Video Proof: Kaineng Lives! (Thank you travelers)
This is all really awesome man! I liked the music choice as well.
[DA] Decisive Actions – Jade Quarry
Hey Fubuki, Naguruk and I (Ovitser) had a bunch of fun last night with you and the wife!
Holding off that supply camp for 10-15 minutes was a blast and not something we would have seen happen on SBI.
I think you’ll be seeing more of us in the future!
Sitting on Devona’s Rest and watching y’all struggle in WvW with us has been a pleasure! I’m glad to see the community growing (hey… this is crazy but maybe consider all coming over to DR?) Oh wait, even if they merged DR and KE we’d still be 2k players under NSP. :P Glad to see y’all are having some fun over there and see y’all out in WvW!
This forum really needs a multi-quote function.
Glad you liked the music. It’s a song that’s probably not enjoyed by most, but it’s tradition for me at this point. I used that song in my first first PVP video a few years back, so now I use it for my first PVP video in each new MMO I play.
You guys rocked. I wish I had thought to record the fight at the supply camp. That was a lot of fun, and a lot more typical of our normal fights on Kaineng than the video I linked above. I look forward to seeing the two of you out there in the future. Look me up any time.
Thanks for the offer, but as I started on Devona’s Rest, and have spent the last week trying to help build up the Kaineng community, moving back to DR would have defeated the point. However, we have plenty of room for you here.
Besides, red is a much more intimidating color than blue.
I had a small group harassing supply camps last night for Devona’s and it was nice to finally see you guys out taking some stuff. Best of luck with improving your server, see yall on the battlefield.
Texas [ECHO]
Kalima – ranger
resident rally bait
Its nice to see the server band together!
Fubuki, failing to point out the guild responsible for actually taking out garrisions wall. Sure were not big, but we make a very big impact.
Apathy Inc [Ai]
Fubuki, failing to point out the guild responsible for actually taking out garrisions wall. Sure were not big, but we make a very big impact.
There were a lot going of guilds fighting last night, if Fubuki missed a shout out for that guild I’m sure it was because we weren’t over there when you guys finally broke through. We were busy making a distraction at Dreaming Bay to try to pull some defenders out of Garrison. It is amazing though what kind of pressure Kaineng can put on them we put out a decent showing. I’d say good job to everyone last night guild or no guild, keep showing up we can use the help!
My server is getting pummeled. If I were to transfer, this’d be the kind of server I’d want to get to. Keep it up guys! Best of luck.
…beware the unicorns.
great hearing another server enjoying the wvw hopefully we can have the chance to duke it out some day.