Warrior = Usain Bolt?
Well since I’ve already done this a few times, and I am getting very tired of your silliness. I’ll give you a shorter reply this time. Maybe if I keep it simpler you’ll have an easier time with it.
I enjoy the ad hominem jabs at my intelligence, please feed me more.
Engineer can do the same exact amount of condi reduction as you posted. But with condi buffing food you can still apply conditions to them (still with decent durations I might add). You said 100% immunity, which it is not.
Eles can as well, but both require 20 points and do nothing else, whereas warrior requires 10 and gets regen. Neither of those classes can make the mad 3100+ range dash out of combat while immune to immobilize either, so it’s really not the same. 98% reduction on the longest duration immobilize available (4 seconds, only available to warriors or thieves) turns it into 0.08 (8/100) seconds. Yes, I rounded initially, but for all intents and purposes, that’s immunity. Condition duration food makes it possible to partially counter the immunity to immobilize…. unless they also have mobile strikes (which they do if they’re specced for running)
I never said it was swiftness outside of combat.
Yes, yes you did. Right here:
4. As a thief you have Signet of shadows, which is perma swiftness in combat, and close to perma outside of combat.
“Close to perma”, not “close to swiftness”.
In fact, several times I said it wasn’t.
But why are you out of combat if you’re trying to kill a warrior? Sorry, but if he wen’t out of combat, you already lost the chase. He can teleport to a waypoint at any time he likes.
That’s the point… We were saying warriors shouldn’t be able to sprint to become out of combat so quickly/easily. Thank you for supporting my side of the argument.
If you really want to be specific, you said best regen, not best passive regen. But the point still stands, to have the BEST regen in the game with warrior you must have regen banners, in addition to heal sig and adrenal health.
Self regen, passive regen, regen, doesn’t matter, warriors still have the best by a long shot. I already broke it down for you. Math doesn’t lie. The only thing a warrior needs to do to have better self-regen than any other profession in the game, regardless of build, is slap a signet in their heal slot and dump 15 points into the defense tree. Saying another warrior with a different build could have even better regen is supporting my point, not yours (again).
Which a warrior running away with GS/Sword warhorn doesn’t have.
Why don’t they? It’s 15 trait points and a signet, they get CC reduction and extra regen out of it. Sounds perfect for a trolly running away build to me. Obviously they don’t have regen or banners, because they don’t need them to have better regen than everyone else anyway.
I wasn’t saying they don’t have a lot of regen, you simply said the best regen, which was false. If you had said “Those warriors running away with banners have the best regen in the game” I would have agreed with you! You also forgot about engineer and ranger non-boon regens, even thief, oh and now mesmer.
1. It was true. Math. See above. 2. Someone else already pointed out that heal signet alone is better than all of the extras you listed (all of which require some sort of input on the part of the player)
Are you fairly new to GW2?
You keep trying to change what you’ve said to make yourself sound better.
P.S. I enjoyed the humor points at the bottom
It’s nice that you’re able to keep a sense of humor through all of this. I’d call it a debate, but that assumes your side is making any kind of point.
Hooray, moar ad hominem. Thank you sir, it’s delicious.
Warriors are now the best roamer classes in WvW. They are also one of the top 2 zerg classes. They are also the best PvE class. They are also the best dungeon class. See a trend here? Roll a warrior.
You do realize comparing regen amounts from a healing ability to traits is kittened as hell. Signet of the Ether heals less because Mesmer has more stealth, invulnerability, and teleports in combat. Also the active portion is much better since it gives them a huge damage increase and more health.
Endure Pain – Pretty much an Invul
Sure dont have Teleports but they have PLENTY of movement skills that SHOULD have the same affect that was slapped on Ride The Lightening – Still dont quite understand why that hasnt happened yet…
Base health Mesmer has really 3,000 health LESS than the Warrior and around 400 LESS armor. You are forgetting that the “huge” damage increase is based on having THREE illusions out without that the damage is “huge”-ly decreased.
You are also forgetting the Mesmer LOSES the bonus once they are out of combat, where as the Warrior who can EASILY get out of combat will continue to to regain health
Endure Pain – Pretty much an Invul that lets you still be hit by conditions, stunned, slowed, and die. Mesmers have 300 less armor which is around 10% more physical damage taken so grats Warriors have 4.5k more health against physical damage compared to a Mesmer. The game was balanced around the classes base health and armor. Also wow they can’t regen out of combat the poor things its a shame when they are regenerating 1000s of life per second from being out of combat. If you mean while running away in combat Mesmers can use stealth and teleports that are easier to get than Warriors mobility that requires two weapons that can’t kill on their own.
Endure Pain – Pretty much an Invul that lets you still be hit by conditions, stunned, slowed, and die.
Combined with other skills they are immune to everything.
Mesmers have 300 less armor which is around 10% more physical damage taken so grats Warriors have 4.5k more health against physical damage compared to a Mesmer. The game was balanced around the classes base health and armor.
So, they can take MORE damage and have MORE health combined with skills and traits that let them regen more health than every other class inside and outside of combat and have insane mobility…all this on a “heavy” armor class.
Also wow they can’t regen out of combat the poor things its a shame when they are regenerating 1000s of life per second from being out of combat. If you mean while running away in combat Mesmers can use stealth and teleports that are easier to get than Warriors mobility that requires two weapons that can’t kill on their own.
Maybe you should actually LOOK at the heal that Mesmer have its NOT 1000s every second. It is like like 980 every THREE seconds at the VERY best and IN combat ONLY compared to Warrior which in the same 3 seconds would be 1,176 which is ALL the time (unless on cool down) unlike the Mesmer which requires BOTH being in combat AND having 3 illusions up and even then it is LESS than the class with more base armor and health…
Blink = 900range, 30second cool down
Temporal Curtain = 12 second swiftness, 25second cool down
Portal = 90second cool down
Charge = 10second swiftness, 15second cool down
Rush = 1,200range, 20second cool down
Whirlwind Attack = 450Range, 10 second cool down
Balanced Stance = 8second swiftness, 40second cool down
Signet of Rage = 30second swiftness, 60second cool down
They can have immunity to everything by combining 3 utilities though they can still be stunned if someone boon steals. That 1000s meant when you are out of combat you regen 1000s of hp till you are full as every class and npc does in this game.
Those are utilities compared to Warrior having to sacrifice weapon sets. Mesmer were not even meant to escape that good in the first place since as you clearly notice they have a lack of swiftness. You didn’t even list stealth which is even better for escaping combat.
You also forgot about engineer and ranger non-boon regens, even thief, oh and now mesmer.
Warrior Signet = 392Hps
Mesmer Signet = 326.6Hps (with 3 illusions) 113.3Hps (1 Illusion)
Thief = 100health Per an attack
Ele = 202Health Per a castAll base level. The Mesmer with THREE illusions out and ONLY works in combat is STILL lower than a Warrior. Signet of Healing is a joke and has needed to be nerfed for a while and everyone knows it.
Yes but warrior is in more direct combat, therefore the little bit higher regen is justified, especially with the amount of melee weapons most warriors use. Plus as a mesmer, you get to utilize stealth if you so choose, and prismatic understanding for even more regen. Experienced mesmers have no issue keeping up 3 illusions at all times. If you want a really easy time, try using Deceptive Evasion with perma vigor from crits….. doesn’t get any easier than that.
We’re not talking about heal procs, we are talking regens. With ele we were talking about soothing mist. And with thief I was talking about regen health in stealth (both are passive regens)
You must understand something. Warrior passive is part of your heal skill, unlike most other passive regens. So when hit with poison, it’s pretty much hard-countered and now you have no heals to get out of it if you get low, unlike the other classes. Warrior heal signet is for sustained presence, burst them fast and see what happens =)
All in all, well balanced. If you’re a sustain fighting another sustain…. expect to not be able to kill that person. If possible, bring poison in your toolbag. It is an amazing condition good for countering a very large number of professions and builds. I can even play a low damage bunker build on engi, and even though the warrior and I are both sustain builds, I will slowly bring his hp down because of the poison I apply and re-apply, and once he gets low like that, there is no option for him… he has no heal skill.
I really feel it’s just a l2p issue vs a warrior with healing signet. I have no issue with them, on multiple professions and builds. Warrior skills are so predictable, with long animations and often an easy counter.
4 Warriors, 3 Rangers, 3 Mesmers, 2 Engineers, 2 Guardians, and Necro, Thf, Ele
-Beastygate Beast Milk, OG BG Veteran Native
Made this for a comp on the mes forum yesterday
Lead me to make a war one for this thread
Warrior Motivational
Warrior is a heavy armor, high hp, frontline class, to give it top mobility is just cocamamaie balance.
This thread XD
Sounds like there are some really good warriors out on the field. So good that they escape enemies. And these other classes are mad because they can’t run after them
My goodness. This sounds like a l2p/suckitup problem.
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
(edited by Furiousbeard.7602)
This thread XD
Sounds like there are some really good warriors out on the field. So good that they escape enemies. And these other classes are mad because they can’t run after them
My goodness. This sounds like a l2p/suckitup problem.
what does knowing how to play have anything to do with the fact that if any class besides a warrior your chance of catching a warrior is next to nothing? If anything the people here has learned that they class they play doesn’t have the button to press to close the gap with the warrior.
here is the thing, its not that warriors are fast that is the problem its the fact that most people can’t point out a draw back to warrior.
It was 2 vs 20 but its ok we got’em both!
No. Warriors > Usain Bolt.
Usain cannot shrug off fireballs to the face, hammered, skewered, shot and poisoned while still doing 100 m in 10 s.
Actually this thread was about 6 people trying to zerg down a warrior who escaped. Then a bunch of people started to complain about everything else they felt was strong for the warrior class.
Yet there are classes and builds that are capable of beating warriors in a stand up fight if he doesn’t disengage.
Move on to a new target if the warrior won’t finish the fight. Nuff said.
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
Actually this thread was about 6 people trying to zerg down a warrior who escaped. Then a bunch of people started to complain about everything else they felt was strong for the warrior class.
Yet there are classes and builds that are capable of beating warriors in a stand up fight if he doesn’t disengage.
Move on to a new target if the warrior won’t finish the fight. Nuff said.
Don’t you have any others arguments than L2p ??? I bet you’re one of these warriors.
Perma stealth thieves are very weak… catch one, and he is dead in 5 sec. A warrior is fast and tanky. Catch a running warrior, and you’ll have to burst him for 13+ sec. Meanwhile, i’ll just run again.
Of course, people can trait and build to be faster and catch a usain-warrior. But to do so, we need to sacrifice tons of dps. So in the end, we won’t be able to kill him before he escapes again.
As for saying : he runs, you win… I’m sorry, no. What about dolyaks, camps, ruins ? to protect these objectives, we need to kill all threats.
Since you’re so clever, explain us what to do in order to stop these warriors… You say L2p, L2p….. well, teach us !
Don’t you have any others arguments than L2p ??? I bet you’re one of these warriors.
of course he is, from the videos i checked, thats all he plays. So of course he is going to be a little upset that people want (rightfully so) his precious class to be nerfed.
No one beats good elementalists in land speed. I’m a warrior, still can’t catch up good elementalists.
Thiefs aren’t fast, but they can easily get out of combat with 15-20 seconds of stealth.
Actually this thread was about 6 people trying to zerg down a warrior who escaped. Then a bunch of people started to complain about everything else they felt was strong for the warrior class.
Yet there are classes and builds that are capable of beating warriors in a stand up fight if he doesn’t disengage.
Move on to a new target if the warrior won’t finish the fight. Nuff said.
“if he doesn’t disengage”
Exactly. That’s the problem. The tanky, heavy armor, frontline class who almost out-regens the other classes’ sustain builds while afk, and successfully facetanks 3 or more people at once, isn’t supposed to be the one who has to make the decision to disengage.
What busts me up is people are acting like this is something new… Warriors have been able to do this since day 1. It is just becoming popular again.
I have seen evasive builds with a lot of escape ability from almost every class.
Its busts me up that even something that has been out since the beginning will find someone to bust out the QQ nerf cries.
I am not even going to suggest the standard L2P. I’m just going to shake my head in sorrow for the world being burdened with this kind of sadness.
DB Night Crew
Actually this thread was about 6 people trying to zerg down a warrior who escaped. Then a bunch of people started to complain about everything else they felt was strong for the warrior class.
Yet there are classes and builds that are capable of beating warriors in a stand up fight if he doesn’t disengage.
Move on to a new target if the warrior won’t finish the fight. Nuff said.
Don’t you have any others arguments than L2p ??? I bet you’re one of these warriors.
Perma stealth thieves are very weak… catch one, and he is dead in 5 sec. A warrior is fast and tanky. Catch a running warrior, and you’ll have to burst him for 13+ sec. Meanwhile, i’ll just run again.
Of course, people can trait and build to be faster and catch a usain-warrior. But to do so, we need to sacrifice tons of dps. So in the end, we won’t be able to kill him before he escapes again.
As for saying : he runs, you win… I’m sorry, no. What about dolyaks, camps, ruins ? to protect these objectives, we need to kill all threats.
Since you’re so clever, explain us what to do in order to stop these warriors… You say L2p, L2p….. well, teach us !
Correction l2p/suckitup
Since you may not fall under category #1, try #2.
Don’t waste your time trying to catch him if you can’t. Play your class with a purpose and stick to it. If you are not a “catch a fleeing warrior” build, then don’t try.
Thieves, eles, warriors, engis and even rangers can pursue a warrior. The Norn elite snow leopard can catch a warrior (this is where l2p comes in).
If you are too lazy to educate yourselves, or have someone in your group designed to deal with the situation, then don’t come here and cry “NERF”. At least try to be creative before the QQ starts.
Edit: Next it’s going to be mesmers with clones and invisibility. “Waaa, I can’t hit them…” etc.
Most of the people in here don’t even roam or duel, they’re just a bunch of zerglings looking for an easy target.
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
(edited by Furiousbeard.7602)
No one beats good elementalists in land speed. I’m a warrior, still can’t catch up good elementalists.
Thiefs aren’t fast, but they can easily get out of combat with 15-20 seconds of stealth.
My Engineer could give them a run for their money, i have used to have “races” with an ele commander on my old server it would always be close as to who would win, sometimes it was me, others it would be him.
So many noobs have taken over this thread with their illogical ranting it is absolutely hilarious.
How can you sit here and just ignore the FACT that other classes have perma vigor and shadowsteps, evasions, skills that throw you backwards, and stealth, ALL OF WHICH are better for in combat use, WHILST MAINTAINING full damage/cc output, all of which THIS PARTICULAR WARRIOR BUILD HAS NONE OF.
If you CANNOT SEE how much better mobility skills are (MOBILITY, not land speed) for fights, then you have no reason to be here, you are wasting your own time being here, you look a fool.
Sword/warhorn/GS only kills terrible players. All of the movement skills can be interrupted, play better.
I don’t make a thread and cry about how many times a mesmer can blink and dodge and go stealth in a fight. I don’t do the same for thieves spamming stealth like cowards. I also don’t come here to point out that necromancer and engi condition damage is utterly broken at the moment, whilst still maintaining unkillable status.
I deal with it. Play better.
(edited by Have No Faith In Me.1840)
^ Yup, this guy gets it.
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
Remember, they want to avoid the “power creep” at all costs! We can’t have those ele’s catching those warriors.
I also remember how those poor, weak eles was able to engage 1vs3 and actually had pretty real chances to win, AND was able to disengage at any moment. That ridiculous OPness of ele as roamer (not just mobility) was a main reason for RTL nerf.
Now plz, show me GS+1H_Sw+Wh warrior killing 3 ppl at once, I really want to see that.
I roam with a warrior-buddy that owns 1vs3 more then once a day.
He uses GS / Sword and bulls charge without any ascended items. No you wont get the build, we dont need more people to abuse this.
I play with hammer+GS + bullscharge and its enough to retreat/reset in most cases.
(edited by Kontrolle.3514)
Every single one of you complaining about anything with the Warrior seems mad because they are not an easy gank, which is the way it should be, right?(Wrong) Have you thought that perhaps you are not as good of a PvP player as you anticipated?
News Flash!!: You need SKILL to kill a class that is properly balanced and someone behind the controls with equal or almost equal skill. That is how you beat the other class. Out-witting, predicting, and manuvering the opponent.
So i guess rerolling a warrior increased your awesome skill?
I bet you got farmed pretty hard by everyone before that.
From my 7 80s the warrior is by far the strongest class for everything.
(edited by Kontrolle.3514)
The only ones that can complain about the warrior meta as far as speed both in and out of combat are Guardians. Ever try and catch a fleeing warrior when to get your speed buff you now have to stop and stand in the circle?
It’s downright scary that compared to some Necromancer builds, Warriors seem almost balanced.
every day a player, who go in WvW , run to kill or not to be killed by other players
every day a warrior, who go in WvW, run to kill or not to be killed by other players
every day isnt important who u are, 90% of the time u never kill a worrior when run and 90% of the time u try to run out of a warrior range u be killed
just dont run its simple XD
Remember, they want to avoid the “power creep” at all costs! We can’t have those ele’s catching those warriors.
I also remember how those poor, weak eles was able to engage 1vs3 and actually had pretty real chances to win, AND was able to disengage at any moment. That ridiculous OPness of ele as roamer (not just mobility) was a main reason for RTL nerf.
Now plz, show me GS+1H_Sw+Wh warrior killing 3 ppl at once, I really want to see that.I roam with a warrior-buddy that owns 1vs3 more then once a day.
He uses GS / Sword and bulls charge without any ascended items. No you wont get the build, we dont need more people to abuse this.I play with hammer+GS + bullscharge and its enough to retreat/reset in most cases.
It doesn’t matter what build you’re using, or what class; if you’re able to win a 1v3 it means the 3 are awful, awful players. 1v3 has nothing to do with OP builds, and everything to do with mis-matched skill levels.
A basic degree of competence from 3 players makes it impossible for even the best player in the game to win.
If you win a 3v1, those players were bad. Either they lack skill, or their builds are complete trash.
So many baddies in here crying for a nerf before they even learn how to play.
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
Can I just say that every time I see the epic title of this thread I laugh
I wonder what usain bolt would think about it :p
Warriors don’t skip legs day. Of course they are fast.
Sprinters skip all the other days, can’t move as fast carrying a bunch of upper body mass.
Youtubes: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpXd26ZeABJNWi83dXDjtoZ8Lf-4IJ9Gu
If warrior gets mobility nerfed then I want stealth because thieves can stealth but warriors cant wtf? Mesmer has clones and not warrior?? The game most be unbalanced… and why the ranger has a pet ? It like fighting 2 people , looks unfair to me. Lets just give every class everything, no but seriously those who says that ele mobility was nerfed so they need to nerf the warrior is a complete joke… A caster who sits there at 1500 range should never have mobility because yes the old D\D was beyond OP , no counter and always fully healed in 2 seconds
And if you"re just chasing run -away trolls in wvw , you are not contributing to your server. Sword\warhorn still makes me laugh , why a roamer would use such an useless setup.
You know what’s even more funny that thieves complaining about wars mobility? Players still complaining about the d/d build that was nerfed what? 6 months ago?…a build that never really was that OP, it simply made eles into what guardians are now…so if that build is OP then guardians are currently OP, which I don’t necessarily believe.
Everyone (even Anet) knows Wars are OP and the easiest to play, this is how they want it, it is by design…I look at it in 3 groups currently, You have Wars, which is the most OP class in the game (needs actual nerfs), then you have Necros, Thieves, and Guardians which are slightly OP, all pretty well balanced.. Then you have Rangers, Eles, and Engys which need some buffs to make them as viable as the other classes. Unfortunately, the last year and a half shows that Anet could care less about balance because they prefer PvE to any type of PvP or WvW.
Dragon Steel [DSL]
Henge of Denravi
You know what’s even more funny that thieves complaining about wars mobility? Players still complaining about the d/d build that was nerfed what? 6 months ago?…a build that never really was that OP, it simply made eles into what guardians are now…so if that build is OP then guardians are currently OP, which I don’t necessarily believe.
Having both a geared out speed warrior and thief I can say hands down the thief is faster particularly after the latest patch. It isn’t even close.
As for D/D elementalists, they have taken a few too many nerfs and are a shadow of their former glory. That said old school D/D elementalists were beasts. Not only could they absorb a ton of damage, they also had fantastic mobility, great condition management, lots of stun breaks, buffed everything near them and still managed to output some pretty good AoE damage. They were far better than a guardian in solo/skirmish. They have gone way overboard with the nerfs to them though.
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
My issue with this is it seems to me that they can have good damage, while having good defense, health regeneration, and speed.
“Warriors are masters of weaponry who rely on speed, strength, toughness, and heavy armor to survive in battle.”
This is the kind of response that is completely idiotic. At no point did I say a warrior isn’t supposed to have these things. What I meant was, based on the warriors I’ve fought, it seems like they can be very good at every aspect of their class at once.
As an elementalist, I can use all four elements whenever I choose. But at no point can I be completely proficient in everything simultaneously. I simply feel that the sacrifices a warrior has to make to be good in certain areas are imbalanced compared to other classes. And yes. I know there are other classes too that could use more balancing. Why don’t you try critically reading something and then actually offering some feedback other than a simple, “Lol.”
Fort Aspenwood Elementalist
(edited by Tom.8029)
True warriors are supposed to show courage, to be gallant and loyal and to swear off cowardice and baseness!!! So many people now running (no pun intended) cheesy Usain Bolt specs.
What’s the point of always running away from fights in PvP/WvW?
1- You are asking for the warrior to become a punching bag that you can kill with no resistance. No AoE, only Melee, kitten skills for fighting. If you think you are getting DPS’d by this kind of warrior, i hate to bring it to you, but you need to rework your build or l2p.
2- most of the classes can make you run in circles endlessly, ele, thief can do that very well too, guardian too. It’s very funny that a thief complains about a warrior reseting a fight… The only classes i’d accept to talk like this are necros. And the solution is not to nerf the other 7 classes.
3- This kind of thread discussing warriors being OP or not has nothing to do with WvW and should be in the Warrior class discussion sub-forum.
4- Warriors are more popular bcz when a beginner plays it, its a lot more forgiving than a thief for instance, specially with all the “stack here” strategies to PvE.
EDIT: this does not mean their DPS is good, just better DPS than a dead party member…
It doesn’t need to be a warrior to be uncatchable/unkillable, every class can do it (except the poor necros, but they can make it take forever).
Also, what is that BS about math showing healing signet being OP, its not. the regen over the period of time equivalent to another warrior heal skill’s CD gives the warrior about the same amount of healing. It’s just gradual instead of a burst, so no, its not broken, you just need to approach “heal denial” in a different way. When i’m on my ele/necro/engi, i actually love warriors being on healing signet because it’s actually a disadvantage for them.
There are much bigger issues than a “poor thief” that failed to gank someone and comes complain that a class is OP bcz it ran away from him….For instance, try playing Engi in a zerg, retaliation destroys you. That class is unplayable in large groups. Not saying retaliation is broken, just that its OP against engis.
If the threads here are even 1/2 as moderated as the matchup ones that are over moderated, this thread should be moved to the Warrior sub-forums….
Endure Pain – Pretty much an Invul that lets you still be hit by conditions, stunned, slowed, and die.
Combined with other skills they are immune to everything.
Mesmers have 300 less armor which is around 10% more physical damage taken so grats Warriors have 4.5k more health against physical damage compared to a Mesmer. The game was balanced around the classes base health and armor.
So, they can take MORE damage and have MORE health combined with skills and traits that let them regen more health than every other class inside and outside of combat and have insane mobility…all this on a “heavy” armor class.
Also wow they can’t regen out of combat the poor things its a shame when they are regenerating 1000s of life per second from being out of combat. If you mean while running away in combat Mesmers can use stealth and teleports that are easier to get than Warriors mobility that requires two weapons that can’t kill on their own.
Maybe you should actually LOOK at the heal that Mesmer have its NOT 1000s every second. It is like like 980 every THREE seconds at the VERY best and IN combat ONLY compared to Warrior which in the same 3 seconds would be 1,176 which is ALL the time (unless on cool down) unlike the Mesmer which requires BOTH being in combat AND having 3 illusions up and even then it is LESS than the class with more base armor and health…
Blink = 900range, 30second cool down
Temporal Curtain = 12 second swiftness, 25second cool down
Portal = 90second cool downCharge = 10second swiftness, 15second cool down
Rush = 1,200range, 20second cool down
Whirlwind Attack = 450Range, 10 second cool down
Balanced Stance = 8second swiftness, 40second cool down
Signet of Rage = 30second swiftness, 60second cool down
dude if a warrior ever beats your mesmer then you are really really bad, there is no way a skilled mesmer ever get killed by a warrior.
reroll other class, mesmer isn’t for you.
(edited by Juba.8406)
dude if a warrior ever beats your mesmer then you are really really bad, there is no way a skilled mesmer ever get killed by a warrior.
reroll other class, mesmer isn’t for you.
I count them getting away thanks to broken combat speed as a defeat. Of course you cant die to one unless they wait for you to attack a camp or something and use the NPCs or you finish killing someone and skills on cool down.
But as several classes its impossible to catch them, which simply is a joke. I don’t understand they slap that nerf on Ride The Lightening on Ele, yet they don’t do the same to Warrior…
Well, of course we actually know why that is. Bias.
dude if a warrior ever beats your mesmer then you are really really bad, there is no way a skilled mesmer ever get killed by a warrior.
reroll other class, mesmer isn’t for you.
I count them getting away thanks to broken combat speed as a defeat. Of course you cant die to one unless they wait for you to attack a camp or something and use the NPCs or you finish killing someone and skills on cool down.
But as several classes its impossible to catch them, which simply is a joke. I don’t understand they slap that nerf on Ride The Lightening on Ele, yet they don’t do the same to Warrior…
Well, of course we actually know why that is. Bias.
If I had a choice between a dollar for every time an Elementalist used Ride the Lightning into Updraft and a 100 dollar bill for every time a Warrior hit with Rush I would make more on the Elementalist. Elementalist can escape better than a Warrior just by taking Fiery Greatsword elite and it can also be given to an ally. Sacrificing an elite slot when both the other two elites suck cannot be compared to sacrificing an entire weapon set or two for weapons that cannot kill on their own.
If I had a choice between a dollar for every time an Elementalist used Ride the Lightning into Updraft and a 100 dollar bill for every time a Warrior hit with Rush I would make more on the Elementalist. Elementalist can escape better than a Warrior just by taking Fiery Greatsword elite and it can also be given to an ally. Sacrificing an elite slot when both the other two elites suck cannot be compared to sacrificing an entire weapon set or two for weapons that cannot kill on their own.
Please, In a race out of a Warrior and Ele, the Warrior would win, short distance maybe it would be tighter but a race to see who can escape who first i would have to go with the Warrior.
Yeah using an Elite for movement…
I would say Tornado is great in the right situations, the Elemental yeah i would agree that sucks but why would you waste your Elite on a movement skill to begin with…unless its your only option and then what does that say?
Why not? I mean you are bound to encounter lower level people and you just rush in burst everything you have and if they are close to death – you stay and finish them off, if you know its going to be a long drawn out tough fight you could just burst the same movement skills again when they are off and be out of there and nothing can be done.
Basically the same high reward, low risk gameplay as the Thief. Go in burst, if they die great, if not stealth reset fight and rinse and repeat thanks to all that lovely skill spam you have and no fear of weapon skill cool downs…
Remember people, when fighting a warrior your eyes are on him at all times, because he is not stealthing or teleporting or cloning. This is a huge advantage when fighting against one.
Losing sight of a player plays a HUGE role in pvp play, if you don’t understand this, it’s time you took it into consideration.
Always having your eyes on your target allows you to read the combat, following his movements to keep hitting him, or to kite away in the perfect direction, staying out of melee range, and knowing when to dodge his attacks (which warriors ones are very noticeably telegraphed). It makes fighting warriors so simple, BECAUSE YOU CAN ALWAYS SEE THEM TO COUNTER THEIR MOVEMENTS.
Here’s some fun for you next time you log in, try and melee thieves and mesmers that blink and stealth and dodge and evasion all over the place, and then tell me warriors are not balanced.
I think my brain has turned to mush from all this illogical ranting.
I think what a lot of people saying warrior’s aren’t too strong keep conveniently ignoring is that warriors can take a lot of punishment. Thieves, mesmers, if/when they make mistakes and engage when they should disengage, will likely die. In contrast, when these warriors engage when they should disengage, there is very little penalty. That shouldn’t be the case.
@ Have No Faith In Me:
I’m just going to quote Rock Lee for you here:
“Even if you can see my movement with your sharingan, your body does not have the speed to keep up with mine.”
(edited by Subdue.5479)
I think what a lot of people saying warrior’s aren’t too strong keep conveniently ignoring is that warriors can take a lot of punishment. Thieves, mesmers, if/when they make mistakes and engage when they should disengage, will likely die. In contrast, when these warriors engage when they should disengage, there is very little penalty. That shouldn’t be the case.
What are you even talking about. Warriors have to leave earlier since they don’t have instant teleports and stealth.
I think what a lot of people saying warrior’s aren’t too strong keep conveniently ignoring is that warriors can take a lot of punishment. Thieves, mesmers, if/when they make mistakes and engage when they should disengage, will likely die. In contrast, when these warriors engage when they should disengage, there is very little penalty. That shouldn’t be the case.
What are you even talking about. Warriors have to leave earlier since they don’t have instant teleports and stealth.
That’s simply not true. There are very few classes/builds that can burst these runners down. They can stay in the fight, or continue doing what they’re doing until they’re at 30% HP and then zip away, regardless of what you try to do. In contrast, mesmers and thieves are constantly at risk. Getting caught even at full HP can spell death.
I think what a lot of people saying warrior’s aren’t too strong keep conveniently ignoring is that warriors can take a lot of punishment. Thieves, mesmers, if/when they make mistakes and engage when they should disengage, will likely die. In contrast, when these warriors engage when they should disengage, there is very little penalty. That shouldn’t be the case.
What are you even talking about. Warriors have to leave earlier since they don’t have instant teleports and stealth.
That’s simply not true. There are very few classes/builds that can burst these runners down. They can stay in the fight, or continue doing what they’re doing until they’re at 30% HP and then zip away, regardless of what you try to do. In contrast, mesmers and thieves are constantly at risk. Getting caught even at full HP can spell death.
A 30% hp is around 5511 hp and even a single Heartseeker is enough for that and it gives almost the same mobility as a greatsword Warrior. If they have more than that they wont ever kill anyone and no condition builds use a greatsword. Meanwhile in Thief land they use Shadow Step and Shadow Refuge and are already impossible to kill. Mesmers aren’t meant to chase or escape in the first place as you can see with their amazing swiftness. They can still escape easily if they saved their stealth cooldowns.
If I had a choice between a dollar for every time an Elementalist used Ride the Lightning into Updraft and a 100 dollar bill for every time a Warrior hit with Rush I would make more on the Elementalist. Elementalist can escape better than a Warrior just by taking Fiery Greatsword elite and it can also be given to an ally. Sacrificing an elite slot when both the other two elites suck cannot be compared to sacrificing an entire weapon set or two for weapons that cannot kill on their own.
Please, In a race out of a Warrior and Ele, the Warrior would win, short distance maybe it would be tighter but a race to see who can escape who first i would have to go with the Warrior.
Yeah using an Elite for movement…
I would say Tornado is great in the right situations, the Elemental yeah i would agree that sucks but why would you waste your Elite on a movement skill to begin with…unless its your only option and then what does that say?Why not? I mean you are bound to encounter lower level people and you just rush in burst everything you have and if they are close to death – you stay and finish them off, if you know its going to be a long drawn out tough fight you could just burst the same movement skills again when they are off and be out of there and nothing can be done.
Basically the same high reward, low risk gameplay as the Thief. Go in burst, if they die great, if not stealth reset fight and rinse and repeat thanks to all that lovely skill spam you have and no fear of weapon skill cool downs…
The Fiery Greatsword is a great way for an ele to chase down a fleeing warrior. If your goal is to catch and kill him, who cares if you use an elite to do it!? The whole purpose of an elite skill is to help you win, so use it then!!
You are basically saying that you want to be able to kill a warrior without having to use an elite skill, which is hilarious. I should just ask Anet to nerf all classes so I don’t even have to weapon swap!
The GS abilities have been available SINCE LAUNCH, but now all of a sudden it’s causing people to cry?? Isn’t it rather odd that it’s suddenly an issue? There is some kind of whiners bandwagon that just showed up in town, and most don’t even play their classes to the full potential.
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
30/30/30/30/30 Warrior is indeed powerful.
I hope players would stop using the 4 weapon set as a crutch. Use 3 instead.
The GS abilities have been available SINCE LAUNCH, but now all of a sudden it’s causing people to cry?? Isn’t it rather odd that it’s suddenly an issue? There is some kind of whiners bandwagon that just showed up in town, and most don’t even play their classes to the full potential.
Actually, I think what people are crying about is the fact that warriors have such good mobility/disengage ON TOP of all that healing/sustain/damage/CC. Lol I think someone told me warriors have more regen than a guardian??? (._.)
(edited by Usagi.4835)