BNF-Bitte nicht füttern-
Smallscale <3 !
PSS. If someone wants some duel stuff or small scale PvP stuff just for fun, you can always contact me and lets see what happens
Also I think Nubu from BNF is trying to scratch up a duel evening on friday, but haven’t seen him post here so I don’t know his tag.
Now u Know ! And yes im trying to organize some small scale action on friday.
If someone is interested , pls pm me .
Im pretty sure some of GuM will come there once again. Always fun to do duels and try to make yourself a better fighter in small scale combat :P
My ingame name is Nubuela.
1) You dzago always focus your attacks on us, if you don’t count you guys attacking towers in your own corner, 90% of your attacks were in RoS Corner! 90!!!
We’re attacking sm: you would be attacking in our corner
We’re attacking UW corner: you would be attacking in our corner
We’re defending against UW: you would be attacking in our corner again
And I kid you not it’s 90%! I counted every one of your attacks (I put down scouts just to prove my point).
2) What happened yesterday was that 50ish UW were attacking mendons, tht was pretty much their whole force and instead of trying to ninja cap Klovan and/or WC, They come take Ogrewatch and Veloka, there were 40 Dzag and 4 rams on our T3 Veloka, and there were even fightmarkers, All 20 of us in EB were defending Mendons when Dzago decided to attack veloka, couldn’t even get on the mortars at the keep in time to get rams down before they broke down the gates…
I’m tired of that cowardly [Insert S insult here] you have been pulling Dzag. So I Instated that Boycott on EB, have fun in EB with the whole Uw zerg.
3) Soon after the boycott there were 40+ Dzago in our BL, mostly the HON guild and there was also an UW zerg but they left after we kept wiping the 40+ of them with only 25 of us. But then I got report that 60 Dzag just broke outer on overlook and there’s also UW running around hitting another gate. So I portal with the 20 of us to EB, somehow I manage to the 60 man Dzago zerg (and I kid you not there were 60ish of them! I downed 2 times and my combined Bloodlust stacks came to a total of 49! And I couldn’t have tagged all of you.) But while I was wiping you Dzago I got a report of Dzago, 30-40 man zerg with 3 or more golems at garrison watergate, by the time we cleared Overlook, Garrison was pretty much lost.
4) Dzagonur not having more people than RoS ? Who are you kidding ? Even when the alliance was here you guys had more people than us! Just take the last example, you had 100 people just at garrison and overlook combined and there must have been more of you. We had 20 people who ported in to EB, already 10 people there and another 10 here and there (mostly in our own bl). That’s a total of 40 people while you had 100+, the people in your own bl haven’t been counted to that yet.
Even as a total population counting the PvE+PvP+WvW together Dzagonur always had more people than RoS. RoS is the second or third lowest populated server in EU. Before they upped the server limit and changed the people required to have a stamp as “high” , RoS, vabbi and FoW were the only medium servers left, never have we gone to high.
Resets totally proves to you who has a higher population and who has lower…
Whine whine…. we (dzago) have unplayabe lags on UW BL and eternal.
Most of us.
(edited by Optifluid.6945)
And is that the reason why you’re not retaking your own BL but instead are golem rushing us instead ?
Especially now that the login server crashed, I have to hear my guildie say how we are losing the keeps >_>
(edited by Ilesyt.7084)
The only reason , why we dzago do all these nasty things is, we want to see you cry !
And is that the reason why you’re not retaking your own BL but instead are golem rushing us instead ?
Especially now that the login server crashed, I have to hear my guildie say how we are losing the keeps >_>
I can totally understand that one here lol.
Yesterday when our alliance came together for an event we decided to go to dzagonur borderlands because of XT and WIC (and others?) leaving RoS, we didnt expect much resistance here and we wanted to avoid mainly PvD. However, on Dzagonur it was exactly like I had expected it from RoS borders, we pretty much ran through that map without any resistance, taking down 3 fully fortified fortifications within half an hour, the first real defense we were facing when we approached Bay, but still it wasnt as intense as i expected, didnt take to much time for us to completely paint Dzagonur map in our colors and while some people were holding position in the keeps and camps, our force kept bouncing between the northern towers and camps to recap / defend for a couple of hours. I had to logg off around 10pm so i dont know how long we could keep it up at Dzag borders, however I noticed at that time other guilds also set up stuff at RoS border, that I thought would be rather relaxed but apparently Dzagonur decided not to defend their homeland but invade RoS to at least have some points somewhere
What my posts are all about are you dzago are cowards, cheap and dirty.
(edited by Ilesyt.7084)
Dude, you clearly have some issues you should be working on in stead of rambling on in this forum. GW2 is just a game.
And about the Dza never attacking UW on eb thing. They come after us from time to time, they often even get the gate to <10%. But then we wipe them (like 90% of the time) and it was all for nothing. I guess that going after RoS is just much more fun to do.
@Ilesyt: the 40+ Dzago zerg was only 3 Groups from Hon and 6 other random players.
And we didnt left, because you wiped us … the reason was our inventory was full and we went shopping on EB
We lost in the last 2 weeks a lot of WVW Players, we have no 40+ Zergs… otherwise we would be able to counter the large UW Zergs.
Yesterday in the evening there was no chance to defend our building against the mass from UW. They steamrolled us back to the stoneage … unbelivable how much player they have in wvw and i hope they will move one tier higher. We have at the moments the same problems like you in RoS.
Dude, you clearly have some issues you should be working on in stead of rambling on in this forum. GW2 is just a game.
And about the Dza never attacking UW on eb thing. They come after us from time to time, they often even get the gate to <10%. But then we wipe them (like 90% of the time) and it was all for nothing. I guess that going after RoS is just much more fun to do.
Maybe you don’t have noticed it since you got a huge zerg on your side and mostly on the attacking force, but having to defend with 20-25 people against 40+ of UW of Dzag at the same time is pretty near impossible and gets annoying really fast and add to that we are losing the money we put on upgrades.
Oh and as I said I noticed they do attack you guys SOME TIMES but that’s like 10% of the times, they’ve attacked us 9 times more.
And if you deny they don’t use the dirty tactics of only going after us so they get to be second then you are delusional.
Dude, you clearly have some issues you should be working on in stead of rambling on in this forum. GW2 is just a game.
And about the Dza never attacking UW on eb thing. They come after us from time to time, they often even get the gate to <10%. But then we wipe them (like 90% of the time) and it was all for nothing. I guess that going after RoS is just much more fun to do.
Maybe you don’t have noticed it since you got a huge zerg on your side and mostly on the attacking force, but having to defend with 20-25 people against 40+ of UW of Dzag at the same time is pretty near impossible and gets annoying really fast and add to that we are losing the money we put on upgrades.
Oh and as I said I noticed they do attack you guys SOME TIMES but that’s like 10% of the times, they’ve attacked us 9 times more.And if you deny they don’t use the dirty tactics of only going after us so they get to be second then you are delusional.
i’m a UW player, that means I know the feeling of losing weeks in a row. Maybe not so hard as you guys are losing now, but we had some losing streaks too. We used to be outmanned almost all the time. That doesn’t mean I went to the forum and made a total fool of myself over and over again.
And what does it matter to you if I’m “making a fool out of myself” ?
And no I don’t care about losing, I’ve lost a lot more than you guys ever have. What I’m annoyed with is that Dzago are so pathetic to STILL attack the server that has the lowest people in WvW and most likely won’t catch up in points but somehow keeping that “2nd spot” is so very important to them.
This would’ve been a lot more enjoyable if Dzago had more courage and instead focused more on you UW, I would’ve ignored Dzago as much as I can as I had been doing the first week of our matchup if they had focused on UW.
(edited by Ilesyt.7084)
@Ilesyt yesterday at men on eb, dz tried 2 take if from us but we got them, however after we tried overlook and it was going great, but dz attacked wc t3 tower and took it gg, so we pulled our forces back and for the next 12 hours we didnt even touch ros side on eb, even left anza and men for u to take with no defense, while we were just fighting dz, only reason it seems dz only go for u is because we fight them off at our towers, so they dont end up capping it, so capping towers from ros only seems logical in their view, believe me there is no such thing as servers only attacking ros and leaving each other alone, at the morning yesterday, wc was under attack by dz zerg, and ros attacked klov, we fought them off both, however it was hard as we didnt have enough ppl at the time, so at times it may seem 2 servers r ganging up on the other but simply this is how it goes in a 3 way battle.
Fighting a losing battle in WvW isn’t entirely pointless, complaining about it on the forum is.
Dzagonur is too random, I’ve only seem them pull off one well coordinated attack on UW BL, the day after reset when they took both Bay and Hills, had a real struggle there.. but I haven’t seen them at all the rest of the week lol.
In previous match ups I did notice whenever we took something on enemy border, Dzagonur would show up and take what we took from them, because we left it undefended and unupgraded.. rats they are!
It’s tactic though, but rather annoying to cap a keep and lose it a few minutes later to a huge Dzagonur zerg looking for easy points. :P
@ LameTerror
Your talking to a Commander from RoS who just like my self was there from day one and yeah.. HELLO? Ruins of Surmia..? T9 for the past 4 months? every week we would be fighting over camps with fissure of woe bcoz everything else was upgraded and defended soo well? does that ring any bellz? or should i give you a history lesson?
I believe you on the part that UW had hard times too but you cannot and i repeat.. C A N N O T compare that to what RoS went through during the past few months. Oh and now that the allaince left we are back to almost that very same population.
On a side note.. to any Fissure of Woe reading this… full respect to you as i know your one server that didnt give up yet.
@ LameTerror
Your talking to a Commander from RoS who just like my self was there from day one and yeah.. HELLO? Ruins of Surmia..? T9 for the past 4 months? every week we would be fighting over camps with fissure of woe bcoz everything else was upgraded and defended soo well? does that ring any bellz? or should i give you a history lesson?
I believe you on the part that UW had hard times too but you cannot and i repeat.. C A N N O T compare that to what RoS went through during the past few months. Oh and now that the allaince left we are back to almost that very same population.
On a side note.. to any Fissure of Woe reading this… full respect to you as i know your one server that didnt give up yet.
Well, if you read my post then you can see that I actually say that you have it worst then us. Still no reason the get mad and start insulting other people on the forum.
only reason it seems dz only go for u is because we fight them off at our towers, so they dont end up capping it, so capping towers from ros only seems logical in their view, believe me there is no such thing as servers only attacking ros and leaving each other alone, at the morning yesterday, wc was under attack by dz zerg, and ros attacked klov, we fought them off both, however it was hard as we didnt have enough ppl at the time, so at times it may seem 2 servers r ganging up on the other but simply this is how it goes in a 3 way battle.
As you have said they got no courage to keep on hitting you guys so they go for the easier things. If you take my previous example: You guys were hitting mendons, it was your full zerg, if the Dzago had decided to go to klovan they could’ve capped it without problems but no they had no courage to do that.
2 things could’ve happened, you decided to take Mendons then you would’ve lost Klovan and i fyou had sent even half your force to go defend klovan, we would’ve pushed you away from Mendons and defended our t2 tower and MAYBE they could’ve still capped klovan, maybe not but mendons would be safe and you would have it harder next time to take mendons again and they would have the chance to take klovan or WC again. Now we lost Veloka and Mendons and it’s much easier for your zergs to take the tower even if you guys attacked mendons after we retook it you could’ve still made it back to klovan in time to defend after taking mendons.
There were many isntances where you guys were attacking Dzago and I ninja’d your WC several times , many of those times the tower was already t3 :p
But what would happen after is that you guys would fall back retake tower and come to our corner, No worries there we don’t mind you guys retaliating, the game is all about that but then Dzago would retake their corner and then they would invade us too…
Now, you mentioned that you were under attack at klovan and WC. The reason you guys were 2 teamed was because of me. I saw dzago was attacking WC so I went back into the dredge, made a wide circle around them and went to klovan instead. Sure I also could’ve gone to durios but what’s the fun in that ? I’d rather destroy t3 UW towers. Most of the isntances UW was double teamed was because RoS saw Dzago attack you guys (OMG it’s a miracle!) and then we would attack you as well.
But that’s just RoS way of thinking.
We don’t mind UW attacking us, you guys got lot’s of people you got a solid lead, you can do whatever you want. Now if Dzago were less selfish, cowardly and pathetic we could’ve had a silent agreement of attacking each other as little as possible and focusing on you guys. The matchup would be a lot more fun and it would be less lopsided.
They are so focused on staying second that they don’t noticed that they’re losing more ranking points because of that. We are red so we have less rating than dzago and UW. So dzago would gain more points if they (and us) chipped more points from you than when Dzago take away our points…
I think Anet is giving me a brake from WvW xD.
And after reading some posts in here… Maybe some of u should do the same
I want to thank the DZ Ele commander in EB. It was lots of fun focusing on u all the time.
There is no denying the fact that Dzagonur are playing a very dirty game here. At the beginning of this matchup, RoS was holding their ground very well. We even managed to stay on top for a few days, being a close second in the days after. It was long before XT and the others left when Dzagonur started their dirty game.
Constantly fighting RoS, just in order to keep UW off their backs and staying at the second place in this matchup. It seems they prefer cowardly tactics to stay at the second place above a fair matchup in which all servers, including Dzag, have a fair chance of coming out on top. I’m pretty sure this tactic Dzag is using is also one of the things that gave XT the final push of leaving RoS. This matchup is no more fun now.
I hope that Dzag will be less cowardly the next time we meet, and actually give this matchup a chance of being fun and competitive. You managed to destroy this one.
dz dz dz, here i was trying 2 defend u, for 2 hours no uw player was able 2 log, and when we came bk, u had sm and 3 of our t3 towers, shame i logged in after to take it all back and downgrade ur towers
They also had our bl >_>
Tottaly insulting people Are you geting me mixed up with Ilesyt?
Tottaly insulting people
Are you geting me mixed up with Ilesyt?
No I’m not mixing you two up. I was still talking about him because your comment was a response to one of my comments about him
less QQ more epic stories please
Sry my mistake….not UW and Eternal have the lags.
For most players, UW and our BL (dzago) have terrible lags, it’s issues with one of the biggest providers in germany. Thats why we went RoS … so all guildies could join the raid. We are not playin on points anyway…
I’ll make the suggestion to non stop visit RoS though, just as a response to the whining of those forum warriors
(edited by Optifluid.6945)
DZ please protect ur borderlands otherwise it will be painted green soon
Thanks in advance :P
Respect to those brave ROS players who attempted to take back their overlook but were sadly met by my cannon fire, thank you for teaching me the true meaning of cannon fodder.
Sry my mistake….not UW and Eternal have the lags.
For most players, UW and our BL (dzago) have terrible lags, it’s issues with one of the biggest providers in germany. Thats why we went RoS … so all guildies could join the raid. We are not playin on points anyway…I’ll make the suggestion to non stop visit RoS though, just as a response to the whining of those forum warriors
Keep them coming, I’ve been having fun wiping your people 1v3 & 1v4 and kiting 10+ people around constantly, pulling them into UW or RoS zergs.
To the Charr Guardian I was fighting/duelling at Hero & then Water village in UW side (forgotten your name D`Oh!).
Enjoyed that scrap, even though took aaages
Couple our side were jokingly placing bets hehe
Still confused when finally downed you didn`t just heal up as I moved out of range, but ah well.
Didn`t find the two that interrupted our earlier scrap, I don`t know who they were, but I will find them, I will kill them >;)
RoS plz stop whining, this is pathetic. Game mechanics require the 2nd to fight the third to hold the current tier….
UW with their huge wvwvw playerbase totally control the game. If they hit DZ hard, RoS can get their share of the pie, if UW goes after RoS DZ can recover and will get some ground.
After all UW is the only problem in this tier atm, they clearly belong 1 tier up.
peace ;-P
RoS plz stop whining, this is pathetic. Game mechanics require the 2nd to fight the third to hold the current tier….
UW with their huge wvwvw playerbase totally control the game. If they hit DZ hard, RoS can get their share of the pie, if UW goes after RoS DZ can recover and will get some ground.
After all UW is the only problem in this tier atm, they clearly belong 1 tier up.
peace ;-P
Stop whining ? You’re the one making lame excuses. And no you’re not getting your own share of the pie and instead going after our share.
Just saying but The numbers UW has might lopside this matchup alot and can blame that for the way things are going, But Dzago you’re 50% at fault too.
(edited by Ilesyt.7084)
cheese for the whine ?
Didn’t played that much in the last days but it seems after XT left you are running way more small Groups which i really appreciate! Before that you were just running in huge Zergs only (BL Point of View only, i don’t enter nasty Zergheaven Eternal ^^).
To Ilesyt everybody here has read your Opinion now a few times, and on one hand it doesn’t changes and thats fine, on the other hand no need to repeat yourself so constantly.
You made your Point everybody gets it and done.
Nobody will change there Gameplay based on a Forumdiscussion anyway…. (atleast i think that that isn’t the way).
It’s not that we are running more small groups, it’s just that you noticed us more now because We were being overshadowed by XT. We’ve always been running these small zergs.
I’m only doing small scale :p and i have met none before. And we did roaming for three days with the only aim to find RoS Roaming groups(3-8 ppl) and we found none…. Maybe we were unlucky but after 10 days finding no roaming groups at all….
We got our Point of view and gave up to find them and focussed on UW because i know that i can provoke UW into small scale fights (with the zerg steamrolling us every now and then but that is part of the game i wouldn’t want to miss). That has changed notable this weekend. Thats positive for my gamestyle so i’m looking forward to next week when i got actually time to play ^^
Also if your running small groups feel free to take part in the Group vs Group event. Points should be clear for UW on friday evening anyway and such things have the most important aspect of wvw! They are pure fun for all participents ^^
…And no you’re not getting your own share of the pie and instead going after our share.
Who said it was yours? You? Then go take it back.
those were the days that ros were fighting, i remember that day we capped anza 3 times with thiefs rezing my mesmer’s corpse for portal (from inside the tower ofc), until a zerg came 2 watch me, it was also a win since 3 man party was distracting a zerg for a good while, we tried velo but angry commander was doing nasty stuff to my corpse :P, but we got overlook 2 times using this tac
Thats not me.. thats one of my sexy guildies that RLY doesnt like your memser…
EDIT: OH and btw that is not Veloka thats Anza :P
Idd that screen shot was at anza, but there was another time at velo after, sadly i didnt screen shot the one at velo, probably for the best as i dont want this thread to get locked as sajuuk was decorating my poor corpse
Meh.. Gw2 is 16+ it should be fine…. :P
i want to say to that UW guardian in EB that cowardy is not a great things..;) i downed u a lot of time and only zerg save u..especially when u jump down from the keep, attack me from the rear, i burst u and u have only 10% of life and re-enter immediately in Overlook running as the wind, or have battle with your ranger friend and another from the keep shot cannonade at me..and when all of u 2 was downed call the zerg.. yeah u kill me..good job..:D don t be proud of yourself anyway..;)
Meh.. Gw2 is 16+ it should be fine…. :P
thanks again for that small meetup yesterday
maybe we can repeat it today again and have some more ppl around for fun in a rather boring matchup…
yes, also for some UW its very boring… i couldnt even do my daily yakslapping this morning because the only stuff we didnt own were camps and therefor yaks dont run around… and my little thief cant handle so much veterans at once yet
speaking of dz’s cheap tacs a treb by spwan really? is this the only way u can take back ur keep?, as soon as i down one they run bk 2 get the buff, hahahahha nice one
speaking of dz’s cheap tacs a treb by spwan really? is this the only way u can take back ur keep?, as soon as i down one they run bk 2 get the buff, hahahahha nice one
I read from this screenshot:
1. UW ticks for +590 and is still mocking about the underdog servers. Pathetic.
2. At 13:14 normal people are at work ….
But hey, it’s ok, i bet your epeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen is that long. :-P
RoS plz stop whining, this is pathetic. Game mechanics require the 2nd to fight the third to hold the current tier….
UW with their huge wvwvw playerbase totally control the game. If they hit DZ hard, RoS can get their share of the pie, if UW goes after RoS DZ can recover and will get some ground.
After all UW is the only problem in this tier atm, they clearly belong 1 tier up.
peace ;-P
speaking of dz’s cheap tacs a treb by spwan really? is this the only way u can take back ur keep?, as soon as i down one they run bk 2 get the buff, hahahahha nice one
I read from this screenshot:
1. UW ticks for +590 and is still mocking about the underdog servers. Pathetic.
2. At 13:14 normal people are at work ….But hey, it’s ok, i bet your epeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen is that long. :-P
If what I was doing was whining then what you are doing is whining too…
Hipocryte much ?
And UW, that treb is so easily taken out why are you even complaining about that.
Illyest, everyone has consistently called you out on your various whining, crying and complaining about literally everything everytime your server is losing. On top of that you have proven multiple times to be a sore winner aswell. Are you living in denial or something? When are you going to realise all you do on these forums is complaining everytime something isn’t going your way.
Good thing we get to exchange places with Ros next week so we don’t have to be confronted with your posts for an entire week. I already feel sorry for Whiteside and Blacktide.
Looking forward to see how big the gap is in numbers between Rof, Dzag and Abbadon’s will be as it seems that will be the next tier 7 matchup. Seems like Abaddon will definatly have more people then us but looking forward to the challenge.
topic is broken and seeing if I can fix it by posting again
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