What's So Hard About WvW?
I think people are slowly starting to play for fun instead of outcome because nothing can be done aganst a server with more queue time then your own.
I think the key is to try and win the battles, don’t worry about the war.
Pretty much.
I personally LOVE the outmanned buff (Regardless of how useless it can be) because that just means I get 33% more karma at almost any time of day! XD
and then there are others who may like to win once in awhile and actually progress in the standings versus being a doormat always coming in 2nd or 3rd and relegated to the lower quartile of the standings.
“If a server wins the first few days it’s over and nothing is worth doing.”
Again, rankings will balance out.
Definitely not true for us on Borlis Pass. We drop down to the lowest bracket, we dominate apparently… Hop up to the next bracket, and Northern Shiverpeaks is the big winner. I mean, can you honestly say the system isn’t broken when we’re, what, 4 days in and the point spread is 180k to 37k to 32k?
The system would work if they didn’t let people freely transfer hither and yon. I mean if a server tanks because they’re all baddies, and then all the baddies leave it to another server the next week, well the standings don’t really reflect reality anymore now do they?
<Bloodgale Vanguard>
On Borlis Pass as well and have to agree with GranoblisticMan… something is definitely broken here. That said, I agree with the OP that there are opportunities to have fun, they’re just fewer and farther between when you hold 1/100th of the resources as your opposition. I have to say though that the same is true when we’re dominating. When I pull up the maps and I see that we’ve got 97% of everything as a server, I don’t go in. Doesn’t seem like much fun, unless you’re a WoW fan and just love farming (now, where’d I put my tractor….)
Why not have servers reset when one dominates all resources? When I say reset, I mean within the group of 3 servers and not within all servers. At least this way players will get a day or two of ‘struggle’. I mean, whether you’re winning with 99% of the resources or losing with 99% of the resources, the intent of WvW somehow fades away.
We’re in the third match, I think people just need to give the system time.
I just want to play on a WvW map that has full (or near full) population for at least our team and at least 1 opponent (and ideally 2 opponents of course). The problem is that this only seems to occur quite late in the evening or on weekends.
What happens during the day or early evening on weekdays is that our team has enough people compete on the eternal battlegrounds and that’s about it, while the largest population team is able to dominate every other map even though they don’t have enough to actually fill more than EB and 1 other map. But they can dominate all 3 of the identical maps with that, since we can only field a force that can maybe half-fill a single map. It’s total domination because the large pop team can just move around to any of the 3 maps. The only thing our team can do is just run around taking empty forts while the larger team comes around to retake. It’s more like a farming race than a strategic battle.
I think there’s an easy fix to help make this situation more fun and competitive:
Just make the player cap for the maps dynamic to some extent, so that when the server with the most WvW players can’t even come close to filling all the maps, just reduce the player cap on each map until they do come close to filling all maps.
If this were in place, we’d probably be able to fill the eternal battlegrounds and at least one other map if not 2. The other lower pop server would likely be able to do around the same. And the high pop server would be spread more equally across all maps. That would make for 4 fun, competitive maps where you actually need to win with tactic and strategy, not numbers.
The system would work if they didn’t let people freely transfer hither and yon. I mean if a server tanks because they’re all baddies, and then all the baddies leave it to another server the next week, well the standings don’t really reflect reality anymore now do they?
This is my main gripe with the current state of WvWvW. Allowing people to jump around to bandwagon to the winners or even having baddies jump around, the server rankings will never truly stabalize. Until the transfers are cut or just more limited in some way than they are now, the rankings will not stabalize. You’ll have top servers increasing more with the influx of bandwagoners while all the lower servers suffer harder for it. Even those that don’t’ jump on the bandwagon but have a different server every week still make it difficult for the system to work since the number of players and skilled leaders varies widely every time (barring the bandwagon servers, which is part of the reason they stay up there).
The quicker free transfers are limited (not outright cut right away as I think the numbers need to shift around to balance out better before the transfers end), the better off WvWvW will find itself.
Garn the Rageblade, Charr Warrior;
Crystal Desert; Member of Crack Clan
Our server was constantly owned in previous matches, we suffered from nightcapping and being outnumbered. In this match however we went from being 3rd place, to being 1st place, owning all 4 maps in the morning and leading by insane numbers. All it takes is a tier change xD