UW Hacker in wvw
I thinkv they should leave him alone, the forum would be boring without a new UW hacker thread every week.
Oh no- here we go again
I hope there will be not another topic with cryes like underworld hackers etc.
I hope you will be not insuilt whole uw server that 2 players on uw using hacks
And i hope you will not telling that uw server and its guilds support hackers becose uw players have been informed that hacker is on sm and they continue to take sm when hacker kill all defenders
Etc. etc
So gl, hf lemings!!
See YOU on the field !!
The most important is to be nice and keep smiling
(edited by KlausKNT.9302)
What makes you think there is a hacker !!!
Got any videos or screenshots of him?
I saw Dolyak killed by nobody…
I saw people killed by nobody…
I saw people stomped by nobody…
A brief video example in a matter of minutes…
The problem is not many who hack, but a few that ruin the game for many…
GJ the guy that was on Blacktide trasnferred to Underworld.
And OFC when we get hackers we still can’t kittening win anything. I hate this game so much atm. (I said game I didn’t say..; ohoh almost got me there eh)
Don’t wanna give some trigger happy M od the satisfaction of using his little power.
Hack, whatever. Dude, that is just superb skill. Like totally!!!
and once again bt and fow bls turn red.
Hey hey. This last half hour a guildie and me have been following the underworld hacker.
He started with flipping the blacktide keep in Eternal battlegrounds. Then he tagged FoW keep, but stopped. Then he took Langor tower, then Bravost, then Jerrifer’s (blacktide side), then Aldon’s, then he returned to take FoW keep.
At Langor, one of our server was waiting outside the walls while suddenly the tower got flipped, he hadn’t seen ANYONE at all breaking down walls or gates. So that’s proof that it was the hacker. At FoW keep we climbed on rocks in the area and saw NOBODY standing at the lord room, yet it was being capped and a few seconds later it switched to Underworld.
Please come and monitor the match-up of Fissure of Woe, Blacktide and Underworld! We’re trying to get recordings of this right now.
I can comfirm what Sirendor said, I was with him. Been playing all morning and accidently ran into him at south camp on FoW BL, he was entirely visible and a split second after I saw him he dissappeared (didn’t have time to catch his name or to record him). I’ve been trying to capture a recording of him but unfortunatly I can’t see inside enemy-owned keeps/towers enough so that I can actually see him whilst he’s flipping it :/ FoW didn’t own anything at this point, it was mainly BT-owned so I couldn’t get in.
Also, I know people are saying that the invisible pistol hacker (the one in the YT video posted by Aryanor) is the UW hacker and that it’s the same guy that was on BT, but from what I saw today I’m having second thoughts. The BT guy clearly wanted to cause as much grief as possible by not only flipping but actively attacking players in plain sight; this guy I was chasing today never attempted to engage me, was fully visible and actually actively tried to AVOID me. Every time I approached a keep/tower that was tagged, he stopped and went somewhere else, and this went on for at least 3 hours until he eventually left altogether. But, like I said, I could be wrong, I’ve got no evidence to show as of yet.
I’ll be online every morning with recording software set up and I’ll be keeping an eye out for him, so when I get a name and video I’ll post it, send a ticket to Anet, and put it in the MU thread in the gw2wvw forums.
Oh and Klaus, thanks for the sarcastic taunting, but shut up. The HUGE difference between UW and BT is that UW is full of people that are not only ACTIVELY trying to gather evidence against people on their server, but they also don’t play WITH them. And please, don’t claim otherwise, I remember several occasions in Golem Rush Week where your underground golem hacker was CLEARLY attacking our groups (one day outside Quentin’s, for example) and your zerg sat there, watched rockets fly from out the ground downing our players, and then engaged us as it happened. And guess what you did then? You flipped Quentin’s. That was a HARD/BTA group too, and if you really think the “Oh we didn’t see anything” is a good excuse then please, it’s not, you sat there and watched. UW don’t do that kitten.
I Silent – Thief
…. That’s about it.
Looks like a model glitch.
It didn’t load up for your client and you can’t see it, neither target it.
Anet gave birth to Gw2 – Anet killed Gw2.
Murican law 2015.
The HUGE difference between UW and BT is that UW is full of people that are not only ACTIVELY trying to gather evidence against people on their server, but they also don’t play WITH them. And please, don’t claim otherwise, I remember several occasions in Golem Rush Week where your underground golem hacker was CLEARLY attacking our groups (one day outside Quentin’s, for example) and your zerg sat there, watched rockets fly from out the ground downing our players, and then engaged us as it happened. And guess what you did then? You flipped Quentin’s. That was a HARD/BTA group too, and if you really think the “Oh we didn’t see anything” is a good excuse then please, it’s not, you sat there and watched. UW don’t do that kitten.
Yeah.. If you can’t get his name there’s not much you can do ;/
And please don’t make this to a matchup thread or it will get locked. Keep matchup complaints and discussion at gw2wvw instead.
Havn’t seen the hacker on our server but i know this isnt made up. Would be nice for everyone to cooperate to help get rid of this guy. Had enough of being up against hackers in certain servers, let alone being on the same server as one.
No one needs their play time ruined by these guys. So i encourage FoW and BT, as well as UW to report these people. Winning with hackers isn’t winning.
The HUGE difference between UW and BT is that UW is full of people that are not only ACTIVELY trying to gather evidence against people on their server, but they also don’t play WITH them. And please, don’t claim otherwise, I remember several occasions in Golem Rush Week where your underground golem hacker was CLEARLY attacking our groups (one day outside Quentin’s, for example) and your zerg sat there, watched rockets fly from out the ground downing our players, and then engaged us as it happened. And guess what you did then? You flipped Quentin’s. That was a HARD/BTA group too, and if you really think the “Oh we didn’t see anything” is a good excuse then please, it’s not, you sat there and watched. UW don’t do that kitten.
That’s bullkitten and you know it. We’ve reported and sent emails to anet several times before he started to use perma invisible. Yesterday morning UW cheater wiped us at SM while havoc from Zerk tried to cap it but I don’t go around and blame their guild for it. They coulnd’t see him and dead bodies of the wall look like effect of a condi bomb. I also don’t blame UW players who defended this morning fortifications captured by this cheater on Bt Bl. There is a kitten tone of proof that this guy hoopes from one t9 server to another for almost a year now so you should stop with this pitiful “hacktide”. Anet’s indolece is not our fault.
To TheDarkSoul :
So you was this fow sylvani thief that waste my time in bt border tower when i hunt for hacker??:D
Btw i get him few minutes after this random encounter on hills lord
For all who dont know- in my opinion there are 2 hackers:
1. Who only teleports to lord to flip points and avoid fight – he have a player radar ofc.
His name and evidence are already know and i send this to anet
2. This one is always invisible and make me trouble to cath in first random encounter (pisol/pistol , bow- thief- weapons animations tell that he is NOT under the map) – he is trolling and try kill all – he have hack or use trap to disble stealth ( i was weery surprised about this kitten btw. I only see him 1 time and becose of this stealth disabler i not have muth time to try all things to get him. But i will continue hunt and when get him i send his name and evidence to anet
Hunting hackers usually give me more fun than kill players and take points in wvsw :p
I just dont have muth time on game last time so i try stuff that give me the biggest funn :P
About uw dont play with hackers:
- there are only players in game- why they shall care??
Short story:
This was on sm where uw guild members who atack with pugs (this wass weery long and terrible prepared attack with a omega on inner door in the end ) to was informed about hacker that kills all defenders inside (i was curious what they do if see that someting atack and kills player inside walls- some uw guild players that atack sm ofc see that someting is attack players inside sm, becose we made 1 party (yes, yes bt and uw players in 1 party )
They just leave party after hacker atack, and continue to take sm
So dont tell us that uw players dont play with hackers
They dont care like all others players- why 1 hackers shall ruin a game for all around??
Becouse as you see right there servers dont hack – only players on servers
There is ofc a reason why hackers usually move to the lowest popul server:
-last time it was BT( when he come to BT this was the lowest population server) , now its UW (now uw is the lowest population server),
-the lowest server population the lowes chance to be cathed by some players, lowest number of reports etc. and profit for get points is same
So gl, hf lemings!!
See YOU on the field !!
The most important is to be nice and keep smiling
(edited by KlausKNT.9302)
CBA to read whole thread, but I can tell that about half year ago on AG server happened same stuff. At least two enemies were invisible whole time (supposedly under map) with simply insane burst, which seemed more like an speedhack, because you would get about 20 hits a sec or so. It was at least one engi and one ele. They would follow our zerg and constantly jump and wipe people. Nothing we could do, even whole time trying to fight with air and casting spells all around. This lasted for about two weeks and then never seen this happen again. Before that, there used to be one insane warrior, NOBODY could stop him. He never would slow down when attacked and none of CC worked on him. I with guild used to meet him a lot, at first we tried to kill him several times, chasing all over the map with mobility builds, but never managed to. Later we just ignored him. So, yes, hacking does exists.
what you expect?
Blacktide hacking their kitten off that people sit by? theres always one getting mad and will do the same back too kitten off each other.
somewhere deep inside i hope your from BT and get your kitten wiped constantly karma is a kitten i dont support this UW hacker but i left FoW cus of this BT kitten constantly hacking completely killing the WvW on bottom 3 servers.
what you expect?
Blacktide hacking their kitten off that people sit by? theres always one getting mad and will do the same back too kitten off each other.somewhere deep inside i hope your from BT and get your kitten wiped constantly
karma is a kitten i dont support this UW hacker but i left FoW cus of this BT kitten constantly hacking completely killing the WvW on bottom 3 servers.
Muth of kitten here
Ofc its like i say before
- there are only players in game- why they shall care??
Lets think what expected other servers from BT players before:
- dont atack this tower/keep/sm becose there is a hacker that kills all around?? -others servers dont atack points when hacker is inside so you from BT support hacker if you continue to take point when hacker kills all defenders ???
Oh, please it was so funny to see this on other side
There are only players in game that whone some funn- why they shall care??
Players hacking- not servers
No this is only 1 hacker that trolls and is small chance to random encounter him ( i personally only one time face him- stealth disabler – 1 time i see enemy hacker use this stuff or hack to counter invisible enemy
And history shows that this hackers ( 2 of them on uw now) will be on t9 servers so the simplest way to counter them is move tier up
Who whone go tier up ??
So gl, hf lemings!!
See YOU on the field !!
The most important is to be nice and keep smiling
(edited by KlausKNT.9302)
Pls Klaus.
Stop justifying, everyone knows that not the whole server Blacktide is hacking, and that it’s usually only 1-2 hackers. But your “it’s just players” argument isn’t really valid.
If there was a hacker on FoW taking everything, I wouldn’t go join him in his caps and profit from it. Some blacktide players did this, and it isn’t good or right. I’m sure some players from other servers would do it, but again, that does not make it the right thing to do.
And (of course) don’t blame the players… it’s not you managing the game and allowing this kind of kitten to happen. If ArenaNet had more active moderators (like 1 per server) that would already make things a lot better.
Why would anyone waste time hacking tier 9 WvW? That’s like breaking into a bank vault, stealing a penny, then snickering and running away.
Why would anyone waste time hacking tier 9 WvW? That’s like breaking into a bank vault, stealing a penny, then snickering and running away.
Heh,t9 aint that empty as ppl make on these forums.I ve been against fow or uw,and seen both servers with really big zergs.Also i guess on smaller servers like ours the impact is bigger and it seems its safer for the hacker,according how long this thing is already going on without any action “apart from last account ban”.I dont believe we would seen 10th thread in 2-3 months if it was in t1…. .
Gw2 and GameGuard?
Your post became utter bs.
Anet gave birth to Gw2 – Anet killed Gw2.
Murican law 2015.
Klaus, how the HELL you can sit there and say “why should people care” is beyond me. We care because it’s a game mode that we love thats currently being ruined by people that can use exploits to flip keeps and towers (yano, the main objective duh) with no chance to defend against it (yano, the main reason you actually HAVE. OPPONENTS. duh) which people have spent much, much longer periods of time and effort capturing, upgrading, etc etc. To spend two hours going through a map, raiding, taking keeps and towers, camps and even sentries whilst fighting off your opponents just to come back 5 minutes later and some kitten has flipped it all right back is beyond annoying and frustrating. What makes it worse is that people like you brush it aside as a non-issue – that’s when I get angry. “Why should they care” – because people put effort in, and these hackers come along and waste all that effort.
Oh and. the whole “not capping a tower/keep etc when a hacker is around” thing is this funny thing called common decency. If I were a commander and I saw BT’s EB keep being hit by hackers, and your zerg was being wiped by them, I’d back off and I’d come back when I can have a fair fight over it. I wouldn’t care if it’s the only kitten nobjective left within all 4 maps; it’s no fun for anyone working off the back of hackers, and THAT is what many, many people at FoW and UW hate about certain players and, dare I say, guilds on your server. You just do not seem to give a kitten.
EDIT: oh and Klaus, yes, I was the FoW Sylvari Thief that repeatedly killed you and your warrior friend for around 20 minutes. I took great, great pleasure in doing so, and even more so after you accused me of hacking afterwards. Lol.
I Silent – Thief
…. That’s about it.
(edited by TheDarkSoul.1938)
Klaus, how the HELL you can sit there and say “why should people care” is beyond me. We care because it’s a game mode that we love thats currently being ruined by people that can use exploits to flip keeps and towers (yano, the main objective duh) with no chance to defend against it (yano, the main reason you actually HAVE. OPPONENTS. duh) which people have spent much, much longer periods of time and effort capturing, upgrading, etc etc. To spend two hours going through a map, raiding, taking keeps and towers, camps and even sentries whilst fighting off your opponents just to come back 5 minutes later and some kitten has flipped it all right back is beyond annoying and frustrating. What makes it worse is that people like you brush it aside as a non-issue – that’s when I get angry. “Why should they care” – because people put effort in, and these hackers come along and waste all that effort.
Oh and. the whole “not capping a tower/keep etc when a hacker is around” thing is this funny thing called common decency. If I were a commander and I saw BT’s EB keep being hit by hackers, and your zerg was being wiped by them, I’d back off and I’d come back when I can have a fair fight over it. I wouldn’t care if it’s the only kitten nobjective left within all 4 maps; it’s no fun for anyone working off the back of hackers, and THAT is what many, many people at FoW and UW hate about certain players and, dare I say, guilds on your server. You just do not seem to give a kitten.
EDIT: oh and Klaus, yes, I was the FoW Sylvari Thief that repeatedly killed you and your warrior friend for around 20 minutes. I took great, great pleasure in doing so, and even more so after you accused me of hacking afterwards. Lol.
Nop dude- i was this mesmer human that come there and kill you in few minutes (you run and go into stealth to muth) with my hunting hacker mesmer spec. (all utility for stealth and teleports to get to point fast and cath hacker ).
There was some other player (this was a warior??) that you try kill- but you fail
After killing you i invite you to party to tell – you waste my time here- you not the one i looking for
( i think you just go and hide in tower when BT take this tower not so long ago)
Now remember ??
And i dont feal a pleasure killing you-noting big- just another thief that think he is good
You just waste my time there – you was not my target, just another random encounter
If know Noting about how Your game client (gw2) communicate to server and about memory editing, rotkits , how work GameGuard etc. beter type noting here
So gl, hf lemings!!
See YOU on the field !!
The most important is to be nice and keep smiling
(edited by KlausKNT.9302)
Lol, I love that you completely ignore the actual important parts of my post. What, no arguement? You’re not actually feeling SHAME are you? Jeez, that would be rather uncharacteristic of you. Either that or you simply don’t understand clear English.
And no, I don’t think I’m good (quite the opposite, actually). But, fact is, on your wild “hacker hunt” so you call it, you eventually ganked me with your warrior friend and then accused me of hacking. In fact, your words were (translated from your weird, broken English) “Whoa, even FoW has a hacker now?”. Couldn’t really understand much else of what you said, it was pretty much illegible.
I Silent – Thief
…. That’s about it.
To be fair with You :
It was to long post. I only read pm becose it have some wrong infos about this random encounter
Ok now comes some answers, someting new for You ( i hope not ) :
- Wvsw is NOT about fair fights becose its not balanced in any way,
-players play same way- no matter on with servers they are
- hackers are in ewery game modes in gw2 (usuauly pve and wvsw),
- i dont like hackers that flip points etc. becose they waste x gold that some players pay for upgr, and def. etc. and hackers just go there like to a flip camp ( i dont waste gold on upgr. btw)- but you shal not expect that players on some server stop atack some point only becose a hacker is inside and kill defenders- most players that login on wvsw on so low tiers are pugs with only whone move follow point, go there, take this, die there
- this hackers who flip all t3 BT points with wp etc. makes wvsw not to be a dead mathup, becose now you can take some points- wooden, but always points – so its a bad, bad hacker but in this point he help wvsw to keep going
- only the stupid hackers can be easy hunt, are “famous” and well known
-points and win a “mathup” dont give any profit to care about,
-crying on forum and insuilt whole server becose 1 or 2 players hacking really are ridiculous and testify to the lack of knowledge and good manners
- you was only a random encounter becose i see swords on tower,
- this warior was a random player who was?? or come? there,
-i dont give you tower for free if i can stop you- sorry
- you shal beter read the chat again, or next time- there was others players that pm you- better look again who send with pm
So gl, hf lemings!!
See YOU on the field !!
The most important is to be nice and keep smiling
(edited by KlausKNT.9302)
I know two things for real: The hacker is there indeed, and Mr. smile likes ragequit when he is dying. Hohoho.
Fissure Of Woe – Endoma [END]
Sad to know this is still going on and he’s hopping servers again.
On the bright side the hackers I remember suck giant [insert imaginative words] and short of making themselves invulnerable can be killed 1 on 1 despite them hacking.
Also Kapor, I remember OTAN and you guys when I was on WSR. If you ever move to a higher server you’ll realise how dead T9 is. Unless T9 suddenly managed to queue 4 maps at prime time.
P.S. Can you be banned for excessive use of smileys? Please say you can.
I know two things for real: The hacker is there indeed, and Mr. smile likes ragequit when he is dying. Hohoho.
He even ran away from an arranged duel.
Just now, this very moment, UW guilds TAL and VA are working with the UW hacker killing us in EB, taking our keep while invisible hacker kills our siege and jumping on our dead people the hacker has killed. So before you UW people start to talk again how much better you are, you are not, you are as bad as BT ever was.
(edited by FogLeg.9354)
So before you UW people start to talk again how much better you are, you are not, you are as bad as BT ever was.
I don’t see any posts claiming that..
Anyhow; as a server we are a fractured mess and I’d be suprised if more than 10% of the UW playerbase even knew we have a hacker.
Just now, this very moment, UW guilds TAL and VA are working with the UW hacker killing us in EB, taking our keep while invisible hacker kills our siege and jumping on our dead people the hacker has killed. So before you UW people start to talk again how much better you are, you are not, you are as bad as BT ever was.
Working with the hacker intentionally or unintentionally? To be fair to BT and to UW, it’s pretty unrealistic to say “well you’ve clearly never capped something thats been affected in some way by a hacker.” whether that be the hacker has killed it’s defenders or simply driven them off/reduced their numbers etc. It’s kinda hard for people to know if, say for example, a hacker is active in the south of SM whilst the hacker’s server has just started attacking the north gate. That’s a pretty easy mistake to make and it’s also easy for people to jump on the “oh you’re working with the hackers!” assumption.
Not saying that’s the case here, but just saying, remember the difference between “working with the hacker” and “working whilst the hacker.. does his thing”, the latter not always being deliberate.
I’m saying this simply because, unlike CERTAIN players in BT, I’ve never personally seen UW actively and intentionally working with hackers. Could just be me, but the whole reason people have blasted BT so hard is because they have been seen doing it by many people. I wouldn’t want TAL and VA get a bad rep for unintentionally hitting something thats also being hit by a hacker, if that is indeed the case. If not then fair enough.
I Silent – Thief
…. That’s about it.
P.S. Can you be banned for excessive use of smileys? Please say you can.
Yes please. Getting headache of reading
Is the hacker still active btw? I haven’t seen him today.
Another thing to consider is the hacker might be working in conjunction with what is happening on the map.
Yes most of the time they do stuff when there’s sweet FA happening and keeps can be taken legitimately by 2 people, I know, I’ve done it when I was on WSR. However if there’s an upgraded SM and they see a commander tag going there there’s no reason to think the hacker wouldn’t soften it up and port off to the next place.
Is the hacker still active btw? I haven’t seen him today.
I have not seen the hacker after reset. In fact, I have not seen any UW players today, which makes this match really boring now that WSR with their 3 times more players has built waypoints on every keep and has nothing more to do then just spawncamp us whole day.
Friends trying to get me to return to WvW after leaving GW2 for almost a year. Hacks such as this is why I left game. There where certainly areas of the the map in WvW that where broken, which allowed players to go “below” the map and attack. I had not interest in playing the game this way, since it would ruin the challenge of that game (for me). Sad to see this same stuff is going on after such a long time.
what you expect?
Blacktide hacking their kitten off that people sit by? theres always one getting mad and will do the same back too kitten off each other.somewhere deep inside i hope your from BT and get your kitten wiped constantly
karma is a kitten i dont support this UW hacker but i left FoW cus of this BT kitten constantly hacking completely killing the WvW on bottom 3 servers.
Muth of kitten here
Ofc its like i say before
- there are only players in game- why they shall care??
Lets think what expected other servers from BT players before:
- dont atack this tower/keep/sm becose there is a hacker that kills all around??-others servers dont atack points when hacker is inside so you from BT support hacker if you continue to take point when hacker kills all defenders ???
Oh, please it was so funny to see this on other side
There are only players in game that whone some funn- why they shall care??
Players hacking- not serversNo this is only 1 hacker that trolls and is small chance to random encounter him ( i personally only one time face him- stealth disabler
– 1 time i see enemy hacker use this stuff or hack to counter invisible enemy
And history shows that this hackers ( 2 of them on uw now) will be on t9 servers so the simplest way to counter them is move tier up
Who whone go tier up ??So gl, hf lemings!!
See YOU on the field !!
The most important is to be nice and keep smiling
im not sure what you said but i dont support any hacker..
i just hope this UW hacker if he exist will kitten BT constantly cus from what i have seen is BT came “alive” when the hacker was active in WvW and started to think they where actually cappin stuff legit. (not all but majority thought so)
i just love to see BT faces when you get all your stuff taken away from you even if your deffending u cant deffend cus guess what thats what cheaters do they take anything they want and u can just watch helpless. well BT enjoyed it for good month? if not longer thus why i hope you have a horrible time in WvW IF your from BT and beyond braindead to not understand that your server has pretty much ruined the bottom 3 servers.
as for your last part of post you wont see me, like i said i have TRANSFERED away from FoW i love WvW but not being able to do any WvW cus of hacktide i didnt had much of a choice to transfer off huh?
More and more people are leaving FoW (dont know about UW) cus of this bullcrap.
now keep (smiling)
because as you saw without a hacker BT gets slapped down the list instantly and your back in your bottom 3 server list which BT has killed by now(as in players dont wanna fight against your bullcrap) so every other week you have absolutely nothing to do in WvW, so enjoy.
i just hope this UW hacker if he exist will kitten BT constantly cus from what i have seen is BT came “alive” when the hacker was active in WvW and started to think they where actually cappin stuff legit. (not all but majority thought so)
BT isnt in tier 9 anymore, we managed to boycott the wvw for month so their rating got high enough for tier 8 now. Meaning they are not our problem anymore.
Thats why hacker went to UW, so he can stay in tier 9 which everyone knows is out of Anet interest. Just once the hacker went to tier8 with BT few weeks back, the servers there started reddit thread about it and boom, next day Anet security chief was posting about “that he is working on it”. We been complaining about hackers over 3 months now and all we got was threads removed, locked and people warned for posting names of hackers in public. Not a single reply from Anet.
Yesterday morning UW cheater wiped us at SM while havoc from Zerk tried to cap it but I don’t go around and blame their guild for it. They coulnd’t see him and dead bodies of the wall look like effect of a condi bomb.
There is no one named “havoc” in Zerk…
Muth of kitten here
Ofc its like i say before
– there are only players in game- why they shall care??
Lets think what expected other servers from BT players before:
– dont atack this tower/keep/sm becose there is a hacker that kills all around?? -others servers dont atack points when hacker is inside so you from BT support hacker if you continue to take point when hacker kills all defenders ???
Oh, please it was so funny to see this on other side
There are only players in game that whone some funn- why they shall care??
Players hacking- not servers
No this is only 1 hacker that trolls and is small chance to random encounter him ( i personally only one time face him- stealth disabler – 1 time i see enemy hacker use this stuff or hack to counter invisible enemy )
And history shows that this hackers ( 2 of them on uw now) will be on t9 servers so the simplest way to counter them is move tier up
Who whone go tier up ??
So gl, hf lemings!!
mente kittenari
hacktide is beeing beeing beaten up so bad ..and its soo much fun …soon they will be in tier 10…
hacktide is beeing beeing beaten up so bad ..and its soo much fun …soon they will be in tier 10…
Pls don’t even think that if, they come down to T9 again they will end up killing it
UW WvW player – TooT !
This topic still go on??
You shal read this post to
In this wvsw mechanic win/lose determines only the number of players on each server over time that covers points for each of the servers- so its a simple server popularity contest
Nobody others than angry kids care about win/lose mathup until anet dont give some good stuff for win a matchup
Meaby then i will think about transfer to top server/s to get ewery week my free stuf
But thats the reason why they dont give any good stuff for win wvsw mathup :P
You shal NOT expect that uw players play other way than Bt , fow or any other players on any other servers
All this great worlds are just a politics, diplomacy and using a double stadards:
-when BT hacker kill defenders when BT zerg take point – this mean- BT players cooperate with a hackers, and this is a bad bad server of a bad, bad players
-when a UW hacker kill defenders when UW zerg take point- this mean- we dont see this, we dont notice this, we dont know, noting happened, its oki
About hackers presence in UW server
I think if they already not banned, they will show up on monday (they usualy show up on same time):
- one about 8 am ,
-second about 1 pm.
I hope i am wrong on this hackers arrive
And they are just a random pug players that move all the places where someting is happening- trolls rulez
( if they will take points with waypoints (WP) from the dominating server (if they have 3 time more players on whole time, you are not able to do this witout cooperating with other server), meaby you fainly will be able to move out from spawn and not be ganked all the day- then wvsw shal not be look so bad and dead )
I think that havoc is not a name of the player
Havoc is a smal group of players 5-10 max. that move around map and try take some points from “Ninja strike” when server zerg attack other corner of map (sometimes guild havoc group its hanging to a standard ganking party if they faill to muth on taking points).
So zerk havoc mean there was a small group of Zerk guild players that try take sm when hacker kill defenders
Looks similar hm ?
This is not how this work
T9 is dead in almost all time due to low players population, becose farmers move to top tiers (when top servers are full they move next almost full servers) for a free trains of stuff/karma/etc.
Most guilds move to top servers or any other that are not low populated, they usually tell that they need “some challenge” with you dont get on dead servers (they just dont whone be borred to death)
Hackers show up only on the Lowest population server like UW now , and they just made the proces of dying a t9 tier faster by ragequit, transfers to other servers, crying and spread the bad opinion on forums that t9 is dead and full of hackers, etc. – this make new players to not come to t9 servers (thats why i always tell that you shall report all hackers by send mail to exploits@arena.net and not start drama and cry about hackers on forum)
See YOU on the field !!
The most important is to be nice and keep smiling
(edited by KlausKNT.9302)