We need more gold rewards in WVW

We need more gold rewards in WVW

in WvW

Posted by: Missy.6803


I read this title as more of the copper, silver, gold event rewards. Then again, if WvW gets a boost PvE will get boost as well or give headaches of complaints.
I think the gold to buy upgrades, while a gold sink, is realistic. You have to pay workers to build things “irl”, why not in game? It’s not like it’s a ton of gold either especially for veteran players. Every week I hit 3g and can still do an upgrade or two, and in the beginning people would just ask in chat to receive donations or for someone else to upgrade when they cannot.

~ Scorned Siren ~Tarnished Coast ~
Everlasting Sacred Path [ESP] Co-Leader/WvW Commander

We need more gold rewards in WVW

in WvW

Posted by: Dagger.2035


The impact of the gold sink depends on how many active players you have for your server and time period. I can see why higher tier players don’t see this is an issue. When you have good coverage, you have players available to scout and defend a single tower. In that case, the gold sink is only a few gold.

For lower tiers, defending your borderland is different. Your typically running across the map as fast as you can to start upgrades on all of the structures (camps, towers, and keeps). White swords allow you to do this and still respond to anything being attacked. The problem is that there is 27 gold worth of upgrades in a single borderland. It is very easy lose more than 10 gold in just a few hours.

If I play during off peak hours the best thing I can do to help my server is upgrade our structures. This is why the gold sink is frustrating. You have to chose to not play for PPT since the cost is too high.

I feel that upgrades are just a part of this game mode and should not be a gold sink.

Human Thief [DOA]
Sorrows Furnace

We need more gold rewards in WVW

in WvW

Posted by: Coyote.7031


PVE rewards are crazy good and easy. I’m leveling my second 80(I’m new), and I am very surprised how much gold you can make just piddling around. I have not done any exploration dungeons, only a few story modes. Some how in 3 days I made nearly 20g. That just map completion, a few story modes, events, and some EotM. Most of the gold came from world bosses and selling low level rare items on the AH.

Now if I sold the crafting mats I gathered up as well, I might be able to afford one of those fancy black dyes (Abyss or Black). PVE has crazy good rewards, and I’m almost regretting returning to WvW because I won’t be able to afford a new shiny black dye in WvW.

We need more gold rewards in WVW

in WvW

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


NOT an issue, PLEASE work on

Better rewards would draw in more players.

Yes, and no. If better rewards draw in more players, they will draw in more players on every server so that the population imbalance would probably not change a lot.

except the more active wvw are already qued.

Good point, but I assume most other servers aren’t.

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain