Definitions are a great thing, defining things allows us to understand as individuals exactly what something is meant to be, whakittens purpose is and how something can and should be used. There is a down side to definitions however, definitions seem to pigeon hole huge swathes of “things” into single categories and people have a tendency to relate one of said “things” into a single definition which when looked at in detail tends to not be the truth – The point being definitions while a stable and definite in their explanation and focus are not definite in their membership and we as people can be members of many definitions or members of none and through life learning to adapt to this change is something that will make you happier or throw you into the pit of uneasiness and utter frivolity.
So why did I write that? Well it seems to be the case that in the MMO world (and especially on these forums) some people like to pigeon hole large parts of the community into these “definitions” and believe that they are part of this group and their membership of said definition is exclusive. Those who believe this are quite simply wrong.
I am first and foremost a World vs World player. I play Guildwars 2 because I want to fight players, I want to feel the rush of fighting against players, it is why I play online games – to test my own abilities against another’s, to test my leadership abilities against another’s and to see who comes out on top. I don’t play to sit behind a wall and build siege, I find that boring and tedious and against the the core aspect this game was built around (Players fighting players) but I have not come out and demanded that siege be removed nor have I requested that keeps/towers be reduced to insignificance – What I have previously requested is that those of us who wish to partake in the non-siege game be given the same treatment as those who are heavily into siege, who like bunkering and who enjoy sitting behind a wall for most of their time in World vs World. This style of gameplay is still “World vs World” it is also part of the “other style” too (we best not use its name so let’s call it “other style” for now), they are not exclusive in their membership and you don’t have to belong to one style and forsake the other, why not do both?
I understand there are many differing opinions regarding the above and each of them is valid, you want to play the game your way and you should be able to but the problem is that your way may not be the best way, it may not be the most conducive avenue the game could take to keep it entertaining or fresh and it may not be what keeps people playing – That may be the same for my style of play too, so why not have both in order to acquiesce both types of generation of “fun”?
So many players have given up on the PPT game now, so many players focus on the open field fights for fun since the PPT game is no longer a competitive aspect of the game – Not in the same field of competition as an equal fight between two opposing forces in an open field battle (without siege). With the implementation of “leagues” in an attempt to generate conflict and drum up support for servers seems a rather lame attempt to breathe some much needed life into World vs World at the moment since the meta has now fallen to the lowest form (read: easiest) and blob warfare is prolific among many servers leaving those servers without the ability to form a “bob” or without organised guilds able to combat said blob bereft of sanctuary or unable to counter said meta. This is not a great generator of competition. The other part of this is that Arenanet themselves have reduced the point of competition on the WvW scene by integrating and RNG factor into the matchup system meaning that even if you win a match you can still drop tiers and if you lose you can go up! Essentially world vs world at the moment, specifically the PPT game is pointless, you gain nothing for your time and I very much doubt that the carrots that they decide to implement into the league system will change this. (cont…)