GW player of 14+kh and Passionate Mind Wracker since 2005
Tuesday passes and not a word from ANet?
GW player of 14+kh and Passionate Mind Wracker since 2005
Why are they trying to deliberately kill their own game? Doesnt sound like a good business model just before the release of an Exp.
On the fourth day of Golem week, my good devs gave to me….
No-thing coz they don’t wanna see. (dem rhymes)
Their metrics will show increased participation in wvw for the week and hence by their measurements it will be a success.
By the same use of metrics you can prove IS is a success, or that the majority of people think we should spend a lot more on X (as long as someone else is paying for it).
The trouble is, metrics only measure what you think you want to measure, not what the underlying situation actually is. From Anet’s viewpoint, wvw is ticking up. From actual player’s viewpoint, it’s a stale neglected environment that they just threw probably the worst event ever at (suggested by some fanboy streamer).
Anet and Greece seem to have a lot in common :-)
At least we’ve got a post regarding lags. They will try something with the next patch or in the near future. Better than nothing but the fact that Josh is still hiding is somewhat pathetic! duck and cover
incredible flamer, part-time forum warrior, salty as
At least we’ve got a post regarding lags. They will try something with the next patch or in the near future. Better than nothing
True, Bill is our hero this week. Funny how that topic has more dev posts than all other topics combined in last three months.
the fact that Josh is still hiding is somewhat pathetic! duck and cover
At least Josh told us in the first place that he made this golem event. I wouldn’t beat him (too much) for trying as that might be the original cause why “WvW-team” (if there even is one) isn’t talking to us.
GW player of 14+kh and Passionate Mind Wracker since 2005
the fact that Josh is still hiding is somewhat pathetic! duck and cover
At least Josh told us in the first place that he made this golem event. I wouldn’t beat him (too much) for trying as that might be the original cause why “WvW-team” (if there even is one) isn’t talking to us.
Awwww…I won’t beat him. Just spend a couple of beers and explain him why his decision was really bad and what’s wrong about WvW in general. IT’S A TRAP
incredible flamer, part-time forum warrior, salty as
The golem event was created by Josh, to ensure no resources were taken from HoT. It was not designed to fix WvW issues or to test out new things. It was purely for a bit of fun.
I have no problems with people giving feedback on issues. But it really needs to be constructive and it really needs to remain within an appropriate thread. Because this golem event wasn’t meant to fix any issues with WvW, people complaining about how bad WvW is are wasting their time. The only feedback that is valid, in my opinion, are complaints about the golem buff exploit, as that is negatively impacting the event itself.
As to Anet being silent. That is because they are not focused on this event, they are focused only on HoT right now. So do not expect any kind of response to WvW issues or golem event issues. I would rather they focused on HoT than worry about issues with a small event, or existing WvW issues that may end up getting fixed with the release of HoT anyway.
I also think it is extremely childish and unfair to have a go at Josh for the issues with the golem event. He is not a dev, he was merely trying to add something different for us to enjoy. It had issues, yes, but he did not cause these issues, nor is he in a possition to fix them.
He could come on the forum and communicate with about this, but then I personally do not think it would be worth his, or our, time. All he would receive is a torrent of undeserved abuse about something he cannot do anything about. I personaly thank him for his efforts, and I am sorry that it did not pan out as well as he hoped it would. I also hope to see more things like this added periodically, because it is nice to have a break from the norm sometimes and have something new to enjoy.
The golem event was created by Josh, to ensure no resources were taken from HoT. It was not designed to fix WvW issues or to test out new things. It was purely for a bit of fun.
I have no problems with people giving feedback on issues. But it really needs to be constructive and it really needs to remain within an appropriate thread. Because this golem event wasn’t meant to fix any issues with WvW, people complaining about how bad WvW is are wasting their time. The only feedback that is valid, in my opinion, are complaints about the golem buff exploit, as that is negatively impacting the event itself.
As to Anet being silent. That is because they are not focused on this event, they are focused only on HoT right now. So do not expect any kind of response to WvW issues or golem event issues. I would rather they focused on HoT than worry about issues with a small event, or existing WvW issues that may end up getting fixed with the release of HoT anyway.
I also think it is extremely childish and unfair to have a go at Josh for the issues with the golem event. He is not a dev, he was merely trying to add something different for us to enjoy. It had issues, yes, but he did not cause these issues, nor is he in a possition to fix them.
He could come on the forum and communicate with about this, but then I personally do not think it would be worth his, or our, time. All he would receive is a torrent of undeserved abuse about something he cannot do anything about. I personaly thank him for his efforts, and I am sorry that it did not pan out as well as he hoped it would. I also hope to see more things like this added periodically, because it is nice to have a break from the norm sometimes and have something new to enjoy.
Lol, dude do you even understand what the complaints regarding the event are about ? Do you even play wvw ? They brought major exploits to the game with this event where players are able to do 100% more dmg against others outside a golem or with skills that are not intended to work inside a golem.
And you are basically saying that they should not “waste” their time doing something about it to fix their broken stuff ? Sorry dude that´s ridiculous but keep white knighting.
Lol, dude do you even understand what the complaints regarding the event are about ? Do you even play wvw ? They brought major exploits to the game with this event where players are able to do 100% more dmg against others outside a golem or with skills that are not intended to work inside a golem.
And you are basically saying that they should not “waste” their time doing something about it to fix their broken stuff ? Sorry dude that´s ridiculous but keep white knighting.
You are missing the point, which is not unexpected. If this golem buff exploit persists after the event ends, then yes, people should give feedback and Anet needs to fix it asap. But I suspect this exploit will only be an issue while this event is active.
Try re-reading my post, I’m sure you’ll get it the second time round.
So you think it’s ok for them to leave it as it is, and not address it at all, because it’ll likely only last a week?
Increase in WvW participation? That’s not the kind of metric they will get from my server.
Maps are empty on our side, there is no queue at all even on EB. Basically, my whole server gave up for this week on day 1. I can understand why when I see how many of our enemies are exploiting the golem buff (hey Riverside [DE]).
Thank you ArenaNet for kittening up your own game for a week.
- One of your players who plays WvW ONLY.
Pirate Chips [LAYS] – Server Hopping (EU)
So you think it’s ok for them to leave it as it is, and not address it at all, because it’ll likely only last a week?
No, I expect them to stay focused on developing HoT, and not take resources away just to fix a temporary event.
You might think taking a couple of programmers off HoT would be an easy and costless thing to do, but development doesn’t work that way. Everything is connected, and if you take a couple of programmers off HoT for a few hours to fix an event, you may end up with other people needing those programmers for something in HoT, which means they get delayed too, or have to shift priorities out of sync with their schedule.
Game developement is not easy, it is hard work and a fine balancing act. Especially when you have a lot of developers working together on a project. It really isn’t as simple as getting someone to quickly change focus for a while. And it is often far better to learn from your mistakes than to waste resources on fixing something that it temporary, especially when you are working on a big project that affects, and will likely change, that game mode anyway.
(edited by Rin.1046)
Oh, so your answer is that they should leave it as it is and not address it because it’d take away from HoT, got it. Guess we’ll just sit here for the rest of the week and deal with the problem they made for us then.
Their metrics will show increased participation in wvw for the week and hence by their measurements it will be a success.
Not sure about this. My server, which would normally have 30+ ques during NA prime, haven’t seen a single que all week.
Oh, so your answer is that they should leave it as it is and not address it because it’d take away from HoT, got it. Guess we’ll just sit here for the rest of the week and deal with the problem they made for us then.
Yeah, cos a week is such a long time!
From wiki:
ArenaNet defines an exploit as any deliberate action that provides an unfair advantage over other players or otherwise hurts the game, community, or economy; it does not matter whether the exploit is a hack or makes use of a mechanic (bugged or otherwise) within the game. Before taking punitive action on an account, ANet considers whether players made deliberate use of the exploit; use of hacks or bots is always assumed to be deliberate. In addition, players that publicize an exploit are also subject to suspension or even banning, regardless of their motives, since well-publicized exploits require ArenaNet to react immediately to prevent the abuse, which diverts resources away from the rest of the game.
Anet, please do something !
I think they should take at least a month off of working on HoT to fix the problems they created since the trait change. I sure as hell won’t be pre-ordering anything while the game is in such a broken and unbalanced state. The longer they ignore the problems they created the more likely I am to move on to another game.
On the fourth day of Golem week, my good devs gave to me….
No-thing coz they don’t wanna see. (dem rhymes)
I would be very surprised if the metrics don’t show an increase in players at the beginning of the week but a decline by the end of thw week to well below normal numbers.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
So you think it’s ok for them to leave it as it is, and not address it at all, because it’ll likely only last a week?
No, I expect them to stay focused on developing HoT, and not take resources away just to fix a temporary event.
They shouldn’t have had the event in the first place then. And anyway they do have software engineers fixing ability bugs and whatnot so they could quite easily move 1 or 2 of them.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
… people complaining about how bad WvW is are wasting their time. The only feedback that is valid, in my opinion…
Who elected you feedback police? You must think pretty highly of yourself.
Oh, so your answer is that they should leave it as it is and not address it because it’d take away from HoT, got it. Guess we’ll just sit here for the rest of the week and deal with the problem they made for us then.
Yeah, cos a week is such a long time!
Sure, it’s only a couple of days now. But considering how game breaking the bug is, I would hope that enough due diligence is done to confirm that these bugs will go away when the event is over.
This should be done by the current software maintenance team.
The question is whether future events, if they happen, will have significant bugs like these. And that means, given the policy of not fixing them, whether it is worthwhile to participate in the event.
Who elected you feedback police? You must think pretty highly of yourself.
Who elected you opinion police? You must think pretty low of your ability to counter argue to resort to belittlement.
Who elected you feedback police? You must think pretty highly of yourself.
Who elected you opinion police? You must think pretty low of your ability to counter argue to resort to belittlement.
No, friend-o. I merely have no time to counter argue with a person whose ego is so inflated that they think telling an entire forum of people their thoughts and expressions are invalid because it differs from their own.
Carry on.
So you think it’s ok for them to leave it as it is, and not address it at all, because it’ll likely only last a week?
No, I expect them to stay focused on developing HoT, and not take resources away just to fix a temporary event.
If that’s your line of thinking then they shouldn’t have taken resources to develop this event in the first place… right?
But since they did take the time to introduce this event, they are obligated to fix it and not ruin the game for thousands of players for the entire week.
“Oh but it’s only for a week chill out.”, why should players accept this type of shoddy development with no followup to obvious exploits?
Even if it’s a temporary event they are expected to fix exploits as soon as possible and not let it run rampant, or if they can’t be bothered to fix it then take the buff off or turn off the event, I can’t imagine it would take more than 5 days to do so.
North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
“Game over man, Game Over!” – RIP Bill
And it is for all of WvW. I expect any bugs introduced into PvP or PvE would not effect the whole game mode.
UW WvW player – TooT !
No, friend-o. I merely have no time to counter argue with a person whose ego is so inflated that they think telling an entire forum of people their thoughts and expressions are invalid because it differs from their own.
Carry on.
Yet you’re taking the time to discredit me by making me out to be an egotist instead? Talk about misdirected energies.
1) I was not telling everyone on the forum they are wasting their time, only the unconstructive few. But seeing as you took my words out of context, I am not surprised you missed that.
2) I was pointing out that the event is not related to general WvW issues, and that feedback (if people are to expect results) needs to be relative and focused into the right thread. People are complaining about general WvW issues in a thread about the golem event issues, and I think that is a waste of efforts.
3) I’m not telling people to not give feedback, I am trying to tell them to give it constructively and in the right place. There’s a big difference.
If all you want to do is vent your anger, without it actually helping the devs in any way, then by all means carry on. I’d rather see people think about their feedback and put it in a way that helps the devs and in a place that makes sense.
One of the biggest problems with this forum is people posting angry comments in the wrong threads, and not giving any usable feedback. And then they get angry when the devs don’t respond. If you truly want the devs to listen, be constructive, be civil and post your feedback in the appropriate place.
The golem event was created by Josh, to ensure no resources were taken from HoT. It was not designed to fix WvW issues or to test out new things. It was purely for a bit of fun.
I also think it is extremely childish and unfair to have a go at Josh for the issues with the golem event. He is not a dev, he was merely trying to add something different for us to enjoy. It had issues, yes, but he did not cause these issues, nor is he in a possition to fix them.
He could come on the forum and communicate with about this, but then I personally do not think it would be worth his, or our, time. All he would receive is a torrent of undeserved abuse about something he cannot do anything about. I personaly thank him for his efforts, and I am sorry that it did not pan out as well as he hoped it would. I also hope to see more things like this added periodically, because it is nice to have a break from the norm sometimes and have something new to enjoy.
When it comes to Josh, it was good that he tried something new. Community disagreed, but we have to remember that community isn’t always right. I think that primarily this issue highlights ANet’s QA/GM politics:
1. Golems were bugged even before the event (atleast dupe (but they “fixed” it), dont know about environmental weapons)
2. Non developer scripts this event and known previous bugs are not checked with altered mechanics
3. This results three game breaking bugs, no word, about fixing them nor bans to users (as far as we know)
Josh said that this didn’t take resources from HoT development as he did this by himself. Does this mean that single non developer is allowed to push events of this scale to live client without QA? Or was QA involved and three exploits got trough?
Golem buff exploit shouldn’t bother us after this week and at least it has given some players ability to win some fights once in their time in GW2. I personally hope that we will get info that they get banned and we don’t have to see any exploit so widely used later.
And you are basically saying that they should not “waste” their time doing something about it to fix their broken stuff ?
I don’t understand why someone would think that this level of exploits would be ok since hot-fixing those should be as easy as turning this event buff off… Yeah, that would require that someone would pay at least some attention to their bug reports/exploit reports. But there is no logic why ANet should allow these exploits to exist once they learn about it.
GW player of 14+kh and Passionate Mind Wracker since 2005
Josh said that this didn’t take resources from HoT development as he did this by himself. Does this mean that single non developer is allowed to push events of this scale to live client without QA? Or was QA involved and three exploits got trough?
To be fair, if we assume that WvW was bug free without exploits before (3 years since release), this event would merely change some modifiers when inside a golem and change supply cost. Neither of which should have needed any particular Q&A, ignoring the obvious impact on gameplay.
Like changing the cost of a weapon from 50 silver to 20 silver, only to find out that its been bugged for years and instakill everyone 1 out of 5 times. The guy that decided to change the price by altering the value hardly considered or tested that if he didnt know.
Yeah yeah I know people will call me a white knight, but honestly the event is a complete brainfart and exploits should have been fixed as they where discovered if they wanted to see it through a week, or the golem rush part of the event stopped. That is all. Pointing fingers to poor testing is pointless
So you think it’s ok for them to leave it as it is, and not address it at all, because it’ll likely only last a week?
No, I expect them to stay focused on developing HoT, and not take resources away just to fix a temporary event.
If that’s your line of thinking then they shouldn’t have taken resources to develop this event in the first place… right?
But since they did take the time to introduce this event, they are obligated to fix it and not ruin the game for thousands of players for the entire week.
In the recent PoI Josh said this event took no resources away from HoT. Whether that is true or not I do not know, but I have no reason to doubt it.
The only thing I agree with, is that this effects the whole of WvW. If it was a PvE event it would likely only effect a part of it. But the fact is, they are focused more on getting HoT shipped than anything else. Whether that is the right move or not, only time will tell. But for me personaly, I can live with the golem issues for a few more days. its not the end of the world.
As to the general WvW issues? I want WvW to improve as much as anyone, as it is my most played game mode of late. But I understand that HoT will likely bring big changes to WvW, so any changes they make now are likely going to be short lived.
Should they have given us the event in the first place? Yeah, sure, why not? Its a bit of fun and a break from the norm. Sure, it had issues, but it takes the players to actively exploit those issues. And had this event been permanent I would have wanted it fixed asap too. But its not. Its a one time, short duration, event that was added for no other reason than to give us something different to do for a week. Its not enough to scream and cry about. Its not enough to get genuinly angry about. And it is certainly not enough to warrant verbal abuse, insults or ridicule.
Josh said that this didn’t take resources from HoT development as he did this by himself. Does this mean that single non developer is allowed to push events of this scale to live client without QA? Or was QA involved and three exploits got trough?
To be fair, if we assume that WvW was bug free without exploits before (3 years since release), this event would merely change some modifiers when inside a golem and change supply cost. Neither of which should have needed any particular Q&A, ignoring the obvious impact on gameplay.
1. Josh had to create new buffs this event and somehow script them to client. We don’t know the specifics, but I would say that there is some bug in pre/post-conditions on Golem use on engine level to allow buff exploit.
2. They knew that Golems were bugged earlier with dupe bug but it was “fixed”.
3. I don’t see any reasons why environmental weapon bug wouldn’t have existed before.
Assuming that WvW (or at least Golems) was not bug free is useless as it clearly wasn’t or somehow the bug was recreated. I only know how environment weapon and dupe exploits works and both are clearly engine level bugs and I assume that Josh couldn’t have avoided either on scripting level. When it comes to “change supply cost” this isn’t how the Golem price reduction works…or at least it doesn’t explain “51 supply” bug.
Saying that changes to live client won’t need QA is just… Well, that kind of attitude or that level of assumptions is why we have these three exploits that some consider game breaking.
exploits should have been fixed as they where discovered if they wanted to see it through a week, or the golem rush part of the event stopped.
GW player of 14+kh and Passionate Mind Wracker since 2005
Yeah well they can ignore this and continue to work on HoT, but I think doing so has done damage to their customer relations, and I’m sure quite a few players are now rethinking about even buying the expansion, including myself.
So hope the event was worth it at the end of the day, because they kitten off a lot of wvw players and for sure lost some sales.
But seriously the buff and event are ending at the end of the week, they still have to put in work to do so anyways right? they could have just done it days earlier. So saying it would have taken time away from HoT is weak, (seriously? they hot patched guardian and engineer trait bugs, and the revenant siege bug). If it took no resources to implement the event it surely would take none to revert the changes.
Look at the end of the day I appreciate they even did an event, I could have stomached this week if the exploits weren’t around. I questioned why have golems built for free AND given 100% damage and speed, do one or the other but not both would have been fine. Hopefully this was a lesson in not granting that much power to siege ever again.
North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
“Game over man, Game Over!” – RIP Bill
(edited by Xenesis.6389)
the fact that Josh is still hiding is somewhat pathetic! duck and cover
At least Josh told us in the first place that he made this golem event. I wouldn’t beat him (too much) for trying as that might be the original cause why “WvW-team” (if there even is one) isn’t talking to us.
Awwww…I won’t beat him. Just spend a couple of beers and explain him why his decision was really bad and what’s wrong about WvW in general.
You’re right, he tried to mix it up and bring something to WvW for us. It was a mistake and not very well thought out but his intentions were good. What he (or whoever’s job it is) should be doing now is addressing the community regarding the bug. We need Anet to listen and discuss this event so in the future we don’t get more game breaking events put into place. As per usual they are just ignoring it, this is a prime example of how NOT to run a business/company. They need to man up, put on their flame suits and come in ready to work with us to make future events not only enjoyable, but healthy for the game as a whole.
Yeah well they can ignore this and continue to work on HoT, but I think doing so has done damage to their customer relations, and I’m sure quite a few players are now rethinking about even buying the expansion, including myself.
So hope the event was worth it at the end of the day, because they kitten off a lot of wvw players and for sure lost some sales.…
Look at the end of the day I appreciate they even did an event, I could have stomached this week if the exploits weren’t around. I questioned why have golems built for free AND given 100% damage and speed, do one or the other but not both would have been fine. Hopefully this was a lesson in not granting that much power to siege ever again.
You don’t even have to buy HoT in order to participate in new WvW map. Sure you miss your Elite Specialization and maybe some guild hall related mechanics.
So much missed opportunities; imagine if they had released new map like half a year ago and said that it is going to be even better once HoT releases with guild hall related mechanics. Same value, same work, but love for WvW-community and opportunity for ANet to hone new map/mechanics well before HoT.
GW player of 14+kh and Passionate Mind Wracker since 2005
You’re right, he tried to mix it up and bring something to WvW for us. It was a mistake and not very well thought out but his intentions were good. What he (or whoever’s job it is) should be doing now is addressing the community regarding the bug. We need Anet to listen and discuss this event so in the future we don’t get more game breaking events put into place. As per usual they are just ignoring it, this is a prime example of how NOT to run a business/company. They need to man up, put on their flame suits and come in ready to work with us to make future events not only enjoyable, but healthy for the game as a whole.
+1 for everything.
GW player of 14+kh and Passionate Mind Wracker since 2005
Things that ANet could comment:
-Exploits on Golem and in general (is it bannable offence, are you going to fix golem related exploits or address continuing exploits )
-Feedback on Golem Rush event (19 pages of feedback, is anyone even going to read this or is giving feedback just waste of time?)
-State and future of WvW ( For example multiple topics focusing on low population servers , future of servers )
-Lack of communication (Like this topic and no comments about feedback, but also topics like cry for help )
-Why developers opinions differ so much with players ( Most famous incident of them all , no one plays WvW only (not that all players always agree with eachother) )Without input from developers we are left here to bicker with each other .
Oh boy I remember the dev interrupting the GvG, I was there when that happened. The TS was dumbfounded that a dev was saying stuff like that and he was reported multiple times by both sides.
The entire WvW forums EXPLODED for about an entire week demanding that the person be fired. Not to mention it re-openned the GvG can wide open. In the end I think he was actually let go.
You don’t even have to buy HoT in order to participate in new WvW map. Sure you miss your Elite Specialization and maybe some guild hall related mechanics.
Yeah you get the new map for “free”, so guess can’t complain about it much no matter how bad it may turn out.
As for elite specializations, I have to question everything now when it comes to balance since the past patch. So many broken skills and specs and we can see the priority right now is the Revenant, understandable, but still doesn’t justify the massive boost to damage since the last patch, is this how they intent to keep the damage levels in game going forward or are they just “too busy”?
Guildhalls, don’t really care, but my guild leader will, so if anything will get the expansion to help with that. Don’t care about pve in this game because it always came off as annoying compared to other games, the amount of mobs that can cripple, stun, immobilize, daze, is ridiculous.
Oh and maybe legendary crafting I guess since I’ve never gotten a precursor, but I honestly only expect the greatsword to look decent.
North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
“Game over man, Game Over!” – RIP Bill
Allot of people are without a game this week and I think were owed an apology by Josh Davis and some fixes by the people who set it up, cos I’m willing to bet Mr. Davis didn’t program it.
If you want to give us something to do and get more PvE’rs in to WvW we have Tournaments that worked before, use tried and tested events and a bit of sense given the Hacker/ Exploit problems that Anet have. We sure as hell can’t control it!!
Don’t blame me if it all goes wrong and the forums have 70 simultaneous posts screaming for help .. deal with it. We don’t have another way of communicating with them, or anywhere else to discuss it, since they dumped us all in the mega servers.
Colin O’Brian PROMISED us that he was going to “… respect players time, respect players investment” … I’m really not feeling it.
I want an apology in writing and on this forum!
Demanding another human being to write you a letter of apology just because you don’t like an in game event. Should they do this for everyone that doesn’t like in game events?
You know there are alot of in-game events I have never insisted, that someone write me an apology.
Demanding another human being to write you a letter of apology just because you don’t like an in game event. Should they do this for everyone that doesn’t like in game events?
You know there are alot of in-game events I have never insisted, that someone write me an apology.
Did they have exploits that took advantage of other players?
North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
“Game over man, Game Over!” – RIP Bill
Demanding another human being to write you a letter of apology just because you don’t like an in game event. Should they do this for everyone that doesn’t like in game events?
You know there are alot of in-game events I have never insisted, that someone write me an apology.
Did they have exploits that took advantage of other players?
Its a bug.
Demanding another human being to write you a letter of apology just because you don’t like an in game event. Should they do this for everyone that doesn’t like in game events?
You know there are alot of in-game events I have never insisted, that someone write me an apology.
Perhaps I didn’t make the point clearly enough .. If someone sells you something and then disrupts that service, or fails to supply that service … they are under European, American and international law, required to refund or remunerate the customer. The issue of showing ‘good faith’ is a legal term .. basically, if you promise something you are expected to do it.
My service has been badly disrupted .. and I haven’t been shown good faith or even basic courtesy or a response to my complaint.
I think an apology gets them off lightly?
Another day with no response I see.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
Lack okittennowledgement is equally as troubling as Anet allowing the exploits and bugs to run rampant, ruining the gameplay of thousands of players.