvW like EVERY other game.
(no, they are not stealthing)

3. Projectiles obstructed
- being so close to my enemy, that I am almost in melee range
- hunting him around on a flat surface
- using a ranged projectile skill to snare him
WTF, are you f*ng kidding me?
I,m sorry, but how broken have a combat system has to be, that it tells me the projectile was obstructed although i was clearly close behind him and nothing was in my line of sight.
That happens roughly every 4th time to me and annoys the hell out of me.

4. Sum of other different bugs/issues
- stop walking after using an evasive skill like Disabling Shot (although I’m still pressing the W-button, have to release it and press it again
- reset camera behind me, after using Infiltrator’s Arrow
- camera movement is still a mess: unresponsible (smoothing), camera behind an object so you can’t see anything, camera unexpectantly zooming in, camera needs to much time to zoom out again
- enemy’s names not probably drawn after they get out of stealth
- mini map not shown when downed/dead
- boons/conditions not shown when downed
- camera drive circles around me when I’m dead
- every kind of interact bound to one key
- not be able to use commands probably when bound to mouse keys
- not be able to bind keys probably that have a global use (space, ctrl, alt, shift, mousewheel)
- and more things not in my mind right now

I,m sure there are threads about the issues i listed, but I feel like let this out of me.
An official response would be nice. I like to know if ArenaNet is aware of the importance of this issues. Or if not, why you think it’s not important.

Guild Wars 2 is such a great game, I had and still have a lot of fun with it. But I see so much wasted potential if they don’t address some thing.

Best regards

Things that are ruining my WvW experience

in WvW

Posted by: Mishi.7058


Most of what your complaints are about should be sent in as bugs, or you didnt bind your keys correctly, camera, ect.

Commander Silvannas
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu

Things that are ruining my WvW experience

in WvW

Posted by: gum.9617


Not at all. Things like the WvW terrain, mobs, downed state are design choices and game play mechanics which can’t be easily fixed.

(edited by gum.9617)

Things that are ruining my WvW experience

in WvW

Posted by: Mishi.7058


As I said “most” not “all”, the skill glitches, movement, camera, enemy names, key binds, boons, and so on are either settings you changed( for key binds) or things which you should report as bugs to the developers.

Commander Silvannas
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu

Things that are ruining my WvW experience

in WvW

Posted by: gum.9617


Oh yeah, and I didn’t bind my keys incorrectly. How is this even possible?

Try it you self:

1. Example
- Bind “Look Behind” on “Mouse 4”
- Press and hold “Mouse 4”
- Use a Skill that drawn a Ground Target
- Try to Click with the Left Mouse Button to active the Skill
- Its not possible.

2. Example
- Bind “Next Enemy” to “Space”
- Press “Space” when under water
- You’ll notice that you swim up

Things that are ruining my WvW experience

in WvW

Posted by: Mishi.7058


You do know you can set double binds right?
As for weather or not you bound your keys right, I’d suggest over riding the swim up binding, ect… to other keys, so your 1 key doesn’t work for 2 things.

@#1 not entirely sure, I have a regular mouse, not one with extra 1-0 keys on it.

Commander Silvannas
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu

Things that are ruining my WvW experience

in WvW

Posted by: Taika.1347


Why i have to kill same guy 2 times? Get rid of that “fight for your life” mode, if u die u stay down until somebody ress or u go to WP. Cant understood what is point of this I dont want to die today! And what about all those stupid warps/knocbacks/etc when u are down are just …. ! Its ok for pve but not for pvp.

Where is my reward when i build to fully upgraded keep alone and pay to all from my personal pocket? What is point to upgrade anything? Comon Anet wake up until its too late!

Things that are ruining my WvW experience

in WvW

Posted by: Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

i always like it when im in the middle of a fight and al of a sudden stop moving, and after im dead realizing i have been typing in chat.. even though i never touched the enter / or chatbox keys.

stil haven’t found out what key combo’s make that happen, and i have rebinded all my keys, all of them. i guess its a combination of calling targets and clicking your mouse1 key.

im just wondering if anyone else has this problem?

54 infractions and counting because a moderator doesn’t understand a joke when he/she sees it.

Things that are ruining my WvW experience

in WvW

Posted by: gum.9617


I know exactly what you mean Taika.
Sometimes it took much longer to kill someone after he is downed, than actually down him. This system is obviously designed for PvE purpose and not for PvP.

Things that are ruining my WvW experience

in WvW

Posted by: mulch.2586


The bugs and glitches are very bad still.

I think the OP’s point about using pve mobs as targets is related to other negative effects of that design decision.

WvW’s PvE mobs are laughably wimpy. My guild’s commanders counsel to just run on by them. Why? cuz they hit like kittens, not the bad-word sort, but fluffy cute little kittens. Compared to lvl 80 mobs on Tyria, these mists mobs are kitten cats. Low HP, low dps. So… what do we get? We get a bunch of pve hunters and bots farming these mobs for super easy loot & xp.

As far as the downed state, in the pvp side of the game, it’s actually very strategic. I know that doesn’t translate to wvw all that well, but I find it adds a lot to pvp and pve, too.

Things that are ruining my WvW experience

in WvW

Posted by: Fildydarie.1496


Why i have to kill same guy 2 times? Get rid of that “fight for your life” mode, if u die u stay down until somebody ress or u go to WP. Cant understood what is point of this I dont want to die today! And what about all those stupid warps/knocbacks/etc when u are down are just …. ! Its ok for pve but not for pvp.

Where is my reward when i build to fully upgraded keep alone and pay to all from my personal pocket? What is point to upgrade anything? Comon Anet wake up until its too late!

But… you didn’t kill them, that is why they are still fighting for their life. If you honestly believe that a downed player is anywehre near as effective as one that is standing, you really need to find better opponents. The downed skills are generally weaker versions of skills available to the class while standing.

Your reward for upgrading a WvW keep is that the keep is now easier to defend and that makes it easier for you to kill attackers. I don’t see where there is any confusion. If you feel this is a waste of your money, do not do it. There are guilds devoted to WvW that are more than happy to foot the bill, when it serves their purposes. These are the guilds that lead armies—not zergs, armies.

WvW is not world PvP, pretending it is will only make you unhappy. It is a wholly different beast. If you really want world PvP, you will ahve to find a better game, because one of the key design principles was community building. World PvP destroys that ideal.

Hutchmistress of the Fluffy Bunny Brigade [FBB]

Things that are ruining my WvW experience

in WvW

Posted by: Taika.1347


“But… you didn’t kill them, that is why they are still fighting for their life. If you honestly believe that a downed player is anywehre near as effective as one that is standing”

U drink much? I hope u meet someday alone 4 guys and u kill couple of em and others are ressing while u fight whit to rest, then u know what i mean to. WvW is the best place to pretending that u are part of world pvp, cause there is no point to run zerg sieges.

“Your reward for upgrading a WvW keep is that the keep is now easier to defend and that makes it easier for you to kill attackers.”

I see many keeps that dont have any kinda upgrade, nobody want to do so, cause its waist of … time/money. So why there cant be some kinda carrot to peeps who want to help others? I want to upgrade keeps and etc, but its pretty expensive to do whitout any incomes if u have only 10g or so. Seems that im playing wrong game then.