Warrior - New Thief?
Some opf us like this thing called balance – It is okay to have: High damage, High regen, High defense, Good Defensive options, High mobility, Good CC. however – it is NOT okay for them to have ALL of it.
It is VERY stupid when a HEAVY armor class is able to out run pretty much everyone. Then you look at Ele due to everything they had (all the above) they had nearly ALL of it nerfed and didnt get anything return – they had the lowest health of all the classes so the very high damage was okay now that has been nerfed i mean they can still do it but they can still also be burst down thanks to having like 11k health.
They had high mobility so that was nerfed with the huge cool down on Ride The Lightening if it didnt hit anything. The healing and regen was nerfed as they hHAD high damage and everything. They have been nerfed for things that they no longer even have.
Neither Warrior nor Thief were ever really OP.
Warrior does, however, have a pretty newbie-friendly kit so it’s not super hard to be adequate with them. But the skill ceiling is pretty high. It’s kinda like Terran in Starcraft.
…you look at Ele due to everything they had (all the above) they had nearly ALL of it nerfed…
Last patch put D/D eles back on the map. Pick yours up again and you may just enjoy it. They actually counter Warriors pretty good, too.
Head Deany Kong of Deany and the Kongs [Kong]
(edited by robocafaz.9017)
Warriors have a slow windup and very telegraphed but they can speed away from many fights. Thieves have big hits and can stealth away from fights but are very squishy. The counterpart here that seems to draw the OP flag from a lot of players is that they can run.
IMO, the only thing I worry about in roaming right now is condi-bunkers. They dish A TON of damage and hard to kill even when they don’t.
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
Last patch put D/D eles back on the map. Pick yours up again and you may just enjoy it. They actually counter Warriors pretty good, too.
Did they get around to fixing the health? No? I find it funny that they were like a Magic thief class, all that damage but very low health. Then slowly but surely they nerfed it all away and didnt bother buffing up the health to compensate.
Get applied fortitude on an ele if you want health.
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
Some opf us like this thing called balance – It is okay to have: High damage, High regen, High defense, Good Defensive options, High mobility, Good CC. however – it is NOT okay for them to have ALL of it.
It is VERY stupid when a HEAVY armor class is able to out run pretty much everyone. Then you look at Ele due to everything they had (all the above) they had nearly ALL of it nerfed and didnt get anything return – they had the lowest health of all the classes so the very high damage was okay now that has been nerfed i mean they can still do it but they can still also be burst down thanks to having like 11k health.
They had high mobility so that was nerfed with the huge cool down on Ride The Lightening if it didnt hit anything. The healing and regen was nerfed as they hHAD high damage and everything. They have been nerfed for things that they no longer even have.
“some of us like this thing called balance”
We are not the Balance team, Arena.net is and that is their definition, not ours.
Wait once sec….
The right word is Favoritism, that’s it.
“some of us like this thing called balance”
We are not the Balance team, Arena.net is and that is their definition, not ours.
Wait once sec….
The right word is Favoritism, that’s it.
Pretty much. They are known from Guild Wars to not exactly be good at Balancing anything. I personally dont think this game will EVER be balanced with Anet in control. It just seems the easiest and most played classes (Thief, Warrior, Mesmer to an extent) are the ones that have it easiest and the sad part is, some of these players are not exactly good, the class they have is what makes them good and the moment you say otherwise they use the same old “L2P” excuse ignoring just how strong their class is.
“some of us like this thing called balance”
We are not the Balance team, Arena.net is and that is their definition, not ours.
Wait once sec….
The right word is Favoritism, that’s it.
Pretty much. They are known from Guild Wars to not exactly be good at Balancing anything. I personally dont think this game will EVER be balanced with Anet in control. It just seems the easiest and most played classes (Thief, Warrior, Mesmer to an extent) are the ones that have it easiest and the sad part is, some of these players are not exactly good, the class they have is what makes them good and the moment you say otherwise they use the same old “L2P” excuse ignoring just how strong their class is.
Lmao Thief def does not have it easiest seeing how they are nerfed every patch, and neither do Mes being nerfed every other patch .
Guard Necro and Warrior is the new trinity
Lmao Thief def does not have it easiest seeing how they are nerfed every patch, and neither do Mes being nerfed every other patch .
Guard Necro and Warrior is the new trinity
They wouldnt need to keep nerfing Thief if they did 2 things:
1) Remove Initiative. Turn weapons into proper cool downs
2) Fix Stealth
Mesmer has the same problem, ONE aspect making it to hard to balance the whole class and that would be Phantasms and Phantasm builds – which they seem to be trying to push players into example would be the new healing signet.
In roaming? don’t listen to them, they are badies.
in zerg train yes, but thief was never a train class.
in roaming, best classes are thief engi and mesmer, and i don’t think they play wvw, because there’s pretty much close to no warrior roamer, but thieves, mesmers and some engis, in either tier 1,2,5,8. necros could be god if they actually had some mobility.
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”
(edited by Lighter.5631)
warriors have to make trades. if they want mobility they wont have superior combat. a hammer sword/shield or mace/shield warrior is better in combat. even a longbow sword/sword is more dangerous.
and immobilize works wonders on warriors if you have cond duration. sure warriors can get -98% CC duration, but you can get +100% duration and it stacks. warriors with direct condi clears are typically shout warriors built for zergs and not mobility.
if they are specced to run away let them. if they are specced to run away and are a threat to you then rethink what you’re doing.
warriors have to make trades. if they want mobility they wont have superior combat. a hammer sword/shield or mace/shield warrior is better in combat. even a longbow sword/sword is more dangerous.
and immobilize works wonders on warriors if you have cond duration. sure warriors can get -98% CC duration, but you can get +100% duration and it stacks. warriors with direct condi clears are typically shout warriors built for zergs and not mobility.
if they are specced to run away let them. if they are specced to run away and are a threat to you then rethink what you’re doing.
Couldn’t say it better.
Also, warrior are simply easy to use. So, it’s really (in most case) a L2P issue.
Different classes are gonna have a different perspective, and different players will have their own experiences.
From the perspective of a Necromancer there’s nothing worse than a Warrior. Every Warrior I’ve seen will either have greater mobility or crowd control, both of which do very well against the Necromancer. Mostly, I find this to be more of an issue with the Necromancer more than the Warrior… Although, I do question the power of Healing Signet, but I don’t play a Warrior so I can’t be too certain. Warriors generally have me leaning towards wanting to take up the Terrormancer spec (which seems a bit strong).
They wouldnt need to keep nerfing Thief if they did 2 things:
1) Remove Initiative. Turn weapons into proper cool downs
2) Fix Stealh
I don’t think that initiative needs to be changed. Its not messed up, its part of what makes thieves thieves. As for stealth, I am curious as to what you think is wrong?
In roaming? don’t listen to them, they are badies.
in zerg train yes, but thief was never a train class.
I disagree, if specced right, the thief can be VERY good at zerging. Daggerstorm as well as choking gas and cluster bomb (aoe damage and bleed).
Oscuro Tanque~lv. 80 Guardian|
[RaW] Kaineng
Of course classes are different, and there’s always the “paper scissor etc” thing that comes in play.
Now, one problem of fighting warriors is that: they can have direct dmg, tankiness, mobility, condi dmg, condi remova, lot of CC.
NOT all togheter, but you have to figure what they have in the moment you fight them.
Maybe condi dmg tankiness and some removal? Or you should care about lot of CC? Few seconds to decide, but combat is already on. Warriors got more choice of other classes in build composition. That is the really advantage of wars.
For Healing Signet spam poison.
warriors are like jack of all trades when it comes to possible potential builds and you can be a master of any of those builds but only once at a time. i.e. very mobile or very slow. very tanky or very squishy. never everything at once else won’t do good.
what’s nice about warriors is the weapon skins and looks that it can carry. it’s not as easy to use as a guardian but it can hold it’s ground. thieves are harder to play for me.
Always Loyal
I think the problem that people have with warriors is the fact that they seem unchecked by Anet.
Example: The ride the lightning nerf that was applied to Ele’s could easily be applied to GS #5 and Sword #2 in order to stop what people have been complaining about for months, yet they refuse to do so.
That said, I don’t really have an issue with warriors in WvW, ever. Win most, lose some, or they just run away and you can’t catch them, which…I don’t really care about, even if its a bit annoying.
I never feel like thieves are OP, I think they have a high skill ceiling and they need to be learned to be properly played. With warriors, I don’t want to say they’re OP, but they do feel like they’re just capable of doing it all. I don’t like that such a tanky class can run away from the fight as well, but that depends on both players’ builds.
L2P issue. Lift your game. Get good or go home.
Warriors have no stealth, no mass evasions, no perma vigor, no skills that force you away from your target, no shadow steps, no blind spam, no clone spam, no every condition under the sun with no recharge, always in eye sight of the enemy, never hidden.
Look at those options, like, actually look at those combat options, and understand that other classes are way better at fighting. L2P issue.
Get good.
It just seems the easiest and most played classes (Thief, Warrior, Mesmer to an extent) are the ones that have it easiest and the sad part is, some of these players are not exactly good, the class they have is what makes them good and the moment you say otherwise they use the same old “L2P” excuse ignoring just how strong their class is.
LMAO, sure, ignore that necros and engis play themselves by pressing a few condis. You are the worst.
Ranger has 2nd most population of characters.
You don’t even know what you’re talking about… ever.
Be gone and L2P. It’s not overpowered just because you don’t know how to kite and play well.
LMAO, sure, ignore that necros and engis play themselves by pressing a few condis. You are the worst.
Ranger has 2nd most population of characters.
You don’t even know what you’re talking about… ever.
Be gone and L2P. It’s not overpowered just because you don’t know how to kite and play well.
LMAO, assuming all Necros and all Engis are condition builds, neither my Engi or my Necro is condition, hell my Necro doesnt even have ANY condition damage ZERO. So there goes that idea.
As for “L2P” It is so funny people still try to excuse a class being overpowered by blaming it on the player. I am thinking, maybe just maybe if its MORE people saying its too strong than those that are saying its fine (who ARE going to be warriors fearful of the incoming nerf hammer) then maybe it is not a “L2P” thing at all….
I was going on about the LAST time they released class composition in the game and that was ALONG time ago, I have yet to see any updated numbers by Anet, it means nothing if its some 3rd party website.
Lmao Thief def does not have it easiest seeing how they are nerfed every patch, and neither do Mes being nerfed every other patch .
Guard Necro and Warrior is the new trinity
They wouldnt need to keep nerfing Thief if they did 2 things:
1) Remove Initiative. Turn weapons into proper cool downs
2) Fix StealthMesmer has the same problem, ONE aspect making it to hard to balance the whole class and that would be Phantasms and Phantasm builds – which they seem to be trying to push players into example would be the new healing signet.
or they could give every class initiative system.
Cool down is so 10 years ago Zzz – didn’t sign up for this.
LMAO, assuming all Necros and all Engis are condition builds, neither my Engi or my Necro is condition, hell my Necro doesnt even have ANY condition damage ZERO. So there goes that idea.
As for “L2P” It is so funny people still try to excuse a class being overpowered by blaming it on the player. I am thinking, maybe just maybe if its MORE people saying its too strong than those that are saying its fine (who ARE going to be warriors fearful of the incoming nerf hammer) then maybe it is not a “L2P” thing at all….
It is entirely L2P. If you can’t kite or use your kiting/dodging skills properly instead of wasting them, or even gear up properly, then it is an L2P issue.
More often than not, complaining about a class is L2P. This is L2p. L2p.
Inb4 you use turn keys.
LMAO, assuming all Necros and all Engis are condition builds, neither my Engi or my Necro is condition, hell my Necro doesnt even have ANY condition damage ZERO. So there goes that idea.
As for “L2P” It is so funny people still try to excuse a class being overpowered by blaming it on the player. I am thinking, maybe just maybe if its MORE people saying its too strong than those that are saying its fine (who ARE going to be warriors fearful of the incoming nerf hammer) then maybe it is not a “L2P” thing at all….
It is entirely L2P. If you can’t kite or use your kiting/dodging skills properly instead of wasting them, or even gear up properly, then it is an L2P issue.
More often than not, complaining about a class is L2P. This is L2p. L2p.
Inb4 you use turn keys.
Constructive feedback bro. Good discussion.
Just ignore him man. Anyone who uses l2p as an argument and makes as many condescending comments in a post as possible isn’t worth the effort. When people start using those arguments it is because someone is challenging the status quo of their precious build and they are throwing a fit
in my opinion any class can be beaten by any class until you reach the highest levels of play. At those levels when a class is pushed to its limitations is where you find out its true weaknesses.
for most of us when we lose, we could have won if we had built / played differently.
“skill” is an entirely separate spectrum from class balance and applies differently to each class. You can be “better” than a player by however you define it, whether APM in combat, hours played, rank, whatever, and still lose because they had a better build.
And because everyone has a different level of ‘skill’ so do the classes offer plenty of variety. Most classes have builds that are solid from the get-go, perfect for low skill players to be viable without a lot of experience, but with a low skill ceiling that they can never get past. Then there are builds that are very difficult to use effectively but a skilled player can master them and become nearly unstoppable. These builds get called “OP” when it’s the player’s skill that’s making it OP, and if you tried it for yourself you’d get whooped and wonder why it worked so well when they did it.
this is not to say nothing still needs balancing.
this is to say the BEST way to get something balanced is to exploit the kitten out of it to show how imbalanced it is. Often in trying to do so you will realize it really isn’t that easy like you thought it was.
Warrior are fine, its just the others class that have some problem … and some people just doesnt know how to play and as there is a lot of warrior they cry about them because they dont know how to kill
And i really think ing are way more powerfull than a war …
Oh warriors have perma stealth now? didn’t know that, hmm I have to rebuild my warrior.
Warrior is faceroll. Doesn’t mean it’s overpowered though. You still need a good player behind the keyboard. :P
Warrior is faceroll. Doesn’t mean it’s overpowered though. You still need a good player behind the keyboard. :P
hmm faceroll, but not overpowered? always thought those 2 words were similar
“plant face on keys, roll left, roll right, lift up head and gloat over all the bodies”
Beside that, i rolled warrior just to see what its like and i can confirm u dont need to be good to win in comparison to other classes, i play ranger mostly and that takes lots more effort to play and win then a warrior
Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.
Offair, anything is easier to play than a Ranger, so your comparison is not fair
That said, my ranger used to eat warriors for breakfast in WvW. At some point around the time that the SB was nerfed (disclaimer: I don’t use SB in WvW), things changed. I don’t think I became a worse player, so either most warriors became better players, the class was buffed (thus enabling new builds) or the Ranger was nerfed worse than we think. Maybe a combination of the above.