Perfect Dark [PD] – Yaks Bend
Tier 6: DH / IoJ / SF (5/10/2013)
Perfect Dark [PD] – Yaks Bend
Oh SF, we love having you in this tier! Not often you get the commander to also turn into a hoofed animal and join you!
that was me
Sad to see SF’s fairweathers stop playing so quickly :\
Though i do hope our fairweathers will start picking up and we can actually contest with dh in the weeks to come
But the week is yet to start, reset weekends rarely predict the weeks matchup
Goodluck everyone
Top 4 reasons we are told when the topic comes up:
1. RL stuff (IE: Finals for the college peoples)
2. PVE stuff (Molten Dungeon or something?, IDK I don’t PVE)
3. Burnout
4. Bandwagoners
Reasons 2-4 are the thing that seems to be hurting us the most, as it has affected our oceanic and daytime coverage’s (or lack thereof).
Also it is hard (on EB) to get people that have only been playing for a short time to realize that holding SM 24/7 is not feasible, moving to red this week has helped that some. Blue was horrible, cause there were always 25+ people standing in the open field next to SM (between durios and QL), just standing in the SM siege.
For whatever reason, DH is gaining steam and SF is losing some. Hats off to DH and IoJ, not trying to take anything away from you guys, just more so wishing we would ever be able to muster our forces we had back on T8….People started to tail off during T7, and at T6 (except for the first reset night), it has been underwhelming to say the least.
(edited by King Amadaeus.8619)
Oh SF, we love having you in this tier! Not often you get the commander to also turn into a hoofed animal and join you!
that was me
That was so much fun, until others came along…but all in all good times. Nice to sit back and have a little fun with the other team.
Yeah, we (me and guildies) were getting frustrating trying to rally what is our normal populace into WvW. After working so hard on improving the score, to see it shot down so easily because people finally ran into a challenge.
Coverages wars suck, that’s for sure. So we’ve decided that until everyone stops taking breaks, burnouts come back, timed PvE events are over, and whatever other excuse people are using because WvW requires that you actually pay attention and play smart now; that we are ignoring the score.
We’ll get in when we can and play for fun. Once WvW becomes an obligation it isn’t a game anymore, and it was getting to that point.
Cheers to IoJ and DH for causing us to step up our game, and a warning (especially to DH); beware of your fairweathers, lol. I haven’t come up against a server that has as many glassy people as DH has (which is most likely because of your numbers), while you’re ahead try and establish strategies that don’t rely on mass numbers. Because it will bite you in the kitten hard when you get a decent challenge.
Sorrow’s Furnace – Commander/Officer
Kabal of the Righteous [Seed]
I think that DH is just as familiar with fairweathers as most servers, if not more so. We have had a good stretch recently, but we have had some very, very rocky periods.
As for glassy builds, I actually run one myself. Its not full glass (2400 armor and 20k health), but I deal decent damage with my ranger (crit with SB is usually 1800 from flank, plus sigil of fire, and 85% crit rate with fury from red moa). The idea is to build with the idea of each one having a weakness that is made up in the builds of others. So, if I run with just one bunker guardian, its a deadly combination. I am difficult to pin down, but I cant be ignored either.
I think a lot of our guilds are starting to build with this philosophy in mind. We make up for each others individual weaknesses and end up with a stronger team overall.
Of course, that is not to say that many do not do their builds with this consideration, but it was definitely my reasoning in going a bit glassy. I find it extremely effective even if just running with one or two other people. It is also sturdy enough that I do a lot of solo roaming, but I do rely on taking down my opponent as quickly as possible since I dont have the sustain of a full bunker. Honestly, I find full or mostly full bunkers to be a bit boring.
Then again, I really, really dont care if I die, hahaha.
Score update!
(edit: if someone could explain how to post the score updates at the top I’d appreciate it)
all classes 80, who is the cheesiest of them all?
gw2 dress-up barbie is the real endgame
Score update!
(edit: if someone could explain how to post the score updates at the top I’d appreciate it)
It almost looks like you’re at Disneyland with Simba
Seventh Legion [VII]
Yeah, we (me and guildies) were getting frustrating trying to rally what is our normal populace into WvW. After working so hard on improving the score, to see it shot down so easily because people finally ran into a challenge.
Coverages wars suck, that’s for sure. So we’ve decided that until everyone stops taking breaks, burnouts come back, timed PvE events are over, and whatever other excuse people are using because WvW requires that you actually pay attention and play smart now; that we are ignoring the score.
We’ll get in when we can and play for fun. Once WvW becomes an obligation it isn’t a game anymore, and it was getting to that point.
Cheers to IoJ and DH for causing us to step up our game, and a warning (especially to DH); beware of your fairweathers, lol. I haven’t come up against a server that has as many glassy people as DH has (which is most likely because of your numbers), while you’re ahead try and establish strategies that don’t rely on mass numbers. Because it will bite you in the kitten hard when you get a decent challenge
Most depressing thing I think I have ever heard on mumble the other night: “The only way we will hold this is if we all stay up til 6am again”….WvW has become a job, people always laugh at us on these very forums in the past when we said “core group”, because SF had so many numbers. Well, that core group is burnt the kitten out…It is no surprise that I/we are not seeing the commanders we had on T8.
The few have protected the many long enough, and we have skated by on throwing numbers a problem, but in the end 25-50 core players cannot make up for the 50 that are standing around PvPing/asking for JP ports/begging to siege SM/staring at SM/attacking cannons at SM/SM/SM/…etc
The easiest fix is to throw more numbers at the problem, well we do not have them as the bandwagon/pve/RL issues have kicked in.
So, to echo Vox’s comments, it is time to get back to basics, it is not worth treating WvW like a job, and surely not fair to the handful of people we have that stay up all night to protect what isn’t even kittening worth it.
I think part of our (SF’s) problem is that we’ve gotten to used to winning in the past few months. Last week was the first time we didn’t have the most points at the end of the week, and people started giving up. Yesterday DH took one of the keeps in our borderlands and half of our players on the map left, saying things like “too many dh” or “pointless to fight back”. If we all give up at the first sign of resistance we’re never going to win again.
Sorrow’s Furnace Commander
“You’re the mount, karka’s ride you instead, and thus they die happy!”-Colin Johanson
That’s hilariously what happened last night in SM. Katie and whoever else was on had snagged it, it re-invigorated everyone and there were significant numbers, and we were holding off DH really well. Then the WvW patch/reset/whatever happened, DH got their numbers back inside before we got our numbers down to hold off at the wall, and we lost it.
Not even 20 seconds after we lost SM, we went from being relatively matched for DH, to outmanned. EVERYONE left, it was hilarious. Apparently SM is our lifesblood.
Sorrow’s Furnace – Commander/Officer
Kabal of the Righteous [Seed]
People need to get over SM lol
Sorrow’s Furnace
Oh SF, we love having you in this tier! Not often you get the commander to also turn into a hoofed animal and join you!
that was me
Yeah, that was fun! Too bad we had one guy who wasn’t in TS and started shooting you. :/ He was told to stop when we figured out what was happening!
If you ever see the Abys guild, you can usually always assume that we are having a good time, whether it be dancing on the gate, becoming an animal, coloring all of our armor some horrible hue (last night we looked like a bunch of bananas), dropping a ram in the middle of a field, to suiciding off a cliff (Thanks Myro ). I am glad to see another server trying to also enjoy the game!
Also, props to SF for building siege SOOOO fast! Geez! You guys are on top of it, even when you are in a tower/keep that has 0 supplies. You are also amazing at getting one of your downed allies up. I have told our people that that is something we need to learn!
Keep up the good work DH/IoJ/SF! I honesty never even look at the main score anymore, because I don’t really care too much about it, I am just loving this matchup!
Score update!
(edit: if someone could explain how to post the score updates at the top I’d appreciate it)
The OP has to designate your post as an answer to the question. If you don’t own the post, you’ve done all you can do
Dr Hoppenheimer – Engi / Meowzir – Guard /
Mulcibur Nox – Ele / Mr Directed – Mes
Yeah, Im still in love with this match up. and with Isle taking a dose of Dub V Dub Viagra its truly a 3 way fight…
in regards to SF and their fair weathers jumping ship. we have had that here on DH numerous time since ive been playing. (about 3 months) the second the opposing team plays a proverbial game of Smear the kitten , all the pve’rs and Vista Hunters sphincters slam shut and they bail. Leaving the folks that are keepin it real to carry the weight…which causes burnout and a serious issue of " Eff It" So I along with everyone on Darkhaven feels your pain. But if i can ask for one little thing.
Lets not go the “I dont care about the points” Route ..Its a lil too Devona for my liking
Everyones favorite Signet Slinger!
Currently looking for wvw guild@henge
I really don’t care about points though. :/ Sure, it’s nice to win, but I enjoy it much more when it’s really close! Yeah, it’s nerve wracking, but so much more fun.
Ahem….when the what is really close…….see! you do care!
Currently looking for wvw guild@henge
This is a callout to anyone listening on SF. If you know i’m online, chances are i’m pushing whoever’s holding the castle on EB. vast majority of the time, it’s DH.
If you see a ginormous charr with 17 different armor colors and a goofy spikey helmet, plz hit DH when we are. Generally this weekend most of the time we’re able to both hit the bigger player, making it an epic match for several hours, but we’ve had a lot of cherry picking on umber/durios.
Spread the word, IOJ wants to play for 1st. Particularly in EB. I have no interest in cherry picking, and I’m trying to convince the other commanders on IoJ to play similarly (at least on EB).
The 5-hour 3-way we had for stonemist on sunday was truly epic. Took the castle from maxed everything and loaded with siege, and burned it down. And it took both teams to do it. I’d love to see more of that.
Resident Zerg Idiot
Isle of Janthir
Score update!
(edit: if someone could explain how to post the score updates at the top I’d appreciate it)
The OP has to designate your post as an answer to the question. If you don’t own the post, you’ve done all you can do
Sorry it’s been a long holiday for me so I played so much WvW that I forgot I am the OP in this thread. Will update the score if someone upload the latest one.
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger
Kudos to [KING] who tricked me into hitting a flame ram on a supply camp and portal bombed us from behind. Nice tactics! I will replicate that anytime soon.
To DH people, I’m going for your BL. You are really kitten me off by invading our BL. No more Isle of Janthaven alliance here.
To SF people who can’t take Lake with only 2 people defending and both walls down, please coordinate more.
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger
(edited by Tukmolytes.3467)
Hey SF how’s it going here in T6. I gota say i kind of miss you here in T8. ever since you left we actually need to worry about PPT.
What happened? saw a few pic’s/vid’s of SF now and you have not nearly as much PPL as you did in T8? any way’s we are doing ok in T8, took back 2nd the week Agg left ET (LOL and they said Agg was not the reason they were winning?) looks like we may win T8 this week. HoD has a very underwhelming nite crew and we seem to be able to hold a decent 350+ PPT in NA am time.
Anyway’s GL to all you T6er’s!
Bloody Swagmen[BS], Fergs Night Crew.
Senior Member, Commander Tag.
Ahem….when the what is really close…….see! you do care!
The reason I like it when it’s close, is because more people are on, and it makes for a more even matchup. Our numbers have been dwindling lately.
After holding off BOTH SF and DH zergs, and yes they were zergs, for 5+ hours you guys finally managed to bring down our keeps. Congratulations are in order, but respect must be paid to the IoJ underdogs for holding off two invading forces for so long. Good job all around to all three servers. And again, good job IoJ, we did all we could.
After holding off BOTH SF and DH zergs, and yes they were zergs, for 5+ hours you guys finally managed to bring down our keeps. Congratulations are in order, but respect must be paid to the IoJ underdogs for holding off two invading forces for so long. Good job all around to all three servers. And again, good job IoJ, we did all we could.
Nerf OP AC’s plox.
Leader of Side Effect, [SE]
Tarnished Coast
Its really great to see how many of you dh guys love the zoom exploit. I mean seriously guys :/
Too much time in T8.
Hey SF lay off our grub! Thats for the after zerg party!
Been on the Eternal Battle grounds for 8 hours with a short break in our borderlands to help out, but we where out manned for almost the whole day. Dark Haven, I will have to say you got people, and they are very responsive too attacks and everything. Even with AC’s and siege you just roll on over us and turn our small army into badges.
As for SF, you guys can stay in your corner of EB and we will stay in ours =P. At around 1:15 you brought that huge zerg around our keep and I though you where going to hit us… Well good battles all around and just wished we had a bit more people. Tried to keep our points up for our Oceanatics and Ms. Starkk.
Laspo Yorick – Mesmer
Samson Longshanks – Warrior
Hey SF lay off our grub! Thats for the after zerg party!
Been on the Eternal Battle grounds for 8 hours with a short break in our borderlands to help out, but we where out manned for almost the whole day. Dark Haven, I will have to say you got people, and they are very responsive too attacks and everything. Even with AC’s and siege you just roll on over us and turn our small army into badges.
As for SF, you guys can stay in your corner of EB and we will stay in ours =P. At around 1:15 you brought that huge zerg around our keep and I though you where going to hit us… Well good battles all around and just wished we had a bit more people. Tried to keep our points up for our Oceanatics and Ms. Starkk.
I recorded it, I will put a video tomorrow ;P
Can’t wait to get out of the office. Score Update please.
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger
Its really great to see how many of you dh guys love the zoom exploit. I mean seriously guys :/
Well I cannot stress this enough. It just saddens me when we lose from cheaters. Walls are useless now with this exploits.
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger
After holding off BOTH SF and DH zergs, and yes they were zergs, for 5+ hours you guys finally managed to bring down our keeps. Congratulations are in order, but respect must be paid to the IoJ underdogs for holding off two invading forces for so long. Good job all around to all three servers. And again, good job IoJ, we did all we could.
Saddens me to see this. I wish I could help.
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger
Well, small group from [Abys] I guess you finally were able to capture Redlake in DHBL after calling in some reinforcement. Congratz.
Hey SF lay off our grub! Thats for the after zerg party!
Been on the Eternal Battle grounds for 8 hours with a short break in our borderlands to help out, but we where out manned for almost the whole day. Dark Haven, I will have to say you got people, and they are very responsive too attacks and everything. Even with AC’s and siege you just roll on over us and turn our small army into badges.
As for SF, you guys can stay in your corner of EB and we will stay in ours =P. At around 1:15 you brought that huge zerg around our keep and I though you where going to hit us… Well good battles all around and just wished we had a bit more people. Tried to keep our points up for our Oceanatics and Ms. Starkk.
hahaha some troll had built a bunch of alpha golems in our keep using our keep supply earlier in the day so… we finally decided to put them to use. PvGrub, superior t1 tactics. Got 5 badges from that chest, totally worth it.
Seventh Legion [VII]
LFG Fractals lvl1
What an evening! Some great battles out there for the two towers that straddle the bridge in SF BL. Im pretty sure im going to spec out of Signets and into Arrow Cart…because that AC is awesomesauce with a couple points into it!
Also. wanted to throw a Big Shout out to Mr. & Misses Swindler for letting me tag along a bit last night. Ive never seen players be able to last so long standing in the middle of a zerg. It made me feel like an Asura Don Johnson! All up in the action!…without the white leisure suit and all…
Anyhow. Fun times and such!
Currently looking for wvw guild@henge
Jumped on for the first time in a couple of days and had a go commanding in EB
First pic: DH, can i just say ty for leaving your gate at 50% for us not bothering to repair even after wiping at Quentin then Durios, and please stop resorting to trebbing from sm…its just hilarious to know you need to resort to that <3
And 2nd pic, SF you do this to us, then wonder why us oceanics hit your corner? You get what you asked for you cherry pickers you <3 Durios wall was being trebbed from sm so its somewhat understandable but you dont even have mendons/anz and decide to hit our corner?
Love you guys <3 always a good laugh
Here is the golem vs grub battle we has last night, to whomever came to ruin our fun!
WARNING: Contains Strong Language
What an evening! Some great battles out there for the two towers that straddle the bridge in SF BL. Im pretty sure im going to spec out of Signets and into Arrow Cart…because that AC is awesomesauce with a couple points into it!
Also. wanted to throw a Big Shout out to Mr. & Misses Swindler for letting me tag along a bit last night. Ive never seen players be able to last so long standing in the middle of a zerg. It made me feel like an Asura Don Johnson! All up in the action!…without the white leisure suit and all…
Anyhow. Fun times and such!
Love that action, and love the suit.. look sexy, act sexy, play sexy. That’s how we roll. ^.^
Score update please for all us at work?
Perfect Dark [PD] – Yaks Bend
Score update please for all us at work?
there u go
Thanks, Ayane!!!! We who work appreciate it.
Aerika [HoTR] – Necromancer
Thanks, Ayane!!!! We who work appreciate it.
Perfect Dark [PD] – Yaks Bend
As for SF, you guys can stay in your corner of EB and we will stay in ours =P. At around 1:15 you brought that huge zerg around our keep and I though you where going to hit us… Well good battles all around and just wished we had a bit more people. Tried to keep our points up for our Oceanatics and Ms. Starkk.
Haha, sorry. I started attacking Bravost and two of my guildies and one other joined me. We built a ram, a few more showed up and built another ram. Next thing I knew I had about 30 people (including two commanders) following me, so I decided to keep it going. At least we let you keep your keep.
hahaha some troll had built a bunch of alpha golems in our keep using our keep supply earlier in the day so… we finally decided to put them to use. PvGrub, superior t1 tactics. Got 5 badges from that chest, totally worth it.
I thought you guys were joking…
Sorrow’s Furnace Commander
“You’re the mount, karka’s ride you instead, and thus they die happy!”-Colin Johanson
(edited by EnemyCrusher.7324)
You should also not be able to run for long periods of time with golems nor rain arrows down in the middle of a tunnel…..
I get so tired of the “DH is using the AC exploit again.” I personally haven’t seen it but once about a month ago. Annoying that people associate it with our ENTIRE server…
(I would have quoted the person complaining about the “exploit” but it didn’t give me the option)
I am no whiner but yeah I believe some DH use that arrow cart exploit. But then let them use it as this is not their faults that it was there. I wish this new patch fixed it.
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger
Had some fun with some DH from [GRIM] in SF BL just now XD
I’m sure you hate me after pushing all of you off the bridge countless times.
(edited by Joey.3928)
hahaha some troll had built a bunch of alpha golems in our keep using our keep supply earlier in the day so… we finally decided to put them to use. PvGrub, superior t1 tactics. Got 5 badges from that chest, totally worth it.
I thought you guys were joking…
Well it had started out as a joke… then somewhere along the way we started walking the golems out the door haha
Seventh Legion [VII]
Shout out to the group of DH and SF in southern IoJ just then! Was an awesome three-way fight. Had a lot of fun with the human mesmer from [KING], and the two thieves from [PvP]. I was the little asura with creepy eyes from [HARD].
Also, how about we get a fight club organised for this tier some time soon? I’ve run in to a lot of small groups, and a lot of them have told me that they’re definitely interested in duels and small fights. I’d organise it myself, but I’m not very accustomed to American time zones as I’m one of those terrible PvD guys from Australia.
Had some fun with some DH from [GRIM] in SF BL just now XD
I’m sure you hate me after pushing all of you off the bridge countless times.
My dear IoJ comrade… I love your wolf’s name. :’)
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]
(edited by nyckolag.2394)
Shout out to the group of DH and SF in southern IoJ just then! Was an awesome three-way fight. Had a lot of fun with the human mesmer from [KING], and the two thieves from [PvP]. I was the little asura with creepy eyes from [HARD].
Also, how about we get a fight club organised for this tier some time soon? I’ve run in to a lot of small groups, and a lot of them have told me that they’re definitely interested in duels and small fights. I’d organise it myself, but I’m not very accustomed to American time zones as I’m one of those terrible PvD guys from Australia.
Had some fun with some DH from [GRIM] in SF BL just now XD
I’m sure you hate me after pushing all of you off the bridge countless times.
My dear IoJ comrade… I love your wolf’s name. :’)
Thanks! Still my fav animated kids movie. You are the first person to recognize it