We need a solution fast.
Map cap isn’t going to help. Maybe in T1, so you can get the constant Map queue 24/7 and say it isn’t a numbers game (and T2 a little) but for the rest of WvW, map caps wouldn’t be beneficial, and would actually tick off some people on servers who would be able to queue multiple maps during primetime and not be able to play much.
Contantly queues on the stacked servers would likely force these people to move somewhere else unless they like waiting everytime they want to play. That may would make people go to lower population servers, but at this point, I think they would just quit doing WvW or the game entirely….
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
Map cap isn’t going to help. Maybe in T1, so you can get the constant Map queue 24/7 and say it isn’t a numbers game (and T2 a little) but for the rest of WvW, map caps wouldn’t be beneficial, and would actually tick off some people on servers who would be able to queue multiple maps during primetime and not be able to play much.
Contantly queues on the stacked servers would likely force these people to move somewhere else unless they like waiting everytime they want to play. That may would make people go to lower population servers, but at this point, I think they would just quit doing WvW or the game entirely….
Didn’t happen for season 1, why do you think it would happen now? They would just stop playing the game before transferring, because many people in the higher tiers see T3 and below as inferior.
because many people in the higher tiers see T3 and below as inferior.
And here is the main problem…
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
If they made rewards better in actual wvw (even equivalent to the eotm karma train) then a lot of the population problem would be solved- in fact you would have t1 servers complaining of massive queues (at which point make it free to transfer OUT of kitten anywhere else).
So: increase rewards, do some new stuff for wvw (it’s been two years) and the numbers would rise.
Maybe the lower tier servers are populated by the more intelligent who would rather do other stuff that isn’t so badly rewarded during their leisure time?
Map cap isn’t going to help. Maybe in T1, so you can get the constant Map queue 24/7 and say it isn’t a numbers game (and T2 a little) but for the rest of WvW, map caps wouldn’t be beneficial, and would actually tick off some people on servers who would be able to queue multiple maps during primetime and not be able to play much.
Contantly queues on the stacked servers would likely force these people to move somewhere else unless they like waiting everytime they want to play. That may would make people go to lower population servers, but at this point, I think they would just quit doing WvW or the game entirely….
Didn’t happen for season 1, why do you think it would happen now? They would just stop playing the game before transferring, because many people in the higher tiers see T3 and below as inferior.
I think all the megaserver stuff along with EotM has done a lot to change tier 1 perceptions of the lower levels. They no longer have to fear empty PvE maps and dead WvW off-peak time zones with nothing to do or no alternative. Once the guild achievement unlock stuff is fixed for world transfers the last thing holding a lot of smaller guilds tied to tier 1 worlds for the good of their more diverse and casual members will be broken and you might see a lot more willingness to move around or start new communities.
If ANET does it right with a clearly thought out goal and information blitz campaign and lowers WvW map population caps in conjunction with some other major updates and limited low transfer pricing they could now accomplish a great deal of what was most complained about in the CDI. I am still holding out hope because lower WvW map population caps are probably the easiest thing they could do to solve a lot of issues all at once.
The thing I don’t get is why players think 50v50v50 isn’t big enough?! Seriously? How big of zergs do you need to have large scale combat? Have you ever been in a three-way lag fest in SM and thought to yourself “you know what would make this even more fun? More random numbers with more random boons, conditions & spell effects flying everywhere!” Do you have any idea how much more fun battles would be when the action is all spread out without major lag and skill combs actually mean something? 5v5v5 in tPvP is a bit small for my tastes but regular 25v15v20 unpredictable clashes sound pretty exciting to me, especially if you are on the underdog team taking the cake at the end.
Xyleia Luxuria / Sweet Little Agony / Morning Glory Wine / Precious Illusionz /
Near Fanstastica /Ocean at the End / Blue Eyed Hexe / Andro Queen / Indie Cindee . . .
This needs too be addressed ASAP. I will never have faith in anet again if this game dies off. GW2 was the first game I really fell in love with and enjoy playing. We got nothing but living story updates for the longest time, and then the few offerings for wvw were either a slap in the face or executed extremely poorly (see: EOTM). Almost every update has rewarded players who don’t want to pvp in a pvp game mode and rewarded PVE players who don’t even play wvw very much at all.
Guilds are disbanding daily. SOS has no queues outside of reset (one to two maps, <10 queues) and nothing during the week besides an occasional EB queue. We will spend an hour just running across maps looking for someone to fight. Then people wither run away or we wipe them once and they log. There simply are not as many people playing the game. It turns into looking for the same 2-3 guild groups a night, then fighting each other over and over again. Cue the burnout and more people quitting which leads to more guilds disbanding.
Stop being passive as developers and sitting around to “wait and see” what happens. This has so much promise, and I don’t see what this game looks like in 2 months time. Do the right thing and start making changes.
I agree that their plans for combining guild unlocks will remove a big obstacle for smaller guilds. Unfortunately it sounded like they won’t have that “feature” available for another 6-9 months!
And yea, if rewards were better, more people would play WvW.
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast
I agree that their plans for combining guild unlocks will remove a big obstacle for smaller guilds. Unfortunately it sounded like they won’t have that “feature” available for another 6-9 months!
And yea, if rewards were better, more people would play WvW.
Nah, a lot of PvE people just do not like PvP. I don’t really like arena stlye pvp, I like the more open, large scale kind. I liked it in WoW (back before they had battlegrounds, and open world pvp was what we had), WAR, but didn’t care for it in TESO.
Even when seasons have awards, the majority of PvE players still don’t hop into WvW to get thos rewards. Some people just do not like pvp.
WvW is losing population, because only so many people that play games actually like that feature in games. GW2 has to compete with all the MMOs that have pvp, MOBAs, and Shooter games, for the PvP crowd. Tough market, and it gets tougher every month as more games enter it.
I started as a PvE player. GW2 changed that.
When Anet introduced the reward tracks in sPvP, there was a flood of new players from PvE who started enjoying it. I’m sure some subset of them stayed. It happens in WvW too.
Yes, there will be people who will stay in PvE. Not everyone. Better rewards help get people who don’t think of themselves as PvPers to try it.
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast
We don’t need to merge servers. What is needed is better incentive for people to play WvW.
Sorrow’s Furnace
And not incentives that drive them to do something stupid like bloodlust capping trains where they only ever cap one at a time and eat up queue space for no reason -_-
All Hail CuddleStrike! Undisputed Empress of Tier 1!
Controlled by CuddleStrike!
The OP suggested closing wvw “server names” down to only 2 tiers ( 6 servers)
It would be unfair to delete only lower glicko ranked servers so ;
Close all WvW server names,
Create 6 new server names,
Place all players on a server of Anet’s choice ( for gross numbers balance)
Allow one for one server swaps
( ie player A from server 1 can swap for player b from server X, once)
Monitor all servers for active wvw play hrs and readjust by forced transfers.
add incentives to wvw
(edited by elkirin.8534)
The OP suggested closing wvw “server names” down to only 2 tiers ( 6 servers)
It would be unfair to delete only lower glicko ranked servers so ;
Close all WvW server names,
Create 6 new server names,
Place all players on a server of Anet’s choice ( for gross numbers balance)
Allow one for one server swaps
( ie player A from server 1 can swap for player b from server X, once)Monitor all servers for active wvw play hrs and readjust by forced transfers.
add incentives to wvw
It is an interesting idea, like many of them, but this would really kitten off a lot of the user base.
Guilds would revolt if their members were ever forceably placed randomly across multiple shards with a restrictive way to rejoin on a single shard.
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast
Guilds would revolt if their members were ever forceably placed randomly across multiple shards with a restrictive way to rejoin on a single shard.
Totally agree.
What many people aren’t seeing as well, is that anet could do something to please x group, which ticks off y group, and when they try to please y group they tick off z group, and then they try to please z, and tick off x…etc…etc.
So, anet cannot listen to every little complaint, and they (and only them and NC Soft) need to decide on what they are going to do. Because, at the end of the day, it is their jobs on the line, and if they kitten off the wrong group or groups, then they lose their mortgage money.
Look at it from their eyes right now. People are playing, a lot more are liking it than not liking it, so why should they make crazy changes that could backfire. Usually the known, is better than the unknown.
Everyone here has a solution to the problem, but no one knows if their solution is really viable. They see it through their own eyes, and while some will agree with their solution, others wont.
Also, don’t forget that the majority of the wvw players do not bother reading these forums.
t1 servers cryig about not having numbers? hahahahahahahahahaha
no, please stay as your own t1. we at t2 do not want you.
gotta love people in t1 thinking they are in the prime of wvw
The funny thing – at the time of this post the closest match is 21-22-24. I doubt they are complaining too much about the status quo…..