Week of 11/30: SOS vs SBI vs JQ
Out manned for us all day in 3 borderlands. For about an hour or so had a little something going then everyone vanished again. Kind of amazed we’re holding 150 points.
Yeah, JQ isn’t what it used to be that’s for sure. I suspect that in the next few weeks, maybe even this week, if this trend continues, that we’re about to drop to tier 2.
I don’t understand why there’s no drop down option to report players for exploiting/cheating. Anyway good matches this weekend. A lot of guilds stepping up and hopping around different maps.
For Tier 1 its still sad to see outmanned buffs. This wasn’t the case a month ago.
Lorella Windrunner – 80 Thief
Shayera Nightfall – 80 Mesmer
Eh, unless BG wins by a large margin and we lose by a large margin, we’re likely going to stay in T1 for another week or two.
That thief shooting rainbows at you? That’s me.
Come on SBI, lets keep the game clean. More then a little surprised to see a couple of WM tags in this attempted wall hack.
Those pics don’t show any foul play. unless they got inside your keep right there, which I am not aware is possible. These pics show all SBI on the outside of the wall.
To me it looks like they are taking out the mortar on your fully upgraded keep…
(note where the engineer made mortar is aimed and like 10 or more all aiming in that corner where your mortar is. Plus I see you have merchants which means you have mortar upgraded on your keep.)I would like some more info please. Those guild tags are from my guild, as well as very respected guilds on SBI, so if you could confirm if the wall was breached or not illegitimately we could proceed.
Err, that’s a known place to walljump inside the keep if you would do your research you’d figure out the guy is right not to mention you can clearly see two of them are trying to jump up on the wall, is that some unknown way of killing mortars by attempting to jump up on the wall in the corner there?
Maybe they’re “dedicated” mesmers…
sometimes when we’re taking a tower, I’ll get impatient or mad and start jumping up and down to show them how angry/serious I am…
The Mord Sith [MORD]
(Borderlands Stationed Commander)
I mite frap one and post it tonight as I am usually naked and easily spotted. It’s like a where’s waldo game.. Capture Cover.
The Mord Sith [MORD]
(Borderlands Stationed Commander)
Thank you SoS or JQ for dropping Dusk.
Zibzab is rich.
SBI Thug
Pnt N Lol at Bndwgn Zerg Server[sOLo]
Zergling Hunter [ZILF]
Amazing work SBI and JQ. You’ve really tested and strained us all in SoS! But all Sea of Sorrowians (Guilds and militia) have been putting in a thumpin good effort.
The week is but young, so best of luck moving us from our lead.
You guys are awesome! This is the WvW match-up many of us at SBI have been waiting for. When we finally beat you (and we will, eventually <grin>), it will feel earned rather than lackadaisical.
I wasn’t sure if the last couple weeks were a fluke because of holidays and the new dungeon but on the 3rd week, there’s no denying that SoS is a power to be reckoned with.
I’m going to leave that innuendo alone :x
As for the exploit posts, make sure they are legitimate and not just assumption.
Better yet, keep them out of this thread. If you have a legitimate claim, send it to ANet and get in touch with an officer of the guild in question to let them know there are shady practices occurring in their guild.
After all the threads ruined by pages of complaints about hackers and exploits, I think most of us are pretty sick of seeing it here. It’s not as if posting that some jerk is exploiting something is going to shame anyone who is doing it purposefully into stopping. If someone on any server here in T1 is exploiting, (1) it’s a select few and not a representation of the entire server and (2) they know exactly what they are doing and don’t care what the rest of their server thinks about it.
Not once has anyone said “Oops, you caught us! Apologies to all!” It’s a waste of time to discuss it here.
[CO] Cryptic Omen
Agreed judas, this isnt the place for that type of discussion.
And really enjoying the fights with you guys JQ and SBI.
Good job WM on exploiting into sunny, like you needed to with 2 golems at the front door
Ya know it is weird. The gate on that tower has been bugging lately. During a siege of that same tower, we had like 10 people right at the gate melee-ing it with our rams. It was random, because suddenly people at the gate started to get teleported through the gate and inside. One of my guildies had it happen to him, and I was on TS with him, and he had no idea what happened. He just popped through. I told him to come back, so he run up the path and jumped back down. he started hitting the gate again, and sure enough he popped back through. It happened to quite a few people.. Should report as a bug, and exploit if they stay inside and fight.
Looks like FOO is expressing their anger over going to T-2 next week by spawncamping.
May want to consider repairing your kitten there commander.
This thread is for score updates. Please cut it out with the color commentary.
Report exploits using the in-game report feature. If you are trying to provide information to a guild leader so they can investigate a claim, please only use this thread to get in touch with the officers of that guild.
Do not make accusations here. Doing so is against the forum Code of Conduct and may result in a moderator suspending your forum privileges or locking this thread.
Score update. 5:54 PM EST
Lorella Windrunner – 80 Thief
Shayera Nightfall – 80 Mesmer
Can the following Guild Leaders or server leaders message me about the guilds numbered here in this screen. AoS / OES / and PWR.
Holy crap. Are you playing at 640×480?
I don’t know why?
The Mord Sith [MORD]
(Borderlands Stationed Commander)
On the foo part. We aren’t going to Tier 2 if you look at our push right now it looks bad for SBI not us lol. But keep up the good fights
We were planning on going up to the tower after taking the camp and we can’t control a player jumping in. We didn’t take the tower either if I recall correctly. I don’t really see how posting a picture then asking leaders of guilds of people who weren’t inside the tower before the walls fell. As the picture shows he was in a troll guild. Every server has these.
I have never glitched through walls or doors accidentally but I have fallen through a map (WvW) before there is an ocean beneath
Strike Force [SF] – Stormbluff Isle
the last thread got closed with me having 3 infractions in one single topic ( i did a delusional facepalm), still this one isnt very different…and so much ‘’off topic stuff’’ and ‘’hack/exploit accusation’’
in the other hand, JQ is pushing if this continue we will have the same match once again the next week, even if JQ stay in third place.
The SM incident by the mesmer from SOS opened a can of worms. Now everyone from all servers seem to be wall climbing… I noticed that the new patch introduced a new bug with jumping. Could it be that Anet is trying to fix this and the side effect is the introduction of the new bug?
All the major guilds on SOS back that mesmer and where in on his plan from a bad sweep so unless you are calling some of the biggest guilds on US right now liars there was no can of worms to be opened. Just people being sour.
Ladies and gentlemen, could you all move the conversations of the exploits etc. over to the bug reports forum? My guildie Dollskin has been gracious enough to watch the thread for score updates and move them to Answer when and if at all possible for all the servers convenience while we are at work or just not in game. Thanks in advance for trying to keep the second thread for our scores open.
www.strikeforceguild.com – JQ SINCE 1836!
Guild of United Soviet Quarry www.jadequarry.com
so i heard AGGR moved from CD to JQ. that would be a good addition to JQ’s Asian/Oceanic force…
Archeage = Farmville with PK
It is an interesting internet concept where people who agreed to a code of conduct continue to flagrantly breach it .
Accusations are to be directed to the support team. Issues can be posted to support forums IAW the same code of conduct we all signed prior to getting forum access.
Good fights all, I have enjoyed the fights so far, best to keep them ingame.
(edited by elkirin.8534)
Score as of 10:35 PST Dec 03
SOS 114,879 +365
SBI 89,964 +155
JQ 87,070 +175
JQ really laid it on tonight been closing the gap really nice to see JQ out and fighting keep it up!
Are we gonna see any shuffling of servers in tiers next week if things continue to go as they are? Or are the matchups pretty much fixed for at least a couple of more weeks?
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits
Are we gonna see any shuffling of servers in tiers next week if things continue to go as they are? Or are the matchups pretty much fixed for at least a couple of more weeks?
bro, refer here : http://mos.millenium.org/matchups/#NA
based on that Glicko rating, Tier 1 match up would stay as it is unless JQ losing much ground and Blackgate gaining a lot……
Archeage = Farmville with PK
Are we gonna see any shuffling of servers in tiers next week if things continue to go as they are? Or are the matchups pretty much fixed for at least a couple of more weeks?
From my understanding, the large movements of servers in the various tiers are a result of people leaving HoD and ET at the beginning. As in matches having these servers were very lopsided which caused the winning servers to gain a lot of rating especially when HoD and ET were up in the top tiers. Also the servers lower in the tiers that got a large influx from HoD/ET also caused volatility in the tiers. Now that things are pretty much settled there probably won’t be big changes in the tiers w/o something like another large transfer.
If a server is going to drop out of T1 it probably won’t be next week, and if/when it happens will depend on what happens in T2.
(edited by Magni.2835)
Awesome night so far. Keep it up SoS, we might win this.
“it doesn’t make you spend hours preparing to have fun, rather than having fun”
Guild missions say otherwise.
Can we get a score update, as it’s coming into oceanic time?
Hi everyone,
There has been some chat of exploits and acussations as usual going on here. Please refrain from that behaviour as it is punishable. If you suspect someone from cheating or hacking, use the in game report tool but refrain from bringing the discussion here.
Hi everyone,
There has been some chat of exploits and acussations as usual going on here. Please refrain from that behaviour as it is punishable. If you suspect someone from cheating or hacking, use the in game report tool but refrain from bringing the discussion here.
How exactly do we do that? Last I saw, they even took away the ability to get someone’s account name for reporting purposes, and there’s no quick reporting for exploits or the like, just botting and selling gold (examples).
If you all would add an option to the right-click report menu for exploiting (and include an optional added text) that would be great.
Hi everyone,
There has been some chat of exploits and acussations as usual going on here. Please refrain from that behaviour as it is punishable. If you suspect someone from cheating or hacking, use the in game report tool but refrain from bringing the discussion here.
How about you officially clarify WHICH drop box selection we use, as NONE of them apply, and by using any of them we are officially violating the rules there also.
The Mord Sith [MORD]
(Borderlands Stationed Commander)
Hi everyone,
There has been some chat of exploits and acussations as usual going on here. Please refrain from that behaviour as it is punishable. If you suspect someone from cheating or hacking, use the in game report tool but refrain from bringing the discussion here.
Out of curiosity…why are only SOME posts regarding exploits and such being deleted from the thread? How do you choose? There are some very inflammatory posts still here, and yet you delete a post that is merely agreeing with a previous post about noticing a bug involving teleporting into a tower on accident.
Just trying to understand your decision-making process when deciding to delete posts…if you have one.
How is posting screenshots and asking to talk to guild leaders an issue that should be in the exploits forum? You already “kitten” our PMs, delete any post that isn’t rainbows and butterflies, and provide 0 in game mechanics to properly address the issue (as it’s a TOS violation to report someone for spam when in fact they’re exploiting in WvW).
Since you’ve made it so hard for us to bring it to your attention, we are trying to deal with it via the community, by speaking with Guild Leaders and asking them to address the issue internally.
SBI WvW Junkie
Hi everyone,
There has been some chat of exploits and acussations as usual going on here. Please refrain from that behaviour as it is punishable. If you suspect someone from cheating or hacking, use the in game report tool but refrain from bringing the discussion here.
Out of curiosity…why are only SOME posts regarding exploits and such being deleted from the thread? How do you choose? There are some very inflammatory posts still here, and yet you delete a post that is merely agreeing with a previous post about noticing a bug involving teleporting into a tower on accident.
Just trying to understand your decision-making process when deciding to delete posts…if you have one.
If you find a method to the madness, please do share with the rest of the class.
As for SBI’s score, what is going on? Everyone seems to have more or less just given up and moved on to other stuff. Outmanned buff is becoming increasingly common. :/
“Check your inbox. Infractions for everyone!” – Oprah
Hi everyone,
There has been some chat of exploits and acussations as usual going on here. Please refrain from that behaviour as it is punishable. If you suspect someone from cheating or hacking, use the in game report tool but refrain from bringing the discussion here.
Out of curiosity…why are only SOME posts regarding exploits and such being deleted from the thread? How do you choose? There are some very inflammatory posts still here, and yet you delete a post that is merely agreeing with a previous post about noticing a bug involving teleporting into a tower on accident.
Just trying to understand your decision-making process when deciding to delete posts…if you have one.
If you find a method to the madness, please do share with the rest of the class.
As for SBI’s score, what is going on? Everyone seems to have more or less just given up and moved on to other stuff. Outmanned buff is becoming increasingly common. :/
From what I’ve seen, SBI doesn’t have the numbers to deal with two server forces attacking them at once. Being in 2nd place seems like the worst position, first place constantly sieges you because they don’t want you to catch up in points. Third place constantly sieges you because they want to become second place. lol
Windows 10
Nature of the beast
www.strikeforceguild.com – JQ SINCE 1836!
Guild of United Soviet Quarry www.jadequarry.com
Hi everyone,
There has been some chat of exploits and acussations as usual going on here. Please refrain from that behaviour as it is punishable. If you suspect someone from cheating or hacking, use the in game report tool but refrain from bringing the discussion here.
Out of curiosity…why are only SOME posts regarding exploits and such being deleted from the thread? How do you choose? There are some very inflammatory posts still here, and yet you delete a post that is merely agreeing with a previous post about noticing a bug involving teleporting into a tower on accident.
Just trying to understand your decision-making process when deciding to delete posts…if you have one.
I have never accused anyone of anything (other then not playing to their potential, bad) and genuinely like game very much.
I make 15-20 posts and have had 10-15 deleted and been suspended everyweek since beggining.
I see people make much more whaaaa and useless posts but I speak english not as good.
I was told once time that I was suspended, not even what for. Now i just log in and see I am suspended.
Zibzab [sOLo]
SBI Thug
Pnt N Lol at Bndwgn Zerg Server[sOLo]
Zergling Hunter [ZILF]
Hi everyone,
There has been some chat of exploits and acussations as usual going on here. Please refrain from that behaviour as it is punishable. If you suspect someone from cheating or hacking, use the in game report tool but refrain from bringing the discussion here.
There’s no drop down option to report people for exploiting or cheating.
Lorella Windrunner – 80 Thief
Shayera Nightfall – 80 Mesmer
Now everyone is going to get infractions for questioning a Moderator, going off topic, and questioning a suspension.!
“Check your inbox. Infractions for everyone!” – Oprah
Should know what talk about to moderate? OR randomly pick what you dont like based on what you want to like?
Not very consistent.
Zibzab [sOLo]
Forum Revolution
Pnt N Lol at Bndwgn Zerg Server[sOLo]
Zergling Hunter [ZILF]
The score as of 9:37 am PST on Tuesday 12/4:
Sea of Sorrows 127,959 (+195)
Stormbluff Isle 102,749 (+180)
Jade Quarry 102,485 (+325)
Only way for SoS to survive is they have to earn enough points in US prime time to survive the night.
Lorella Windrunner – 80 Thief
Shayera Nightfall – 80 Mesmer
Only way for SoS to survive is they have to earn enough points in US prime time to survive the night.
I was on at 5am ET a few days back (newborn baby up all night) and SoS had +375 points. I don’t think you guys have any coverage issues whatsoever.
<The Undead Lords>
Since 1994 – undeadlords.net
The sad thing is one of the posts that they did delete (the one by me, and the one I was quoting) wasn’t even discussing an exploit. It was discussing a bug! I think we were both talking about the same person, who literally somehow got transported into a tower without meaning to. He wasn’t exploiting…somehow he was just transported in when he was beating on the gate. So they delete a post like that, but keep all the exploit accusations up…even though they claim they don’t want the exploit accusations. Just strange.
(edited by Moderator)
If Anet is like how Bioware was with SWTOR they focus more on fixing exploits than punishing the people actually doing them. They basically deny it or tell people that it’ll be fixed in an upcoming patch so it isn’t worth their time punishing somebody if its going to be fixed by then. They only took action against speed hacks, economic exploiters, and bots, but everything else was “fine” until they fixed it.
That is probably (90% sure) why there isn’t a option to report people for exploiting / cheating. They’re too afraid to whip out the ban button because it can damage their public image and lose subscribers (i.e. money).
It’s funny though. Bioware and Anet both police their forums with an iron fist.
Lorella Windrunner – 80 Thief
Shayera Nightfall – 80 Mesmer
(edited by ComeAndSee.1356)
Only way for SoS to survive is they have to earn enough points in US prime time to survive the night.
I was on at 5am ET a few days back (newborn baby up all night) and SoS had +375 points. I don’t think you guys have any coverage issues whatsoever.
That would still be Oceanic primetime. When that ends we tend to lose points until the US guys wake up. So we lack Euro coverage I guess.
Only way for SoS to survive is they have to earn enough points in US prime time to survive the night.
I was on at 5am ET a few days back (newborn baby up all night) and SoS had +375 points. I don’t think you guys have any coverage issues whatsoever.
That would still be Oceanic primetime. When that ends we tend to lose points until the US guys wake up. So we lack Euro coverage I guess.
its completely this ^. We lack euro coverage. I’ve noticed that’s when JQ starts earning a lot of their points. They have some either dedicated asian guilds (playing late into the night) or some euro presence.
TBH I don’t know what happened to SBI’s NA daytime coverage in the last 2 weeks. When I get home from work every day almost I have to help recover our East tower and then garrison on SBI BL. We just don’t have the numbers we did when we were #1, and it seems like a lot of the bandwagons that came to us when we were #1 are still lingering. I can’t tell you how amazing it is to see a zerg build 12 golems and march them right into burning oil over and over and over..
SBI WvW Junkie
Only way for SoS to survive is they have to earn enough points in US prime time to survive the night.
You guys have zero coverage issues. I get on at 2:30 am EST and you guys are dominating the playing field. This still keeps happening well into the time I get off usually around 5:30 EST.
No coverage issues. You guys are not going to have a problem. The only problem you would have is if SBI and JQ suddenly had their queues filled up 24/7 which has happened in a long time.
Formerly [QT] Questionable Tactics
Guys for bot reporting use scamming as the reason for now. Please refer to this post from Habib Loew at https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/wuvwuv/Bots-in-WvW-3
They will add Exploiting soon.